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鄂西早侏罗世香溪植物群真蕨植物研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来对真蕨植物系统发育演化的研究引起了学术界的广泛关注,而对地史时期真蕨化石多样性变化、繁殖器官和原位孢子微细构造的探究成为了解该类群植物辐射演化历史和系统发育不可或缺的途径.我国湖北西部早侏罗世香溪组真蕨植物化石十分丰富,且具有较高的多样性.包括合囊蕨科、紫萁科、马通科、双扇蕨科及蚌壳蕨科等,共计约11属25种.近年来,对该地区真蕨植物化石研究日渐深入,并在多个领域取得了一系列重要进展.基于鄂西秭归地区保存完好的生殖器官化石标本,先后获得了合囊蕨科Marattia asiatica、马通科Phlebop-teris polypodioides、双扇蕨科Dictyophyllum nilssonii、蚌壳蕨科Coniopteris cf.bella和Coniopteris sp.等种原位孢子.利用扫描和透射电镜等手段对Marattia asiatica和Dictyophyllum nilssonii原位孢子超微结构的研究,对认识真蕨植物系统发育和演化提供了重要的微观证据.香溪组上部真蕨植物代表我国早中生代南方植物区系典型的真蕨植物生态群落,且以马通科Phlebopteris和双扇蕨科Dictyophyllum为主导分子,伴生有合囊蕨科、紫萁科和蚌壳蕨科分子,指示热带、亚热带温暖潮湿气候类型,并代表原位埋藏的泥炭沼泽生态环境.  相似文献   

双扇蕨科植物化石在吉林东部上三叠统的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙革 《古生物学报》1981,(5):459-467
双扇蕨科(Dipteridaceae)植物是A. C. Seward & E. Dale(1901),根据现代双扇蕨属(Dipteris)的孢子囊环带偏斜等特征,自水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)分出,而单独建科的。S. Oishi & K. Yamasita(1936)又进一步将该科植物分为双扇蕨、葛伯特蕨、扭枝蕨等3个亚科,及双扇蕨属(Dipteris)、豪士曼蕨属(包括豪士曼蕨亚属[Hausmannia(H. s. s.)]、原始扇状蕨亚属[Hausmannia(Prorhipis)])、格子蕨属(Clathropteris)、网叶蕨属(Dictyophyllum)、异  相似文献   

在野外植被调查、标本采集和资料查询整理的基础上,汇总了察隅河流域种子植物名录,并对流域内植物物种的组成、优势科属、区系地理成分及性质进行分析。运用R语言在属水平上与其周边16个地区的植物区系进行聚类及主成分分析,探讨察隅河流域种子植物区系与其他区系之间的关系。结果表明:(1)察隅河流域共含种子植物138科、689属、2 771种(含变种),其中裸植子物4科12属56种,被子植物134科677属2 715种,被子植物中双子叶植物112科531属2 270种占绝对优势。(2)区内地理成分联系广泛,科的区系划分除世界分布类型外,热带分布型53科(55.21%),温带分布型43科(44.79%);属的区系划分中所有类型均有分布,温带分布型396属(62.07%),热带分布型230属(36.05%);属的分布型与科相比具有更明显的温带性质;植物种类丰富度高但特有成分低,无特有科,仅含12特有属。(3)流域内植被垂直地带性分布较为明显,保留了较多古老孑遗植物,如裸子植物的西藏红豆杉(Taxus wallichiana)、察隅冷杉(Abies chayuensis)和云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)等;由于青藏高原的上升运动,成为杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)、虎耳草属(Saxifraga)、龙胆属(Gentiana)和报春花属(Primula)等新生高山植物区系成分分化繁衍的摇篮。(4)察隅河植物区系属喜马拉雅山南侧热带成分向温带成分过渡的区系性质,与珠峰自然保护区植物区系更为相似。  相似文献   

