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Study of the O.H. 7 hand was based primarily on morphological comparisons with a large series of hand skeletons of extant hominoid primates. Most of the hand elements are fragmentary or have missing epiphyses and only comparisons based on qualitative morphological observations are possible. The distal phalanges are complete, however, and were analyzed metrically utilizing univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. To compensate for size differences among the Hominoidea a number of size adjustments were employed. None of the adjustments were totally satisfactory from theoretical and practical standpoints and none completely eliminated the influence of size. There is no entirely satisfactory procedure to eliminate size and it is advisable to use several techniques that are not closely related, to compare the results and interpret them with caution. In certain features the wrist and fingers resemble those of African apes; in others they are more like modern human hands; in still others they are unique. The scaphoid and the proximal articular surface of the trapezium retain ape-like features, as do the proximal and middle phalanges. The pollical carpometacarpal joint and the distal phalanges are closer in morphology to those of modern humans. The scaphoid, proximal phalanges and middle phalanges of rays II-V indicate a hand capable of a strong power grip. A number of features of the thumb and the distal phalanges suggest that the O.H. 7 individual was capable of more precise manipulation that extant apes. FLK NN-A, a first distal phalanx, does not closely resemble the first distal phalanx of any of the living Hominoidea. Multivariate distance analysis indicates, however, that it is closest in overall morphology to the pollical distal phalanx of modern humans. In some features not included in the metric analysis, FLK NN-A also resembles the hallucial distal phalanx of modern humans.  相似文献   

The morphology of the Olduvai Hominid (OH) 8 foot and the sequence of metatarsal epiphyseal fusion in modern humans and chimpanzees support the hypothesis that OH 8 belonged to an individual of approximately the same relative age as the OH 7 subadult, the holotype of Homo habilis. Modern humans and chimpanzees exhibit a variety of metatarsal epiphyseal fusion patterns, including one identical to that observed in OH 8 in which metatarsal 1 fuses before metatarsals 2-5. More than the metatarsal fusion sequence, however, the principal evidence of the youthful age of OH 8 lies in the morphology of metatarsals 1, 2, and 3. Because both OH 8 and OH 7 come from the same stratum at the FLK NN type site, the most parsimonious explanation of the OH 8 and OH 7 data is that this material belonged to the same individual, as originally proposed by Louis Leakey. The proposition that OH 8 belonged to an adult is unsupported by morphology, including radiographic evidence, and the fusion sequences in human and chimpanzee skeletal material reported here and in the literature.  相似文献   

Certain fossil foot bones (a terminal toe phalanx from Olduvai, specimens of tali from Spy, Skhūl, Olduvai, Kromdraai, Songhor and Rusinga) have been investigated by other workers using the multivariate statistical approach. The conclusions of their studies have, in the main, been based upon examination of early canonical variates alone. It is demonstrated here that if the full analyses (generalized distances) are taken into account, then almost exactly opposite conclusions obtain. The terminal toe phalanx from Olduvai is widely different from those of modern men; the Neandertal tali differ more from modern human bones than previously realized; the specimens from Olduvai, Kromdraai, Songhor and Rusinga are all completely dissimilar from both African ape and modern human tali.  相似文献   

The gluteal musculature of primates has been a focus of great research interest among those who study human evolution. Most current theorists agree that gluteus superficialis (= maximus) need not have changed its action in the step from pongid to hominid, but dispute has arisen over a purported change in action and role of the gluteus medius. To clarify the functions of gluteus medius, gluteus superficialis, and tensor fasciae femoris during ape locomotion, we conducted a telemetered electromyographic study of these muscles in two gibbons, one orangutan, and four chimpanzees as they walked bipedally on the ground and on a horizontal tree trunk, walked quadrupedally on the same substrates, and climbed a vertical tree trunk. The results indicate that the gluteus medius of apes is not, as has been previously suggested, primarily an extensor of the thigh; its action is chiefly that of medial rotation. The role of the gluteus medius during bipedality is the same in apes and humans–to provide side-to-side balance of the trunk at the hip. The change in the hominid lateral balance mechanism can be viewed as primarily osteological, allowing preservation of the same muscle function with an extended thigh. As a result, the stride length is increased and there occurs a diminution of the demands placed on other muscles to maintain anteroposterior balance at the hip and knee. Our data also support the view that vertical climbing may be specifically preadaptive to bipedalism. One may picture the earliest hominid as part biped, when on the ground traveling between scattered food trees, and part climber, when moving from the ground to food.  相似文献   

