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  1. Research into the visual shape discrimination abilities of compound‐eyed animals has almost exclusively been limited to insects, the crustaceans having been virtually ignored. The two groups have many dissimilarities, having primarily adapted in different habitats to different lifestyles. Differences may exist in visual systems and visually mediated behavior.

  2. Fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator), without training, differentially approached dissimilar silhouettes presented simultaneously, demonstrating visual discrimination between stationary, geometric shapes of equal‐area. The strength of response was ordered hierarchically: vertical rectangle, horizontal rectangle, triangle, square, circle.

  3. Basic geometric shapes were used to facilitate replication and comparison with research findings from other species.


Summary Schoener (1971) proposed that the reproductive demands of animals should be important in shaping their foraging behavior because fitness is affected. He defined two forager types: energy maximizers (reproductive success depends on energetic intake) and time minimizers (reproductive success depends on time spent in activities other than foraging), and suggested that females most often illustrate the former and males the latter. We tested whether mating activities influence the foraging behavior of Uca panacea, and the predictions that females would be energy maximizers because of their reproductive strategy and that males would also be energy maximizers because of their courtship activity. Time allocated to foraging by 800 male and female fiddler crabs (at two sites) was quantified; no significant difference in foraging time was found between the sexes. Both male and female crabs allotted a large portion of their time to foraging because both sexes depend on stored energy during their reproductive bouts. Our results show that the particular forager type can be predicted based on reproductive demands, but a forager type can not always be assigned to a particular sex without consideration of all important ecological and physiological factors determining reproductive success.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs use elaborate, species-specific claw-waving displays to communicate with rivals and mates. However, detailed comparative studies of fiddler crab signal structure and structural variations are lacking. This paper provides an analysis of the claw-waving displays of seven Australian species of fiddler crab, Uca mjoebergi, U. perplexa, U. polita, U. seismella, U. signata, U. elegans and U. vomeris. We used digital video to record and analyse the fine-scale spatiotemporal properties of these movement-based visual signals. We found that the structure and timing of the displays is species-specific, exhibiting inter-specific differences that follow phylogenetic relationships. The displays showed intra-specific variation according to individual identity, geographic location and fine-scale behavioural context. The observed differences and variations are discussed in the light of the evolutionary forces that may shape their design.  相似文献   

The influence of melatonin on locomotor activity levels was measured in the fiddler crab Uca pugilator. First, activity in untreated, laboratory-acclimated crabs was measured over 48 hours in a 12L:12D photoperiod; this study showed a nocturnal increase in activity. In eyestalk-ablated crabs, overall activity was significantly reduced, and no significant activity pattern occurred. Next, crabs were injected with melatonin or saline (controls) at various times during the 12L:12D photoperiod (0900h, 1200h, and twice at 2100h; each trial was separated by 3-4 days) and monitored for 3 hr post-injection. Control crabs had low activity during early photophase, high at mid-photophase, increasing activity during the first scotophase trial, and decreasing activity during the second scotophase trial. Melatonin had no significant influence on activity when injected during the early-photophase activity trough or early-scotophase activity decline, but significantly increased activity when injected during the mid-photophase activity peak and early-scotophase activity incline. Next, crabs were injected during an early scotophase activity trough and monitored throughout the twelve-hour scotophase. Melatonin did not increase activity until the mid-scotophase activity increase, approximately 6 hours later, showing that the pharmacological dosage persisted in the crabs' systems and had later effects during the incline and peak of activity but not the trough. Eyestalk-ablated crabs were injected with melatonin or saline during early photo- and scotophase. Melatonin significantly increased activity in the photophase but not the scotophase trial, indicating that the responsiveness to melatonin continues following eyestalk removal, but the timing may not match that of intact crabs. Melatonin may be involved in the transmission of environmental timing information from the eyestalks to locomotor centers in U. pugilator.  相似文献   

