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Comment on: Abou-Kandil A, et al. Cell Cycle 2011; 10:3337-45.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the retrovirus responsible for adult T-cell leukemia and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy. Adult T-cell leukemia development is mainly due to the ability of the viral oncoprotein Tax to promote T-cell proliferation, whereas the appearance of HTLV-1-associated myelopathy involves the antigenic properties of Tax. Understanding the events regulating the intracellular level of Tax is therefore an important issue. How Tax is degraded has not been determined, but it is known that Tax binds to proteasomes, the major sites for degradation of intracellular proteins, generally tagged through polyubiquitin conjugation. In this study, we investigated the relationship between Tax, ubiquitin, and proteasomes. We report that mono- and polyubiquitinated Tax proteins can be recovered from both transfected 293T cells and T lymphocytes. We also show that lysine residues located in the carboxy-terminal domain of Tax are the principal targets of this process. Remarkably, we further demonstrate that mutation of lysine residues in the C-terminal part of Tax, which massively reduces Tax ubiquitination, impairs proteasome binding, and conversely, that a Tax mutant that binds poorly to this particle (M22) is faintly ubiquitinated, suggesting that Tax ubiquitination is required for association with cellular proteasomes. Finally, we document that comparable amounts of ubiquitinated species were found whether proteasome activities were inhibited or not, providing evidence that they are not directly addressed to proteasomes for degradation. These findings indicate that although it is ubiquitinated and binds to proteasomes, Tax is not massively degraded via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and therefore reveal that Tax conjugation to ubiquitin mediates a nonproteolytic function.  相似文献   

Genomic instability, a hallmark of leukemic cells, is associated with malfunctioning cellular responses to DNA damage caused by defective cell cycle checkpoints and/or DNA repair. Adult T-cell leukemia, which can result from infection with human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), is associated with extensive genomic instability that has been attributed to the viral oncoprotein Tax. How Tax influences cellular responses to DNA damage to mediate genomic instability, however, remains unclear. Therefore, we investigated the effect of Tax on cellular pathways involved in recognition and repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Premature attenuation of ATM kinase activity and reduced association of MDC1 with repair foci were observed in Tax-expressing cells. Following ionizing radiation-induced S-phase checkpoint activation, Tax-expressing cells progressed more rapidly than non-Tax-expressing cells toward DNA replication. These results demonstrate that Tax expression may allow premature DNA replication in the presence of genomic lesions. Attempts to replicate in the presence of these lesions would result in gradual accumulation of mutations, leading to genome instability and cellular transformation.  相似文献   



Evolutionary analysis may serve as a useful approach to identify and characterize host defense and viral proteins involved in genetic conflicts. We analyzed patterns of coding sequence evolution of genes with known (TRIM5 α and APOBEC3G) or suspected (TRIM19/PML) roles in virus restriction, or in viral pathogenesis (PPIA, encoding Cyclophilin A), in the same set of human and non-human primate species.

