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Heating cultures of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis (grown at 26°C) to 34°C for 1.5–12 h transformed the cells to an ellipsoidally shaped form. The heat treatment caused an increase in the rate of oxidation of both medium and long chain fatty acids but decreased the rate of oxidation of [1-14C]glucose. The rate of fatty acid oxidation continued to increase for times as long as 20 h after returning the cultures to 26°C. In both the promastigote and heat-induced ellipsoidal forms, the ratio of 14CO2 release from [1-14C]laurate to that from [12-14C]laurate was generally larger than four, whereas this ratio from [1-14C]oleate relative to [10-14C]oleate was approximately two. These data show that metabolic and morphological differentiation begin after a short heat treatment and that some metabolic changes may continue even after the reverse transformation is initiated. The data also suggest that either the ω-terminal portion of the fatty acids is not completely oxidized to acetyl CoA and/or that there are two functional fatty acid oxidation pathways in Leishmania.  相似文献   

The metabolism of [1-14C]- and [6-14C]glucose, [1-14C]ribose, [1-14C]- and [U-14C]alanine, and [1-14C]- and [5-14C]glutamate by the promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis was investigated in cells resuspended in Hanks' balanced salt solution supplemented with ribose, alanine, or glutamate. The ratio of 14CO2 produced from [1-14C]glucose to that from [6-14C]glucose ranged from about two to six, indicating appreciable carbon flow through the pentose phosphate pathway. A functional pentose phosphate pathway was further demonstrated by the production of 14CO2 from [1-14C]ribose although the rate of ribose oxidation was much lower than the rate of glucose oxidation. The rate of 14CO2 production from [1-14C]glucose was almost linear with time of incubation, whereas that of [6-14C]glucose accelerated, consistent with an increasing rate of flux through the Embden-Meyerhof pathway during incubation. Increasing the assay temperature from 26 degrees C to 34 degrees C had no appreciable effect on the rates or time courses of oxidation of either [1-14C]- or [6-14C]glucose or of [1-14C]ribose. Both alanine and glutamate were oxidized by L. b. panamensis, and at rates comparable to or appreciably greater than the rate of oxidation of glucose. The ratios of 14CO2 produced from [1-14C]- to [U-14C]alanine and from [1-14C]- to [5-14C]glutamate indicated that these compounds were metabolized via a functioning tricarboxylic acid cycle and that most of the label that entered the tricarboxylic acid cycle was oxidized to carbon dioxide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The metabolism of [1-14C]- and [6-14C]glucose, [1-14]ribose, [1-14C]- and [U-14C]alanine, and [1-14C]- and [5-14C]glutamate by the promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis was investigated in cells resuspended in Hanks' balanced salt solution supplemented with ribose, alanine, or glutamate. The ratio of 14CO2 produced from [1-14C]glucose to that from [6-14C]glucose ranged from about two to six, indicating appreciable carbon flow through the pentose phosphate pathway. A functional pentose phosphate pathway was further demonstrated by the production of 14CO2 from [1-14C]ribose although the rate of ribose oxidation was much lower than the rate of glucose oxidation. The rate of 14CO2 production from [1-14C]glucose was almost linear with time of incubation, whereas that of [6-14C]glucose accelerated, consistent with an increasing rate of flux through the Embden-Meyerhof pathway during incubation. Increasing the assay temperature from 26°C to 34°C had no appreciable effect on the rates or time courses of oxidation of either [1-14C]- or [6-14C]glucose or of [1-14C]ribose. Both alanine and glutamate were oxidized by L. b. panamensis, and at rates comparable to or appreciably greater than the rate of oxidation of glucose. The ratios of 14CO2 produced from [1-14C]- to [U-14C]alanine and from [1-14C]- to [5-14C]glutamate indicated that these compounds were metabolized via a functioning tricarboxylic acid cycle and that most of the label that entered the tricarboxylic acid cycle was oxidized to carbon dioxide. Heating the cultures for 6 or 12 h at 34°C, which converts the promastigotes into an ellipsoidally shaped intermediate form, decreased the rates of oxidation of glucose, alanine, and glutamate. The oxidation of glutamate decreased by about 50% and 70% after a 6-h or 12-h heat treatment, respectively. Returning the heated cultures to 26°C initiated a reversion to the promastigote form and recovery of the rate of glucose oxidation, but glutamate oxidation did not return to control levels by 19 h at 26°C.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis were subjected to a heat shock transformation yielding an amastigote-like stage. During the process of conversion, the heat-induced differentiating form displayed an increase in infectivity (as determined by lesion size) accompanied by a total protein composition unlike that of the promastigote and a morphology resembling that of the amastigote. These biological/functional changes may be related to an involvement of a heat shock response in the differentiation of leishmania, thus having important implications in the development of prevention and treatment stratagems.  相似文献   

