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The natural-abundance 15N-nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectrum of the cyclic decapeptide gramicidin S has been measured and assigned in the solvents dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol, and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol. Three methods have been investigated to distinguish between peptide groups which are exposed to or shielded from the solvent. The solvent dependence of the 15N chemical shift is correlated with the two types of peptide group in gramicidin S? those with the carbonyl group exposed or shielded from the solvent. The second method monitors the lability of the N? H proton (via the collapse of the reduced 15N-1H coupling) in the presence of added base used to promote intermolecular exchange—peptide protons shielded from the solvent exchange more slowly. The third method looks at the temperature dependence of the 15N chemical shifts in dimethyl sulfoxide. Here the data are not so distinctive as to allow the differentiation between solvent-exposed or shielded N? H bonds at all peptide groups.  相似文献   

DNA repair is essential for genetic stability and variability. Remarkable advances in the understanding of DNA repair by the molecular analysis of the substrate (gene repair) or the enzyme (repair genes), emphasize evolutionary conservation. Recent progress also stresses the interaction(s) between DNA repair and numerous other cellular metabolic processes, including non-nuclear and/or non-genetic responses.  相似文献   

Cis and trans mRNA splicing in C. elegans   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  

15N-enriched (D ,L -Leu)n, (γ-OMe-D ,L -Glu)n, (D ,L -Val)n, and (D ,L -Phe)n were prepared, 40.55-MHz 15N-nmr spectra were measured in various solvents. The signal patterns depend strongly on the nature of the solvent, yet in most cases at least four signals are resolved, representing the four enantiomeric pairs of triads L -L -L (D -D -D ), L -D -L (D -L -D ), L -L -D (D -D -L ), and D -L -L (L -D -D ). Numerous copolypeptides of the general structure (A)n-B*-(A)m (the asterisk denotes 40–50% 15N enrichment) were synthesized and measured as models for syndiotactic sequences in the spectra of poly(D ,L -amino acids). In this way unambiguous assignments for both isotactic and syndiotactic trials were obtained. A spectroscopic rule was established: “isotactic sequences absorb downfield of syndiotactic ones.” Furthermore, the spectra of various types of stereocopolypeptides such as (L -Leu/L -Val)n and (L -Leu/D -Val)n were investigated, including the ternary systems (L -Leu/L -Ala/D -Ala)n (L -Leu/L -Ala/Gly)n, (L -Leu/D -Ala/Gly)n, (L -Val/L -Ala/Gly)n, and (L -Val/D -Ala/Gly)n. All copolymerization of D - and L -amino acid NCAs investigated in this work showed a low degree of stereoselectivity.  相似文献   

Various copolypeptides were prepared by benzylamine or tertiary amine-initiated copolymerizations of alanine–N-carboxyanhydride (Ala-NCA) and valine–N-carboxyanhydride (Val-NCA). The number-average molecular weights of these copolypeptides were detemined by 1H-nmr spectroscopic end-group analyses and viscosity measurements. The sequences were characterized by 15N-nmr spectra in solution, and the average lengths of the homogeneous blocks were determined from the signal intensities. The 50.3-and 75.4-MHz 13C-nmr CP/MAS spectra of the solid copolypeptides are not sensitive to sequence effects, but allow qualitative and quantitative analyses of the secondary structures. In contrast to other methods, the 13C-nmr spectra allow determination of the extent to which individual amino acids are incorporated into β-sheet or α-helix phases. Depending on primary structure and molecular weight, the secondary structure of (Ala/Val) copolypeptides may vary significantly. Both monomer units may be predominantly helical or predominantly β-sheet structure, or the Val units may prefer the β-sheet structure with most Ala-units forming β-helices. However, these secondary structures are more or less thermodynamically unstable and revert to the stable conformations on reprecipitation from trifluoroacetic acid/water.  相似文献   

