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Male gametes have been studied in Sphaeroplea robusta (Chlorophyceae) using both light and electron microscopy. Mature gametes are typically biflagellate and possess a single, large mitochondrion that dominates the anterior third of the cell, directly posterior to the basal bodies. One or more microbodies are closely associated with the mitochondrion. Contractile vacuoles occur anterior to the elongated nucleus which, in fully mature gametes, possesses condensed chromatin. The reduced, starch-filled chloroplast lacks an associated eyespot and occupies a posterior position. A thin, anteriorly directed process or extension of the chloroplast parallels a portion of one of the multistranded flagellar roots. The paired basal bodies are directly opposed with no demonstrable offset, and are connected by an arched distal fiber with a highly elaborated central striated region that forms the apical cone, a feature characteristic of male gametes in most species of Sphaeroplea. Possession of a striated distal fiber, a cruciate flagellar root system (i.e. two-stranded microtubular roots alternating with multistranded roots), and directly opposed basal bodies are consistent with the alga's chlorophycean affinities.  相似文献   

Many naked gametes are produced in each fusiform, male gametangium of Atractomorpha echinata Hoffman and are liberated through irregularly shaped pores in the gametangial wall. They are typically biflagellate, pyriform or fusiform in shape, 6-11 μm long, and only a few micrometers wide. A mature male gamete is characterized by: (i) a nucleus with condensed chromatin and no nucleoli, (ii) a reduced, starch filled chloroplast occupying a posterior position, and (iii) a cup shaped eyespot consisting of a single layer of plastoglobuli. The flagellar apparatus includes two types of flagellar roots alternating in a cruciate pattern. One type consists of two microtubules, while the other consists of microtubules of varying number, usually eight or nine, but rarely as many as eleven. The paired basal bodies are connected anteriorly by a broad, striated distal fiber; there is no dense apical cap as reported in Sphaeroplea sperm. A unique structure, consisting of three layers of small subunits (6–8 nm diameter) arranged in a paracrystalline array, is positioned beneath each basal body. Based on the structure of its male gametes, Atractomorpha clearly demonstrates affinity with the chlorophycean rather than the ulvaphycean line of evolution. Moreover, if phylogenetic affinities for the Sphaeropleaceae are to be sought among other groups of green algae, the Chlorococcales appears the most promising candidate.  相似文献   

Male and female strains of Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg were examined by serological methods for flagellar and cellular antigenic differences. No significant differences could be detected between the strains by using agglutination, immobilization and diffusion tests. However, differentiated sperm were neither agglutinated nor immobilized by anti-vegetative cell sera.  相似文献   

Sexual males of Volvox carteri Stein f. nagariensis Iyengar secrete a hormone which induces sexual rather than asexual development in the next generation. Male recombinants from the original strains isolated from Japan showed an increase in potency of up to 100 times that of the original male clone, with later descendants showing potencies ranging from 100 times to 1/1000 the potency of this male. Potency is defined as the extent to which the hormone produced in 1 ml of medium by one parental spheroid containing 16 male spheroids can be diluted and retain its capacity to induce sexual differentiation. This is recorded as the percent of female response in the tube of limiting dilution, asexual females of the normal female strain being used as assay inoculum in a 1 in 10 dilution series of samples of male fluid containing the sexual hormone. Investigation of the genetic basis for potency in this species included selection of high and low potency male clones and crossing with sib females or backcrossing with original female. Results of the various crosses are interpreted as multigenic system not linked with sex, with more than one genotypic class per dilution level and with more than one genotypic class per apparent phenotypic class. Possible genic interactions are described in their relevance to the biosynthesis of a glycoprotein molecule, the sexual hormone having been characterized as a glycoprotein by Starr and Jaenicke (18).  相似文献   

