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The aim of the present study was to assess the profiles of the exoglycosidases: N-acetyl-β-hexosoaminidase, β glucuronidase and β galactosidase, α mannosidase and α fucosidase in fibroblast culture undergoing replicative and stress-induced senescence. Half of the cell culture was grown in normal conditions, without the stressor, and the other half of the cell was treated with 0.15 mM tert-butylhydroperoxide. The activities of total N-acetyl-β-hexosoaminidase as well as β glucuronidase in the cell lysate were determined in duplicates using the method of Marciniak et al. The activities of β galactosidase, α mannosidase and α fucosidase in the cell lysate were determined in duplicates using the method of Chatteriee et al. with the modification by Zwierz et al. The activities of the exoglycosidases examined, with the exception of β glucuronidase, showed a significant increase between individual days of the experiment in both non-stressed and stressed fibroblast cell culture. On each day of the experiment, in the cell lysate of stressed fibroblasts, the activities of exoglycosidases were significantly higher compared to the non-stressed cells. There were very strong correlations between SA-β-GAL staining and b galactosidase activity on individual days of the experiment in both non-stressed and stressed fibroblast cell culture. Replicative and stress-induced senescence results in significant changes to the level of lysosomal exoglycosidases, and results in enhanced lysosomal degradative capacity.  相似文献   

Postnatal developmental changes in submandibular glands of rats and mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The submandibular glands of mice and rats are not fully developed at birth. In early postnatal life, differentiation of acini takes place before that of granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells. The latter develop from striated duct cells, and first appear in both species around 15 days of age. In mice their full development gets under way by 20 days of age and is rapid in males and slow in females, resulting in a clear sexual dimorphism in adults. In rats, GCT development is more protracted, and accelerates around 40 days of age, with no sexual dimorphism seen at any time. The course of postnatal development of several GCT cell products is correlated with the cytodifferentiation of these cells. Reliable data are available for the development of amylase, proteases (including kallikrein), renin, epidermal growth factor, and nerve growth factor. Preliminary information exists for a glucagon-like substance. Cytodifferentiation of GCT cells is under hormonal control. Androgens alone can not precociously induce GCT cells, but thyroid hormones can do so, acting either alone or synergistically with androgens.  相似文献   

With the sequential use of ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration and chromatofocusing, we have partially purified from extracts of the submandibular glands of rats a factor (referred to as submandibular gland's immunosuppressive factor or SMG-ISF) capable of inhibiting the in vitro proliferation of mitogen- and antigen-stimulated murine lymphocytes. The semi-purified suppressor fractions had an isoelectric point of 4.4 to 4.5 and consisted of at least three molecular species. These active fractions suppressed the mitogenic effects of Concanavalin A phytohemagglutinin, and lipopolysaccharide. In vitro immune reactions such as the mixed lymphocyte culture MLC reaction and the production of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) across major histocompatibility barriers in mice were also suppressed. These in vitro immunosuppressive effects required the addition of the suppressor fractions early after the initiation of the cultures and were reversed if the factor was removed from the cultures at least 48 to 72 hr before the completion of the assays. The active fractions did not affect the proliferation of CTLL 2 cells induced by interleukin 2 (IL 2), but inhibited the mitogenic and co-stimulatory effects of IL 1 on mouse thymocytes, and in this effect showed a dose-response relation suggestive of a competitive mechanism. These characteristics of SMG-ISF indicate a specific inhibition of the activity of IL 1.  相似文献   

1. Phosphofructokinases (PFKs) in immature and adult rat submandibular glands were purified to near homogeneity, and their properties were compared. 2. PFK in immature gland was less sensitive to inhibition by ATP than adult PFK. 3. Saturation curve for fructose 6-phosphate of PFK in immature gland was less sigmoidal than that of adult PFK indicating the lower cooperativity of subunits in immature PFK. 4. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate relieved PFK from inhibition by ATP in adult gland, but a similar effect was not clearly observed in immature gland PFK. 5. Adult PFK was a heterotetramer consisting of C-, M-, L-subunits, but in immature PFK another type of subunit, which was slightly smaller than L-subunit, existed in addition to C-, M- and L-subunits.  相似文献   

