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Data on the permanent dentition of 153 individuals from the well known Indian Knoll skeletal population are presented. Mesiodistal and buccolingual measurements were taken with a Helios dial caliper. Cusp number of maxillary and mandibular molars are recorded. The Indian Knoll dentition is larger than many modern groups but smaller than Australoid or Mesolithic groups. With the exception of maxillary 12, males have larger teeth than females in both dimensions. The lower canine is the most dimorphic tooth. Through rank order correlation, an association was shown between the sexual dimorphism of the mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions. Compared to modern groups, the Indian Knoll population displays a moderate degree of sexual dimorphism in tooth size. In general, the coefficients of variation were greater for the more distal teeth within morphological classes. Amounts of size variability did not differ significantly between the sexes; moreover, rank order correlations indicated that patterns of variability in both dimensions were similar for males and females. The predominant cusp number pattern for upper molars is 4-3-3 and for lowers 5-5(4)-5. No sex differences were shown for cusp occurrence or bilateral asymmetry in cusp number.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have shown that nongenetic, environmental factors can adversely affect dental growth and produce bilateral asymmetries in tooth size. When asymmetries do not favor either side, i.e., absence of directional asymmetry, the condition is termed fluctuating asymmetry. Fluctuating asymmetry of the mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions of the total permanent dentition was compared among human skeletal populations which differ socio-economically and nutritionally. Odontometric data were collected from prehistoric hunters (Indian Knoll site), later aboriginal farming groups (Campbell and Larson sites), and a modern cadaver population (Hamann-Todd). The magnitude of asymmetry is expressed by the familiar correlation coefficient, r. The proportion, then, of intra-individual variation due to fluctuating asymmetry is equal to 1-r. With Wilcoxon's signed ranks test on the correlation coefficients no significant sex difference was shown within populations. Among groups, though, Indian Knoll was the most odontometrically asymmetrical; moreover, within Indian Knoll, the taller and ostensibly better nourished individuals had larger, less asymmetrical teeth than the shorter individuals. These results suggest that environmentally mediated growth disturbance may be sensitively reflected by dental asymmetry. A population exhibiting other signs of severe growth disturbance, e.g., enamel hypoplasia and Harris lines, was the most dentally asymmetrical.  相似文献   

Metric and morphological characterizations of the permanent teeth from a total of 155 prehistoric Amerindians are presented. The individuals represent samples from three Ohio Valley burial complexes (considered together as the Late Diffuse group): Glacial Kame, Adena and Ohio Hopewell. Metric data include common measures of central tendency and dispersion. From these measures estimates and analyses of the magnitude of sexual dimorphism and relative variability are presented as well as analyses of the patterns of these estimates. Forty morphological characters are also tabulated. The results indicate a number of provisional hypotheses: the generally larger tooth size of the Late Archaic Indian Knoll when compared to the Late Diffuse groups is consistent with the hypothesis of mitigated selective pressures in more technologically advanced groups; although tooth size is smaller in the Late Diffuse groups, dental morphology is as complex, or more so when compared to the Indian Knoll group. Since morphology and size do not covary exactly the biocultural forces resulting in smaller tooth size do not seem to act as strongly on dental morphology; odontological differences within the Late Diffuse arise primarily between the Glacial Kame-Adena and the Ohio Hopewell. These differences correspond to major biocultural changes in this area; although provisional hypotheses concerning odontological variability are erected, hypotheses concerning evolutionary trends must await the discovery of evolving lineages within these groups; similarities are noted among all compared groups including the pattern and magnitude of sexual dimorphism and relative variability. These parameters may be similar for all eastern Amerindians during this period; finally, the morphology of the deciduous dentition, which generally predicts that of the permanent teeth, is found to be less complex than the permanent teeth. This may be the result of a selective disadvantage for the individuals in the deciduous dentition sample which is reflected in the dentition.  相似文献   

