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1. Human subjects were exposed to partial- and whole-body heating and cooling in a controlled environmental chamber to quantify physiological and subjective responses to thermal asymmetries and transients.

2. Skin temperatures, core temperature, thermal sensation, and comfort responses were collected for 19 local body parts and for the whole body.

3. Core temperature increased in response to skin cooling and decreased in response to skin heating.

4. Hand and finger temperatures fluctuated significantly when the body was near a neutral thermal state.

5. When using a computer mouse in a cool environment, the skin temperature of the hand using the mouse was observed to be 2–3 °C lower than the unencumbered hand.  相似文献   

Several techniques for using skin colorimetric data to measure admixture contributions to a hybrid population have been reviewed by Lees and Relethford ('78), who find this general approach to be useful. This paper extends their evaluation, providing a method for obtaining an error term and considering at greater length certain potential sources of estimate bias. Questions are raised about their discussion of the appropriate employment of distance statistics in this context, and an alternative procedure for obtaining a single estimate of admixture proportions jointly over all reflectance measurements is offered. While it is shown that the hybrid reflectance curves do not support entirely an assumption of unlinked loci contributing equally and additively to skin color, preliminary findings indicate that admixture estimates made from these data are apparently unbiased and reasonably efficient.  相似文献   

小麦叶面积指数与冠层反射光谱的定量关系   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
在分析不同氮素水平下小麦叶面积指数(LAI)和冠层光谱反射率随生育期变化模式的基础上,确立了LAI与冠层光谱反射率及光谱参数的相关关系,提出了小麦LAI的敏感光谱参数及预测方程.结果表明,小麦LAI和近红外短波段(760~1 220 nm)反射率都随施氮量的增加呈上升趋势,可见光波段反射率则相反;从拔节期到成熟期,LAI和近红外短波段反射率均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,而可见光波段(460~710 nm)反射率随生育期的推进先降低后升高,以孕穗期反射率最低,近红外长波段区域(1 480~1 650 nm)反射率的变化与可见光部分相同.LAI与可见光波段反射率呈负相关,与近红外短波段反射率呈极显著正相关,其中以810 nm相关性最好.可以选择RVI(810,510)和DVI(810,560)作为反演小麦LAI的光谱参数.另外,在证明垂直植被指数PVI和转换型土壤调整指数TSAVI对LAI预测能力的同时,发现利用RVI(810,510)、DVI(810,560)和PVI 3个植被指数共同推算小麦LAI的准确度更高.  相似文献   

水稻叶片全氮浓度与冠层反射光谱的定量关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用数学统计方法分析了不同施氮水平和不同水稻品种群体叶片全氮浓度(LNC)与冠层反射光谱的定量关系,建立了水稻群体叶片全氮浓度的光谱监测模型.结果表明:基于原始反射率构造的光谱参数与叶片全氮浓度的相关程度均高于原始反射率,近红外波段(760~1 220 nm)与可见光波段510、560、680及710 nm组成的比值植被指数、差值植被指数和归一化植被指数与群体叶片全氮浓度呈极显著正相关,其中与归一化植被指数(NDVI)的相关性最好;对拟合较好的6个两波段组合参数及4个特征光谱参数的预测标准误(SE)和决定系数(R2)进行比较后,选取参数NDVI (1220, 710)为反演群体叶片全氮浓度的最佳光谱参数,方程为LNC=3.2708 × NDVI (1220,710) + 0.8654.利用不同粳稻品种、水分和氮肥处理的试验数据对监测模型进行了检验,估计的根均方差(RMSE)均小于20%,预测值和实测值的拟合R2为0.674~0.862,拟合斜率为0.908~1.010,RMSE为11.315%~19.491%,表明模型预测值与实测值之间符合度较高,对不同栽培条件下的水稻群体叶片全氮浓度具有较好的预测性.  相似文献   

