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The switch from HbA (α2β2A) to HbC (α2β2C) synthesis was induced by injection of erythropoietin into a lamb homozygous for HbA. Serial samples of bone marrow were analyzed to detect the initial commitment of erythroid stem cells (CFU-E) to form colonies which made HbC in vitro, and to detect the initial accumulation of βC-globin mRNA and the onset of HbC synthesis in erythroblasts in vivo. CFU-E-derived erythroid colonies were formed in plasma clot culture at a low erythropoietin concentration, and the relative amounts of βA- and βC-globin synthesized were determined after a 24 hr pulse of 3H-leucine, added after 84 hr in culture. RNA was extracted from nuclei and cytoplasm of “early” and “late” populations of bone marrow erythroblasts which had been fractionated by Ficoll-Hypaque density centrifugation. The concentration of βA- and βC-globin mRNA was determined by annealing to purified synthetic DNAs (cDNAs) complementary to βA and βC mRNA. No βC-globin was synthesized in erythroblasts or in CFU-E-derived erythroid colonies prior to the injection of erythropoietin. An increase in the concentration of CFU-E in the bone marrow and the appearance of βC-globin synthesis in CFU-E-derived colonies were detected 12 hr after the erythropoietin injection. In contrast, βC mRNA was not detected in either “early” or “late” erythroid cells until 36 hr later. The first measurable βC-globin mRNA was accompanied by the appearance of βC-globin synthesis in bone marrow erythroblasts. Our results suggest that the accumulation of βC-globin mRNA is a relatively late event following induction of HbA to HbC switching by erythropoietin. The expansion of the compartment of erythroid stem cells and the commitment of CFU-E to βC-globin synthesis appear to precede the detectable accumulation of βC mRNA by 24–36 hr.  相似文献   

A unique group of mutations (amer) in the dihydrofolate reductase (5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate:NADP+ oxidoreductase, EC structural gene of Diplococcus pneumoniae determine a marked overproduction of the corresponding enzyme protein. Since findings with these mutations relate to a key metabolic function and may be important to the regulation of folate coenzyme synthesis in general, the same group of multations were also examined for their effects on a number of related enzymic activities. Mutant and wild-type cell-free extracts, in addition to dihydrofolate reductase activity, exhibited both dihydropteroate and dihydrofolate synthetic activities under the conditions employed. Four folate coenzyme-related enzyme activities could also be demonstrated with the same preparations. These are mediated by the following enzymes, serine hydroxymethyl transferase (l-serine: tetrahydrofolate 10-hydroxymethyl tranferase, EC, 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate: NADP+ oxidoreductase, EC, 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (formate: tetrahydrofolate ligase (ADP-forming), EC and glutamate formiminotransferase (N-formimino-l-glutamate: tetrahydrofolate 5-formiminotransferase, EC The amer mutations examined in the current study determined 3–80-fold increases in dihydrofolate reductase in comparison to the wild type. However, none of the other folate-related enzyme activities were altered. The possible significance of these findings in light of previous results is discussed.  相似文献   

The basal and ethanol-induced activities of the rate-limiting enzyme of heme biosynthesis, δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase were measured in the liver, heart, kidney, and brain of young, adult, and aged Sprague-Dawley rats. When assayed in whole mitochondria derived from either fed or 24-h fasted animals, the basal levels of hepatic ALA synthetase activity decreased dramatically as a function of age. An equivalent decrease was seen in the ethanol-induced activity although the ratio of induced to basal activities did not change with age. In the heart, ALA synthetase activity also decreased significantly during aging. The activity was not induced by ethanol and was decreased markedly by fasting. By contrast, kidney ALA synthetase activity showed no age-related changes. The activity was unaffected by fasting and showed a variable induction response to ethanol. Brain ALA synthetase activity displayed a significant age-dependent decrease in its activity which was neither affected by fasting nor sensitive to induction by ethanol. The data presented are consistent with the hypothesis that ALA synthetase activity is subject to metabolic regulation. Further, they indicate that while the enzyme activity is regulated in a tissuespecific manner, a time-dependent decrease is a general feature of the aging animal.  相似文献   

