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Variation exists in the sensitivity of individual rodents and humans to different bitter tastants. An absence of uniform correlation in responsiveness to different bitter substances across individuals within a species suggests heterogeneity in the mechanisms underlying stimulus processing within this taste modality. Here, we examined taste responsiveness of individual rats to three bitter compounds (quinine hydrochloride, denatonium benzoate, and cycloheximide) in short-term lick tests to determine the magnitude of covariation among responses to these stimuli and infer commonalities in their receptor and neural mechanisms. Rats were tested with a given pair of bitter stimuli during three sessions comprising randomized trial blocks of six concentrations of each stimulus + deionized water. Psychophysical functions were generated for individual rats for respective stimulus pairs, and concentrations of each stimulus that produced equivalent lick suppression relative to water were correlated across animals. Behavioral taste responsiveness to quinine hydrochloride strongly covaried with responsiveness to denatonium benzoate (r = +0.82). Lick responsiveness to quinine was less robustly correlated with that to cycloheximide (r = +0.44), and denatonium and cycloheximide responses failed to correlate. These results imply substantial overlap in the bitter taste coding mechanisms for quinine and denatonium but some degree of independence in the mechanisms responsible for gustatory processing of cycloheximide. More generally, these data reinforce the notion that bitter taste processing is not a homogeneous event.  相似文献   

Ethanol's taste attributes undoubtedly contribute to the development of drug preference. Ethanol's taste is both sweet and bitter. Taster status for bitter 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) has been proposed as a genetic marker for alcoholism; however, human results are conflicting. We collected preference scores for both tastants in 4 mouse strains selected on the basis of previously reported taste preference, with the generally accepted idea that inbred mice show minimal within-strain variation. Eighty-eight male mice (22 per strain) participated. The strains were as follows: C57BL/6J, ethanol preferring; BALB/cJ, ethanol avoiding; SWR/J, PROP avoiding; and C3HeB/FeJ, PROP neutral. Using a brief-access (1-min trials) 2-bottle preference test, we assessed the taste response of each strain to PROP and ethanol on separate days. Although PROP avoiding versus neutral mice could be segregated into significantly different populations, this was not the case for ethanol avoiding versus preferring mice, and all strains showed high variability. On average, only BALB/cJ, SWR/J, and C3HeB/FeJ mice conformed to their literature-reported preferences; nonetheless, there were a substantial number of discordant animals. C57BL/6J did not conform to previous results, indicating that they are ethanol preferring. Finally, we did not observe a significant relationship between PROP and ethanol preferences across strains. The high variability per strain and the number of animals in disagreement with their respective literature-reported preference raise concerns regarding their utility for investigations underlying mechanisms of taste-mediated ingestive responses. Absent postingestive consequences, the brief-access results suggest a possible degree of previously masked polymorphisms in taste preferences or a more recent drift in underlying genetic factors. The absence of a relationship between PROP and ethanol indicates that the bitter quality in ethanol may be more highly related to other bitter compounds that are mediated by different genetic influences.  相似文献   

