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Summary Development of adipose tissue in five depots was investigated in mice selected for high or low 12-week epididymal fat pad weight as a percentage of body weight (HF and LF lines), or high or low 12-week hind carcass weight as a percentage of body weight (HL and LL lines). An unselected control line (RC) was maintained. Hind carcass (HC) and fat pads from subcutaneous hindlimb, subcutaneous forelimb, gonads, kidneys and mesentery were dissected and weighed at 4, 6, 9, 12 or 15 weeks of age. Generally, body weight (BW), daily gain (DG), feed intake (FI), feed efficiency (FE) and feed intake/metabolic body weight (FC) were higher (P0.05) in HF than in LF, and in LL than in HL. HF had more fat (as a percentage of BW) than LF in all depots (P-0.01), and asymmetry (P0.01) was detected for gonadal fat. LL consistently had a higher (P0.01) fat percentage than HL, and asymmetry (P0.01) was observed for perirenal fat. At age of selection, ranking of fat depot weights as a percentage of total fat depot weight was not changed by selection; however, gonadal fat accounted for more of the total fat in HF and LL compared with RC, while the opposite was found in LF and HL. HC percentage was higher (P0.01) in HL than LL, and higher (P0.01) in LF than HF. Growth rate of each fat depot relative to BW was not affected by selection. These results demonstrated that selection for proportion of fat in one depot or for HC percentage changed fat percentage in other depots. However, the rate of fat deposition in each depot relative to body weight gain was not altered.  相似文献   

It is well known that body composition can influence peripheral heat loss and skin temperature. That the distribution of body fat is affected by gender is well known; however, there is little information on how body composition and gender influences the measure of skin temperature. This study evaluated skin temperature distribution according to body fat percentage (BF%) and gender. A sample of 94 apparently healthy volunteers (47 women and 47 men) was assessed with Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) and infrared thermography (mean, maximum and minimum temperatures – TMean, TMax and TMin). The sample was divided into groups, according to health risk classification, based on BF%, as proposed by the American College of Sports Medicine: Average (n = 58), Elevated (n = 16) or High (n = 20). Women had lower TMean in most regions of interest (ROI). In both genders, group High had lower temperature values than Average and Elevated in the trunk, upper and lower limbs. In men, palms and posterior hands had a tendency (p < 0.05) for increased temperature along with increased BF%. TMean, TMax and TMin of trunk, upper and lower limbs were negatively correlated with BF% and the fat percentage of each segment (upper limbs, lower limbs and trunk). The highest correlations found in women were between posterior trunk and BF% (rho = −0.564, p < 0.001) and, in men, between anterior trunk and BF% (rho = −0.760, p < 0.001). Overall, this study found that women have lower skin temperature than men, which was related with higher BF%. Facial temperature seems not to be influenced by body fat. With the future collection of data on the relationship between BF% and skin temperature while taking into account factors such as body morphology, gender, and ethnicity, we conclude that measurement of BF may be reliably estimated with the use of thermal imaging technology.  相似文献   



From the viewpoint of human physiological adaptability, we previously investigated seasonal variation in the amount of unabsorbed dietary carbohydrates from the intestine after breakfast in Japanese, Polish and Thai participants. In this investigation we found that there were significant seasonal variations in the amount of unabsorbed dietary carbohydrates in Japanese and Polish participants, while we could not find significant seasonal variation in Thai participants. These facts prompted us to examine seasonal variations in the respiratory quotient after an overnight fast (an indicator of the ratio of carbohydrate and fat oxidized after the last meal) with female university students living in Osaka (Japan), Poznan (Poland) and Chiang Mai (Thailand).


We enrolled 30, 33 and 32 paid participants in Japan, Poland and Thailand, respectively, and measurements were taken over the course of one full year. Fasting respiratory quotient was measured with the participants in their postabsorptive state (after 12 hours or more fasting before respiratory quotient measurement). Respiratory quotient measurements were carried out by means of indirect calorimetry using the mixing chamber method. The percent body fat was measured using an electric bioelectrical impedance analysis scale. Food intake of the participants in Osaka and Poznan were carried out by the Food Frequency Questionnaire method.