Raising the temperature of a log-phase culture of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis promastigotes from 26 degrees C to 34 degrees C resulted in formation of a culture containing 85% ellipsoidally shaped forms after 1.5 h. The temperature-induced ellipsoidal forms decreased in size but persisted in high proportion (85-95%) for at least 12 h at 34 degrees C. Recovery from the ellipsoidal forms to a culture containing 85-95% promastigotes was observed after returning the temperature to 26 degrees C. The time required for recovery increased markedly with the duration of the preceding heat treatment, up to about 70 h for a 12-h heat treatment.  相似文献   

Raising the temperature of a log-phase culture of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis promastigotes from 26°C to 34°C resulted in formation of a culture containing 85% ellipsoidally shaped forms after 1.5 h. The temperature-induced ellipsoidal forms decreased in size but persisted in high proportion (85–95%) for at least 12 h at 34°C. Recovery from the ellipsoidal forms to a culture containing 85–95% promastigotes was observed after returning the temperature to 26°C. The time required for recovery increased markedly with the duration of the preceding heat treatment, up to about 70 h for a 12-h heat treatment.  相似文献   

Two strains of the Leishmania braziliensis complex have been adapted to grow extracellularly at elevated temperature as amastigote-like forms in a cell-free medium. These parasites can be serially cultivated and maintained at 32 degrees C for L. panamensis (WR442; L. braziliensis panamensis) and at 28 degrees C for L. braziliensis (M5052; L. braziliensis braziliensis). Several observations are presented that the forms adapted at elevated temperature are amastigote-like. Morphologically, the amastigote-like organisms appear rounded to ovoid and are immotile and smaller than promastigotes; the flagellum of the amastigote-like forms does not extend beyond the flagellar pocket. In comparison, the promastigotes are very elongated, with a nucleus at mid-cell length and a very long flagellum. By electron microscopy, the short flagellum of the amastigote-like form is within a distended flagellar pocket; the 9 + 2 axonemal configuration is present but the paraxial rod is not observed. By contrast, the flagellum of the promastigote has a paraxial rod which extends from the axosome level. In addition, these amastigote-like forms of Leishmania are able to infect, to survive and to divide within the macrophage cell line J774.  相似文献   

13C-nuciear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to investigate the products of glycerol and acetate metabolism released by Leishmania braziliensis panamensis promastigotes and also to examine the interaction of each of these substrates with glucose or alanine. The NMR data were supplemented by measurements of the rates of oxygen consumption and substrate utilization, and of 14CO2 production from 14C-labeIed substrate. Cells incubated with [2-13C]glycerol released acetate, succinate and D-lactate in addition to CO2. Cells incubated with acetate released only CO2. More succinate C-2/C-3 than C-l/C-4 was released from both [2-13C]glycerol and [2-13C]glucose, indicating that succinate was formed predominantly by CO2 fixation followed by reverse flux through part of the Krebs cycle. Some redistribution of the position of labeling was also seen in alanine and pyruvate, suggesting cycling through pyruvate/oxaloacetate/phosphoenolpyruvate. Cells incubated with combinations of 2 substrates consumed oxygen at the same rate as cells incubated with 1 or no substrate, even though the total substrate utilization had increased. When promastigotes were incubated with both glycerol and glucose, the rate of glucose consumption was unchanged but glycerol consumption decreased about 50%, and the rate of 14CO2 production from [l,(3)-14C]glycerol decreased about 60%. Alanine did not affect the rates of consumption of glucose or glycerol, but decreased 14CO2 production from these substrates by increasing flow of label into alanine. Although glucose decreased alanine consumption by 70%, it increased the rate of 14CO2 production from [U-14C]- and [l-14C]alanine by about 20%. This is consistent with rapid equilibration of alanine with pyruvate derived from glucose and yet little decrease in the specific activity of the large alanine pool.  相似文献   

