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Cells of Paramecium tetraurelia, stock hrd, cultured in a micro-capillary containing 1 μl fresh culture medium, expressed mating activity through the whole cell cycle. Mating-reactive G2 phase cells can conjugate with cells of other phases. The G2 phase cells, which have double (4C) the normal micronuclear DNA content, undergo pre-meiotic DNA synthesis when conjugated with G1 phase cells. The micronucleus of the progeny from the cross between a G1 and a G2 cell becomes triploid.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Inhibition, inactivation, pH, and kinetic studies using both homogenates and purified lysosomal fractions of Paramecium caudalum and of P. tetraurelia were carried out to examine the lysosomal acid phosphatase (AcPase) and its relationship to p-nitrophenylphosphatase (pNPPase), glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), and 5′-nucleotidase (AMPase). The results generally support the idea that Paramecium cells contain a distinct lysosomal AcPase with a broad substrate specificity. The hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) was shown to be due to this enzyme, suggesting that true G6Pase and AMPase may be lacking in these two species; however, some hydrolysis of AMP at pH 7.5 catalyzed by an unknown soluble enzyme distinct from alkaline phosphatase and Na+-K+-ATPase was observed. Since the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate (pNPP) at acid pH was also shown to be due to AcPase alone, pNPPase could be used as a rapid assay for Paramecium AcPase. At an alkaline pH, however, this activity was catalyzed by an alkaline phosphatase located in the cytosol fraction. P. caudatum AcPase was shown to have kinetic properties similar to those of purified rat liver and human prostatic AcPase and to have relative substrate affinities in the order of G6P < β-glycerophosphate < pNPP < AMP. These different substrate affinities might account for the observed differences in the inhibition of the four lysosomal activities by NaF, L(+)-tartrate, and molybdate, all of which inhibited the hydrolysis of G6P, β-glycerophosphate, and pNPP competitively, but which exhibited a noncompetitive inhibition of a mixed type with the hydrolysis of AMP.  相似文献   

Wild type and mutant Paramecium tetraurelia were grown in monoxenic cultures by first growing Enterobacter aerogenes on a defined medium and then adding the Paramecium to the stationary phase bacterial culture. The bacterial growth was proportional to the concentration of the carbon source (citrate), and the Paramecium growth was dependent upon both the bacterial density and the starting density of Paramecium. The behavior, electrophysiological properties, ciliary lipid composition, and growth characteristics were similar to the commonly used bacterized medium (Cerophyl) except that 5–10 times greater Paramecium yields were reliably obtained.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Four methods are commonly used to study cell cycle processes in Paramecium tetraurelia. These include stage frequency analysis in asynchronous cultures, hand selection of synchronous dividing cells, selection of newly divided cells by elutriation centrifugation, and the sister cell method. We have compared the timing and resolution of stages of oral morphogenesis and micronuclear mitosis with each method. The temporal resolution obtainable with the sister cell method was inadequate to position the timing of morphogenesis stages within the cell cycle. Both the asynchronous method and the hand-selected synchronous samples methods are prone to bias. Elutriation centrifuge synchronization provides large samples with resolution comparable to that of hand selected samples. The elutriation method is the least prone to bias when <5% of the parent culture of Paramecium is selected.  相似文献   

Organization of ribosomal genes in Paramecium tetraurelia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The macronuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of the ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia (stock 51) was analyzed by digestion with restriction endonucleases. The fragments which contained ribosomal RNA (rRNA) coding sequences and spacer sequences were identified. The spacer sequences exhibited some heterogeneity in size. The genes coding for 5.8S RNA, but not for 5S RNA, are linked to the 17S and 25S rRNA genes. Complementary RNA, synthesized from rDNA of stock 51, was hybridized with restriction digests of whole cell DNA from six other allopatric stocks of this species. The restriction patterns of the rDNA from these seven stocks were, in general, very similar, and the sizes of the coding sequences were identical in all seven stocks. Only the restriction pattern of rDNA from stock 127 differed significantly from that of stock 51. The rDNA from stock 127 was isolated and characterized, and with the exception of the restriction pattern of its spacer, it resembled the rDNA from stock 51. It is concluded that the rDNA repeat in Paramecium, including the spacer, has, in general, been conserved during the course of evolution. It is suggested that in some species, even in the absence of genetic exchange among geographically separated populations, selection pressure may act to conserve spacers of tandemly repeated rDNA. The conservation may be related to the number of rDNA copies in the germinal nucleus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Early research on Paramecium genetics highlighted the role of the cytoplasm on inheritance. Today this tradition continues as recent investigations of macronuclear development in Paramecium have revealed unusual cytoplasmic effects that are not easily explained within current paradigms. It is generally assumed that most programmed DNA rearrangements in ciliates are regulated by cis acting signals encoded within the germline (micronuclear) DNA, but there are increasing examples in which the old macronucleus acts through the cytoplasm (in trans) to affect the loss and rearrangement of DNA in the developing macronucleus. The remarkable specificity of this effect has forced a reevaluation of the standard view of macronuclear determination in Paramecium. This review summarizes our knowledge of the effect of the old macronucleus on the developmentally controlled rearrangements of the P. tetraurelia, stock 51A and B variable surface protein genes.  相似文献   

