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We have tested the hypothesis that the abnormal development of the central nervous system seen in endemic cretinism might be accompanied by concurrent abnormal dermatoglyphic patterns. We compared digital and palmar dermatoglyphics of normal individuals and endemic cretins inhabiting the Huon Peninsula of Papua New Guinea. The population sampled from the Irumu River Valley included 118 males and 114 females with 22 male cretins and 23 female cretins. The population sampled from the Wantoat River Valley included 72 males and 38 females with 12 male cretins. No pathognomonic patterns were found that could identify the endemic cretin subpopulation. However, the occurrence of a number of differences between controls and cretins suggests that subtle changes in dermatoglyphic patterns accompany the anomalous development of the CNS secondary to maternal iodine deficiency. We discuss the significance of these findings and compare the dermatoglyphic patterns of normal Irumu and Wantoat natives and 21 other populations of Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

Bilateral correlations are higher and bilateral variances within individuals smaller in the samples of inbred individuals than in matched control groups of the same sex for pattern intensities on fingers in four series of data and also for pattern intensities on palms, toes, and soles and the palmer main line indices in the data collected from a Muslin population of West Bengal. This trend is not apparent in two series of data from the Yanadi tribe, in which the inbred and noninbred samples are not controlled for random variation of genes and environment. Increased variances between individuals and changes in means and distributions of the traits in the inbred samples of the matched data indicate some influence of homozygosity of genes for the traits on their asymmetry. The reduced variability of asymmetry of the traits in the inbred cannot be explained by homozygosity of genes for either directional or absolute asymmetry. One possible explanation is that heterozygotes for these dermatoglyphic triats are more responsive to environmental stress than homozygotes and/or increased selection in the homozygotes against genetic disorders associated with dermatoglyphic asymmetry may reduce the variability of such asymmetry.  相似文献   

Prenatal selection and dermatoglyphic patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although human dermatoglyphics have been extensively studied, little is known of the prenatal origins of dermatoglyphic patterns. Digital patterns, i.e., loops, whorls, and arches, were obtained from 81 human abortuses, ranging in age from 11 to 25 weeks post-fertilization. Patterns were discernible with the earliest indications of epidermal ridge development. Findings indicate that pattern frequencies during early prenatal development differ from those of later fetal and postnatal periods. Furthermore, a high frequency of arches is seen associated with spontaneous abortion, suggesting evidence for prenatal selection in human abortuses.  相似文献   

Eight hundred Nigerians (400 males and 400 females) were screened for the analysis of digital dermatoglyphic patterns. The frequency distribution of the patterns are 52.09%, 27.67%, 19.20% and 1.13% for ulnar loops, whorls, arches and radial loops respectively. Except for arches, the males have more of the patterns than females. The pattern intensity indices for males and females are 11.2 and 9.9 respectively. Bilateral symmetry is similar in both sexes and the percent distribution is as high as 81.5% and 84% on digit V in males and females respectively.  相似文献   

The author's in vivo microscopic technique, initially developed for observation of capillaries in human skin, can be helpful for detecting fingerprint patterns in subjects in whom an abnormal skin surface makes it difficult to record or even observe these patterns by the usual techniques.  相似文献   

A brief update of recent developments and trends in dermatoglyphic research is presented, based on a 1980–87 literature review. The discussed topics include anthropological, genetic, medical and developmental studies of the epidermal ridge patterns and flexion creases, including dermatoglyphic variability, new methodological and classification approaches, studies of nonhuman primates and of other experimental animals. Rather than an exhaustive survey of the existing literature, the purpose of this communication is to point out specific accomplishments, novel approaches, and emerging trends in various fields of dermatoglyphic research.  相似文献   