全球哮喘患者有3亿多人。目前,约有一半患者的病情不能较好地用现有药物来控制。因此,寻找新的更有效的治疗哮喘病的药物是非常必要的。最近的研究发现,苦味受体(bitter taste receptors,Tas2rs)在呼吸系统中表达,且苦味剂对哮喘有治疗潜力,苦味受体可能成为哮喘治疗的新靶点。为此,本文研究了苦味化合物黄芩苷(baicalin,BA)对哮喘的干预作用,分析黄芩苷对哮喘小鼠呼吸道炎性细胞凋亡的干预作用及其与苦味信号转导的关系。选雄性BALB/c小鼠,随机分为对照组(CK组)、腹腔注射致敏加雾化吸入卵清蛋白(ovalbumin,OVA)激发制成的哮喘模型组(OVA组)和黄芩苷灌胃干预哮喘组(OVA+BA组)。结果发现,OVA组小鼠肺泡灌洗液中白细胞总数和分类细胞计数显著增加,黄芩苷干预组白细胞数量显著减少;HE染色后,OVA组小鼠肺组织中可见炎性细胞浸润、肺泡隔增厚和肺泡囊缩小,上述症状在OVA+BA组小鼠肺部明显减轻;实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测发现,肺组织中黏蛋白Muc5ac表达水平在OVA组明显增高(P <0.05),黄芩苷干预组显著低于OVA组(P <0.05)。OVA致敏哮喘小鼠呼吸道中Tas2r108、Tas2r126、Tas2r135和Tas2r143及其下游信号转导分子α-gust和Trpm5下调表达(P <0.05),促凋亡因子P53、Bax和胱天蛋白酶(caspase,Casp)Casp3转录抑制,凋亡抑制基因Bcl2上调表达,胱天蛋白酶3活性显著降低(P <0.05);黄芩苷干预组4个Tas2rs及苦味信号转导分子转录上调(P <0.05),促凋亡基因P53、Bax和Casp3转录上调,Bcl2转录抑制,胱天蛋白酶3活性显著高于OVA组(P <0.05)。结果表明,黄芩苷干预可激活哮喘鼠呼吸道苦味信号转导通路,并使呼吸道炎性细胞减少、黏蛋白分泌减少。即苦味物质黄芩苷可能作为一种苦味受体激动剂,通过激活苦味信号转导系统促进呼吸道炎性细胞凋亡,减轻肺部炎症和损伤,缓解哮喘发作。  相似文献   

Lee  HD; O'Mahony  M 《Chemical senses》1998,23(4):403-410
Better discrimination was possible between phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) solutions and the pure solvent when the solvent was a tasteless low- concentration NaCl solution to which the subject had adapted than when the solvent was purified water. The reverse was true for 6-n- propylthiouracil (PROP). The differences in discrimination for PROP and PTC in the different solvents were caused by differences in the intensity and persistence of aftertastes, rather than a more intense perception of the PTC and PROP tastes per se. This has consequences for traditional approaches to measuring taste sensitivity, as well as indicating that PTC and PROP are not necessarily equivalent indicators of 'taster' versus 'non-taster' status.   相似文献   

The perceived bitterness intensity for bitter solutions of propylthiouracil (PROP), sucrose octa-acetate (SOA), quinine HCl and caffeine were examined in a genetically informative sample of 392 females and 313 males (mean age of 17.8 +/- 3.1 years), including 62 monozygotic and 131 dizygotic twin pairs and 237 sib pairs. Broad-sense heritabilities were estimated at 0.72, 0.28, 0.34, and 0.30 for PROP, SOA, quinine, and caffeine, respectively, for perceived intensity measures. Modeling showed 1) a group factor which explained a large amount of the genetic variation in SOA, quinine, and caffeine (22-28% phenotypic variation), 2) a factor responsible for all the genetic variation in PROP (72% phenotypic variation), which only accounted for 1% and 2% of the phenotypic variation in SOA and caffeine, respectively, and 3) a modest specific genetic factor for quinine (12% phenotypic variation). Unique environmental influences for all four compounds were due to a single factor responsible for 7-22% of phenotypic variation. The results suggest that the perception of PROP and the perception of SOA, quinine, and caffeine are influenced by two distinct sets of genes.  相似文献   

Vertebral columns were dissected and analyzed after birth with oral administration of silicon for 4 wk and for 8 wk. The silicon level was lower (20 μg/g) at the beginning. It remains unchanged after 4 wk and then increases twice as much as that for those mice bred for 8 wk than those bred for 4 wk. This increase depends remarkably on the mass ratio of Si/Ca (M/M). The ratio increases to three times higher than that of the control at the beginning of the experiments (5 wk after birth). Although the S and P contents appeared to be lower, these increased when Si was administered in combination with phosphopeptide. Other elements, such as Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn, appeared to be unchanged as the weeks proceeded. These findings seem to support a proposal that silicon is necessary for the growth of backbones in mice.  相似文献   

The strong bitter peptide, Phe-Phe-Pro-Arg, activated cultured cells expressing either of the known human bitter taste receptors, hTAS2R8 and hTAS2R39. The partial structure of Pro-Arg activated hTAS2R39, but did not activate hTAS2R8. These receptors may not indiscriminately recognize bitter peptides, but have a differential function in their recognition.  相似文献   

