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Versions of the KOLMOGOROV -SMIRNOV , KUIPER , and cRAMéR -VON MISES statistics are introduced for the problem of comparing the underlying survival distributions of two populations when observations are subject to random censorship, and a two-sided alternative is of interest. These statistics are shown to have readily amenable asymptotic distributions; furthermore, the statistics reduce to their classical counterparts in the absence of censorship. Data pertaining to a cancer chemotherapy experiment are examined with these statistics.  相似文献   

Evaluation of proficiency testing as a method of assessing competence to screen cervical smears Regular proficiency testing of pathologists and cytotechnologists who undertake the analysis of cervical smears has been carried out in cytology laboratories in the North Thames (West) Region since 1989. The protocol followed is one that has been adopted nationally. Since the scheme started, laboratory personnel from 17 cytology laboratories in the Region have participated and seven rounds of testing have been completed. Nine hundred and seventy-one tests were carried out and a pass rate of 96.4% was recorded. Two hundred and forty-seven cytologists took the test on at least one occasion and 63 cytologists took part in all seven rounds. Our results indicate that proficiency testing is capable of detecting cytologists who consistently perform below an acceptable standard and require retraining. They also show that even the most competent screeners can miss an abnormal smear. Seven cytologists who had proved their competence to screen on six occasions, missed an abnormal smear on the seventh, despite the fact that they were screening under test conditions when their vigilance should have been at its peak. Our findings indicate that false-negative reporting will inevitably occur during manual screening, and emphasize the need for further research into the causes and prevention of screening error. Evaluation des tests d'aptitude comme méthode d'appréciation de la compétence à lire les frottis cervico-utérins de dépistage Le passage régulier de tests d'aptitude pour les pathologistes et les cytotechniciens qui prennent en charge l'analyse de frottis cervico-utérins est utilisé dans les laboratoires de cytologie de la région North Thames (West) depuis 1989. Le protocole choisi est l'un de ceux qui ont été adoptés au niveau national. Depuis le début de ce programme, 7 sessions de tests ont été organisées et le personnel de 17 laboratoires de cytologie de la région a participé. Neuf cent soixante et onze tests ont été pratiqués et le taux de participation enregistré est de 96,4%. Deux cent quarante sept cytologistes ont fait le test au moins une fois et 63 cytologistes ont passé les 7 sessions de tests. Nos résultats indiquent que les tests d'apitude sont capables d'identifier les cytologistes qui ont besoin d'une formation car leur résultats aux tests sont régulièrement en dessous des standards acceptables. Ils montrent également que même les “screeners” les plus compétents peuvent passer à côté d'un frottis anormal. Sept cytologistes ayant montré leur compétence pour la lecture des frottis de dépistage sur 6 tests n'ont pas été capable de détecter un frottis anormal sur le septième test, bien que cette lecture ait été faite dans des conditions de test où leur vigilance aurait dû être à son maximum. Ces résultats indiquent qu'il est impossible d‘éviter les faux négatifs au cours du “screening manuel” et confirment la n?essité de poursuivre les recherches sur les causes des erreurs de lecture et sur leur prévention. Die Ergebnisse der Laistungstests als Grundlage für die Fähigkeit gynäkologische Abstriche auszuwerten Regelmässige Leistungstests von Zytopathologen und Zytotechnikerinnen beim Auswerten gynäkologischer Abstriche wurden seit 1989 in den Labors der Nord-Themse Region durchgeführt. Das Testprotokoll entspricht dem landesweit angewandten. Inzwischen nahmen 17 Labors an insgesamt 7 Testrunden teil. Die Gesamtzahl der Tests beträgt 971 wobei 96,4% der Teilnehmer die Tests bestanden. 247 Teilnehmer nahmen an zumindest einem Test, 63 an allen sieben teil. Die Auswertungen ergaben, dass auf diese Weise Zytologen mit unterdurch schnittlicher Leistung identifiziert und einem Zusatztraining zugeführt werden können. Sie zeigen aber auch, dass selbst die Erfahrendsten gelegentlich positive Befunde übersehen. Sieben Teilnehmer begingen diesen Fehler nach sechs fehlerfreien Durchgängen beim siebten Test trotz der bekannten Testsituation. Dies bedeutet, dass Fehler bei nichtautomatischer Auswertung unvermeidbar sind. Die Ursachenforschung muss weitergeführt werden.  相似文献   