In order to study the chemical shifts and the cis—trans isomerism of prolyl units neighbouring glycine or other amino acids, 75.4 MHz13C nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) cross-polarization/magic angel spinning (CP/MAS) spectra of the following solid oligopeptides and sequence polypeptides were measured: Z-Gly-Pro-OH,Z-Gly-Pro-Gly-Gly-OEt,Z-Gly-Pro-Ala-Ala-OMe,(Gly-Pro-Gly)n,(Gly-Pro-Ala)n,(β-Ala-Pro)n and (δ-Ava-Pro)n(δ-Ava=δ-aminovaleric acid). Whereas all these oligo- and polypeptided contain exclusively trans X-Pro bonds, both cis and trans peptide bonds were found in a polypeptide prepared by copolymerization of glycine- and proline-N-carboxyanhydrides in pyridine. On the basis of these model compounds, the 13C n.m.r. CP/MAS spectra of solid elastin allows the following conclusions. Almost all X-Pro bonds assume the trans conformation, most alanine and leucine units form α-helical chain segments, whereas only a small fraction of β-sheet structure is present. A 30.3 MHz 15N n.m.r. CP/MAS spectrum of solid elastin confirms that ~25% of all amino acids assume the α-helical structure. A model of elastin is discussed consisting of an amorphous phase, α-helical chain segments and helical segments of still unknown pitch.  相似文献   

Mixed ruminal bacteria utilized an enzymatic digest of casein at a rate faster than that for an enzymatic digest of gelatin, but neither amino acid source was completely utilized even when the incubation period was as long as 96 h. Since the reaction of ninhydrin with the residual nonammonia, nonprotein nitrogen was more than twofold stronger when the samples were hydrolyzed with 6 N HCl, it appeared that much of the residual nitrogen was from peptides. Approximately 66% of the nonammonia, nonprotein, ninhydrin-reactive material could not be recovered as amino acids, but there was a significant decrease in total amino acid nitrogen when the samples were pretreated with a C18 Sep-Pak column to remove peptides. The resistant peptides had an abundance of proline, and subsequent incubations showed that synthetic dipeptides which contained proline were hydrolyzed slowly. Lysine appears to be the amino acid which is most apt to limit ruminant production. Dipeptides containing proline and lysine were hydrolyzed at least fivefold slower than lysine-alanine. Methionine, another potentially limiting amino acid, was also degraded at a slower (2.5-fold) rate when it was present as part of a proline dipeptide.  相似文献   

Mixed ruminal bacteria utilized an enzymatic digest of casein at a rate faster than that for an enzymatic digest of gelatin, but neither amino acid source was completely utilized even when the incubation period was as long as 96 h. Since the reaction of ninhydrin with the residual nonammonia, nonprotein nitrogen was more than twofold stronger when the samples were hydrolyzed with 6 N HCl, it appeared that much of the residual nitrogen was from peptides. Approximately 66% of the nonammonia, nonprotein, ninhydrin-reactive material could not be recovered as amino acids, but there was a significant decrease in total amino acid nitrogen when the samples were pretreated with a C18 Sep-Pak column to remove peptides. The resistant peptides had an abundance of proline, and subsequent incubations showed that synthetic dipeptides which contained proline were hydrolyzed slowly. Lysine appears to be the amino acid which is most apt to limit ruminant production. Dipeptides containing proline and lysine were hydrolyzed at least fivefold slower than lysine-alanine. Methionine, another potentially limiting amino acid, was also degraded at a slower (2.5-fold) rate when it was present as part of a proline dipeptide.  相似文献   

Two cyclic analogs of vasopressin, -Pro-Arg-Gly-NH(2) (1) and -Pro-Arg-Gly-NH(2) (2) were synthesized by the solid phase method. Their structure was determined in aqueous solution by two-dimensional NMR techniques and simulated annealing algorithm from an extended template in X-PLOR. The total chemical shift correlation spectroscopy and rotating-frame Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy of the peptides displayed four distinct sets of residual proton resonances. This suggests that both analogs adopt four families of conformations in H(2)O/D(2)O (9 : 1) (one major and three minor species). In further analysis only signals of major species (M) and of one minor species (m(1)) were considered. The major species of both peptides include a trans peptide bond between the first and second residue, and a cis form between the second and third residue. In the minor species, all peptide bonds were found to exist in trans geometry.  相似文献   