Results and conclusion

This analysis revealed previously unidentified clusters of positively selected sites in APOBEC3G and TRIM5 α that may delineate new virus-interaction domains. In contrast, our evolutionary analyses suggest that PPIA is not under diversifying selection in primates, consistent with the interaction of Cyclophilin A being limited to the HIV-1M/SIVcpz lineage. The strong sequence conservation of the TRIM19/PML sequences among primates suggests that this gene does not play a role in antiretroviral defense.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) has two late domain (LD) motifs, PPPY and PTAP, which are important for viral budding. Mutations in the PPPY motif are more deleterious for viral release than changes in the PTAP motif. Several reports have shown that the interaction of PPPY with the WW domains of a Nedd4 (neuronal precursor cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated-4) family ubiquitin ligase (UL) is a critical event in virus release. We tested nine members of the Nedd4 family ULs and found that ITCH is the main contributor to HTLV-1 budding. ITCH overexpression strongly inhibited release and infectivity of wild-type (wt) HTLV-1, but rescued the release of infectious virions with certain mutations in the PPPY motif. Electron microscopy showed either fewer or misshapen virus particles when wt HTLV-1 was produced in the presence of overexpressed ITCH, whereas mutants with changes in the PPPY motif yielded normal looking particles at wt level. The other ULs had significantly weaker or no effects on HTLV-1 release and infectivity except for SMURF-1, which caused enhanced release of wt and all PPPY(-) mutant particles. These particles were poorly infectious and showed abnormal morphology by electron microscopy. Budding and infectivity defects due to overexpression of ITCH and SMURF-1 were correlated with higher than normal ubiquitination of Gag. Only silencing of ITCH, but not of WWP1, WWP2, and Nedd4, resulted in a reduction of HTLV-1 budding from 293T cells. The binding efficiencies between the HTLV-1 LD and WW domains of different ULs as measured by mammalian two-hybrid interaction did not correlate with the strength of their effect on HTLV-1 budding.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Gag is targeted to the plasma membrane for particle assembly and release. How HTLV-1 Gag targeting occurs is not well understood. The PPPY and PTAP motifs were previously shown to be involved in HTLV-1 particle release with PTAP playing a more subtle role in virus budding. These L domains function through the interaction with host cellular proteins normally involved in multivesicular body (MVB) morphogenesis. The plasma membrane pathway rather than the MVB pathway was found to be the primary pathway for HTLV-1 particle release in HeLa cells. Intriguingly, disruption of the PTAP motif led to a defect in the targeting of Gag from the plasma membrane to CD63-positive MVBs. Particles or particle buds were observed to be associated with MVBs by electron microscopy, implying that Gag targeting to the MVB resulted in particle budding. Blocking clathrin-dependent endocytosis was found not to influence localization of the HTLV-1 Gag PTAP mutant, indicating that Gag did not reach the MVBs through clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Our observations imply that the interaction between Gag and TSG101 is not required for Gag targeting to the MVB. Overexpression of dynamitin p50 increased particle release, suggesting that there was an increase in the intracellular transport of MVBs to the cell periphery by the utilization of the dynein-dynactin motor complex. Intriguingly, virus particle release with this mutant was reduced by 20-fold compared to that of wild type in HeLa cells, which is in marked contrast to the less-than-twofold defect observed for particle production of the HTLV-1 Gag PTAP mutant from 293T cells. These results indicate that the role of the PTAP motif in L domain function is cell type dependent.  相似文献   

The human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Tax protein activates the HTLV-1 long terminal repeat and key regulatory proteins involved in inflammation, activation, and proliferation and may induce cell transformation. Tax is also the immunodominant target antigen for cytotoxic T cells in HTLV-1 infection. We found that Tax bound to assembled nuclear proteasomes, but Tax could not be detected in the cytoplasm. Confocal microscopy revealed a partial colocalization of Tax with nuclear proteasomes. As Tax translocated into the nucleus very quickly after synthesis, this process probably takes place prior to and independent of proteasome association. Tax mutants revealed that both the Tax N and C termini play a role in proteasome binding. We also found that proteasomes from Tax-transfected cells had enhanced proteolytic activity on prototypic peptide substrates. This effect was not due to the induction of the LMP2 and LMP7 proteasome subunits. Furthermore, Tax appeared to be a long-lived protein, with a half-life of around 15 h. These data suggest that the association of Tax with the proteasome and the enhanced proteolytic activity do not target Tax for rapid degradation and may not determine its immunodominance.  相似文献   

