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Preinduction of potent hapten-reactive helper T cell activity and subsequent immunization with hapten-coupled syngeneic tumor cells result in enhanced induction of tumor-specific immunity through T-T cell collaboration between anti-hapten helper T cells and tumor-specific effector T cells. On the basis of this augmenting mechanism, a tumor-specific immunotherapy protocol was established in which a growing tumor regresses by utilizing a potent trinitrophenyl (TNP)-helper T cell activity. C3H/He mice were allowed to generate the amplified (more potent) TNP-helper T cell activity by skin painting with trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB) after pretreatment with cyclophosphamide. Five weeks later, the mice were inoculated intradermally with syngeneic transplantable X5563 tumor cells. When TNCB was injected into X5563 tumor mass, an appreciable number of growing tumors, in the only group of C3H/He mice in which the amplified TNP-helper T cell activity had been generated were observed to regress (regressor mice). These regressor mice were shown to have acquired tumor-specific T cell-mediated immunity. Such immunity was more potent than that acquired in mice whose tumor was simply removed by surgical resection. These results indicate that in situ TNP haptenation of the tumor cells in TNP-primed mice can induce the enhanced tumor-specific immunity leading to the regression of a growing tumor. Most importantly, the present study further investigates the applicability of this TNP immunotherapy protocol to an autochthonous tumor system. The results demonstrate that an appreciable percent of growing methylcholanthrene-induced autochthonous tumors regressed by the above TNP immunotherapy protocol. Thus, the present model provides an effective maneuver for tumor-specific immunotherapy in syngeneic transplantable as well as autochthonous tumor systems.  相似文献   

Feng  Han  Zhao  Xiaohong  Xie  Jenny  Bai  Xue  Fu  Weiwei  Chen  Hairong  Tang  Hong  Wang  Xiaohu  Dong  Chen 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(6):1075-1090
Science China Life Sciences - T follicular helper (Tfh) cells are critical in providing help for B cells in the germinal center reaction. Tfh cell plasticity, especially with regard to their...  相似文献   

The induction of T cell tolerance in vitro was investigated by using HGG-specific murine helper T cell (Th) clones and cell lines. It was found that exposure of Th to monomeric HGG (tolerogen) for 18 hr rendered the Th unable to reconstitute the PFC response of HGG-primed B cells. The tolerant state was not a result of Th cell death, as up to 100% of Th could be recovered after exposure to the monomer, and in addition, the recovered cells proliferated in response to IL2. B cells were shown not to be significantly affected by the presence of monomeric HGG in amounts calculated to be carried over from the tolerization cultures into the assay cultures. Consequently, it was concluded that interaction between Th and monomeric HGG induced unresponsiveness at the T cell level. A comparison of the tolerogenic potential of monomeric, soluble, and aggregated HGG revealed that only the monomer could induce tolerance in Th. Monomeric HGG was also shown to induce tolerance in an antigen-specific manner. Th reactive to HGG could be tolerized by monomeric HGG, but not Th reactive to FGG or OVA. Helper function of Th was also shown to be antigen specific in that HGG-reactive Th helped only HGG-primed B cells. Certain HGG-specific Th clones were found to be refractory to tolerization with monomeric HGG, whereas other clones derived from the same uncloned cell line were tolerizable.  相似文献   

Summary The temporal relationships involved in T cell induction of immunoglobulin-secreting B cells have been studied by employing a pulse label technique, in vitro. It was shown that addition of rabbit thymocytes or splenic T cells to B cell-enriched splenocyte populations at the time of initiation of cultures resulted in a marked enhancement in induction of immunoglobulin-secreting cells. However, even a two-hour delay in the addition of thymus cells was sufficient to reduce substantially the extent of induction when measured 70 hours later. Besides this early requirement for thymocytes, a late requirement was also detectable. Thus, thymus cells and splenocyte populations upon being mixed, subsequent to being cultured separately for 72 hours, yielded a several-fold enhancement in [3H]-immunoglobulin secreted during the course of a 90-minute labeling period with [3H]-leucine. Moreover, both the early and late thymocyte effects were lost after treatment with anti-thymocyte serum and complement.The thymocyte-mediated enhancement of immunoglobulin secretion by splenocytes that occurs late in the induction process was detected with spleen cells cultured for two or three days but not with freshly-isolated splenocytes. Although the rate of appearance of extracellular immunoglobulins was markedly enhanced by fresh thymus cells, the rate of appearance of intracellular immunoglobulins in such spleen cells was unchanged. The secretion-stimulating (secretagogue) activity of thymocytes appeared to be specific in that thymus cells were without effect on the rate of secretion of serum albumin by liver cells.In regard to the induction of immunoglobulin-secreting cells, both B and T cell-enriched population's were sensitive to mitomycin C treatment performed before initiation of cell culture, indicating that not only B cells but also T cells undergo some form of differentiation or maturation prior to functioning in the induction of immunoglobulin-producing cells. It should be noted in this context that the late T cell requirement was unaffected by prior mitomycin C treatment of thymocytes. On the other hand, thymocytes heated at 60°C for 5 minutes did not enhance immunoglobulin secretion when added at any time and the late thymocyte requirement could not be replaced with medium in which thymocytes had been previously cultured.  相似文献   