Use of dermatoglyphics in population studies has been marked by a great deal of methodological variation among investigators. We compare various dermatoglyphic approaches using data derived from four groups in the Kumaon region of India. Dermatoglyphic data included ridge-counts and other quantitative variables, and the classification systems of Cummins and Midlo and Penrose and Loesch. Results were evaluated against anthropometric and serological relationships. No clearly superior approach emerges, although it is generally true that palmar variables exhibit more intergroup heterogeneity than digital variables and produce more reasonable results than the other approaches. The conventional method of treating ridge-counts, that of choosing the larger of the two counts, was the most unsatisfactory of the quantitative approaches, leading to the recommendation that both radial and ulnar counts be retained. We conclude that environmental variation may contribute substantially to intergroup variation.  相似文献   

We analyzed bilateral finger prints of 3158 individuals from 13 Iranian populations of diverse origins, for digital patterns, using the topological method. Some male/female differences, and a great deal of heterogeneity in interpopulational variation was observed. Distance analysis, and the resultant dendrograms separated the populations studied, but the separation was not in agreement with the known ethnohistory of this region. Comparison of the obtained results with those based on the traditional methodology showed that the traditional methodology gives better results in measuring population distances.  相似文献   

Results of a part of multidisciplinary studies in six villages on the island of Hvar (Yugoslavia) are presented. Six quantitative properties of dermatoglyphics were analysed (TRC, PII, a-b, b-c and c-d ridge counts, and atd angle). “Biological distances” among the surveyed couples from all six villages were analysed using Penrose's C2H, and its components: C2Q and (v-l/v)C2Z with regard to sex and possibility of determining the direction of endogamy or exogamy. Significant correlation between “geographical distances” and (v-l/v)C2Z is obtained for males, indicating that the social organisation in the examined rural population, from the point of view of demography, has some influence on the distribution of the dermatoglyphical characters.  相似文献   

Correlations between a number of dermatoglyphic finger and palmar taxonomic traits relating to 57 male and 53 female Kenyan populations, and altitude and mean annual rainfall are significant, not only in terms of the full range of samples, but also when samples are divided into independent smaller groups. These results are discussed and contrasted with those of other studies which have found no relationships between dermatoglyphic variation and climate in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

The present study is carried out to evaluate the effect of chromosomal morbidity (82% are 47XXY and in the remaining cases there is the extra X and/or Y) in the males with Klinefelter’s syndrome, based on dermatoglyphic traits and indices of diversity and asymmetry. The main objectives of the present study is to find dermatoglyphic traits and fluctuating asymmetry indices which could be “marker traits” and could indicate the degree of developmental instability of the organism. The sample of males with Klinefelter’s syndrome (N=171) was collected in the Institute of Human Genetics of Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel, by Professor Bat-Miriam Katznelson during 20 years, between 1968–1988. All patients were confirmed by chromosomal examination. The finger and palm prints were collected with the aid of pads manufactured by Lamedco Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A. Interpretation of the prints was according to Cummins and Midlo (1961) and Penrose (1968) and included identification of patterns, ridge counts and the measurements of distances sum of and angles in the palms. 79 dermatoglyphic variables for every patient: 28 continuous traits, 9 discrete traits, 11 indices of intra-individual diversity, 15 indices of directional asymmetry and 16 indices of fluctuating asymmetry were estimated. The problem of asymmetry, fluctuating and directional and of intraindividual diversity of quantitative dermatoglyphic traits is reviewed here as well as illustrated by data obtained on a sample of healthy control group of Jews from Israel. In this first part of our paper we will discuss the data on individual dermatoglyphic traits on digits and palms. The second part will be dedicated to multivariate analysis in order to compare between Klinefelter’s syndrome and control healthy individuals based on quantitative dermatoglyphic traits and indices of diversity and asymmetry.  相似文献   

Digital and palmar dermatoglyphics of 184 male and 224 female normal American Negroes were evaluated for digital patterns, digital ridge counts, palmar patterns, palmar main line terminations, accessory triradii and palmar creases. All subjects were seven year olds examined and found free of chronic or other genetic diseases. The results were presented for the left and right hand for the most part comparable to those of the African and other American Negro groups reported earlier. The distributions of the various dermatoglyphic features among the Negroes taken as a group were compared to those of the other racial groups and their differences were discussed.  相似文献   