The pleiotropic effects of circulating ecdysteroids in the adult fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, during molting, regeneration, and reproduction are mediated by a limited number of receptor proteins. We hypothesize that hormonal effects in vivo may be the result of complex interactions between at least two receptor heterodimer conformations that differentially respond to multiple ecdysteroid/retinoid signals. Two splicing variants of the fiddler crab retinoid-X-receptor (UpRXR) differ from one another by the addition of a 33 amino acid insert in the ligand-binding domain. We show here that the ecdysteroid receptor in the fiddler crab (UpEcR) behaves differently depending upon the UpRXR isoform with which it is partnered. The two UpRXR variant partners for UpEcR confer slightly different responses in the binding of Ponasterone A (PA)—a naturally occurring ecdysteroid in the blood of Uca. UpRXR can bind 9-cis retinoic acid (9cRA) as well as terpenoids. 9cRA and the naturally occurring terpenoid, methyl farnesoate, influence the binding of PA to UpEcR/UpRXR dimers. Endogenous retinoids are found in the blastema of regenerating limbs of Uca and they (plus blood-borne terpenoids) may add additional levels of differential response by target tissues. Thus, the two sets of heterodimers tested here may represent different dynamic complexes whose properties are defined by the specific heterodimeric subunits involved and the specific ligands available.  相似文献   

Performance in poikilotherms is known to be sensitive to temperature, often with a low-sloping increase with temperature to a peak, and a steep decline with increasing temperature past the peak. We complemented past measures of performance by measuring heartbeat rates of the fiddler crab Leptuca pugilator in water and in air as a function of a range of temperatures previously shown to affect other measures of performance. In water over a range of 20–50 °C, heartbeat increased steadily to a peak at 40 °C and then steeply declined to near zero at 50 °C. In air, heartbeat also increased, but to a peak at 35 °C and then with a gentler decline than was found in water. Part of this different response may be due to evaporative water loss, which reduced body temperature in air, and therefore thermal stress, relative to body temperature when crabs were immersed in water. Increased availability of oxygen from air, according to the oxygen and capacity-limited thermal tolerance hypothesis, likely increased aerobic scope past the thermal peak, relative to within water, where oxygen delivery at higher temperatures may have been curtailed.We compared the heart rate performance relations to two previous measures of performance – endurance on a treadmill and sprint speed, both done in air. The peak performance temperature increased in the order: treadmill endurance time, sprint speed, heart rate in air, and heart rate in water, which demonstrates that different performance measures give different perspectives on the relation of thermal tolerance and fitness to temperature. Endurance may therefore be the limiting upper thermal stress factor in male fiddler crabs, when on hot sand flats. Temperature preference, found to be for temperatures <30 °C in air, could be a bet-hedging evolutionary strategy to avoid aerobic scope affecting endurance.  相似文献   

We saw 79 predatory interactions between a new speciesof monostiliferous, suctorial hoplonemertean and thefiddler crabs Uca musica (77 cases) and U.stenodactylus (2 cases). At an intertidal sand barin the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal, worms ateabout 0.1% of the adult crab population per day. Themode of attack and the spatial and temporaldistributions of interactions suggest the worm is anambush predator. When struck by a worms sticky,mucous-covered proboscis, crabs produced copious foamfrom their buccal area. Mucous-laden crabs thatescaped, again foamed indicating that the foam maycounteract the mucus. If the attack led to a kill,the struggling crab soon became quiescent, as istypical in other nemertean-prey interactions. Theworm inverted its proboscis, found ingress to thecrabs body and fed. Crabs escaped by autotomizingappendages entwined by the proboscis, by forcefullypulling away and by remaining quiescent, then movingaway when the worm inverted its proboscis and beforeit entered the crab. Immobility, a response to visualpredators, may falsely indicate paralysis to the wormand cause it to invert its proboscis, therebyproviding the crab with an opportunity to escape. This predator-prey interaction seems to incorporategeneralized predator tactics and fortuitous preydefenses that give worms and crabs about an evenchance of success.  相似文献   

The fiddler crab Uca tangeri communicates using a visual waving display and a vibratory drumming signal, both thought to function in mate attraction. Using video playback techniques, images of an empty mudflat, a waving male, a threatening male, and a wandering female were presented to male subjects. All stimuli elicited similar levels of low-intensity waving, but significantly more high-intensity waves were elicited by the female and threatening male stimuli than the mudflat stimulus or the waving male stimulus. This concurs with other research that the waving display is used at a higher intensity to attract females. The threatening male stimulus failed to elicit the same response as an actual threatening male and we discuss the likely reasons for this. The subjects also spent a significantly greater proportion of time drumming during the male waving stimulus than during the female stimulus, suggesting that drumming functions in male-male competition as well as female attraction. Received: 18 October 1999 / Received in revised form: 25 November 1999 / Accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