T cell subset interactions in the regulation of syngeneic tumor immunity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Suppressor T cell (Ts) regulation of immunity to chemically induced syngeneic tumors has been investigated with regard to the mechanism of Ts stimulation and cell-to-cell communication. It has been determined that suppressor cells generated by the presence of tumor antigen participate in a suppressive circuit involving both cells and cell-derived factor(s) in the expression of suppressive effects. Evidence is provided that these interactions occur via idiotype--antiidiotype recognition in a manner similar to those in hapten-specific immune response. Conditions for induction of Ts activity in vivo have been artificially created by a variety of means, including the intravenous administration of soluble antigen and the inhibition of antigen-presenting function by anti-I-A antibodies or by in vivo treatment with ultraviolet irradiation. Suppression appears to be directed against the Ly-1+ cell, which mediates tumor immunity in this system. The summary of evidence suggest that responses to tumor antigen are in many aspects analogous to those occurring in response to more conventional antigens, but are subject to the dampening effects of suppressor cells generated continually during the period of primary tumor growth.  相似文献   

Tumor antigen-specific T helper cells in cancer immunity and immunotherapy   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
Historically, cancer-directed immune-based therapies have focused on eliciting a cytotoxic T cell (CTL) response, primarily due to the fact that CTL can directly kill tumors. In addition, many putative tumor antigens are intracellular proteins, and CTL respond to peptides presented in the context of MHC class I which are most often derived from intracellular proteins. Recently, increasing importance is being given to the stimulation of a CD4+ T helper cell (Th) response in cancer immunotherapy. Th cells are central to the development of an immune response by activating antigen-specific effector cells and recruiting cells of the innate immune system such as macrophages and mast cells. Two predominant Th cell subtypes exist, Th1 and Th2. Th1 cells, characterized by secretion of IFN- and TNF-, are primarily responsible for activating and regulating the development and persistence of CTL. In addition, Th1 cells activate antigen-presenting cells (APC) and induce limited production of the type of antibodies that can enhance the uptake of infected cells or tumor cells into APC. Th2 cells favor a predominantly humoral response. Particularly important during Th differentiation is the cytokine environment at the site of antigen deposition or in the local lymph node. Th1 commitment relies on the local production of IL-12, and Th2 development is promoted by IL-4 in the absence of IL-12. Specifically modulating the Th1 cell response against a tumor antigen may lead to effective immune-based therapies. Th1 cells are already widely implicated in the tissue-specific destruction that occurs during the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis. Th1 cells directly kill tumor cells via release of cytokines that activate death receptors on the tumor cell surface. We now know that cross-priming of the tumor-specific response by potent APC is a major mechanism of the developing endogenous immune response; therefore, even intracellular proteins can be presented in the context of MHC class II. Indeed, recent studies demonstrate the importance of cross-priming in eliciting CTL. Many vaccine strategies aim to stimulate the Th response specific for a tumor antigen. Early clinical trials have shown that focus on the Th effector arm of the immune system can result in significant levels of both antigen-specific Th cells and CTL, the generation of long lasting immunity, and a Th1 phenotype resulting in the development of epitope spreading.  相似文献   