Soricid remains collected from Bed I of Olduvai Gorge are described. The great majority of the specimens are mandibles. A survey of the mandibles of living African species revealed many differences in characters of the lower teeth and jaw that can be used for identification. On the basis of these characters, nine species are distinguished in the Olduvai collection, of which six are well enough preserved to permit a discussion of their relationships to living species. Three new species and one new subspecies are described. All the Olduvai shrews differ in some respects from their nearest living relatives; three species are close to species from Makapansgat, Swartkrans and Sterkfontein, RSA, though there appear to be slight differences. A change in the soricid fauna takes place within Bed I, interpreted as due to increasing aridity.  相似文献   

G. Berillon 《Human Evolution》2003,18(3-4):113-122
Early hominid feet are often very fragmentary preserved and their architectural approaches stayed limited and subject to controversy. This study proposes an architectural analysis of the primate foot realised on dislocated skeleton. It is based on the angular analysis of geometrical relationships between the joint areas. We investigate the longitudinal structure of the primate foot and we present the results concerning someAustralopithecus afarensis specimens from Hadar (Ethiopia) and theHomo habilis Olduvai Hominid 8 foot (Tanzania). The architectural analysis argues for the lack of a longitudinal medial arch inA. afarensis, their joints being in neutral position. On the contrary, the more recent OH8 specimen is arched both medially and laterally.  相似文献   

The meat-eating behavior of Plio-Pleistocene hominids, responsible for the bone accumulations at the earliest archaeological sites, is still a hotly-debated issue in paleoanthropology. In particular, meat-eating and bone marrow consumption are often presented as either complementary or opposing strategies of carcass exploitation. The presence of cut marks on fossil archeofauna is a potential source of information that has not been consistently used as evidence of carcass consumption by hominids. Some authors interpret cut marks as the result of hominids manipulating meat-bearing bones, while others argue that they can also be the result of hominids extracting marginal scraps of carcass flesh that have survived carnivores’ initial consumption. In this study, a referential framework concerning the interpretation of cut marks is presented, based on a set of experiments conducted by the author. It is suggested, according to these experiments and data drawn from the FLK “Zinj” site, that hominids processed meat-bearing bones (on which flesh was abundant) rather than defleshed carcasses from felid kills.  相似文献   

The stereotyped characterizations of quadrupedal foot postures were tested by examining the kinematics of the cercopithecine foot on arboreal and terrestrial supports. Strictly arboreal species were compared with semi-terrestrial species for Cercopithecus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus, and Papio, in semi-natural or experimental settings. Results indicate that the kinematics of the cercopithecine arboreal quadruped differ in degree from stereotypical expectations for an arboreal quadruped. The relatively extended, adducted limb movements of the cercopithecines and the emphasis on the central digit as the functional axis of the foot suggest convergence with terrestrial mammalian cursors, and differ from the platyrrhine or colobine arboreal quadruped. The characteristics of the quadrupedal terrestrial primate foot contrast with the very unique pattern seen in the hominid foot. These contrasts provide a new perspective from which to interpret the hominid adaptation, in which the functional axis has remained fixed between the first and second digits. This pattern differs from virtually all other terrestrial mammals. The influence of bipedalism on this functional pattern is examined.  相似文献   

The upper part of the Pliocene Hadar Formation, central Afar, Ethiopia, has yielded a 40% complete fossil hominid skeleton (A.L. 288-1, “Lucy”). This specimen is described in detail and selected measurements and illustrations are provided.  相似文献   

