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SYNOPSIS Administration of the thymidine analog 5-bromodeoxyuridine to exponentially growing cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis GL in chemically defined medium results in inhibition of cell multiplication by at least one generation before DNA synthesis stops. Cell multiplication can be restored in these cultures, if they are transferred to fresh growth medium, but although most of the cells in the culture contain close to a G2-amount of DNA, a full DNA replication round is a prerequisite for renewed cell multiplication. Large extrusion bodies are found at the first division after transfer to fresh growth medium. Autoradiographic analysis has revealed that the DNA in the extrusion body is a representative of the DNA in the macronucleus indicating a random distribution of DNA between daughter nuclei and extrusion body.  相似文献   

A satisfactory model of the Tetrahymena thermophila macronucleus must explain its genetic behavior in terms of its constituent molecules. Particular genetic phenomena requiring explanation are (a) phenotypic assortment , here interpreted as resulting from allelic disjunction rather than from differential gene expression; (b) unequal allelic input for some loci , interpreted as a consequence of unequal and selective replication of some alleles during early macronuclear development; (c) delayed assortment at some loci , interpreted as an effect of inequality of allelic input combined with a generalized elevation of DNA content during early clonal history; (d) linkage disruption , probably reflecting continuous somatic recombination rather than dissolution of chromosomes into small repliconic units; (e) assortment depression , brought about by the occasional association of homologous replicons (chromosomes) or else by a differential increase in some classes of replicons; (f) ploidy-related developmental differences in macronuclear primordia are interpreted on the basis of quantitative differences in DNA rather than in terms of an early perception of genic imbalance, (g) Ploidy independent macronuclear DNA content is consistent with several models of size regulation.  相似文献   

The intracellular bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila follows a developmental cycle in which replicative forms (RFs) differentiate into infectious stationary-phase forms (SPFs) in vitro and in vivo into highly infectious mature intracellular forms (MIFs). The potential relationships between SPFs and MIFs remain uncharacterized. Previously we determined that L. pneumophila survives, but does not replicate, while it transiently resides (for 1 to 2 h) in food vacuoles of the freshwater ciliate Tetrahymena tropicalis before being expelled as legionellae-laden pellets. We report here that SPFs have the ability to rapidly (<1 h) and directly (in the absence of bacterial replication) differentiate into MIFs while in transit through T. tropicalis, indicating that SPFs and MIFs constitute a differentiation continuum. Mutant RFs lacking the sigma factor gene rpoS, or the response regulator gene letA, were unable to produce normal SPFs in vitro and did not fully differentiate into MIFs in vivo, further supporting the existence of a common mechanism of differentiation shared by SPFs and MIFs. Mutants with a defective Dot/Icm system morphologically differentiated into MIFs while in transit through T. tropicalis. Therefore, T. tropicalis has allowed us to unequivocally conclude that SPFs can directly differentiate into MIFs and that the Dot/Icm system is not required for differentiation, two events that could not be experimentally addressed before. The Tetrahymena model can now be exploited to study the signals that trigger MIF development in vivo and is the only replication-independent model reported to date that allows the differentiation of Dot/Icm mutants into MIFs.  相似文献   

Sugita M  Iwataki Y  Nakano K  Numata O 《Gene》2011,480(1-2):10-20
Myosins are eukaryotic actin-dependent molecular motors that play important roles in many cellular events. The function of each myosin is determined by a variety of functional domains in its tail region. In some major model organisms, the functions and properties of myosins have been investigated based on their amino acid sequences. However, in protists, myosins have been little studied beyond the level of genome sequences. We therefore investigated the mRNA expression levels and amino acid sequences of 13 myosin genes in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. This study is an overview of myosins in T. thermophila, which has no typical myosins, such as class I, II, or V myosins. We showed that all 13 myosins were expressed in vegetative cells. Furthermore, these myosins could be divided into 3 subclasses based on four functional domains in their tail regions. Subclass 1 comprised of 8 myosins has both MyTH4 and FERM domains, and has a potential to function in vesicle transport or anchoring between membrane and actin filaments. Subclass 2 comprised of 4 myosins has RCC1 (regulator of chromosome condensation 1) domains, which are found only in some protists, and may have unconventional features. Subclass 3 is comprised of one myosin, which has a long coiled-coil domain like class II myosin. In addition, phylogenetic analysis on the basis of motor domains showed that T. thermophila myosins are separated into two clusters: one consists of subclasses 1 and 2, and the other consists of subclass 3.  相似文献   