According to optimal foraging theory, spiders should adapt their web building to environmental variations. Until now, there was no data on the influence of simultaneous information coming from different environmental factors on web building behaviour. Under laboratory conditions, we studied the behaviour of Zygiella x-notata in the presence of prey, conspecifics, or both simultaneously. There was a stimulating effect of prey, but web building was not affected by the presence of conspecifics. When spiders and prey were present simultaneously, the effect was similar to that of prey alone; it seemed that there was no interactive influence of both factors. We discussed about the use of environmental information by spiders in foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon and oxygen at the water-sediment interface were measured at eight coral reef stations (Indian Ocean) in summer and winter. The dark fluxes provided the community respiratory quotient (CRQ = dissolved inorganic carbon release / oxygen uptake) and the diurnal fluxes corrected from the dark fluxes gave the community photosynthetic quotient (CPQ = oxygen gross release / dissolved inorganic carbon gross uptake). The CRQ and the winter CPQ were not significantly different from 1. Summer CPQ (0.79; SD 0.02) was significantly lower than 1 due to the combined effect of the daily evolution of the community respiration and the discrepancy between the daily evolution in community oxygen respiration and community carbon respiration. These results highlight the importance of measuring simultaneously the benthic community production and respiration for long term integrated data sets, instead of the traditional daily or seasonal budget calculations from limited measures of community respiration. To cite this article: D. Taddei et al., C. R. Biologies 331 (2008).  相似文献   

E J Gren 《Biochimie》1984,66(1):1-29
The structural aspects of recognition by E. coli ribosomes of translational initiation regions on homologous messenger RNAs have been reviewed. Also discussed is the location of initiation region on mRNA, its confines, typical nucleotide sequences responsible for initiation signal, and the influence of RNA macrostructure on protein synthesis initiation. Most of the published DNA nucleotide sequences surrounding the start of various E. coli genes and those of its phages have been collected.  相似文献   

There are many types of evidence that provide information about methods for obtaining animal nutrients. Several researchers suggest that the main element to be considered is the skeletal representation of the different species identified in the faunal assemblage. This element must be associated to the animals’ age at death and the localisation of processing marks of the carcasses (both those of anthropic origin and those produced by carnivores). Occasionally, these marks coincide on the same point of the bone, giving cause for overlapping marks. These marks can be considered an aid more to identify the anthropic manner for obtaining animal recourses. However, these cases are very unusual at archaeological sites, and it is not always easy to identify which of the two predators has obtained the prey first. Through the experimental process presented in this article, we have observed diagnostic elements on overlapping marks that show the action sequence of the predators (hominids and carnivores) on carcasses. These experimental criteria were applied to different archaeological sites of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula: Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain) and level TD10-1 and TD6-2 of Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Burgos). In these assemblages, we were able to distinguish hunting and scavenging events through overlapping marks, providing a new element to the general interpretation of these sites.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal dynamics of phytoplankton and their relation to abiotic environmental factors in four rivers of south‐eastern Ivory Coast (Soumié, Eholié, Ehania and Noé) was analysed from July 2003 to March 2005. The pelagic zone of each river was sampled upstream and downstream. Phytoplankton abundance was higher in Noé River (154.3 104 cells l?1) and lower in Eholié river (23.05 104 cells l?1). Dominant taxa were Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Lemmerm. and Aphanocapsa incerta (Lemmerm.) Cronberg & Komárek. In general, minimum densities of phytoplankton were observed during the rainy season, while maximum were observed in dry season in the whole stations of the rivers studied, such periods corresponding to low and high concentrations of nitrates. Among the rivers surveyed, Eholié river seems to be the least disturbed because of its higher species diversity. Seasonality fluctuations of algae abundance appear to be influenced by the flow of water and nitrate levels. This work is a useful starting point for future research on micro algae in Ivory Coast.  相似文献   

