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Tests were carried out in a screenhouse to determine the potential of a microsporidian pathogen,Nosema marucae (Microspora: Nosematidae), for the control of the spotted stalk borer,Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on sorghum. Foliar application of an aqueous suspension ofN. marucae spores on egg batches pasted on the sorghum plants reduced leaf-damage in plants in the protected plots, and increased the proportion of plants with fully- and partially formed heads compared to unsprayed plots. Further, there was less tunnelling and fewer larvae in the sprayed plots. The pathogen also reduced pest infestation and damage to plants when the plots were infested with newly emerged larvae instead of eggs.N. marucae has a potential to controlC. partellus.  相似文献   

Anoxic soils, such as flooded rice fields, are major sources of the greenhouse gas CH(4) while oxic upland soils are major sinks of atmospheric CH(4). Nevertheless, CH(4) is also consumed in rice fields where up to 90% of the produced CH(4) is oxidized in a narrow oxic zone around the rice roots and in the soil surface layer before it escapes into the atmosphere. After 1 day drainage of rice field soil, CH(4) oxidation was detected in the top 2-mm soil layers, but after 8 days drainage the zone of CH(4) oxidation extended to 8 mm depth. Simultaneously, the potential for CH(4) production decreased, but some production was still detectable after 8 days drainage throughout the soil profile. The vertical distribution of the methanotrophic community was also monitored after 1 and 8 days drainage using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis after PCR amplification with primer sets targeting two regions on the 16S rRNA gene that are relatively specific for methylotrophic alpha- and gamma-Proteobacteria, and targeting two functional genes encoding subunits of key enzymes in all methanotrophs, i.e. the genes for the particulate methane monooxygenase (pmoA) and the methanol dehydrogenase (mxaF). Drainage stimulated the methanotrophic community. Eight days after drainage, new methanotrophic populations appeared and a distinct methanotrophic community developed. The population structure of type I and II methanotrophs was differently affected by drainage. Type II methanotrophs (alpha-Proteobacteria) were present throughout the soil core directly after drainage (1 day), and the community composition remained largely unchanged with depth. Only two new type II populations appeared after 8 days of drainage. Drainage had a more pronounced impact on the type I methanotrophic community (gamma-Proteobacteria). Type I populations were not or only weakly detected 1 day after drainage. However, after 8 days of drainage, a large diversity of type I methanotrophs were detected, altough they were not evenly distributed throughout the soil core but dominated at different depths. A distinct type I community structure had developed within each soil section between 0 and 20 mm soil depth, indicating the widening of suitable habitats for methanotrophs in the rice field soil within 1 week of drainage.  相似文献   

The chemical characteristic and distribution of brassinosteroids in plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bajguz A  Tretyn A 《Phytochemistry》2003,62(7):1027-1046
Brassinosteroids represent a class of plant hormones with high-growth promoting activity. They are found at low levels in pollen, anthers, seeds, leaves, stems, roots, flowers, grain, and young vegetative tissues throughout the plant kingdom. Brassinosteroids are a family of about 60 phytosteroids. The article gives a comprehensive survey on the hitherto known brassinosteroids isolated from plants. The chemical characteristic of brassinosteroids is also presented.  相似文献   

于2002年3月至2002年8月,对古尔班通古特沙漠南部短命植物分布和沙垄表层30cm厚土壤水分间的关系进行了系统监测和研究.结果表明,早春表层土壤水分在个体沙丘表面的分异直接影响到短命植物的分布.4月下旬,垄间、两坡和垄顶土壤含水率依次为4.62%、3.98%和2.01%,相应的短命植物平均盖度于5月中上旬依次为51.8%、38.2%和4.4%.5月中旬后,短命植物的分布又改变了表层土壤水分分布,上述各地貌部位的土壤含水率依次为1.0096、1.9096和2.45%,形成垄顶最高、两坡次之、垄间最差的新的空间分布格局。  相似文献   

用微区试验和32P同位素示踪技术,比较研究了大豆、柑桔间作和单作条件下,P在大豆和柑桔体中的分配、转移及其在土壤中的迁移规律.结果表明,间作大豆的吸P量和各部位累积P量显著地低于单作大豆;32P肥料浅施,间作大豆吸收的32P量显著低于单作大豆;32P肥料深施,间作大豆吸收的32P量显著高于单作大豆,但间作不影响P和32P在各部位的转移和分配.间作柑桔吸收的32P量显著低于单作柑桔.柑桔新吸收的32P可快速向地上部分输送,并优先供应生长活跃部位.间作不影响32P在柑桔各部位的转移和分配,但是P肥深施使柑桔吸收的32P向地上部分和生长活跃部位的转移速率减慢.间作使土壤中P的生物移动性增强,可促进土壤深层P向土壤浅层迁移.试验结果表明,大豆柑桔间作磷肥的施用深度以保持在20cm以内为佳.  相似文献   

