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Total internal reflection excitation used in combination with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCS) is a method for characterizing the dynamic behavior and absolute concentrations of fluorescent molecules near or at the interface of a planar substrate and a solution. In this work, we demonstrate for the first time the use of TIR-FCS for examining the interaction kinetics of fluorescent ligands in solution which specifically and reversibly associate with receptors in substrate-supported planar membranes. Fluorescence fluctuation autocorrelation functions were obtained for a fluorescently labeled IgG reversibly associating with the mouse receptor FcgammaRII, which was purified and reconstituted into substrate-supported planar membranes. Data were obtained as a function of the IgG solution concentration, the Fc receptor surface density, the observation area size, and the incident intensity. Best fits of the autocorrelation functions to appropriate theoretical forms gave measures of the average surface density of bound IgG, the local solution concentration of IgG, the kinetic rate constant for surface dissociation, and the rate of diffusion through the depth of the evanescent field. The average number of observed fluorescent molecules, both in solution and bound to the surface, scaled with the solution concentration of IgG, observation area size, and Fc receptor surface density as expected. The dissociation rate constant and rate of diffusion through the evanescent field agree with previous results, and all measured parameters were independent of the incident intensity.  相似文献   

We have modeled the structure of KirBac1.1 in an open state using as a starting point the structure of KirBac1.1 in its closed conformation (Protein Data Bank 1P7B). To test the validity of the open-state model, molecular dynamics simulations in octane, a lipid bilayer mimetic, were carried out. Simulations of the closed conformer were used for comparison purposes. The total simulation time was approximately 138 ns. The initial open model was refined by using projection maps obtained from electron microscopy experiments on two-dimensional crystals of the inwardly rectifying K+ channel KirBac3.1 from Magentospirillum magnetotacticum captured in its open state (C. Vénien-Bryan, unpublished data). Significant movements of the outer helices take place in going from the closed to the open model in agreement with structural and biochemical data in potassium channels, which suggests that gating is accomplished by a conformational change that takes place in the transmembrane domain upon an external stimulus. The motion of the inner helices is mainly achieved by bending at conserved glycine residues that have been previously reported to act as molecular hinges. Overall, these simulations suggest that the open conformer is stable, providing a plausible all-atom model that will enable the study of potential gating mechanisms in more detail.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection-fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCS) is an emerging technique that is used to measure events at or near an interface, including local fluorophore concentrations, local translational mobilities and the kinetic rate constants that describe the association and dissociation of fluorophores at the interface. TIR-FCS is also an extremely promising method for studying dynamics at or near the basal membranes of living cells. This protocol gives a general overview of the steps necessary to construct and test a TIR-FCS system using either through-prism or through-objective internal reflection geometry adapted for FCS. The expected forms of the autocorrelation function are discussed for the cases in which fluorescent molecules in solution diffuse through the depth of the evanescent field, but do not bind to the surface of interest, and in which reversible binding to the surface also occurs.  相似文献   

The theoretical basis of a new technique for measuring equilibrium adsorption/desorption kinetics and surface diffusion of fluorescent-labeled solute molecules at solid surfaces has been developed. The technique combines total internal reflection fluorescence (TIR) with either fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). A laser beam totally internally reflects at a solid/liquid interface; the shallow evanescent field in the liquid excites the fluorescence of surface adsorbed molecules. In TIR/FPR, adsorbed molecules are bleaching by a flash of the focused laser beam; subsequent fluorescence recovery is monitored as bleached molecules exchange with unbleached ones from the solution or surrounding nonilluminated regions of the surface. In TIR/FCS, spontaneous fluorescence fluctuations due to individual molecules entering and leaving a well-defined portion of the evanescent field are autocorrelated. Under appropriate experimental conditions, the rate constants and surface diffusion coefficient can be readily obtained from the TIR/FPR and TIR/FCS curves. In general, the shape of the theoretical TIR/FPR and TIR/FCS curves depends in a complex manner upon the bulk and surface diffusion coefficients, the size of the iluminated or observed region, and the adsorption/desorption/kinetic rate constants. The theory can be applied both to specific binding between immobilized receptors and soluble ligands, and to nonspecific adsorption processes. A discussion of experimental considerations and the application of this technique to the adsorption of serum proteins on quartz may be found in the accompanying paper (Burghardt and Axelrod. 1981. Biophys. J. 33:455).  相似文献   

