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The trophic interactions between 15 native and two introduced fish species, silverside Odontesthes bonariensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, collected in a major fishery area at Lake Titicaca were explored by integrating traditional ecological knowledge and stable‐isotope analyses (SIA). SIA suggested the existence of six trophic groups in this fish community based on δ13C and δ15N signatures. This was supported by ecological evidence illustrating marked spatial segregation between groups, but a similar trophic level for most of the native groups. Based on Bayesian ellipse analyses, niche overlap appeared to occur between small O. bonariensis (<90 mm) and benthopelagic native species (31·6%), and between the native pelagic killifish Orestias ispi and large O. bonariensis (39%) or O. mykiss (19·7%). In addition, Bayesian mixing models suggested that O. ispi and epipelagic species are likely to be the main prey items for the two introduced fish species. This study reveals a trophic link between native and introduced fish species, and demonstrates the utility of combining both SIA and traditional ecological knowledge to understand trophic relationships between fish species with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Limnoperna fortunei, an invasive mussel altering the structure of benthic communities, is preyed upon by several fish species in South America. To investigate the impact of...  相似文献   

Human activity can dramatically affect biodiversity, often by introducing non-native species, or by increasing the abundance of a small number of native species. Management strategies aimed at conserving biodiversity need to be informed by the actual impacts of highly abundant species, whether native or introduced. In this study we examined characteristics of two bird species, introduced common mynas and native noisy miners, both of which are highly abundant in urbanised areas along the East coast of Australia. Current managerial practices have a strong focus on eradication of common mynas, while noisy miners are largely ignored. However, in this study noisy miners were found in a broader range of habitats, and in greater abundance, than common mynas; displayed more aggressive behaviour; and were linked to a decline in the diversity and abundance of other species where common mynas were not. We suggest that the adaptability of a species and the variety of habitats it can colonise may be a better predictor of its potential impact, than whether it is native or introduced.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-021-04580-3  相似文献   

1. We used field surveys to compare the density and mesohabitat-scale distribution of the native coastrange sculpin ( Cottus aleuticus ) and the prickly sculpin ( C. asper ) in coastal rivers in north-western California, U.S.A., with and without an introduced piscivorous fish, the Sacramento pikeminnow, Ptychocheilus grandis . We also measured mortality of tethered prickly sculpin in a field experiment including river, habitat type (pools versus riffles) and cover as factors.
2. Average sculpin density ( C. aleuticus and C. asper combined) in two rivers without pikeminnow was 21 times higher than the average density in two rivers in a drainage with introduced pikeminnow. In riffles, differences in the density of sculpins among rivers could be linked to differences in cover. However, riffles in rivers without pikeminnow had an average sculpin density 77 times higher than rivers with pikeminnow, yet only nine times more cover. In pools, cover availability did not differ among rivers, but the density of sculpins in rivers without pikeminnow was 11 times higher than rivers with pikeminnow.
3. In the field experiment, mortality of tethered sculpin varied substantially among treatments and ANOVA indicated a significant River × Habitat × Cover interaction ( P  < 0.001). Overall, tethered prickly sculpin suffered 40% mortality over 24 h in rivers with pikeminnow and 2% mortality in rivers without pikeminnow, suggesting that predation is the mechanism by which the pikeminnow affects sculpins.
4. The apparent reduction in sculpin abundance by introduced pikeminnow has probably significantly altered food webs and nutrient transport processes, and increased the probability of extinction of coastrange and prickly sculpins in the Eel River drainage.  相似文献   