The question of whether TH cells are required for the priming of CTL precursors (CTLp) in vivo was studied by using Txbm mice (Thymectomized, irradiated, and stem cell-reconstituted mice). In these mice, TNP-specific CTL could be induced in vitro with TNP-coupled spleen cells only if the cultures were supplemented with an IL 2-containing supernatant (ConAsup). In contrast to normal mice, TNP-specific Lyt-2-TH cells could not be induced by skin painting with trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB) (as tested by the ability to help CTL formation from thymocyte or normal spleen precursors). These data confirm previous findings that Txbm mice possess CTLp but that their TH compartment is deficient. TNCB skin painting had, however, a clear priming effect on the CTLp population: spleen cells from TNCB-painted mice could give rise to specific CTL with a lower amount of ConAsup than spleen cells from unprimed mice. In addition to this, priming changed the CTLp so that stimulation with lightly coupled cells (0.1 mM trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid [TNBS] instead of 10 mM TNBS) became effective. These changes took place without a significant increase in the frequency of TNP-specific CTL precursors. The data obtained are consistent with the concept that at least with some antigens, CTLp proliferation (clonal expansion), which is probably caused by activated TH cells, is not required for the induction of immunologic memory in vivo.  相似文献   

The H-2-compatible mouse strains, AKR and B10.BR, exhibit disparate responses to infection with the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis. The resistant AKR mice expel intestinal adult worms faster than susceptible B10.BR mice. We tested antibody and lymphokine responses in these strains. With respect to antibody responses, the B10.BR mice had 3- to 10-fold more serum IgE and T. spiralis-specific IgG1 and IgA than AKR mice. The B10.BR mice also had greater numbers of IgG and IgA plaque-forming cells than AKR mice. In contrast, AKR mice produced T. spiralis-specific IgG2a, whereas the B10.BR mice did not. The antibody response kinetics of these strains were similar. We also analyzed lymphokine secretion after restimulating lymphocytes in vitro with T. spiralis Ag. The AKR mesenteric lymph node cells produced more IFN-gamma and less IL-4 than the B10.BR mesenteric lymph node cells. The B10.BR splenocytes produced more IL-4 than the AKR splenocytes, although splenocyte IFN-gamma production was not different. The kinetics of IL-4 production also differed between the two strains. In summary, resistant AKR mice produced more IFN-gamma and T. spiralis-specific IgG2a than susceptible B10.BR mice, which produced more IL-4, IgE, and T. spiralis-specific IgG1. Our results are consistent with differential activation of Th cell subsets in T. spiralis-infected AKR and B10.BR mice.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of T helper 1 and T helper 2 cell differentiation   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  

The role of antigen-specific helper T cells in augmenting the in vivo development of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses was investigated. C3H/HeN mice were inoculated i.p. with vaccinia virus to generate virus-reactive helper T cell activity. These vaccinia virus-primed or unprimed mice were subsequently immunized subcutaneously (s.c.) with either trinitrophenyl (TNP)-modified syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-self), vaccinia virus-infected spleen cells (virus-self), or cells modified with TNP subsequent to virus infection (virus-self-TNP). Seven days later, these mice were tested for anti-TNP DTH responses either by challenging them directly with TNP-self into footpads or by utilizing a local adoptive transfer system. The results demonstrated that vaccinia virus-primed mice failed to generate significant anti-TNP DTH responses when s.c. immunization was provided by either virus-self or TNP-self alone. In contrast, vaccinia virus-primed mice, but not unprimed mice, could generate augmented anti-TNP DTH responses when immunized with virus-self-TNP. Anti-vaccinia virus-reactive helper activity was successfully transferred into 600 R x-irradiated unprimed syngeneic mice by injecting i.v. spleen cells from virus-primed mice. These helper T cells were found to be antigen specific and were mediated by Thy-1+, Lyt-1+2- cells. DTH effector cells enhanced by helper T cells were also antigen specific and were of the Thy-1+, Lyt-1+2- phenotype. Furthermore, vaccinia virus-reactive helper T cell activity could be applied to augment the induction of tumor-specific DTH responses by immunization with vaccinia virus-infected syngeneic X5563 tumor cells. T-T cell interaction between Lyt-1+ helper T cells and Lyt-1+ DTH effector T cells is discussed in the light of the augmenting mechanism of in vivo anti-tumor-specific immune responses.  相似文献   

Mice immunized with soluble proteins such as human serum albumin (HSA) or ovalbumin (OA) develop in their spleens antigen-specific T and B lymphocytes. These populations of lymphocytes can be separated from each other by different means; e.g. treatment with anti-theta-antiserum and complement removes selectively T lymphocytes, whereas passage through glass bead columns coated with mouse immunoglobulin (Ig): anti-Ig complexes creates a relatively pure population of T lymphocytes. During the course of such separation studies it was observed that the helper capacity of HSA (or OA) immune mouse spleen cells after Ig:anti-Ig column passage frequently was higher than expected from the enrichment in theta-positive cells. In addition, after adsorption onto antigen coated Bio-Gel beads this effect was even more pronounced, i.e., and increase in the relative helper capacity of about 3 or 4 times compared with an increase in the content of theta-positive cells from about 30% to 40 to 50% after adsorption. The present results will demonstrate that the increased helper capacity was a specific phenomenon which was regulated by theta-positive cells. The regulatory cells specifically adsorbed onto antigen-coated Bio-Gel beads have not been successfully eluted by EDTA or excess-free antigen so far, and they were still adsorbed after pre-incubation with anti-Ig antibodies under conditions where specific B lymphocyte adsorption was almost prevented.  相似文献   