Although anthropometric information on South American Indian populations has been collected for many years, remarkably little is known about age-related changes in their body size in adulthood. The lack of baseline information on the normal pattern of aging among Amerindian adults hinders investigations into the health consequences of the many economic, environmental and demographic changes that are currently occurring among South American Indian populations. This study presents data on the body size and shape of a convenience sample of 345 Patamona and 186 Wapishana Amerindian adults over 20 years of age living in the remote interior of Guyana. Analysis of the cross-sectional data demonstrated significant declines in stature, sitting height, and biacromial width with age, while there were no changes in subischial leg length or arm length across the age range of the study populations. In contrast, body weight and body mass index (BMI--a measure of body fatness) only declined in those over 50 years of age, after a period of increase. Significant differences in adult linear body dimensions were found between the two Amerindian populations that were proposed to be the result of known differences in childhood growth performance. However, the greater BMI of the Wapishana was shown to be associated with their significantly greater current wealth, thereby highlighting the presence of biological consequences of wealth inequalities even within these subsistence farming populations.  相似文献   

The study presents a demographic assessment of the Carlston Annis (Bt-5) Late Archaic hunting and gathering population recovered from the banks of the Green River in west-central Kentucky. The shell midden habitation and cemetery site originally yielded the remains of 390 individuals. Radiocarbon dates place site occupation between 3,000 and 4,500 y.b.p. The skeletal sample consisted of 354 individuals ranging in age from 7 months in utero to 70 + years. Subadults were aged by seriation of dental and skeletal developmental criteria. Adult ages were determined by the multifactorial summary age method that employed 1) five indicators of adult skeletal age at death, 2) the procedure of age indicator seriation, and 3) differential weighting of age assessments as determined by principal components analysis. Adult sex diagnoses were based on qualitative assessment of pelvic and cranial morphological criteria. The Bt-5 life table analysis yields an E0 of 22.4 years, crude birth of 45, mean family size of 3.3, gross reproductive rate of 2.7, generation length of 26.6 years, and B of .076, indicating a healthy population with a substantial capability to replace succeeding generations. Survivorship profiles and demographic parameters that compare the Carlston Annis (Bt-5) and Indian Knoll (Oh-2) skeletal series are presented. Both populations display type II survivorship curves, with high infant mortality and early onset of elevated mortality rates in adults. Major differences between Bt-5 and Oh-2 demographic parameters concern adult sex ratio and adult age distribution over 30 years. These differences are interpreted to reflect census errors in the Oh-2 demographic reconstruction that were possibly introduced by selective methodological biases and/or taphonomic factors.  相似文献   

