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We studied the relationship between the breeding tubercle ornamentation (i.e. skin roughness) and male pre‐spawning dominance and courtship behaviour in roach (Rutilus rutilus) within an experimental laboratory system. Sexually mature fish were caught during their migration to their spawning pond and their behaviours were studied in an artificial spawning arena. Males behaved naturally both in terms of male–male interactions and attempts to achieve spawnings. Males having many, large breeding tubercles (i.e. rough skin) were significantly more often dominant in our dyadic trials than those with smooth skin. The dominant male in the trial exhibited a more active courtship behaviour than its subordinate rival. Papilloma skin disease did not affect the dominance rank. As a result of the relationship between skin roughness and male dominance, breeding tubercles may be used by the females as a cue for choosing a high‐quality mate in a roach lek. Thus, breeding tubercles might offer a workable tool for examination of sexual selection among cyprinids.  相似文献   

Males of the two species of Mertensiella (M. caucasica and M. luschani) possess a tubercle projecting from the skin of the dorsal tail base, the single morphological character that defines the genus. The dorsal tail tubercle functions during courtship, and its role is similar in both species. The tubercle is inserted into the cloaca of the female during ventral amplexus, shortly before the male deposits a spermatophore. Histological examination, however, revealed that the dorsal tubercles differ structurally between the two species. In M. caucasica, the tubercle consists primarily of elongate mucous glands, with granular glands occurring only at the base. Both mucous and granular glands of the tubercle are larger than those in typical skin. Unlike typical skin, however, mucous glands are larger than granular glands. In M. luschani, mucous glands and granular glands occur throughout the tubercle, and the granular glands are larger than the mucous glands, although both types are larger than those in typical skin. The dorsal tubercles of M. caucasica and M. luschani may not be homologous structures and may have resulted from convergent evolution. J Morphol 232:93–105, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wedekind C  Evanno G  Urbach D  Jacob A  Müller R 《Genetica》2008,132(2):199-208
Some models of sexual selection predict that individuals vary in their genetic quality and reveal some of this variation in their secondary sexual characteristics. Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp.) develop breeding tubercles shortly before their spawning season. These tubercles are epidermal structures that are distributed regularly along the body sides of both males and females. There is still much unexplained variation in the size of breeding tubercles within both sexes and with much overlap between the sexes. It has been suggested that breeding tubercles function to maintain body contact between the mating partners during spawning, act as weapons for defence of spawning territories, or are sexual signals that reveal aspects of genetic quality. We took two samples of whitefish from their spawning place, one at the beginning and one around the peak of spawning season. We found that females have on average smaller breeding tubercles than males, and that tubercle size partly reveals the stage of gonad maturation. Two independent full-factorial breeding experiments revealed that embryo mortality was significantly influenced by male and female effects. This finding demonstrates that the males differed in their genetic quality (because offspring get nothing but genes from their fathers). Tubercle size was negatively linked to some aspects of embryo mortality in the first breeding experiment but not significantly so in the second. This lack of consistency adds to inconsistent results that were reported before and suggests that (i) some aspects of genetic quality are not revealed in breeding tubercles while others are, or (ii) individuals vary in their signaling strategies and the information content of breeding tubercles is not always reliable. Moreover, the fact that female whitefish have breeding tubercles of significant size while males seem to have few reasons to be choosy suggests that the tubercles might also serve some functions that are not linked to sexual signaling.  相似文献   

