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Embryonic development rates are reflected by the length of incubation period in birds, and these vary substantially among species within and among geographical regions. The incubation periods are consistently shorter in North America (Arizona study site) than in tropical (Venezuela) and subtropical (Argentina) South America based on the study of 83 passerine species in 17 clades. Parents, mothers in particular, may influence incubation periods and resulting offspring quality through proximate pathways, while variation in maternal strategies among species can result from selection by adult and offspring mortality. Parents of long-lived species, as is common in the tropics and subtropics, may be under selection to minimize costs to themselves during incubation. Indeed, time spent incubating is often lower in the tropical and subtropical species than the related north temperate species, causing cooler average egg temperatures in the southern regions. Decreased egg temperatures result in longer incubation periods and reflect a cost imposed on offspring by parents because energy cost to the embryo and risk of offspring predation are both increased. Mothers may adjust egg size and constituents as a means to partially offset such costs. For example, reduced androgen concentrations in egg yolks may slow development rates, but may enhance offspring quality through physiological trade-offs that may be particularly beneficial in longer-lived species, as in the tropics and subtropics. We provide initial data to show that yolks of tropical birds contain substantially lower concentrations of growth-promoting androgens than north temperate relatives. Thus, maternal (and parental) effects on embryonic development rates may include contrasting and complementary proximate influences on offspring quality and deserve further field study among species.  相似文献   

Causes of interspecific variation in growth rates within and among geographic regions remain poorly understood. Passerine birds represent an intriguing case because differing theories yield the possibility of an antagonistic interaction between nest predation risk and food delivery rates on evolution of growth rates. We test this possibility among 64 Passerine species studied on three continents, including tropical and north and south temperate latitudes. Growth rates increased strongly with nestling predation rates within, but not between, sites. The importance of nest predation was further emphasized by revealing hidden allometric scaling effects. Nestling predation risk also was associated with reduced total feeding rates and per-nestling feeding rates within each site. Consequently, faster growth rates were associated with decreased per-nestling food delivery rates across species, both within and among regions. These relationships suggest that Passerines can evolve growth strategies in response to predation risk whereby food resources are not the primary limit on growth rate differences among species. In contrast, reaction norms of growth rate relative to brood size suggest that food may limit growth rates within species in temperate, but not tropical, regions. Results here provide new insight into evolution of growth strategies relative to predation risk and food within and among species.  相似文献   

Effects of ambient temperature on avian incubation behavior   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Ambient temperature is commonly thought to influence avian incubationbehavior. However, results of empirical studies examining correlationsbetween ambient temperature and bout duration are equivocal.We propose that these equivocal results can be partly explainedby developing a conceptual understanding of how we should expecttemperature to influence incubation. We demonstrate why linearcorrelation analyses across a wide range of temperatures canbe inappropriate based on development of an incubation modelfor small birds that incorporates how ambient temperature influencesboth embryonic development and adult metabolism. We found supportfor predictions of the model using incubation data from orange-crownedwarblers (Vermivora celata) in Arizona. Both off- and on-boutduration were positively correlated with ambient temperaturebetween 9° and 26°C, but unrelated to ambient temperature<9° and 26-40°C. Bout durations declined as ambienttemperature approached or exceeded 40°C. Incubating orange-crownedwarblers appeared to avoid bouts off the nest <7 min andbouts on the nest <20 min. Time of day, duration of theprevious bout, and variation among nests all explained variationin both on- and off-bout duration. Although we found supportfor the general shape of the incubation model, temperature stillexplained only a small portion of the overall variation in on-and off-bout duration. Results of previous studies were generallyconsistent with the model for off-bout duration; most studiesin colder environments reported positive correlations withtemperature, and the one negative correlation reported wasfrom a hot environment. However, the relationships between on-boutduration and temperature reported in previous studies wereless consistent with our model and our data. Although somediscrepancies could be explained by considering our model,some studies reported negative correlations in cold environments.The effect of ambient temperature on duration of on-bouts probablydiffers among species based on the amount of fat reserves femalestypically carry during incubation and the extent of male incubationfeeding. Additional studies of the effects of temperature onavian incubation will help improve the general model and ultimatelyaid our understanding of energetic and ecological constraintson avian incubation.  相似文献   

