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Nanda V  Schmiedekamp A 《Proteins》2008,70(2):489-497
Proteins fold and maintain structure through the collective contributions of a large number of weak, noncovalent interactions. The hydrogen bond is one important category of forces that acts on very short distances. As our knowledge of protein structure continues to expand, we are beginning to appreciate the role that weak carbon-donor hydrogen bonds play in structure and function. One property that differentiates hydrogen bonds from other packing forces is propensity for forming a linear donor-hydrogen-acceptor orientation. To ascertain if carbon-donor hydrogen bonds are able to direct acceptor linearity, we surveyed the geometry of interactions specifically involving aromatic sidechain ring carbons in a data set of high resolution protein structures. We found that while donor-acceptor distances for most carbon donor hydrogen bonds were tighter than expected for van der Waals packing, only the carbons of histidine showed a significant bias for linear geometry. By categorizing histidines in the data set into charged and neutral sidechains, we found only the charged subset of histidines participated in linear interactions. B3LYP/6-31G**++ level optimizations of imidazole and indole-water interactions at various fixed angles demonstrates a clear orientation dependence of hydrogen bonding capacity for both charged and neutral sidechains. We suggest that while all aromatic carbons can participate in hydrogen bonding, only charged histidines are able to overcome protein packing forces and enforce linear interactions. The implications for protein modeling and design are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence from proteins and peptides supports the conclusion that intrapeptide hydrogen bonds stabilize the folded form of proteins. Paradoxically, evidence from small molecules supports the opposite conclusion, that intrapeptide hydrogen bonds are less favorable than peptide-water hydrogen bonds. A related issue-often lost in this debate about comparing peptide-peptide to peptide- water hydrogen bonds-involves the energetic cost of an unsatisfied hydrogen bond. Here, experiment and theory agree that breaking a hydrogen bond costs between 5 and 6 kcal/mol. Accordingly, the likelihood of finding an unsatisfied hydrogen bond in a protein is insignificant. This realization establishes a powerful rule for evaluating protein conformations.  相似文献   

Leader DP  Milner-White EJ 《Proteins》2011,79(3):1010-1019
We prepared a set of about 2000 α-helices from a relational database of high-resolution three-dimensional structures of globular proteins, and identified additional main chain i ← i+3 hydrogen bonds at the ends of the helices (i.e., where the hydrogen bonding potential is not fulfilled by canonical i ← i+4 hydrogen bonds). About one-third of α-helices have such additional hydrogen bonds at the N-terminus, and more than half do so at the C-terminus. Although many of these additional hydrogen bonds at the C-terminus are associated with Schellman loops, the majority are not. We compared the dihedral angles at the termini of α-helices having or lacking the additional hydrogen bonds. Significant differences were found, especially at the C-terminus, where the dihedral angles at positions C2 and C1 in the absence of additional hydrogen bonds deviate substantially from those occurring within the α-helix. Using a novel approach we show how the structure of the C-terminus of the α-helix can emerge from that of constituent overlapping α-turns and β-turns, which individually show a variation in dihedral angles at different positions. We have also considered the direction of propagation of the α-helix using this approach. If one assumes that helices start as a single α-turn and grow by successive addition of further α-turns, the paths for growth in the N → C and C → N directions differ in a way that suggests that extension in the C → N direction is favored.  相似文献   

《Bio Systems》2008,91(3):792-801
We have investigated the roles played by CH⋯OC interactions in RNA binding proteins. There was an average of 78 CH⋯OC interactions per protein and also there was an average of one significant CH⋯OC interaction for every 6 residues in the 59 RNA binding proteins studied. Main chain–Main chain (MM) CH⋯OC interactions are the predominant type of interactions in RNA binding proteins. The donor atom contribution to CH⋯OC interactions was mainly from aliphatic residues. The acceptor atom contribution for MM CH⋯OC interactions was mainly from Val, Phe, Leu, Ile, Arg and Ala. The secondary structure preference analysis of CH⋯OC interacting residues showed that, Arg, Gln, Glu and Tyr preferred to be in helix, while Ala, Asp, Cys, Gly, Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Trp and Val preferred to be in strand conformation. Most of the CH⋯OC interacting polar amino acid residues were solvent exposed while, majority of the CH⋯OC interacting non polar residues were excluded from the solvent. Long and medium-range CH⋯OC interactions are the predominant type of interactions in RNA binding proteins. More than 50% of CH⋯OC interacting residues had a higher conservation score. Significant percentage of CH⋯OC interacting residues had one or more stabilization centers. Sixty-six percent of the theoretically predicted stabilizing residues were also involved in CH⋯OC interactions and hence these residues may also contribute additional stability to RNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

