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报道了浙江薹草属一新种,即近头状薹草Carex subcapitata X.F.Jin,C.Z.Zheng&B.Y.Ding。新种以秆侧生,叶片狭,小穗1-2个生于各节及小穗雄雌顺序,而与大舌薹草C.grandiligulata K kenth.相近,区别在于苞鞘无毛,小穗宽卵形,近头状,长5-7mm,具4-7 朵雌花,雌花鳞片近卵形,果囊的喙长1.5-2mm。  相似文献   

张树仁 《西北植物学报》2004,24(11):2089-2091
《中国植物志》中记载的薹草属高秆薹草组包括区别显著的两类植物,一类具有间断的穗状花序和叶状苞片,另一类穗状花序紧密、苞片鳞片状或刚毛状,宜分为两个不同的组:高秆薹草组和卵形薹草组。文中将高秆薹草组和卵形薹草组与近缘的薮薹草组进行了形态学比较,并提供了中国高秆薹草组和卵形薹草组的分类纲要。  相似文献   

陆昭岑  陈海玲  覃营  刘演 《广西植物》2023,43(12):2203-2212
薹草属(Carex L.)是广西物种多样性丰富的大属,目前记录的物种达100种,然而广西薹草属植物资源仍然不清楚,缺乏系统的调查与研究。该文基于馆藏薹草属植物标本鉴定,文献收集整理和野外调查等基础上,对广西薹草属植物的前期研究进行系统的梳理,对广西薹草属植物物种编目简况进行了概述;另外,广西薹草属植物特有性高,通过对16个模式标本采自广西的类群进行系统梳理,考证其模式产地准确性,补充分布信息,确定目前广西特有薹草属植物共8种;报道了广西薹草属植物8个新记录种,即禾状薹草(C.alopecuroides D. Don)、仲氏薹草(C.chungii Z. P. Wang)、糙毛囊薹草(C.hirtiutriculata L. K. Dai)、秆叶薹草(C.insignis Boott)、云雾薹草(C.nubigena D. Don)、仙台薹草(C.sendaica Franch.)、伴生薹草(C.sociata Boott)、横果薹草(C.transversa Boott),提供其形态特征集要与凭证标本照片,并对广西薹草属植物的多样性、特有性、地理分布以及资源潜在利用价值等进行了讨论,该...  相似文献   

描述了我国广西大苗山莎草科Cyperaceae一新种——大苗山薹草Carex damiaoshanensis X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。本种形态上与花葶薹草C. scaposa C. B. Clarke接近, 区别主要在秆、秆生叶和支花序轴均无毛, 支花序数较少, 小穗疏生雌花。对秆、支花序梗、秆生叶和小坚果扫描电镜观察也显示了这二者的区别。  相似文献   

中国薹草属黑穗薹草组的数量分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国薹草属黑穗薹草组Sect.Racemosae及外类群冻原薹草组Sect.Frigidae共20种3变种采用38个形态特征进行了数量分类研究。聚类分析结果表明,黑穗薹草组应是一个自然分类群;支持了《中国植物志》将两对相似种:乌拉草(Carer meyeriana)与红原薹草(Carer hongyuanensis)、膨囊薹草(Carex lehmanii)与五台山薹草(Carex montis-wutaii)分别处理为种的观点。主成分分析结果表明,本组的分类特征较为稳定与集中,本组主成分分析散点图与聚类分析的分类结果大致吻合,并表明有关小坚果、果囊、鳞片、主茎叶和苞片的性状在本组的分类中起到了主要作用。  相似文献   

在整理和鉴定浙江薹草属植物的过程中,发现了一些地理分布的新记录.其中包括10种、1亚种,即宽叶薹草组的大舌薹草(Carex grandiligulata Kükenth.),灰帽薹草组的横纹薹草(Carex rugata Ohwi)和豌豆形薹草(Carex pisiformis Boott),胀囊薹草组的朝鲜薹草(Carex dickinsii Franch.),瘦果薹草组的宝华山薹草(Carex baohuashanica Tang et Wang ex L. K. Dai),硬毛果薹草组的疏果薹草(Carex hebecarpa C. A. Mey.),菱果薹草组的高氏薹草(Carex kaoi Tang et Wang ex S. Y. Liang)、根花薹草(Carex radiciflora Dunn)、遵义薹草(Carex zunyiensis Tang et Wang)、弯柄薹草(Carex manca Boott)和九华薹草(Carex manca Boott ssp. jiuhuaensis (S. W. Su) S. Y. Liang).  相似文献   