A search was undertaken for naturally occurring genetic markers for use in clonal aging studies of Paramecium tetraurelia. Clonal age is defined as the number of cell divisions since the last sexual process. Autogamy (self-fertilization) is a sexual process which can occur in aging lines, resulting in homozygosity and initiation of the next generation. Such illicit autogamies must be detected and eliminated from the aged clone. With codominant alleles, heterozygous aging lines can be established which will express a phenotype distinguishable from that of either parental type and autogamy can then be monitored by the appearance of either segregant homozygous phenotype. However, very few codominant alleles are available in this species. Electrophoretic mobilities of malic dehydrogenase (MDH) were assayed in 11 stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nine stocks showed a singlebanded stock 51 type, while stock 174 and stock 29 each exhibited unique mobility. Crosses between stock 51 and the deviant stocks revealed distinct three-banded patterns indicative of heterozygosity of the F1 generation. In the autogamous F2 generation, 1:1 segregation of the parental types were recovered. The pattern of inheritance is consistent with codominant alleles and Mendelian inheritance. These naturally occurring biochemical markers are stable with increasing clonal age and are therefore useful genetic markers for studies of cellular aging.This work was supported by NSF Grant PCM 7704315.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Amicronucleate Paramecium tetraurelia fails to develop an oral apparatus but resorbs the pre-existing one in the sexual cycle. Previous cytological studies have revealed the presence of a shallow, oral depression with a few scattered basal bodies after autogamy or conjugation. The present ultrastructural study of the ectoplasm beneath the oral depression revealed only the presence of a disorganized filamentous reticulum and small blocks of cytopharyngeal ribbons. In addition, beneath the oral depression, a large number of discoidal vesicles were found, similar to but larger in diameter than those normally associated with the cytopharynx of vegetative cells. The oral structures found in amicronucleates in autogamy might be remnants of the pre-existing oral apparatus, but the possibility that they were newly developed was not excluded. The morphogenetic interest of these structures was discussed. It is evident that amicronucleates in autogamy do not develop an extensive oral ultrastructural organization.  相似文献   