台湾东风螺精子发生和精子形态的超微结构研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
柯才焕  李复雪 《动物学报》1992,38(3):233-238
透射电镜研究结果表明,台湾东风螺(Babylonia formosae~**)精子形成过程中经历了一系列重大的形态变化,主要有核逐步拉长、染色质浓缩、顶体形成、线粒体逐渐发达与融合以及中心粒演变为轴丝等过程。其中精细胞分化可分为6个时期。成熟精子的外形呈发丝状,由头部和尾鞭两大部分组成,头部包括顶体复合体和核,尾鞭可分为中段、主段和末段。精子的形态及功能与软体动物的系统发育有密切关系。本文还就台湾东风螺精子形成过程和形态与其它前鳃类作了比较。  相似文献   

莫永胜  李仕琼   《广西植物》1992,12(2):182-189
本文扼要回顾和评述了雄性生殖单位的发现、意义和研究进展,并对目前存在的问题和今后的研究进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

洪健  叶恭银 《昆虫学报》1999,42(4):381-386
运用扫描电镜观察了虎凤蝶属现有4种雄成虫的外生殖器。结果表明:中华虎凤蝶Lueh-dorfia chinensis Leech 、长尾虎凤蝶L. longicaudata Lee、乌苏里虎凤蝶L. puziloi Erschoff和日本虎凤蝶L. japonica Leech雄性外生殖器的一般形态结构相似,而其抱器、钩状突、阳茎、阳茎轭片的超微结构存在着差异,这些特征可作为鉴定的依据。通过对雄性外生殖器形态结构的比较,以及有关结构参数的聚类分析,讨论了4种虎凤蝶的亲缘关系。作者认为,中华虎凤蝶具有最原始的结构特征,可能较接近该属祖先,长尾虎凤蝶则与其较近缘;乌苏里虎凤蝶与日本虎凤蝶相对较近缘,与前两种差异略大。  相似文献   

唐嘉玉  李敏敏 《动物学报》1996,42(3):225-230
应用透射电镜技术,研究中华双腔吸虫的精子发生,并与其它复殖吸虫进行比较,提出了复殖吸虫精子发生的一般过程,结果显示它与大多数复殖吸虫精子发生的超微结构相似,原始的精原细胞经过次有丝分裂,两次减数分裂成为精细胞,它经过分化,形态变化后成为成熟精子,精子形成共分为六个阶段。其中形成共分为六个阶段,其中有以下首次报道的特征,(1)中央胞持区的生长速度在开始时比鞭毛裂快;(2)在鞭毛与中央胞质区融合前,线  相似文献   

苔草属果实表皮的超微结构及其在分类学上的意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
报道了国产苔草属,两亚属,7组中的16种植物在电子显微镜下果实表皮的特征和研究结果。根据种内个体间、组内种间以及亚属间的比较,作者认为在苔草属中,果实表皮显微特征在种内个体间比较稳定,变异很上;同组内种间表现出的较大相似性和不同组间存在的一定差异性。说明在组和组下等级的分类学处理以及在系统位置和亲缘关系的探讨上,果实显微特征具有重要的分类学价值。同时由于是微特征在各间甚至属间相互交叉和渗透,在划分  相似文献   

Cell wall structure and composition of fifty-one algae in the Volvocales, Tetrasporales, Chlorococcales, and Chlorosarcinales were investigated to determine the feasibility of using the presence of cellulose, wall fibers, and wall periodicity as taxonomic characters. Although members of the Volvocales consistently lack cellulose, the diversity of wall characters in the other orders discourages the use of these characters as taxonomic or phylogenetic criteria.  相似文献   

应用扫描电子显微镜观察了片蟋属Truljalia Gorochov 3种雄性声锉和声齿的超微结构,即瘤突片蟋T.tylacantha Wang et Woo,1992,梨片蟋T.hibinonis (Matsumura,1919),霍氏片蟋T.hofmanni(Saussure,1878).结果显示,声锉和声齿超微结构在属、种间差异显著,在种内差异不显著,且特征稳定.  相似文献   

