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After years of investigation into the function of sexually dimorphic ornamental traits, researchers are beginning to understand how bright plumage colour in birds acts as an intraspecific signal. This work has focused primarily on pigment-based ornaments because they are highly variable in patch size, hue and brightness for some species. In contrast, structurally based ornaments have been little studied, in part because they do not appear to be as variable as pigment-based ornaments. We investigated a structurally based plumage ornament in a wild population of blue grosbeaks (Guiraca caerulea), a sexually dimorphic passerine. We report plumage variation that extends into the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. The pattern of covariation between four out of five elements of plumage variation suggests that structurally based ornamentation is pushed towards extreme expression of the trait as predicted by the sexual selection theory. The ''bluest'' birds have the highest percentage of blue feathers on the body. These ornamental feathers reflect light maximally at the shortest wavelengths (ultraviolet), with the greatest intensity and the greatest contrast. Age may have some effect on expression of blueness. In addition, plumage variables are correlated with growth bars in tail feathers (a record of nutritional condition during moult in a non-ornamental trait). This suggests that the ornament is partially condition dependent. Thus, blue plumage in male grosbeaks may serve as an honest indicator of age and quality.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that males advertise quality by displaying extravagant ornaments. By contrast, whether phenotypic variation in females has a signalling function remains an open question. Here, to our knowledge, we provide the first evidence that a female plumage trait can signal fluctuating asymmetry in the offspring. We experimentally demonstrate in wild barn owls (Tyto alba) that the extent to which females display black spots on their plumage does not only signal offspring parasite resistance as shown in a previous study but also developmental homeostasis in the offspring. A greater number of spotted females produced offspring that had more symmetrical feathers during the period of growth. Males, that pair non-randomly with respect to female plumage spottiness therefore appear to gain substantial benefits by mating with heavily spotted females. Genetic variation in plumage spottiness is nevertheless maintained as the covariation between offspring body mass and mother plumage spottiness varies annually depending on environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Female ornamentation has received little attention in studies of sexual selection. Traditionally, female ornaments have been explained as a genetically correlated response to selection in males. However, recent findings suggest that female ornaments may be adaptive. Southern populations of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca are suited for studies of female ornamentation because, in addition to the white wing patch, some females also express the white forehead patch characteristic of males. We thus addressed the associations of these two ornaments with female age and with some health and breeding parameters in a Spanish population of Pied Flycatchers. Female ornament expression was not associated with haemoparasite prevalences, clutch size or parental provisioning effort. However, females expressing the white forehead patch raised more fledglings, and females with larger wing patches bred earlier, had higher number of hatchlings and showed increased levels of total serum immunoglobulins. Thus, these two unrelated epigamic ornaments may indicate some aspects of female quality. Further experimental studies could test the possibility that these plumage traits might function as signals to the males or might be used during female–female aggressive encounters in competition for nest-sites and mates.  相似文献   

1. A growing number of studies suggest that female ornaments are linked to maternal quality and influence male mate choice. These findings challenge the traditional male-biased view of sexual selection and the hypothesis that female ornaments are the outcome of a genetic correlation with male ornaments. To further test the hypothesis that female traits have a function, it is now essential to investigate their honesty and to determine how signalling and reproduction interact in females. If female traits are honest indicators of quality, then they are likely to have a specific signalling function. 2. We investigated whether carry-over effects of reproduction might ensure the honesty of plumage colour signalling of a bird species with conspicuous UV-blue and yellow coloration, the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus. Reproductive effort was manipulated by removing clutches, thereby forcing both sexes to reproduce twice and to raise chicks later in the breeding season when food is less abundant. In the year following this manipulation, we investigated the change in plumage in experimental and control males and females. The change was measured in the two putative feather ornaments, the UV-blue cap and the yellow breast, and another feather trait probably less likely to be sexually selected: the wing length. We also tested whether higher-quality females had their coloration less affected by the experiment. 3. We found that control but not manipulated males and females increased their signal towards UV. In addition, in the manipulated group, females that were able to lay more eggs had their UV-blue coloration less affected by the treatment. For yellow coloration, we found that manipulated yearlings but not manipulated adults decreased their yellow chroma in comparison with control. Lastly, our results show that the condition of the manipulated females tended to be positively correlated with yellow chroma. 4. These results show that the trade-offs between reproduction and signalling can ensure the honesty of conspicuous plumage traits in female and male blue tits. In addition, they suggest that female traits have the potential to evolve under sexual selection in this and other bird species.  相似文献   

