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Three cosmids previously shown to contain information necessary for the expression of uptake of hydrogenase in Rhodobacter capsulatus were found to be present in a cluster on the chromosome. Earlier genetic experiments suggested the presence of at least six genes essential for hydrogenase activity that are now shown to be in a region of approximately 18 kb that includes the structural genes for the enzyme. A potential response regulator gene was sequenced as a part of the hup gene region.  相似文献   

Expression of regulatory nif genes in Rhodobacter capsulatus.   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Translational fusions of the Escherichia coli lacZ gene to Rhodobacter capsulatus nif genes were constructed in order to determine the regulatory circuit of nif gene expression in R. capsulatus, a free-living photosynthetic diazotroph. The expression of nifH, nifA (copies I and II), and nifR4 was measured in different regulatory mutant strains under different physiological conditions. The expression of nifH and nifR4 (the analog of ntrA in Klebsiella pneumoniae) depends on the NIFR1/R2 system (the analog of the ntr system in K. pneumoniae), on NIFA, and on NIFR4. The expression of both copies of nifA is regulated by the NIFR1/R2 system and is modulated by the N source of the medium under anaerobic photosynthetic growth conditions. In the presence of ammonia or oxygen, moderate expression of nifA was detectable, whereas nifH and nifR4 were not expressed under these conditions. The implications for the regulatory circuit of nif gene expression in R. capsulatus are discussed and compared with the situation in K. pneumoniae, another free-living diazotroph.  相似文献   

The HupT protein of Rhodobacter capsulatus, involved in negative regulation of hydrogenase gene expression, is predicted to be a histidine kinase on the basis of sequence comparisons. The protein was overproduced in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity, and demonstrated to autophosphorylate in vitro in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP. An H217N hupt mutant was constructed, and the mutant protein was shown to have lost kinase activity. This result, and the fact that the phosphoryl group in phosphorylated HupT appeared to be bound to an N atom, support the suggestion from sequence comparisons that HupT is a histidine kinase, which can autophosphorylate on the His217 residue.  相似文献   

Abstract The Rhodobacter capsulatus recA gene has been isolated and sequenced. Its deduced amino acid sequence showed the closest identity with the Rhodobacter sphaeroides RecA protein (91% identity). However, the promoter regions of both R. capsulatus and R. sphaeroides recA genes are only 64% similar. An Escherichia coli -like LexA binding site was not present in the upstream region of the R. capsulatus recA gene. Nevertheless, the R. capsulatus recA gene is inducible by DNA damage in both hetero- and phototrophically growing conditions. The R. capsulatus recA gene is poorly induced when inserted into the chromosome of R. sphaeroides , indicating that the recA gene of both bacteria possess different control sequences despite their phylogenetically close relationship.  相似文献   

Mutants of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus that have combined deficiencies in the cytochrome b/c1 complex and other c-type cytochromes have been isolated. These mutants were unable to grow anaerobically in the light or dark but could grow aerobically. Cosmids with R. capsulatus wild-type DNA that complement the mutants have been used to construct genetic and physical maps of the affected genes. Complementation profiles with Tn5 and mini-Mu insertions in these cosmids and subcloned fragments from them indicated that at least three genes (called helA, helB, and helC) are involved in the defects in cytochromes c biosynthesis. The genes are clustered, and helC is transcribed away from helA and helB. Stable insertion mutants in each gene were constructed. It is postulated that helA, helB, and helC are involved in posttranslational processing during cytochromes c synthesis.  相似文献   

Oxygen is the major external factor affecting the expression of photosynthesis genes in facultatively photosynthetic bacteria. Many investigations over the last years mainly carried out on the closely related species Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rhodobacter sphaeroides have identified a number of proteins involved in the oxygen-regulated signal pathway, in which the RegB/RegA two component system plays a central role. While the RegB/RegA system activates photosynthesis genes under low oxygen tension other proteins like CrtJ and PPBP have a repressing function under high oxygen tension. Additional DNA binding proteins like the integration host factor can modulate the expression of photosynthesis genes. The role of alternative sigma factors in this signal pathway is still unclear.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus synthesises a membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenase encoded by the H2 uptake hydrogenase (hup)SLC structural operon. The hupS and hupL genes encode the small and large subunits of hydrogenase, respectively; hupC encodes a membrane electron carrier protein which may be considered as the third subunit of the uptake hydrogenase. In Wolinella succinogenes, the hydC gene, homologous to hupC, has been shown to encode a low potential cytochrome b which mediates electron transfer from H2 to the quinone pool of the bacterial membrane. In whole cells of R. capsulatus or intact membrane preparation of the wild type strain B10, methylene blue but not benzyl viologen can be used as acceptor of the electrons donated by H2 to hydrogenase; on the other hand, membranes of B10 treated with Triton X-100 or whole cells of a HupC- mutant exhibit both benzyl viologen and methylene blue reductase activities. We report the effect of diphenylene iodonium (Ph2I), a known inhibitor of mitochondrial complex I and of various monooxygenases on R. capsulatus hydrogenase activity. With H2 as electron donor, Ph2I inhibited partially the methylene blue reductase activity in an uncompetitive manner, and totally benzyl viologen reductase activity in a competitive manner. Furthermore, with benzyl viologen as electron acceptor, Ph2I increased dramatically the observed lagtime for dye reduction. These results suggest that two different sites exist on the electron donor side of the membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenase of R. capsulatus, both located on the small subunit. A low redox potential site which reduces benzyl viologen, binds Ph2I and could be located on the distal [Fe4S4] cluster. A higher redox potential site which can reduce methylene blue in vitro could be connected to the high potential [Fe3S4] cluster and freely accessible from the periplasm.  相似文献   