Proline, which is the most abundant residue in beta-casein, stimulates growth of Lactococcus lactis in a proline-requiring strain (Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2) and in a proline-prototrophic strain (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ML3). Both strains lack a proline-specific uptake system, and free proline can enter the cell only by passive diffusion across the cytoplasmic membrane. On the other hand, lactococci can actively take up proline-containing peptides via the lactococcal di- and tripeptide transport system, and these peptides are the major source of proline. Consequently, lactococcal growth on amino acid-based media is highly stimulated by the addition of proline-containing di- and tripeptides. Growth of L. lactis subsp. lactis ML3 on chemically defined media supplemented with casein does not appear proline limited. Addition of dipeptides (including proline-containing peptides) severely inhibits growth on a casein-containing medium, which indicates that the specific growth rate is determined by the balanced supply of different di- or tripeptides which compete for the same di- and tripeptide transport system.  相似文献   

We discovered that simple proline-containing peptides Gly-Pro, Pro-Gly, Pro-Gly-Pro, and semax had an antistress protective effect on the organism appearing as anticoagulation system activation. Repeated intranasal injection of each of these peptides to rats prior to acute immobilization stress prevented a hypercoagulation response to prolonged stress lasting 60 min. At the same time there was increase of anti-thrombotic, anticoagulant, and fibrin depolymerization activity and recovery of enzymatic fibrinolytic activity. Dipeptides were found to have the greatest antistress effect. Our results showed that semax had a protective effect against enhanced blood coagulability resulting from repeated immobilization stress.  相似文献   

Satellite RNAs usurp the replication machinery of their helper viruses, even though they bear little or no sequence similarity to the helper virus RNA. In Cereal yellow dwarf polerovirus serotype RPV (CYDV-RPV), the 322-nucleotide satellite RNA (satRPV RNA) accumulates to high levels in the presence of the CYDV-RPV helper virus. Rolling circle replication generates multimeric satRPV RNAs that self-cleave via a double-hammerhead ribozyme structure. Alternative folding inhibits formation of a hammerhead in monomeric satRPV RNA. Here we determine helper virus requirements and the effects of mutations and deletions in satRPV RNA on its replication in oat cells. Using in vivo selection of a satRPV RNA pool randomized at specific bases, we found that disruption of the base pairing necessary to form the non-self-cleaving conformation reduced satRPV RNA accumulation. Unlike other satellite RNAs, both the plus and minus strands proved to be equally infectious. Accordingly, very similar essential replication structures were identified in each strand. A different region is required only for encapsidation. The CYDV-RPV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (open reading frames 1 and 2), when expressed from the nonhelper Barley yellow dwarf luteovirus, was capable of replicating satRPV RNA. Thus, the helper virus's polymerase is the sole determinant of the ability of a virus to replicate a rolling circle satellite RNA. We present a framework for functional domains in satRPV RNA with three types of function: (i) conformational control elements comprising an RNA switch, (ii) self-functional elements (hammerhead ribozymes), and (iii) cis-acting elements that interact with viral proteins.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal administration of the PGP did not change basal mucosal blood flow, whereas the PG and GP significantly decreased it. Ethanol and Indomethacin caused a rapid and stable decrease in the blood flow. Administration of the PGP prior to ethanol abolished this effect. Injections of the PGP and PG following Indomethacin administration prevented reduction of the mucosal blood flow. Administration of the GP did not change the blood flow decrease induced with Indomethacin. The mucosal blood flow correction seems to be one of the possible mechanisms of the PGP and PG antiulcer effect. The effect seems to be realised through a change in the CNS activity.  相似文献   

The gene for ATPase subunit 9 of yeast mitochondria (Oli 1) contains two promoter sequences (Op1 and Op2) separated by 78 nucleotides. Both promoters are transcribed in vivo and in vitro though with different efficiency. The upstream promoter (Op1) is 12-15 times stronger than the downstream promoter (Op2), and this difference in promoter activity is partly attributable to the influence of the +2 nucleotide (Biswas, T. K., and Getz, G. S. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 83, 270-274). In addition, the presence of the strong promoter (Op1) in close proximity to the weak promoter (Op2) partially inhibits the expression of the latter (Op2). The relative orientation of the two promoters has no influence on these inhibitory effects. When both promoters are present in the same reaction mixture, the strong promoter always competes effectively with the weak promoter for limited RNA polymerase (trans or competition effect). When the two promoters are present in the same plasmid, there is an inhibitory interaction between them that decreases as the distance between the two promoters increases (cis or position effect). Thus, the difference between the activities of a strong and a weak mitochondrial promoter in tandem is a function of two effects, the trans or competition effect and the cis or position-related effect. A model for promoter-promoter interactions is proposed.  相似文献   

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