The proximal humerus is formed by three secondary ossification centers during the postnatal trajectory of the human infant. The ossification centers later grow into the structures of the articular surface, major tubercle, and minor tubercle. There is a purported functional division between the articular surface and the tubercles, with the articular surface mainly responsible for the range of movement of the shoulder joint, and the tubercles bearing the insertions of the rotator cuff muscles, mainly devoted to securing the joint against humeral displacement. Using three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics, we tested the presence of such developmental and functional divisions in the proximal humerus, applying the RV coefficient of Escoufier to these a priori hypothesized modules. Our results indicate that the proximal humerus might be a generally integrated structure. However, a weak signal for modular configuration was present, with slightly stronger support for the two modules depicting the boundaries between the purported functional regions of the epiphysis: the articular surface and the tubercles. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:459–465, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Species within the coreid clade (Hemiptera: Coreidae) can often be observed competing in intrasexual competitions over access to mates and territories. Coreids that partake in these competitions typically possess sexually dimorphic hind legs that are used to strike and squeeze their rivals. In addition to their weaponized legs, some coreid species also possess sexually dimorphic abdominal tubercles, which are assumed to be sexually selected weapons. Still, much remains unknown about the morphology of these structures. Here, using the species Mictis longicornis Westwood, we investigate the frequency distribution and static allometry of abdominal thickness, a measure that includes tubercle length. Furthermore, we also investigate the morphological relationship between abdominal tubercles and weaponized hind legs. We find that male abdominal thickness is best explained by a bimodal distribution, thereby describing the first observed male polymorphism in the coreid clade; a phenomenon typically associated with alternative reproductive tactics. Additionally, we find that major males are characterized primarily by having large weaponized legs and abdominal tubercles, which further suggests that abdominal tubercles are used in male–male competition.  相似文献   

Summary During courtship, males of Chrysopa perla extrude from the genital aperture two eversible vesicles that bear approximately 50 sclerotized tubercles with a long, apical hair. Ultrastructural study reveals within each tubercle two juxtaposed subunits: a sensory subunit formed by a mechanoreceptor neuron, a glial cell, two enveloping cells, and a glandular subunit consisting of a glandular cell provided with an extracellular reservoir, a duct cell and an enveloping cell. The glandular-cell cytoplasm is characterized by extensive RER, a large amount of SER, probably involved in lipid elaboration, and voluminous myeloid bodies encircling the reservoir. The secretion is released to the outside by a cuticular duct that opens into the side of the tubercle. The function of the mechanoreceptor associated with the glandular subunit is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of the skin with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveal a diverse morphology in breeding tubercles among species of Phoxinus. Based mainly on the fine structure of the surface of tubercles, nine morphotypes, coded as letters A-I, occur in Phoxinus. Most of the morphotypes are common to all Phoxinus species, but type E is present only on the dorsum of the head of P. phoxinus, type H on the breast scale of female P. phoxinus, and type I on the pectoral fin in P. erythrogaster. Multicellular breeding tubercles bearing unicellular projections, identified as unculiferous tubercles are found in type H and probably types F and G. The distribution of tubercles on head, body, and fins is described and compared among Phoxinus species. Breeding tubercles in Phoxinus and other minnow genera are compared in order to interpret the phylogenetic implication of the tuberculation in Phoxinus. The deeply embedded breast scales and the breeding tubercles on their apical margins, and a series of tubercles on the apical margins of lateral scales of the caudal peduncle in breeding males of Phoxinus species, are the characters supporting the monophyly of the genus. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrence of anomalous cusps or tubercles on human upper first molars was investigated in seven racial populations using moiré contourography, which permits the three-dimensional measurement of minute cusps. Tubercles on the mesial marginal ridge were more frequently found in Mongoloid populations (Japanese and Eskimo) than in others. The frequency of the protoconule was high in Eskimos and Negroids (Bantu and San). The lingual paracone tubercle (mesial cusp) showed a particularly high frequency in Australian aborigines. The metaconule was rare or absent in all of the populations. Caucasoid groups (Dutch White and Asiatic Indian) showed generally low frequencies of all these abnormal tubercles, especially the distal accessory cusp (C5). Racial differences in the frequencies of occurrence may offer a key to understanding the adaptive significance of these traits and human microevolution. Confusion in nomenclature for upper molar tubercles is also discussed.  相似文献   