13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to investigate the products of glycerol and acetate metabolism released by Leishmania braziliensis panamensis promastigotes and also to examine the interaction of each of these substrates with glucose or alanine. The NMR data were supplemented by measurements of the rates of oxygen consumption and substrate utilization, and of 14CO2 production from 14C-labeled substrate. Cells incubated with [2-13C]glycerol released acetate, succinate and D-lactate in addition to CO2. Cells incubated with acetate released only CO2. More succinate C-2/C-3 than C-1/C-4 was released from both [2-13C]glycerol and [2-13C]glucose, indicating that succinate was formed predominantly by CO2 fixation followed by reverse flux through part of the Krebs cycle. Some redistribution of the position of labeling was also seen in alanine and pyruvate, suggesting cycling through pyruvate/oxaloacetate/phosphoenolpyruvate. Cells incubated with combinations of 2 substrates consumed oxygen at the same rate as cells incubated with 1 or no substrate, even though the total substrate utilization had increased. When promastigotes were incubated with both glycerol and glucose, the rate of glucose consumption was unchanged but glycerol consumption decreased about 50%, and the rate of 14CO2 production from [1,(3)-14C]glycerol decreased about 60%. Alanine did not affect the rates of consumption of glucose or glycerol, but decreased 14CO2 production from these substrates by increasing flow of label into alanine. Although glucose decreased alanine consumption by 70%, it increased the rate of 14CO2 production from [U-14C]- and [l-14C]alanine by about 20%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The taxonomic attribution of four Leishmania stocks isolated from humans in Ecuador has been explored by both multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphic DNA. For three loci, MLEE results showed patterns suggesting a heterozygous state for a diploid organism, while the corresponding homozygous states are characteristic of the Leishmania panamensis/guyanensis complex and Leishmania braziliensis . RAPD profiles exhibited for several primers a combination of the Leishmania panmensis/guyanensis complex and L. braziliensis characters. These data hence suggest that the four stocks are the results of hybridization between L. panamensis/guyanensis and L. braziliensis . MLEE data show that the results cannot be attributed to either mixture of stocks, or an F1 in the framework of a simple Mendelian inheritance.  相似文献   

Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis (Lbb) is probably the most serious, leishmanial infection of the New World. Although epidemiological information is incomplete, its distribution is believed to extend from Belize in Central America to northern Argentina, involving all countries east of the Andes. Lbb causes a variety of clinical lesions and is one of the most difficult forms of leishmaniasis to treat. We still do not know how many patients suffer from mucosal disease requiring treatment. In this review of 10 years field experience in an endemic area of Brazil, Philip Marsden shows that parasitologists have much to contribute, especially in improving diagnostic methods, developing better animal models, and providing new drugs suitable for routine treatment on a large-scale.  相似文献   

. Two strains of the Leishmania braziliensis complex have been adapted to grow extracellularly at elevated temperature as amastigote-like forms in a cell-free medium. These parasites can be serially cultivated and maintained at 32°C for L. panamensis (WR442; L. braziliensis panamensis ) and at 28°C for L. braziliensis (M5052; L. braziliensis braziliensis ). Several observations are presented that the forms adapted at elevated temperature are amastigote-like. Morphologically, the amastigote-like organisms appear rounded to ovoid and are immotile and smaller than promastigotes; the flagellum of the amastigote-like forms does not extend beyond the flagellar pocket. In comparison, the promastigotes are very elongated, with a nucleus at mid-cell length and a very long flagellum. By electron microscopy, the short flagellum of the amastigote-like form is within a distended flagellar pocket; the 9 + 2 axonemal configuration is present but the paraxial rod is not observed. By contrast, the flagellum of the promastigote has a paraxial rod which extends from the axosome level. In addition, these amastigote-like forms of Leishmania are able to infect, to survive and to divide within the macrophage cell line J774.  相似文献   

