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Ribonuclease and amylase have been shown to undergo a transient increase in activity in the submandibular gland of the perinatal rat [5]. We report here that brief stimulation with isoproterenol in vitro selectively releases these enzymes. In addition, analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the 4-day old submandibular gland contains three other major protein species that are not present in the sublingual gland and two of which are not evident in the adult submandibular gland. These are also selectively released by the drug. Examination of the glands by light and electron microscopy showed that concurrent with release of these protein products, extensive degranulation occurs in the immature acini (terminal tubules). Our experiments suggest that the 4-day glands show a marked incorporation of 3H-leucine into the submandibular-specific, secreted protein species. This indicates that these proteins will provide convenient molecualr markers of early submandibular differentiation.  相似文献   

The involvement of G regulatory proteins in muscarinic receptor signal transduction was examined in electrically permeabilized rat submandibular acinar cells. The guanine nucleotide analog, GTP gamma S, caused the dose dependent hydrolysis of membrane phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate to release IP3. This response was insensitive to pertussis toxin treatment and was duplicated by NaF but not by GDP beta S. Enhanced IP3 synthesis was observed with a combination of GTP gamma S and carbachol. Exogenous IP3, as well as carbachol and GTP gamma S, provoked the release of sequestered 45Ca2+ from non-mitochondrial stores. In intact cells, carbachol significantly reduced the level of cyclic AMP induced by the beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, to 69% of its normal value. Pertussis toxin abolished this inhibitory action of carbachol on cyclic nucleotide levels. These results suggest that muscarinic receptors are coupled to two separate G regulatory proteins in submandibular mucous acini-the pertussis toxin-insensitive Gp of the phosphoinositide transduction pathway associated with elevated cytosolic calcium levels, and the pertussis toxin-sensitive Gi inhibitory protein of the adenylate cyclase complex.  相似文献   

Synopsis The existence of disulphide groups in the granules of the secretory portion of the ducts of rat submandibular glands has been demonstrated with methods that reveal thiol groups formed after reducing the disulphide groups first. Disulphide groups were also demonstrated with cationic dyes by staining the cysteic acid residues obtained after oxidation with permanganate. Alcian Blue at pH 3.0 was used for this purpose. Two kinds of granules, characterized by their reactions with Alcian Blue at different pH levels, were apparent in differing stages of the same secretion.  相似文献   

In the neonatal rat submandibular gland, Type III cells contain a group of related proteins that we call the B1-immunoreactive proteins (B1-IP; 23.5, 26, and 27.5 kDa). Type I cells lack these, but synthesize a different protein, Protein C (89 kDa). With maturation of the gland, these neonatal cell types are no longer seen in the seromucous acini, which are no longer reactive for the B1-IP. Here, we report the ultrastructural immunocytochemical localization of the B1-IP and Protein C over the course of development. From their first appearance in the embryo, the B1-IP and Protein C are present in different cells which become morphologically typical Type I and III cells prior to birth. At all stages, Type I cells have strong Protein C labeling and no B1 labeling. By 3 days postpartum, ultrastructurally atypical Type III cells are seen (Type IIIP); these label for the B1-IP, but also show labeling with antibody to Protein C. In the next week, as mucous cells appear in the acini, these show both B1-IP and C labeling; the B1 marker is lost by 30 days postpartum, but adult mucous acinar cells continue to show Protein C reactivity. In view of the appearance of Protein C reactivity in neonatal Type IIIP and then in mucous cells, and the presence of B1 reactivity in early but not mature mucous cells, we suggest that Type III cells differentiate into mucous cells and that Type IIIP cells are intermediates in this transformation. We see no evidence for the differentiation of either Type III or mucous cells from Type I cells, although our data cannot rule out this possibility. In adult glands, cells with B1 labeling are seen in intercalated ducts. Cells that appear to be Type I cells are also present in these ducts and label for Protein C. Double labeling for B1-IP and Protein C demonstrated that the two markers were exclusively present in different cells within intercalated ducts. This is of considerable interest, as intercalated ducts have been reported to be the stem cell population for normal and trauma-induced cellular replacement.  相似文献   