Increase in maximal respiration rate of uncoupled mitochondria in response to increase in concentration of non-penetrating buffer has been demonstrated. This phenomenon did not depend on chemical structure of uncouplers and composition of the non penetrating buffer. Use of covalently attached pH probe, FITC, revealed that at low buffer concentration (3 mM) the H+-pump functioning results in local increase in proton concentration on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membranes. In other words, local H+ gradient was generated. Increase in buffer concentration up to 20 mM caused sharp decrease in this gradient, which occurred in parallel to increase in the respiration rate. It is concluded that both effects described here may be attributed to the process of proton transfer through the interfaces of the mitochondrial membrane: the rate of respiratory H+ pumps of uncoupled mitochondria under conditions of low buffer capacity of medium is limited by the stage of proton release from outer surface of the coupling membrane. The inhibition mechanism of respiration by high concentrations of uncouplers is also discussed.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 240–245.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Yurkov, Fadeeva, Yaguzhinsky.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the post codes.  相似文献   

Reduced samples of chloroperoxidase, horseradish peroxidase, and deoxyhemoglobin were studied by M?ssbauer spectroscopy in strong magnetic fields. The intricate paramagnetic spectra of chloroperoxidase were evaluated in detail in the framework of a spin Hamiltonian pertinent to high-spin ferrous iron. The studies strongly suggest that, in their reduced states, chloroperoxidase from Caldariomyces fumago and cytochrome P-450 from Pseudomonas putida have similar, if not identical ligand structures of the heme iron. The spectral similarities of these two proteins, noted in an earlier M?ssbauer investigation, are further explored and substantiated. Reduced horseradish peroxidase and deoxyhemoglobin, on the other hand, show high-field M?ssbauer spectra that differ considerably from each other and, in particular, from those of the P-450 type, suggesting a different ligand arrangement of the heme iron for each case.  相似文献   

1. The Mössbauer spectra of Scenedesmus ferredoxin enriched in 57Fe were measured and found to be identical with those of two other plant-type ferredoxins (from spinach and Euglena) that had been previously measured. Better resolved Mössbauer spectra of spinach ferredoxin are also reported from protein enriched in 57Fe. All these iron–sulphur proteins are known to contain two iron atoms in a molecule that takes up one electron on reduction. 2. The Mössbauer spectra at 195°K have electric hyperfine structure only and show that on reduction the electron goes to one of the iron atoms, the other appearing to remain unchanged. 3. In the oxidized state, both iron atoms are in a similar chemical state, which appears from the chemical shift and quadrupole splitting to be high-spin Fe3+, but they are in slightly different environments. In the reduced state the iron atoms are different and the molecule appears to contain one high-spin Fe2+ and one high-spin Fe3+ atom. 4. At lower temperatures (77 and 4.2°K) the spectra of both iron atoms in the reduced proteins show magnetic hyperfine structure which suggests that the iron in the oxidized state also has unpaired electrons. This provides experimental evidence for earlier suggestions that in the oxidized state there is antiferromagnetic exchange coupling, which would result in a low value for the magnetic susceptibility. 5. In a small magnetic field the spectrum of the reduced ferredoxin shows a Zeeman splitting with hyperfine field (Hn) of 180kG at the nuclei. On application of a strong magnetic field H the spectrum splits into two spectra with effective fields Hn±H, thus confirming the presence of the two antiferromagnetically coupled iron atoms. 6. These results are in agreement with the model proposed by Gibson, Hall, Thornley & Whatley (1966); in the oxidized state there are two Fe3+ atoms (high spin) antiferromagnetically coupled and on reduction of the ferredoxin by one electron one of the ferric atoms becomes Fe2+ (high spin).  相似文献   