In many bird species, achromatic plumage patch size can serve as a male status signal, but the use of variations in the achromatic colours themselves as a quality signal has only recently come into focus. In our study, we sought to determine whether achromatic plumage reflects individual quality in the upland goose (Chloephaga picta leucoptera). We examined the relationship between male head and wing reflectance, male condition and female reproductive investment. We found that males with darker specula and greater contrast between the white wing coverts and the speculum were in a better body condition. Variations in the brightness of the white plumage were not a quality signal in the upland goose. The information gleaned from the wing colouration of male upland geese could be used during mate selection, when females choose their mate on the basis of the outcomes of aggressive encounters. During these fights, the males expose their white coverts and their specula, which are normally tucked beneath body feathers.  相似文献   

Roulin A 《Oecologia》2004,140(4):668-675
In contradiction to sexual selection theory, several studies showed that although the expression of melanin-based ornaments is usually under strong genetic control and weakly sensitive to the environment and body condition, they can signal individual quality. Covariation between a melanin-based ornament and phenotypic quality may result from pleiotropic effects of genes involved in the production of melanin pigments. Two categories of genes responsible for variation in melanin production may be relevant, namely those that trigger melanin production (yes or no response) and those that determine the amount of pigments produced. To investigate which of these two hypotheses is the most likely, I reanalysed data collected from barn owls (Tyto alba). The underparts of this bird vary from immaculate to heavily marked with black spots of varying size. Published cross-fostering experiments have shown that the proportion of the plumage surface covered with black spots, a eumelanin composite trait so-called plumage spottiness, in females positively covaries with offspring humoral immunocompetence, and negatively with offspring parasite resistance (i.e. the ability to reduce fecundity of ectoparasites) and fluctuating asymmetry of wing feathers. However, it is unclear which component of plumage spottiness causes these relationships, namely genes responsible for variation in number of spots or in spot diameter. Number of spots reflects variation in the expression of genes triggering the switch from no eumelanin production to production, whereas spot diameter reflects variation in the expression of genes determining the amount of eumelanin produced per spot. In the present study, multiple regression analyses, performed on the same data sets, showed that humoral immunocompetence, parasite resistance and wing fluctuating asymmetry of cross-fostered offspring covary with spot diameter measured in their genetic mother, but not with number of spots. This suggests that genes responsible for variation in the quantity of eumelanin produced per spot are responsible for covariation between a melanin ornament and individual attributes. In contrast, genes responsible for variation in number of black spots may not play a significant role. Covariation between a eumelanin female trait and offspring quality may therefore be due to an indirect effect of melanin production.  相似文献   

The Hamilton–Zuk hypothesis predicts that ornament expression is a signal of the ability of individuals to resist parasite infection. Thus, across a population (i.e. between‐individuals) more ornamented individuals should have lower levels of parasitism. Numerous studies have tested this prediction and the results are mixed. One reason for these conflicting results may be that many studies have examined this relationship at the between‐individual level, which may be affected by confounding factors such as selective mortality. Using within‐subject centering we examined the relationship between male ornamentation and avian blood parasites at both the between‐ and within‐individual levels. These relationships focus on differences in genetically‐based resistance to parasites and the trade‐off in resource allocation between parasite resistance and ornament expression within an individual, respectively. We studied male common yellowthroats Geothlypis trichas, which have two plumage ornaments, a yellow, carotenoid‐based bib (throat and chest) and a black, melanin‐based facial mask. Surprisingly, within‐individuals, an increase in parasitism between years was associated with an increase in mask size and, potentially, greater concentration of carotenoids in the yellow feathers. This suggests that males may be able to tolerate an increase in parasitism and still increase ornament expression. In contrast, ornamentation was not related to parasitism at the between‐individual level. Thus, our study revealed relationships between ornaments and parasitism at the within‐individual level that were not present at the between‐individual level. Our results highlight the importance of examining both within‐ and between‐individual relationships as correlations between variables, such as ornaments and parasites, may depend on the level of analysis (i.e. within‐ or between‐individuals).  相似文献   