The previous characterization and structural analyses of Sfi1p, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae centrin-binding protein essential for spindle pole body duplication, have suggested molecular models to account for centrin-mediated, Ca2+-dependent contractility processes (S. Li, A. M. Sandercock, P. Conduit, C. V. Robinson, R. L. Williams, and J. V. Kilmartin, J. Cell Biol. 173:867-877, 2006). Such processes can be analyzed by using Paramecium tetraurelia, which harbors a large Ca2+ -dependent contractile cytoskeletal network, the infraciliary lattice (ICL). Previous biochemical and genetic studies have shown that the ICL is composed of diverse centrin isoforms and a high-molecular-mass centrin-associated protein, whose reduced size in the démaillé (dem1) mutant correlates with defective organization of the ICL. Using sequences derived from the high-molecular-mass protein to probe the Paramecium genome sequence, we characterized the PtCenBP1 gene, which encodes a 460-kDa protein. PtCenBP1p displays six almost perfect repeats of ca. 427 amino acids (aa) and harbors 89 potential centrin-binding sites with the consensus motif LLX11F/LX2WK/R, similar to the centrin-binding sites of ScSfi1p. The smaller (260-kDa) protein encoded by the dem1 mutant PtCenBP1 allele comprises only two repeats of 427 aa and 46 centrin-binding sites. By using RNA interference and green fluorescent protein fusion experiments, we showed that PtCenBP1p forms the backbone of the ICL and plays an essential role in its assembly and contractility. This study provides the first in vivo demonstration of the role of Sfi1p-like proteins in centrin-mediated Ca2+-dependent contractile processes.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter in vivo to monitor transformation in Paramecium cells. This is not trivial because of the limited number of strong promoters available for heterologous expression and the very high AT content of the genomic DNA, the consequence of which is a very aberrant codon usage. Taking into account differences in codon usage we selected and modified the original GFP open reading frame (ORF) from Aequorea victoria and placed the altered ORF into the Paramecium expression vector pPXV. Injection of the linearized plasmid into the macronucleus resulted in a cytoplasmic fluorescence signal in the clonal descendants, which was proportional to the number of copies injected. Southern hybridization indicated the establishment and replication of the plasmid during vegetative growth. Expression was also monitored by Northern and Western analysis. The results indicate that the modified GFP can be used in Paramecium as a reporter for transformation as an alternative to selection with antibiotics and that it may also be used to construct and localize fusion proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Paramecium tetraurelia cells of ages 4, 15, and 27 days were labeled with [14C]-thymidine. In addition, cells were grown clonally for 27 days (108 generations) and labeled with [14C]-thymidine in the presence of 0.5 or 7.5 g/ml of mitomycin-C (MMC) or no MMC. These cells were gently deposited on a filter membrane, which impedes the passage of DNA strands. The cells were then lysed with detergents and the cellular components washed through the filters, leaving double-stranded DNA intact on the surface. Proteinase K was used to remove histone or DNA-bound proteins. The DNA was then eluted under alkaline conditions, which denatures double-stranded DNA and converts apurinic/apyrimidinic sites into single-strand breaks. The results obtained with the cells of ages 4, 15, and 27 days (16, 60, and 108 generations, respectively) indicate that as Paramecium tetraurelia ages during asexual reproduction, apurinic/apyrimidinic lesions, strand breaks or single-strand gaps accumulate. This accumulation may be the basic mechanism of aging in such cells. In the MMC-treated cells of 27 days (108 generations), the MMC reduced elution of DNA fragments more at the higher than at the lower pH's used; random MMC cross-links should occur more often in longer strands than in shorter strands. The reductions in elution preferentially at higher pH, at which longer single strands would be eluted, confirmed the pH-versuslength relationship for Paramecium DNA eluted under our conditions.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from endosymbiote-free stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia was isolated by 2 procedures. The buoyant density of the mtDNA in neutral CsCl was 1.702 gm/cm3, a value consistent with the melting temperature of the mtDNA. Only linear molecules were observed by electron microscopy. These molecules were homogeneous in size with a monomer molecular weight of 25.6 x 10(6) daltons. The size of the mtDNA determined after digestion with the restriction endonucleases EcoRI or Hind III agreed with the value obtained by electron microscopy. These studies also revealed that the digestion pattern of mtDNA from stock 172 differed from that of other 3 stocks (51, 127, 203) examined. Some mtDNA molecules exhibited snapback reassociation following denaturation.  相似文献   

Regulation of macronuclear DNA content in Paramecium tetraurelia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The macronucleus of Paramecium divides amitotically, and daughter macronuclei with different DNA contents are frequently produced. If no regulatory mechanism were present, the variance of macronuclear DNA content would increase continuously. Analysis of variance within cell lines shows that macronuclear DNA content is regulated so that a constant variance is maintained from one cell generation to the next. Variation in macronuclear DNA content is removed from the cell population by the regulatory mechanism at the same rate at which it is introduced through inequality of macronuclear division. Half of the variation in macronuclear DNA content introduced into the population at a particular fission by inequality of division is compensated for during the subsequent period of DNA synthesis. Half of the remaining variation is removed during each subsequent cell cycle. The amount of variation removed in one cell cycle is proportional to the postfission variation. The cell's power to regulate DNA content is substantially greater than that required to compensate for the small differences that arise during division of wild-type cells. For example, a constant variance was still maintained when the mean difference between sister cells was increased to ten times its normal level in a mutant strain. The observations are consistent with a replication model that assumes that each cell synthesizes an approximately constant amount of DNA which is independent of the initial DNA content of the macronucleus. It is suggested that the amount of DNA synthesized may be largely determined by the mass of the cell.  相似文献   