The SMC5/6 complex is the least understood of SMC complexes. In yeast, smc5/6 mutants phenocopy mutations in sgs1, the BLM ortholog that is deficient in Bloom's syndrome (BS). We here show that NSMCE2 (Mms21, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae), an essential SUMO ligase of the SMC5/6 complex, suppresses cancer and aging in mice. Surprisingly, a mutation that compromises NSMCE2‐dependent SUMOylation does not have a detectable impact on murine lifespan. In contrast, NSMCE2 deletion in adult mice leads to pathologies resembling those found in patients of BS. Moreover, and whereas NSMCE2 deletion does not have a detectable impact on DNA replication, NSMCE2‐deficient cells also present the cellular hallmarks of BS such as increased recombination rates and an accumulation of micronuclei. Despite the similarities, NSMCE2 and BLM foci do not colocalize and concomitant deletion of Blm and Nsmce2 in B lymphocytes further increases recombination rates and is synthetic lethal due to severe chromosome mis‐segregation. Our work reveals that SUMO‐ and BLM‐independent activities of NSMCE2 limit recombination and facilitate segregation; functions of the SMC5/6 complex that are necessary to prevent cancer and aging in mice.  相似文献   

Fluid licking in mice is an example of a rhythmic behavior thought to be under the control of a central pattern generator. Inbred strains of mice have been shown to differ in mean or modal interlick interval (ILI) duration, suggesting a genetic-based variation. We investigated water licking in the commonly used inbred strains C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2), using a commercially available contact lickometer. Results from 20-min test sessions indicated that D2 mice lick at a faster rate than B6 mice (10.6 licks/s vs. 8.5 licks/s), based on analysis of the distribution of short-duration ILIs (50-160 ms). This strain difference was independent of sex, extent of water deprivation or total number of licks. D2 mice also displayed a faster lick rate when the strains were tested with a series of brief (5 s) trials. However, when ingestion over the entire 20-min session was analyzed, it was evident that D2 mice had an overall slower rate of ingestion than B6 mice. This was because of the tendency for D2 mice to have more very long pauses (>30 s) between sequences of licking bursts. Overall, it appeared that D2 mice licked more efficiently, ingesting more rapidly during excursions to the spout that were fewer and farther between.  相似文献   

Sensory systems are attractive evolutionary models to address how organisms adapt to local environments that can cause ecological speciation. However, tests of these evolutionary models have focused on visual, auditory, and olfactory senses. Here, we show local adaptation of bitter taste receptor genes in two neighboring populations of a wild mammal—the blind mole rat Spalax galili—that show ecological speciation in divergent soil environments. We found that basalt-type bitter receptors showed higher response intensity and sensitivity compared with chalk-type ones using both genetic and cell-based functional analyses. Such functional changes could help animals adapted to basalt soil select plants with less bitterness from diverse local foods, whereas a weaker reception to bitter taste may allow consumption of a greater range of plants for animals inhabiting chalk soil with a scarcity of food supply. Our study shows divergent selection on food resources through local adaptation of bitter receptors, and suggests that taste plays an important yet underappreciated role in speciation.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(11):2051-2067.e5
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The satiating effects of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) and bombesin (BBS) when injected alone and in combination were compared in intact rats. When injected alone, both CCK-8 and BBS elicited a dose-related decrease of 30-minute food intake. Injections of BBS were less potent than the equivalent doses of CCK-8 in producing satiety. BBS reached an asymptotic level of suppression of approximately 40 percent at a dose of 2 micrograms/kg, whereas injections of 4 micrograms/kg of CCK-8 resulted in a 72 percent suppression of food intake. When the two peptides were administered in a single injection, the resulting suppression of food intake was equivalent to that which would be predicted if their effects were completely additive. These results support the hypothesis that CCK-8 and BBS act via independent mechanisms to induce satiety. A preliminary model of peptidergic satiety, based on this hypothesis, is proposed.  相似文献   