We have determined the relative amounts of subunits of larval serum proteins (LSPs) 1 and 2 during larval development in Drosophila melanogaster. These results indicate that synthesis of polypeptide subunits of LSP-1 and LSP-2 is coordinate: the proteins are first detected at the same time; they accumulate in a coordinate fashion; their RNAs are first detected at the same time; the RNAs also accumulate in similar relative amounts. Analyses of fat body polypeptides and fat body RNA indicate that synthesis of LSP-1 declines at a time when there are still substantial quantities of LSP-1 RNA in the cytoplasm. Cessation of LSP-1 subunit synthesis occurs before cessation of LSP-2 synthesis, indicating that at late times the genes (or mRNAs) for these two proteins are subject to different "switch-off" controls.  相似文献   

The effects of timing and duration of cytochalasin B (CB) treatment on the kinetics of the initiation of DNA synthesis in mono- and binucleate HeLa cells, synchronized in the G1 phase of the cell cycle by the reversal of a mitotic block (N2O at 80 PSI), were studied. In the control, bi-, tri- and tetranucleate cells entered S phase slightly earlier than the mononucleate cells at a rate proportional to the number of their nuclei. The difference between any two adjacent sub-populations was less than 0.5 h. However, the binucleate cells produced by a 90 min CB treatment immediately after the reversal of the mitotic block exhibited a considerably shorter G1 period as compared to mononucleate cells (a difference of 1.5 h). This exaggerated difference in the duration of G1 period between mono- and binucleate cells disappeared when the CB treatment was delayed by 75 or 90 min indicating that it was an experimental artifact. From this study, we conclude that there is naturally some degree of nuclear cooperation in the multinucleate systems, particularly with regard to the initiation of DNA synthesis, which is not influenced by CB treatment.  相似文献   

Adult rat liver parenchymal cells were isolated by the collagenase perfusion technique and cultured as a monolayer for up to 20 h. The quantity of zinc accumulated from the extracellular environment was significantly increased by adding physiological concentrations of certain glucocorticoids to the medium. The degree of stimulation was directly related to glucocorticosteroids potency. Sex steroids, certain peptide hormones and prostaglandins E2 and F2α did not influence zinc accumulation.Control cells exhibited a decline of zinc accumulation after 4 h in culture although uptake processes were still operative. When dexamethasone, the most potent glucocorticoid used, was present in the medium the cells accumulated zinc at a linear rate greater than that seen in control cells, for at least 20 h. The dexamethasone-induced stimulation of zinc accumulation was relatively specific since 45Ca, 14C-labelled amino acids and [35S]cystine accumulation was not influenced by the hormone. A lag of 4 h was observed before an effect of dexamethasone on zinc accumulation could be detected. Moreover, the hormone-stimulated phase of accumulation was blocked when the cells were simultaneously incubated with either actinomycin D or cycloheximide. The additional complement of zinc accumulated by the dexamethasone-treated cells was localized in the cytosol fraction. Gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatorgraphy confirmed that this additional cytosol zinc was bound to metallothionein. [35S]Cystine was incorporated into metallothionein in hormone-treated cells indicating that the protein was synthesized de novo during periods of enhanced zinc accumulation.  相似文献   

The effect of aging on the lipid composition of hepatic mitochondria has been determined using a rigorously defined group of Fischer 344 rats with known survivorship data. The age groups studied included mature adults as controls (8.5-month, 100% survivorship); an intermediate aged group (17.5-month, 90% survivorship); and an aged group (29-month, 20% survivorship). Lipid extracts of mitochondria were prepared using chloroform-methanol (2:1, by volume) and total phospholipid-Pi, cholesterol (free and esterfied), and phospholipid composition were determined. In the aged animals, total phospholipid-Pi decreased significantly (P = 0.019) whereas cholesterol increased (P = 0.048) with a progressive aging-dependent increase in the molar ratio of cholesterol/phospholipid. The lower total phospholipid content of hepatic mitochondria from the aged 29-month animals was due primarily to decreases in the major phospholipids with the most notable decrease being in cardiolipin (approximately 39%). Steady-state fluorescence polarization using 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene as the probe was used to estimate the lipid structural order parameter of hepatic mitochondria. There was a highly significant (P = 0.01) aging-dependent increase in the lipid structural order parameter which correlated well with the increased molar ratio of cholesterol/phospholipid in the hepatic mitochondria isolated from the aged animals. The data suggest alterations in mitochondrial membrane lipid-protein interactions in aging and are consistent with the hypothesis of impairment of membrane function in the aging process.  相似文献   

