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Hog kidney aminoacylase (N-acylamino acid amidohydrolase; acylase I) is shown to catalyze the exchange of acetate oxygens with water at a significant rate only when alanine is present simultaneously. These studies, conducted using the 18O-isotope induced shift on 13C-NMR spectra, provide evidence in favor of a linear kinetic mechanism as opposed to a 'ping-pong' double-displacement mechanism. At pH values above neutrality, aminoacylase I also catalyzes the exchange of alanine oxygens with those of water. Ionic strength and pH effects on the kinetics of aminoacylase I are examined and the results are interpreted in terms of a model of the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

Transcriptional repression by Myc   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

N-Acylethanolamine phospholipids occur in infarcted but not in normal canine myocardium. Their synthesis is catalyzed by a membrane-bound, Ca2+-requiring N-acyltransferase (transacylase) which transfers acyl groups from the sn-1 position of various phospholipids including phosphatidylethanolamine to the amino group of ethanolamine phospholipids. When dog heart mitochondria are incubated in media containing Ca2+ and H2(18)O, the resulting N-acylethanolamine phospholipids do not accumulate 18O in either the amide or 1-O-acyl groups. The results indicate that acyl transfer occurs without hydrolysis, most likely through an acyl-enzyme complex which may be covalently linked.  相似文献   

Conformational change in the integrin extracellular domain is required for high affinity ligand binding and is also involved in post-ligand binding cellular signaling. Although there is evidence to the contrary, electron microscopic studies showing that ligand binding triggers alpha- and beta-subunit dissociation in the integrin headpiece have gained popularity and support the hypothesis that head separation activates integrins. To test directly the head separation hypothesis, we enforced head association by introducing disulfide bonds across the interface between the alpha-subunit beta-propeller domain and the beta-subunit I-like domain. Basal and activation-dependent ligand binding by alpha(IIb)beta(3) and alpha(V)beta(3) was unaffected. The covalent linkage prevented dissociation of alpha(IIb)beta(3) into its subunits on EDTA-treated cells. Whereas EDTA dissociated wild type alpha(IIb)beta(3) on the cell surface, a ligand-mimetic Arg-Gly-Asp peptide did not, as judged by binding of complex-specific antibodies. Finally, a high affinity ligand-mimetic compound stabilized noncovalent association between alpha(IIb) and beta(3) headpiece fragments in the presence of SDS, indicating that ligand binding actually stabilized subunit association at the head, as opposed to the suggested subunit separation. The mechanisms of conformational regulation of integrin function should therefore be considered in the context of the associated alphabeta headpiece.  相似文献   

Ribosomes catalyze the formation of peptide bonds between aminoacyl esters of transfer RNAs within a catalytic center composed of ribosomal RNA only. Here we show that the reaction of P-site formylmethionine (fMet)-tRNA(fMet) with a modified A-site tRNA substrate, Phelac-tRNA(Phe), in which the nucleophilic amino group is replaced with a hydroxyl group, does not show the pH dependence observed with small substrate analogs such as puromycin and hydroxypuromycin. This indicates that acid-base catalysis by ribosomal residues is not important in the reaction with the full-size substrate. Rather, the ribosome catalyzes peptide bond formation by positioning the tRNAs, or their 3' termini, through interactions with rRNA that induce and/or stabilize a pH-insensitive conformation of the active site and provide a preorganized environment facilitating the reaction. The rate of peptide bond formation with unmodified Phe-tRNA(Phe) is estimated to be >300 s(-1).  相似文献   

The formation of proteins into stable protein complexes plays a fundamental role in the operation of the cell. The study of the degree of evolutionary conservation of protein complexes between species and the evolution of protein-protein interactions has been hampered by lack of comprehensive coverage of the high-throughput (HTP) technologies that measure the interactome. We show that new high-throughput datasets on protein co-purification in yeast have a substantially lower false negative rate than previous datasets when compared to known complexes. These datasets are therefore more suitable to estimate the conservation of protein complex membership than hitherto possible. We perform comparative genomics between curated protein complexes from human and the HTP data in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to study the evolution of co-complex memberships. This analysis revealed that out of the 5,960 protein pairs that are part of the same complex in human, 2,216 are absent because both proteins lack an ortholog in S. cerevisiae, while for 1,828 the co-complex membership is disrupted because one of the two proteins lacks an ortholog. For the remaining 1,916 protein pairs, only 10% were never co-purified in the large-scale experiments. This implies a conservation level of co-complex membership of 90% when the genes coding for the protein pairs that participate in the same protein complex are also conserved. We conclude that the evolutionary dynamics of protein complexes are, by and large, not the result of network rewiring (i.e. acquisition or loss of co-complex memberships), but mainly due to genomic acquisition or loss of genes coding for subunits. We thus reveal evidence for the tight interrelation of genomic and network evolution.  相似文献   