Forty-six polygonaceous plants were examined regarding the nature and amount of anthocyanidins which were obtained as the HCl-hydrolyzate of leaf proanthocyanidins. All of the plants examined contained cyanidin in common in their hydrolyzed leafextracts. From this survey, at least three groups of plants may be distinguished; the first containing only cyanidin, the second delphinidin in addition to cyanidin and the third an unknown anthocyanidin (called PA-X) and cyanidin. Of the plants examined,Polygonum cuspidatum leaves yielded cyanidin in the largest amounf. There were no geographical and seasondl variations of the distribution pattern of pigments in the plants, and also no variation of anthocyanidin-types was observed in young and mature leaves. A further survey of anthocyanins in the plants revealed that delphinidin glycosides are present in the sepals ofPolygonum nepalense andP. thunbergii.  相似文献   

大豆柑桔间作系统中磷的分配和迁移规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用微区试验和^32P同位素示踪技术,比较研究了大豆、柑桔间作和单作条件下,P在大豆和柑桔体中的分配、转移及其在土壤中的迁移规律.结果表明,间作大豆的吸P量和各部位累积P量显著地低于单作大豆;^32P肥料浅施,间作大豆吸收的^32P量显著低于单作大豆;^32P肥料深施,间作大豆吸收的^32P量显著高于单作大豆,但间作不影响P和^32P在各部位的转移和分配.间作柑桔吸收的^32P量显著低于单作柑桔.柑桔新吸收的^32P可快速向地上部分输送,并优先供应生长活跃部位.间作不影响^32P在柑桔各部位的转移和分配.但是P肥深施使柑桔吸收的^32P向地上部分和生长活跃部位的转移速率减慢.间作使土壤中P的生物移动性增强,可促进土壤深层P向土壤浅层迁移.试验结果表明,大豆柑桔间作磷肥的施用深度以保持在20cm以内为佳.  相似文献   

安徽省外来入侵植物的分布格局及其等级划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
区域性外来入侵植物的研究及其入侵等级划分在地方入侵植物管理与防治对策的制定上具有重要的指导意义。本文基于文献报道、标本记录和必要的分类学考证,特别是通过2013-2015年对安徽省外来入侵植物的全面调查,统计分析了安徽省外来入侵植物的物种组成、生活型、原产地、区系组成和水平分布格局,并对其入侵危害进行等级划分。结果显示,安徽省有外来入侵植物37科86属132种,总体上呈现种类丰富、原产于美洲的种类多、泛热带起源的种类多、危害严重的种类多、区域分化明显、入侵途径集中等特征。提出在外来入侵植物的防控中应重点警惕起源于美洲的、泛热带分布属的植物和关注人类活动频繁的热点区域。还对中国外来入侵植物研究中存在的问题进行了探讨,澄清了几个长期以来被忽视的关于外来入侵物种认知的问题。  相似文献   

热带森林乔木种群分布格局及其研究方法的比较   总被引:42,自引:5,他引:42  
应用样地个体数为基础的方差/均值比率、Morisita分散指标,以及以个体距离为基础的最近邻体法、复合个体距离分析法对海南岛吊罗山山地雨林8个主要种群分布格局进行了比较研究.结果表明,8个种群为聚集或随机分布,4种测定方法中以复合个体距离分析法较好.  相似文献   

Surveys of the distribution and some ecological characteristics of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and Assamese monkeys (M. assamensis) in Nepal were conducted during 234 days in 1976, 1978, and 1984. Rhesus monkeys dominated in the tropical, subtropical, and temperate forests below 3,000 m a.s.l. all over Nepal. Assamese monkeys were patchily distributed along rivers in the tropical and subtropical areas. Both species principally utilized forests parapatrically. The mean troop size of rhesus monkeys (29.5) was significantly larger than that of Assamese monkeys (19.1). Discontinuous distribution of Assamese monkeys probably appeared as a result of the expansion of rhesus monkey distribution in the mid- and late-Pleistocene. Because of small distribution areas and small numbers of monkeys, urgent conservation policy must be pursued.  相似文献   