The form of the talus in some higher primates: a multivariate study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixteen measurements of the talus have been taken on 334 tali of a total of eleven primate groups and several additional single individual specimens. Multivariate morphometric (canonical and generalized distance) analyses of these data in extant higher primates are presented and used to define the relative morphological positions of fossils of the genera Proconsul and Limnopithecus, of individual specimens from Kromdraai, Olduvai and Kiik-Koba (Homo neanderthalensis), and a group of specimens of Bronze Age man from Jericho. Following preliminary studies the ultimate analysis suggests that the various extant arboreal primates examined fall within an envelope that is defined by Macaca together with various other Old World monkeys and extending in different directions to the extreme genera (a) Pongo, (b) Hylobates and (c) Ateles. This separation is thus one which defines generally quadrupedal monkeys and separates the various extreme arboreal locomotor modes of (a) acrobatic climbing and hanging, (b) richochetal brachiation and (c) prehensile-tailed arm-swinging and hanging, respectively. Man and the African apes are well separated both from each other and from this spectrum of arboreally adapted genera. Bronze Age man from Jericho and Neandertal man from Kiik-Koba lie relatively close to the position for modern man although significantly separated from him. Limnopithecus, Proconsul, and the specimens from Kromdraai and Olduvai all lie within the envelope of arboreal species and specifically rather close to, although significantly different from, the orang-utan; they differ markedly from both man and the African apes. The possibility exists that the resemblances of Proconsul and Limnopithecus relate to arboreal habitus in these species. The findings for the specimens from Kromdraai and Olduvai suggest either that the morphological resemblances to arboreal forms relate to a previous arboreal history for these species, or that bipedality is much less advanced or uniquely different from that displayed by Homo. It is not inconceivable that both conditions might apply.  相似文献   

Intermuscular bones (IBs) are widely present in morphologically generalized teleost fishes and are commonly found in the Cyprinidae. Intermuscular bones are small, hard spicules of bone that are formed by ossification in the myosepta between neighboring myomeres. Why fish have IBs, and whether there is any evolutionary pattern to their occurrence, has been poorly understood. However, the presence of IBs does substantially affect the meat quality and commercial values of many cyprinid fishes in aquaculture. In this study, we sampled 592 individuals of cyprinid fishes to systematically investigate the evolution of IBs from a phylogenetic point of view. We found that the total number of IBs in the Cyprinidae ranged from 73 to 169, and we clarified that only two categories of IBs (epineural and epipleural) were present in all examined cyprinids. Most of the IBs were distributed in the posterior region of the fish, which might be an optimal target for selecting fewer IB strains in aquaculture. There was a positive correlation between IBs and the number of vertebrae, thus making it possible to predict the approximate number of IBs by counting the number of vertebrae. Although the IBs displayed some correlation with phylogenetic relationships in some lineages and to ecological factors such as diet (especially carnivore), in an overall view the variations of IBs in cyprinids were extremely diverse. The number and patterns of IBs in these fishes may reflect their phylogenetic history, but have been shaped by multiple environment factors. In this study, we also confirmed that X‐ray photography remains an optimal and reliable method for the study of IBs.  相似文献   

Lee JS  Lee YG  Park JJ  Shin YK 《Tissue & cell》2012,44(5):316-324
In this study, the morphology and ultrastructure of the foot of Tegillarca granosa was compared with the bivalves from different habitats. The sediment of habitat of T. granosa is mostly a mixture of sand (68.93%) and mud (24.12%). The foot is wedge-shaped with multiple projections on the surface and covered with ciliary tufts. The epithelial layer is simple and composed of ciliated columnar epithelia and mucous cells. Although the mucous cells are distributed mostly in the epithelial layer, they are developed even in the connective tissues and muscle layers, and the mucous cells mostly contain acidic carboxylated mucosubstances. From the TEM observation, secretory cells are classified into three types. Type A secretory cell has a goblet form and is most widely distributed among the three types. Type B secretory cell has an oval form and the secretory granule has fibrous substance. Type C secretory cell has an elongated elliptic form and membrane-bounded secretory granules. The muscle fiber bundles are composed mainly of smooth muscle fibers. The smooth muscle fibers can be divided into two types. Type A muscle fibers have evenly distributed thick microfilaments between the thin microfilaments of cytoplasm. Type B muscle fiber has cluster of condensed microfilaments in the medulla cytoplasm while the cortical cytoplasm has loose distribution of thin microfilaments.  相似文献   