Helper activity of several murine CD4+ T cell subsets was examined. Effector Th, derived from naive cells after 4 days of in vitro stimulation with alloantigen, when generated in the presence of IL-4, secreted high levels of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-6, and low levels of IL-2 and IFN-gamma, and induced the secretion of all Ig isotypes particularly IgM, IgG1, IgA, and IgE from resting allogeneic B cells. Effectors generated with IL-6 secreted IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IFN-gamma, and induced similar levels of total Ig, 25 to 35 micrograms/ml, but with IgM, IgG3, IgG1, and IgG2a isotypes predominating. Helper activity of these Th was significantly greater than that of effectors generated with IL-2 (10-15 micrograms/ml Ig) and of 24-h-activated naive and memory cells (2-4 micrograms/ml), both of which induced mainly IgM. Unlike other isotypes, IgE was induced only by effector Th generated with IL-4. Blocking studies showed that secretion of all isotypes in response to IL-6-primed effectors was dependent on IL-2, IL-5, and IL-6. IL-4 was required for optimal IgM, IgG1, and IgA secretion, but limited secretion of IgG2a, whereas IFN-gamma was required for optimal IgG2a secretion, and limited IgM, IgG1, and IgA. In contrast, secretion of all isotypes in response to IL-4-primed effectors was dependent on IL-5, although IL-4 and IFN-gamma were also essential for IgE and IgG2a, respectively. Addition of exogenous IL-5 to B cell cultures driven by IL-6-primed effectors did not obviate the requirement for IL-2, IL-4, and IL-6, suggesting that interaction of IL-4-primed effectors with B cells was qualitatively different from that of IL-6-primed effectors, driving B cells to a stage requiring only IL-5 for differentiation. Addition of exogenous factors to IL-2-primed effector Th, particularly IL-4 in the presence of anti-IFN-gamma, resulted in levels of Ig, including IgE, comparable to those induced with other effectors. These results show that functionally distinct Th cell subsets can be generated rapidly in vitro, under the influence of distinct cytokines, which vary dramatically in their levels of help for resting B cells. The cytokines involved in responses to distinct Th cells differ depending on the quality of interaction with the B cell, and the extent of help is strongly determined by the quantity and nature of cytokines secreted by the T cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that depending on their maturation state, dendritic cells (DC) could either induce T cell tolerance (immature and semimature DC) or T cell activation (mature DC). Pretreatment of C57BL/6 mice with encephalitogenic myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)(35-55) peptide-loaded semimature DC protected from MOG-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis. This protection was mediated by IL-10-producing CD4 T cells specific for the self Ag. Here we show that semimature DC loaded with the MHC class II-restricted nonself peptide Ag (OVA) induce an identical regulatory T cell cytokine pattern. However, semimature DC loaded simultaneously with MHC class II- and MHC class I-restricted peptides, could efficiently initiate CD8 T cell responses leading to autoimmune diabetes in a TCR-transgenic adoptive transfer model. Double-peptide-loaded semimature DC also induced simultaneously in the same animal partially activated CD8 T cells with cytolytic function as well as protection from MOG-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Our study suggests that the decision between tolerance and immunity not only depends on the DC, but also on the type and activation requirements of the responding T cell.  相似文献   