A second collagenolytic serine protease has been isolated from the hepatopancreas of the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator. This enzyme cleaves the native triple helix of collagen under physiological conditions of pH, temperature, and ionic strength. In addition to its collagenolytic activity, the enzyme exhibits endopeptidase activity toward other polypeptides and small molecular weight synthetic substrates. The polypeptide bond specificity of this enzyme is similar to that of bovine trypsin as is its interaction with specific protease inhibitors. The amino-terminal sequence of this enzyme displays significant homology with other serine proteases, most notably with that of crayfish trypsin, and demonstrates that this enzyme is a member of the trypsin family of serine endopeptidases. The relatively unique action of this protease with regard to both collagenous and noncollagenous substrates has important implications concerning the specificity and mechanism of collagen degradation.  相似文献   

The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, naphthalene, inhibited the melanin dispersion, which normally occurs in the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, during the dark phase of its circadian rhythm of color change. Naphthalene produced this inhibition no matter whether the melanin was fully aggregated or more or less dispersed at the time of initial exposure. Inhibition of the circadian melanin dispersion does not appear to be due to a direct action of naphthalene on the melanophores. This inhibition was concentration-dependent with acute daily exposure. Naphthalene does not, however, inhibit melanin dispersion in response to a black background, indicating thereby that naphthalene-exposed crabs continue to synthesize melanin-dispersing hormone and norepinephrine.  相似文献   

The Atlantic sand fiddler crab Uca pugilator is an extremely abundant crab found along the eastern coast of the United States. Fiddler crabs have a life cycle with an obligatory planktonic larval phase of 30-90 days, which might be expected to lead to widespread larval dispersal and consequent genetic homogeneity over considerable distances. However, a large amount of morphological and behavioral variation is found between northern and southern populations along the eastern coast. This study was undertaken to determine the population genetic structure of U.pugilator and to determine whether these differences may have a genetic basis. The population structure of the fiddler crab was analyzed using 472 individuals collected from 12 sites along the eastern coast. PCR-based single stand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) was used to investigate between-site variation in the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of these individuals. Analysis of genetic variation indicated frequent gene flow between nearby localities, but much reduced levels between populations separated by larger geographic distances. Thus, despite the potential for high dispersal by planktonic larvae, population differentiation and isolation by distance is evident between northern and southern populations of U.pugilator. A high amount of genetic differentiation (FST=0.3468) was found between northern and southern regions suggesting that the morphological and behavioral differences between these two regions have a genetic basis and may represent subspecies [Current Zoology 55(2):150-157,2009].  相似文献   

The neuropeptides methionine enkephalin and FMRFamide, when injected into intact fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, produce dark adaptation of the distal retinal pigment. Furthermore, both neuropeptides stimulate release of distal retinal pigment dark-adapting hormone activity from the isolated eyestalk neuroendocrine complex. It is hypothesized that both neuropeptides, when injected into intact fiddler crabs, act only indirectly on the distal retinal pigment, by stimulating release of this dark-adapting hormone.  相似文献   

Although the role of colour in mate choice is well known, few tests of colour vision have been based on mating behaviour. Females of the fiddler crab Uca mjoebergi have recently been shown to use claw coloration to recognize conspecific males. In this study I demonstrate that the females use colour vision for this task; preferentially approaching yellow claws over grey claws regardless of their intensity while failing to discriminate between yellow claws differing in intensity. This is one of only a handful of studies confirming the involvement of colour vision in mate choice and the first conclusive evidence in fiddler crabs.  相似文献   

Male and female animals are not always complicit during reproduction, giving rise to coercion. One example of a system that is assumed to involve sexual coercion is the mate herding behaviour of fiddler crabs: males push females towards the home burrow with the goal of forcing copulation at the burrow entrance. We recorded and analysed in detail the courtship behaviour of a North Australian species of fiddler crab Uca elegans. Courtship was composed of four main phases: broadcast waving, outward run, herding and at burrow display. During interactions males produced claw-waving displays which were directed posteriorly towards the female and which varied in timing and structure depending on the courtship phase. We suggest that courtship herding in U. elegans is driven primarily by mate choice for the following reasons, (1) females can evade herding, (2) no other reproductive strategies were observed, (3) males broadcast their presence and accompany courtship with conspicuous claw waves, and (4) the behaviour ends with the female leading the male into the home burrow. As an alternative function for herding in U. elegans we suggest that the behaviour represents a form of courtship guiding, in which males direct complicit females to the correct home burrow.  相似文献   

