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In this study, we describe a novel ecological self-incompatibility (SI) line HE97 in maize. The main environmental factors influencing the inbred line characteristics were identified through field sowing trials during a two-year study period (2001 and 2002). The results showed that daily minimum temperature had the greatest effect on floral morphology and breeding system of the SI line. In staminate floret differentiation, when the daily minimum temperature exceeded 24°C, the line exhibited complete self-compatibility; however SI was observed when the daily minimum temperature was below 20°C. Therefore, we characterized the line as exhibiting thermo-sensitive genic self-incompatibility (TGSI). A set of F2 and F2:3 populations, derived from the inbred lines HE97 and Z58, were evaluated for two years to elucidate the TGSI line patterns of inheritance. Classical genetic analyses and QTL mapping results revealed that HE97 self-incompatibility was governed by a single allele, named here astgsi1. Thetgsi1 gene was mapped to chromosome 2 between SSR markers nc131 and bnlg1633, with a distance of 2.40 cM from nc131 and 2.44 cM from bnlg1633.  相似文献   

An autoradiographic assay applicable to colonies immobilized on filter paper was developed for obtaining temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli defective in the transfer of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (KDO) from CMP-KDO to a tetraacyldisaccharide 1,4'-bisphosphate precursor of lipid A, designated lipid IVA. Cell-free extracts from two mutants found in a population of 30,000 mutagen-treated cells showed normal KDO transferase activity when assayed at 30 degrees C, but almost no activity at 42 degrees C. The mutation was mapped by mating one of the mutants with different Hfr strains and analyzing genetic linkage of KDO transferase activity to selectable markers. The lesion was located to a position between 80 and 84 min on the E. coli chromosome. A plasmid from the Clarke and Carbon collection (Clarke, L., and Carbon, J. (1976) Cell 9, 91-99), pLC17-24, known to contain genes from the rfa region (81 min), was shown to overexpress KDO transferase activity 4-5 times and to correct the mutation when the plasmid was conjugated into the mutant strains. The KDO transferase gene, designated kdtA, was subcloned from pLC17-24 into a multicopy vector. The resulting plasmid, pCL3, overproduced transferase activity approximately 100-fold. The kdtA gene was shown to code for a 43-kDa polypeptide, as judged by radiolabeling of minicells. Its DNA sequence was determined. The results demonstrate that overexpression of this single gene product greatly stimulates the incorporation of two stereochemically distinct KDO residues during lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis in extracts of E. coli.  相似文献   

The gene in Escherichia coli for cyanase, designated cynS, was localized to a BglII restriction site approximately 1.7 kilobases from the lacA end of the lac operon. The gene was cloned into the pUC13 vector. Maxicell analysis of plasmid-encoded proteins confirmed that the BglII site is in the region encoding the structural gene for cyanase. Cyanase-deficient strains had increased sensitivity to cyanate and were not able to use cyanate as a nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Summary We have identified tight linkage of an RFLP marker to theHt1 gene of maize that confers resistance to the fungal pathogenHelminthosporium turcicum race 1. This was accomplished by the use of four pairs of near isogenic lines (NILs; B73, A619, W153R, and CM105), each differing by the presence or the absence of the geneHt1. SinceHt1 maps to chromosome 2, 26 clones already mapped to this chromosome were labeled and probed against Southern blots of these NILs DNA digested with three restriction enzymes:EcoRI,BamHI, andHindIII. Six markers exhibited an RFLP for at least one pair of NILs. Presumptive linkage was further tested by analyzing the segregation of five of the six markers (one was monomorphic in the cross studied) and resistance toH. turcicum race 1 on 95 F2 individuals from the cross DF20 × LH146Ht. The results indicate a tight linkage between one of the DNA markers,UMC150B, and theHt1 gene.  相似文献   

A sunflower BAC library consisting of 147,456 clones with an average size of 118 kb has been constructed and characterized. It represents approximately 5× sunflower haploid genome equivalents. The BAC library has been arranged in pools and superpools of DNA allowing screening with various PCR-based markers. Each of the 32 superpools contains 4,608 clones and corresponds to a 36 matrix pools. Thus, the screening of the entire library could be accomplished in less than 80 PCR reactions including positive and negative controls. As a demonstration of the feasibility of the concept, a set of 24 SSR markers covering about 36 cM in the sunflower SSR map (Tang et al. in Theor Appl Genet 105:1124–1136, 2002) have been used to screen the BAC library. About 125 BAC clones have been identified and then organized in 23 contigs by HindIII digestion. The contigs are anchored on the SSR map and thus constitutes a first-generation physical map of this region. The utility of this BAC library as a genomic resource for physical mapping and map-based cloning in sunflower is discussed.  相似文献   