Incubation of Fe(II) bleomycin and O2 with a number of 'A'-like DNA-RNA hybrid homopolymers at 4 atm O2 results in formation of base propenal and base in a ratio of approximately 1.0:1.0. This ratio differs dramatically from the corresponding ratio of approximately 10:1.0 observed when activated BLM degrades 'B'-like DNA homopolymers. Experiments were undertaken to determine if the shift to enhanced base production observed in the A-like hybrids is the result of C-1' chemistry in addition to the C-4' chemistry normally observed with B-like DNA under identical conditions. Increased accessibility of the 1'-hydrogen might be anticipated due to widening of the minor groove in the A-like conformers. Experiments using poly([1'-3H]dA) poly(rU) and poly([U-14C]dA) poly(rU) indicated that neither 3H2O nor deoxyribonolactone accompanied adenine release. In addition, studies using poly([4'-2H]dA) poly(rU) and poly([1'-2H]dA) poly(rU) unambiguously establish that the altered base to base propenal ratio is not the result of C-1' chemistry, but a direct consequence of C-4' chemistry.  相似文献   

Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase catalyzes the reductive dehalogenation of tetrachlorohydroquinone and trichlorohydroquinone during the biodegradation of the xenobiotic compound pentachlorophenol by Sphingobium chlorophenolicum. The mechanism of this transformation is of interest because it is unusual and difficult, and because aerobic microorganisms rarely catalyze reductive dehalogenation reactions. Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase is a member of the glutathione S-transferase superfamily. Many enzymes in this superfamily are capable of catalyzing nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions. On the basis of this precedent, we have considered a mechanism for tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase that involves a nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction, either via an S(N)Ar mechanism or an S(RN)1-like mechanism, in the initial part of the reaction. Mechanistic studies were carried out with the wild type enzyme and with the C13S mutant enzyme, which catalyzes only the initial steps in the reaction. Three findings eliminate the possibility of a nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction. First, the product of such a reaction, 2,3,5-trichloro-6-S-glutathionylhydroquinone, is not a kinetically competent intermediate. Second, the enzyme can carry out the reaction when the substrate is deprotonated at the active site. Nucleophilic aromatic substitution should not be possible when the substrate is negatively charged. Third, substantial normal solvent kinetic isotope effects on k(cat) and k(cat)/K(M,TriCHQ) are observed. Nonenzymatic and enzymatic nucleophilic S(N)Ar reactions typically show inverse solvent kinetic isotope effects.  相似文献   

Dynamic properties of F-actin structure prompted suggestions (Squire, J. M., and Morris, E. P. (1998) FASEB J. 12, 761-771) that actin subdomain 2 movements play a role in thin-filament regulation. Using fluorescently labeled yeast actin mutants Q41C, Q41C/C374S, and D51C/C374S and azidonitrophenyl putrescine (ANP) Gln(41)-labeled alpha-actin, we monitored regulation-linked changes in subdomain 2. These actins had fully regulated acto-S1 ATPase activities, and emission spectra of regulated Q41C(AEDANS)/C374S and D51C(AEDANS)/C374S filaments did not reveal any calcium-dependent changes. Fluorescence energy transfer in these F-actins mostly occurred from Trp(340) and Trp(356) to 5-(2((acetyl)amino)ethyl)amino-naphthalene-1-sulfonate (AEDANS)-labeled Cys(41) or Cys(51) of adjacent same strand protomers. Our results show that fluorescence energy transfer between these residues is similar in the mostly blocked (-Ca(2+)) and closed (+Ca(2+)) states. Ca(2+) also had no effect on the excimer band in the pyrene-labeled Q41C-regulated actin, indicating virtually no change in the overlap of pyrenes on Cys(41) and Cys(374). ANP quenching of rhodamine phalloidin fluorescence showed that neither Ca(2+) nor S1 binding to regulated alpha-actin affects the phalloidin-probe distance. Taken together, our results indicate that transitions between the blocked, closed, and open regulatory states involve no significant subdomain 2 movements, and, since the cross-linked alpha-actin remains fully regulated, that subdomain 2 motions are not essential for actin regulation.  相似文献   

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