J Scott  C Leeck    J Forney 《Nucleic acids research》1994,22(23):5079-5084
The micronuclear DNA of Paramecium contains sequences that are precisely excised during the formation of the macronuclear (somatic) genome. In this paper we show that four eliminated sequences ranging in size from 28 to 416 base pairs, are present in or near the micronuclear copy of the B surface protein gene. Each excised sequence is bounded by the dinucleotide 5'-TdA-3'. Comparison of the micronuclear B gene with the previously determined micronuclear sequence of the A surface protein gene shows that although the positions of at least three of the eliminated sequences are conserved in both genes, the sequences are highly divergent. Transformation of vegetative macronuclei with fragments of the micronuclear B gene results in replication and maintenance of the DNA, but the micronuclear specific sequences are not removed. Previous studies have shown that the correct incorporation of the B gene into the new macronucleus requires copies of the macronuclear B gene in the old macronucleus. Using macronuclear transformation, we show that the micronuclear B gene can substitute for the macronuclear B gene with regard to its role in DNA processing. This suggests that the macronuclear DNA is not acting as a guide for the excision of the micronuclear specific sequences.  相似文献   

Kato Y  Mogami Y  Baba SA 《Zoological science》2003,20(11):1373-1380
It has been reported that Paramecium proliferates faster when cultured under microgravity in orbit, and slower when cultured under hypergravity. This shows that the proliferation rate of Paramecium affected by gravity. The effect of gravity on Paramecium proliferation has been argued to be direct in a paper with an axenic culture under hypergravity. To clear up uncertainties with regard to the effect of gravity, Paramecium tetraurelia was cultured axenically under hypergravity (20 x g) and the time course of the proliferation was investigated quantitatively by a new non-invasive method, laser-beam optical slice, for measuring the cell density. This method includes optical slicing a part of the culture and computer-aided counting of cells in the sliced volume. The effects of hypergravity were assessed by comparing the kinetic parameters of proliferation that were obtained through a numerical analysis based on the logistic growth equation. Cells grown under 20 x g conditions had a significantly lower proliferation rate, and had a lower population density at the stationary phase. The lowered proliferation rate continued as long as cells were exposed to hypergravity (> one month). Hypergravity reduced the cell size of Paramecium. The long and short axes of the cell became shorter at 20 x g than those of control cells, which indicates a decrease in volume of the cell grown under hypergravity and is consistent with the reported increase in cell volume under microgravity. The reduced proliferation rate implies changes in biological time defined by fission age. In fact the length of autogamy immaturity decreased by measure of clock time, whereas it remained unchanged by measure of fission age.  相似文献   

Early in eukaryotic evolution, the cell has evolved a considerable inventory of proteins engaged in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, not only to avoid toxic effects but beyond that to exploit the signaling capacity of Ca2+ by small changes in local concentration. Among protozoa, the ciliate Paramecium may now be one of the best analyzed models. Ciliary activity and exo‐/endocytosis are governed by Ca2+, the latter by Ca2+ mobilization from alveolar sacs and a superimposed store‐operated Ca2+‐influx. Paramecium cells possess plasma membrane‐ and endoplasmic reticulum‐resident Ca2+‐ATPases/pumps (PMCA, SERCA), a variety of Ca2+ influx channels, including mechanosensitive and voltage‐dependent channels in the plasma membrane, furthermore a plethora of Ca2+‐release channels (CRC) of the inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate and ryanodine receptor type in different compartments, notably the contractile vacuole complex and the alveolar sacs, as well as in vesicles participating in vesicular trafficking. Additional types of CRC probably also occur but they have not been identified at a molecular level as yet, as is the equivalent of synaptotagmin as a Ca2+ sensor for exocytosis. Among established targets and sensors of Ca2+ in Paramecium are calmodulin, calcineurin, as well as Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinases, all with multiple functions. Thus, basic elements of Ca2+ signaling are available for Paramecium.  相似文献   