在形态分类研究的基础上,利用RAPD技术,对黑龙江省蹄盖蕨科植物6属9种共15个种群进行了遗传多样性分析,分析结果表明:(1)假冷蕨属应包括在蹄盖蕨属中(2)角蕨属与蹄盖蕨属,羽节蕨属与冷蕨属亲源关系较近(3)短肠蕨属为独立一属,与其它属亲源关系较远。根据黑龙江省蹄盖蕨科植物的DNA水平的研究结果,再结合其形态学特征,建议将黑龙江省蹄盖蕨科划分为3个亚科:冷蕨亚科(Cystopterioideae)包括2个属:冷蕨属(Cystopteris)和羽节蕨属(Gymnocarpium)。蹄盖蕨亚科(Athyrioideae)包括3个属:蹄盖蕨属(Athyrium)、假冷蕨属(Pseudocystopteris)和角蕨属(Cornopteris)。双盖蕨亚科(Diplazioideae)包括短肠蕨属(Allantodia)。  相似文献   

黄璞  汪瑶  张小乐 《古生物学报》2022,61(3):397-406
Adoketophyton subverticillatum (Li et Cai) Li et Edwards (亚轮生奇异蕨)是云南早泥盆世坡松冲植物群中颇具代表性的、研究较为详细的一种植物, 目前对其整体形态特征和解剖结构都有较深入的认识。本文通过系列针修法, 将采自贵州都匀包阳剖面蟒山群下段的一块植物化石新材料归入A. subverticillatum。基于目前对 Adoketophyton时空分布的认识, 认为该属可作为早泥盆世植物群的代表分子, 并据此推断蟒山群下段的时代应为早泥盆世。Adoketophyton subverticillatum在都匀的发现, 表明贵州都匀蟒山群中的植物与云南坡松冲植物群在属、种一级上存在扩散与交流现象。Adoketophyton以及其他相关植物的研究表明, 在高大气CO2浓度的早泥盆世, 叶性结构如孢子叶、苞片、枝叶复合体等已广泛分布于华南板块。  相似文献   

野外调查和标本鉴定结果表明,云开山自然保护区共有185种蕨类植物,其中10种为广东新分布:中华桫椤(Alsophila costularis)、白桫椤(Sphaeropteris brunoniana)、有刺凤尾蕨(Pteris setulosacostulata)、禾秆亮毛蕨(Acystopteris tenuisecta)、高大短肠蕨(Allantodia muricata)、细裂铁角蕨(Asplenium tenuifolium)、无盖肉刺蕨(Nothoperanema shikokianum)、蓝色鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris polita)、云南舌蕨(Elaphoglossum yunnanense)和黑鳞剑蕨(Loxogramme assimilis)。该地蕨类植物区系主要由亚洲热带亚热带分布和东亚分布成分(各占约37%的种类)构成,以鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)、水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)、金星蕨科(Thelypteridaceae)、蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)和铁角蕨科(Aspleniaceae)的植物最为丰富,包含13种中国特有种但缺乏本地特有成分。垂直分布的统计结果表明,绝大多数植物(143种)生活在海拔900~1300 m的常绿阔叶林下,局限分布于海拔800 m以下的植物有15种,而局限分布于海拔1400~1700 m的植物有23种。该地的珍稀蕨类植物有马尾杉(Phlegmariurus phlegmaria)、华南马尾杉(P. austrosinicu)、薄叶阴地蕨(Sceptridium daucifolium)、小黑桫椤(Gymnosphaera metteniana)、中华桫椤、白桫椤、长柄车前蕨(Antrophyum obovatum)、黑鳞复叶耳蕨(Arachniodes nigrospinosa)、两广鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris liangkwangensis)、云南舌蕨、燕尾蕨(Cheiropleuria bicuspis)、锯蕨(Micropolypodium okuboi)和穴子蕨(Prosaptia urceolaris)。  相似文献   