Anaerobically reduced samples of cytochrome P-450 from Pseudomonas putida were studied by M?ssbauer spectroscopy. In the presence of an applied magnetic field the high-spin ferrous heme iron showed an intricate pattern of electric and magnetic hyperfine interactions which could be parametrized successfully in terms of a spin Hamiltonian formalism. The results imply a very low (triclinic) symmetry of the heme iron. The effects of the ligand environment and of spin-orbit coupling result in a large zero-field splitting of the electronic ground state. The electronic ground state. The electric-field gradient tensor is characterized by a large asymmetry parameter, and its principal axes are rotated substantially from the frame that defines the zero-field splitting. This study shows that high-field M?ssbauer spectroscopy provides a unique tool for structural investigations of high-spin ferrous compounds and can substitute, under suitable conditions, for magnetic susceptibility measurements. The present paper focuses on the methodology and data analysis; in the subsequent paper the data obtained for P-450 are compared with new results obtained for hemoglobin, chloroperoxidase, and horseradish peroxidase.  相似文献   

The recent advances over the past 5 years in the utilisation of fluorescent proteins in microbial biotechnology applications, including recombinant protein production, food processing, and environmental biotechnology, are reviewed. We highlight possible areas where fluorescent proteins currently used in other bioscience disciplines could be adapted for use in biotechnological applications and also outline novel uses for recently developed fluorescent proteins.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1999,315(1-2):89-97
The infrared (4000–400 cm−1) and, in part, Raman spectra were recorded for the two isomeric polycrystalline sugar alcohols, dl-threitol and erythritol. Samples were pure substances and isotopically diluted OH/OD compounds. IR spectra were recorded in the 300–20 K range. Assignment of hydrogen bond structure sensitive out-of-plane bending vibrational modes for OH/OD-groups of different H-bond systems is based on isotope exchange and temperature variations. At least seven bands for threitol and two for erythritol correspond to differently H-bonded OH/OD-groups. Relative strengths and quantity of different H-bonds were evaluated. Unlike erythritol, threitol contains over 5% of weak H-bonds. The formation from the melt of a crystalline racemate as a molecular compound of d- and l-forms is suggested. Comparisons with previous neutron scattering results are discussed. In solution, all four OH-groups of both tetritols form H-bonds of equal strength in accord with the basicity of the solvent.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to cast some light on the H-bonds in double-stranded DNA in its AI and BI forms. For this purpose, we have performed the MP2 and DFT quantum chemical calculations of the canonical nucleoside conformers, relative to the AI and BI DNA forms, and their Watson-Crick pairs, which were regarded as the simplest models of the double-stranded DNA. Based on the atoms-in-molecules analysis (AIM), five types of the CH···O hydrogen bonds, involving bases and sugar, were detected numerically from 1 to 3 per a conformer: C2'H···O5', C1'H···O2, C6H···O5', C8H···O5', and C6H···O4'. The energy values of H-bonds occupy the range of 2.3-5.6 kcal/mol, surely exceeding the kT value (0.62 kcal/mol). The nucleoside CH···O hydrogen bonds appeared to "survive" turns of bases against the sugar, sometimes in rather large ranges of the angle values, pertinent to certain conformations, which points out to the source of the DNA lability, necessary for the conformational adaptation in processes of its functioning. The calculation of the interactions in the dA·T nucleoside pair gives evidence, that additionally to the N6H···O4 and N1···N3H canonical H-bonds, between the bases adenine and thymine the third one (C2H···O2) is formed, which, though being rather weak (about 1 kcal/mol), satisfies the AIM criteria of H-bonding and may be classified as a true H-bond. The total energy of all the CH···O nontraditional intramolecular H-bonds in DNA nucleoside pairs appeared to be commensurable with the energy of H-bonds between the bases in Watson-Crick pairs, which implies their possible important role in the DNA shaping.  相似文献   

  • 1.l. In gaffkemic lobsters kept at 15°C, the plasma coagulogen amount rapidly decreases and the gelation of hemolymph is prevented.
  • 2.2. In animals kept at 10°C, the available plasma coagulogen amount is always normal even when coagulation appears impaired or prevented.
  • 3.3. Extended clotting times as well as damaged coagulation cannot be correlated with coagulogen concentration.
  • 4.4. The site of synthesis of this factor is discussed.

