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Nitrogen mustards are commonly used in cancer chemotherapy. They interact with DNA at electronegative sites, primarily forming N7 guanine mono-adducts and interstrand cross-links. Targeting nitrogen mustards to DNA by attachment of a DNA minor groove binding carrier such as the bisbenzimidazoles Hoechst 33258 (pibenzimol) or Hoechst 33342 (HOE) makes it possible to direct DNA alkylation to more specific stretches of DNA. We have performed a detailed molecular analysis of 6-thioguanine resistant clones arising in Chinese hamster AS52 cells after treatment with HOE, in comparison with a mono- and bifunctional pair of bisbenzimidazole-targeted nitrogen mustards (MGBs). HOE showed no significant ability to induce 6-thioguanine resistant mutants, possibly because drug-treated cells are highly susceptible to apoptosis within very short times. Neither of the MGBs caused the rapid cell death seen with the bisbenzimidazole. However, both MGBs were weaker mutagens than previously found for undirected mustards in the same system, an effect that we suggest could relate to greater structure-directed binding to less mutable DNA sites in the minor groove. Additionally, the nature of some of the mutants suggested there may be a small component of topo I and/or II-mediated events in the mutagenicity of the MGBs. Both MGBs showed high activity in causing deletion mutations, which may be due to errors in attempted repair of the complex lesions formed by minor groove targeted alkylators.  相似文献   

Self-assembly is the autonomous organization of constituents into higher order structures or assemblages and is a fundamental mechanism in biological systems. There has been an unfounded idea that self-assembly may be used in the sensing and pairing of homologous chromosomes or chromatin, including meiotic chromosome pairing, polytene chromosome formation in Diptera and transvection. Recent studies proved that double-stranded DNA molecules have a sequence-sensing property and can self-assemble, which may play a role in the above phenomena. However, to explain these processes in terms of self-assembly, it first must be proved that nucleosomes retain a DNA sequence-sensing property and can self-assemble. Here, using atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based analyses and a quantitative interaction assay, we show that nucleosomes with identical DNA sequences preferentially associate with each other in the presence of Mg2+ ions. Using Xenopus borealis 5S rDNA nucleosome-positioning sequence and 601 and 603 sequences, homomeric or heteromeric octa- or tetranucleosomes were reconstituted in vitro and induced to form weak intracondensates by MgCl2. AFM clearly showed that DNA sequence-based selective association occurs between nucleosomes with identical DNA sequences. Selective association was also detected between mononucleosomes. We propose that nucleosome self-assembly and DNA self-assembly constitute the mechanism underlying sensing and pairing of homologous chromosomes or chromatin.  相似文献   

Discovering simple DNA sequences by the algorithmic significance method   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
A new method, ‘algorithmic significance’, is proposedas a tool for discovery of patterns in DNA sequences. The mainidea is that patterns can be discovered by finding ways to encodethe observed data concisely. In this sense, the method can beviewed as a formal version of the Occam's Razor principle. Inthis paper the method is applied to discover significantly simpleDNA sequences. We define DNA sequences to be simple if theycontain repeated occurrences of certain ‘words’and thus can be encoded in a small number of bits. Such definitionincludes minisatellites and microsatellites. A standard dynamicprogramming algorithm for data compression is applied to computethe minimal encoding lengths of sequences in linear time. Anelectronic mail server for identification of simple sequencesbased on the proposed method has been installed at the Internetaddress pythia@anl.gov.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the use of five oligonucleotide probes, namely (GATA)4, (GACA)4, (GGAT)4, (GAA)6 and (CAC)5, to reveal highly polymorphic DNA regions in rice. With each of the oligonucleotide probes, the level of polymorphism was high enough to distinguish several rice genotypes. Moreover, individual plants of one cultivar showed the same cultivar-specific DNA fingerprint. The multilocus fingerprint patterns were somatically stable. Our study demonstrates that microsatellite-derived DNA fingerprints are ideally suited for the identification of rice genotypes. As the majority of the probes detected a high level of polymorphism, they can be very useful in monitoring and aiding gene introgression from wild rice into cultivars.  相似文献   