Male eastern bluebirds Sialia sialis have striking ultraviolet (UV)-blue coloration on their heads, backs, rumps, wings, and tails and bold chestnut coloration on their breasts. These colored areas are ornaments that correlate with pairing date and reproductive effort, and thus probably influence the choice of mates by females. Such ornaments are expected to increase in color with age and body condition. We investigated the effects of age on body condition and the UV-blue and chestnut coloration of males over four years using both cross-sectional (comparing age classes) and longitudinal analyses (following individuals as they age). We found that both the body condition index and brightness of UV-blue rump coloration increased with age, while UV-blue tail plumage coloration increased between yearling and older males, and the chestnut breast coloration decreased in the oldest age class. The proximate mechanisms whereby individuals reliably signal age via rump brightness and tail coloration are probably different. Contour feathers, including rump feathers, are molted at approximately the same time in all age classes and are likely subject to the same production costs in all age classes. In contrast, the molt schedule of the tail and wing feathers differs between individuals of yearling and older age classes, with yearlings retaining wing and tail feathers for several months longer than adults. The relationship between tail color and age was probably, in part, a consequence of yearlings expressing tails that have increased feather wear and accumulation of dirt. In general, UV-blue coloration increased with age while chestnut plumage decreased with age, indicating that older individuals may tradeoff investing energy in structural and melanin ornaments. By assessing overall plumage coloration, female eastern bluebirds could estimate age class when choosing mates.  相似文献   

In many bird species, males display colourful, usually carotenoid or structurally based plumage ornaments. On the other hand, there are many bird species and entire avian genera that are achromatic, i.e. with predominantly white, grey and black plumage colours. Achromatic plumage is a typical feature in many shrikes for example. In this study, we examine the importance of an achromatic plumage pattern, namely, the black tail spots on the two outermost tail feathers (T6 and T5) of Lesser Grey Shrikes (LGS) for sex discrimination and as an indicator of individual quality. Our results suggest that the black tail patterns, especially spots on T5, are important for sex discrimination, but only in combination with other melanin-based or morphological features. The presence of black tail spots on T5 is also an indicator of male age. However, there is no indication that presence, size and asymmetry of these black spots are indicators of individual quality of both sexes in the terms of breeding performances.  相似文献   

Traits that enhance attractiveness in one sex may or may not influence attractiveness in the other. In the dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis, outer tail feathers of males and females are all or partly white and form a sharp contrast with the bird's mostly grey plumage. The amount of white in these feathers (‘tail white’) is greater in males than in females and, as we report here, is greater in birds that have completed a second prebasic moult than in yearlings. During courtship, male juncos spread their tails, revealing their tail white, and a previous experiment has shown that males with experimentally enhanced tail white are more attractive to females. To determine whether females with experimentally enhanced tail white would be preferred by males, we clipped and replaced tail feathers of females, creating a control group with low to natural levels of tail white and an enhanced group with high levels. We tested preference in a mate choice apparatus like that used previously and found that males courted both control and enhanced females and displayed individual preferences but showed no collective preference for members of either category of females. Because we found neither a preference for trait values that indicate greater age/experience (experimentally enhanced females) nor a preference for less male-like appearance (control females), our results are inconsistent with a role for male mate choice in the maintenance of tail white in females. Female tail white may be subject to selection in another context or persist owing to a genetic correlation between the sexes. Regardless, the sexes apparently prefer different trait values, which suggests that preferences are expressed independently in males and females.  相似文献   