Total internal reflection with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy is a method for measuring the surface association/dissociation rate constants and absolute densities of fluorescent molecules at the interface of a planar substrate and solution. This method can also report the apparent diffusion coefficient and absolute concentration of fluorescent molecules very close to the surface. Theoretical expressions for the fluorescence fluctuation autocorrelation function when both surface association/dissociation kinetics and diffusion through the evanescent wave, in solution, contribute to the fluorescence fluctuations have been published previously. In the work described here, the nature of the autocorrelation function when both surface association/dissociation kinetics and diffusion through the evanescent wave contribute to the fluorescence fluctuations, and when fluorescent and nonfluorescent molecules compete for surface binding sites, is described. The autocorrelation function depends in general on the kinetic association and dissociation rate constants of the fluorescent and nonfluorescent molecules, the surface site density, the concentrations of fluorescent and nonfluorescent molecules in solution, the solution diffusion coefficients of the two chemical species, the depth of the evanescent field, and the size of the observed area on the surface. Both general and approximate expressions are presented.  相似文献   

We applied fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to characterize the interaction dynamics of fluorescence-labeled transferrin with transferrin receptor (hTfR) associates isolated from human placenta. The dissociation constant for the equilibrium binding of TMR-labeled ferri-transferrin to hTfR in detergent free solution was determined to be 7 +/- 3 nM. Binding curves were compatible with equal and independent binding sites present on the hTfR associates. Under pseudo-first-order conditions, with respect to transferrin, complex formation is monophasic. From these curves, association and dissociation rate constants for a reversible bimolecular binding reaction were determined, with (1.1 +/- 0.1) x 10(4) M-1 s-1 for the former and (6 +/- 4) x 10(-)4 s-1 for the latter. In dissociation exchange experiments, biphasic curves and concentration-independent reciprocal relaxation times were determined. From isothermal titration calorimetry experiments, we obtained an enthalpy change of -44.4 kJ/mol associated with the reaction. We thus conclude that the reaction is mainly enthalpy driven.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCS) allows us to measure diffusion constants and the number of fluorescent molecules in a small area of an evanescent field generated on the objective of a microscope. The application of TIR-FCS makes possible the characterization of reversible association and dissociation rates between fluorescent ligands and their receptors in supported phospholipid bilayers. Here, for the first time, we extend TIR-FCS to a cellular application for measuring the lateral diffusion of a membrane-binding fluorescent protein, farnesylated EGFP, on the plasma membranes of cultured HeLa and COS7 cells. We detected two kinds of diffusional motion-fast three-dimensional diffusion (D(1)) and much slower two-dimensional diffusion (D(2)), simultaneously. Conventional FCS and single-molecule tracking confirmed that D(1) was free diffusion of farnesylated EGFP close to the plasma membrane in cytosol and D(2) was lateral diffusion in the plasma membrane. These results suggest that TIR-FCS is a powerful technique to monitor movement of membrane-localized molecules and membrane dynamics in living cells.  相似文献   

In this paper, the conceptual basis and experimental design of total internal reflection with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCS) is described. The few applications to date of TIR-FCS to supported membranes are discussed, in addition to a variety of applications not directly involving supported membranes. Methods related, but not technically equivalent, to TIR-FCS are also summarized. Future directions for TIR-FCS are outlined.  相似文献   

A technique for exciting fluorescence exclusively from regions of contact between cultured cells and the substrate is presented. The technique utilizes the evanescent wave of a totally internally reflecting laser beam to excite only those fluorescent molecules within one light wavelength or less of the substrate surface. Demonstrations of this technique are given for two types of cell cultures: rat primary myotubes with acetylcholine receptors labeled by fluorescent alpha- bungarotoxin and human skin fibroblasts labeled by a fluorescent lipid probe. Total internal reflection fluorescence examination of cells appears to have promising applications, including visualization of the membrane and underlying cytoplasmic structures at cell-substrate contacts, dramatic reduction of autofluorescence from debris and thick cells, mapping of membranes topography, and visualization of reversible bound fluorescent ligands at membrane receptors.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with total internal reflection excitation (TIR-FCS) is a promising method with emerging biological applications for measuring binding dynamics of fluorescent molecules to a planar substrate as well as diffusion coefficients and concentrations at the interface. Models for correlation functions proposed so far are rather approximate for most conditions, since they neglect lateral diffusion of fluorophores. Here we propose accurate extensions of previously published models for axial correlation functions taking into account lateral diffusion through detection profiles realized in typical experiments. In addition, we consider the effects of surface-generated emission in objective-based TIR-FCS. The expressions for correlation functions presented here will facilitate quantitative and accurate measurements with TIR-FCS.  相似文献   