中国种子植物物种多样性及其分布格局   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:50  
应俊生 《生物多样性》2001,9(4):393-398
缤纷的中国植物区系包含着大量的特有种,这使中国成为北半球最富植物多样性的国家。其原因一是土地面积辽阔,植物演化历史时间悠久,气候相对稳定。二是中国具有连续完整的热带、亚热带、温带和寒带的植被类型。三是伴随地质构造上的活跃,中国广大陆地受到了强烈的深切和抬升,导致生境复杂多样,使中国成为一个重要的植物物种保存中心、形成中心和进化中心。中国植物多样性的分布是很不均匀的,主要集中分布于中南部,约在20°~35°N之间。在该范围内,我们确定了3个植物多样性热点地区:横断山脉地区、华中地区和岭南地区,它们的植物多样性和特有性程度都很高,其中横断山脉地区尤为突出。  相似文献   

Summary The downward movement and accumulation of added fertilizerin situ was studied for fine-textured, loess-terrace derived soils of Rimski Sanchevi, Navisad, Yugoslavia. Three N-treated, fallowed plots from a nitrate movement experiment were selected for this study. Soil samples were obtained upto 200 cm depth at 20 cm interval and the isotope ratio analyses were done for different forms of residual N.Fertilizer moved down the profile upto 140 cm depths and the accumulated residual N in the profile was about 55 percent of total added15N. The maximum accumulation of added fertilizer was at 0–20 cm depth (98 kg/ha) followed by 60–80 cm (32 kg/ha) depth. The fertilizer15N converted to alkali-stable (amino acid) and alkali-labile (amino sugar)-N forms were about 17 and 12 percent respectively. Only 0.41 percent of added fertilizer was converted to fixed NH4–N. It is hoped that these findings will help the proper management of nitrogen fertilization to reduce the risk of ground water pollution.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake and distribution of phosphorus was examined in tomato plants, cv. Kirdford Cross, grown in peat to which phosphate was added (P2) or omitted (P1). The plants received a liquid feed containing either a high (N2) or low (N1) concentration of ammonium nitrate. Initially, all plants were grown in peat containing an intermediate level of phosphate.There was a rapid net export of P from the leaves of plants transferred to the P1 medium resulting in deficiency symptoms before the fruit on the first truss had ripened. Most of the P absorbed by 11-week-old plants in the N1P2 and N2P2 treatments was located in the developing fruit, in the laminae of the mature leaves and in the lower parts of the stem. In the P1 treatments, the lowest fruit truss was the dominant sink for the limited supply of P, but there was also a significant concentration of P in the shoot apex and in the laminae. Increasing the supply of N to plants in the P2 treatment promoted the transport of P to the shoot and to the fruit trusses and also increased the total P uptake. However, plants in the N2 treatment required a significantly higher level of tissue P to prevent the symptoms of P deficiency occurring in the laminae. Generally, symptoms occurred in laminae of mature leaves containing less than 0.13 per cent P. Increases in concentration of tissue P in response to raising the level of applied P were greatest in the petioles of the mature leaves, and it is suggested that these petioles are the most suitable tissues for the assessment of the P status of tomato plants.  相似文献   

The cancer drug daunomycin is used in treatment of leukemia but possesses severe side effects that involve the gastrointestinal tract. We therefore used a newly developed immunocytochemical procedure to determine the distribution of DM in the gastrointestinal tracts of rats after i.v. injection. Two hours after injection, DM was diffusely distributed in nuclei and most parts of the cytoplasm of intestinal epithelial cells. The cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for DM was most pronounced in small granules of the apical cytoplasm. Sixteen hours after injection, DM immunostaining was by and large absent in the villous epithelium but persisted in the intestinal crypts. In addition, staining was also detected in endothelial cells, scattered cells of the lamina propria and in smooth muscle cells. After 5 days, only little staining for DM remained. Similar findings were made in the colon. In the gastric mucosa, DM accumulation persisted at 16 h in some glandular cells but was lost from the surface epithelium. No staining was detected in saline-injected control rats. The distribution of DM accumulation correlated partially with the distribution of apoptotic cells as detected by the TUNEL procedure. Our results pinpoint that DM may exert prolonged effects on glandular and regenerative cells of the gastrointestinal tract—an observation that may explain the gastrointestinal toxicity of the drug. It seems possible that DM accumulation in surface epithelial cells is rapidly cleared through drug transporters.  相似文献   