Broad geographic patterns in egg and clutch mass are poorly described, and potential causes of variation remain largely unexamined. We describe interspecific variation in avian egg and clutch mass within and among diverse geographic regions and explore hypotheses related to allometry, clutch size, nest predation, adult mortality, and parental care as correlates and possible explanations of variation. We studied 74 species of Passeriformes at four latitudes on three continents: the north temperate United States, tropical Venezuela, subtropical Argentina, and south temperate South Africa. Egg and clutch mass increased with adult body mass in all locations, but differed among locations for the same body mass, demonstrating that egg and clutch mass have evolved to some extent independent of body mass among regions. A major portion of egg mass variation was explained by an inverse relationship with clutch size within and among regions, as predicted by life-history theory. However, clutch size did not explain all geographic differences in egg mass; eggs were smallest in South Africa despite small clutch sizes. These small eggs might be explained by high nest predation rates in South Africa; life-history theory predicts reduced reproductive effort under high risk of offspring mortality. This prediction was supported for clutch mass, which was inversely related to nest predation but not for egg mass. Nevertheless, clutch mass variation was not fully explained by nest predation, possibly reflecting interacting effects of adult mortality. Tests of the possible effects of nest predation on egg mass were compromised by limited power and by counterposing direct and indirect effects. Finally, components of parental investment, defined as effort per offspring, might be expected to positively coevolve. Indeed, egg mass, but not clutch mass, was greater in species that shared incubation by males and females compared with species in which only females incubate eggs. However, egg and clutch mass were not related to effort of parental care as measured by incubation attentiveness. Ecological and life-history correlates of egg and clutch mass variation found here follow from theory, but possible evolutionary causes deserve further study.  相似文献   

The fitness costs of egg loss for Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis)on Cousin Island are considerable because warblers have a single-eggclutch and no time to lay a successful replacement clutch. Onthe islands of Cousin and Cousine, with equal densities of Seychellesfodies (Foudia sechellarum), nearly 75% of artificial eggs placedin artificial nests were predated by fodies after 3 days. OnAride Island with no fodies present, loss of artificial eggswas not observed. Female warblers incubate the clutch, and malewarblers guard the clutch when females are absent. Deterrenceof fodies by male warblers is efficient: loss rate of eggs fromunattended warbler nests was seven times as high as from attendednests, and the more nest guarding, the lower the egg loss andthe higher the hatching success. Egg loss is independent ofthe amount of incubation by females. There is no trade-off betweenincubating and foraging by females. Nest guarding competes withforaging by males, and this trade-off has a more pronounced effecton egg loss when food availability is low. The transfer of breeding pairsfrom Cousin to either Cousine with egg-predating fodies or toAride without fodies allowed us to experimentally investigatethe presumed trade-off between nest guarding and foraging. OnCousine, individual males spent the same amount of time nestguarding and foraging as on Cousin, and egg loss was similarand inversely related to time spent nest guarding as on Cousin.Males that guarded their clutch on Cousin did not guard theclutch on Aride but allocated significantly more time to foragingand gained better body condition. Loss of warbler eggs on Aridewas not observed. Time allocation to incubating and foragingby individual females before and after both translocations remainedthe same.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the importance of biparental care for the evolution and/or maintenance of pair-living in red-tailed sportive lemurs (Lepilemur ruficaudatus), a nocturnal folivorous lemur. Between 2000 and 2005, we collected data on life history traits from a total of 14 radio-collared pairs of adults and their offspring in Kirindy forest, western Madagascar. Predation rate varied between years with a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 40% per year. Patterns of parental care were quantified during simultaneous focal observations of both pair-partners in 2003 and 2004. Mating activity was limited to the months of May and June, as indicated by conspicuous changes of vulval morphology and male mate guarding behavior. After a gestation length of about 5 months, which is much longer than expected for a lemur of this body mass, single infants were born in November. Lactation lasted for about 50 days. Apart from lactation, females provided infant care by warming, grooming and transporting infants orally. Infants were parked in dense vegetation while females foraged. Males were seen only rarely in proximity to infants and we found no evidence for direct infant care provided by social fathers. We conclude that the necessity of direct infant care cannot explain the evolution and/or maintenance of pair-living in Lepilemur ruficaudatus.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Incubation behavior is one component of reproductive effort and thus influences the evolution of life-history strategies. We examined the relative importance of body mass, frequency of mate feeding, food, nest predation, and ambient temperature to explain interspecific variation in incubation behavior (nest attentiveness, on- and off-bout durations, and nest trips per hour) using comparative analyses for North American passerines in which only females incubate. Body mass and frequency of mate feeding explained little variation in incubation behavior. We were also unable to detect any influence of food; diet and foraging strategy explained little interspecific variation in incubation behavior. However, the typical temperature encountered during reproduction explained significant variation in incubation behavior: Species breeding in colder environments take shorter bouts off the nest, which prevents eggs from cooling to temperatures below the physiological zero temperature. These species must compensate for shorter off-bouts by taking more of them (thus shorter on-bouts) to obtain needed energy for incubation. Nest predation also explains significant variation in incubation behavior among passerines: Species that endure high nest predation have evolved an incubation strategy (long on- and off-bouts) that minimizes activity that could attract predators. Nest substrate explained additional variation in incubation behavior (cavity-nesting birds have shorter on-bouts and make more frequent nest trips), presumably because nest predation and/or temperature varies among nest substrates. Thus, nest predation can influence reproductive effort in a way previously not demonstrated–by placing a constraint on parental activity at the nest. Incubating birds face an ecological cost associated with reproductive effort (predation of entire brood) that should be considered in future attempts to explain avian life-history evolution.  相似文献   