Many of the brilliant plumage coloration displays of birds function as signals to conspecifics. One species in which the function of plumage ornaments has been assessed is the Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis). Studies of a population breeding in Alabama (USA) have established that plumage ornaments signal quality, parental investment, and competitive ability in both sexes. Here we tested the additional hypotheses that (1) Eastern bluebird plumage ornamentation signals nest defense behavior in heterospecific competitive interactions and (2) individual variation in plumage ornamentation reflects underlying differences in circulating hormone levels. We also tested the potential for plumage ornaments to signal individual quality and parental investment in a population breeding in Oklahoma (USA). We found that Eastern bluebirds with more ornamented plumage are in better condition, initiate breeding earlier in the season, produce larger clutches, have higher circulating levels of the stress hormone corticosterone, and more ornamented males have lower circulating androgen levels. Plumage coloration was not related to nest defense behavior. Thus, plumage ornamentation may be used by both sexes to assess the physiological condition and parental investment of prospective mates. Experimental manipulations of circulating hormone levels during molt are needed to define the role of hormones in plumage ornamentation.  相似文献   

Saks L  Ots I  Hõrak P 《Oecologia》2003,134(3):301-307
Hypotheses of parasite-mediated sexual selection (PMSS) propose that elaborate male ornaments have evolved due to female preferences. Females would benefit from mating with more ornamental males if males' ornamentation signals their health status and ability to provide parasite resistance genes for the offspring. Carotenoid-based plumage coloration of birds has been hypothesised to honestly reflect an individual's health status due to trade-off in allocation of carotenoids between maintenance and signalling functions. The prediction of this hypothesis, namely that individuals with brighter plumage are able to mount stronger immune responses against novel antigens and reveal generally better health state, was tested in captive male greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Greenfinches with brighter yellow breast feathers showed stronger humoral immune response against novel antigen (SRBC) while no relationship between plumage coloration and an estimate of cell-mediated immune responsiveness (PHA response) was detected. Elaborately ornamental individuals had better general health state as indicated by the negative correlations between plumage brightness and heterophil haemoconcentration. Consistent with the concept of PMSS, these results suggest that carotenoid-based plumage coloration in greenfinches honestly signals immunocompetence and health status.  相似文献   

Adaptive explanations for the evolution of extra-pair paternity (EPP) suggest that females seek extra-pair copulations with high quality males. Still, the link between ornamentation, individual quality, and paternity remains unclear. Moreover, honest signaling is essential when explaining EPP because it is needed for sexual selection to occur; yet, it is understudied in multiple ornaments. Because blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) show variable color expression in several plumage patches, we tested: (i) over two seasons, whether males in better condition, more ornamented and less infected by blood parasites gain EPP and have higher reproductive success, and (ii) over three seasons, whether mating patterns affect color change. Males with more saturated yellow feathers, brighter tails, and in better condition had higher reproductive success in one of the seasons. Contrary to expectation, in another season, males that gained EPP were parasitized by blood parasites, suggesting increased vector exposure during extra-pair copulations. Our results for two seasons show that males siring more extra-pair young were older and grew brighter cheek or tail feathers for the following season. Despite the increased mating costs, in socially monogamous avian systems, high quality males incur in EPP without compromising traits that may be under sexual selection.  相似文献   

