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Previous growth studies of highland-dwelling populations in the ecologically diverse areas of Peru and Ethiopia have yielded highly varied results: the retarded growth of the Peruvian sample was attributed to the effects of hypoxia, while the increased height and weight of the highland Ethiopian sample could be traced to better health conditions in the highland village than in the lowland village studied. In an attempt to provide a basis for evaluating studies of growth at high altitude, the present study compared Sherpa children living in the Everest region of Nepal with Tibetan children living in Kathmandu. It was found that: (1) the growth of Sherpa and Tibetan children is considerably retarded compared to other high altitude populations; (2) despite conditions favorable for optimum growth among the Tibetans, their growth resembled that of the Sherpas and (3) increased chest circumference, which seems to reflect a developmental acclimatization to hypoxia among Peruvian high-altitude natives, was not seen among the Sherpas.  相似文献   

Transhumant herding of cow-yak hybrids is a specialization of Helambu Sherpa villagers living at altitudes between 7,000– 11,000 feet on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. Hybrids are ideally suited for the climate at this altitude, producing large quantities of rich milk for butter production. Focused on a village in east- central Nepal, this paper documents a shift by some families between 1971– 1989 from the longstanding pattern of herding hybrids to an alternative pattern of producing them. This involves learning to manage yak, establishing new transhumance routes, a switch from dairying to livestock production, and a variety of economic, environmental, and social repercussions. The two types of herding systems are described, and possible causes for the shift are discussed within the context of the economic options available to people in this environment. A special emphasis is placed on the flexibility of options that is both necessary and possible with transhumant agropastoralism as practiced by middle and high-altitude Himalayan peoples.  相似文献   

中国夏尔巴人是未识别民族。本文研究中国夏尔巴人体型特点,并通过夏尔巴人与中国其他族群体型比较,从体质人类学角度为夏尔巴人的族源研究提出新的证据。测量夏尔巴人的体质数据,采用Heath-Carter法计算夏尔巴人的体型值,通过主成分分析法分析夏尔巴人与其他族群体型的特点和相似程度,从体质人类学方面对夏尔巴人的族源提出看法。西藏夏尔巴人男性平均体型为均衡的中胚层体型,体脂发育水平中等,骨骼、肌肉比较发达,身体线性度中等。女性平均体型为偏内胚层的中胚层体型,夏尔巴人女性的体型特点是体脂欠发达,骨骼和肌肉含量中等,身体线性度中等。夏尔巴人男性、女性与怒族、木雅人、尔苏人体型接近。体部特征分析不支持夏尔巴人是藏族分支的观点。体型特征支持夏尔巴人源于党项羌的观点。  相似文献   

克里雅人、罗布人、刀郎人是生活在我国西部边疆沙漠腹地、人口稀少的隔离人群。基于对这三个隔离人群179人Y染色体全序列的测序和分型,得到每个个体Y染色体所有突变的SNP位点和隶属的单倍群,并对各单倍群类型和频率进行了分析。以探知三个隔离人群的Y染色体遗传结构和遗传多样性。通过研究结果表明:克里雅人群检出12个单倍群,高频单倍群有J2a1b1(25.64%),R1a1a1b2a(20.51%),R2a(17.95%),R1a1a1b2a2(15.38%);罗布人群检出16个单倍群,高频单倍群有J2a1(43.75%),J2a2(14.06%),R2(9.38%),L1c(7.81%);刀郎人群检出40个单倍群,高频单倍群有R1b1a1a1(9.21%),R1a1a1b2a1a(7.89%),R1a1a1b2a2b(6.58%),C3c1(6.58%).三个隔离人群与维吾尔族、蒙古族、撒拉族亲缘关系较近;在单倍群类型和频率上与维吾尔族最接近且无显著性差异(f=0.833,p=0.367)。此外,三个隔离人群单倍群类型和频率显示明显的亚欧混合现象,经过长期基因融合使其具有中亚人群的典型特征,适用于法医遗传学。  相似文献   

Several natural populations of the Closterium ehrenbergii Meneghini ex Ralfs species complex were collected in Nepal, in October–December 1982. Water temperature and pH were also recorded. Clonal isolates from these populations were identified to one of four mating groups (H, I, J and M) by test crossing with standard mating-type strains of known mating groups. Groups H and M have smooth walled zygospores, while Groups I and J have scrobiculated zygospore walls. Several undetermined isolates were found in some population samples. In contrast to the previously reported population samples from Nepal, especially from dried soil samples, some of these populations appeared to be rather heavily loaded with mutations that are deleterious to the sexual cycle (i.e. sexual compatibility, zygospore formation and germination). By genetic analysis, a zygote maturation-defective mutation (zym) was detected. One reason for such a heavy genetic load was suggested to be that most population samples had been maintained exclusively by asexual reproduction for a long period in large lakes and nearby ponds, or left-over vegetative populations in paddy fields after other members entered into dormancy through sexual reproduction. The significance of studying such mutations at sexual gene loci is discussed in the light of speciation problems in microalgae.  相似文献   