To examine the influence of cholinergic and beta-adrenergic agents on paracellular transport, we applied confocal microscopy and freeze-fracture to the isolated, perfused submandibular gland of the rat. By confocal microscopy, perfusion of lucifer yellow through an arterial catheter, revealed a bright fluorescence in the basolateral spaces of acini, but not in the intercellular canaliculi. However, addition of isoproterenol on carbachol stimulation, induced lucifer yellow fluorescence in intercellular canaliculi. This finding indicates that isoproterenol is capable of opening the paracellular route. The tight junction strands surrounding intercellular canaliculi were visualized using freeze replicas. Fixation was carried out both by vascular perfusion with Karnovsky's solution and by metal contact rapid freezing with liquid helium. In the chemically-fixed specimens, the strand particles of tight junctions formed 2-5 lines at the P-face along most of the apical portion at rest. With carbachol/isoproterenol stimulation, the strand particles rearranged with free ends and terminal loops. In the rapidly frozen specimens, the strand particles were arranged more irregularly even in the resting state. The meshwork of strands became more disheveled and interrupted during carbachol/ isoproterenol stimulation. The present findings led us to conclude that: 1) the beta-adrenergic agent, isoproterenol, can open the paracellular transport. 2) in the rapidly frozen specimen, the tight junction strand particles are arranged roughly and become disheveled and interrupted during stimulation by carbachol/isoproterenol. These findings may be related to rearrangement of subcellular structures, especially of the actin filament network.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the secretory units of the mouse submandibular gland was studied according to the developmental sequence. The embryonic submandibular gland consists of terminal tubules and ducts. Myoepithelium is associated only with the terminal tubules, and the cells of the primary intercalated ducts show characteristics of the young striated duct cells. The major changes shortly after birth consist of: 1) opening of the secretory lumina, 2) increasing rough ER and its altered configuration, 3) dilatation of Golgi cisternae and 4) changes in the granular structure. These findings suggest that the salivary secretion first occurs after birth, and acinar differentiation or transformation of the secretory cells of the terminal tubules is induced and profoundly affected by the commencement of the secretory activity. In the intercalated ducts this process is somehow inhibited, and the granular cells found in the adult can be considered as the remnants of the secretory cells of the terminal tubules.  相似文献   

Release of [14C]glucosamine-labelled mucins was studied in vitro using well-characterised preparations of rat submandibular acini. Mucin release was stimulated by forskolin, an activator of the catalytic subunit of adenylate cyclase, and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Both stimulated in a dose-dependent manner to the same maximum as that seen with isoproterenol. Neither forskolin nor IBMX added in the presence of isoproterenol increased secretion above the maximum in response to isoproterenol alone, suggesting a similar mechanism of action, mediated by cyclic AMP. Prior exposure of acini to isoproterenol (10 microM) for 45 min, followed by washout resulted in (a) persistent increase in basal secretion which was abolished by propranolol and (b) reduced stimulation of mucin secretion in response to either a second isoproterenol challenge, noradrenaline or forskolin. Thus, exposure of rat submandibular acini in vitro desensitizes the cells to subsequent stimulation. Although this mimics the decreased beta-adrenergic secretory responses seen in submandibular cells from cystic fibrosis patients, results suggest that the isoproterenol-induced desensitization is at the level of beta-receptor and adenylate cyclase, rather than distal to cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