Skin reflectance was measured on the inner upper arm and forehead of a sample of 209 Mestizos ranging in age from 2 to 64 years living in the town of Lamas in the Eastern Peruvian Lowlands. The sample consisted of 43 father-son, 42 father-daughter, 62 mother-son, and 70 mother-daughter pairs. The sample also consisted of 57 brother-brother, 60 sister-sister and 139 brother-sister pairs. The reflectance measurements were made with a Photovolt Reflection Meter, model 670. Stepwise polynomial regression techniques were used to derive standardized residual values. Then using these residual values parent-offspring, sibling intraclass correlations and components of the phenotypic expression of skin reflectance were calculated. The study indicates that 1) the parent-offspring and sibling correlation coefficients conformed with the theoretical correlations expected assuming polygenic inheritance; 2) the husband-wife correlations indicate a high degree of assortative mating for skin color, but despite this effect the parent-offspring and sibling correlation coefficients are lower than the values expected under the influence of autosomal genes; 3) estimates of heritability and components of phenotypic expression indicate that about 55% of the total variability in skin reflectance could be attributed to the influence of additive genetic factors; and 4) there is no evidence of X-linkage in the inheritance of skin color.  相似文献   

Polarized and specular reflectance variation with leaf surface features   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The linearly polarized reflectance from a leaf depends on the characteristics of the leaf surface. In the present study the leaf reflectance of a number of plant species with varying surface characteristics was measured at the Brewster angle with a polarization photometer having 5 visible and near-infrared wavelength bands. We found that all leaf surfaces polarized incident light. Differences among species could be explained by variation in surface features. The results support our hypothesis that the polarized light is reflected by the leaf surface, not by its interior. Two mechanisms appeared responsible for the linearly polarized reflectance: (1) specular reflectance and (2) surface particle scattering. In most cases, large values of linearly polarized reflectance could be attributed to specular reflectance from the leaf surface. Attribution required knowledge of the optical dimensions of features on the leaf surface.  相似文献   

The size of achromatic (black, white, gray) plumage patchesserves as a male status signal in many species of birds, butvariation in the colors of these patches has received littleattention. We assessed the relation between achromatic plumagereflectance, dominance rank, body condition, and reproductivesuccess in male black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapillus.We measured plumage reflectance for five body regions of 40male chickadees in late winter and monitored these males throughoutthe following breeding season to determine whether they survivedto breed, whether they successfully paired, whether their partnerlaid eggs, and both their apparent and realized reproductivesuccess. As expected from past studies, a male's dominance ranksignificantly predicted whether his partner laid eggs. However,only achromatic plumage reflectance significantly predictedother measures of male reproductive performance. Among maleswho fledged at least one offspring, both the brightness of whiteplumage regions and the UV-chroma of melanin-based plumage regionswere significant predictors of the proportion of within-pairyoung in their nests. When we consider all males we measured,assigning zero values to males who failed to sire any offspring,the UV-chroma of melanin-based plumage regions was a significantpredictor of realized reproductive success. Bib size was alsorelated to male realized reproductive success. Our findingssuggest that individual variation in achromatic plumage mayplay an important role in sexual signaling in chickadees.  相似文献   