One thousand individuals from the southern population of Porto Alegre and 760 from the northeastern city of Natal were studied in relation to 12 and 8 genetic systems, respectively. The data thus gathered were used in different ways to estimate quantitatively the ethnic composition of individuals from these communities. More than half of the genes present in individuals classified as Black in Porto Alegre may be of White origin, while the Whites from this city have 8% of African alleles. The estimated degree of admixture in persons identified as White or Mixed in Natal is not much different among themselves. The ancestry of the total sample can be characterized as 58% White, 25% Black, and 17% Indian.  相似文献   

This study investigates the nutritional status of native children in the highlands of Nepal (1,700–3,000 m) and explores the relationship between child mortality and surviving children's nutritional status. A random sample of 145 households from 11 villages in the Koshi Hill Zone in east Nepal was surveyed, and the nutritional status of the 438 children <14 years of age living in these households was assessed by means of anthropometry. We found a severe growth retardation in the Nepalese children compared to lowland reference groups as well as to highland children from the Andes. Child mortality and altitude are not significantly different between higher (Brahman and Chetri) and lower (Baisya and Sudra) caste households. A lower caste status and higher altitude of the household is associated with a significantly better nutritional status in offspring. In multiple regression analyses, improved nutritional status in children is significantly associated with lower caste (P = 0.001), higher altitude (P = 0.009), and less crowding (P = 0.001) but not with sibling mortality (P = 0.11). We thus conclude that nutritional status of children in households in the highlands of Nepal is associated with the household's socioeconomic status and altitude but not with mortality among siblings. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This report presents data on hemoglobin concentrations in a sample of Himalayan high altitude natives measured at their habitual altitude of residence. In this sample of 270 healthy Tibetan adults resident at 3250–3560 m in Upper Chumik, Nepal, the mean hemoglobin concentration is 16.1 ± 1.2 gm/dl among adult males, 14.4 ± 1.4 gm/dl among premenopausal and 15.0 ± 1.1 gm/dl among postmenopausal adult females. 123 of 126 (98%) males, 96 of 100 (96%) premenopausal and 36 of 44 (82%) postmenopausal females have hemoglobin concentrations within two standard deviations of the sea level mean. These data demonstrate that a healthy population may reside at high altitude without the degree of elevation in hemoglobin widely known and cited for Andean highlanders. Comparing published data on mean hemoglobin concentrations of adult Himalayan and Andean samples residing between 3200 m and 4100 m reveals that Himalayan means are systematically lower. This in turn may account for the reported population differences in the prevalence of chronic mountain sickness (Monge's disease). It is hypothesized that Himalayan and Andean highlanders represent alternative patterns of high altitude hematological adaptation.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms have been identified in several HSP70 genes, which may affect HSP70 repair efficiency. We investigated the association of the polymorphisms in HSPA1A, HSPA1B, and HSPA1L genes in the HSPs repair pathway with the risk of cataract in a Chinese population. The study included 415 cataract patients and 386 controls. Genotyping was done by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. HSPA1B 1267 A/A genotype seems to have a protective role against cataract (p = 0.014, odds ratio (OR) = 0.664, 95 % confidence intervals (CI) = 0.480–0.919), and the G allele (p = 0.057, OR = 1.216, 95 % CI = 0.999–1.479) does not seem to have a deleterious role in the development of cataract. Haplotypes with frequencies of GAT were significantly different than those of controls (p = 0.005). In HSPA1A G190C and HSPA1L T2437C polymorphisms, there were no significant differences in frequencies of the variant homozygous in patients compared to controls. We conclude that the A/A genotype of HSPA1B A1267G polymorphism seem to have a protective role against age-related cataract.  相似文献   