Eggs of the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus are fully covered with an air‐covering plastron network that enables them to stay below the surface of the water. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the chorionic surface was covered with clusters of globular tubercles of different sizes. Histologically, the eggshell provides a typical water‐repellent microarchitecture consisting of an outer exochorion, a membranous endochorion and an intermediate pillar layer. The eggshell has a distinct chorionic tubercle that increases the surface area for gas exchange to enhance respiration capacity. In particular, the chorionic wall gives rise to a hexagonal pattern with smooth and elevated boundaries. In A. albopictus, a set of micropatterns for each hexagon was specified, and each central tubercle was surrounded by 20 small peripheral tubercles. Our fine structural analysis revealed that the partitioning of the surface into numerous hexagonal chorionic sculptures is associated with the Voronoi partition (tessellation), based on the distance to a point in a specific area of the plane. Therefore, the micropatterned surface of the mosquito eggshell appears to not only resist wetting by hydrostatic pressure but also provide resistance to lysate deposition by the biofouling process.  相似文献   

Adults of Extatosoma tiaratum liberate a strong smell when handled. The smell is associated with a colourless, volatile liquid which is apparently harmless to man. It is ejected on to the thorax of the insect, and on to the hands of the investigator, from a pair of tubercles located on the anterior border of the prothorax. The tubercles have a slit-like aperture through which the secretion is sprayed on attack. The secretion is produced by two glands in the thorax, each comprising a pair of tubes which unite just beneath the tubercle. The tubes consist of a thick, glandular epithelium lined with a thin layer of cuticle; most of the gland is enveloped in a layer of muscle. The defence reaction is discussed in relation to that of other phasmids.  相似文献   

The unique pattern of small tubercles on the leading edge of the dorsal fins of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) has been widely noted in the literature, though their structure or function has never been conclusively identified. We examined external morphology and microanatomy of the tubercles for further understanding of the nature of the tubercles. Measurements were taken of height and peak‐to‐peak distance of the tubercles using scaled photographs. Mean tubercle height was standardized as a percentage of the dorsal fin height and ranged from 0.63 to 0.87%. Mean peak‐to‐peak distance ranged from 4.2 ± 2.0 to 5.6 ± 2.0 mm. The microstructure analysis of the dorsal fin leading edge, trailing edge and tubercles revealed an epidermal thickness of 0.7–2.7 mm with the thickest epidermis at the tubercular apex. The epidermis contained three distinct strata (=layers), including the stratum corneum, spinosum, and basale. The stratum corneum was significantly thickened in tubercles, over four times thicker than in the leading or trailing edge of the fin. The stratum spinosum, composed of lipokeratinocytes and lamellar oil bodies, was significantly thinner in the trailing edge than in the other two sites. There was no significant difference in the stratum basale among the three sites. Volume fraction of lipokeratinocytes was significantly higher at the sides of the leading edge and the apex of the tubercles, while volume fraction of lamellar oil bodies was significantly lower at the apex of the tubercles. Though the function of the tubercles is unknown, their position, hardened structure and increased epidermal stratum corneum suggest that they may have hydrodynamic importance. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Larvae of Platythyrea arnoldi, P. modesta, P. schultzei and P. sp. (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) were found to have a well-developed, distinctive median tubercle on their 7th abdominal sternites. The first 2 species also had a tubercle on the 8th abdominal sternite. Specialised epithelial cells surround a deep invagination that opens through an orifice to the base of the tubercle on the 7th abdominal sternite of at least 3 of the species. P. lamellosa has a poorly developed tubercle. A secretion was seen at the base of the tubercle of a P. arnoldi larva, and adult ants of this species and of P. sp. and P. schultzei were often seen licking the posterior face of the tubercles for extended periods. They were feeding on a secretion originating from the orifice beneath the tubercle.  相似文献   