The evolution of maternal, paternal, and bi‐parental care has been the focus of a great deal of research. Males and females vary in basic life‐history characteristics (e.g., stage‐specific mortality, maturation) in ways that are unrelated to parental investment. Surprisingly, few studies have examined the effect of this variation in male and female life history on the evolution of care. Here, we use a theoretical approach to determine the sex‐specific life‐history characteristics that give rise to the origin of paternal, maternal, or bi‐parental care from an ancestral state of no care. Females initially invest more into each egg than males. Despite this inherent difference between the sexes, paternal, maternal, and bi‐parental care are equally likely when males and females are otherwise similar. Thus, sex differences in initial zygotic investment do not explain the origin of one pattern of care over another. However, sex differences in adult mortality, egg maturation rate, and juvenile survival affect the pattern of care that will be most likely to evolve. Maternal care is more likely if female adult mortality is high, whereas paternal care is more likely if male adult mortality is high. These findings suggest that basic life‐history differences between the sexes can alone explain the origin of maternal, paternal, and bi‐parental care. As a result, the influence of life‐history characteristics should be considered as a baseline scenario in studies examining the origin of care.  相似文献   

Parental care is expected to increase the likelihood of offspring survival at the cost of investment in future reproductive success. However, alternative parental behaviours, such as filial cannibalism, can decrease current reproductive success and consequently individual fitness. We evaluate the role of among-offspring relatedness on the evolution of parental care and filial cannibalism. Building on our previous work, we show how the evolution of care is influenced by the effect of among-offspring relatedness on both the strength of competition and filial cannibalism. When there is a positive relationship between among-offspring competition and relatedness, parental care will be favoured when among-offspring relatedness is relatively low, and the maintenance of both care and no-care strategies is expected. If the relationship between among-offspring competition and relatedness is negative, parental care is most strongly favoured when broods contain highly related offspring. Further, we highlight the range of conditions over which the level of this among-offspring relatedness can affect the co-occurrence of different care/no care and cannibalism/no cannibalism strategies. Coexistence of multiple strategies is independent of the effects of among-offspring relatedness on cannibalism but more likely when among-offspring relatedness and competition are positively associated.  相似文献   