Life expectancies have increased dramatically over the last 100 years, affording greater opportunities to study the impact of age on adult craniofacial morphology. This article employs a novel application of established geometric morphometric methods to examine shape differences in adult regional facial bone curvature with age. Three-dimensional semilandmarks representing the curvature of the orbits, zygomatic arches, nasal aperture, and maxillary alveolar process were collected from a cross-sectional cranial sample of mixed sex and ancestry (male and female; African- and European-American), partitioned into three age groups (young adult = 18-39; middle-aged = 40-59 years; and elderly = 60+ years). Each facial region's semilandmarks were aligned into a common coordinate system via generalized Procrustes superimposition. Regional variation in shape was then explored via a battery of multivariate statistical techniques. Age-related shape differences were detected in the orbits, zygomatic arches, and maxillary alveolar process. Interactions between age, sex, and ancestry were also identified. Vector plots revealed patterns of superoinferior compression, lateral expansion, and posterior recession depending on the population/subpopulation, location, and age groups examined. These findings indicate that adult craniofacial curvature shape is not static throughout human life. Instead, age-related spatial modifications occur in various regions of the craniofacial skeleton. Moreover, these regional alterations vary not only through time, but across human populations and the sexes.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the relationship between age at death and pelvic size among adults in three prehistoric Amerindian populations. The issue is to identify if the pelvis continues to grow and remodel in adulthood, or if there is differential survivorship among adults, particularly among females, based on pelvic size. The samples used in this study are Indian Knoll, Pecos Pueblo, and Libben. Twenty-one measures of the pelvis are analyzed. A correlational analysis among individuals 18 years of age and older shows that the subpubic angle narrows with advancing age in both sexes. The suggested etiology is osteophytic growth on the ischiopubic ramus among older adults. A two-sample test comparing younger (ages 18–24) and older (25 years of age and older) adults shows that the linea terminalis (which represents the pubic and iliac components of the pelvic inlet) is significantly shorter in the younger age group, but this pattern is seen only in females. Two interpretations are consistent with this result. First, a female with a short linea terminalis (i. e., small pelvic inlet) may have died at a young age due to childbirth-related complications. In prehistory, maternal mortality may have been a leading cause of death, with pelvic inlet capacity being a determinant of survivorship among parturients. Second, the linea terminalis may be unique by continuing to grow in early adulthood in females but not in males; the growth occurs at the medial border of the pubis. Longitudinal growth studies of modern humans provide support for the second interpretation. The selective advantage of a later age at maturation of the pubis in females than males is that the period of growth is prolonged, thereby contributing to sexual dimorphism in pubic length and, correspondingly, linea terminalis length and pelvic inlet circumference. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The longitudinal growth of the long bones and growth in breadth of the ilium are assessed for a population of protohistoric Arikara Indians from South Dakota through the correlation of skeletal measurements with estimates of chronological age at death. Comparison of the Arikara growth data with those from other Indian samples (Indian Knoll and Late Woodland, Illinois) reveals similar rates of bone growth, when compensation is made for methodological variation. As predicted from documented variation in adult statures, the Indian samples indicate slower growth rates than those of Whites but faster than those of Eskimos.  相似文献   

Although secular trends toward increasing body size are apparent in many human populations, little is known about their occurrence in nonhuman primates. The Cayo Santiago skeletal collection of Macaca mulatta includes 101 adult animals (greater than or equal to 10 years of age) born at different times in the past 3 1/2 decades, so that variation in size may be examined relative to birth year. No secular trends in orbital height were observed in this sample, but in both sexes lengths of adult long bones increased significantly over time, while cranial dimensions and length of the second molar in female also showed significant variation with birth year. These changes were consistent with the history of provisioning of the animals and with fluctuations in population size. Low-order correlations were observed between birth year and body proportions, especially the crural index in males, a pattern that has also been observed in human populations. These findings argue that, in addition to biomechanics and heritage, diet may affect allometric relationships and that an inherent plasticity or malleability of the growth process may be characteristic of nonhuman as well as human primates.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective was to forecast BMI distribution in the U.S. population along with demographic changes based on past race‐, sex‐, and birth cohort‐specific secular trends. Research Methods and Procedures: We compiled data from 44,184 subjects from 4 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES; 1971 to 2004). By race and sex, we fit regression models to create smoothed mean BMI curves by age for 1970 to 2010. Linking corresponding birth cohorts across age‐ and year‐specific mean BMI projections, we estimated the trajectory of relative BMI throughout each cohort's lifetime. These projections were validated using actual cohorts in the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow‐up Study. Combined with U.S. census, we predicted BMI distributions in 2010 and examined the joint impact of the obesity epidemic and population aging. Results: BMI secular trends in the past 3 decades differ significantly by birth cohort, sex, and race. If these trends continue, the prevalence of obesity is expected to reach 35%, 36%, 33%, and 55% in 2010 among white men, white women, black men, and black women, respectively, far from the Healthy People 2010 goal of 15%. Such forecasts translate into 9.3 million more obese adults 20 to 74 years of age than in 2000, 8.3 million of whom would be 50 years of age or older, and 8.5 million of whom would be white. The mean age among obese men and women is also expected to rise from 47 to 49 years among whites and from 43 to 44 years among blacks. Discussion: As the baby boom generation approaches retirement age, the continuing obesity epidemic signals a likely expansion in the population with obesity‐related comorbidities. A framework to combine BMI and demographic trends is essential in evaluating the burden and disparity associated with the epidemic in the aging U.S. population.  相似文献   