At each low tide, male and female Uca tangeri remove mudballs from inside their burrows and place them on the surface. Previous studies have shown clear intersexual differences in mudball arrangements. However, we noticed that some females placed their mudballs in an arrangement similar to that of males. In this study, we investigated several factors that may have been responsible for this change in female mudballing behavior. We found no significant effect of the lunar cycle, female size and reproductive state, or burrow features. We briefly discuss the avoidance of sexual coercion or parasite modification of host behavior as possible factors. Our study shows that intersexual differences in mudballing behavior are more complex than previously thought. Received: October 18, 2000 / Accepted: May 7, 2001  相似文献   

The epidermal collagenase activity and its induction by 20-hydroxyecdysone in Uca pugilator were investigated.Zymographic electrophoresis showed four bands of collagenae activity,16,19,22 and 29 kDa in molecular weight,with the former two accounting for 60% and 36%,respectively,of the total coUagenase activity. The collagenase activity varies during the molting cycle. Among the molt stages tested,Premoh Stage Do exhibited the highest epidermal coUagenase activity for both the 16 and 19 kDa isoenzymes and,as the molt stage proceeded,the enzymatic activity of these two isoenzymes decreased,with the lowest activity for both found in Premoh Stage D3-4. Injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone significantly induced the activity of the 16 kDa collagenase in the epidermis of Uca pugilator,suggesting that the activity of this isoenzyme is under molting hormone control.Although 20-hydroxyecdysone injection did not result in a statistically significant increase in the activity of the 19 kDa isocnzyme,a tendency of the induction was nonetheless demonstrated. This is the first report on epidermal collagenase activity and its induction by the molting hormone in a crustacean.  相似文献   

Melatonin was injected into intact and eyestalk-ablated fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator), and its effects on hemolymph glucose and lactate levels were studied. In intact crabs, glucose and lactate levels cycled simultaneously, with peaks occurring during early and late photophase. Melatonin caused a shift in the glucose and lactate cycles, with only one peak occurring closer to mid-photophase. In eyestalk-ablated animals, the glucose rhythmicity was lost; lactate cycled, but levels were significantly lower than in intact animals. Melatonin caused a delayed hyperglycemia in eyestalk-ablated animals, with concurrent but much lower increases in lactate. Overall, melatonin demonstrated delayed hyperglycemic effects that do not appear to be mediated solely via eyestalk factors such as crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH), though involvement of the eyestalks cannot be ruled out. An influence on extra-eyestalk CHH secretion is a potential mechanism of melatonin activity.  相似文献   

Mud fiddler crabs, Uca pugnax, have a streak of blue coloration located on the front of the carapace above the mouth and centered between the eyes. We documented that this blue streak is absent in juveniles and develops as crabs become sexually mature. By photographing male crabs under controlled conditions in the laboratory, we demonstrated that the brightness of the blue streak (in comparison with the rest of the carapace) is dynamic, and can dim from bright blue to nearly black in fewer than two minutes. We examined blue streak variability in male crabs in response to physical factors (light and temperature) and social context to begin to understand what causes its dynamic response. The blue streak darkens in response to decreased ambient light, but does not respond to changes in temperature. In the field, it is brighter when crabs are roaming on the mudflat or fighting, but darker when crabs are basking or performing waving displays. The highly visual nature of fiddler crabs and the dynamic character of the blue streak suggest that it may communicate information about the state of a crab or its environment.  相似文献   

This research investigates the causes of a male-biased operational sex ratio in a population of the California fiddler crab, Uca crenulata. Mensurative studies revealed there were almost twice as many adult males as females, mating occurred across half of the days within the breeding season, and females had much longer individual reproductive cycles than males. Therefore, many more males than females were available for mating on each breeding day. Perhaps as a consequence, males spent a large proportion of their time fighting with neighbors and rapidly waving their large claws when females passed by. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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