Six Mongoloid and four Caucasoid populations of Assam, India, were examined for A1A2BO, Rhesus, Duffy and Diego blood groups. The distribution of their phenotypes and allele frequencies are presented. In the perspective of the ethnographic background, the results have been discussed in terms of genetic variability among these populations and probable reasons for its existence. The major groups, namely Caucasoids and Mongoloids, appear to form two separate groups in terms of these blood groups, though evidence is there to suggest intermixture.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in Nepal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Indian-origin rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) have long served as an animal model for the study of human disease and behavior. Given the current shortage of Indian-origin rhesus, many researchers have turned to rhesus macaques from China as a substitute. However, a number of studies have identified marked genetic differences between the Chinese and Indian animals. We investigated the genetic characteristics of a third rhesus population, the rhesus macaques of Nepal. Twenty-one rhesus macaques at the Swoyambhu Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal, were compared with more than 300 Indian- and Chinese-origin rhesus macaques. The sequence analyses of two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) loci, from the HVS I and 12 S rRNA regions, showed that the Nepali animals were more similar to Indian-origin than to Chinese-origin animals. The distribution of alleles at 24 short tandem repeat (STR) loci distributed across 17 chromosomes also showed greater similarity between the Nepali and Indian-origin animals. Finally, an analysis of seven major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alleles showed that the Nepali animals expressed Class I alleles that are common to Indian-origin animals, including Mamu-A*01. All of these analyses also revealed a low level of genetic diversity within this Nepali rhesus sample. We conclude that the rhesus macaques of Nepal more closely resemble rhesus macaques of Indian origin than those of Chinese origin. As such, the Nepali rhesus may offer an additional resource option for researchers who wish to maintain research protocols with animals that possess key genetic features characteristic of Indian-origin rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of soil-borne populations of Fusarium oxysporum was assessed using 350 isolates collected from six different French soils. All isolates were characterised by restriction fragment analysis of the PCR-amplified ribosomal intergenic spacer (IGS). Twenty-six IGS types were identified among the 350 isolates analysed. Five to nine different IGS types were detected in each soil. None of the IGS types was common to all of the soils. An analysis of the molecular variance based on IGS type relationships and frequency revealed that the genetic structure of the populations of F. oxysporum varied widely among the soils. Some populations were both highly diverse within the soils and differentiated between the soils. A possible relationship between the intrapopulation or interpopulation level of diversity and some external factors such as the soil type or the crop history was evaluated. A subsample representative of the diversity of the six populations was further characterised by analysing the genomic distribution of two transposable elements, impala and Fot1. One to 10 copies of the impala element were present in most of the isolates, irrespective of their soil of origin. The Fot1 element was only detected in 40% of the isolates originating from the three populations less diverse in terms of IGS types, but in 82.6% of the isolates originating from the three more diverse populations.  相似文献   

Fabry disease, an X-linked inborn error of metabolism, is characterized by multi-organ involvement including cardiac signs of left ventricular hypertrophy and abnormal intima-medial (IMT) thickening of arteries, progressive renal failure, neurological involvement, and more. The vitamin D receptor (VDR) and an enzyme producing vitamin D3 result in an autocrine loop with direct effects on blood vessels. The purpose of this study is to assess VDR polymorphisms (BsmI, FokI, ApaI, and TaqI) relative to clinically important disease parameters using a disease-specific severity score (MSSI) and haplotype analysis. There were statistically significant differences between females (43% of 74 patients) and males in MSSI total scores, and in general and neurologic sub-scores. There appears to be a protective effect of the TaqI tt genotype so that there were significantly lower scores in clinical categories between those with the tt genotype versus those with the TT genotype. Multivariate models of haplotypes with MSSI scores reveal that T-A-f-B and t-a-F-b haplotypes of the VDR gene polymorphisms are significantly associated with variation in the Fabry phenotype. Despite the limitations of using the MSSI score as a clinical correlate, these results are provocative and further studies in larger cohorts with more males are recommended.  相似文献   

Genetic relatedness in viscous populations   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Summary Hamilton's inclusive fitness rule shows that the evolution of altruism is facilitated by high genetic relatedness of altruists to their beneficiaries. But the evolution of altruism is inhibited when the beneficiaries are also close competitors of the altruist, as will often be true in structured or viscous populations. However, Hamilton's rule still gives the correct condition for the evolution of altruism if relatedness is measured with respect to the local competitive neighbourhood.  相似文献   

The paper deals with Cladocera and Copepoda species from eight high altitude lakes in the Khumbu area. In all lakes, an endemic known diaptomid of the palearctic genus Arctodiaptomus is found. The dark and large Daphnia tibetana occurs in five of the lakes sampled, characterized by the persistence of the spine in adults (parthenogenetic and ephippial females, males). Apparently, this is an unknown feature of this species. The literature on the diagnostic traits of the different morphs described is reviewed. In addition, a transparent and smaller-sized Daphnia species occurs in two lakes. This is a D. longispina characterized by the absence in adults of the carapace spine (var. aspina Weretschagin, 1911). The presence of these two species is discussed in relation to water transparency, colour, and vertical distribution. Two hypotheses on the evolution of cuticular pigmentation in Daphnia are examined. In addition to these mostly dominant species, a macrothricid also typical of high altitude lakes in the Alps was found (Macrothrix hirsuticornis) together with two cosmopolitan Chydoridae.  相似文献   