To examine the demineralizing effects of the ageing process on the human skeleton, a photon absorptiometric method was employed which measured bone mineral mass. Rates and amounts of demineralization were compared in two prehistoric Indian populations: Indian Knoll (dated between 2500 and 2000 B.C. ) of the Archaic Period and Pete Klunk (dated between 50 B.C. and 250 A.D. ) of the Middle Woodland or Woodland or Hopewell Period. The former was exclusively a hunting and gathering group while the latter supplemented its hunting and gathering with part-time agriculture. Archaeological and osteometric data suggest that Hopewell had a more nutritionally adequate and reliable diet than Indian Knoll. By regression slope analysis it was shown that, as in modern populations, trabecular and female rates of loss are greater, respectively, than cortical or male rates. Hopewell males and females lost bone at a faster rate than Indian Knoll males and females. When amounts of demineralization in these two groups were compared to that of a contemporary group, the Indian Knoll and contemporary populations were found to lose the same amount while Hopewell lost the greatest amount. It is suggested from these comparisons that dietary sufficency does not contribute significantly to skeletal maintenance during ageing.  相似文献   

1970-79 US fertility trends among differnet racial, regional, age, educational, parity, and socioeconomic subgroups in the population were examined, using own children data from the 1976 Survey of Income and Education (SIE) and the March Current Population Surveys (CPS) from 1968-80. In addition, cross-sectional differences in fertility for the subgroups were compared for 1970 and 1976, using multiple regression analysis. 1st, the appropriateness of using fertility rates obtained from own children data was assessed by comparing fertility rates obtained from the SIE data with those derived from vital statistic and census data. The comparative analysis confirmed that the SIE data yielded an accurate estimate of period fertility rates for currently married women, provided the subgroup samples were sufficiently large. CPS fertility estimates were also judged to be accurate if data from 3 adjacent survey years was pooled to increase sample size. Fertility trends for 5 educational groups were assessed separately for 1967-73. During this periold, there was a marked decline in fertility for all 5 groups; for the group with 5-8 years of education the decline was only 14%, but for the other 4 groups, which included women with 9-16 or more years of education, the decline in fertility ranged from 26-29%. In assessing the 1970-76 trends, the sample was restricted to own children, aged 3 years or less, of currently married women, under 40 years of age. Among whites, there was an overall 20% decline in fertility between 1970-76 and an overall fertility increase of about 2% between 1976-79. These trends were observed in all 28 white subgroups. A similar pattern was observed for blacks. There was an overall fertility decline of 24% between 1970-76, and this decline was apparent for all subgroups except women with college degrees. Betwen 1976-79, black fertility rates, unlike white rates, continued to decline, but the rate of decline was only 3%. Furthermore, the decline in almost all the black subgroups was markedly less than in the 1970-76 periold, and for many of the subgroups the trend was reversed and fertility increased. In summary, the fertility trends noted for 1970-79 were pervasive for almost all the subgroups for both blacks and whites; i.e., there was a marked decline in fertility between 1970-76 and than a reversal or slowing down of the decline during the 1976-79 for all black and white subgroups. Cross-sectional fertility differences in the subgroups in 1970 and in 1979 were quite similar, and fertility rates differed markedly for the separate subgroups. These differences do not, of course, explain the pervasive trends observed in the analysis of the fertility rates over time. A similar study assessing fertility trends among subgroups for the early 1940's through the late 1960s also revealed the pervasive nature of period fertility trends. Demographers have not as yet been able to explain these shifts in fertility that cut across all subgroups in the US and which also characterize the period fertility rates in other developed countries. Tables provided information on 1) total fertility rates by educational level and by geographical region for 1945-1975; 2) % change in number of own children less than 3 years of age among women under age 40 by maternal age, maternal education, initial parity, geographical region, and husband's income; and 3) mean number of own children less than 3 years of age among women under age 40 by maternal age, education, parity, region, and husband's income.  相似文献   