The blepharoplast in the young spermatid of Pallavicinia is similar to that of other hepatics in that it comprises a four-layered multilayered structure (MLS) and two staggered, dimorphic basal bodies. The spline, approximately 40 μm in length and extending through nearly two full gyres, comprises 20 parallel microtubules at its anterior end and narrows to 17 at the posterior limit of the subjacent lamellar strip (LS). Behind this, the spline shank, approximately 32 μm in length, is reduced to six tubules. The LS curves around the spermatid, following the anterior one-third of the first gyre of the spine, and is approximately 7.5 μm in length, the longest yet recorded for the bryophytes. It is spatulate in outline, equaling the width of the spline anteriorly but tapering steeply from the right-hand side behind the anterior basal body (ABB). It then extends posteriorly as a narrow strip beneath the left-hand margin of the spline. The basal bodies of the greatly staggered flagella are nonoverlapping and separated by a distance of about 4.4 μm. The subapical ABB and PBB measure (including the ventral triplet extensions and transition zones) 1.2 μm and 2.4 μm in length, respectively. A short, narrow aperture equaling one tubule-diameter in width is located in the spline directly beneath the ABB. The anterior mitochondrion is about 7 μm long and follows the outline of the overlying LS, while a cupshaped posterior mitochondrion is appressed to the plastid. Comparisons with other taxa indicate that major distinguishing features of metzgerialian blepharoplasts are highly staggered, nonoverlapping basal bodies, greatly elongate anterior mitochondria, and six-tubule shanks. Great differences between the spermatids suggest wide phylogenetic discontinuities between the genera of the Metzgeriales.  相似文献   

八角枫药壁的发育为基本型。分泌型绒毡层。药室内壁未见纤维状加厚,药壁开裂时,与中层、绒毡层一样退化消失,仅剩宽锯齿状的表皮。小孢子母细胞以同时型的胞质分裂形成四分体。大多数四分体呈四面体型,少数也有左右对称和十字交叉型。成熟花粉粒二细胞,赤道面观为椭圆状,极面观近三裂圆形。三孔沟,外壁具密集的细网状纹饰,细胞内贮藏有丰富的淀粉植。  相似文献   

Atractomorpha echinata gen. et sp. nov. is described from isolates derived from zygotes present in a dry soil sample obtained from Texas. The new genus is distinguished from Sphaeroplea primarily by its pattern of vegetative growth. While Sphaeroplea is distinctly filamentous with numerous coenocytic cells uniseriately arranged, Atractomorpha grows as individual, multinucleate, spindle-shaped cells with sharply pointed extremities. Such cells may vary considerably in length (25–6000 μm, or more) and normally lack septa. In young, rapidly growing cultures the cells often attain lengths of 300–500 μm, but rarely exceed 1800 μm. The new species is further characterized by: (1) the regular formation of biflagellate zoospores in asexual reproduction, (2)anisogamy (occasionally oogamy) and (3) the size and ornamentation of its zygotes. Variations in vegetative morphology are discussed as are conditions for obtaining gametogenesis.  相似文献   

本文对杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)雄性不育株与可育株在小孢子发生和发育过程中的雄球花和叶进行过氧化物酶同工酶和呼吸强度的研究。结果表明:可育株雄球花在其小孢子发生和发育过程中有三个呼吸高峰,可划分为7个时期--花芽分化期、小孢子囊分化和造孢细胞形成期、造孢细胞"休眠"期、小孢子母细胞形成和减数分裂期、四分体时期、雄配子体形成期、撒粉期。而不育株只出现前二个呼吸峰和前5个时期,在小孢子母细胞形成后,呼吸强度降至低谷,导致能量供应短缺和减数分裂异常,引起败育。不育株叶在其造抱细胞"休眠"期无呼吸峰出现可能与其败育有关。不耷株雄球花过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱明显不同于可育株。作者认为:杉木雄性不育是由核不育基因和细胞质不育基因共同调控的结果,调控过氧化物酶同工酶表达可能有三种不同的遗传功能。过氧化物酶对呼吸作用有一定影响,但各种过氧化物酶同工酶并非等效。  相似文献   