报道了中国莎草科薹草属一新记录种:对马薹草(Carex tsushimensis(Ohwi)Ohwi)。该种现知分布于日本九州的对马岛和中国浙江省遂昌县的九龙山国家级自然保护区,生长于林下水沟边。根据小坚果先端具僧帽状膨大的环盘特征,对马薹草属于灰帽薹草组(sect.Mitratae),形态接近中华薹草(C.chinensis)、伴生薹草(C.sociata)和龙奇薹草(C.longkiensis)。对马薹草与伴生薹草最为近缘,区别主要在于前者叶片宽2~4 mm,小穗较少,4或5个,顶生雄小穗与其下的侧生小穗稍疏远,雌花鳞片先端延伸成长约3 mm的粗糙长芒。  相似文献   

报道了中国莎草科薹草属一新记录种:对马薹草(Carex tsushimensis (Ohwi) Ohwi)。该种现知分布于日本九州的对马岛和中国浙江省遂昌县的九龙山国家级自然保护区,生长于林下水沟边。根据小坚果先端具僧帽状膨大的环盘特征,对马薹草属于灰帽薹草组(sect. Mitratae),形态接近中华薹草(C. chinensis)、伴生薹草(C. sociata)和龙奇薹草(C. longkiensis)。对马薹草与伴生薹草最为近缘,区别主要在于前者叶片宽2~4 mm,小穗较少,4或5个,顶生雄小穗与其下的侧生小穗稍疏远,雌花鳞片先端延伸成长约3 mm的粗糙长芒。  相似文献   

浙江薹草属植物新记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在整理和鉴定浙江薹草属植物的过程中,发现了一些地理分布的新记录。其中包括10种、1亚种,即宽叶薹草组的大舌薹草(Carex grandiligulata Ktlkenth.),灰帽薹草组的横纹薹草(Carex rugata Ohwi)和豌豆形薹草(Carex pisiformis Boott),胀囊薹草组的朝鲜薹草(Carex dickinsii Franch.),瘦果薹草组的宝华山薹草(Carex baohuashanica Tanget Wang ex L.K.Dai),硬毛果薹草组的疏果薹草(Carex hebecarpa C.A.Mey.),菱果薹草组的高氏薹草(Carex kaoi Tang et Wang ex S.Y.Liang)、根花薹草(Carex radiciyTora Dunn)、遵义薹草(Carex zunyiensis Tanget Wang)、弯柄薹草(Carex manca Boott)和九华薹草(Carex manca Boott ssp.jiuhuaensis(S.W.Su)S.Y.Liang)。  相似文献   

首次报道老挝泽泻科(Alismataceae)一新记录属——泽薹草属(Caldesia),及新记录种——宽叶泽薹草(Caldesia grandis)。宽叶泽薹草为旧世界广布属泽薹草属中唯一叶宽大于叶长的物种,原记载分布在中国、孟加拉国、印度和马来西亚。同时,还提供了宽叶泽薹草的描述和其原生境图片。  相似文献   

Carex yunyiana X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng, a new species of Carex L. (Cyperaceae) is described from Zhejiang, eastern China. The new species has solitary, terminal, androgynous spikes, pale green pistillate glumes, 3 stigmas, and belongs to Carex subgen. Carex sect. Rhizopodae . It is allied to C. densicaepitosa , which only grows in the Longsheng County of Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region. However, it differs in having perigynia compressed–trigonous, obovoid, and acutely constricted to a short beak, while the achenes are loosely enveloped, broadly obovoid, trigonous or quadrangular, excavated on lateral surfaces, and evidently stipitate at base. A key to the species of Carex sect. Rhizopodae and a map showing their distribution is also provided.  相似文献   

