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Summary Strains ofRhizobium trifolii became non-infective for red clover after acquiring a defined level of streptomycin resistance (str-r) by mutation or transformation.  相似文献   

Summary A molecular map was constructed linking the nitrogenase structural genes (nif) and nodulation genes (nod) in the white clover symbiont, Rhizobium trifolii. In R. trifolii strain ANU843 these two genetic regions are located some 16 kilobases (kb) apart on the 180 kb symbiotic (Sym) plasmid. The molecular linkage of nod and nif genetic regions was established by hybridization analysis using recombinant plasmids containing overlapping cloned sequences. Nodulation genes were located by means of a Tn5-induced nodulation-defective mutant that failed to induce clover root hair curling (Hac- phenotype). A cloned wild-type DNA fragment was shown to phenotypically correct the Hac- mutation by complementation. The nifHDK genes were cloned by positive hybridization to another R. trifolii nif-specific probe. Location of the nif genes relative to the nod genes was established by analysis of a Sym plasmid deletion derivative.  相似文献   

The leaf puncturing, ovipositional and feeding behavior of Liriomyza trifolii was investigated on a preferred and non-preferred host (chrysanthemum and tomato, respectively). The sequence of leaf-puncturing behavior was stereotypic on both hosts, with a high probability of transition from one event to the next once the sequence is initiated. Two types of leaf punctures were made: a large fan-shaped puncture without an egg and tubular-shaped punctures with or without an egg. Regardless of the type of leaf puncture created, the female always backed over the puncture to feed. Therefore, all leaf punctures can be considered as feeding punctures. Fewer slow abdominal thrusts were noted for flies during oviposition compared to leaf puncturing only on chrysanthemum and tomato. The major differences noted between hosts were that L. trifolii fed for a significantly shorter period and spent less time during the leaf puncturing sequence on tomato vs. chrysanthemum. This suggests a repellent/antifeedant present in the former host which is detected through gustatory mechanisms. The deposition of an epideictic pheromone during oviposition was not detected.
Résumé L'étude des comportements de piqûre, de ponte et d'alimentation de Liriomyza trifolii a été réalisée sur hôtes préférés ou non (Chrysanthème ou tomate). Les séquences du comportement de piqûre de feuilles sont stéréotypées sur les deux plantes, avec une forte probabilité de transmission d'une séquence à la suivante quand le comportement a débuté.II y avait deux types de piqûres de feuilles: de larges piqûres coniques sans oeufs et des piqûres tubulaires avec ou sans oeuf. Sans considération du type de piqûre, la femelle retourne sur la piqûre pour s'alimenter. Ainsi, toutes les piqûres peuvent être considérées comme des piqûres alimentaires. Moins de lentes contractions abdominales ont été observées chez les mouches pondant que chez celles piquant uniquement, tant sur chrysanthème que tomate. Les principales différences observées entre hôtes ont été que L. trifolii s'alimentait pendant moins longtemps et passait moins de temps pendant la perforation sur tomate que sur chrysanthème. Ceci suggère la présence d'un répulsif/dissuadant chez la tomate qui serait décelé par la gustation. Aucun dépôt de phéronome épidéictique n'a été mis en évidence pendant la ponte.

Summary We have studied N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG)- and Tn5-induced histidine auxotrophic mutants in Rhizobium trifolii. HisGE, hisD and hisH mutants have been characterized. Using the Kemper's equation we have located them on the R. trifolii linkage map. The hisGE and hisD genes are clustered in the same region and are closely linked to the spectinomycin marker. The hisH gene is located in another region equidistant from the streptomycin and rifampicin markers. The two regions carrying his genes are separated by a distance approximately one-third of the length of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Phytochemical investigation of the radix of Angelica sinensis has led to the isolation and identification of a new phthalide dimer, (3Z)-(3aR,6S,3′R,8′S)-3a.8′,6.3′-diligustilide (1), along with three known phthalide dimers, including riligustilide (2), levistolide A (3), senkyunolide O (4), and three known phthalide monomers, including 3,9-dihydroxyl-ligustilide (5), (Z)-butylidene phthalide (6), (Z)-ligustilide (7). Their structures were determined by spectroscopic methods including IR, NMR (1H NMR, 13C NMR, COSY, HSQC, HMBC and NOESY) and MS. Meanwhile, the possible biosynthesis pathways of compounds 1 and 5 were hypothesized.  相似文献   