Intrinsic processes are assumed to underlie life history expression and trade‐offs, but extrinsic inputs are theorised to shift trait expression and mask trade‐offs within species. Here, we explore application of this theory across species. We do this based on parentally induced embryo temperature as an extrinsic input, and mass‐specific embryo metabolism as an intrinsic process, underlying embryonic development rate. We found that embryonic metabolism followed intrinsic allometry rules among 49 songbird species from temperate and tropical sites. Extrinsic inputs via parentally induced temperatures explained the majority of variation in development rates and masked a relationship with metabolism; metabolism explained a minor proportion of the variation in development rates among species, and only after accounting for temperature effects. We discuss evidence that temperature further obscures the expected interspecific trade‐off between development rate and offspring quality. These results demonstrate the importance of considering extrinsic inputs to trait expression and trade‐offs across species.  相似文献   

1. Beetles of the genus Nicrophorus reproduce on small vertebrate carcasses that they bury in the soil to provide the larvae with food. Usually, both parents cooperate in brood care by feeding and guarding their progeny. 2. In pairs of the common European species N. vespillo, the duration of care depended on the time of year when the beetles reproduced. Both in 1990 and in 1991, male and female parents stayed longer with their broods when reproduction started in spring than when reproduction started in early or late summer. This was probably due to the longer development time of the larvae caused by lower temperatures in spring, because laboratory experiments suggested a strong influence of temperature on both the duration of brood care and offspring development. 3. The number of adult offspring produced by a beetle pair did not vary among different times of the year. 4. The median time required for offspring development, measured as time from burial of the carcass to emergence of young adults, was between 62 and 84 days. When the beetles reproduced in late summer, only about three-quarters of the offspring left the soil and hibernated as adults. The remaining offspring stayed underground and adults appeared on the soil surface the following spring. They still showed the flexible cuticle typical of newly-hatched beetles, suggesting that they may have overwintered in a pre-adult stage.  相似文献   

The life-history tactics of many Antarctic marine invertebrates suggest that the commonly observed slow rates of growth are adaptations to the pattern of food availability, and not due to low temperature per se. This implies that marine invertebrates have been able, over the course of evolutionary time, to compensate their rates of embryonic development for the effect of temperature. Data from north Atlantic copepods indicate that this is so. It is therefore suggested that the slow rates of embryonic development in many Antarctic marine invertebrates are the result of large egg size, and not the low temperature. Large, slowly developing eggs are part of a suite of tactics, often called K-strategies, which characterise many marine invertebrates in Antarctica.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the reproductive schedules of female mammals can be affected by conditions experienced during early development, with low parental investment leading to accelerated life-history strategies in the offspring. In humans, the relationships between early-life conditions and timing of puberty are well studied, but much less attention has been paid to reproductive behaviour. Here, we investigate associations between early-life conditions and age at first pregnancy (AFP) in a large, longitudinally studied cohort of British women (n = 4553). Low birthweight for gestational age, short duration of breastfeeding, separation from mother in childhood, frequent family residential moves and lack of paternal involvement are all independently associated with earlier first pregnancy. Apart from that of birthweight, the effects are robust to adjustment for family socioeconomic position (SEP) and the cohort member's mother's age at her birth. The association between childhood SEP and AFP is partially mediated by early-life conditions, and the association between early-life conditions and AFP is partially mediated by emotional and behavioural problems in childhood. The overall relationship between early-life adversities and AFP appears to be approximately additive.  相似文献   