To study possible genotoxic effects of occupational exposure to vanadium pentoxide, we determined DNA strand breaks (with alkaline comet assay), 8-hydroxy-2'deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in whole blood leukocytes or lymphocytes of 49 male workers employed in a vanadium factory in comparison to 12 non-exposed controls. In addition, vanadate has been tested in vitro to induce DNA strand breaks in whole blood cells, isolated lymphocytes and cultured human fibroblasts of healthy donors at concentrations comparable to the observed levels of vanadium in vivo. To investigate the impact of vanadate on the repair of damaged DNA, co-exposure to UV or bleomycin was used in fibroblasts, and DNA migration in the alkaline and neutral comet assay was determined. Although, exposed workers showed a significant vanadium uptake (serum: median 5.38microg/l, range 2.18-46.35microg/l) no increase in cytogenetic effects or oxidative DNA damage in leukocytes could be demonstrated. This was consistent with the observation that in vitro exposure of whole blood leukocytes and lymphocytes to vanadate caused no significant changes in DNA strand breaks below concentrations of 1microM (50microg/l). In contrast, vanadate clearly induced DNA fragmentation in cultured fibroblasts at relevant concentrations. Combined exposure of fibroblasts to vanadate/UV or vanadate/bleomycin resulted in non-repairable DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) as seen in the neutral comet assay. We conclude that exposure of human fibroblasts to vanadate effectively causes DNA strand breaks, and co-exposure of cells to other genotoxic agents may result in persistent DNA damage.  相似文献   

Administration of cadmium (Cd) significantly increased the peroxidation markers such as malondialdehyde and protein carbonyls along with significant decrease in antioxidant markers such as super oxide dismutase and reduced glutathione in liver and kidney tissues. Cadmium also caused a significant alteration in hepatic and renal functional markers in serum viz. total protein, albumin, alanine transaminase, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. Prominent pathological changes observed in liver were severe vascular and sinusoidal congestion with diffuse degenerative changes and mononuclear infiltration into peripheral areas, while the kidney showed vascular and glomerular congestion, cloudy swelling of tubular epithelium. Coadministration of ethonolic extract of T. terrestris or vitamin E along with Cd significantly reversed the Cd induced changes along with significant reduction in Cd load.  相似文献   

The DNA-protein cross-links (DPC) in mouse thymocytes and spleen lymphocytes, the number of abnormal sperm heads (ASH) and the number of micronuclei (MN) in normochromatic erythrocytes (NCE) of peripheral blood were studied in mice exposed to long-term low-intensity gamma radiation (0.072 cGy/days) and/or cadmium with drinking water (0.01 mg Cd2+/l) for 20, 40 and 80 days. The dependence of DPC level on the total dose (exposure time) of gamma radiation and/or cadmium is nonlinear. The maximal level of DPC in cells of lymphoid organs upon exposure to gamma radiation or cadmium was recorded on the 40-th day, and under combined exposure on the 20-th day of the experiment. The long-term exposure to cadmium or gamma radiation causes an increase in the ASH frequency. The increase in frequencies of MN in NCE and reciprocal translocations in spermatocytes was not found.  相似文献   

Submandibular gland responses to sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve stimulation were studied in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Morphologically, the acinar cells in control glands were relatively uniform in size and contained electron-lucent granules. The granular ducts were distinguished by the presence of electron-dense granules. With the exception of intracellular lipid droplets and the presence of a few autophagosomes in diabetic glands, no consistent differences in acinar cell structure were observed. In contrast, the diameter of the granular ducts and the granule content of their cells were less in diabetic glands. At 3 weeks sympathetic flow rate, salivary protein concentration, and total protein output were unaffected by diabetes. Sympathetic flow rate was greater at 3 months, and the concentration of protein in the saliva was lower. In 6-month diabetic rats flow rate remained increased, but protein concentration and total protein output were reduced. The decrease in salivary protein concentration at 3 and 6 months was accompanied by a reduction in secretory granule release from acinar and granular duct cells. No consistent differences in flow rate, protein concentration, protein output, or secretory granule release were observed following parasympathetic stimulation. We conclude that the effects of diabetes on nerve-stimulated flow rate and protein release depend on the duration of diabetes and the type of stimulation, and are independent of one another.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of chromosomal aberrations (CA) in 175,229 cells from 1113 individuals, both unexposed and occupationally or environmentally exposed to heavy metals (mercury and lead), organic (styrene, formaldehyde, phenol and benzo(a)pyrene) and inorganic (sulfur and nitrogen oxides, hydrogen and ammonium fluorides) volatile substances and/or ionizing radiation was performed. In addition, 11,250 cells from 225 individuals were scored for the frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE). Increased frequencies of CA were found in all occupationally exposed groups. A principal difference between the exposure to heavy metals and organic substances was found: increase in the CA frequency was dependent on duration of exposure to mercury but not dependent on duration of exposure to styrene, formaldehyde and phenol. A higher CA incidence was found in lymphocytes of children living in the vicinity of a plant manufacturing phosphate fertilizers. This indicates that children are a sensitive study group for the assessment of environmental exposure. However, the results of SCE analysis in these children were inconclusive. Exposure to ionizing radiation was found to cause chromosome breaks and chromatid exchanges in Chernobyl clean-up workers and chromatid breaks, chromatid exchanges, dicentric chromosomes and chromosome translocations in workers from the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. The increased frequency of chromatid exchanges in individuals exposed to ionizing radiation was quite unexpected. This may be attributed to the action of some unrecognized life-style or occupational factors, or to be a result of radiation-induced genomic instability. Also an increased SCE frequency was found in lymphocytes of Chernobyl clean-up workers.  相似文献   