Hot aqueous extraction of mycelia of Fusarium oxysporum, followed by fractionation on an anionic resin column gave glycopeptides FL-2 and FL-3. Methylation analysis and 1D and 2D NMR data demonstrated β-d-Manp units and partial hydrolysis gave -d-GlcpA(1→2)-d-Gal, arising from β-d-Galf-containing groups. Both are chemotaxonomic markers of Fusarium spp. FL-3 contained 2,6-di-O-substituted Manp, as well as 2,6-di-O-substituted Galf units, raising the possibility that the former are main-chain constituents, as well as the expected latter structure. The carbohydrate structures of FL-2 and FL-3 differ from those of previously examined polysaccharides of Fusarium spp., which are in turn all different from each other, so that they can serve as fingerprints. Possible variations in their main-chain structures can occur as well as those of their side-chains.  相似文献   

Summary A repeated DNA sequence has been characterized in the clover symbiont, Rhizobium trifolii. Analysis of three copies of this repeated sequence revealed that it constitutes a reiteration of the nifHDK promoter region and, in some copies, an additional reiteration of the N-terminal end of the nifH gene. This sequence, as exemplified by the nifHDK promoter region, is highly conserved within all the geographically-distinct isolates of R. trifolii examined, and is located exclusively on the Sym (symbiotic) plasmid. The R. trifolii repeated sequences (designated RtRS) were shown by DNA hybridization analysis to be specific for R. trifolii and not to hybridize to DNA of any other fastgrowing Rhizobium species examined. Based on the observed species-specificity and Sym-plasmid location of these sequences, as well as the available genetic evidence, we propose a model in which the expression of symbiotic genes is host-specifically activated via these species-specific repeated (promoter) sequences. The results presented indicate that the RtRS sequences can be used as a molecular probe for both species and strain identification and should facilitate the molecular taxonomy of Rhizobium.Dedicated to Professor Georg Melchers to celebrate his 50-year association with the journal  相似文献   

Summary When the nodulating Rhizobium trifolii strain 24Vior containing plasmid RP4 was conjugated with the non-nodulating R. trifolii mutant strain 24StrrNod-35, plasmid RP4 was transferred at a frequency 10-3–10-4. Two out of nearly three thousand tested transconjugants which contained plasmid RP4 had acquired the ability to form nodules on clovers. Molecular studies of the DNA of both these nodulating transconjugants showed the presence of plasmid RP4 and another plasmid which was not found in the original recipient strain. The size of this second plasmid corresponded to that of the plasmid pWZ2, the elimination of which was correlated with irreversible loss of the nodulating ability of R. trifolii strain 24 (Zurkowski and Lorkiewicz 1979). Plasmid RP4 was eliminated from cells by ethidium bromide, without the loss of nodulating properties. The nodulation capacity, however, was eliminated from transconjugants after incubation of bacteria at elevated temperature. Non-nodulating clones obtained after such incubation did not contain the plasmid pWZ2. The results indicate that the plasmid pWZ2 is a necessary element for induction of nodules by R. trifolii, and that it can be mobilized by plasmid RP4.  相似文献   