Little information is available on relationships between pest animal density and damage in natural ecosystems. Introduced European rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, cause severe damage to Australian native vegetation but density–damage relationships are largely unexplored. There are no recognized simple methods to estimate their impacts on native pastures, due in part to confusion with grazing impact of other herbivores. We tested simple quantitative sampling methods using multiple small quadrats to detect site differences in pasture cover, pasture species richness and dung pellet density of herbivores, from which rabbit density and relative abundance of larger herbivores were estimated. Native pasture cover and species richness declined exponentially with increasing rabbit density, within the range of 0–5 rabbits ha?1, while cover of unpalatable exotic pasture species increased. By contrast, kangaroo abundance was positively related to palatable native pasture cover and negatively related to cover of unpalatable weeds, and had no negative effect on native pasture cover or species richness that was discernable against a background of low to moderate rabbit densities. Perennial native forbs and perennial grasses replaced invasive Wards weed as the dominant ground cover at low rabbit densities. We conclude that, regardless of previous grazing history, contemporary kangaroo grazing pressure and weed invasion, the severely degraded state of native pastures was perpetuated by rabbits. The effect of rabbits on native pasture can be recorded in a simple manner that is suitable for identifying density–damage relationships in the presence of other herbivores and changes over time. This method is seen as particularly useful in setting target densities below which rabbits must be managed to maintain native plant communities and ecosystem function in southern Australia. It may also be useful to demonstrate rabbits’ impacts in other regions, including optimum densities for plant biodiversity benefits in their native European range.  相似文献   

Collections of fish assemblages from streams in the midwestern United States were used to examine assemblage-level effects of spatial variation in relative abundance of the red shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis, a widespread and highly abundant minnow species. This species has been widely introduced outside its native range and is suspected to have impacted local assemblages where it has become established. Given its overall dominance of midwest fish assemblages, and its suspected impact on assemblage structure, we asked if structure of the residual fish assemblages (red shiners excluded) was a function of the relative abundance of red shiners throughout the native range of C. lutrensis in the USA. Although red shiner ranked first in abundance in half of the assemblages and numerically dominated 28% of the assemblages, red shiner relative abundance in an assemblage had no detectable effect on richness, diversity, evenness, or complexity of other (residual) species in the assemblage. Relative abundance of red shiners did have a positive effect on the abundance of benthic minnows in the residual assemblage, but not on water column minnows that are ecologically most like red shiners. Environmental factors did not explain a significant amount of the variation in relative abundance of red shiners, but did explain some variation in residual assemblage structure. Although widespread and numerically dominant at many localities, red shiners do not appear to have a strong impact on local fish assemblage structure within their native range. This is in sharp contrast to the reported negative effects of red shiners on fish assemblages where they have been introduced outside their native range.  相似文献   

  1. Increased turbidity and siltation caused by rock quarrying, mining, and deforestation are pervasive disturbances in aquatic systems. Turbidity interferes with vision for aquatic organisms, potentially altering predator–prey interactions.
  2. We studied the effects of these disturbances in Trinidadian streams by surveying predators and their shared prey both in streams with versus without quarries as well as in a focal stream before and after the establishment of a quarry. Then, to evaluate whether differential foraging success in turbid water might underlie abundance patterns of predators, we experimentally induced turbidity in mesocosms and measured predator foraging success.
  3. Upstream quarry presence had a dramatic effect on the benthic structure of streams, greatly increasing siltation. A substantial decrease in the abundance of a diurnal cichlid predator (Crenicichla frenata) was associated with quarry presence, while a nocturnal erytherinid predator (Hoplias malabaricus) was equally as abundant in streams with or without quarries. The density of their shared prey, the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) remained unchanged.
  4. In mesocosm trials, Crenicichla were less successful predators with turbidity, whereas Hoplias performed equally across turbidities. These foraging success results help explain differences in demographic shifts in response to turbidity for both predators.
  5. By relating short-term effects of an anthropogenically altered visual environment on species interactions to abundance patterns of predators and prey, this study helps to identify an important mechanism whereby changes to species’ visual ecology may have long-term effects on population biology.

1. Fish community structure depends on biotic interactions and abiotic variables. Abiotic variables appear to gain importance in highly variable freshwater systems, such as tropical wetlands where a marked seasonal hydroperiod (dry and wet seasons) modifies water quality and quantity, differentially affecting fish survival and, consequently, modifying species richness and abundance. 2. We evaluated the relationship between abiotic variables and fish community structure in variable (temporary) and stable (permanent) pools that were interconnected in a tropical wetland with marked annual dry and wet seasons. 3. All fish species were able to occupy any of the studied pools, but our results showed distinctive fish community structures in permanent and temporary pools. Community structure was related to temperature, depth, pH and macrophyte coverage. Total fish abundance in the wetland was negatively related to water depth and positively related to macrophyte coverage. 4. Null models of co‐occurrence indicated a non‐random pattern at the wetland scale and a random pattern within groups of pools with similar characteristics, suggesting that fish communities are structured according to habitat features. We conclude that seasonal abiotic variation and habitat characteristics in this highly variable pristine wetland play major roles in structuring fish communities.  相似文献   


