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Many data suggest the deep involvement of the substance P (SP)/neurokinin (NK)-1 receptor system in cancer: (1) Tumor cells express SP, NK-1 receptors and mRNA for the tachykinin NK-1 receptor; (2) Several isoforms of the NK-1 receptor are expressed in tumor cells; (3) the NK-1 receptor is involved in the viability of tumor cells; (4) NK-1 receptors are overexpressed in tumor cells in comparison with normal ones and malignant tissues express more NK-1 receptors than benign tissues; (5) Tumor cells expressing the most malignant phenotypes show an increased percentage of NK-1 receptor expression; (6) The expression of preprotachykinin A is increased in tumor cells in comparison with the levels found in normal cells; (7) SP induces the proliferation and migration of tumor cells and stimulates angiogenesis by increasing the proliferation of endothelial cells; (8) NK-1 receptor antagonists elicit the inhibition of tumor cell growth; (9) The specific antitumor action of NK-1 receptor antagonists on tumor cells occurs through the NK-1 receptor; (10) Tumor cell death is due to apoptosis; (11) NK-1 receptor antagonists inhibit the migration of tumor cells and neoangiogenesis. The NK-1 receptor is a therapeutic target in cancer and NK-1 receptor antagonists could be considered as broad-spectrum antitumor drugs for the treatment of cancer. It seems that a common mechanism for cancer cell proliferation mediated by SP and the NK-1 receptor is triggered, as well as a common mechanism exerted by NK-1 receptor antagonists on tumor cells, i.e. apoptosis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the N -glycosylated substance P (NK-1) receptor were treated with the glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin and photolabeled with 125I-Bolton-Hunter- p -benzoyl- l -phenylalanine8-substance P. Two radioactive proteins of Mr 80,000 and 46,000, representing the glycosylated and nonglycosylated substance P (NK-1) receptor, respectively, were observed. The IC50 for the inhibition of photolabeling of both receptor forms was 0.3 ± 0.1 n M for substance P and 30 ± 5 n M for neurokinin A (substance K). Thus, glycosylation of the substance P (NK-1) receptor has no detectable effect on the affinity of the substance P (NK-1) receptor for substance P or neurokinin A (substance K).  相似文献   

Effects of ATP on accumulation of inositol phosphates and Ca2+ mobilization were investigated in cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. When the cells were stimulated with 30 microM ATP, a rapid and transient rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration was observed. At the same time, ATP rapidly increased accumulation of inositol phosphates. The concentration-response curve for the ATP-induced Ca2+ mobilization was similar to that for inositol trisphosphate (IP3) accumulation. ATP exerted its maximal effects at 30 microM for either IP3 accumulation or Ca2+ mobilization. The order of the efficacy of the agonists for IP3 accumulation and Ca2+ mobilization at 100 microM was ATP greater than ADP greater than AMP approximately adenosine, AMP (100 microM) and adenosine (300 microM) failed to induce IP3 accumulation and Ca2+ mobilization. Although 100 microM GTP and 100 microM UTP also induced IP3 accumulation and Ca2+ mobilization, their efficacy was less than that of ATP. CTP (100 microM) induced a slight IP3 accumulation, but it did not induce Ca2+ mobilization. Nifedipine (10 microM), a Ca2+ channel antagonist, and theophylline (100 microM), a P1-purinergic receptor antagonist, failed to inhibit the ATP-induced IP3 accumulation and Ca2+ mobilization. The above two cellular responses induced by ATP were also observed in the Ca2+-depleted medium. ATP induced a rapid and transient accumulation of 1,4,5-IP3 (5s), followed by a slower accumulation of 1,3,4-IP3. These results suggest that ATP induces the formation of 1,4,5-IP3 through the P2-purinergic receptor and consequently promotes Ca2+ mobilization from intracellular storage sites in cultured adrenal chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