Carex section Schiedeanae (subg. Euthyceras) has long been thought to comprise at most five species of Mexican sedges. Our morphological studies in the field and herbarium, however, supported by more recent DNA sequencing work, demonstrate that the section is, in fact, three times as species-rich, making it one of the largest sections in Mexico. Its 15 species range from Chihuahua to Tamaulipas south to Veracruz and Oaxaca; a single species, Carex muriculata, extends into the United States. The section has unusual inflorescences with simple (except in Carex complexa), uniformly androgynous, sessile spikes, utriculiform cladoprophylls, and perigynia with a unique combination of pubescence types composed of papillae; unicellular, simple hairs; and (in many species) multicellular tubercles. We recognize five previously described species (C. muriculata,Carex perstricta,Carex schiedeana, Carex stellata, and Carex vizarronensis) and describe 10 additional species (Carex angustilepis, Carex cabralii, Carex complexa, Carex dentata, Carex gypsophila, Carex mesophila, Carex paneroi, Carex planilamina, Carex revoluta, and Carex tehuacana). We have expanded the morphological features used in the section to include particularly anther, staminate scale, and style features, and more detailed micromorphology of the perigynia, especially indumentum. In total, 13 of the 15 species recognized herein, with a total of 32 individuals, were examined for ETS and ITS for phylogenetic reconstruction. Phylogenetically, the xeric species (plus C. paneroi) form a grade leading to a clade of the more mesophytic species adapted to forest understories, plus the unique cliff dwelling C. complexa.  相似文献   

Carex dapanshanica X. F. Jin, Y. J. Zhao & Z. L. Chen, a new species of Cyperaceae from Mount Dapan, Zhejiang Province, eastern China is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to C. chungii C. P. Wang, but differs in having 2 or 3spikes, pistillate scales with brown margins and short‐awned at apex, and glabrous perigynia. Micromorphological photographs of the achenes of C. dapanshanica and C. chungii under SEM (scanning electron microscope) are provided as well.  相似文献   

Carex damiaoshanensis X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng, a new species of Cyperaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This new species resembles C. scaposa C. B. Clarke in its arundinaceous leaves and spikes arranged in a compound panicle, but differs from the latter in having glabrous culms, cauline leaves, and rachises of secondary inflorescences, panicle with fewer secondary inflorescences, and spikes with sparse pistillate flowers. Micromorphology of culms, cauline leaves, peduncles of secondary inflorescences, and achenes under SEM supports the recognition of this new species as well.  相似文献   

Carex ozarkana, a new species from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and extreme northeasternmost Texas is described and illustrated. It is a distinctive regional endemic of mineral soil wetlands most similar to the widespreadCarex albolutescens andC. longii but differing in its elongate, nodding inflorescences (on robust plants), prominently clavate spikes with elongate staminate bases, reddish brown pistillate and staminate scales, and wider achenes with a long apiculum.  相似文献   

Carex nodosa (Cyperaceae), a new species from Chongqing and Sichuan, southwest China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles C. hebecarpa C. A. Mey., but differs in having sheath‐like bracts, 4.0–7.5 cm long male spikes, oblanceolate 7.1–8.6 mm long male scales, and perigynia that are glabrous except for ciliate beaks.  相似文献   

In a growth experiment at potassium levels varying between 0.001 m M and 3.0 m M potassium, relative growth rate (RGR) and other growth parameters were determined in Carex species: C. rostrata Stokes, C. limosa L., C. lasiocarpa Ehrh., C. diandra Schrank and C. acutiformis Ehrh., listed in order of increasing nutrient availability of their habitats. Carex species of nutrient poor sites did grow faster at low potassium concentration than species from nutrient rich habitats. The RGR of C. limosa was not affected by the K concentration, even at the lowest potassium concentration (0.001) m M ) used. At high potassium availability Carex species from nutrient-rich sites responded with greatly increased RGR, whereas the Carex from nutrient-poor sites absorbed potassium in excess of immediate growth requirements: luxury consumption. A comparison is made of the physiology of the Carex species as affected by stress and abundance of phosphate and potassium.  相似文献   

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