The aim of the research was to estimate the sensitivity of tomato tissue and spore from necrotrophic isolate of B. cinerea on H2O2. The influence of exogenic H2O2 and B. cinerea on plant tissue and on the activity of peroxidases (PO), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in apoplastic tomato leaves fraction were investigated. It was proved that 40 mM H2O2 damaged the cells of a host, and inhibited in vitro germination of B.cinerea spores. Complete inhibition of germination was observed after the use 100 mM H2O2. In the presence of spores H2O2 was decomposed to H2O and O2. Trace activity of catalase was observed in a solution of spores used for inoculation. Necrosis which appeared on the leaves after 40 mM H2O2 treatment resembled hypersensitive response. On the leaves pretreated at this concentration the development of infection was observed. The H2O2 concentration harmful for the tissues, stimulated the PO activity measured with NADH — responsible for generation of ·O 2 , as well as with syringaldazine (S) and ferulic acid (FA), substrates characteristics of forms lignifying and strengthening the cell wall. Clear increase in CAT activity, resulting from infection and early pretreatment with H2O2 was observed in apoplast. No effect on SOD activity was observed. A hypothesis may be put forward, that germinating spores produce enzymes which allow them to decompose H2O2 generated in apoplast, so there is little likelihood that B. cinerea can be directly inhibited by reactive oxygen forms (ROS) during initial stages of infection. Necrotic lesions resembling HR generated by exogenous H2O2 as well as induction of activity of apoplastic plant enzymes, particularly PO connected with strengthening and lignification of cell wall, were not sufficient factors to inhibit fungal expansion.  相似文献   

《Trends in plant science》1999,4(11):439-445
Protein lipid modification, once thought to act as a stable membrane anchor for soluble proteins, is now attracting more widespread attention for its emerging role in diverse signaling pathways and regulatory mechanisms. Most multicellular organisms have recruited specific types of lipids and a suite of unique enzymes to catalyze the modification of a select number of proteins, many of which are evolutionarily conserved in plants, animals and fungi. Each of the three known types of lipid modification – palmitoylation, myristylation and prenylation – allows cells to target proteins to the plasma membrane, as well as to other subcellular compartments. Among the lipid modifications, protein prenylation might also function as a relay between cytoplasmic isoprene biosynthesis and regulatory pathways that control cell cycle and growth. Molecular and genetic studies of an Arabidopsis mutant that lacks farnesyl transferase suggest that the enzyme has a role in abscisic acid signaling during seed germination and in the stomata. It is becoming clear that lipid modifications are not just fat for the protein, but part of a highly conserved intricate network that plays a role in coordinating complex cellular functions.  相似文献   

Hydrophilicity index is used to locate antigenic determinants on two related groups of proteins-myoglobin and hemoglobin. The data on 41 species (including 34 mammals) of myoglobin show that average hydrophilicity for the complete myoglobin molecules as well as the average hydrophilicity for all hydrophilic regions put together seem to remain constant; the variation in the size and location of the antigenic determinants in these species is very small indicating that the antigenic sites are not shifted during evolution. In the case of both the proteins there is a good agreement between the antigenic sites picked up by using hydrophilicity index and the experimentally determined antigenic sites. The data on 56 species of hemoglobin α-chains and 44 species of hemoglobinβ-chains showed that although there are few sites on hemoglobin which have remained invariant during evolution, there is a significant variation in other sites in terms of either a splitting of a site, or a drastic change in the hydrophilicity values and/or a length of the site. Comparison of the hydrophilicity data on these two groups of proteins suggests that hemoglobins which perform a variety of functions as compared to myoglobins are evolving faster than myoglobins supporting the contention of earlier workers.  相似文献   