There were different seasonal variations in the fasting respiratory quotient values in the three different populations; with a significant seasonal variation in the fasting respiratory quotient values in Japanese participants, while those in Polish and Thai participants were non-significant. We found that there were significant seasonal changes in the percent body fat in the three populations but we could not find any significant correlation between the fasting respiratory quotient values and the percent body fat.


There were different seasonal variations in the fasting respiratory quotient values in the three different populations. There were significant seasonal changes in the percent body fat in the three populations but no significant correlation between the fasting respiratory quotient values and the percent body fat.  相似文献   

Fatness and fat patterning of 27 male and 33 female obese adolescents were identified by principal-components analysis of five skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, iliac, abdominal, and thigh). Correlations were computed between the component scores, based on the eigen vectors, and anthropometric and physiological variables. Overall fatness, component I, was highly correlated with all anthropometric and body composition variables. Also, component I significantly correlated with fasting insulin and VO2 max for both sexes and with basal metabolism and HDL-cholesterol for females and males, respectively. Extremity fat patterning, component II, was poorly correlated with all the anthropometric and physiological variables except diastolic blood pressure for the females. Upper-lower body fat patterning, component III, was correlated with the fewest physiological variables.  相似文献   

The study investigated the mediolateral control of upright stance in 16 healthy, young adults. The model analyzed the body weight distribution and center of pressure location mechanisms under three stance width conditions (feet close, under standard condition, and apart). Our first objective was to discuss some methodological requirements to investigate the contribution of both mechanisms by means of two platforms. It is proposed that both the amplitude contribution (in variability analyses) and active contribution (in cross-correlation analyses) need to be studied distinctively. These analyses may be concerned with the strength and the degree of active contributions, respectively. Based on this theoretical proposition, we expected and found that the amplitude contribution of both mechanisms was higher and lower in wide and narrow stances compared with that in the standard stance, respectively. Indeed, the closer the two reaction forces, the lower their mechanical contribution. As expected, the active contribution of both mechanisms was significantly lower and higher in wide and narrow stances, respectively. Indeed, the further the feet apart, the less active both mechanisms needed to be to control mediolateral stance. Overall, only the center of pressure location mechanism really changed its significant contribution to control mediolateral stance under the three conditions. The result is important because this mechanism is known to be secondary, weaker than the body weight distribution mechanism to control mediolateral stance. In practical terms, these findings may explain why the mediolateral variability of center of pressure displacement was significantly higher in narrow stance but not lower in wide stance.  相似文献   

This study describes delay and probability discounting patterns for hypothetical food and money in relation to percent body fat (PBF). Sixty university students completed four computerized discounting tasks in which they were asked to make a series of hypothetical decisions between (a) 10 dollars after one of several different delays (1, 2, 30, 180, and 365 days) or a smaller amount of money available immediately; (b) 10 bites of food after one of several delays (1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 h) or a smaller number of bites available immediately; (c) $10 at one of several probabilities (0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1) or a smaller amount of money to be received for sure; and (d) 10 bites of food at one of several probabilities (0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1) or a smaller number of bites to be received for sure. Median indifference points for all participants across each task were well described using the hyperbolic discounting function. Results suggest that percent body fat predicted discounting for hypothetical food, but not money, using regression analyses with the entire sample and when comparing individuals in the high and low quartiles for PBF. None of the other dietary variables (body mass index, subjective hunger, and time since last meal or snack) were related to discounting patterns. This suggests that individuals with high PBF may exhibit heightened sensitivities to delay and probability when making decisions about food.  相似文献   