We have combined alanine mutagenesis and functional assays to identify amino acid residues in the channel domain that are critical for inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) channel function. The residues selected were highly conserved in all three IP3R isoforms and were located in the cytosolic end of the S6 pore-lining helix and proximal portion of the C-tail. Two adjacent hydrophobic amino acids (Ile-2588 and Ile-2589) at the putative cytosolic interface of the S6 helix inactivated channel function and could be candidates for the channel gate. Of five negatively charged residues mutated, none completely eliminated channel function. Of five positively charged residues mutated, only one inactivated the channel (Arg-2596). In addition to the previously identified role of a pair of cysteines in the C-tail (Cys-2610 and Cys-2613), a pair of highly conserved histidines (His-2630 and His-2635) were also essential for channel function. Expression of the H2630A and H2635A mutants (but not R2596A) produced receptors with destabilized interactions between the N-terminal fragment and the channel domain. A previously unrecognized association between the cytosolic C-tail and the TM 4,5-loop was demonstrated using GST pulldown assays. However, none of the mutations in the C-tail interfered with this interaction or altered the ability of the C-tail to assemble into dimers. Our present findings and recent information on IP3R structure from electron microscopy and crystallography are incorporated into a revised model of channel gating.  相似文献   

Cultured astroglia express purinergic receptors that initiate phosphoinositide metabolism and calcium mobilization. Experiments were conducted to characterize the purinergic receptor subtype on type 1 astroglia responsible for stimulation these second-messenger systems. Inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation and calcium mobilization were measured after stimulation with ATP or purinergic receptor subtype-selective ATP analogues. ATP (10(-5) M) increased IP accumulation severalfold. Dose-effect assays monitoring astroglial IP accumulation revealed the order of potency that defines the P2Y receptor: 2-methylthioadenosine 5'-triphosphate greater than ATP greater than alpha beta-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate greater than beta gamma-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate. The influence of ATP on intracellular calcium levels in individual type 1 astroglia was examined using the calcium indicator dye, fura-2. Dose-effect experiments indicated that ATP was equally potent for generating inositol phosphates and increasing cellular calcium. The most prevalent response (87% of total responses) to ATP consisted of a rapid increase in calcium to a peak level that was approximately five times greater than the prestimulation level. This peak was followed by a decline to a plateau level that was significantly above baseline. This plateau phase of the calcium increase was maintained for at least 5 min in the presence of ATP and was dependent on external calcium. Many (23%) astroglia exhibited spontaneous calcium oscillations whose frequency and magnitude increased after the addition of 10(-5) M ATP. Immunocytochemical staining indicated that the responses occurred in glial fibrillary acidic protein positive cells. We conclude that type 1 astroglia express the P2Y purinergic receptor which regulates IP production and calcium mobilization.  相似文献   

Two non-stoichiometric binding sites had previously been characterized for the NK-1 receptor using two different types of radiolabelled analogues of substance P. However, the question remained on their eventual conformational interconversion induced or not by the ligand. In this study, kinetic, saturation, and competition studies using [3H]propionyl[Pro(9)]SP demonstrate the existence of two independent binding components in CHO cells transfected with the human NK-1 receptor, with K(d) values of 0.040 nM ( approximately 20% of total sites) and 5.9 nM ( approximately 80% of total sites) that correspond to those of the two previously described binding sites. These two binding sites do not seem to interconvert since the minor one can be selectively extinguished in saturation studies in the presence of a SP analogue specific of this binding site.  相似文献   