Repeated administration of the beta-adrenergic agonist isoprenaline (isoproterenol, IPR), which produces hypertrophic/hyperplastic enlargements of rat submandibular and parotid glands, induces synthesis of a secretory protein shown to be a cysteine proteinase inhibitor, rat cystatin S. In the current study, Northern blot and hybridizations in situ were carried out to establish the developmental and beta-adrenergic regulation of the expression of the cystatin S gene. Cystatin S mRNA was not detected in submandibular glands of 20-day-old fetuses, nor in the glands of newborn or 10-day-old rats. However, steady-state levels of cystatin S mRNA increased between 21 and 28 days, reaching a conspicuously high concentration at 28 days; cystatin S mRNA then declined rapidly to a barely detectable level in glands of 32-day-old rats. IPR administration for 4 days induced high levels of cystatin S mRNA in submandibular glands of developing and adult rats. In both prepubertal and mature animals, induction of cystatin S mRNA in submandibular glands was more pronounced in female than in male animals. Hybridizations in situ revealed cystatin S mRNA only in acinar but not in duct cells of the submandibular gland. Developmentally, expression of the cystatin S gene coincided with acinar cell differentiation. These data suggest a complex neural, hormonal and developmental regulation of salivary cystatin genes.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to benzene results in rats in the decrease of the lymphocyte count in the peripheral blood, the decrease of the beta-glucuronidase (BG) activity both in lymphocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes as well as in the damage to lysosomal apparatus of lymphocytes expressed in diffusion of the enzyme within the cell cytoplasm. Administration of selenium (sodium selenate) in dosis of 1.0 microgram/Kg during consecutive 10 days prior the exposure to benzene resulted in prevention of benzene-induced decrease of the BG activity in granulocytes and of a damage to lymphocyte lysosomes. Application of selenium in dosis of 5.0 microgram/Kg during the same time prior the exposure to benzene prevented the benzene-induced lymphocytopenia, induced the reactive increase of the granulocyte number, and caused, moreover, the prevention of the BG activity decrease in granulocytes. Simultaneously the increase of the BG-positive lymphocyte percentage was noted which was related to the increase of cells exhibiting the cytoplasmatic and extralysosomal localization of the enzyme. The results suggest that only smaller doses of sodium selenate prevented the damage to lysosomal membrane of lymphocytes induced by toxic effect of benzene.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves in the secretion of saliva from submandibular glands of rats have been tested by electrical stimulation of either nerve for 1 h unilaterally in separate animals. The flows of saliva thereby induced and their protein content were monitored. Structural changes in each gland were assessed by light- and electron microscopy and compared with the unstimulated contralateral control gland, and the extent of the changes was determined morphometrically. Sympathetic nerve stimulation induced a relatively low flow of saliva that was rich in protein and was accompanied by extensive degranulation from both acinar and granular duct cells. In contrast parasympathetic nerve stimulation induced a considerable flow of saliva that had a low protein content and no detectable degranulation occurred from the secretory cells. It is possible, therefore, that some protein in parasympathetic saliva may have arisen from a non-granular pathway.  相似文献   