Objective: This study presents total body volume (TBV) and regional body volume, and their relationships with widely used body composition indices [BMI, waist circumference (WC), and percentage body fat (% fat)] in severely obese adults (BMI ≥35 kg/m2). Research Methods and Procedures: We measured TBV, trunk volume (TV), arm volume (AV), leg volume (LV), and WC and estimated % fat in 32 severely obese persons with BMI 36 to 62 kg/m2 (23 women; age, 19 to 65 years; weight, 91 to 182 kg) and in 58 persons with BMI <35 kg/m2 (28 women; age, 18 to 83 years; weight, 48 to 102 kg) using a newly validated 3‐day photonic image scanner (3DPS, Model C9036–02, Hamamatsu Co., Japan) and calculated TV/TBV, AV/TBV, and LV/TBV. Results: Men had significantly larger TBV and higher TV/TBV and AV/TBV, but significantly lower LV/TBV than women, independently of BMI. TV/TBV increased while AV/TBV and LV/TBV decreased with increasing BMI, WC, and % fat, and the rate of increase in TV/TBV per % fat was significantly greater in severely obese individuals than in individuals with BMI <35 kg/m2. The relationships for TBV with % fat were much lower than with BMI or WC. Conclusion: Body volume gains were mainly in the trunk region in adults, irrespective of sex or BMI. For a given BMI, WC, or % fat, men had a significantly larger TV than women. The implication is that men could have higher health risks due to having higher trunk body weight as a proportion of total body weight compared with severely obese or less severely obese women.  相似文献   

This study aimed to search for relations between body fat percentage and skin temperature and to describe possible effects on skin temperature as a result of fat percentage in each anatomical site. Women (26.11±4.41 years old) (n =123) were tested for: body circumferences; skin temperatures (thermal camera); fat percentage and lean mass from trunk, upper and lower limbs; and body fat percentage (Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry). Values of minimum (TMi), maximum (TMa), and mean temperatures (TMe) were acquired in 30 regions of interest. Pearson's correlation was estimated for body circumferences and skin temperature variables with body fat percentage. Participants were divided into groups of high and low fat percentage of each body segment, of which TMe values were compared with Student's t-test. Linear regression models for predicting body fat percentage were tested. Body fat percentage was positively correlated with body circumferences and palm temperatures, while it was negatively correlated with most temperatures, such as TMa and TMe of posterior thighs (r =−0.495 and −0.432), TMe of posterior lower limbs (r =−0.488), TMa of anterior thighs (r =−0.406) and TMi and TMe of posterior arms (r =−0.447 and −0.430). Higher fat percentages in the specific anatomical sites tended to decrease TMe, especially in posterior thighs, shanks and arms. Skin temperatures and body circumferences predicted body fat percentage with 58.3% accuracy (R =0.764 and R2 =0.583). This study clarifies that skin temperature distribution is influenced by the fat percentage of each body segment.  相似文献   

2014年11月在海南省五指山市5个黎族村寨测量了607例(男为308例,女为299例)黎族人体质量、身高等6项体成分指标值,计算了黎族人的体脂率(P_(bf))、瘦体质量(m_l)、脂肪质量(m_f)、瘦体质量指数(I_(lm))、脂肪质量指数(I_(fm))。研究发现,女性体脂率、脂肪质量、脂肪质量指数都明显大于男性,瘦体质量、瘦体质量指数均明显小于男性。随年龄增长,黎族人身高、瘦体质量逐渐减小,体脂率、脂肪质量、脂肪质量指数逐渐增大。受试者特征曲线显示身体质量指数、脂肪质量指数都可以适宜评价黎族人的体脂率,而且脂肪质量指数对体脂率的估算准确性比身体质量指数更高。这也提示脂肪质量指数是比身体质量指数评价肥胖更好的指标。  相似文献   