Abstract: To define the effects of antisense oligonucleotides on spinal neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor function in nociceptive processing, several antisense oligonucleotides directed against the NK1 receptor mRNA were intrathecally injected into rats via an implanted catheter, and their effect on the behavioural response to formalin injected into the paw was assessed. We observed that there was no significant reduction of pain behaviour or immunostaining of spinal NK1 receptors after repeated daily intrathecal treatment with an antisense oligonucleotide. However, spinal application of substance P (SP) in the antisense oligonucleotide-treated animals resulted in a profound and long-lasting reduction in the behavioural response to formalin injection, and a parallel reduction in the NK1 receptor immunoreactivity normally observed in spinal dorsal horn. Intrathecal SP in the control groups, i.e., rats treated with an oligonucleotide containing four mismatched bases, the corresponding sense oligonucleotide, a mixture of the sense and the antisense oligonucleotides, in each case had no effect. The effects of SP were blocked by NK1 receptor antagonists and were not mimicked by NMDA. The mechanism underlying these effects is not clear. It may be due to partial degradation of the internalised receptors, which cannot be replaced by newly synthesised receptors because of the action of the NK1 antisense oligonucleotide.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of aluminium (as Al3+) on carbachol-induced inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (lnsP3) production arid Ca2+ mobilisation were assessed in electropermeabilised human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Al3+ had no effect on lnsP3-induced Ca2+ release but appreciably reduced carbachol-induced Ca2+ release (lC50 of ∼90 μ M ). Aβ3+ also inhibited lnsP3 production (lC60 of ∼15 μ M ). Dimethyl hydroxypyridin-4-one, a potent Al3+ chelator (K5= 31), at 100 μ M was able to abort and reverse the effects of Al3+ on both Ca2+ release and lnsP3 production. These data suggest that, in permeabilised cells, the effect of Al3+ on the phosphoinositide-mediated signalling pathway is at the level of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolysis. This may reflect interference with receptor-G protein-phospholipase C coupling or an interaction with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate.  相似文献   

Abstract: Exposure of rat brain or parotid gland slices to muscarinic receptor agonists stimulates a phospholipase C that degrades inositol phospholipids. When tissue slices were labelled in vitro with [3H]inositol, this response could be monitored by measuring the formation of [3H]inositol phosphates. Accumulation of inositol 1,4-biphosphate in stimulated brain slices suggests that polyphosphonositides are the primary targets for phospholipase C activity. Li+ (10 m M ) in the medium completely blocked the hydrolysis of inositol 1-phosphate, partially inhibited inositol 1,4bisphosphate hydrolysis, but had no effect on the hydrolysis of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate by endogenous phosphatases. Muscarinic receptor pharmacology was studied by measuring the accumulation of [3H]inositol 1-phosphate in the presence of 10 m M Li+. In experiments on brain slices, the response to carbachol was antagonised by atropine with an affinity constant of approximately 8.79 ± 0.12. Dose-response curves to several muscarinic agonists were constructed using brain and parotid gland slices. The results are consistent with relatively direct coupling of low-affinity muscarinic receptors to inositol phospholipid breakdown in brain slices; full agonists were relatively more potent in the parotid gland compared with the brain. Explanations for these differences are suggested.  相似文献   

Neurokinin1 (NK1) receptors are up-regulated in the spinal cord during peripheral inflammation, but the biochemical mediators regulating this change have not been resolved. The promoter region of the gene encoding the NK1 receptor contains a cyclic AMP (cAMP)-responsive element. Therefore, we used primary cultures of neonatal rat spinal cord to test whether increasing intracellular cAMP can increase expression of NK1 receptors. Treatment with dibutyryl-cAMP (dbcAMP) resulted in a time-dependent increase in 125I-Bolton-Hunter-substance P (BHSP) binding in the cultures; treatment with dibutyryl-cyclic GMP did not. Treatment with forskolin plus 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine mimicked the increase in binding, providing further evidence for the involvement of cAMP in this effect. Scatchard analyses indicated that the increase in BHSP binding was due to an increase in binding capacity. The cAMP-induced increase in BHSP binding was preceded by an increase in levels of mRNA for NK1 receptor and was attenuated by pretreatment with cycloheximide. These data indicate that the cAMP-induced increase in binding was due to increased synthesis of NK1 receptors. Comparison of substance P (SP)-induced production of inositol phosphates between cultures pretreated with dbcAMP and controls suggested that increased expression of NK1 receptors did not result in increased generation of second messenger by NK1 receptor activation. Together, these data indicate that a persistent increase in intracellular cAMP increases expression of NK1 receptors. Because NK1 receptor activation contributes to increased excitability of spinal neurons, the increased expression of NK1 receptors may be important in maintaining responsiveness of spinal neurons to SP in central mechanisms underlying hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