Immunochemical evidence, employing monoclonal antibodies, shows that the forms of L. braziliensis complex axenically grown at elevated temperature are amastigote-like. The monoclonal antibodies were raised against membrane proteins of amastigote-like forms, strains of both L. panamensis (WR442) and L. braziliensis (M5052), which were grown axenically. The specificities of these antibodies were examined by indirect radioimmune binding assay, indirect immunofluorescent assay and Western blot analyses. Two distinct groups of monoclonal antibodies were obtained and their specificities were consistent with the 3 methods used. Four antibodies are specific for the species L. panamensis and react with both developmental stages. Six antibodies specifically recognize amastigote-like forms grown at elevated temperature and intracellular amastigotes of both L. panamensis (WR442) and L. braziliensis (M5052). These monoclonal antibodies do not bind to promastigotes of these species, nor to promastigotes of any other species of Leishmania. Therefore these antibodies are specific for amastigotes of L. panamensis (WR442) and L. braziliensis (M5052), and suggest that immunochemically both amastigote forms (culture and macrophage) are developmentally very close, if not identical. The molecules associated with the amastigote-specific antigenic determinants consist of a Mr 12-kD component and a heterogeneous component (Mr from 50 kD to greater than 200 kD); these molecules appear to be identical for both amastigote-like forms and amastigotes isolated from macrophages.  相似文献   

Immunochemical evidence, employing monoclonal antibodies, shows that the forms of L. braziliensis complex axenically grown at elevated temperature are amastigote-like. The monoclonal antibodies were raised against membrane proteins of amastigote-like forms, strains of both L. panamensis (WR442) and L. braziliensis (M5052), which were grown axenically. The specificities of these antibodies were examined by indirect radioimmune binding assay, indirect immunofluorescent assay and Western blot analyses. Two distinct groups of monoclonal antibodies were obtained and their specificities were consistent with the 3 methods used. Four antibodies are specific for the species L. panamensis and react with both developmental stages. Six antibodies specifically recognize amastigote-like forms grown at elevated temperature and intracellular amastigotes of both L. panamensis (WR442) and L. braziliensis (M5052). These monoclonal antibodies do not bind to promastigotes of these species, nor to promastigotes of any other species of Leishmania . Therefore these antibodies are specific for amastigotes of L. panamensis (WR442) and L. braziliensis (M5052), and suggest that immunochemically both amastigote forms (culture and macrophage) are developmentally very close, if not identical. The molecules associated with the amastigote-specific antigenic determinants consist of a Mr 12-kD component and a heterogeneous component (Mr from 50 kD to >200 kD); these molecules appear to be identical for both amastigote-like forms and amastigotes isolated from macrophages.  相似文献   

Four mongrel dogs were intradermically inoculated with 3 x 10(6) Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis promastigotes. Three out of the four animals developed cutaneous lesions respectively 4, 7, and 8 months after. The fourth dog did not develop lesion at the inoculation site, but a mucosal ulcer was seen 16 months after the inoculum. Clinical, histopathological, and serological findings were similar to what is found in natural canine infection as well as in the human disease. These results suggest that dogs may be an useful model for L. b. braziliensis infection.  相似文献   

The conventional methods for identification and typing of Leishmania species depend on previous culture isolation of the parasites. Not infrequently, culture is unsuccessful and may result in misrepresentation of the heterogeneity of the original isolate. Thus, more reliable and precise identification of genotypes of Leishmania spp. is important for a better clinical and epidemiological understanding of the disease. We evaluated the potential of LSSP-PCR targeting kDNA minicircles in discriminating different variants of the parasite with the use of clinical samples directly or cultivated parasites. The 1st step of this procedure consists of the amplification of the minicircles by conventional PCR; the 2nd step is low-stringency amplification of the minicircles previously amplified, with the use of 1 of the primers. Although LSSP-PCR produced complex and distinct kDNA signatures for isolates representing different species, further experiments demonstrated that the approach had the potential for discriminating intraspecific variants of L. braziliensis. Thus, the generated profiles were too variable to be useful as markers for species identification. Moreover, we demonstrated that the approach can be directly applied to clinical samples. In conclusion, LSSP-PCR targeting kDNA minicircles produces profiles that reflect polymorphisms of the predominant classes of minicircles, and can be useful for studies aimed at discriminating Leishmania braziliensis genotypes without the need for previous cultivation of the parasite.  相似文献   

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