郑维艳  曹坤芳 《广西植物》2020,40(11):1584-1594
该文利用最大墒模型(Maxent)和地理信息系统(ArcGIS 10.3)软件对中国木姜子属(Litsea)四种资源植物在我国当代、未来(2061年—2080年)气候条件下的潜在分布区进行预测,并对其适宜区进行分析和划分。结果表明:山鸡椒(Litsea cubeba)适宜区广泛分布在长江以南区域,在未来时段2061年—2080年两种(RCP2.6、RCP8.5)二氧化碳浓度情景下适宜区面积分别减少4.9%和0.5%; 毛豹皮樟(L. coreana)适宜区主要分布在中亚热带及北亚热带区域,分布相对偏北,其在未来2061年—2080年两种二氧化碳浓度情景下适宜区面积分别增加5.6%和4.5%; 华南木姜子(L. greenmaniana)适宜区主要分布在我国南亚热带区域; 毛叶木姜子(L. mollis)适宜区广泛分布在亚热带区域。这两种树种在未来气候RCP2.6情景下适生面积减少1.0%和3.3%,在RCP8.5情景下减少5.6%和8.3%。上述结果说明木姜子属不同种由于生态习性差异对未来的气候变化的响应不尽相同,对这些植物引种栽培须考虑气候变化的影响。  相似文献   

拟合囊蕨(Marattiopsis)是蕨类植物门中较原始的厚囊蕨纲莲座蕨目合囊蕨科的一个化石属,是中生代植物群落中的重要组成分子。由于与现生植物形态相似,部分含繁殖器官化石标本常被归入现生合囊蕨属(Marattia)。尽管Marattiopsis和Marattia的使用一直存在争议,但传统上前者多用于裸羽片标本,而实羽片标本则多使用现生属名。然而,最近分子证据表明Marattia是一个并系类群的属,原有定义有所改变,因此,仅Marattiopsis属名应该保留并使用于化石标本。中国中生代的拟合囊蕨属(合囊蕨属)植物共计9种,其时空分布显示:该属在晚三叠世出现,并且分异度达到顶峰,但仅分布于华南;早侏罗世多样性大幅降低,但产地数量略有增长,并从华南扩散到华北;中侏罗世分异度和产地数量急剧衰退,仅在东北有少量残存;晚侏罗世至整个白垩纪,完全消失。本文认为拟合囊蕨多样性变化和时空分布模式与古气候和古地理综合效应密切相关:晚三叠世至早侏罗世炎热、湿润的气候条件有利于拟合囊蕨的发生和发展;中侏罗世以后逐渐温凉、干燥的气候大大缩减了该属的生存空间,并最终导致其绝灭。  相似文献   

为了解中国西南地区6种亚热带常绿栎属植物在未来气候情景下的潜在分布,该文利用最大熵模型(maximum entropy model, MaxEnt)和地理信息系统技术,结合帽斗栎(Quercus guyavaefolia)、川滇高山栎(Q. aquifolioides)、毛脉高山栎(Q. rehderiana)、高山栎(Q. semecarpifolia)、灰背栎(Q. senescens)和匙叶栎(Q. dolicholepis)的分布数据、生理生态特性、环境数据及未来2070s (2061—2080年)气候情景数据(SSPs126、SSPs245、SSPs585),分析了未来气候变化对各乔木种潜在地理分布的影响。结果表明,6种乔木MaxEnt模型的AUC均值均大于0.9,模拟效果好。温度季节性、年降水量、海拔、最冷月最低温和坡度等5个环境因子为6种栎属乔木分布的主导环境因子,即多适宜分布在温度季节性变化较小、温暖潮湿的山区。其中,川滇高山栎、毛脉高山栎和高山栎较其他3树种更适宜生长于温度偏低、温度季节性变化略大的中、高山地区。西南地区6种主要亚热带常绿栎属乔木潜在适宜区主要分布在西南地区,华中地区西部、华南地区西部和西北地区南部部分地区也有分布,高适宜区主要位于四川南部和云南西北部。在未来气候情景下,西南地区亚热带常绿主要栎属乔木适宜区面积以增长趋势为主,且向西北方向迁移。  相似文献   