In this study, a simple 4k-dimension feature representation vector is proposed to reconstruct phylogenetic trees, where k is the length of a word. The vector is composed of elements which characterize the relative difference of biological sequence from sequence generated by an independent random process. In addition, the variance of a vector which is obtained by averaging every column of feature representation matrix is employed to determine appropriate word length. In our experiments, reliable results can always be generated when word length is <7 which appears to be of lower computational complexity. Phylogenetic trees of 24 transferrins and 48 Hepatitis E viruses reconstructed at word length 6 are in good agreements with previous study, it shows that our method is efficient and powerful.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence organization of a 17.8-kilobase segment of porcine DNA, containing a functional major histocompatibility (MHC) gene, has been studied. The DNA flanking the MHC gene contains at least 10 distinct repetitive DNA sequence elements, each of which occurs only once within the 17.8-kilobase DNA segment. Their reiteration frequencies in the genome range from 10(2) to 10(4). The genomic organization of seven of these sequence elements has been examined; all are interspersed with other, unrelated DNA sequences. These seven repeated sequences are not generally associated in the genome. However, they appear to be nonrandomly linked in MHC-associated regions of the genome: at least two additional DNA segments containing MHC-homologous DNA also contain sequences homologous to DNA fragments bearing the seven different repeats. Of the seven sequences, four can be detected in splenic total RNA. These results suggest that these repeated elements are specifically associated with the MHC locus.  相似文献   

The nature of the endogenous viral DNA sequences in guinea pig cells was studied by hybridization. A segment of the viral RNA (r-VRNA) hybridizing to abundant (or reiterated) DNA sequences (R-VDNA) was isolated by recycling to a Cot of 300. The hybridization of the recycled VRNA, as well as the total VRNA, was followed by determining their kinetics and by Wetmur-Davidson analysis. The kinetics of hybridization of total VRNA were complex, did not follow a second-order kinetics, and revealed two slopes by Wetmur-Davidson analysis. The recycled RNA, on the other hand, had a second-order reaction rate expected of the hybridization between a single species of RNA and DNA sequences and yielded a single straight line in a Wetmur-Davidson plot. The Cot1/2 and slope of the recycled r-VRNA was almost identical to that of the abundant VDNA sequences obtained from the hybridization data of the total VRNA. Guinea pig 28S rRNA with or without recycling was used in monitoring hybridization rate. The kinetics of hybridization of 28S RNA followed a second-order reaction and produced a single straight line by Wetmur-Davidson plot, with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 9.6 x 10(-3) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 104 mol-s/liter, and reiteration frequency of 146. There was no difference in the kinetics of hybridization of 28S RNA before and after recycling. These experiments showed that guinea pig cells contain two classes of VDNA sequences. (i) R-VDNA sequences with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 8.2 x 10(-4) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 1,219 mol-s/liter, and a reiteration frequency of 12 represent 37.5% of the viral genome. (ii) Unique VDNA sequences with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 1.2 x 10(-4) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 7,692 mol-s/liter, and a reiteration frequency of 2 represent 62.5% of the viral genome.  相似文献   

Connecting two unrelated DNA sequences with a Mu dimer   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a herpesvirus and is the causative agent of chicken pox (varicella) and shingles (herpes zoster). Active immunization against varicella became possible with the development of live attenuated varicella vaccine. The Oka vaccine strain was isolated in Japan from a child who had typical varicella, and it was then attenuated by serial passages in cell culture. Several manufacturers have obtained this attenuated Oka strain and, following additional passages, have developed their own vaccine strains. Notably, the vaccines Varilrix and Varivax are produced by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals and Merck & Co., Inc., respectively. Both vaccines have been well studied in terms of safety and immunogenicity. In this study, we report the complete nucleotide sequence of the Varilrix (Oka-VGSK) and Varivax (Oka-VMerck) vaccine strain genomes. Their genomes are composed of 124,821 and 124,815 bp, respectively. Full genome annotations covering the features of Oka-derived vaccine genomes have been established for the first time. Sequence analysis indicates 36 nucleotide differences between the two vaccine strains throughout the entire genome, among which only 14 are involved in unique amino acid substitutions. These results demonstrate that, although Oka-VGSK and Oka-VMerck vaccine strains are not identical, they are very similar, which supports the clinical data showing that both vaccines are well tolerated and elicit strong immune responses against varicella.  相似文献   