Variation in egg surface morphology and morphometrics of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes of the Jodhpur, Bikaner, Jamnagar, and Bathinda strains were correlated with geographical distribution in different ecological regions of India. We report the geographic variation in Cx. quinquefasciatus based on 44 attributes of micropylar and conical‐shaped regions of eggs, including micropylar apparatus (corolla, disc, and mound), micropylar tubercles, and the exochorionic tubercle, pores, and network in anterior, middle, and posterior regions. No remarkable differences were observed in the surface morphology of eggs of these strains except the absence of small tubercles in the anterior and middle region of the JMN strain. However, a statistical analysis indicated significant morphometric variations in 66% of the attributes of the eggs. The cluster analysis of all egg attributes showed that the JD, BKN, and BTH strains are closer to each other than the JMN strain. The positive correlation (r = 0.95) also indicated an effect of geographical distribution on morphometry of various egg attributes of these strains. The present study suggests that ecological variation may have affected the morphometric attributes of the egg of four strains of Cx. quinquefasciatus from different geographical areas.  相似文献   

Anderson, Edward F. (Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, California.) A revision of Ariocarpus (Cactaceae). I. The status of the proposed genus Roseocactus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(7) : 582–589. Illus. 1960.—The proposed genus Roseocactus Berger is found to be a subgenus of Ariocarpus. The subgenera Ariocarpus and Roseocactus are basically similar in habitat, seedlings, presence of mucilage systems, tubercle structure, seed structure, fruiting habit, flower origin and structure, alkaloidal properties, trichomes, pollen grains, and chromosome number. They differ in flower color, presence or absence of an areolar groove, tubercle divergence, and trichome texture. A hypothesis is proposed to explain variations in the areoles. The differences in structure of mature tubercles are thought to be due to variability in the location of growth and elongation with respect to the floral and spinous areolar areas.  相似文献   

The structure of the bony tubercles of the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L., 1758), was examined using ground sections, microradiography, SEM, and TEM. The tubercles are small, isolated, mineralized conical plates randomly distributed in the eyed side of the body. They are composed of three layers: the outer limiting layer, the external layer, and the basal plate, which make up the thin and flat elasmoid scales of Teleostei. The main difference between regular elasmoid scales and bony tubercles lies in the organization and the growth of the basal plate. Indeed, the conical shape of the tubercle is the result of a prominent thickening of the central part of the basal plate where the collagen matrix is organized in a complicated three-dimensional network. Densely packed thick collagen fibrils form superimposed plies organized in a plywood-like structure that resembles that of the elasmoid scales but it is criss-crossed by numerous vertical sheets of thin collagen fibrils. The tubercles originate from thin and flat plates located in the skin of larvae and juveniles, whose structure is that of regular-developing elasmoid scales. Thus, the tubercles of Scophthalmus maximus could be considered as modified elasmoid scales rather than bony structures. They might be the result of specific arrangements related to the general trend of reduction of the dermal skeleton in the teleostean lineage.  相似文献   

Three new species of Endonura are described from Iran. Endonura dichaeta sp. n. can be recognized by an ogival labrum, head without chaetae O and E, chaeta D connected with tubercle Cl, tubercle Dl with five chaetae on head, absence of tubercles Di on thorax I and tubercle (Di+Di) of thorax V with 2+2 chaetae. Endonura ceratolabralis sp. n. is characterized by large body size, reduction of labral chaetotaxy, ogival labrum, head without chaeta O and fusion of tubercles Di and De on first thoracic segment. Endonura persica sp. n. is distinguished from its congeners by a nonogival labrum, absence of chaeta O, tubercles Dl and (L+So) with five and eight chaetae respectively and claw with inner tooth. The key to all species of the genus is given.  相似文献   