为探究外来植物加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)入侵与南京市本土植物多样性的关系,该文采用踏查及样方调查对其入侵地群落的物种组成与多样性进行研究。结果表明:(1)入侵地群落中共有维管植物200种(含种下单元),隶属于62科156属,其中被子植物195种,裸子植物1种,蕨类植物4种; 数量最多的是菊科(Asteraceae)和禾本科(Poaceae)植物,分别有25种和24种; 从生活型来看,草本植物占多数,有133种,占所有种的66.50%; 此外,群落内尚有其他外来植物29种。群落中重要值最大的是加拿大一枝黄花,为40.00%; 其次是救荒野豌豆(Vicia sativa),为7.00%。(2)从植物区系看,非入侵地中植物科的区系分布型共4个,而入侵地植物科的区系类型仅有3个,其中泛热带分布、世界分布和北温带分布为两者均有,东亚和北美间断分布型仅在非入侵地中存在。非入侵地植物科的区系以世界分布型为主,有13科,占该类型群落中所有科的39.39%; 入侵地则以泛热带分布型为主,有16科,占总科数的45.71%。非入侵地中植物属的区系分布型有10个,而入侵地有12个,两者区系成分相近,旧世界热带型和热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布型仅在入侵地中出现。北温带分布型和世界分布型同为两者中最主要成分。入侵地及非入侵地群落属的区系R/T值分别为0.58和0.38,种系分化度分别为3.29和3.11。(3)重度入侵群落的Margalef指数(E)与非入侵及轻度入侵群落相比,显著降低; 此外,重度入侵群落的Simpson指数(D)、Shannon-Weiner(H'')指数和Pielou指数(J)均显著低于非入侵、轻度入侵、中度入侵群落。(4)不同生境之间加拿大一枝黄花群落的EDH''J均无显著性差异。该研究可为南京地区的加拿大一枝黄花入侵地的治理防控和生态恢复,以及进一步的科学研究提供强有力的理论支撑。  相似文献   

The extant family Dipteridaceae is a remarkable leptosporangiate fern because it includes only one genus with a restricted distribution to tropical regions. The fossil record of this family has been widely reported from the Mesozoic strata in Eurasia, America, Australia, and Greenland. In China, numerous fossils of the Dipteridaceae have been documented, in total, about 74 species of 6 genera. Geographically, they are distributed both in the Southern and Northern Floristic Provinces, and were particularly well developed in the Southern Floristic Province during the Late Triassic and the Early Jurassic intervals. Fossil diversity of Dipteridaceae varies in the different episodes of the Mesozoic in China. It is shown that Dipteridaceae has undergone a diversity development process and a distinct turnover during the Mesozoic. They appear to have diversified in the warm and humid Late Triassic–Early Jurassic, but declined sharply as aridity developed in the Middle Jurassic, and became extinct at the end of the Early Cretaceous. The diversity variation and tempo-spatial distribution pattern is suggested to be linked with paleoclimatic variations during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Otozamites is a representative fossil leaf morphogenus of the extinct Bennettitales, with an extensive distribution during the Mesozoic, especially in China. Understanding the fossil diversity variation and distribution pattern of Otozamites in China will provide information on biodiversity of bennettitalean plants as well as for reconstruction of palaeogeography and palaeoclimate conditions during the Mesozoic. So far, 46 species of this genus have been described in China, excluding unspecified species. The results show that the fossils of Otozamites are extensively recorded in the Late Triassic, and then reach their maximum development in the Early Jurassic, followed by a reduction in diversity in the Middle and Late Jurassic, and finally become extinct at the end of Early Cretaceous. Geographically, they occur in both Northern and Southern Floristic Provinces in the Mesozoic of China, with a relatively higher abundance in the Southern Floristic Province. It implies that the diversity variation and distribution of Otozamites are closely related to the change of the palaeoclimatic conditions. The warm and humid climate prevailed in the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic in South China, propitious to the development of Otozamites. After the Middle Jurassic, dry and hot climate may have caused the lower diversity level and blocked the development of Otozamites; finally at the end of the Early Cretaceous, the frequent arid climate may be a major cause for the extinction of Otozamites.  相似文献   