The circular dichroic spectra of the acid and sodium salt forms of several sialic acid-containing homo- and hetero-polysaccharides have been measured. The spectra are shown to be influenced by the state of ionization of the carboxyl groups contained in the sialic acid, the location within the individual sialic acid residues of the inter-saccharide linkages, and changes in the configuration of hydroxyl groups remote to the carboxyl group of the sialic acid.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance, mesophyll conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis varied considerably by within-plant locations on celery (Apium graveolens L.), but specific opposite leaves proved equivalent. Using such comparable leaves, feeding damage by Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) larvae or adults was found to reduce significantly the capacity of celery for photosynthetic activity. In field trials where populations of L. trifolii were manipulated with pesticides, numbers of leaves, plant height, and numbers of petioles per plant were significantly greater in treatments with low leafminer densities. In treatments where L. trifolii was encouraged, harvest was delayed by up to 3 weeks. Related laboratory studies indicated that the pesticides used in the field trial neither promoted nor slowed celery growth. None of the physiological parameters measured at either 1.5 h or 7 days post-treatment was significantly affected.
Résumé Les conductances des stomates et du mésophylle, la transpiration et la photosynthèse varient considérablement suivant la position des feuilles dans un pied de céleri (Apium graveolens L.) mais ces paramètres sont identiques pour des folioles opposées.En utilisant de telles folioles comparables, une réduction singificative de l'activité photosynthétique du céleri a été observée lors des dégâts alimentaires par les larves et les adultes de Liriomyza trifolii Burg. (Dipt. Agromyzidae). Dans des essais en champ où des populations de L. trifolii ont été contrôlées avec des insecticides, les nombres de pétioles et de folioles et la hauteur des plantes étaient significativement plus élevés là où les traitements avaient entraîné de faibles densités de mineuses. Dans les parcelles où L. trifolii avait été avantagé, la récolte avait été retardée jusqu'à 3 semaines. Des essais parallèles au laboratoire ont montré que les insecticides utilisés dans ces essais au champ, n'avaient ni accéléré, ni retardé la croissance du céleri. Aucun des paramètres physiologiques mesurés après 1,5 heure ou 7 jours après le traitement n'avait été modifié.

Summary A 14 kb DNA fragment from the Sym plasmid of the Rhizobium trifolii strain ANU843, known to carry common nodulation nod and host specific nodulation hsn genes, was extensively mutagenised with transposon Tn5. A correlation between the site of Tn5 insertion and the induced nodulation defect led to the identification of three specific regions (designated I, II, III) which affected nodulation ability. Twenty-three Tn5 insertions into region I (ca. 3.5 kb) affected normal root hair curling ability and abolished infection thread formation. The resulting mutants were unable to nodulate all tested plant species. Tn5 insertions in regions II and III resulted in mutants which showed an exaggerated root hair curling (Hac++) response on clover plants. Ten region II mutants which occurred over a 1.1 kb area showed a greatly reduced nodulation ability on clovers and produced aborted, truncated infection threads. Tn5 insertions into region III (ca. 1.5 kb) altered the outcome of crucial early plant recognition and infection steps by R. trifolii. Seven region III mutants displayed host-range properties which differed from the original parent strain. Region III mutants were able to induce marked root hair distortions, infection threads, and nodules on Pisum sativum including the recalcitrant Afghanistan variety. In addition region III mutants showed a poor nodulation ability on Trifolium repens even though the ability to induce infection threads was retained on this host. The altered host-range properties of region III mutants could only be revealed by mutation and the mutant phenotype was shown to be recessive.  相似文献   

The structure of the O-antigen chain of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Rhizobium trifolii 4s has been determined by a combination of chemical and spectroscopic methods. The glycosyl components were found to be -rhamnose, N-acetyl- -glucosamine, and N-acetyl- -mannosamine in 3:1:1 molar proportion, as determined by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of alditol acetate and persilylated (R)-2-hydroxybutyl glycoside derivatives. The linkage positions and configurations of the glycosyl residues were obtained by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. The polymer has a pentasaccharide repeating-unit containing rhammose and N-acetylglucosamine in the main chain and N-acetylmannosamine as the sole-side chain component. This latter residue is linked to a main-chain rhamnose residue. This result was suggested by NMR spectroscopy and confirmed by periodate oxidation. The sequence was deduced by 1D and 2D NMR NOE experiments and by partial hydrolysis studies. The repeating unit of the polysaccharide is shown. This constitutes the first complete structure of an O-antigenic chain of the lipopolysaccharide of any strain of Rhizobium trifolii.   相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1988,173(2):185-195
Second derivatives F.t.-i.r. bands in the OH and CH stretching regions of the spectra of celluloses I and II and of related mono- and oligo-saccharides are much sharper than those in normal absorption spectra and the improved resolution enables more precise measurements of their frequencies. A multiplicity of bands was found in the OH stretching region, which indicated coupling. A much simpler pattern of bands was observed in the OD stretching region of the lightly deuterated compounds, indicating decoupling of the vibrations. There was a close correspondence between the peaks in the second derivative mode in the OH stretching regions of the spectra of cellotetraose and cellulose II, in agreement with postulates of a strong resemblance between their structures.  相似文献   