The DNA packaging machinery of bacteriophage T4 was studied in vitro using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The ATP-dependent translocation kinetics of labeled DNA from the bulk solution, to the phage interior, was measured by monitoring the accompanied decrease in DNA diffusibility. It was found that multiple short DNA fragments (100 basepairs) can be sequentially packaged by an individual phage prohead. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between green fluorescent protein donors within the phage interior and acceptor-labeled DNA was used to confirm DNA packaging. Without ATP, no packaging was observed, and there was no evidence of substrate association with the prohead.  相似文献   

We studied the laminar organization of 3T3 fibroblast cells growing on glass slides by use of total internal reflection illumination to excite fluorescence emission (TIRF) from labeled molecules and stained cellular compartments that are very close to the cell-substrate contact region. Mitochondria, distant from the contact regions and stained with the water-soluble cationic dye, dil-C3-(3), fluoresced only as the glass/cytoplasm critical angle was approached. A similar result was obtained when the nuclei were stained with Hoechst dye 33342. From this measured angle a cytoplasmic refractive index in the range 1.358-1.374 was computed. The plasma membrane of 3T3 cells was stained with dil-C18-(3), and the cytoplasmic compartment was stained with fluoresceinyl-dextran (FTC-dextran) or with carboxyfluorescein. We have demonstrated a high degree of correspondence between the low-reflectance zones in the reflection interference image of a live cell and the TIRF images of both the plasma membrane and cytoplasmic compartment. TIRF photometry of selected contact regions of cells provided data from which the absolute separation of cell and substrate was computed. From a population of 3T3 cells microinjected with fluorescein-labeled actin, motile and adherent interphase cells were selected for study. For adherent cells, which displayed fluorescent stress fibers, the TIRF image was composed of intense patches and less intense regions that corresponded, respectively, to the focal contact and close-contact zones of the reflection-interference image. The intense patches corresponded to the endpoints of the stress fibers. Cells of motile morphology, which formed some focal contacts and extensive close-contact zones, gave AF-actin TIRF images of relatively even intensity. Thin lamellar regions of the cytoplasm were found to contain concentrations of actin not significantly different from other close-contact regions of the cell. The major analytical problem of TIRF microscopy is separation of the effects of proximity to substrate, refractive index, and fluorescent probe concentration on the local brightness of the TIRF image. From our results, it appears possible to use TIRF microscopy to measure the proximity of different components of substrate contact regions of cells.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCS) is a method for measuring the surface association/dissociation rates and absolute densities of fluorescent molecules at the interface of solution and a planar substrate. This method can also report the apparent diffusion coefficient and absolute concentration of fluorescent molecules very close to the surface. An expression for the fluorescence fluctuation autocorrelation function in the absence of contributions from diffusion through the evanescent wave, in solution, has been published previously (N. L. Thompson, T. P. Burghardt, and D. Axelrod. 1981, Biophys. J. 33:435-454). This work describes the nature of the TIR-FCS autocorrelation function when both surface association/dissociation kinetics and diffusion through the evanescent wave contribute to the fluorescence fluctuations. The fluorescence fluctuation autocorrelation function depends in general on the kinetic association and dissociation rate constants, the surface site density, the concentration of fluorescent molecules in solution, the solution diffusion coefficient, and the depth of the evanescent field. Both general and approximate expressions are presented.  相似文献   