Intrasexual competition is an important selective force that can favor the evolution of honest signals of fighting ability. Research has focused predominantly on male birds, but many female birds also possess plumage ornaments that could mediate the outcome of competitive interactions. We examined the relationship between blue and white structural coloration and aggression in female tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. Tree swallows are secondary cavity nesters and females show delayed plumage maturation which may be related to intense competition for nest sites. We compared plumage reflectance of second‐year (SY) and after‐second year (ASY) females, and within‐individual changes in plumage reflectance of ASY females in two successive years. We assessed aggression by placing a caged SY female 2 m from the nest box of an ASY female and quantified the ASY female's response in relation to her own plumage coloration. We found substantial differences in plumage reflectance of SY and ASY females, but found that ASY females became greener with duller white coloration in the second year. This may be due to poor weather that made reproduction particularly costly in the first year of the study and suggests coloration is influenced by condition. We found no relationship between dorsal coloration and aggressiveness. Rather, brighter white females spent more time on their nest box and within 2 m of the intruder than females with dull breasts. Our findings suggest that brighter white ASY females may perceive a SY female as less of a threat or that there may be a trade‐off associated with aggression and parental care that is related to white brightness.  相似文献   

ANNE PETERS 《Ibis》2007,149(1):121-127
When selection strongly favours a testosterone-dependent trait in males, and this trait is not beneficial to females, a correlated response to selection in females, which also circulate some testosterone, could slow the rate of evolution in males. Here I investigate whether experimental testosterone treatment in female Superb Fairy-wrens Malurus cyaneus can induce the testosterone-dependent sexually selected moult into nuptial plumage, as it does in males. Silastic testosterone implants in females rapidly induced a moult akin to the male prenuptial moult, involving all body areas that are colourful in nuptial males (head, upper back, ear tufts, breast). Moreover, the newly moulted feathers had a similar glistening appearance and morphology as male nuptial feathers. However, the treatment failed to induce production of the blue and black structural colours, and the breast and ear tufts were lighter than the normal grey-brown feathers of females and males in eclipse plumage. Microscopic and ultrastructural analyses of these unusual feathers could further our understanding of structural colour production.  相似文献   

Covariation between melanin‐based colorations and other phenotypic attributes has been rarely measured simultaneously in males and females. Such covariations and mechanisms mediating them have crucial importance determining the signalling function of these coloured ornaments in the two sexes. We examined the role of four melanin‐based coloured plumage patches as indicators of quality in both males and females of the sexually dimorphic and dichromatic Eurasian kestrel Falco tinnunculus. Previous kestrel studies have focused on the size of melanin plumage patches in either males or females as indicators of individual quality. Here, we used spectrophotometric measurements of three plumage patches and the size of another plumage patch to investigate the information content of multiple plumage colour traits in male and female kestrels. We found that females with bright plumage in the head and with high UV chroma in black parts of the rump showed good body condition and innate immunity. In addition, laying date was significantly explained by the intensity of the brown in the head of females. Meanwhile, in males we only found that individuals with greyer rumps showed better innate immunity. Altogether, our results indicate that, irrespective of the mechanism promoting covariation between coloration and individual quality, melanin‐based coloration can inform on individual quality in adult kestrels.  相似文献   

Male ornaments, such as plumage coloration, frequently serve as signals. The signalling function of similar ornaments in females has, however, received much less attention despite the fact that conspicuousness of their ornaments is often comparable to those of males. In this study we tested the signalling function of a plumage trait present in both sexes in the Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus. The black throat patch has been repeatedly found to have a signal function in the closely related House Sparrow Passer domesticus, where only males bear the ornamental trait. However, the function of the black throat patch in the females of Passer species that have sexually monomorphic ornament expression has never, to our knowledge, been considered. We investigated the outcomes of aggressive encounters in foraging flocks of free‐living Tree Sparrows, and assessed whether throat patch size and measurements of body size predicted fighting success in these flocks. We found that male throat patch size predicted fighting success against both male and female opponents. However, female throat patch size did not correlate with fighting success against either sex. Among the morphological traits studied, wing length was the best predictor of fighting success in females. Our findings suggest a status signalling function of throat patch size in males but not in females, although further experimental studies are necessary to corroborate these correlative results.  相似文献   