J. G. Ward  M. C. Davis  C. D. Allis    G. Herrick 《Genetics》1995,140(3):989-1005
Conjugation fails postzygotically after mating of Tetrahymena cells that have wild-type parental macronuclei but harbor noncomplementing nullisomic parental germline deficiencies. Failures begin shortly after formation of the new macronuclear precursor (anlage) and completion of the first step in elimination of the parental macronucleus (pycnosis). Conjugants fail to complete pair separation, to eliminate one new micronucleus, and to amplify anlage DNA, and they eventually die. Some deficiencies block resorption of the pycnotic parental macronucleus, but we find no evidence for its regeneration. Some deficiencies cause aberrant anlage DNA loss. Those that do not cause DNA loss are epistatic to those that do, indicating that normal anlage development requires the dependent function of at least two types of genes. The possibility that these genes are involved in developmentally regulated anlage DNA rearrangements is discussed. Each observed conjugation defect indicates insufficiency of the parental macronucleus to direct postzygotic development and can be explained by the deficiency of essential conjugation genes that are expressed from the anlage. The failure of nullisomic conjugants to complete pair separation indicates a requirement for gene products, expressed from the early anlage or its precursors, soon after anlage first differentiate.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is a gram-negative bacterium prevalent in fresh water which accidentally infects humans and is responsible for the disease called legionellosis. Intracellular growth of L. pneumophila in Tetrahymena is inconsistent; in the species Tetrahymena tropicalis stationary-phase forms (SPFs) of L. pneumophila differentiate into mature intracellular forms (MIFs) without apparent bacterial replication and are expelled from the ciliate as pellets containing numerous MIFS. In the present work, we tested the impact of L. pneumophila passage through T. tropicalis. We observed that MIFs released from T. tropicalis are more resistant to various stresses than SPFs. Under our conditions, MIFs harboured a higher gentamicin resistance, maintained even after 3 months as pellets. Long-term survival essays revealed that MIFs survived better in a nutrient-poor environment than SFPs, as a reduction of only about 3 logs was observed after 4 months in the MIF population, whereas no cultivable SPFs were detected after 3 months in the same medium, corresponding to a loss of about 7 logs. We have also observed that MIFs are significantly more infectious in human pneumocyte cells compared with SPFs. These results strongly suggest a potential role of ciliates in increasing the risk of legionellosis.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. This paper is a brief account of both amicronucleate and sexually active strains of Tetrahymena pyriformis and their distribution with some comments on their possible evolution.  相似文献   

Homeotherms are generally considered to lack classical active dermal pigment cells (chromatophores) in their integument, attributable to the development of an outer covering coat of hair or feathers. However, bright colored dermal pigment cells, comparable to chromatophores of lower vertebrates, are found in the irides of many birds. We propose that, because of its exposed location, the iris is an area in which color from pigment cells has sustained a selective advantage and appears to have evolved independently of the general integument. In birds, the iris appears to have retained the potential for the complete expression of all dermal chromatophore types. Differences in cell morphology and the presence of unusual pigments in birds are suggested to be the result of evolutionary changes that followed the divergence of birds from reptiles. By comparison, mammals appear to have lost the potential for producing iridophores, xanthophores, or erythrophores comparable to those of lower vertebrates, even though some species possess brightly colored irides. It is proposed that at least one species of mammal (the domestic cat) has recruited a novel iridial reflecting pigment organelle originally developed in the choroidal tapetum lucidum. The potential presence of classical chromatophores in mammals remains open, as few species with bright irides have been examined.  相似文献   