唐嘉珏 《动物学报》1996,42(4):337-342
利用透射电镜技术,研究了中华双腔吸虫的精子结构,探讨了它与其他复殖吸虫间的异同。结果表明:本种的成熟精子为细线状,共分为头部,中部和尾部具两根并生的,结构为9+1的轴丝。细胞核的致密程度有区域上的变化,细胞质较多,电子密度高,具一个线粒体,在单轴丝区域未观察到异常二联管及外周微管。  相似文献   

Recent questions concerning the taxonomic status of the diatom genus Gomphoneis Cleve have prompted critical examination of the valvar morphology of a species originally included in the genus. Light and electron microscopic observations on G. mammilla (Ehr.) Cl. show that the characteristics put forth by Cleve to delineate the genus are present in this taxon. Striae composed of two rows of simple areolae located in depressions on the valve and longitudinal lines formed by a broad internal axial plate were observed in G. mammilla. The presence of two apical spines on the headpole and the structure of a bilobed apical pore field located at the footpole are described, in addition to other valve features. Valve morphology of G. mammilla is compared with that of doubly-punctate Gomphonema species with the result that we recommend the two genera remain separate.  相似文献   

A variety of studies have examined the sexual life cycle of species belonging to the genus Dinophysis Ehrenberg. Here, we used TEM to investigate the mechanism of cellular fusion during the sexual life cycle in Dinophysis fortii Pavillard. We observed that fusion always occurred between a normal‐sized cell and a small cell following attachment of their ventral margins. After cell attachment, the small cell moved toward the epitheca of the normal‐sized cell, and the cingular and sulcal lists of the small cell shrunk or were almost lost. The epitheca of the normal‐sized cell then opened between the cingulum plates and the upper cingular list, after which the small cell was gradually engulfed. This is the first ultrastructural observation in a dinoflagellate of a larger cell opening its epitheca to engulf the smaller gamete. In another case, the normal‐sized cell did not open the epitheca, the cell wall of the attached small cell underwent extensive extracellular digestion, and the cytoplasm appeared to flow into the normal‐sized cell via the periflagellar area. Inflow of the nucleus was not observed in this case, suggesting that it represented a failure of sexual fusion. In both cases, membranous separations between the cytoplasm of the two cells were not observed. At the beginning of the fusion process, the nucleus of the small cell was substantially deformed. The planozygote, formed upon completion of sexual fusion, sometimes had two longitudinal flagella, but was identical to a normal vegetative cell in its cellular shape, as already mentioned by previous authors.  相似文献   

As in other hepatics, the young spermatid of Blasia pusilla contains a well-developed blepharoplast comprising a four-layered multilayered structure (MLS) and two overlying dimorphic basal bodies. The asymmetrical spline (S1 or upper stratum of the MLS) numbers 20 or 21 microtubules (MTs) at its anterior tip and reduces to eight at the posterior limit of the lamellar strip (LS). Behind this the shank of the spline is five or six tubules in width over most of its length, approximately one revolution of the circumference of the gamete. The three-microtubule spline aperture underlies the anterior basal body and like those of most hepatics, it is closed at its anterior end. The asymmetrical LS (approx. 2.0 μm in length) is characterized by a right-hand posterior notch which lies below the spline aperture at the region of the cartwheel configuration of the anterior basal body (ABB). The staggered dimorphic basal bodies overlap for approximately one third of their lengths. Both lie parallel to the long axis of the spline. As in other hepatics, the ABB (1.2 μm in length) is subapical and comprises an anterior hub extension with progressive rearward additions of lateral, dorsal and ventral triplets. Over most of its length (2.1 μm) the longer posterior basal body (PBB) consists of a distinct central hub and three ventral triplets. Transition zones of both basal bodies contain stellate configurations into which the two central axonemal MTs frequently extend. The blepharoplast of Blasia shows several features in common with leafy, simple thalloid and complex thalloid liverworts. Compared with the few Metzgeriales observed thus far, the LS is less elongate and the basal bodies less staggered. Dimensions of basal body components and spline dimensions, however, are comparable to those of most leafy and thalloid hepatics. Striking similarities with the complex thalloid liverworts include a posterior notch in the LS and a spline aperture three MTs wide.  相似文献   

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