A simple model for ferrous cytochrome P-450 has been investigated by proton and carbon-13 Fourier transform NMR. In the proton spectrum of the β-phenethyl mercaptan-protoheme-CO complex, the protons α and β to mercaptide sulfur are observed 2.62 and 0.62 ppm upfield of tetramethylsilane. The 13CO spectra show characteristic shifts at 204.7 and 197.0 δ for neutral and deprotonated mercaptan complexes, respectively.  相似文献   

The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) have been assayed in mouse oocytes at several stages of follicle development isolated from XX and XO female mice. Throughout the entire growth period the activity of G6PD was proportional to the number of X chromosomes present in the oocyte, whereas no difference in LDH activity was detected between XX and XO oocytes. It is concluded, therefore, that both X chromosomes are functional throughout oogenesis.  相似文献   

A spontaneous polar mutation located in the region of an intercistronic border in the hiatidine operon of Salmonella was isolated in our laboratory. The mutant, R81, tests as a frameshift in reversion experiments but is prototrophic, capable of growth without histidine supplements despite lowered levels of certain histidine enzymes. The mutation affects the operator distal end of the D gene, causing production of an active histidinol dehydrogenase enzyme with an altered C-terminus. The mutation severely affects expression of the immediately succeeding gene in the translation sequence, hisC, suggesting either that the D–C border and possibly hisC are physically altered or that their normal function in translation is seriously impaired. We have previously described the fortuitous production from R81 of a non-polar derivative with fused D and C genes. This strain produces a bifunctional enzyme with normally separate dehydrogenase and aminotransferase activities present on dimers or multimers of a single fused polypeptide chain. We have now investigated in greater detail the R81 mutation by amino acid sequencing of the C-terminus of altered histidinol dehydrogenase. We find that the R81 mutation causes the addition of a “tail” of four amino acid residues to an otherwise normal dehydrogenase polypeptide chain. The results support our previous suggestion that the R81 mutation profoundly effects the D–C gene border and that this effect is prerequisite to gene fusion.  相似文献   

Growth and function of primary cultures of granulosa cells obtained from immature, hypophysectomized, estrogen-treated rats were compared in serum-containing and serum-free media. In serum-free medium (1:1 mixture of DMEM:F-12) supplemented with insulin, hydrocortisone, transferrin and fibronectin (4F medium), the cells remained healthy and steroidogenically responsive for at least 60 days in culture. The growth profile of the granulosa cells in 4F medium was similar to that obtained in serum-containing medium. In both media cell proliferation did not exceed more than one cell doubling. DMEM:F-12 alone did not support the cell viability. Upon FSH stimulation, the cells produced 25 fold more progestin and estrogen per cell in 4F medium than in medium supplemented with 5% serum. This effect was not directly related to serum proteins which mediate cell adhesion since cells cultured in dishes precoated with serum remained steroidogenically responsive to FSH. Cholera toxin and Bt2-cAMP readily stimulated progestin production in the presence of serum. The inhibitory effect of serum was not reversed by adding the four factors to serum-containing medium. The factors were essential for the FSH-induced steroidogenesis in serum-free medium. After four days of incubation in 4F medium, the cells showed a transient loss of their ability to produce progestin in response to FSH. In both 4F medium as well as in serum-containing medium, the cells regained their hormonal responsiveness after 35 days in culture. Since the loss of hormonal responsiveness occurred at the same time as growth was initiated in the cultures, it is suggested that the FSH-induced steroidogenesis is negatively controlled by growth-related processes.  相似文献   