Human modification of habitats can reduce reproductive success by providing novel cues to which birds may respond with behaviors that are actually maladaptive in those environments. Ad libitum human‐provided foods may provide the perception that urban habitats are food‐rich even as natural food availability decreases. Similarly, human activity may increase the perception that predation risk is high even as natural predators may decrease in abundance. In response, birds may reduce parental care with a subsequent cost to successful reproduction. Florida Scrub‐Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) in suburban areas have lower nest success during the nestling period than do wildland jays, possibly the result of such maladaptive responses, but maybe because of ecological differences with wildlands. We manipulated adult perception of predation risk and the availability of nestling foods in suburban and wildland areas to determine if these factors influenced parental care and nestling begging, and if the behavioral responses of adults influence nest survival during the nestling stage. Experimentally increasing perception of predation risk reduced parental care by both suburban and wildland females, but did not influence care by males. Increasing food availability, but not predation risk, had little influence on parental care, but resulted in decreased nestling begging rates and an increase in the frequency (pitch) of begging calls in both habitats. However, neither parental care nor food availability influenced nest survival during the nestling stage. Instead, the presence of helpers was the most important variable in nest survival analyses, suggesting that habitat‐specific differences in nest survival during the nestling stage were not simply the result of maladaptive parental behavior or shortage of nestling food resources in the suburban habitat. The lack of helpers combined with ecological differences, such as the abundance of nest predators, may be why fewer nests of Florida Scrub‐Jays survive during this stage in suburban areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nest‐site selection and nest defense are strategies for reducing the costs of brood parasitism and nest predation, two selective forces that can influence avian nesting success and fitness. During 2001–2002, we analyzed the effect of nest‐site characteristics, nesting pattern, and parental activity on nest predation and brood parasitism by cowbirds (Molothrus spp.) in a population of Brown‐and‐yellow Marshbirds (Pseudoleistes virescens) in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. We examined the possible effects of nest detectability, nest accessibility, and nest defense on rates of parasitism and nest predation. We also compared rates of parasitism and nest predation and nest survival time of marshbird nests during the egg stage (active nests) with those of the same nests artificially baited with passerine eggs after young fledged or nests failed (experimental nests). Most nests (45 of 48, or 94%) found during the building or laying stages were parasitized, and 79% suffered at least one egg‐predation event. Cowbirds were responsible for most egg predation, with 82 of 107 (77%) egg‐predation events corresponding to eggs punctured by cowbirds. Nests built in thistles had higher rates of parasitism and egg predation than nests in other plant, probably because cowbirds were most active in the area where thistles were almost the only available nesting substrate. Parasitism rates also tended to increase as the distance to conspecific nests increased, possibly due to cooperative mobbing and parental defense by marshbirds. The proportion of nests discovered by cowbirds was higher for active (95%) than for experimental (29%) nests, suggesting that cowbirds used host parental activity to locate nests. Despite active nest defense, parental activity did not affect either predation rates or nest‐survival time. Thus, although nest defense by Brown‐and‐yellow Marshbirds appears to be based on cooperative group defense, such behavior did not reduce the impact of brood parasites and predators.  相似文献   

Where organisms undergo radical changes in habitat during ontogeny, dramatic phenotypic reshaping may be required. However, physiological and functional interrelationships may constrain the extent to which an individual's phenotype can be equally well adapted to their habitat throughout the life cycle. The phenotypic response of tadpoles to the presence of a predator has been reported for several species of anuran but the potential post-metamorphic consequences have rarely been considered. We reared common frog Rana temporaria tadpoles in the presence or absence of a larval odonate predator, Aeshna juncea , and examined the consequences of the resulting phenotypic adjustment in the aquatic larval stage of the life cycle for the terrestrial juvenile phenotype. In early development tadpoles developed deeper tail fins and muscles in response to the predator and, in experimental trials, swam further than those reared in the absence of a predator. While the difference in swimming ability remained significant throughout the larval period, by the onset of metamorphosis we could no longer detect any differences in the morphological parameters measured. The corresponding post-metamorphic phenotypes also did not initially differ in terms of morphology. At 12 weeks post-metamorphosis, however, froglets that developed from predator-exposed tadpoles swam more slowly and less far than those that developed from tadpoles reared in the absence of predators, the opposite trend to that observed in the larval stage of the life cycle, and had narrower femurs. These results suggest that there may be long-term costs for subsequent life-history stages of tailoring the larval phenotype to prevailing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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