The isolation of the two hybrid plasmids 56H8 and 132E3, which contain D. melanogaster (Dm) DNA sequences complementary to the mRNA coding for the 70,000 dalton heat shock protein, has been reported (Schedl et al., 1978). Here we compare the sequence arrangement in the two cloned Dm DNA segments by restriction, cross-hybridization and heteroduplex analysis. The results show that the two cloned DNA segments derive from nonoverlapping regions of the Dm genome; that they contain homologous regions present once in 56H8 and twice in 132E3; and that each homologous region is composed of three distinct contiguous sequence elements, x, y and z, which together define a 3 kb common unit. While the 2.5 kb z elements show a high degree of sequence homology in all three common units, the three x and y elements display an intriguing relationship. The localization of the mRNA coding sequences within each of these common units is presented in the accompanying paper (Artavanis-Tsakonas et al., 1979).  相似文献   

Many proteins can sense the relative orientations of two sequences at distant locations in DNA: some require sites in inverted (head-to-head) orientation, others in repeat (head-to-tail) orientation. Like many restriction enzymes, the BspMI endonuclease binds two copies of its target site before cleaving DNA. Its target is an asymmetric sequence so two sites in repeat orientation differ from sites in inverted orientation. When tested against supercoiled plasmids with two sites 700 bp apart in either repeated or inverted orientations, BspMI had a higher affinity for the plasmid with repeated sites than the plasmid with inverted sites. In contrast, on linear DNA or on supercoiled DNA with sites 1605 bp apart, BspMI interacted equally with repeated or inverted sites. The ability of BspMI to detect the relative orientation of two DNA sequences thus depends on both the topology and the length of the intervening DNA. Supercoiling may restrain the juxtaposition of sites 700 bp apart to a particular alignment across the superhelical axis, but the juxtaposition of sites in linear DNA or far apart in supercoiled DNA may occur without restraint. BspMI can therefore act as a sensor of the conformational dynamics of supercoiled DNA.  相似文献   

D Tautz 《Nucleic acids research》1989,17(16):6463-6471
Short simple sequence stretches occur as highly repetitive elements in all eukaryotic genomes and partially also in prokaryotes and eubacteria. They are thought to arise by slippage like events working on randomly occurring internally repetitive sequence stretches. This predicts that they should be generally hypervariable in length. I have used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process to show that several randomly chosen simple sequence loci with different nucleotide composition and from different species show extensive length polymorphisms. These simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLP) may be usefully exploited for identity testing, population studies, linkage analysis and genome mapping.  相似文献   

Summary The Brassica napus genome has been investigated by DNA fingerprinting with six synthetic oligonucleotide probes complementary to simple repetitive sequences, namely (GATA)4, (GACA)4, (GGAT)4, (CA)8, (CT)8 and (GTG)5. While all sequence motifs were found to be present in the B. napus genome, their organization and abundance varied considerably. Among the investigated probes, (GATA)4 revealed the highest level of intraspecific polymorphism and distinguishes not only between cultivars but even between different individuals belonging to the same cultivar. In contrast, (GTG)5, (GACA)4 and (GGAT)4 produced relatively homogeneous fingerprint patterns throughout different cultivars, while hybridization to (CT)8 and (CA)8 resulted in only a few weak bands superimposed on a smear. The isoschizomeric pair Hpa II and Msp I revealed the presence of methylated cytosines in the vicinity of (GATA)m repeats. The applicability of simple repetitive sequence polymorphisms as molecular markers for Brassica species is discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study has been made of the reactions of bacteriophage T4, B. subtilis,and mouse DNA with homologous DNA trapped on a membrane filter. The variation of reaction rate with temperature provides information as to the number of unique and partially related base sequences. The thermal stability of the duplexes formed at various temperatures has been used as a criterion of the extent of base pairing. These studies suggest that no closely related base sequences exist within the T4 genome. Similar results were obtained with Bacillus subtilisDNA although the data suggest the possibility of some very distant intragenome homologies. In contrast, mouse DNA contains so many related base sequences that the predominant reaction product is always one containing partially complementary strands. These results suggest that gene duplication has been a major mechanism operative in the increase of DNA content of metazoans through evolution. The relationship between the existence of partial base sequence redundancies and the mechanism of recombination is also discussed. This research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (GB 6099).  相似文献   