Bright coloration of males in many animal species has inspiredresearchers for more than a century. In this field study, weinvestigated whether color variation between individuals isrelated to individual quality in pied flycatcher (Ficedulahypoleuca) males in terms of arrival time at the breeding sites.In addition to traditional visual color scoring, plumage color was measured using spectroradiometric measurements between 320and 700 nm. This range includes the near-ultraviolet wavebandfrom 320 to 400 nm. Males that arrived earlier at breedingsites had higher proportional UV reflectance in the crown andmantle. The proportional UV reflectance in the crown and mantlewas not related to traditionally scored general brownness inmales. However, adult males had a higher proportion of ultravioletin the plumage than yearling males or females. These resultssuggest that in pied flycatcher males, the UV reflectance ofplumage may be positively correlated with individual quality.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomical parameters such as leaf mass per area (LMA) and biochemical composition can be used as indicators of leaf photosynthetic capacity. The aims of this study are to evaluate the potential of reflectance spectroscopy of fresh leaves for assessing and predicting various parameters, anatomical (LMA and tissue thickness) and biochemical (nitrogen concentration). This paper describes results obtained with fresh leaves of holm oak ( Quercus ilex ), an evergreen oak that is widely distributed from mesic to xeric habitats in the Mediterranean. Fresh leaves (560) were collected over 3 yr at six different sites, from the top to the bottom of the canopy. The reflectance of each leaf was obtained within 1 h of sampling with an NIRSystems 6500 spectrophotometer over the range 400–2500 nm. LMA was determined for all samples; biochemical and anatomical measurements were conducted over representative subsample populations of 92 and 87 leaves, respectively. Stepwise regression calibrations and partial least squares (PLS) calibrations were developed and compared with different spectral regions and mathematical treatments. Calibration equations had high coefficients of determination ( r 2 ranging from 0.94 for nitrogen to 0.98 for LMA and tissue thickness). The PLS regressions gave better results than stepwise regressions for all parameters studied. Compared with regressions calculated on raw spectral data, calculations on second derivatives of spectra improved results in all cases. The use of scatter corrections also improved results. These results show that visible and near-infra red reflectance can be used for accurately predicting anatomical parameters and the nitrogen concentration of fresh holm oak leaves. The results support the suggestion that high spectral resolution imaging spectrometry can be a useful tool for assessing functional processes in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Skin colorimetry readings taken in Belize, Central America (formerly British Honduras) with the two most commonly used portable reflectometers reveal significant differences in mean reflectance between Garifuna (Black Caribs) and Creoles, and between Garifuna in two settlements. These differences are related to variation in African, Indian, and European admixture, as estimated from serological markers. Sex differences are not evident in univariate comparisons, but females are significantly lighter than males in multivariate analyses of variance. Polynomial age trends exist in some groups for certain variables, but account for a very small amount of the variation in skin color within these groups.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA) in acral skin (palms and soles) have a huge capacity to shunt blood directly from the arteries to the superficial venous plexus of the extremities. We hypothesized that acral skin, which supplies blood to the superficial venous plexus, has a stronger influence on blood flow adjustments during cooling in thermoneutral subjects than does non-acral skin. Thirteen healthy subjects were exposed to stepwise cooling from 32 °C to 25 °C and 17 °C in a climate chamber. Laser Doppler flux and skin temperature were measured simultaneously from the left and right third finger pulp and bilateral upper arm skin. Coherence and correlation analyses were performed of short-term fluctuations at each temperature interval. The flux from finger pulps showed the synchronous spontaneous fluctuations characteristic of skin areas containing AVAs. Fluctuation frequency, amplitude and synchronicity were all higher at 25 °C than at 32 °C and 17 °C (p<0.02). Bilateral flux from the upper arm skin showed an irregular, asynchronous vasomotor pattern with small amplitudes which were independent of ambient temperature. At 32 °C, ipsilateral median flux values from the right arm (95% confidence intervals) were 492 arbitrary units (au) (417, 537) in finger pulp and 43 au (35, 60) in upper arm skin. Flux values gradually decreased in finger pulp to 246 au (109, 363) at 25 °C, before an abrupt fall occurred at a median room temperature of 24 °C, resulting in a flux value of 79 au (31, 116) at 17 °C. In the upper arm skin a gradual fall throughout the cooling period to 21 au (13, 27) at 17 °C was observed. The fact that the response of blood flow to ambient cooling is stronger in acral skin than in non-acral skin suggests that AVAs have a greater capacity to adjust blood flow in thermoneutral zone than arterioles in non-acral skin.  相似文献   

Skin temperature is an essential physiological parameter of thermal comfort. The purpose of this research was to reveal the effects of clothing thermal resistance and operative temperature on local skin temperature (LST) and mean skin temperature (MST). The LSTs (at 32 sites) in stable condition were measured for different clothing thermal resistances 1.39, 0.5 and 0.1 clo. To study the effect of environmental temperature on LST and MST, the LSTs were also measured for operative temperatures 23, 26 and 33 °C. The experimental data showed that the effect of clothing thermal resistance on the foot was greater compared to the other human parts, and the effect of operative temperature on many parts of the human body was great, such as foot, hand, trunk, and arm. The MSTs measured on the conditions that air speed was under 0.1 m/s, RH was about 30–70%, and metabolic rate was about 1 met, were collected from previous studies. On the basis of these experimental data, a MST prediction equation with the operative temperature and clothing thermal resistance as independent variables, was obtained by multiple linear regression. This equation was a good alternative and provided convenience to predict the MST in different operative temperatures and clothing thermal resistances.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relative humidity effects on skin temperature and skin wettedness for different operative temperatures. For this aim, thermal interactions between human body and environment are simulated. In this simulation, Gagge 2-node model is used but includes some significant modifications. The simulation is to apply the Gagge 2-node model to individual segments rather than to whole body. Also, the results of the simulation are compared with present measurements, and available experimental data and simulated results in the literature in order to present reliability of the 16 segments-Gagge 2-node model. It is determined that the simulation results are in good agreement with measured results obtained from present experiments, and simulated results and experimental data in the literature.  相似文献   