Covalent structural analysis of two of the three cyanogen bromide fragments from yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC, pyrophosphate phosphohydrolase) was undertaken by a strategy involving both automated Edman degradation and conventional sequence analysis. Automated degradation of intact, reduced and carboxymethylated pyrophosphatase provided the sequence of the first 34 residues in the NH2-terminal 45-residue peptide, CNBr VI, in addition to a partial sequence through 50 cycles which confirmed the overlap into the internal fragment, CNBr III. The sequence of CNBr VI was completed through analysis of peptides derived from hydrolysis of the fragment with trypsin and chymotrypsin. Structural analysis of CNBr III has provided the sequence of the first 55 amino acids in this 103-residue fragment. The sequence was established by conventional and automated procedures applied to the analysis of tryptic peptides generated from the citraconylated fragment. These findings constitute the sequence of the first 100 residues in the pyrophosphatase subunit and, together with structural information obtained earlier, define over half of the covalent structure of the molecule. Moreover, the sequence derived thus far permits the placement of a number of amino acids that are of importance relative to studies of the enzyme mechanism, and with regard to analysis of its three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Receptor content in cultured kidney (LLC-PK1) cells was found to be modulated following the introduction of a culture medium change, declining to 40% of control values at 18 h. Scatchard analysis indicated that the reduced 1,25(OH)2-[3H]D3 nuclear binding we detected was due to decreased abundance of receptors (3811 vs 1619 sites/cell) with no change in the Kd (0.4-0.5 nM). Cells with reduced receptors exhibited diminished ability to respond to 1,25(OH)2D3 as measured by induction of 25(OH)vitamin D-24-hydroxylase activity. There was a close coupling between decreased receptor levels and diminished hormone responsiveness. The data suggest the absence of "spare" receptors and that receptor abundance is a limiting factor in cell responsiveness to 1,25(OH)2D3.  相似文献   

DbcAMP, when added at 10?3M for the first 12 hr, can increase the number of AFC to SRBC (a TD antigen) and POL (a TI antigen) in antigen-stimulated CBA/ J spleen cell cultures. The cellular basis of dbcAMP action was therefore investigated. It was found that dbcAMP does not act by a direct B cell effect. It also does not stimulate the activity of T helper cells, and it inhibits the function of macrophages. The stimulatory activity of dbcAMP to anti-SRBC and anti-POL responses is through inhibition of a θ-bearing regulator (or suppressor) cell. Removal of T cells by anti-θ treatment has the same effect on the anti-POL response as treatment with dbcAMP. Furthermore, in the absence of T cells, the enhanced anti-POL response was insensitive of dbcAMP treatment. The data also support the hypothesis that the number of anti-SRBC AFC formed is regulated by the ratio of T helper to T regulator cells.  相似文献   

We describe the construction of a series of vectors suitable for gene cloning in the Cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans R2. From the indigenous plasmid pUH24, derivatives were constructed with streptomycin as the selective marker; one of these plasmids was used to construct pUC303, a shuttle vector capable of replication in A. nidulans R2 as well as in Escherichia coli K12. It has two markers, streptomycin and chloramphenicol resistance, and three unique restriction sites. Instability of recombinant plasmids was overcome by using a derivative of A. nidulans R2 cured of the indigenous plasmid pUH24. This strain, R2-SPc, can be transformed stably and at high frequency by the plasmids described in this paper. The combination of the cured strain R2-SPc and the new plasmid pUC303 serves as a suitable host-vector system for gene cloning in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

J Nathans  D S Hogness 《Cell》1983,34(3):807-814
We have isolated cDNA clones generated from the mRNA encoding the opsin apoprotein of bovine rhodopsin and used these cDNAs to isolate genomic DNA clones containing the complete opsin gene. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cloned DNAs has yielded a complete amino acid sequence for bovine rhodopsin and provided an intron-exon map of its gene. The mRNA homologous sequences in the 6.4 kb gene consist of a 96 bp 5' untranslated region, a 1044 bp coding region, and a surprisingly long approximately 1400 bp 3' untranslated region, and are divided into five exons by four introns that interrupt the coding region. Secondary structure analysis predicts that the bovine rhodopsin chain, like that of bacteriorhodopsin, contains seven transmembrane segments. Interestingly, three of the four introns are immediately distal to the codons for three of these segments, and one of these introns marks the boundary between the C-terminal domain and a transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