The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is invasive on the West coast of North America, but the ecological consequences of this invasion remain poorly understood. Comparative functional response analysis has arisen as a method of elucidating ecological consequences of invasive species by comparing the impact of these species to native analogues. Through comparative functional response experiments of green crabs and native red rock crabs (Cancer productus) we found that green crab predation increased asymptotically (Type II functional response) when fed increasing densities of Pacific oysters (Magallana gigas), while red rock crab predation displayed a sigmoidal (Type III) response. At high oyster densities red rock crabs consume more Pacific oysters than green crabs do, due to their reduced handling time, though green crabs consume more Pacific oysters relative to their size than red rock crabs. However, compared to red rock crabs, green crabs consume more oysters at low prey densities, which implies that they have a larger, potentially destabilizing impact on low densities of Pacific oysters. As green crabs continue to spread across the West coast of North America, Pacific oysters will face increased predation pressure. Our results show the advantage of using functional response analysis to compare density dependent predation between an invasive species and a native species to predict the ecological consequences of invasions.


Wetlands are subject to invasion by exotic plant species, especially during the dry season when they resemble terrestrial systems; therefore, terrestrial plants could exploit this situation to colonize this environment. We analyzed P. anserina invading Patagonian wetlands in terms of elemental ratios that would modify wetland stoichiometry due to organic matter inputs. We studied the elemental relationship (carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus) of P. anserina in comparison with native emergent macrophytes (Eleocharis pachicarpa and Carex aematorrhyncha). These plant species are common and dominant in the wetland. Additionally, we analyzed the presence of mycorrhizal fungi in the roots and their proportion of root infection. Our study reveals that the invasive species presented nutrient (especially phosphorus) allocation in roots and differences in mycorrhizal infection, with a predominance of arbuscular mycorrhiza, compared with native species. During flooded periods with the decay of aerial parts, P. anserina stores phosphorus in the roots and releases dissolved organic matter of high molecular weight molecules, high color, and a high C-to-nutrient ratio in comparison with native macrophytes. These results show the strategy of an invasive terrestrial plant in temporary aquatic systems, and how the elemental relationships of the invasive plant can modify the stoichiometry of the environment.  相似文献   

Abundances of mosquito larvae and associated invertebrate communities were assessed in 27 temporary ponds during the spring season in wetland areas of Germany. Four genera of mosquitoes were identified: Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, and Culiseta. We focused our analyses on Aedes spp. because this genus was the most abundant (92% of total abundance) and frequently encountered mosquito (present in 65% of investigated sites). The abundance of Aedes spp. was negatively associated with the abundance of competitors for food, and to a lesser extent with those of intraguild predators and strict predators. The influence of these natural antagonists on larvae of Aedes was stronger in ponds with higher levels of dissolved oxygen (53 ± 4%) than in ponds with lower levels (16 ± 1%). The overall abundance of antagonists explained 42% of the variation in abundance of Aedes spp. at sites with higher levels of dissolved oxygen. Of this explained variation, competitors accounted for 34.7%, whereas the abundance of intraguild predators and strict predators accounted for only 6.8 and 0.5%, respectively. Therefore, the promotion of competing species might be an appropriate ecological approach for the control of Aedes spp. in temporary ponds in these areas.  相似文献   

Aquatic Ecology - Florida apple snails, Pomacea paludosa, serve as the nearly exclusive prey for the endangered Florida snail kite, Rostrhamus sociabilis, and many other predators in Florida...  相似文献   