The submandibular glands of 4-week-old rats were dissociated by a procedure involving digestions with collagenase and hyaluronidase, chelation of divalent cations and mechanical force. A suspension of single cells was obtained in low yield by centrifugation in a Ficoll-containing medium. Immediately after dissociation and after a culture period of 16-18 hr the dissociated cells were tested for agglutinability by concanavalin A (Con A). Using ferritin (tfer)-conjugated Con A the lectin binding by the isolated acinar cells was also studied. The dissociated cells were agglutinated by low concentrations of Con A and bound Fer-Con A molecules on their entire surface without any indication of polarization of the cell membrane. There was a considerable cell to cell variation in the amount of Fer-Con A binding which was, in general, sparse and patchy. The contact surfaces between agglutinated cells revealed a dense binding of Fer-Con A molecules irrespective of the types of cells participating in the agglutination reaction. Cells cultured for 16-18 hr were no longer agglutinated by Con A. As compared to the freshly dissociated cells the cultured acinar cells revealed a more uniform and denser binding of Fer-Con A molecules. Furthermore, there were more lectin molecules bound to the cell surface corresponding to the basal part of the cell, where the nucleus and most of the rough surface endoplasmic reticulum were located, than to the apical cell surface. It is suggested that the higher density of lectin-binding sites on the cell surface in the vicinity of the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum indicates insertion sites of newly synthesized membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted in order to identify the progenitor compartment of the submandibular salivary gland (SSG) and to explore the proliferative activity of this gland in response to unilateral extirpation. Left submandibular and retrolingual glands were extirpated in 30 rats (B.W. 200 +/- 12 g). The rats were killed 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days after surgery. Five intact rats served as controls. The animals were given intraperitoneal injections of 3HTdR (0.5 microCi/grB. W) 1 h before they were killed. The contralateral SSG's were subjected to routine histological procedures and embedded in glycol methacrylate. Selected sections (2 micron thickness) were processed for autoradiography. In each gland, labelled and unlabelled nuclei were counted in 50 random microscopic fields and sorted according to their parenchymal histomorphological features and "nuclear class" (number of nuclei/cross section/feature). In the control glands the total labelling index (LI) was 0.18%; during acute compensatory stimulation, however, the total LI reached a maximum of 0.86% on day 3 after surgery. suggesting that the SSG, which normally undergoes a slow turnover, is capable of elevated proliferation in response to a stimulus. In both normal and stimulated glands, the LI was higher in the intercalated ducts (1.1%-5.85%) than in the granular ducts (0.17%-0.93%) and acini (0.05%-0.36%). This consistency of LI ratio between the various histomorphological features in the normal and experimental glands indicates that the glandular progenitor compartment is located in the intercalated ducts, which supply cells to both the ductal system and acini.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Label-retaining cells in the rat submandibular gland.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To identify stem cells in salivary glands, label-retaining cells (LRCs) were established in rat submandibular glands. Developing and regenerating glands were labeled with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). To cause gland regeneration, the glands were injured by duct obstruction. BrdU LRCs were observed in all the parenchymal structures except for the acinus of the glands labeled during regeneration. Among these LRCs, a few, but not many, expressed neither keratin18 (K18; an acinar/duct cell marker) nor alpha-smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA; a myoepithelial cell marker), and thus were putative stem cells. These (K18 and alphaSMA)(neg) LRCs were invariably observed in the intercalated duct and the excretory duct. In the intercalated duct, they were at the proximal end bordering the acinus (the neck of the intercalated duct). Next, to test the above identification, gland extirpation experiments were performed. LRCs were established by labeling developing glands with iododeoxyuridine (IdU) in place of BrdU. Removal of one submandibular gland forced the IdU-LRCs in the remaining gland to divide. They were labeled with chlorodeoxyuridine (CldU). The (K18 and alphaSMA)(neg) LRCs in the neck of the intercalated duct and in the excretory duct did not change in number or in IdU label. The CldU label appeared in these cells and then disappeared. These results indicate that the (K18 and alphaSMA)(neg) LRCs have divided asymmetrically and are thus considered salivary gland stem cells.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the secretory granules of the male hamster submandibular salivary gland were studied. After fixation in glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide the granules exhibit a characteristic bipartite substructure, with an electron lucid crescenteric rim and a more dense central core. A differentiation into two regions of the granules could also be visualized in specimens primarily fixed in Millonig's osmium tetroxide or in potassium permanganate. The electron lucid peripheral portion of the membrane bounded secretory granules further displays a strong positive reaction after staining of ultrathin sections with the periodic acid-chromic acid-(PA-CrA)-silver technique. The strong periodate reactivity of the rim relative to the core, suggests a difference in mucin composition of the two granule regions. With the PA-CrA-silver staining technique a positive reaction was also observed within the Golgi apparatus of the acinar cells.  相似文献   