The plasmid pCS194, generated in vivo by recombination of two Staphylococcus aureus plasmids, pC194 and pS194, coding, respectively, for chloramphenicol (Cm) and streptomycin (Sm) resistance, can be replicated also in Bacillus subtilis in the presence of either of the two antibiotics. In their absence, no segregation of the individual components is observed, but the whole plasmid is lost at a rate of about 10% per generation. The unique EcoRI site of pCS194 is located in the SmR determinant. EcoRI-cleaved pCS194 has been joined to an EcoRI-linearized Escherichia coli replicon, the in vitro recombinant pHisG plasmid, composed of the vector pBR313 plus a BglII-segment of E. coli chromosomal DNA, containing a functional hisG gene. The ligation mixture has been used to transform either E. coli or B. subtilis. Following E. coli transformation and selection for ApR and CmR (the latter is expressed in E. coli by the pC194 determinant), two his+ clones were picked at random and the plasmids extracted. These appear identical and contain the original segments. Conversely, after transformation of B. subtilis and selection for CmR, only his? clones have been obtained. From them, deleted plasmids have been extracted. They have lost part or, more frequently, all of the E. coli DNA insert. In the latter case also most of the bracketing pS194 sequence has been lost, and the resulting plasmids are almost identical to pC194, the CmR parent of pCS194. When the intact recombinant plasmids, isolated from his+ ApR CmRE. coli clones, have been used to transform B. subtilis cells for CmR, again deleted plasmids almost identical to pC194 have been obtained. The events causing these rearrangements occur after in vitro ligation, during either transformation or early propagation of the plasmids, and are probably caused by a translocatable element present in pCS194. A detailed physical map of pC194, carrying the restriction sites for HindIII, HaeIII, HpaII, MboII, AluI, HhaI, and BglI, is presented.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to identify cell surface markers specific for different phases of the cell cycle. Antisera were prepared in rabbits against membrane protein preparations from synchronized BW 5147 cells, an AKR mouse T-lymphoma cell line, in the G1, S, G2 or M phases of the cell cycle. These antisera were used to precipitate radioiodinated surface proteins from synchronized cells in the different phases. The immunoprecipitates were quantitatively analyzed by sodiumdodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Cells in S phase had significantly higher concentrations of proteins weighing 70 × 103 and 165 × 103 D than cells in G1 or G2 phase. The other major labeled surface components did not vary. These results were confirmed by quantitative absorption of the antisera with synchronized cells. Comparative analysis of the antisera showed that the 165 × 103 D peak contained at least two antigens, one recognized by both a-G1 and a-S and the other by a-G1 only. Though cells in S phase had large quantities of the 70 × 103 D protein, intact and SDS-solubilized membrane preparations from S phase could not elicit in rabbits any antibody against that protein. These antisera did, however, have good antibody titers to the other major protein peaks and the antisera developed against cells in G1, G2 or M had good anti-70 × 103 activity. The results suggest a qualitative molecular change in the 70 × 103 protein during S phase.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster gene Sgs4 encodes one of the glue polypeptides, sgs-4, synthesized in the larval salivary gland. We have examined the structure and expression of Sgs4 in five strains that produce abundant amounts of sgs-4 and its mRNA and in four that do not. The nonproducers include three Japanese strains that accumulate trace amounts of mRNA and one strain, BER-1, that contains no detectable Sgs4 RNA. Sgs4 carries a tandem array of repeated 21 bp elements within its coding sequence. The number of elements per array varies, causing considerable differences in the lengths of Sgs4 and its mRNA among the strains. These differences in length are not correlated with differences in mRNA abundance; rather, the low or zero abundance in nonproducers correlates with the loss of DNA upstream from the gene. The Japanese nonproducers carry a 52 bp deletion 305 bp upstream from the 5′ end of Sgs4, and BER-1 carries a 95 bp deletion 392 bp upstream. Curiously, each deletion encompasses one or more of the salivary-gland-specific DNAase I-hypersensitive sites which are known to flank the Sgs4 gene.  相似文献   

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