Effective parasitoid production or mass-rearing is one of the key components in practicing biological control with parasitoids. Selection of host species for rearing parasitoids is a major approach to improve the production efficiency. The stone leek leafminer Liriomyza chinensis (Kato) is a destructive pest of onion crops in many Asian countries, which is difficult to control with chemicals. The present study examined whether the production of Neochrysocharis okazakii Kamijo, a promising native biological agent of L. chinensis, could be effective if kidney bean-Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) system was used as an alternative rearing procedure. The suitability of L. chinensis and L. trifolii as hosts of N. okazakii was investigated in the laboratory. Neochrysocharis okazakii completed its development on both two host species, and the total development time was similar on these hosts. Longevity of N. okazakii females provided with L. chinensis was longer than those on L. trifolii. There were no significant differences in fecundity and offspring sex ratio when females had been provided with these two host species. The adult parasitoids emerged from L. chinensis were significantly larger than those from L. trifolii. However, the intrinsic rate of increase was higher, and mean generation time was lower, for L. trifolii than L. chinensis. Thus, mean net reproductive rate (Ro) was higher when L. trifolii was used as host. Although the two host species were equally suitable as host for N. okazakii, our findings suggested that L. trifolii and kidney bean is an ideal system for N. okazakii production.  相似文献   

为了解厚藤(Ipomoea pes-caprae)脱水素基因IpDHN (GenBank登录号:KX426069)启动子的转录活性和对非生物胁迫和植物激素ABA的响应,通过染色体步移法克隆了IpDHN的上游启动子序列IpDHN-Pro,长度为974 bp。构建IpDHN-Pro调控下GUS转基因载体,转化拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)植株获得IpDHN-Pro::GUS转基因植株并进行GUS染色,验证IpDHN-Pro启动转录活性以及在氯化钠、甘露醇、ABA处理后拟南芥GUS基因表达变化。结果表明,扩增获得的IpDHN-Pro序列包含多个顺式作用元件,包括1个ABRE、3个Myb转录因子结合位点、富含TC的重复序列以及Skn-1基序等。转基因拟南芥GUS染色及qRT-PCR表明该序列可驱动GUS基因在拟南芥稳定表达,且表达受高盐、渗透压及ABA的诱导。这表明IpDHN-Pro是一个盐旱、ABA诱导的启动子序列,可应用于相关的植物抗逆遗传工程研究。  相似文献   

The structure of the extracellular polysaccharide of Rhizobium trifolii has been investigated. Methylation analysis, sequential degradations by oxidation and elimination of oxidized residues, uronic acid degradation, and degradation by oxidation of the acetylated polysaccharide with chromium trioxide in acetic acid were the main methods used. It is proposed that the polysaccharide is composed of heptasaccharide repeating-units having the following structure:
An unusual feature is that some of the repeating units are incomplete and lack the terminal β-d-galactopyranosyl group. The polysaccharide contains O-acetyl groups (somewhat more than 1 mol. per unit), linked to O-2 and O-3 of 4-O-substituted d-glucopyranosyl chain-residues. A previous finding that the polysaccharide contains 2-deoxy-d-arabino-hexose (2-deoxy-d-glucose) residues is erroneous.  相似文献   

The acidic capsular polysaccharide isolated from Escherichia coli O9:K9:H12 was investigated by using n.m.r. spectroscopy, methylation analysis, periodate oxidation, and bacteriophage-borne enzyme degradation. The polysaccharide, the structure of which is shown below, is the third E. coli capsular polysaccharide reported to contain neuraminic acid, the others being the K1 and K92 polysaccharides, and it is the first in the E. coli series shown to contain a 4-linked neuraminic acid unit.  相似文献   

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