Passive measurement of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (F) represents the most promising tool to quantify changes in photosynthetic functioning on a large scale. However, the complex relationship between this signal and other photosynthesis-related processes restricts its interpretation under stress conditions. To address this issue, we conducted a field campaign by combining daily airborne and ground-based measurements of F (normalized to photosynthetically active radiation), reflectance and surface temperature and related the observed changes to stress-induced variations in photosynthesis. A lawn carpet was sprayed with different doses of the herbicide Dicuran. Canopy-level measurements of gross primary productivity indicated dosage-dependent inhibition of photosynthesis by the herbicide. Dosage-dependent changes in normalized F were also detected. After spraying, we first observed a rapid increase in normalized F and in the Photochemical Reflectance Index, possibly due to the blockage of electron transport by Dicuran and the resultant impairment of xanthophyll-mediated non-photochemical quenching. This initial increase was followed by a gradual decrease in both signals, which coincided with a decline in pigment-related reflectance indices. In parallel, we also detected a canopy temperature increase after the treatment. These results demonstrate the potential of using F coupled with relevant reflectance indices to estimate stress-induced changes in canopy photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Maize silage nutritive quality is routinely determined by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). However, little is known about the impact of sample preparation on the accuracy of the calibration to predict biological traits. A sample population of 48 maize silages representing a wide range of physiological maturities was used in a study to determine the impact of different sample preparation procedures (i.e., drying regimes; the presence or absence of residual moisture; the degree of particle comminution) on resultant NIR prediction statistics. All silages were scanned using a total of 12 combinations of sample pre-treatments. Each sample preparation combination was subjected to three multivariate regression techniques to give a total of 36 predictions per biological trait. Increased sample preparations procedure, relative to scanning the unprocessed whole plant (WP) material, always resulted in a numerical minimisation of model statistics. However, the ability of each of the treatments to significantly minimise the model statistics differed. Particle comminution was the most important factor, oven-drying regime was intermediate, and residual moisture presence was the least important. Models to predict various biological parameters of maize silage will be improved if material is subjected to a high degree of particle comminution (i.e., having been passed through a 1 mm screen) and developed on plant material previously dried at 60 °C. The extra effort in terms of time and cost required to remove sample residual moisture cannot be justified.  相似文献   


1. 1. The ability to increase skin blood flow is an important mechanism for transferring heat from the body core to the skin for dissipation.

2. 2. During exercise, skin blood flow is typically 20–40% lower in men and women aged 55 and over (compared with 20–30 years old) at a given body core temperature. Yet criterion measures of heat tolerance (changes in core temperature, heat storage) often show minimal or no age-related alterations. From a series of studies conducted in our laboratory over the past 5 years, the following conclusions can be drawn.

3. 3. When fit healthy older subjects are matched with younger subjects of the same gender, size and body composition, VO2max, acclimation state, and hydration level, age-related differences in skin blood flow are evident. However, these differences often do not translate into “poorer” heat tolerance or higher core temperatures.

4. 4. The larger core-to-skin thermal gradient maintained by the older individuals allows for effective heat transfer at lower skin blood flows.

5. 5. Furthermore, there is an increased coefficient of variation for thermoregulatory response variables with increasing age.

6. 6. Despite differences in the mechanisms underlying thermoregulation, true thermal tolerance is less a function of chronological age than of functional capacity and physiological health status.

7. 7. While this conclusion is based primarily on cross-sectional studies, it is supported by the results of more recent studies using multiple regression analyses.

8. 8. Implicit in this conclusion is the notion that thermal tolerance, at any age, is a modifiable individual characteristic.