The extent of how complex natural microbial communities contribute to metal corrosion is still not fully resolved, especially not for freshwater environments. In order to elucidate the key processes, we investigated rust tubercles forming massively on sheet piles along the river Havel (Germany) applying a complementary set of techniques. In-situ microsensor profiling revealed steep gradients of O2, redox potential and pH within the tubercle. Micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy showed a multi-layered inner structure with chambers and channels and various organisms embedded in the mineral matrix. Using Mössbauer spectroscopy we identified typical corrosion products including electrically conductive iron (Fe) minerals. Determination of bacterial gene copy numbers and sequencing of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA amplicons supported a densely populated tubercle matrix with a phylogenetically and metabolically diverse microbial community. Based on our results and previous models of physic(electro)chemical reactions, we propose here a comprehensive concept of tubercle formation highlighting the crucial reactions and microorganisms involved (such as phototrophs, fermenting bacteria, dissimilatory sulphate and Fe(III) reducers) in metal corrosion in freshwaters.  相似文献   

The development and structure of the laticifers in several species of the section Subhydrochylus of the genus Mammillaria (Cactaceae) were examined. These laticifers were found to be similar to those of the section Mammillaria in that both types develop from the complete lysis of several rows of parenchyma cells, and both types consist of long, branching, tubular lumens which are lined by epithelia. The laticifers of the section Subhydrochylus differ from those of the section Mammillaria in that those of the former are more irregular in shape, lumen development, and epithelium form. Also, the Subhydrochylus laticifers occur only as a single ring in the outermost cortex and tubercle bases, whereas those of section Mammillaria can be found in pith, medullary rays, cortex and throughout the tubercles. Because the structure of the laticifers in the section Mammillaria is much more regular and orderly, it is postulated that they are the derived type and that the laticifers of the section Subhydrochylus more closely resemble the ancestral condition. Two species, M. elegans and M. tegelbergiana, were found to be intermediate in nature, having characteristics of both types of laticifer systems. Solista pectinata was found to have laticifers similar to those in section Subhydrochylus.  相似文献   

In the normal form of Mammillaria elongata, shoots were regenerated in vitro, through callus, from tubercle explants excised from the upper part of the branch and cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) with 1.07 μM α-napthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 22.20 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). A high percentage of tubercles explants of the M. elongata cristate form, excised from the tip of the branch and cultured on MS with 0.54 μM NAA and 0.44 μM BA or 1.07 μM NAA, responded by initially forming an inflated cristate shoot, which gave cristate and normal shoots, without callus intervention, when transferred on basal MS. Callus formed on cristate tubercles explants gave both cristate and normal shoots when transferred onto basal MS. Normal and cristate shoots were rooted in vitro on MS with 9.84 μM or 0.98 μM indole-3-butyric acid, respectively, and established ex vitro. In both normal and cristate form, the differential response appeared to be associated with the site of the explant excision. The formation of shoots was influenced by the season of culture; i.e., explants excised in October had a higher shoot formation rate than those excised February. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S. IMHOF 《The New phytologist》1999,144(3):533-540
Afrothismia winkleri develops fleshy rhizomes, densely covered with small root tubercles, narrowing to filiform roots with age. The exclusively intracellular mycorrhizal fungus has distinct morphologies in different tissues of the plant. In the filiform root the hyphae grow straight and vesicles are borne on short hyphal stalks. The straight hyphae are present in the epidermis of the root tubercles, but change to loosely coiled and swollen hyphae in the rhizome tissue. No penetration from epidermis to root cortex was found. From the rhizome, a separating cell layer permits only one or rarely two hyphal penetrations into the cortex of each root tubercle. The hyphae proceed apically within the root hypodermis in a spiral row of distinctively coiled hyphae, branches of which colonize the inner root cortex. In the inner root cortex the hyphal coils degenerate to amorphous clumps. In older roots the cortex itself also deteriorates, but epidermis, hypodermis, endodermis and central cylinder persist. The mycorrhizal pattern in A. winkleri is interpreted as an elaborate exploitation system whereby the fungus provides carbon and nutrients to the plant and, simultaneously but spatially distinct, its hyphae are used to translocate and store the matter within the plant. Several features indicate that the endophyte is an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus.  相似文献   

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