In some chronic disease studies, distinctions have been made regarding the importance of body mass index (BMI) as a risk factor in younger versus older men and women. In order to determine the significance of these differences in BMI-disease associations, we determined the extent of age-dependent variations in the relation of BMIs to body composition in large probability samples of U.S. men and women from the First and Second U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES I and II). BMIs are more highly correlated with estimates of body fat in younger than in older men and women, and with muscle mass in older than in younger adults. Caution should be exercised in interpreting the significance of BMI as a risk factor for chronic disease, particularly in comparison of age groups.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness (SCATT) has for many years been measured using skinfold calipers, but calipers have several disadvantages, not least that they compress the skinfold. Measuring SCATT using ultrasound was validated by comparing thicknesses at 12 sites with soft-tissue radiographs in 24 adults and with depth gauge measurements on a cadaver. Correlation coefficients ranged from 0.87 to 0.99, and the regression statistics showed no significant difference between ultrasound and the other procedures. The standard errors of estimate of body density from SCATT measured by calipers and ultrasound in 63 young men was +/- 7.8 and 7.3 kg X m-3, respectively. Although problems in the identification of the adipose tissue-muscle interface can arise, ultrasound is a viable alternative to skinfold calipers and is to be preferred when measuring uncompressed SCATT.  相似文献   

Summary Correlated responses were estimated in each of two replicate lines of mice selected within full-sib families for high (HF) or low (LF) 12-week epididymal fat pad weight as a percentage of body weight (epididymal fat pad percentage), or high (HL) or low (LL) 12-week hind carcass weight as a percentage of body weight (hind carcass percentage). Two replicate control lines (RC) were maintained. Correlated traits were measured in each of the 10 generations of selection. Realized (rG R) and offspring-sire genetic correlations generally were in agreement. In HF and LF, 3–6 week postweaning gain (rG R = 0.36±0.04) and feed intake (rG R = 0.50±0.13) had positive correlated responses, but feed efficiency and feed intake/metabolic body size did not change. Positive correlated responses were found for subcutaneous fat pad percentage, body weight-adjusted subcutaneous fat pad weight and fat percentage in the hind carcass (rG R's were 1.04±0.13, 0.93±0.13 and 0.90±0.08). In the hind carcass, fat-free dry (protein + ash) percentage showed a small negative correlated response, and fat-free dry weight did not change. In HL and LL, the correlated responses for the above traits were generally opposite to those observed in HF and LF. Litter size, percentage of infertile matings, and preweaning mortality showed no consistent correlated responses in any of the lines, but an index of fitness combining the three traits showed a decrease in all four selection treatments.Paper no. 11057 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, 27695-7601. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the products named, nor criticisms of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   

The relationship of resistin levels with obesity remains unclear. The aim of this study was to determine resistin levels in prepubertal children and adolescents and evaluate their association with anthropometric parameters and body composition. The study population included 420 randomly selected 6–8-year-old children and 712 children aged 12–16 years. Anthropometric data were measured and body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip and waist-to-height ratios were calculated. Body composition was assessed using an impedance body composition analyzer. Serum resistin levels were determined using a multiplexed bead immunoassay. Resistin levels were not significantly different between sexes. No significant differences in serum resistin concentrations were found between obese, overweight, and normal weight children at any age, and no significant correlations were observed between resistin concentrations and weight or BMI. However, resistin levels showed a significant positive correlation with fat mass in 12–16-year-old children, particularly in girls. In addition to describing serum resistin levels in prepubertal children and adolescents, our study suggests that resistin is related to body fat rather than to BMI in adolescents.  相似文献   

Measurement of height (crown–rump length), body weight, and abdominal subcutaneous fat depth, based on skinfold thickness taken from 13 female rhesus monkeys comprising two age groups were correlated with body fat values derived from tritiated water determinations of total body water. The manner with which each measure was related to percent body fat differed as a function of age of the animal. In the young, nulliparous females, crown–rump length was the single best predictor of body fat, whereas in the older, multiparous females, skinfold thickness correlated most highly with body fat. When all measurements, including the Quetelet index [(wt/ht)2 × 1,000], were combined statistically and regressed against percent body fat, a significant increase in predictive ability was obtained. When each age group was considered separately, the resulting equations again reflected the agegroup biases. In addition, as an internal check on the validity of the regression equations, an additional regression analysis was performed using morphometric data from selected animals in each age group. These equations yielded accurate estimates of body fat when compared to determinations made from total body water. These analyses indicate that the predictive accuracy of morphometric data is greatly enhanced by using these measurements in concert. Furthermore, the utility of such predictions is influenced by the specific physical characteristics of the subject population.  相似文献   