The distribution of blood group antigens ABH in submandibular glands was studied at light and electron microscopy levels by applying ImmunoGold Silver Staining (IGSS) and post-embedding ImmunoGold (IGS) methods, respectively. In IGSS treated samples, a cytoplasmic and a surface form of antigen localization were discernible in the glandular parenchyma. The former was restricted to most mucous cells and to scattered serous cells: A and B antigens were demonstrated in mucous cells of A and B type glands, while H antigen appeared in most mucous and occasional serous elements regardless of the blood type of donors. The latter appeared as a strong H reactivity on cell surfaces of serous acini and ducts regardless of the patient blood type. The IGS method was applied both on non-osmicated samples embedded in LR White resin and on osmicated, Epon embedded samples. In non-osmicated tissues, antigen labelling was revealed in secretory granules and cell surfaces. Positive secretory granules were found in most mucous cells and occasional serous, intercalated, and striated duct cells. A and B antigens weakly reacted in mucous cells of A and B type glands, respectively, while strong H reactivity was seen in mucous, serous, intercalated and striated duct cells of glands of all types. Surfaces labelled with H antigen were found on both lumenal and basolateral membranes of striated ducts in glands of all types. IGS method applied on osmicated, Epon embedded samples, selectively revealed blood group antigens in secretory granules of serous cells but not in the apical vesicles of striated ductal cells. Cell surfaces were completely unreactive.  相似文献   

Pregnant rats were treated orally with aluminum lactate (400 mg Al/kg/day) during three periods of gestation to determine the treatment's influence on mortality, weight gain, neuromotor maturation, and learning abilities of their pups. No effect of treatment on litter size, mortality rate, and weight gain of pups was detected. In the negative geotaxis test, the scores of pups from females treated during the second and third weeks of gestation were diminished. In the locomotor coordination and the operant conditioning tests, significant differences in the comparison of controls vs. the three treated groups were found, indicating long-term effects of early intoxication upon the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Artesunate (AS), a rapid, effective, and safe antimalarial drug, has been used for the treatment of malaria for decades. However, severe embryolethality was found for injectable AS in pregnant animals. In the present study, pregnant rats were selected and dosed with AS (GMP product) intravenously (IV) and intramuscularly (IM) at varied doses daily for 13 days from gestation day (GD) 6 to 18. In addition, a toxic dose of 1.2 mg/kg/day was subsequently tested in the GD 6–10, GD 11–15, and GD 16–20 periods of rat pregnancy. A pharmacokinetic study was also conducted to evaluate the bioavailability of AS following the IM administrations. Results showed that no significant adverse effects were found in maternal rats. All of the fetuses were either damaged or reabsorbed by placentas in treated pregnant rats, but doses did not show an adverse effect at 0.4 and 0.5 mg/kg after IV and IM administrations, respectively. The survival rate of fetuses is dose-dependent and the 50% fetus re-absorption doses (FRD50) were 0.61 and 0.60 mg/kg following the IV and IM, respectively. The most drug-sensitive period, showing severe embryotoxicity, was between GD 11 and 15 for injectable AS. When calculated with total concentrations of AS and dihydroartemisinin, an active metabolite of AS, the bioavailability of 97.8% after intramuscular injection was fulfilled to a bioequivalence of that in intravenous treatment. The fact that injectable AS exhibited severe embryolethality after both IV and IM injections seems related to their comparable pharmacokinetic profiles that indicate high peak concentrations in pregnant animals. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 86:385–393, 2009. Published 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In atrophic parotid glands induced by liquid diet, acinar cell apoptosis is increased while proliferative activity is reduced. This study aimed to clarify how liquid diet affects submandibular and sublingual glands, including acinar cell apoptosis and proliferation. Seven-week-old male Wistar rats were fed either a liquid (experimental group) or pellet diet (control group) from 3 to 21 days, respectively. Submandibular and sublingual glands were weighed and examined histologically, ultrastructurally, and immunohistochemically using antibodies to cleaved caspase-3 (Casp-3) and 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU). Weights of submandibular and sublingual gland from the experimental group were not significantly different from controls at any time point. Histological and ultrastructural characteristics of experimental acinar cells in both glands were normal. Acinar cells in control and experimental submandibular glands were positively stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS) and weakly stained by alcian blue (AB). In control and experimental sublingual glands, mucous acinar cells were PAS-positive and strongly AB-positive. Although Casp-3- and BrdU-positive acinar cells were identified in both glands in the experimental group, their labeling indices were not significantly different from controls. In conclusion, liquid diet in rats does not induce atrophic alterations to acinar cells, including apoptosis and proliferative activity in submandibular and sublingual glands.  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Histology - Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the major metabolic diseases. Xerostomia and salivary gland dysfunction are of its common oral complications. Exosomes, as a new...  相似文献   

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