Microvascular transplantation of the rat submandibular gland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xerostomia results from salivary gland irradiation during treatment of head and neck malignancies. In addition to having difficulty with speech and swallowing, these patients experience loss of taste, dental caries, and chronic fungal infections. The paired submandibular glands provide 70 percent of the normal salivary flow and are difficult to shield during radiation therapy. Another sicca condition, xerophthalmia, may result from facial nerve injury or other medical disorders and results in pain, corneal ulceration, and possible vision loss. Treatment options for xerostomia are limited, and management of xerophthalmia usually focuses on the eyelids, rather than the fundamental problem of inadequate secretory protection. In this study, a rat model for submandibular gland microvascular transplantation was developed to assess the feasibility of salivary tissue transfer. Sixteen rats underwent submandibular gland transplantation from the neck to the groin. Fourteen of these rats underwent microvascular anastomosis of the vascular pedicle. Ten glands were assessed for viability at 4 days after transplantation, and four glands were examined after 7, 10, 14, or 21 days. By gross and histologic examination, 93 percent of transplanted glands showed expected long-term viability after at least 4 postoperative days. Microvascular techniques were shown to be applicable to the transplantation of submandibular gland salivary tissue. This has not previously been shown in a rat model. It is possible that submandibular glands could be transplanted to the eye for treatment of xerophthalmia and out of the neck during irradiation of the head and neck, with subsequent replantation after treatment as a means of preventing permanent xerostomia.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing isolated rat submandibular acini by collagenase digestion followed by mechanical dispersion. As assessed by Trypan Blue exclusion, phase contrast microscopy, ATP content and release of mucins and lactate dehydrogenase, the acini are morphologically and functionally intact. Secretory function of isolated acini was similar to that of intact tissue in terms of time-course, dose dependence and degree of stimulation of mucin release by adrenergic secretagogues. Mucin release was increased to the same extent (approx. 3-4-fold) by either isoproterenol or noradrenaline at a maximally effective concentration (10 microM). Stimulation of mucin release by isoproterenol (10 microM), noradrenaline (10 microM) or adrenaline (10 microM) was inhibited by propranolol (30 microM) but not by phentolamine (30 microM). Isoproterenol (10 microM) increased both 45Ca2+ uptake and efflux from the acini, which was shown to represent a net release of calcium. However, there was a delay (approx. 10 min) in onset of stimulation of 45Ca2+ mobilization which was not apparent in isoproterenol stimulation of mucin release. Our results indicate that increases in intracellular calcium mobilization in response to a beta-adrenergic secretagogue do not trigger mucin secretion from rat submandibular acini.  相似文献   

Comparisons of nuclease digestions of chromatin in nuclei from rye embryos and rat liver show that their nucleosomal DNA is similar, i.e. DNA subunits consist of 200 base-pair repeats with 140 base-pair cores of identical substructure. The identical nucleosome structure is present in nuclei from cells of rye embryos that have been non-viable (i.e. dead) for more than 7 years. These findings indicate a high degree of stability of the DNA-histone complex and are consistent with conservation of the nucleosomal structure of chromatin during evolution.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate 1) whether parasympathetic reflex vasodilatation occurs in the submandibular gland (SMG) in deeply urethan-anesthetized, cervically vagotomized, and sympathectomized rats when the central cut end of the lingual nerve (LN) is electrically stimulated and 2) to what extent the neural mechanisms underlying such responses are the same as those involved in the response to direct stimulation of the chorda-LN (CLN). Stimulation of each nerve separately elicited a marked blood flow increase in SMG. Section of the chorda tympani abolished the SMG blood flow response but had no effect on the lip blood flow increase evoked by LN stimulation. Section of the CLN abolished the SMG blood flow increases evoked by stimulation of either nerve. The SMG blood flow increases (regardless of whether they were evoked by LN or CLN stimulation) were markedly reduced by the autonomic cholinergic ganglion blocker hexamethonium. The present study demonstrates that a parasympathetic reflex vasodilator mechanism is present in the rat SMG and that it can express its effects under deep general anesthesia.  相似文献   

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