It has long been understood that both antibody and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses are induced through collaborative events in which the determinants recognized by the precursor cells must be physically linked to the determinants recognized by the helper. Although it is clear that the generation of memory cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) involves linked recognition of determinants, the induction of CTL responses has been viewed as being dependent upon interleukin 2 (IL 2), which could be provided by a helper cell, but independent of requirements for antigen bridging. In this work, we have designed a system that lacks exogenous IL 2 by using as our source of help, antigen-specific helper molecules derived from helper T cells. These soluble helper molecules are uncontaminated by IL 2 and unlike a helper cell, are unable to produce IL 2. Helper molecules specific for chicken red blood cells (Crbc) and for a synthetic polypeptide, poly 18, were tested. Thymocyte responders require a source of help to respond to alloantigens intrinsically expressed on the surface of adherent stimulator cells. To analyze the mechanism whereby the helper molecules acted, we used a system involving recognition of haptenic and carrier determinants that were physically linked by virtue of being located on the same cell surface (intra-structural linkage). Adherent stimulator cells were pulsed with Crbc or poly 18 so that the alloantigens recognized by the thymocyte CTLp (intrinsically expressed class I) were either linked or unlinked to the carrier determinants (Crbc or poly 18) presented by the adherent cells and recognized by the helper molecules. Both types of helper molecule were shown to be antigen-specific in crisscross experiments. The helper molecules specific for Crbc were able to induce the thymocyte CTLp only when both hapten and carrier were present on the same stimulator cell surface. Because we were not able to detect a requirement for H-2-restricted recognition of carrier antigen, this inductive event must be viewed as requiring linked associative recognition of determinants, but being noncognate. In contrast, the helper molecules recognizing poly 18 showed a requirement for both physical linkage of determinants and for H-2 restricted recognition, indicating that the mechanism of induction was cognate in nature. Therefore, we have shown that interactions between CTLp and soluble, antigen-specific, helper cell-derived inductive molecules are similar in nature to those of other T cell precursors and of B cells in the stringent requirement for close physical proximity achieved by linked or cognate recognition of determinants across an antigen bridge.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cells control the effector function, memory, and maintenance of CD8(+) T cells. Paradoxically, we found that absence of CD4(+) T cells enhanced adoptive immunotherapy of cancer when using CD8(+) T cells directed against a persisting tumor/self-Ag. However, adoptive transfer of CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells (Th cells) with tumor/self-reactive CD8(+) T cells and vaccination into CD4(+) T cell-deficient hosts induced autoimmunity and regression of established melanoma. Transfer of CD4(+) T cells that contained a mixture of Th and CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory cells (T(reg) cells) or T(reg) cells alone prevented effective adoptive immunotherapy. Maintenance of CD8(+) T cell numbers and function was dependent on Th cells that were capable of IL-2 production because therapy failed when Th cells were derived from IL-2(-/-) mice. These findings reveal that Th cells can help break tolerance to a persisting self-Ag and treat established tumors through an IL-2-dependent mechanism, but requires simultaneous absence of naturally occurring T(reg) cells to be effective.  相似文献   

A low culture temperature of 27 degrees C inhibited mouse primary in vitro anti-hapten plaque-forming cell responses to a thymus-dependent (TD) antigen (Ag) (trinitrophenyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin, TNP-KLH). In contrast, the magnitudes of secondary responses to TNP-KLH or primary responses to a thymus-independent (TI) Ag (TNP-lipopolysaccharide (LPS)) were unaffected. The low-temperature-sensitive step in the primary TD response occurred relatively early and preceded interleukin 2 (IL-2) secretion. Furthermore, the low-temperature-induced suppression could be obviated (rescued) by recombinant IL-2 or IL-4, but not by IL-1. Thus, the low temperature appeared to inhibit the function of virgin Th cells by preferentially affecting T cell-derived interleukin synthesis/secretion and not other cellular activities. These results also imply fundamental differences between the activation requirements of memory and virgin Th cells.  相似文献   

Enhancing effect of IFN-gamma on helper T cell activity and IL 2 production   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A single injection of young murine immune interferon (IFN-gamma) in young (3 mo) or old (14 to 24 mo) mice 3 days before carrier-priming significantly enhances helper T cell activity of their spleen cells. Maximal enhancement is attained when IFN-gamma is injected once immediately before priming or for 4 consecutive days from the time of priming. Helper activity for anti-TNP antibody response was titrated in vitro by adding graded numbers of spleen cells from HRBC-primed mice of a given age to cultures containing a constant number of spleen cells from 3-mo-old normal mice and TNP-HRBC. When T cell-enriched spleen cells from HRBC-primed young or old mice, uninjected or injected with IFN-gamma, were separated by nylon wool filtration into passed (Thi) and adherent (Th2) cells, the helper activity of both T cell subpopulations was found to be enhanced by IFN-gamma injection. Helper activity of purified Th1 and Th2 cells was also increased by their in vitro preincubation with IFN-gamma. Furthermore, interleukin 2 (IL 2) production by mitogen-activated spleen cells from young and old mice is enhanced by addition of IFN-gamma to cultures. These data altogether indicate that IFN-gamma plays an important role in immunoregulation of helper T cell activity.  相似文献   

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