Digital and palmar dermatoglyphics were collected from 360 male and 360 female seven year old Caucasians from the greater Boston area. All participants were screened and found to be free of minor anomalies or chronic diseases. All individuals with I.Q. scores below 70 were also excluded. The results were presented in such a way as to give information on bilateral symmetry as well as overall frequencies of the various dermatoglyphic features. The results were compared with those of the corresponding sample of seven year old normal male and female Negrose of the accompanying report. A review of the distribution of the dermatoglyphic features in different Caucasian populations has also been presented and the overall dermatoglyphics of the Caucasians were discussed in reference to the distribution of the same features in the other major “racial” groups. The method of collection and selection of the subjects, described in the text, makes this set of data unique and one of the most suitable for use as controls in studying the dermatoglyphics of the individuals with diseases or congenital anomalies.  相似文献   

The use of dermatoglyphic traits to describe interpopulational diversity among human populations at various levels of differentiation is compared with similar analysis of gene frequency data by means of nonparametric methods employing distance matrices and dendrograms, and by a partition of total variability into its between and within population components. Congruence of dermatoglyphics and gene markers appears to vary with level of population differentiation — the association remains insignificant until racial level of differentiation is considered. Different pitfalls of the data used are mentioned. The interpretation of these findings is discussed by comparison with other non-human studies.  相似文献   

A method for recovering dermatoglyphic data from tamarin cadavers is described. The method involves the complete removal of the palmar and plantar pads with no destruction to the underlying skeletal elements. Once recovered, the pads are stored in a formalin solution. The stored pads of 213 individuals have remained in a good state of preservation for dermatoglyphic analysis for over four years.  相似文献   

Brahman and Bhangi, two endogamous groups of Hindu society, have been studied for ridge counts of plantar interdigital areas. No significant sexual difference, excepting a–b ridge count for Brahmans, was observed. Similarly, nonsignificant bilateral variation is exhibited. No ethnic variation is observed as regards the mean total a–b, b–c and c–d counts. The distribution of ridge counts can be correlated with the anatomical axis of the palm and sole. The palm (Pateria, '67) shows the minimum value for b–c and the sole for a–b. Therefore the minimal counts coincide with anatomical axes, corresponding to the common localization of syndactyly.  相似文献   

手纹形态与人体疾病   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈祖芬 《人类学学报》1990,9(2):168-177
人体体表的皮肤,具有特定的纹理,这些纹理是由皮肤表层隆起的脊线与其间的皮沟组成。在手掌面与足跖面,皮肤深面的乳头较密,无汗毛,显示出更有规律的图形,清晰易辨。研究这些纹理形态及其应用的科学,称为皮肤纹理学(dermatoglyphics,简称皮纹或肤纹学)。手纹包括指纹、掌纹、指节纹、指褶与掌褶,其图形有一定形态规律,是人类的一种重要遗传性状。它象人体其他器官一样,可根据形态规律分型,正常人皮纹形态规律,国内外学者对手纹(以及足纹)的研究报告纷至沓来(Preus,1972; Seltzer et al,1986)。计算机的问世,使皮纹学研究更加普及与广泛。手纹形态变异与疾病的关系,引起了世界各国许多学者的兴趣,半个世纪来的学术探讨,已使手纹研究从基础形态走向临床实践。大量的调查材料表明:人体器官的先天性异常或疾病,常伴有手纹构型的异常。因此,人体染色体畸变所致疾病及某些脏器病变,往往可以通过手纹这个人体“小窗口”得以窥测,似同观察舌苔、眼球一样。从手纹形态变化,分析其与疾病的联系,是个既古老又新颖的问题。中国是公认为世界上应用指纹最早的国家,近十年来的进展也很快,现归纳部分疾病的手纹构型如下。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the inheritance of the shovel shape of maxillary permanent central incisors. The material collected on Hailuoto Island, off the western coast of Finland, consists of 319 dental casts. The genealogical data are from the parish register. The genetic method is based on the incidence of the trait in the sibships as compared to that in the whole population sample. The results suggest that the trait is hereditary, and transmitted by a single intermediate autosomal gene, although more complex models of inheritance are also acceptable.  相似文献   

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