Abstract: The cellular mechanisms underlying opioid action remain to be fully determined, although there is now growing indirect evidence that some opioid receptors may be coupled to phospholipase C. Using SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells (expressing both μ-and δ-opioid receptors), we demonstrated that fentanyl, a μ-preferring opioid, caused a dose-dependent (EC50= 16 n M ) monophasic increase in inositol (1,4,5)trisphosphate mass formation that peaked at 15 s and returned to basal within 1–2 min. This response was of similar magnitude (25.4 ± 0.8 pmol/mg of protein for 0.1 μ M fentanyl) to that found in the plateau phase (5 min) following stimulation with 1 m M carbachol (18.3 ± 1.4 pmol/mg of protein), and was naloxone-, but not naltrindole-(a δ antagonist), reversible. Further studies using [ d -Ala2, MePhe4, Gly(ol)5]enkephalin and [ d -Pen2,5]enkephalin confirmed that the response was specific for the μ receptor. Incubation with Ni2+ (2.5 m M ) or in Ca2+-free buffer abolished the response, as did pretreatment (100 ng/ml for 24 h) with pertussis toxin (control plus 0.1 μ M fentanyl, 26.9 ± 1.5 pmol/mg of protein; pertussis-treated plus 0.1 μ M fentanyl, 5.1 ± 1.3 pmol/mg of protein). In summary, we have demonstrated a μ-opioid receptor-mediated activation of phospholipase C, via a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein, that is Ca2+-dependent. This stimulatory effect of opioids on phospholipase C, and the potential inositol (1,4,5)trisphosphate-mediated rises in intracellular Ca2+, could play a part in the cellular mechanisms of opioid action.  相似文献   