The indicator mechanism for sexual selection proposed by Hamilton and Zuk (i.e. that sexually selected ornaments signal parasite resistance) has received rather little observational support, and none in the case of long-distance migrant birds. Here we present a test by examining the association between helminth infestations and breeding plumage quality in bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica taymyrensis during their spring staging period in the Wadden Sea, The Netherlands. After a non-stop flight from West Africa, these shorebirds refuel in the Wadden Sea in preparation for a second flight to the central Siberian Arctic breeding grounds. Earlier studies have shown that only relatively heavy and well ornamented birds carry out a "top-up" moult during stopover, in which part of the contour feathers recently grown in West Africa are replaced by even fresher ones. Active body moult was therefore taken as the primary indicator of ornament quality. Of 78 birds collected between 1992 and 1997, 42% carried helminths, including four species of digenean trematodes (flukes), three species of cestodes (tapeworms) and an acanthocephalan (spiny-headed worm). Faecal samples examined for helminth eggs in another 92 birds in 1998 and 2000 showed similar rates of infestation. Actively moulting bar-tailed godwits were confirmed to be heavier and to show more extensive breeding plumage than non-moulting birds. In females, but not in males, active moult was associated with fewer cestodes and acanthocephalans. Also, breeding plumage and presence of cestodes were negatively associated in females. We argue that the quality of the breeding plumage reliably indicates parasite resistance in female godwits. The repeatability of plumage scores of females between years is consistent with such resistance having a heritable component. In contrast, male ornaments may demonstrate other qualities, e.g. an ability to combine adequate fuelling and flight performances with moult during the time-stress of migration.  相似文献   

Sexual selection can drive the evolution of phenotypic traits because of female preferences for exaggerated trait expression in males. Sexual selection can also lead to the evolutionary loss of traits, a process to which female preferences for diminished male trait expression are hypothesized to contribute. However, empirical evidence of female preferences for diminished male traits is virtually lacking. Eurasian nuthatches Sitta europaea provide an opportunity to test this possibility, as a chestnut flank patch produced by the pigment pheomelanin is present since the first plumage of these birds and its color is more intense in nestlings in poor condition in our study population. It has been proposed that developing birds in poor condition may increase their production of pheomelanin as a detoxifying strategy. Female nuthatches may thus prefer mating with males showing flank feathers of diminished color, as this could indicate that males experienced good conditions early in development, which can positively affect the fitness of future generations. Here we show results according with this prediction in a wild population of Eurasian nuthatches, as adult males with lighter chestnut feathers paired earlier in the season, while chestnut coloration had no effect on female mating success. Chestnut color expression was not affected by the body condition of birds, suggesting that females obtain information on the body condition in early life of their potential mates and not on their current body condition. This constitutes one of the few examples of females mating with males showing diminished traits and provides the only explanation so far by which this process can occur.  相似文献   

Sexual ornaments are predicted to honestly signal individual condition. We might therefore expect ornament expression to show a senescent decline, in parallel with late-life deterioration of other characters. Conversely, life-history theory predicts the reduced residual reproductive value of older individuals will favor increased investment in sexually attractive traits. Using a 25-year dataset of more than 5000 records of breeding collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) of known age, we quantify cross-sectional patterns of age-dependence in ornamental plumage traits and report long-term declines in expression that mask highly significant positive age-dependency. We partition this population-level age-dependency into its between- and within-individual components and show expression of ornamental white plumage patches exhibits within-individual increases with age in both sexes, consistent with life-history theory. For males, ornament expression also covaries with life span, such that, within a cohort, ornamentation indicates survival. Finally, we compared longitudinal age-dependency of reproductive traits and ornamental traits in both sexes, to assess whether these two trait types exhibit similar age-dependency. These analyses revealed contrasting patterns: reproductive traits showed within-individual declines in late-life females consistent with senescence; ornamental traits showed the opposite pattern in both males and females. Hence, our results for both sexes suggest that age-dependent ornament expression is consistent with life-history models of optimal signaling and, unlike reproductive traits, proof against senescence.  相似文献   

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