A dimorphic transition from the yeast form to filamentous one in Candida tropicalis pK233 is triggered by the addition of ethanol into the glucose semi-defined liquid medium and the process of filamentation accompanies temporal depolarization of yeast cells. The transition is completely prevented by further supplementation of myo-inositol at the start of cultivation. The addition of ethanol caused an increase in membrane fluidity during the process of depolarization, and then fluidity was gradually lowered to the level equivalent with that of the stationary-phase yeast cells in accordance with filamentation. The increase in membrane fluidity of ethanol-induced cells appeared parallel with reduction in the content of membrane phosphatidylinositol, which was rich in saturated palmitic acid. Introduction of exogenous myo-inositol or 1 M sorbitol into the ethanol-supplemented culture at the start of cultivation restored yeast growth and the reduction of membrane fluidity occurred, coupled with the recovery of the phosphatidylinositol content.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Congenic strains of syngen 1, Tetrahymena pyriformis, were produced by backcrossing the F1 hybrid between inbred strains C2 and D to strain D in 12 consecutive backcrosses, with selection for certain C2 genes, and then using genomic exclusion to induce homozygosity. Six congenic strains of high breeding performance are available. Five differ from strain D in single genes at 5 different loci. The 6th strain differs at all 5 loci. Assuming the size of the Drosophila gene (4 × 104 nucleotide pairs), we can calculate that strains differing from D by single genes have a heterozygous segment 3 genes long while The strain which differs from D by 5 genes has 5 heterozygous segments and 15 genes contributed from strain C2. A 40-fold increase in heterozygosity would be found with a gene size of 103 nucleotide pairs. This means that in using these strains for biochemical work we must be aware that some genetic noise still remains.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. By the use of 14C-labeled substrates it has been shown in Tetrahymena that proline is rapidly and completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and glutamate (65–70%), plus small amounts of aspartate and alanine (20%), the remainder being incorporated into macromolecular cell components. In comparison, acetate, glucose and glutamate are oxidized to a lesser extent (55%, 37% and 16%, respectively). Glucose and acetate are extensively incorporated into cell components (53% and 36%, respectively), while glutamate remains in the medium (76%). Thus proline is a source of readily available energy.  相似文献   

Truncated recombinant metallothionein GST–fusion protein has been successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. The previously identified novel Cd-inducible metallothionein (TMCd1) gene from the locally isolated ciliate, Tetrahymena tropicalis lahorensis, was inserted into a pET-41a vector, in frame with a sequence encoding an N-terminal glutathione-S-transferase (GST) tail. Truncated recombinant GST fusion protein has been purified by affinity column chromatography using glutathione sepharose. After enzymatic cleavage of GST tail with enterokinase, the truncated TMCd1 MT shows molecular weight of 11.5 kDa, corresponding to the expected value. This is the first successful report of expression of cadmium metallothionein gene of a ciliate, T. t. lahorensis, reported from this part of the world, in E. coli. This study will further help in characterization of metallothionein protein of this ciliate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Filaments in the oral apparatus of Tetrahymena appear similar, but not identical, to the intermediate filaments of multicellular organisms. The mean diameter of filaments measured in the present study was 16.4 nm, but the range of variation was much greater than has been reported for intermediate filaments. The organization of filaments within the oral apparatus has been studied by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold localization at the electron microscopical level using antiserum raised in rabbits against the major subunit protein of the oral filaments (87K). The filaments were found to be organized into cables, networks, and chambers or cages which encase the basal bodies. At the highest level of organization, the filaments connect into a rigid framework capable of maintaining the overall architecture in the absence of microtubules. Like intermediate filaments, the oral filaments are insoluble at high ionic strength, have evolutionarily non-conservative subunit proteins, are probably non-contractile, and serve to stabilize persistent cellular architecture.  相似文献   