Removal of the micronuclei of Paramecium tetraurelia and Paramecium jenningsi by micropipetting generates amicronucleate cell lines. These cell lines go through a period of growth depression for several dozen fissions, but they gradually recover. Amicronucleate cells in the depression period characteristically exhibit abnormal oral development, particularly reduction in the length of the buccal cavity and an abnormal pattern of the oral membranelles. To test the notion that the macronucleus is involved in the recovery of amicronucleate cell lines, DNA demethylation drugs were administered to amicronucleates in the depression period. After at least 4 fissions, the treated amicronucleates were assessed for their progress in recovery by scoring the proportion of cells with normal oral membranelles. Cvtidine analogues which demethylate cytosine specifically at the 5 position, namely 5-azacytidine, 5-aza-2'- deoxycytidine and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxycytidine. promoted recovery of the amicronucleates. Cytidine, 6-azacytidine, 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxy-cytidine and cytosine-β-D-arabinofuranoside did not. These results suggest that (i) 5-methylcytosine is present in the macronucleus of these Paramecium species, probably in small amounts and (ii) recovery of amicronucleates involves demethylation of macronuclear DNA. This implies that in normal cells the micronuclei are involved in maintaining the macronuclear DNA in a methylated state and hence the inactivation of the macronuclear sequences that are to be employed for stomatogenic recovery. A general mechanism for the control of gene expression may therefore be employed for the regulation of specific sequences.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The process of autogamy in unassociated individuals of Paramecium polycaryum was reported by the author in 1954. In May, 1955, conjugation was first seen in this species in cultures collected by me at Annamalainagar, South India, thus removing it from the list of non-conjugating species. This appears to be the first instance in which the process of autogamy was detected prior to observation of conjugation in the same species. Autogamy occurs in singles of the Indian race and appears to be similar, cytologically, to that of American races. The details of the micronuclear behavior in conjugation parallel those of autogamy in singles. In fact, the conjugation process seems to be one of double autogamy (cytogamy), rather than of reciprocal gametic interchange. Paroral cones, often of fair size, are formed but breakdown of the cones to permit micronuclear passage has not been observed. In conjugation there are the usual three pregamic divisions; the first shows four characteristic crescents. The resulting nuclei may all participate in the second division. Fertilization occurs in the paroral cone area. Frequently, separation of the conjugants takes place immediately after the first division of the synkaryon. The old macronucleus undergoes very little change prior to the last postzygotic micronuclear division in the ex-conjugant, when it goes into a skein condition. Four macronuclear and four micronuclear anlagen are formed in the ex-conjugants at the completion of reorganization. On occasion giant individuals of P. polycaryum were observed to have ingested numbers of Tetrahymena pyriformis. The presence of an unidentified rod-like organism in the cytoplasm of the paramecia (non-conjugating) was detected in one collection from Bangalore, India.  相似文献   

Ciliated protozoa have separate germline and somatic nuclei, yet unlike larger organisms, both nuclei reside in the same cytoplasm. The micronuclei contain the germline and the macronucleus is the somatic nucleus. Thousands of DNA elements are normally removed from the micronuclear genome as it forms a new macronucleus during each sexual cycle. A recent study directly links the excision of these internal eliminated sequences (IESs) to mating type determination by showing that a pleiotropic mutation affecting mating type also prevents the excision of an IES from a surface protein gene(1). Remarkably, once the IES is present in the old macronucleus it prevents excision of that specific IES during formation of the next macronucleus.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Aberrant discharge of trichocysts in response to picric acid occurs in 8 of the 28 wild stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia. There are at least 4 distinguishable phenotypes: nondischarge, stocks 139, 163, 169, and 242; temperature-sensitive nondischarge, stock 126; leaky nondischarge, stock 203; and a clonally unstable phenotype, stocks 146 and 148. From each of these stocks a single recessive gene causing nondischarge has been isolated by backcrosses to stock 51. The original stocks 126, 146, and 148 possess other genes which affect the extracted genes. The copper resistance locus is ~ 10 centiMorgans from nd169 and nd242, but none of the other nondischarge genes are linked to 6 marker loci. The genes nd169 and nd242 are only 0.5 centiMorgans apart making them the closest known pair of loci in P. tetraurelia. The genes nd126 and nd242 are distinguishable alleles at the same locus and the genes nd146 and nd148 are apparently identical alleles. The large number of loci involved in producing a similar phenotype in different stocks supports the idea that mutation is much more important than gene flow in this highly inbreeding species.  相似文献   

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