Entoprocta is a group of mostly cryptic, benthic invertebrates with a sedentary lifestyle. Here, we investigate the morphology of the entoproct foot, which is an important structure in attachment and locomotion. We describe the foot structure of four solitary entoprocts, Loxosoma monilis, Loxosomella stomatophora, Loxocorone allax, and Loxomitra mizugamaensis, by means of light and transmission electron microscopy. Gland cells containing secretory granules were found in the foot of all the four species. In L. monilis, the gland cells densely paved the underside of the disc‐shaped foot, but no duct or groove was found. In L. stomatophora and L. allax, a foot gland was present at the frontal end of a foot groove. The foot gland was a solid cell mass in the former species but a sac‐like structure in the latter. Two types of groove accessory cells were recognized in both species; groove bulge cells (GBCs) showed large cytoplasmic bulges extending into the groove lumen, while groove microvillus cells have microvillus mats in the lateral wall of the groove. The bulges of GBCs in L. stomatophora are slender and attached to one another with desmosomes, forming appendages that extend down to the substratum, hinting at their contribution to attachment and locomotion. The bulges in L. allax form large swellings that fill the groove lumen and are connected to the surrounding cells with hemidesmosomes. In the liberated buds of L. mizugamaensis, tripartite gland cell masses were found at the basal end of the stalk, but no groove was found. A small invagination, which may be the opening of the gland, was found at the center of the foot tip, where the liberated buds attach themselves to the substratum and then metamorphose into adults. No openings were found at the lateral terminal wings, which support locomotion in Loxomitra species. J. Morphol. 271:1185–1196, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

小盗龙亚科是驰龙科兽脚类恐龙中新近发现的一个亚群,多数属种产自中国辽宁西部下白垩统热河群。本文描记一件产自辽宁省朝阳县大平房地区九佛堂组(热河群上段)的小盗龙亚科的新标本,该标本具有一些未曾报道过的有趣形态特征。尤其值得关注的是,一些特征呈现出介于中国鸟龙和小盗龙之间的过渡状态,其中部分来自牙齿和坐骨。这些特征突出显示了在更接近典型驰龙类的中国鸟龙和具有许多伤齿龙科特征的小盗龙之间存在着一系列的形态变异。然而,这些变异特征在分类上的意义尚未得到充分评估。特别值得一提的是该标本中相互愈合的耻骨和肠骨,这一特征有助于阐明复合骨在兽脚类恐龙中的演化模式。初步分析显示许多鸟类的复合骨都是通过在过型形成过程中各组分的顺序愈合形成的。  相似文献   

The ability of the CD8 + cells from simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques to inhibit SIV replication was investigated. Inhibition was produced by a heat-stable soluble factor of molecular size greater than 10kDa. CD8 + supernatants from some macaques were found not only to suppress SIV growth but also to be cytolytic toward both infected and uninfected CD4+ cells. Such indiscriminate CD8 + cell-mediated cell killing may therefore account for DC4 + cell depletion in certain SIV-infected macaques.  相似文献   

Emerging clinical evidences highlight the association of Interleukin-8 (IL8) with endodontic pulpitis. Relatively higher expression of IL8 has been found in the pulp samples of pulpitis patients with moderate/severe pain. It is speculated that IL8 can be considered as a potential target for therapeutics of endodontic pulpitis. A library consisting of 3072 small molecules from the ZINC database was used to identify potential lead molecules with drug-like properties against the IL8. Based on the in-silico structure-assisted drug designing involving molecular docking, MD simulations, and MMPBSA analyses, we found a small molecule ZINC14613097 inhibits IL8. This study provides a new lead molecule than can be further validated in in-vitro, in-vivo, and ongoing clinical studies for the therapeutic management of endodontic pulpitis.  相似文献   

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