Author Keywords: Heat stress; temperature regulation; body temperature; skin blood flow; age  相似文献   

The effects of 30 min of cooling (15 degrees C water) and warming (40 degrees C water) on arm muscle function were measured. A reference condition (24 degrees C air) was included. Of nine young male subjects the maximal grip force (Fmax), the time to reach 66% of Fmax (rate of force buildup) and the maximal rhythmic grip frequency were determined, together with surface electromyographic activity (EMG) of a forearm muscle (flexor digitorum superficialis). The results showed that in contrast to warming, cooling resulted in a significant decrease of 20% in the Fmax and a significant 50% decrease in force build-up time and the maximal rhythmic grip frequency. The relationship between the root mean square value (rms) of the EMG and the static grip force did not change due to temperature changes. The median power frequency (MPF) in the power spectrum of the EMG signal decreased by 50% due to cooling but remained unchanged with heating. During a sustained contraction at 15% of Fmax (Fmax depending on the temperature) the increase in the rms value with contraction time was 90% larger in the warm condition and 80% smaller in the cold condition compared to the increase in the reference condition. The MPF value remained constant during the warm and reference conditions but in the cold it started at a 50% lower value and increased with contraction time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study examined whether length of time in the U.S., language use, and birthplace (proxy measures of acculturation) were associated with body mass index (BMI) and obesity in a sample of 174 low-income Puerto Rican women from Hartford, Connecticut. The mean BMI for the total sample (N = 174) was 27.39 (S.D. = 5.07), and nearly 34% of the sample was considered obese (BMI > or = 30). There was a statistically significant increase in BMI with length of time in the U.S. (P = 0.012) and these differences were even greater among women born in Puerto Rico (P = 0.003). Moreover, obesity prevalence was highest among women who had been in the U.S. for 10 years or more (40%), as compared to those who had been in the U.S. less than 1 year (29%; P = 0.045). There were no statistically significant associations between language and BMI for the total sample. However, among bilingual speakers born in Puerto Rico, there were significant differences in BMI according to their level of English fluency. Those who spoke fluent or very good English had a significantly higher BMI (mean = 29.72; SD = 4.12) than women whose English was good to not-so-good (mean = 26.8; SD = 5.24; P = 0.016). The findings from this study point to the need for more research on the acculturation process and obesity, in order to design culturally tailored obesity prevention programs.  相似文献   


1. 1. Seven thermal conditions were imposed on male sitting subjects (slightly clothed: 0.6 clo).

2. 2. A thermal mannikin was also used to determine the exact operative temperature, T0.

3. 3. Conditions were: uniform (UN: all parameters at 24.5°C, air velocity at 0.15 ms−1), heated ceiling (HC at 45°C), heated floor (HF at 34°C), cold floor (CF at 14°C), two conditions of one cold wall at 6°C (CW1 and CW2 respectively with and without air temperature compensation) and increased air velocity (AV at 0.4 ms−1).

4. 4. Local skin temperatures and answers to questionnaires were obtained.

5. 5. Skin temperature variations were affected by conditions and slight T0 changes.

6. 6. Comfort judgments were fairly well related to T0, especially when expressed as differences between actual non-uniform environment and the uniform one.

7. 7. It is concluded that, in case of non-uniform environments close to thermoneutral zone, thermal comfort or discomfort reflects the climate alterations better than the thermal sensation does.

Author Keywords: Skin temperature; thermal sensation; comfort; climate heterogeneity  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探究金蝉止痒颗粒辅助治疗对湿疹患者皮肤损伤、皮肤屏障功能及炎症因子的影响。方法:选取2020年6月~2022年5月来我院皮肤科就诊治疗的120例慢性湿疹的患者,按照治疗方式的不同分为对照组(n=60)与观察组(n=60),其中对照组口服奥洛他定治疗,观察组在对照治疗基础之上加服金蝉止痒颗粒。对比两组患者治疗后的临床疗效、湿疹皮肤损伤严重程度评分皮肤屏障功能和炎性因子水平的变化。记录并比较两组患者的不良反应发生情况。结果:观察组总有效率(95.00%)显著高于对照组总有效率(60.00%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后与治疗前相比,两组患者瘙痒评分、皮损面积评分及EASI评分均显著下降,且观察组各项指标优于对照组,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者TEWL指标显著降低,而WCSC和SC指标显著升高,且观察组上述指标显著优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者血清IL-2水平明显升高,而IL-4、TNF-α水平显著降低,且观察组较对照组变化更为明显,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组患者的不良反应发生率为5.00%,治疗组为3.33%,两组比较无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:奥洛他定联合金蝉止痒颗粒治疗湿疹能够减少皮肤损伤,修复湿疹患者皮肤屏障损伤,调节血清炎症因子的变化,改善湿疹患者临床症状。  相似文献   

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