Chlorambucil (CLB; N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)-p-aminophenylbutyric acid) and its biologically active beta-oxidation product phenylacetic acid mustard (PAM; N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)-p-aminophenylacetic acid) are bifunctional aromatic alkylators. CLB is in wide clinical use as an anticancer drug and also as an immunosuppressant. The chemical structures indicate that CLB and PAM are mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic, but the mode of action has remained obscure. We have investigated the biological effects of CLB and PAM with DNA repair-deficient Escherichia coli strains. In contrast to MNNG (N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanine), CLB and PAM were not toxic to E. coli, but permeabilization of the outer membrane of the cells through use of polymyxin B nonapeptide (PMBN) rendered them susceptible to these compounds. The importance of DNA repair, shown by reversal of damage and attenuation of the toxicity of CLB and PAM, was indicated by the susceptibility of cells lacking O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase I and II (ada ogt). Similarly, the protective role of base excision repair (BER) was substantiated by demonstration of an even more increased susceptibility to CLB and PAM of cells lacking 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase I and II (alkA1 tag-1). Cells deficient in mismatch repair (mutS) appeared to be slightly more sensitive than normal cells to CLB and PAM, although no such sensitivity to MNNG was observed. This implicates the role of mismatches in CLB- and PAM-related cytotoxicity. It is generally believed that bifunctional alkylating agents, like CLB and PAM, exert their cytotoxic action via DNA cross-linking. Our results with O(6)-methyltransferase- and 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase-deficient cells indicate that removal of the adducts prior to the formation of cross-links is an important mechanism maintaining cell viability. We conclude that PMBN permeabilization provides a valuable tool to investigate genetically engineered E. coli cells, whose outer membrane is not naturally permeable to mutagens or other interesting compounds.  相似文献   

黄颡鱼属两种鱼类的线粒体ND4基因序列变异性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以东亚特有种光泽黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus nitidus)和长须黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus eupogon)为研究对象,采用PCR技术获得了这两种鱼类的部分线粒体DNA DN4基因及其3′端的tRNA基因碱基共约772个,用MEGA2.1软件分析了此片段序列,采用Kimura双参数模型计算遗传距离,以科属的大鳍(Hemibagrus macropterus)为外类群,用邻接法构建不同水系的光泽黄颡鱼和长须黄颡鱼的分子系统树。不同水系的光泽黄颡鱼的遗传距离在0.000—0.012之间,长须黄颡鱼的遗传距离在0.000—0.003之间,光泽黄颡鱼和长须黄颡鱼种间的遗传距离在0.099—0.108之间,从分子水平上证实了光泽黄颡鱼和长须黄颡鱼为两个有效物种。不同水系的光泽黄颡鱼遗传变异很小,除黑龙江种群外,其他水系的光泽黄颡鱼在分子系统树没有能够按水系区分开来,可能的原因为:(1)不同水系的光泽黄颡鱼之间存在频繁的基因交流;(2)东亚科鱼类的线粒体DNA的进化速率可能较小;(3)人类经济活动可能已影响到光泽黄颡鱼的种群遗传结构。  相似文献   

YAC clones carrying repeated DNA sequences from the Arabidopsis thaliana genome have been characterized in two widely used Arabidopsis YAC libraries, the EG library and the EW library. Ribosomal, chloroplast and the paracentromeric repeat sequences are differentially represented in the two libraries. The coordinates of YAC clones hybridizing to these sequences are given. A high proportion of EG YAC clones were classified as containing chimaeric inserts because individual clones carried unique sequences and repetitive sequences originating from different locations in the genome. None of the EW YAC clones analysed were chimaeric in this way. YAC clones carrying tandemly repeated sequences, such as the paracentromeric or rDNA sequences, exhibited a high degree of instability. These observations need to be taken into account when using these libraries in the development of a physical map of the Arabidopsis genome and in chromosome walking experiments.  相似文献   

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