Nanney DL  Dubert JM 《Genetics》1960,45(10):1335-1349

Candida tropicalis IBFM 303 is capable of the active production and liberation of flavins during the oxidation of solid paraffins with the carbon chain consisting of 20 carbon atoms and more. Unlike other known strains, this strain does not accumulate considerable amounts of the vitamin neither on media containing liquid n-paraffins not on media with glucose, even under the conditions of iron deficiency.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Crude homogenates of the ciliate protozoon, Tetrahymena thermophila, can hydrolyze the potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors O, O-diisopropylphosphorofluoridate (DFP) and O-1,2,2-trimethylpropylmethylphosphonofluoride (soman). Characterization of the enzymatic activity of the homogenate has been performed. The DFPase operates over a pH range of 4 to 10 and an ionic range of 0–500 mM NaCl. Rate of reaction increases three-to four-fold from 25°C to 40°C and is still present at 55°C. These results indicate that the enzymatic activity operates over a broad range of environmental conditions, making it an attractive material for use in the detoxification and detection of organofluorophosphates. DFPases may be important in the metabolism of naturally occurring organophosphates.  相似文献   

Core-protected DNA can drive only 60% of the Tetrahymena thermophila macronuclear genome into duplexes in hybridization experiments. This core-protected DNA therefore contains only a subset of the genome complexity. We interpret this to mean that a large fraction, if not all, of the genome is phased with respect to nucleosome placement. Among the sequences present in total DNA and absent from core-protected DNA are most of the sequences containing N6-methyladenine (MeAde) residues, consistent with our previous demonstration that most of these residues lie in linker DNA. We show that these results are not due to artifacts resulting from the small size of the DNA driver, nor are they due to any sequence preferences exhibited by staphylococcal (staph) nuclease. This is the first evidence that nucleosome phasing may be a bulk genome characteristic.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Action of mercaptoethanol (ME) on cell division and macromolecular synthesis was examined in Tetrahymena synchronized for division. Cells continuously exposed to increasingly higher concentrations of ME divided with progressively longer division delays showing a dosage-dependent response to the agent. Division was blocked in 2 × 10?2 M ME. Many cells cytolyzed in high concentrations of ME (4 × 10?2 M); others became spherical and motility decreased. Non-delaying concentrations of ME (2 × 10?2 M) had little or no effect on protein synthesis but decreased DNA and RNA synthesis 10 and 35%, respectively. Blocking concentrations inhibited incorporation of phenylalanine, thymidine and uridine 35, 60, and 85%, respectively. It is suggested that the mode of action of ME is mediated thru inhibition of macromolecular synthesis essential for cell division and thru inhibition of formation of disulfide bridges between protein subunits.  相似文献   

Cells of Tetrahymena pyriformis--NT1 were cultured at 38 degrees C (Tg 38 degrees C) and 20 degrees C (Tg 20 degrees C) and their properties investigated over the range 0-40 degrees C. Tg 20 degrees C cells were viable in the range 3-33 degrees C and changes in their properties were readily reversible between 10 degrees C and 30 degrees C. Tg 38 degrees cells were viable in the range 40-10 degrees C and their property changes were immediately reversible in the range 40-23 degrees C. The I-V relations of Tg 38 degrees C cells showed increased excitability as the cells were cooled from 40 degrees C. At 10 degrees C there was a considerable loss of excitability and slope resistance. Cooling Tg 20 degrees C cells from 20 degrees C gave a similar pattern, although over a narrower temperature range. Warming Tg 20 degrees C Tetrahymena above 20 degrees C led to a progressive loss of excitability and the cells were markedly less viable above 35 degrees C. Within physiological limits the regenerative spike magnitude, repolarization time, time to peak and input resistance increased as temperature was lowered, whereas resting potential was diminished. When compared at their growth temperatures and most intermediate temperatures, the value of the various parameters monitored were generally different for the two cultures. The Q10 value for resting potential changes of Tg 20 degrees C cells about 20 degrees C was 1.20. As in T. vorax this was significantly (P less than 0.01) greater than that predicted for a diffusion potential and suggested that T. pyriformis--NT1 may have an electrogenic pump component in its membrane potential.  相似文献   

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