After becoming nearly extinct during the Permian, the ferns began a slow recovery during the Triassic as the climate of the earth moderated. As a result, a considerable number and variety were present and widely distributed during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. However, with the rapid expansion of the angiosperms during the Late Cretaceous, the ferns once again became reduced in variety and greatly restricted in distribution. Some of the Mesozoic ferns are rather primitive and obviously are closely related descendants of Paleozoic taxa. Such ferns are assigned mostly to the Marattiaceae, Guaireaceae, Osmundaceae, and Gleicheniaceae. The majority of the Mesozoic ferns, however, are distinctive and appear to have originated during that era. These fossil ferns generally fit into modern orders and families such as the Matoniaceae or the Dipteridaceae. In some cases, it is difficult to clearly distinguish some of the Mesozoic ferns from living genera. A portion was presented as an invited paper to the symposium: Evolution of pteridophytes and gymnosperms at the XV International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan (1993).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: At the beginning of the Late Cretaceous, angiosperms already inhabited all the environments and overtopped previously gymnosperm-dominated floras, especially in disturbed freshwater-related environments. The aim of this paper is to define what fossil plant ecology occurred during the early Cretaceous in order to follow the early spread of angiosperm taxa. METHODS: Floristic lists and localities from the Barremian to the Albian of Europe are analysed with the Wagner's Parsimony Method. KEY RESULTS: The Wagner's Parsimony Method indicates that (a) during the Barremian, matoniaceous ferns formed a savannah-like vegetation, while angiosperms composed freshwater aquatic vegetation; (b) during the Late Aptian humid phase, conifers increased, while matoniaceous ferns decreased, reflecting the closure of the vegetation; and (c) from the Albian, warmer and drier conditions induced the recovery of the matoniaceous ferns, while core angiosperms first developed in floodplains. CONCLUSIONS: During the late Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian), angiosperms showed a stepwise widening of their ecological range, being recorded first during the Barremian as aquatic plant mega-remains and at the Cenomanian onwards occurred in all the environments.  相似文献   

The first Cretaceous representatives of Matoniaceae and Gleicheniaceae in the Antarctic are described from the Albian flora of Alexander Island. Two new species are recognized, one is assigned to Matonia, and another to the emended gleicheniaceous form-genus Gleicheniaceaephyllum. The taxonomy of fossil genera assigned to Gleicheniaceae is problematic, and as an alternative to the invalid genus Gleichenites, we propose that Microphyllopteris be utilised as a form-genus for species that have either an unknown branching pattern or pseudo-dichotomous branching without resting buds; Microphyllopteris is reserved for ferns that cannot be ascribed conclusively to Gleicheniaceae. Alternatively, Gleicheniaceaephyllum should be used for gleicheniaceous material that has a resting bud amongst two to four primary branches. Gleicheniaceaephyllum acutum sp. nov. is preserved as sterile and fertile fronds, pinnae and pinnules. The other new species, Matonia jeffersonii sp. nov., occurs as sterile and fertile pinnae and pinnules, and is aligned to Matoniaceae based on the presence of circular-oval sori with peltate indusia. The two taxa are inferred to have either a pedate or scrambling habit. These morphologies are relatively common at Alexander Island, compared to other high latitude fossil floras, and are interpreted as an adaptation to the high disturbance, polar conditions and unusual photoperiod experienced at Alexander Island during the Early Cretaceous. The theory that angiosperms caused the demise of ferns is discussed in relation to the Matoniaceae and Gleicheniaceae, and there does not appear to be association between angiosperm expansion and the decline of these two fern families.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic chrysopid-like Planipennia are revised and several new genera and species are described. The new superfamily Chrysopoidea is proposed for the extant and fossil Chrysopidae, and the fossil families Liassochrysidae n. fam., Allopteridae Zhang 1991 n. sensu, Mesochrysopidae Handlirsch, 1906 n. sensu, Tachinymphidae n. fam., and Limaiidae Martins-Neto and Vulcano 1989 n. sensu. A phylogenetic analysis of the Chrysopoidea is proposed, based on the wing venation characters. With at least the four families Allopteridae, Mesochrysopidae, Tachinymphidae, and Chrysopidae, showing different wing venation patterns, the systematic diversity and morphological disparity of the Chrysopoidea are maximal during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. The Mesozoic family Limaiidae was still present during the Paleocene/Eocene suggesting a minimal impact on the Chrysopoidea of the crisis of the diversity at the K-T boundary. Other Cenozoic Chrysopoidea can be attributed to the Chrysopidae sensu stricto.  相似文献   