The interaction between native fishes and salmonids introduced in Patagonia at the beginning of the 20th Century, developed at the same time as the environmental change. The phenomenon of global warming has led to the formulation of predictions in relation to changes in the distribution of species, in the latitudinal dimension, both at intralacustrine, or small streams levels. The aim of the present work includes three main objectives: a) to compose a general and updated picture of the latitudinal distribution range of native and alien fishes, b) to analyze the historical changes in the relative abundance of Percichthys trucha, Odontesthes sp., and salmonids in lakes and reservoirs, and c) to relate the diversity and relative abundance of native and salmonid fishes to the environmental variables of lakes and reservoirs. We analysed previous records and an ensemble of data about new locations along the northern border of the Patagonian Province. We compared current data about the relative abundance of native fishes and salmonids in lakes and reservoirs, with previous databases (1984–1987). All samplings considered were performed during spring-summer surveys and include relative abundance, as proportions of salmonids, P. trucha, and Odontesthes sp. For the first time, we found changes in fish assemblages from twenty years back up to the present: a significant decline in the relative abundances of salmonids and an increase of P. trucha. We studied the association between the diversity and relative abundance of native and salmonid fishes and the environmental variables of lakes and reservoirs using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Relative abundance showed mainly geographical cues and the diversity relied largely on morphometric characteristics. Relative abundance and diversity seem to have a common point in the lake area, included into the PAR concept. Native abundance and alien diversity were negatively related with latitude. Greater native diversity was observed in lakes with high PAR compared with salmonids. Historical changes such as southward dispersion, relative abundance changes, and geographical patterns for relative abundance and diversity are basic concepts needed not only in future research but also in management design for Patagonian fish populations.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that the history of species arrival to a locality can have important effects on species performance but the mechanism(s) through which priority effects are produced is not always clear. Differences in the developmental time of frog tadpoles provide an opportunity to examine mechanisms through which priority effects may influence fitness components of a late arriving taxon. Specifically, tadpoles of the southern leopard frog (Rana) can often require more than a year to complete metamorphosis so they overwinter in a pond and compete with newly deposited tadpoles in the spring. We conducted an experiment in artificial ponds to evaluate mechanisms through which overwintering Rana tadpoles influence fitness components of southern toad (Bufo) tadpoles deposited into ponds during the spring. We found that overwintered Rana reduced Bufo performance while newly hatched Rana that enter a pond simultaneously with Bufo did not. The production of this priority effect was primarily the result of Rana depleting algal resources in a pond during the winter prior to Bufo arrival. The performance of Bufo did not correspond with variation in the abundance of algae present in a pond during the spring and we found evidence to indicate that, in the absence of resource exploitation during the winter, overwintered Rana do not compete strongly with Bufo during the spring when both species co‐occur. When Rana deplete algal resources during the winter, however, interactions between Rana and Bufo during the spring became much more important as both the development rate and survival of Bufo was reduced to a greater extent than what would have been predicted by resource exploitation alone. Our results demonstrate that priority effects can result from early colonists depleting resource availability prior to the arrival of other species which can intensify behavioral/physical interactions between species when they co‐occur.  相似文献   

The distribution offish within the Seven Creeks River system, a tributary of the Goulburn River in the Murray–Darling basin, was determined primarily by a survey carried out during the summer of 1975–76. Information on the past occurrence of fish in the system was obtained from historical records. Seventeen species offish, eleven native and six exotic, have been recorded from the system. Habitat characteristics, cohabiting species and food habits are presented for each species recorded during the survey, and factors affecting present distributions are discussed. Siltation appears to have had adverse effects on native Murray cod, Maccullochella peeli, and Macquarie perch, Macquaria australasica, both of which were once common in the lower reaches of the system. The presence of Macquarie perch and the rare native trout cod, Maccullochella macquariensis, in the upper reaches of the system is traced to fish released in 1921 and 1922. A nother native species, the western carp gudgeon, Hypseleotris klunzingeri, was first observed in the system only after it had been introduced into farm dams in the area in the mid 1960s. Relationships between native and introduced fish are complex. Although the food requirements of some native and introduced species overlap and some native fish have been found in the stomachs of introduced species, the only evidence of a substantial effect of an introduced species on a native species is the apparent fragmentation of the range of common mountain galaxiids, Galaxias olidus, by brown trout, Salmo trutta, whose numbers in the system were, until recently, augmented by continual releases of hatchery-reared fish.  相似文献   

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