Abstract: Stimulation of rat parotid acinar cells by the tachykinin neurokinin (NK) 1 receptor agonist substance P (SP) resulted in a significant reduction in the initial accumulation of cytosolic myo-[3H]inositol. This effect was rapid, because a reduction of ~15% could be seen already at 30 s, with the maximal effect (~45%) being observed at 15 min. The response to SP stimulation Was temperature dependent, because at 4°C no reduction was found, jln addition, at 4°C, cytosolic myo-[3H]inositol represented only 10% of the labeled inositol accumulated at 37°C. The SP-induced reduct on in cytosolic ravo[3H]inositol accumulation was concentration dependent; the EC50 obtained for SP was 5.8 ± 2.5 nM. Spantide [N Arg1, D-Trp79, Leu]SP), a SP antagonist, used at a concentration oif 105 A/, gave a competitive shift of the dose-response curve to SP. Various tachykinins and their analogs were evaluated for their ability to reduce cytosolic mvo-[3H]inositol. [L-Pro9]SP and SP methyl ester, two highly selective agonists of NK1 receptors, reduced the initial accumulation of myo-H]inositol with EQo values of 2.3 and 67.0 nM, respectively. Long SP C-terminal fragments were more potent than shorter ones. SP N-terminal fragments and SP free acid were -without effect. [Pro7]NKB, a selective NKB analog, had no effect. The rank order of potency of mammalian tachykinins was SP > NKA > NKB. These findings and the close correlation between EC50 values and IC50 values obtained in binding studies implicate the NK 1 receptor. In addition, stimulation of muscarinic receptors by carbachol alscp resulted in a reduction in level of cytosolic mjw-[3H]inositol, with this effect being reversed by atropine. Moreover, atropine was unable tjo alter the SP-induced reduction in cytosolic myo-[3H]inositol accumulation. Other neurotransmitters, such as glutamic acid, serotonin, chplecystokinin, neurotensin, bradykinin, and neuropeptide Y, were without effect on initial cytosolic myo-[3H]inositol accumulation. In conclusion, NK1 and muscarinic receptors seem to regulate the membrane transport of inositol in acinar cells of the rat parotid gland. Measurement of the initial accumulation of cytosolic myo-[3H]inositol in this tissue could profitably be adopted as a very simple, rapid, [sensitive, and specific biochemical procedure for screening the activity of potential agonists and antagonists at NK1 receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: Three chimeric receptors were constructed by exchanging exons between human neurokinin NK1 and NK3 receptor genes. The N-terminal sequences of these chimeric receptors are encoded by exon 1, exon 1–2, or exon 1–3 of the NK1 receptor gene, whereas the remaining C-terminal sequences of these chimeric receptors are encoded by corresponding exons of the human NK3 receptor gene. Substance P bound with high affinities to all three chimeric receptors, suggesting that in addition to the common structures composed of conserved amino acid residues among neurokinin receptors, structural elements encoded by the first exon of the human NK1 receptor gene may also play an important role for substance P binding. On the contrary, potent NK1 antagonists L703,606 and SR140,333 did not show any detectable binding to these chimeric receptors. In accordance, sequences encoded by exon 4, and possibly exon 5, are likely to contain important structural motifs that may directly or indirectly influence the binding of these antagonists. Further comparison of the binding affinities of highly selective NK1 agonists, [Sar9,Met(O2)11]substance P, substance P methyl ester, and septide, revealed that each agonist may interact differently with the human NK1 receptor. These results show that the exon-exchanging technique can be a useful tool for studying structure-function relationships of receptors in which exon-intron junctions are fully conserved among receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

神经激肽中P物质是中枢神经系统最重要的神经递质之一,通过与其最主要的受体NK1受体结合在多种疾病的病理过程中发挥作用。NK1受体拮抗剂近年来在临床上应用广泛,不仅能治疗化疗引起的恶心,呕吐,而且在缓解抑郁,抗肿瘤,治疗急性尿失禁方面都显示有很好的疗效。本文就近年来NK1受体拮抗剂的应用研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