以真空渗入处理后的白菜植株为材料,采用组织化学染色法和细菌平板培养的方法,研究了农杆菌在植株体内的分布特点及其活力变化。结果表明:不同器官中农杆菌的分布量不同,以花器官中分布最多,叶中次之,茎中最少;农杆菌存在于细胞间隙中,维管束及其周围分布较集中,在胚珠中大量分布。处理后植株体内,各器官中农杆菌的生活力及其数量都随时间延长而减少,但是花器官中的农杆菌存活量较大,处理15d后的花蕾中仍然有一定量(约10.3个CFU/g组织)具有活力的农杆菌存在。讨论了这些研究结果在揭示真空渗入转化法的转化过程和提高转化频率中的意义。  相似文献   

神农架地区珍稀植物沿河岸带的分布格局及其保护意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在神农架香溪河流域从源头到河口的不同海拔高度沿河岸带共设置 4 0个与河流方向平行的10 0m× 10m的样带 ,进行了植物群落学调查研究 .结果表明 ,沿河岸带分布有珍稀植物 14种 ,占神农架地区珍稀植物总数的 4 2 .4 % .这些珍稀物种主要分布在海拔 12 0 0~ 180 0m山地常绿阔叶落叶阔叶混交林带 ,珍稀植物种类的物种丰富度在中等海拔高度上最大 .珍稀植物的种类可划分为低海拔、中等海拔和高海拔 3组 .针对珍稀植物的分布特点 ,明确指出应重视河岸带在生物多样性、尤其是珍稀物种保护方面的重要作用 .  相似文献   

利用方差均值比和修正的Clark-Evans最近邻体两种分布格局判定方法,对湖北省五峰县后河国家自然保护区1hmz固定样地中DBH≥5cm、重要值>2.5的26个树种的种群结构和分布格局类型进行了研究.结果表明,26个种群中有金钱槭、天师栗、白辛树、珙桐、领春木、水青树、连香树7种珍稀濒危植物种群和尖连蕊茶、君迁子、建始槭、曼青冈、鸡爪槭、桃叶黄杨、鹅耳枥等19种非珍稀濒危植物种群,7种珍稀植物种群中,除了2种个体较少的种群之外,1个种群为衰老型,其余4个种群均为增长型;3个种群呈随机分布类型,其余4个种群呈聚集分布类型,19个非珍稀植物种群中,1个种群为衰老型,6个种群为稳定型,其余12个种群为增长型;2个种群为随机分布类型,其余的17个种群为聚集分布类型.可见在26个种群中,以增长型种群居多(占66.7%),稳定型种群次之(占25.0%),衰老型种群最少(占8.3%);两种分布格局判定方法所得的结果较为一致,表现为种群的分布格局类型以聚集分布居多(占80.77%),随机分布和均匀分布较少。  相似文献   

海南岛热带山地雨林种类组成的局域分布与垂直分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对海南岛四大山地雨林区常见植物种类的局域及垂直分布进行了研究,结果表明,海南岛热带山地雨林的种类组成,除了在各林区有一定数量相同的种外,各林区之间种类成分也存在着显著的差异,由于各林区生态因子的差异,使得生态幅度不同的物种在垂直方向上的分布也产生明显的差异,生态幅度较小的物种仅局限于某一地段,生态幅度较广,适应性较强的种类则有较广泛的分布。  相似文献   

A time series of hake abundance data obtained from the “MEDITS” experimental surveys carried out in the Greek seas from 1996 to 2006 have been modeled by means of Generalized Additive Models (GAMs), as functions of spatial and temporal variables, including sampling position (latitude–longitude interaction), depth, and year. All variables were highly significant but most of the variation was explained by the sampling position and the depth. Total abundance was higher in the 100–450 m depth zone, while juveniles showed preference for shallower waters, being more abundant from 100 to 320 m. Model predictions were used to generate density distributions maps, which revealed that total abundance is relatively higher in the western part of the Aegean Sea and in the eastern part of the Cretan Sea, while its maximum values are expected in the Saronikos Gulf. Nursery grounds are restricted in specific regions with the most important of them being in the Saronikos Gulf and its surrounding area. Guest editor: V. D. Valavanis Essential Fish Habitat Mapping in the Mediterranean  相似文献   

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