Abstract In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii there are three glutamate dehydrogenase isozymes which can use both NADH and NADPH as cofactors and respond differently to different nitrogen sources and several stress conditions. From data of induction of isozymes in different metabolic situations, we propose a possible physiological role for each of them in algal carbon and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

P Richter  M Brand    G Drews 《Journal of bacteriology》1992,174(9):3030-3041
The NH2 termini of light-harvesting complex I (LHI) polypeptides alpha and beta of Rhodobacter capsulatus are thought to be involved in the assembly of the LHI complex. For a more detailed study of the role of the NH2-terminal segment of the LHI alpha protein in insertion into the intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM) of R. capsulatus, amino acids 6 to 8, 9 to 11, 12 and 13, or 14 and 15 of the LHI alpha protein were deleted. Additionally, the hydrophobic stretch of the amino acids 7 to 11 was lengthened by insertion of hydrophobic or hydrophilic amino acids. All mutations abolished the ability of the mutant strains to form a functional LHI antenna complex. All changes introduced into the LHI alpha protein strongly reduced the stability of its LHI beta partner protein in the ICM. The effects on the mutated protein itself, however, were different. Deletion of amino acids 6 to 8, 9 to 11, or 14 and 15 drastically reduced the amount of the LHI alpha protein inserted into the membrane or prevented its insertion. Deletion of amino acids 12 and 13 and lengthening of the stretch of amino acids 7 to 11 reduced the half-life of the mutated LHI alpha protein in the ICM in comparison with the wild-type LHI alpha protein. Under the selective pressure of low light, revertants which regained a functional LHI antenna complex were identified only for the mutant strain deleted of amino acids 9 to 11 of the LHI alpha polypeptide [U43 (pTPR15)]. The restoration of the LHI+ phenotype was due to an in-frame duplication of 9 bp in the pufA gene directly upstream of the site of deletion present in strain U43(pTPR15). The duplicated nucleotides code for the amino acids Lys, Ile, and Trp. Membranes purified from the revertants were different from that of the reaction center-positive LHI+ LHII- control strain U43(pTX35) in doubling of the carotenoid content and increase of the size of the photosynthetic unit. By separating the reaction center and LHI complexes of the revertants by native preparative gel electrophoresis, we confirmed that the higher amount of carotenoids was associated with the LHI proteins.  相似文献   

To identify Rhodobacter capsulatus nif genes necessary for the alternative nitrogenase, strains carrying defined mutations in 32 genes and open reading frames of nif region A, B or C were constructed. The ability of these mutants to grow on nitrogen-free medium with molybdenum (Nif phenotype) or in a nifHDK deletion background on medium without molybdenum (Anf phenotype) was tested. Nine nif genes and nif-associated coding regions are absolutely essential for the alternative nitrogenase. These genes comprise nifV and nifB, the nif-specific ntr system (nifR1, R2, R4) and four open reading frames, which exhibit no homology to known genes. In addition, a significantly reduced activity of both the alternative nitrogenase and the molybdenum-dependent nitrogenase was found for fdxN mutants. By random Tn5 mutagenesis of a nifHDK deletion strain 42 Anf? mutants were isolated. Southern hybridization experiments demonstrated that 17 of these Tn5 mutants were localized in at least 13 different restriction fragments outside of known nif regions. Ten different Anf? Tn5 mutations are clustered on a 6 kb DNA fragment of the chromosome designated anf region A. DNA sequence analysis revealed that this region contained the structural genes of the alternative nitrogenase (anfHDGK). The identification of several Tn5 insertions mapping outside of anf region A indicated that at least 10 genes specific for the alternative nitrogenase are present in R. capsulatus.  相似文献   

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