Age factor and the pattern of change in craniofacial structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today special emphasis is being placed upon the understanding of human aging and this study is an attempt to shed light on the craniofacial complex during the later years. Postcranial skeletal alteration is clear and it is now evident that cranial and facial structures are no exception to the aging process. The longitudinal information presented here indicates continuing overall growth from early adulthood to later life. The cranium thickens and the skull diameter increases. Endocranial dimensions enlarge as well. This suggests larger overall skull size and expansion of the cranial cavity. The visceral cranial structures also participate in the continuing growth process. Enlargement in all areas seems to be of similar magnitude except for skull thickness, sella turcica, and frontal sinus. The size increase in these three structures is greater than in other segments examined. In essence, the craniofacial complex is in a state of growth throughout life. The entire system is involved in a process of symmetrical enlargement.  相似文献   

Change in developmental timing is one source of heritable variation upon which selection can act. However, the amount of variation possible in ontogenetic trajectories is often unknown. We used three different-sized conspecific breeds of domestic rabbits to investigate the extent of variation in growth trajectories of craniofacial morphology. The growth and adult morphology of several structures (one soft tissue and 15 skeletal) were quantified and analyzed. We took two views of radiographs at close time intervals throughout ontogeny, from one week of age through adult size. Measurements from the radiographs were analyzed using a Gompertz growth model. Between-breed differences in model parameters were tested using one-way ANOVA. Few significant differences existed between the white and giant rabbits, but several differences were found between the white and dwarf breeds. Similarly, comparisons of adult morphology showed that white and giant rabbits are the same shape, while dwarf rabbits have shorter and broader snouts than white rabbits. The variation in size among breeds appeared to be due to differences in the length of time spent growing at rates near the maximum growth rate. While no one parameter of this model quantifies this pattern, differences in duration of maximum growth rate can be seen in the first derivative of the growth trajectory. Small changes in the model's parameters that measure rate and timing of growth have large morphological consequences, indicating that heterochronic changes are important sources of variation.  相似文献   

A convoluted brow surface consisting of fine ridges, grooves, and depressions, first identified in ancient fossil hominids and termed the vermiculate pattern (VP), is often low in frequency and of moderate rugosity in crania of anatomically modern human populations. Burials at Indian Knoll, Kentucky, constitute an excellent series for study of the development of the VP, since cranial surfaces are usually well preserved, there are hundreds of immature and mature individuals previously assessed for age, and the VP is high in frequency and rugosity. While a surface pattern resembling a miniature VP is found on the supraorbital surface of all newborns, it is not found on any children age 2 or older. This newborn pattern is probably different in structure and origin from the adult VP. The smooth surface characteristic of children shows evidence of changing to the VP in some adolescents, but the fullest development of the VP occurs in adults. The VP continues to develop in rugosity into the fourth decade, especially in males. These observations indicate that the human VP is different in etiology from somewhat similar brow surfaces found sporadically in immature individuals of some species of nonhuman primates. Statements lumping all vermiculate bone surfaces as "fine cancellous bone" are premature. The human VP development shows no apparent relationship to phases of tooth eruption, as postulated for the appearance of areolar surfaces on brow ridges of immature non-human primates.  相似文献   

Age-associated changes in adult stature of a cross-sectional sample of 634 adults from rural Colombia were estimated by multiple regression of stature and age controlling for subischial length, and from equations predicting maximum attained stature from subischial length. From these analyses the estimated rate of loss in stature due to aging per se for men was 0.12 cm/yr, while for women it was 0.03 cm/yr. When corrected for aging, several secular trends in adult stature were evident, although none were statistically significant.  相似文献   