The Couderousse Member of the Blacourt Formation in the Banc-Noir quarry, Ferques inlier, Boulonnais (Pas-de-Calais, France) has yielded a tooth plate whose morphology is similar to that of Synthetodus, which is considered a holocephalan. Its histology is made of an outer enameloid-like tissue, and an inner trabecular dentine. Its occlusal surface shows a bean-shaped bulge. This tooth plate was prepared from a limestone that is dated from the Middle–Upper varcus Conodont Zone, that is lower upper Givetian. This limestone has also yielded a Pokorninella bricae–Rothpletzella–Tentaculites assemblage, which is indicative of an environment of the inner to middle marine platform boundary. This specimen appears to be the oldest confirmed holocephalan (‘bradyodont’) tooth plate for which the name Melanodus loonesi nov. gen. et sp. is erected.  相似文献   

In the Ebrié Lagoon (Cǒte d'Ivoire), growth of periphyton on bamboo stuck in the sediment is at the basis of the acadja, a low-cost system developed in order to enhance aquaculture of omnivorous fish like the tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron. A survey based on hydrological, bacterial and algal data (including phytoplankton and periphyton) was conducted from November 1992 to June 1993 in an experimental structure. Climatic and hydrological seasonality was marked during the study. Succeeding to a rainy season, the oligohaline situation starting in November was characterized by low bacterial and chlorophyll biomass attached to the bamboo (respectively 1 and 18 mg m−2). The mesohaline situation observed from January featured a sharp increase in periphyton biomass, with a maximum in April (16 and 177 mg m−2 for bacterial and algal biomass, respectively). The flood of the Agnéby river, induced in June by the local rains, originated again oligohaline conditions. The biomass decrease observed in May and June resulted from a shift towards low salinity (from 9.8 to 1.8 psu), a decrease in light availability (combined effects of a decreasing solar radiation during the rainy season and an increase of water turbidity due to the flood) and a lower phytoplankton biomass (therefore limiting the secondary epiphytism potentialities). In this shallow tropical environment characterized by high nutrient concentrations (due to local hydrology and organic nature of the substrate), the combination of seasonal variations of climatic (light availability), hydrological (salinity) and biological (abundance or lack of epiphytic algae) seems to control the periphyton biomass growing on bamboo. Therefore, marked seasonality in the production of resource available for the target fish would limit the interest of the acadja as an aquaculture system in brackish ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ida Bernier  Pierre Jolls 《Biochimie》1987,69(11-12):1127-1152
This review deals with recent advances in the research of cytosolic non-enzymic proteins involved in the metabolism of lipophilic compounds. Emphasis is given to the important contribution of structural data in the understanding of the functional properties of these proteins and in the emergence of new protein families. The possibility that many of the 'cytosolic' proteins might be structure-bound and structure-forming in the living cell is discussed, with references to so far available structural data and to recent investigations on the architecture and biochemical composition of the cytoplasm. The aim of this review is to present in a condensed form (227 references) the evolution in the study of cytosolic proteins binding and transferring lipophilic compounds and to enable interested investigators to become aware of current concepts and perspectives in this active and steadily growing area of research.  相似文献   

The site of Mansourah (Constantine, Algeria) had yielded to the early authors, and more recently to the late G. Laplace, a lithic industry associated with a fauna of large Mammals, which looks contemporaneous with that of Aïn Hanech, although it is well-distinct ecologically, and might even be slightly older. The lithic assemblage is completely devoid of any bifacial artefact or cleaver and can only be referred to the Oldowan. Thus, the Mansourah site documents a very early human occupation of North Africa, and perhaps one of the earliest. To cite this article: Y. Chaid-Saoudi et al., C. R. Palevol 5 (2006).  相似文献   