We conducted a manipulative experiment to investigate how raising chicks affects the body condition (body mass scaled by body size) and body composition (percent fat vs. lean mass) of black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). For 4 consecutive years (1991–1994) we removed eggs from randomly selected nests and then compared adults raising chicks with adults that had their eggs removed. At the end of the chick-rearing period, adults raising chicks were significantly lighter for their size than adults that had their eggs removed. Adults raising chicks also had a significantly lower percent body fat (by 28%) than adults from manipulated nests. The difference in percent body fat between the two groups was apparent at all levels of condition, suggesting that adults that are raising chicks apportion their reserves differently than adults that are working only to meet their own metabolic needs. End-of-season body condition of adults from manipulated and unmanipulated nests varied significantly among 5 years of study, and appeared to reflect differences in local foraging conditions. In all years, females were in worse condition than males at the end of the breeding season. This sex-specific condition difference did not, however, appear to indicate a greater short-term reproductive cost among females. Females were lighter for their size than males in both the manipulated and unmanipulated groups. Our results suggest that adult kittiwakes compromise their body condition and body composition during chick rearing to increase the likelihood of successfully fledging young, even though such adjustments may decrease their own post-reproductive survival probabilities. Prior to estimating the body composition of the experimental birds, we evaluated the usefulness of several noninvasive techniques for predicting fat mass in kittiwakes. We used cross-validation techniques to compare multiple regression models that included total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC), total body water (TBW), and morphometric measurements as independent variables. The most parsimonious model for predicting fat mass was based on TOBEC and mass measurements. TBW and morphometrics were of little utility in predicting fat mass in kittiwakes. Previous studies that have evaluated the usefulness of TOBEC as a predictor of fat mass have shown mixed results. We suggest that the size of the experimental subject relative to the size of the TOBEC measurement chamber may affect the accuracy of this technique. Received: 30 November 1998 / Accepted: 29 April 1999  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are to explore the potential of the ultrasound technique to quantify subcutaneous adipose tissue, and to explain the differences between skinfolds and ultrasound measurements across a large range of ages and levels of adiposity. The sample consisted of 115 men and 117 women aged 35 to 51 years, 132 girls and 145 boys aged 12 to 20 years. Subcutaneous fat thickness was measured at four sites using skinfolds calipers, and at seven sites using a real-time B-mode ultrasound scanner. Anthropometric measurements were obtained, and percent body fat was estimated using electric impedance. The agreement between skinfolds and ultrasound measurements was calculated for each age and sex group. The agreement between techniques, and the levels of correlation between body composition and fatness measurements were high in the sample of young men. However, the results were less consistent in the other groups. Site specific differences were also noted.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the association of dietary fat and weight gain among adult women and to investigate whether offspring of overweight parents have a greater predisposition to weight gain due to intake of dietary fat. Research Methods and Procedures: This was an 8‐year follow‐up of 41,518 women in the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), a population‐based, prospective cohort. The women were 41 to 68 years of age, free of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes in 1986 when “baseline” weight and diet were assessed. Eight years later (1994), changes in weight and dietary intake were assessed. Linear regression models were used to relate change in weight to fat intake and change in fat intake, using the percentage of energy from carbohydrate as the comparison, adjusted for age, BMI in 1986, leisure time physical activity, time spent sitting, percent of calories from protein, and change in percentage of calories from protein. Results: Overall, there was a weak positive association between total fat intake (β = 0.11) and weight gain. Increases in monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat were not associated with weight gain, but increases in animal fat, saturated fat, and trans fat had a positive association with weight change. There was not strong evidence of effect modification by parental weight status (p = 0.7 to 0.8 for percentage of calories from total fat, animal fat, and vegetable fat); however, the associations were stronger among the overweight compared with leaner women (p < 0.05 for percentage of calories from each type of fat). Among overweight women, for every one percentage increase in percentage of calories from trans fat, women gained an additional 2.3 lb (95% confidence interval, 1.80 to 2.86). Conclusion: Our results show that, overall, percent of calories from fat has only a weak positive association with weight gain; however, percentage of calories from animal, saturated, and trans fat has stronger associations. There was no clear evidence that the diet‐weight gain association was stronger among offspring of overweight parents, but dietary fat was associated with greater weight gain among overweight women.  相似文献   