The effect of genetic drift in spatially distributed dispersal-linked and density-regulated populations is studied in a classical one-locus two-allele system. We analyse emergence of genetic differentiation assuming random drift only, where the noise-like variability is due to demographic stochasticity. We find emergence of clusters of sub-units with local allele fixation and persistence of both alleles in lengthy simulations. We demonstrate that local allele fixation (extending over a number of adjoining spatial sub-units) – without global loss of alleles – may occur when the carrying capacities of local patches are small, under a full range population dynamic regimes, when dispersal rate is small, and when redistribution (through dispersal) does not act as global mixer. These results are novel. The key to the observations is that drift is simultaneously influenced by distance-dependent dispersal, demographic stochasticity and autocorrelated population fluctuations due to delayed-density dependence. These are standard elements of contemporary population models in spatially structured context. With stable large populations, no stochasticity and dispersal limited to neighbours only, our model collapses to the stepping-stone model, while with dispersal being random and global, the model collapses to Wright's island model.  相似文献   

Abstract. Differences in genetic variability of several small, isolated populations of four fern species in a restricted area in the Swiss lowlands reflect differences in breeding system, population size, the degree of population fragmentation, and ecological requirements. The investigated populations of Asplenium septentrionale show only little genetic variability (isozyme variation) without gene flow among populations (based on the banding pattern of multi-locus phenotypes), and they persist for long periods despite the small population sizes. In Asplenium ruta-muraria, genetic variability is correlated with age. Young populations show no genetic variation, while old populations show some. All individuals of Polypodium vulgare investigated, either epiphytic or epilithic, share exactly the same enzyme phenotype. The results for these three species can be related to predominance of inbreeding, lack of inbreeding depression, polyploidy, long-distance dispersal, production of large amounts of diaspores, single-spore colonization, and perennial life cycles. Genetic variability in these three species does not seem to be absolutely necessary for the maintenance of their populations. Ecological and demographic factors are considered to be more important. An isolated, glacial relict population of diploid Asplenium viride shows high variability in two out of eight enzyme systems, which may be due to prevailing outbreeding. We discuss aspects of the importance of genetics and life history for conservation biology.  相似文献   

Suicide is a crisis of unknown proportions in much of the developing world. The majority of research into suicide has been done in high-resource countries such as Australia, and most intervention protocols have been drawn up using Western models. There appear to be a number of differences in the aetiology, presentation and treatment options for mental health problems between high-resource and low-resource countries. This review compares suicide in a high-resource country, Australia, and low-resource country, Nepal.Many low-resource countries such as Nepal struggle to address barriers to mental health care due to limited mental health resources and issues such as stigma, workforce and mental health literacy. Issues relating to suicide prevention are raised, contrasting a low-resource country, Nepal, with a high-resource country, Australia.  相似文献   

This article employs temporal and intracultural frames of reference to examine patterns of variation in fertility among the caste-Hindus of West Central Nepal. Before the onset of major socioeconomic development in the region, three groups, the large-farm high castes, the small-farm high castes, and the low castes, exhibited distinct patterns of reproductive behavior which have been traced over the course of 25 years. Analysis of age-specific fertility rates suggests that one group, the small farm high-caste, maintained relatively low fertility before major development of the region occurred, and, over time, began using modern contraception in order to keep fertility low. Evidence from the low castes suggests that they are beginning deliberately to reduce fertility, but the large-farm high castes continue to have high fertility.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that optimum birthweight for survival is lower among hospital-born infants in Puno, Peru (altitude 3860 m) than that among their counterparts at low altitude in Tacna, Peru (altitude 600 m). The data are derived from hospital birth records for 1971 and 1972 and municipal death records for 1971 through 1973. Linking these records permits analysis of the patterns of mortality in relation to birthweight. Stabilizing selection upon birthweight is operating in both populations. The high altitude population has a lower mean birthweight and a lower optimal birthweight. The Puno population is closer to its optimal birthweight distribution and, as a result of mortality during infancy, is approaching its optimum birthweight distribution for survival more rapidly than the Tacna population. It appears that the high altitude Puno population may well be adapted to its environment in the sense that there is less selective mortality on birthweight phenotypes.  相似文献   

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