Resistance gene analogues from rice: cloning, sequencing and mapping   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
 Degenerate oligonucleotide primers were designed on the basis of nucleotide-binding-site (NBS) motifs conserved between resistance genes of Arabidopsis, flax and tobacco and subsequently used as PCR primers to amplify resistance gene analogues (RGA) in rice. Primers amplified a major band of approximately 500 bp. Restriction analysis of the amplified product revealed that the band was made up of several different fragments. Many of these fragments were cloned. Sixty different cloned fragments were analysed and assigned to 14 categories based on Southern blot analysis. Fourteen clones, each representing one of the 14 categories of RGAs were mapped onto the rice genetic map using a Nipponbare ( japonica)בKasalath’ (indica) mapping population consisting of 186 F2 lines. Of the 14 clones representing each class 12 could be mapped onto five different chromosomes of rice with a major cluster of 8 RGAs on chromosome 11. Our results indicate that it is possible to use sequence homology from conserved motifs of known resistance genes to amplify candidate resistance genes from diverse plant taxa. Received: 23 September 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

Casein kinase I (CKI) is a widely expressed protein kinase family implicated in diverse processes including membrane trafficking, DNA repair, and circadian rhythm. Despite the large number of CKI genes, few biologically relevant substrates have been identified. As an approach to better defining the spectrum of CKI substrates, we extended a recently described in vitro expression cloning (IVEC) strategy. Polypeptides pools were screened for kinase-dependent electrophoretic mobility shifts. Ten putative CKI substrates were isolated from an initial sample of 3000 random cDNA clones. Candidate substrates include proteins involved in RNA metabolism (a putative RNA helicase, the nucleolar protein hNOP56, and hnRNP A1, and ribosomal proteins L4, L8, and L13), as well as keratin 17, a necdin-related protein, and the calcium-binding proteins desmoglein 2 and annexin II. The same pools were also screened with active ERK2, and four substrates identified: aldolase, NSD-like protein, uracil-DNA glycosylase, and HHR23A. IVEC is an effective method to identify novel protein kinase substrates.  相似文献   

In the silkworm, Bombyx mori, nonsusceptibility to B. mori densonucleosis virus type-2 (BmDNV-2) is controlled by a recessive gene, nsd-2 (nonsusceptibility to DNV-2). We investigated the genetic linkage between two random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and the +nsd-2 gene. Initially, we constructed the JSD-2 strain (nsd-2/+), which is congenic to strain J137 (nsd-2/nsd-2) with respect to the chromosome containing the +nsd-2 gene, starting with a female of strain J137 and a male of strain C137 (+nsd-2/+nsd-2). Genomic DNAs were compared between infected individuals of the JSD-2 strain and J137 by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with 700 arbitrary 10-mer primers. Two RAPD markers (OPH19R and OPP01R) linked to the +nsd-2 gene were found. For the crossing-over experiment, a female of J137 was crossed with a male (nsd-2/+) of JSD-2. Segregation analysis showed that the most closely linked RAPD marker (OPP01R) was mapped 4.7 cM distant from +nsd-2.  相似文献   

DNA markers tightly linked to a target gene are essential starting points for positional cloning. We combined ”differential display of mRNA” and ”bulked segregant analysis” in order to detect and clone ten expressed sequences as markers linked to a virus resistance gene in Phaseolus vulgaris. The combination of these two procedures could be used in lieu of positional cloning, provided polymorphisms detectable by differential display exist in the target gene. Isolation of expressed sequences from specific chromosome regions can also be accomplished by combining these procedures. Received: 8 July 1999 / Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

Chlorophyll mutant Chi115 was induced by ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) treatment of seeds of genotype Torsdag in Moscow State University and is characterized by lighter plant color. The monogenic nature of the mutant was determined by analyzing the F2 population from a cross between two P. sativum genotypes, WL1238 and Chi115. To establish a local map around the chi115 gene, the RAPD and ISSR techniques were used with 45 RAPD and 10 ISSR primers in combination with bulked segregant analysis (BSA). Linkage of 12 RAPDs and 2 ISSRs to the chi115 locus was observed in analysis of F2 single plants. Two RAPD markers that were closely associated with the chi115 gene were converted into the sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. By lowering the LOD score to 2, the linkage group containing the chi115 gene could be linked to the b gene (color of the flower) on linkage group III. Nevertheless, to prove the result obtained, three CAPS markers Sodmt, TubA1, and Rb were chosen on linkage group III. The results of linkage analysis showed that these CAPS markers were located within the linkage group including the chi115 gene.  相似文献   

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