UC11 cells, derived from a human astrocytoma, have a high density of functional substance P receptors. Radioligand binding studies were conducted with the highly selective neurokinin-1 receptor ligand [3H][Sar9,Met(O2)11]-substance P. Kinetic binding experiments conducted at 4 degrees C yielded an association rate constant k1 of 1.86 x 10(7) M-1 min-1, a dissociation rate constant k-1 of 0.00478 min-1, and a calculated kinetic KD of 257 pM. Saturation binding experiments yielded average values of KD = 447 +/- 103 pM, Bmax = 862 +/- 93 fmol/mg of protein. This Bmax corresponds to more than 150,000 binding sites/cell. Competition binding experiments with unlabeled [Sar9,Met(O2)11]-substance P yielded average values of KD = 491 +/- 48 pM and Bmax = 912 +/- 67 fmol/mg of protein. In [3H]inositol-labeled cells, substance P induced a robust inositol phosphate formation. Inositol trisphosphate levels increased as much as 20-fold within approximately 15 s of addition of substance P. This inositol trisphosphate formation was transient and had returned to baseline within the first 60-120 s. Inositol monophosphate formation, however, was linear for at least 2 h. Structure activity data on binding and inositol monophosphate formation confirmed the presence of a neurokinin-1 receptor subtype in these cells. Thus, the UC11 cell should be a useful model cell for delineating the physiological role of substance P receptors in astrocytes.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infection commonly leads to neuronal cell death and a debilitating syndrome known as AIDS-related dementia complex. The HIV-1 protein Tat is neurotoxic, and because cell survival is affected by the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), we determined mechanisms by which Tat increased [Ca2+]i and the involvement of these mechanisms in Tat-induced neurotoxicity. Tat increased [Ca2+]i dose-dependently in cultured human fetal neurons and astrocytes. In neurons, but not astrocytes, we observed biphasic increases of [Ca2+]i. Initial transient increases were larger in astrocytes than in neurons and in both cell types were significantly attenuated by antagonists of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-mediated intracellular calcium release [8-(diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate HCI (TMB-8) and xestospongin], an inhibitor of receptor-Gi protein coupling (pertussis toxin), and a phospholipase C inhibitor (neomycin). Tat significantly increased levels of IP3 threefold. Secondary increases of neuronal [Ca2+]i in neurons were delayed and progressive as a result of excessive calcium influx and were inhibited by the glutamate receptor antagonists ketamine, MK-801, (+/-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid, and 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione. Secondary increases of [Ca2+]i did not occur when initial increases of [Ca2+]i were prevented with TMB-8, xestospongin, pertussis toxin, or neomycin, and these inhibitors as well as thapsigargin inhibited Tat-induced neurotoxicity. These results suggest that Tat, via pertussis toxin-sensitive phospholipase C activity, induces calcium release from IP3-sensitive intracellular stores, which leads to glutamate receptor-mediated calcium influx, dysregulation of [Ca2+]i, and Tat-induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing either the substance P receptor or neurokinin A receptor were constructed, isolated, and characterized. Equilibrium ligand binding studies performed on whole cells demonstrated that cell lines expressing either of these receptors contained a single class of high-affinity binding sites with an apparent KD of 0.16 nM for the substance P receptor and an apparent KD of 2.1 nM for the neurokinin A receptor. The higher affinity of substance P for its receptor was accounted for by both a greater association rate constant and a lesser dissociation rate constant. The time course and extent of ligand-stimulated inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate mass increases in both cell lines were similar and displayed rapid and transient kinetics. Ligand-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation was also apparent in the cell lines, although the time course and magnitude of the responses were substantially different, with the neurokinin A receptor mediating a greater and more prolonged response. These studies establish the presence of functional substance P receptors and neurokinin A receptors in the stably transfected cell lines and provide evidence for agonist-dependent differential stimulation of second messenger responses.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) is a ubiquitously expressed endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident calcium channel. Calcium release mediated by IP3Rs influences many signaling pathways, including those regulating apoptosis. IP3R activity is regulated by protein-protein interactions, including binding to proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressors to regulate cell death. Here we show that the IP3R binds to the tumor suppressor BRCA1. BRCA1 binding directly sensitizes the IP3R to its ligand, IP3. BRCA1 is recruited to the ER during apoptosis in an IP3R-dependent manner, and, in addition, a pool of BRCA1 protein is constitutively associated with the ER under non-apoptotic conditions. This is likely mediated by a novel lipid binding activity of the first BRCA1 C terminus domain of BRCA1. These findings provide a mechanistic explanation by which BRCA1 can act as a proapoptotic protein.  相似文献   

The Neurokinin 1 Receptor (NK1R), which binds Substance P, is expressed in discrete populations of neurons throughout the nervous system, where it has numerous roles including the modulation of pain and affective behaviors. Here, we report the generation of a NK1R‐CreER knockin allele, in which CreERT2 replaces the coding sequence of the TACR1 gene (encoding NK1R) in order to gain genetic access to these cells. We find that the NK1R‐CreER allele mediates recombination in many regions of the nervous system that are important in pain and anxiety including the amygdala, hypothalamus, frontal cortex, raphe nucleus, and dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Other cell types that are labeled by this allele include amacrine cells in the retina and fibroblasts in the skin. Thus, the NK1R‐CreER mouse line is a valuable new tool for conditional gene manipulation enabling the visualization and manipulation of cells that express NK1R.  相似文献   

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