We examined the necessity of alpha-gustducin, a G protein alpha-subunit expressed in taste cells, to taste-mediated licking responses of mice to sapid stimuli. To this end, we measured licking responses of alpha-gustducin knock-out (Gus-/-) mice and heterozygotic littermate controls (Gus+/-) to a variety of 'bitter', 'umami', 'sweet', 'salty' and 'sour' taste stimuli. All previous studies of how Gus-/- mice ingest taste stimuli have used long-term (i.e. 48 h) preference tests, which may be confounded by post-ingestive and/or experiential effects of the taste stimuli. We minimized these confounds by using a brief-access taste test, which quantifies immediate lick responses to extremely small volumes of sapid solutions. We found that deleting alpha-gustducin (i) dramatically reduced the aversiveness of a diverse range of 'bitter' taste stimuli; (ii) moderately decreased appetitive licking to low and intermediate concentrations of an 'umami' taste stimulus (monosodium glutamate in the presence of 100 microM amiloride), but virtually eliminated the normal aversion to high concentrations of the same taste stimulus; (iii) slightly decreased appetitive licking to 'sweet' taste stimuli; and (iv) modestly reduced the aversiveness of high, but not low or intermediate, concentrations of NaCl. There was no significant effect of deleting alpha-gustducin on licking responses to NH4Cl or HCl.  相似文献   

Mice of the SWR/J (SW) strain avoid orally delivered sucrose octa-acetate (SOA), whereas the mice of the C3HeB/FeJ (C3) strain are insensitive to SOA. Mice of both strains and of a congenic strain (C3.SW) that shares more than 99% of the C3 genome, were tested in a taste-salient brief-access taste test for responses to SOA and quinine hydrochloride, before and after transection of the glossopharyngeal or chorda tympani nerve, or sham surgery. Prior to surgery, congenic SOA tasters (C3.SW(T)) were phenotypically identical to the SW strain in avoidance of SOA, but showed a greater reduction in sensitivity after nerve transection. For quinine avoidance, which is thought to be a polygenic trait, SW mice showed the greatest sensitivity to quinine, C3 the least and C3.SW(T) mice were different from both parental strains, showing intermediate sensitivity. Nerve transections had only a moderate effect on quinine sensitivity, suggesting that both anterior and posterior taste bud fields contribute to behavioral quinine avoidance. These findings are discussed with regard to the distribution in the oral cavity of putative taste receptors for quinine and SOA and the peripheral organization of bitter taste.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the distribution of thresholds of taste sensitivity to phenylthiourea (PTC) is unimodal was tested in a group of 367 rhesus monkeys. The distribution was found to be unimodal and highly skewed. The regression of taste thresholds of offspring on that of their father was 0.840±0.34. This estimate is consistent with an hypothesis of essentially no environmental influence. It was concluded that phenotypic variability at the PTC tasting locus in rhesus monkeys is almost totally determined by the non-additive influences of several genes on taste sensitivity.  相似文献   

鉴于哮喘病患病人数众多,约有一半的病人病情得不到较好的控制,急需新的治疗方法和药物.最近研究发现,苦味受体(bitter taste receptors,T2 Rs)在多个组织中表达,且苦味剂对哮喘有治疗潜力,T2Rs有可能成为哮喘治疗的新靶点.本文选C57BL/6小鼠随机分为对照组、二氧化硫(sulfur dioxi...  相似文献   

Cold tolerance, the ability to cope with low temperature stress, is a critical adaptation in thermally variable environments. An individual's cold tolerance comprises several traits including minimum temperatures for growth and activity, ability to survive severe cold, and ability to resume normal function after cold subsides. Across species, these traits are correlated, suggesting they were shaped by shared evolutionary processes or possibly share physiological mechanisms. However, the extent to which cold tolerance traits and their associated mechanisms covary within populations has not been assessed. We measured five cold tolerance traits—critical thermal minimum, chill coma recovery, short- and long-term cold tolerance, and cold-induced changes in locomotor behavior—along with cold-induced expression of two genes with possible roles in cold tolerance (heat shock protein 70 and frost)—across 12 lines of Drosophila melanogaster derived from a single population. We observed significant genetic variation in all traits, but few were correlated across genotypes, and these correlations were sex-specific. Further, cold-induced gene expression varied by genotype, but there was no evidence supporting our hypothesis that cold-hardy lines would have either higher baseline expression or induction of stress genes. These results suggest cold tolerance traits possess unique mechanisms and have the capacity to evolve independently.  相似文献   

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