The possibility of obtaining recombinant fibrillogenic fusion proteins such as transthyretin (TTR) and β2-microglobulin (β2M) with a superfolder green fluorescent protein (sfGFP) was studied. According to the literature data, sfGFP is resistant to denaturating influences, does not aggregate during renaturation, possesses improved kinetic characteristics of folding, and folds well when fused to different polypeptides. The corresponding DNA constructs for expression in Escherichia coli were created. It could be shown that during expression of these constructs in E. coli, soluble forms of the fusion proteins are synthesized. Efficient isolation of the fusion proteins was performed with the help of nickel-affinity chromatography. For this purpose a polyhistidine sequence (6-His-tag) was incorporated into the C-terminus of the sfGFP. We could show that the purified fusion proteins contained full-size sequences of the most amyloidogenic TTR variant, TTR(L55P) and β2M, and also sfGFP possessing fluorescent properties. In the course of fibrillogenesis both fusion proteins demonstrated their ability to form fibrils that were clearly detectable by atomic force microscopy. Furthermore, with the help of confocal microscopy we were able to reveal structures (exhibiting fluorescence) that are formed during fibrillogenesis. Thus, the use of sfGFP has made it possible to avoid formation of inclusion bodies (IB) during the synthesis of recombinant fusion proteins and to obtain soluble forms of TTR(L55P) and β2M that are suitable for further studies.  相似文献   

The present work treats the conformational and geometrical properties of antiparallel and mixed β-sheets, following the approach described in the first paper of this series (Salemme & Weatherford, 1981). As shown, antiparallel structures possess conformational degrees of freedom that allow them to assume a greater diversity of spatial configurations than occur in parallel sheets. This configurational flexibility principally owes its origin to the potential variability of the interchain hydrogen bond geometry in antiparallel structures. As a consequence of this inherent elasticity of antiparallel β-sheets, their extended spatial configurations strongly reflect effects arising from local or extended side-chain packing interactions. Although the continuously deformable characteristics of antiparallel sheets frequently result in the attainment of spatial configurations that cannot be quantitatively modeled as hydrogen-bonded arrays of conformationally identical polypeptide chains, several observed sheets are nevertheless shown to be accurately approximated as conformationally regular arrays that typically yield model versus observed fits of less than 1 Å for corresponding α-carbon atoms.  相似文献   

In cells, β-barrel membrane proteins are transported in unfolded form to an outer membrane into which they fold and insert. Model systems have been established to investigate the mechanisms of insertion and folding of these versatile proteins into detergent micelles, lipid bilayers and even synthetic amphipathic polymers. In these experiments, insertion into lipid membranes is initiated from unfolded forms that do not display residual β-sheet secondary structure. These studies therefore have allowed the investigation of membrane protein folding and insertion in great detail. Folding of β-barrel membrane proteins into lipid bilayers has been monitored from unfolded forms by dilution of chaotropic denaturants that keep the protein unfolded as well as from unfolded forms present in complexes with molecular chaperones from cells. This review is aimed to provide an overview of the principles and mechanisms observed for the folding of β-barrel transmembrane proteins into lipid bilayers, the importance of lipid–protein interactions and the function of molecular chaperones and folding assistants. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Lipid–protein interactions.  相似文献   

We report here two sets of results on proline-containing linear peptides, one of which brings out the role of theβ-turn conformation in the structure of nascent collagen while the other points to the functional importance of the β-turn in calcium-binding proteins. Based on the data on peptides containing the -Pro-Gly-sequence, we had proposed and experimentally verified that theβ-turn conformation in these peptides is a structural requirement for the enzymic hydroxylation of the proline residues in the nascent (unhydroxylated) procollagen molecule. Our recent data, presented here, on the conformation of peptides containing both the -Pro-Gly- and -Gly-Pro-sequences reveal that while theβ-turn in the substrate molecule is required at the catalytic site of prolyl hydroxylase, the polyproline-II structure is necessary for effective binding at the active site of the enzyme. Thus, peptides containing either theβ-turn or the polyproline-II structure alone are found to act only as inhibitors while those with the polyproline-II followed byβ-turn serve as substrates of the enzyme. In another study, we have synthesized the two linear peptides: Boc-Pro-D-Ala-Ala-NHCH3 and Boc-Pro-Gly-Ala-NHCH3 each of which adopts, in solution, a structure with two consecutiveβ-turns, as judged from circular dichroism, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance data. Drastic spectral changes are seen in these peptides on binding to Ca2+. Both the peptides show a distinct specificity to Ca2+ over Mg2+, Na+ and Li+. A conformational change in the peptides occurs on Ca2+ binding which brings together the carbonyl groups to coordinate with the metal ion. These results imply a functional role for theβ-turn in Ca2+ — binding proteins.  相似文献   

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