In living cells, variations in membrane orientation occur both in easily imaged large-scale morphological features, and also in less visualizable submicroscopic regions of activity such as endocytosis, exocytosis, and cell surface ruffling. A fluorescence microscopic method is introduced here to visualize such regions. The method is based on fluorescence of an oriented membrane probe excited by a polarized evanescent field created by total internal reflection (TIR) illumination. The fluorescent carbocyanine dye diI-C(18)-(3) (diI) has previously been shown to embed in the lipid bilayer of cell membranes with its transition dipoles oriented nearly in the plane of the membrane. The membrane-embedded diI near the cell-substrate interface can be fluorescently excited by evanescent field light polarized either perpendicular or parallel to the plane of the substrate coverslip. The excitation efficiency from each polarization depends on the membrane orientation, and thus the ratio of the observed fluorescence excited by these two polarizations vividly shows regions of microscopic and submicroscopic curvature of the membrane, and also gives information regarding the fraction of unoriented diI in the membrane. Both a theoretical background and experimental verification of the technique is presented for samples of 1) oriented diI in model lipid bilayer membranes, erythrocytes, and macrophages; and 2) randomly oriented fluorophores in rhodamine-labeled serum albumin adsorbed to glass, in rhodamine dextran solution, and in rhodamine dextran-loaded macrophages. Sequential digital images of the polarized TIR fluorescence ratios show spatially-resolved time-course maps of membrane orientations on diI-labeled macrophages from which low visibility membrane structures can be identified and quantified. To sharpen and contrast-enhance the TIR images, we deconvoluted them with an experimentally measured point spread function. Image deconvolution is especially effective and fast in our application because fluorescence in TIR emanates from a single focal plane.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy has been applied to image the final stage of constitutive exocytosis, which is the fusion of single post-Golgi carriers with the plasma membrane. The use of a membrane protein tagged with green fluorescent protein allowed the kinetics of fusion to be followed with a time resolution of 30 frames/s. Quantitative analysis allowed carriers undergoing fusion to be easily distinguished from carriers moving perpendicularly to the plasma membrane. The flattening of the carriers into the plasma membrane is seen as a simultaneous rise in the total, peak, and width of the fluorescence intensity. The duration of this flattening process depends on the size of the carriers, distinguishing small spherical from large tubular carriers. The spread of the membrane protein into the plasma membrane upon fusion is diffusive. Mapping many fusion sites of a single cell reveals that there are no preferred sites for constitutive exocytosis in this system.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) has been employed to investigate the Ca(2+)-dependent membrane-binding characteristics of fluorescein-labeled bovine prothrombin-fragment 1 (F-BF1). Light scattering measurements demonstrated that F-BF1 bound to small unilamellar phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine (25/75, mol/mol) vesicles with an apparent dissociation constant (1.5 +/- 0.2 microM) similar to that of unlabeled protein (1.1 +/- 0.1 microM). Negatively charged supported planar membranes were constructed by fusing small unilamellar vesicles at quartz surfaces. TIRFM measurements under equilibrium conditions showed that F-BF1 bound to planar membranes with an apparent dissociation constant (0.9 +/- 0.2 microM) approximately equal to that on vesicles. Total internal reflection/fluorescence photobleaching recovery (TIR/FPR) curves for F-BF1 on 25 mol% PS planar surfaces were diffusion-influenced at F-BF1 solution concentrations less than or equal to 5 microM. Fluorescence recovery rates from samples of high F-BF1 concentrations were slowed by increasing the solution viscosity with glycerol, thus providing further support for a diffusion-limited effect at low F-BF1 concentrations. Analysis of the reaction-limited fluorescence recovery curves at F-BF1 solution concentrations greater than or equal to 10 microM gave average association and dissociation kinetic rates of approximately 10(5) M-1 s-1 and approximately 0.1 s-1, respectively. Kinetic association rates increased significantly with increasing PS, whereas kinetic dissociation rates increased only slightly. Fluorescence recovery curves were nonmonoexponential; possible mechanisms for this behavior are described.  相似文献   

Fluorescence photobleaching recovery with total internal reflection illumination (TIR-FPR) has been used to measure the dissociation kinetics of a fluorescein-labeled anti-dinitrophenyl monoclonal Fab specifically bound to supported monolayers composed of a mixture of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and dinitrophenyl-conjugated dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine. The fluorescence recovery curves were not monoexponential; when analyzed as a sum of two exponentials, the rates and fractional recoveries were approximately 1 s-1 (approximately 50%) and approximately 0.1 s-1 (approximately 30%). The data did not change as a function of the Fab solution concentration, indicating that the fluorescence recovery curves were not influenced by the rate of diffusion in bulk solution. Also, the recovery curves were independent of the size of the illuminated area, indicating that surface diffusion did not significantly contribute to the rate and shape of the fluorescence recovery. The measured off rates and apparent association constant (1.6 x 10(5) M-1) were analyzed with the theoretical formalism for a proposed mechanism that accounts for the nonmonoexponential kinetics.  相似文献   

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