This study examines the interactive effects of background factors and personality/attitudinal and perceived environmental dimensions on adolescent drug behavior. Data were collected during home interviews using a structured interview schedule. The sample consisted of 403 British West Indian black, American black, and white adolescents, ranging in age from 13 to 17. Results suggested that two processes, nonconformity to conventional middle class values at both the personality/attitudinal and institutional level, and modeling of familial and peer drug use account in large part for adolescent drug behavior. The majority of correlates of adolescent drug behavior were similar in different sex, age, and ethnic groups.  相似文献   

The relationship between allometry and sexual dimorphism in the human craniofacial complex was analyzed using geometric morphometric methods. Thin-plate splines (TPS) analysis has been applied to investigate the lateral profile of complete adult skulls of known sex. Twenty-nine three-dimensional (3D) craniofacial and mandibular landmark coordinates were recorded from a sample of 52 adult females and 52 adult males of known age and sex. No difference in the influence of size on shape was detected between sexes. Both size and sex had significant influences on shape. As expected, the influence of centroid size on shape (allometry) revealed a shift in the proportions of the neurocranium and the viscerocranium, with a marked allometric variation of the lower face. Adjusted for centroid size, males presented a relatively larger size of the nasopharyngeal space than females. A mean-male TPS transformation revealed a larger piriform aperture, achieved by an increase of the angulation of the nasal bones and a downward rotation of the anterior nasal floor. Male pharynx expansion was also reflected by larger choanae and a more posteriorly inclined basilar part of the occipital clivus. Male muscle attachment sites appeared more pronounced. In contrast, the mean-female TPS transformation was characterized by a relatively small nasal aperture. The occipital clivus inclined anteriorly, and muscle insertion areas became smoothed. Besides these variations, both maxillary and mandibular alveolar regions became prognathic. The sex-specific TPS deformation patterns are hypothesized to be associated with sexual differences in body composition and energetic requirements.  相似文献   

A cephalometric study in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A roentgencephalometric study to compare the facial morphology of 18 individuals affected with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome and 25 of their parents was performed. The main findings in the affected individuals were shortening of facial height and depth, cranial base length, a marked decrease in size of the mandible, and a steep cranial base. A change with age was found for some dimensions. The pattern variability indices were high, indicating an abnormal craniofacial profile. The correlations between most patients were high, although this was less expressed for the younger patients. The parents had a normal pattern profile and pattern profile variability indices. The correlation between parents and their affected children was low. This study suggests that pattern profile analysis of cephalometric measurements may be a useful diagnostic tool in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. However, comparable studies of large groups of patients, especially of a younger age, are needed for further ascertainment of normal values in individuals with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome at different stages of facial development.  相似文献   

Just like other face dimensions, age influences the way faces are processed by adults as well as by children. However, it remains unclear under what conditions exactly such influence occurs at both ages, in that there is some mixed evidence concerning the presence of a systematic processing advantage for peer faces (own-age bias) across the lifespan. Inconsistency in the results may stem from the fact that the individual’s face representation adapts to represent the most predominant age traits of the faces present in the environment, which is reflective of the individual’s specific living conditions and social experience. In the current study we investigated the processing of younger and older adult faces in two groups of adults (Experiment 1) and two groups of 3-year-old children (Experiment 2) who accumulated different amounts of experience with elderly people. Contact with elderly adults influenced the extent to which both adult and child participants showed greater discrimination abilities and stronger sensitivity to configural/featural cues in younger versus older adult faces, as measured by the size of the inversion effect. In children, the size of the inversion effect for older adult faces was also significantly correlated with the amount of contact with elderly people. These results show that, in both adults and children, visual experience with older adult faces can tune perceptual processing strategies to the point of abolishing the discrimination disadvantage that participants typically manifest for those faces in comparison to younger adult faces.  相似文献   

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