Summary Replicated within full-sib family restricted index selection was conducted for eight generations in mice for high or low epididymal fat pad weight (EF) holding body weight (BW) constant. Pooled realized heritability estimates of index units based on high, low and divergent selection were 0.42±0.20, 0.44±0.19 and 0.42± 0.05, respectively, which were not different from the base population estimate of 0.33±0.10. Realized responses per generation pooled across replicates in the high-fat restricted index lines were in the expected directions for EF (17.5±7.2 mg; P<0.05) and BW (0.03±0.58 g; P>0.05), but responses in the low-fat restricted index lines were discrepant for EF (0.3±5.1 mg; P>0.05) and BW (0.38±0.01 g; P<0.01). Consequently, the realized responses in component traits were decidedly asymmetric (P<0.05). A technique for estimating realized genetic parameters from index selection lines gave realized heritabilities for BW and EF of 0.68±0.04 and 0.45±0.05, respectively, and a realized genetic correlation between BW and EF of 0.93±0.01 compared with base population estimates of 0.43±0.08, 0.49±0.10 and 0.78±0.05, respectively. Possible explanations for the disparity between observed and expected responses in the low-fat restricted index lines include genetic drift, poor estimates of base population parameters, changes in genetic parameters with selection, linkage disequilibrium resulting from selection and asymmetric realized relative index weights.The research reported in this publication was funded by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS), Raleigh, NC 27695-7643, USA. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the NCARS, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   

Summary Correlated responses were studied in lines of mice selected for eight generations based on the criterion of a restricted selection index. Two replicate lines were selected in each treatment as follows: HE, high epididymal fat pad weight (EF) with zero change in body weight (BW) at 12 weeks of age; LE; low EF with zero change in BW; and RS, randomly. Correlated responses showed considerable variation between replicates, suggesting that genetic drift was important. Further, correlated responses for most traits were relatively small, probably because of low selection intensity. The HE line responded as expected in component traits of the restricted index. Associated compositional traits in HE responded as predicted since traits correlated with adiposity increased and hind carcass weight did not change significantly. Feed intake increased and feed efficiency (weight gain/feed intake) decreased in HE, as predicted. In contrast, the LE line did not respond in component traits as predicted since EF did not decrease and BW increased. Consequently, LE exhibited little change in traits associated with adiposity, but hind carcass weight, feed intake and feed efficiency increased. Of the correlated responses scored for fitness traits (littering rate, number of days from pairing of mate to littering, litter size and preweaning pup survival rate), significant effects were found for decreased littering rate in LE and increased prenatal survival rate in HE. In summary, correlated responses to restricted index selection generally agreed with expectation when responses in component traits of the index were considered.The research reported in this publication was funded by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS), Raleigh, NC 27695-7643, USA. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the NCARS, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   

Theaflavins are reddish-colored polyphenols in black tea. To test the efficacy of theaflavin administration on body fat and muscle, we performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study and investigated the effect of theaflavins administration on the body composition using of healthy subjects. In this study, 30 male and female Japanese were enrolled and participants were randomly allocated to receive placebo, theaflavin (50 or 100 mg/day), or catechin (400 mg/ml) for 10 weeks. The effects were evaluated using body weight, body fat percentage, subcutaneous fat percentage, and skeletal muscle percentage. Theaflavin administration significantly improved body fat percentage, subcutaneous fat percentage, and skeletal muscle percentage when compared to with the placebo. In contrast, there was no significant difference in all measured outcomes between the catechin and the placebo groups. The results indicate that oral administration of theaflavin had a beneficial effect on body fat and muscle in healthy individuals.  相似文献   

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