Nomenclature reappraisal, diversity pattern and palaeoclimatic implications of Jurassic, Triassic and Early Cretaceous pycnoxylic woods in India are undertaken in the present study. Among the fourteen generic names published previously, only eight are validly published and the rest are nomenclaturally illegitimate. About 51 species were reported under these genera to date. There is a gradual increase of species diversity of fossil wood from the Triassic to Early Cretaceous. The nature of the growth rings was applied to understand the palaeoclimate. The lack of distinct growth rings in the Triassic woods suggests absence of seasonality. The Jurassic woods with an inconsistency in growth rings and presence of growth interruptions suggest climate was seasonal and turbulent. During the Early Cretaceous, conifer dominated vegetation and with wider growth rings and gradual transition suggests warm environments with pronounced seasonality. The general increase in mean ring width from the Triassic to Early Cretaceous indicates ameliorating climatic conditions, particularly benign summer conditions.  相似文献   

辽西地区下白垩统沙海组是我国北方地区重要的白垩纪木化石产出层位,其产出的木化石数量丰富、类型多样.尽管前人开展了部分研究,但目前对沙海组木化石植物群组成特征的认识仍相对薄弱.本文报道了辽西义县上石洞沟地区沙海组产出的木化石新材料,共鉴定出2属3种,分别为:Phyllocladoxylon cf.eboracense(H...  相似文献   

Paracyathocaulis ogurae gen. et comb. nov. andCyathocaulis yezopteroides sp. nov. are Late Cretaceous tree-fern stems with cyatheaceous affinity. They are comparable with the Recent scaly cyatheoids (Cyathea s.l.), as well as with the Cretaceous and Tertiary fossil stems that have similar anatomy. All of these tree ferns, including the Late Jurassic to Early CretaceousOguracaulis Tidwellet al., comprise a well-defined morphological complex within Cyatheaceae, and are considered to be monophyletic. The taxonomy of this complex is analyzed cladistically, and the cladogram is phylogenetically evaluated by reference to the chronological data of fossils.  相似文献   

The family Osmundaceae is among the most primitive ferns of the Filicales, with an extensive fossil record dating back to the Late Paleozoic. Numerous fossil osmundaceous rhizomes have been documented in the geological history. However, the diversity, variation and distribution pattern of permineralized rhizomes remain poorly known. Here we intend to analyze the fossil records with regard to the diversity and distribution pattern of the osmundaceous rhizomes based on available data. To date, about 83 species ascribed to 14 genera of fossil osmundaceous rhizomes have been described worldwide, assigned to two subfamilies, namely, Thamnopteroideae and Osmundoideae. Geologically, two groups (i.e., Thamnopteroideae and Palaeosmunda) have been reported in the Permian. All the Triassic taxa are from the southern hemisphere. Jurassic osmundaceous rhizomes are abundant and widespread throughout the world, most dominant in the southern hemisphere. During the transition of Jurassic to Cretaceous, the diversity of osmundaceous rhizomes declined rapidly. In the Cretaceous, however, the osmundaceous rhizomes from the northern hemisphere surpass those from the southern hemisphere in generic level for the first time. The Cenozoic taxa diversified in the northern hemisphere with the rise of angiosperms. Geographically, the osmundaceous fossil rhizomes have been found in both hemispheres; the major localities include Ural area of the former USSR, Tasmania of Australia, southern Argentina, Antarctica, northern India, central and western part of North America and northern China. We discuss the origin, radiation, and development of the Osmundaceae based on rhizomes, to help further understand the systematic relation and evolutionary history of the family Osmundaceae.  相似文献   

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