The PPPY motif in the matrix (MA) domain of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Gag associates with WWP1, a member of the HECT domain containing family of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Mutation of the PPPY motif arrests particle assembly at an early stage and abolishes ubiquitination of MA. Similar effects are seen when Gag is expressed in the presence of a truncated form of WWP1 that lacks the catalytically active HECT domain (C2WW). To understand the role of ubiquitination in budding, we mutated the four lysines in MA to arginines and identified lysine 74 as the unique site of ubiquitination. Virus-like particles produced by the K74R mutant did not contain ubiquitinated MA and showed a fourfold reduction in the release of infectious particles. Furthermore, the K74R mutation rendered assembly hypersensitive to C2WW inhibition; K74R Gag budding was inhibited at significantly lower levels of expression of C2WW compared with wild-type Gag. This finding indicates that the interaction between Gag and WWP1 is required for functions other than Gag ubiquitination. Additionally, we show that the PPPY mutant Gag exerts a strong dominant-negative effect on the budding of wild-type Gag, further supporting the importance of recruitment of WWP1 to achieve particle assembly.  相似文献   

p13(II) of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is an 87-amino-acid protein that is targeted to the inner mitochondrial membrane. p13(II) alters mitochondrial membrane permeability, producing a rapid, membrane potential-dependent influx of K(+). These changes result in increased mitochondrial matrix volume and fragmentation and may lead to depolarization and alterations in mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake/retention capacity. At the cellular level, p13(II) has been found to interfere with cell proliferation and transformation and to promote apoptosis induced by ceramide and Fas ligand. Assays carried out in T cells (the major targets of HTLV-1 infection in vivo) demonstrate that p13(II)-mediated sensitization to Fas ligand-induced apoptosis can be blocked by an inhibitor of Ras farnesylation, thus implicating Ras signaling as a downstream target of p13(II) function.  相似文献   

The human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) transforming protein, Tax, is a potent transactivator of both viral and cellular gene expression. The ability of Tax to transform cells is believed to depend on its transactivation of cellular-growth-regulatory genes. Expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is intimately linked to cell growth and DNA replication and repair. By testing a series of PCNA promoter deletion constructs, we have demonstrated that the PCNA promoter can be transactivated by Tax. The smallest construct that was activated did not include the ATF/CRE binding site at nucleotide -50, and mutations in the ATF/CRE element in the context of a larger promoter were still activated by Tax. In addition, a Tax mutant that is defective for activation of the CRE pathway retained the ability to activate the -397 promoter construct. When a series of linker scanner mutations that span the region from nucleotide -45 to -7 were assayed, mutations in and around a repeat sequence were found to abolish Tax transactivation. Multimerized copies of either half of the repeat were Tax responsive. A single protein complex was shown to bind specifically to the Tax-responsive region, and the binding of this complex was enhanced in the presence of Tax. These results demonstrate that the PCNA promoter contains a Tax-responsive element located between nucleotides -45 and -7 whose sequence is different from those of other, previously identified Tax-responsive elements. The ability of Tax to activate the PCNA promoter may play an important role in cellular transformation by HTLV-1.  相似文献   

The human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) envelope protein is synthesized as a gp61 precursor product cleaved into two mature proteins, a gp45 exterior protein and a gp20 anchoring the envelope at the cell membrane. Using N-glycosylation inhibitors and site-directed mutagenesis of the potential glycosylation sites, we have studied the HTLV-I envelope intracellular maturation requirements for syncytium formation. We show here that experimental conditions resulting in the absence of precursor cleavage (tunicamycin, monensin treatments, and use of inhibitors of the reticulum steps of the N glycosylations) also result in no cell surface expression of envelope protein. The lack of syncytium formation observed in these cases is thus explained by incorrect intracellular transport. When the precursor is cleaved in the Golgi stack (no treatment or treatment with inhibitors of the Golgi steps of the N glycosylations), it is transported to the cell surface in all the cases examined. Syncytium formation is markedly reduced, however, when Golgi glycosylations are incorrect, which shows that the sugar moieties are involved in the envelope functions. Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrates that each of the five potential glycosylation sites is actually glycosylated. Glycosylation of sites 1 and 5 is required for normal maturation, whereas that of sites 2, 3, and 4 is dispensable. Glycosylation of each site, however, is required for normal syncytium formation. Altogether, the restraints exerted by the cell for the HTLV-I envelope to be transported and functional are very high, which might play a role in the observed conservation of the envelope amino acid sequence between various strains.  相似文献   

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