Using a 0.78 ha transect in an undisturbed forest in French Guiana, we sought a typology of forest mosaic units (5 × 5 m quadrats) based on diameter distribution with three main classes of trees ≥5 cm DBH. We identified nine basic structural types corresponding to potential stages of a sequence of development from colonization of gaps to filling of the vertical space among three layers. Two enumerations made over a 10-year interval (1981 and 1991), enabled a transition matrix to be estimated. This summarizes movement between structural types over the period and enables ideas on dynamics to be discussed.  相似文献   

Light is of primary importance in structuring tropical tree communities. Light exposure at seedling and adult stages has been used to characterize the ecological profile of tropical trees, with many implications in forest management and restoration ecology. Most shade‐tolerance classification systems have been proposed based on empirical observations in a specific area and thus result in contradictions among categories assigned to a given species. In this study, we aimed to quantify the light requirements for seedling growth of a Central African timber tree, Lophira alata (Ochnaceae), taking into account effects of population origin. In two controlled experiments: a light response experiment and a comparative population experiment, conducted in southwestern Cameroon, using seeds collected from four populations (three from Cameroon and one from Gabon), we examined the quantitative responses to irradiance of seedlings. After 2 years, mortality was very low (<3%), even in extremely low irradiance. Growth and biomass allocation patterns varied in response to light, with intermediate irradiance (24–43%) providing optimal conditions. Light response differed between populations. The Boumba population in the northeastern edge of the species' distribution exhibited the highest light requirements, suggesting a local adaptation. As a result of positive growth at low irradiance and maximum growth at intermediate irradiance, we concluded that L. alata exhibits characteristics of both non‐pioneer and pioneer species. Implications of our results to propose an objective way to assign the light requirement for tropical tree species are discussed.  相似文献   

Girolline is a 2-aminoimidazole derivative with cytotoxic activity. It affects the survival of exponentially growing leukaemic cultured cells and has a significant antitumour activity on grafted murine tumours in vivo. In vitro studies showed that girolline affected protein synthesis by interfering with the translation termination process. Here, we investigate the effect of girolline on translation termination in human cultured cells. We show that girolline neither induces an increase in translational readthrough of stop codons nor affects the polysome profile in treated cells. This suggests that girolline does not act on translation in vivo. Then, we examine the effect of girolline on cell-cycle progression and we show that girolline induces an arrest of the cell cycle at the G2 stage.  相似文献   

To determine the performance of Global Positioning System (GPS) for habitat studies in free-ranging animals, we tested differential 6- and 8-channel GPS collars under six representative canopies and one open-field reference site in the 'Parc national des Cévennes', southern France. The proportion of successful locations decreased under taller trees and worsened with snow accumulation in mixed coniferous habitats. The mean location success of seven free-ranging red deer fitted with 6-channel GPS collars in the same study area increased with a shorter interval between location attempts and during the leaf-off period. Our data suggested that the differences in location success between leaf-on and leaf-off periods might reflect shifts in habitat use rather than a leaf effect under deciduous trees.  相似文献   

The interactions of phospholipids with four different cholesterol derivatives substituted with one OH or one keto group at position C20 or C22 of the side-chain were studied. The derivatives were the 22,R-hydroxy; 22,S-hydroxy; 22-keto- and 20,S-hydroxycholesterol. Two aspects of the interactions were investigated: (1) the effect of the cholesterol derivatives on the gel → liquid crystalline phase transition of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and of dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DEPE) monitored by differential scanning calorimetry and (2) The effect on the lamellar → hexagonal HII phase transition of DEPE monitored by DSC and by 31P-NMR to determine structural changes. The gel → liquid crystalline phase transition was affected by the cholesterol derivatives to a much larger extent in the case of DPPC than of DEPE. In both cases, there was a differential effect of the four derivatives, the 22,R-hydroxycholesterol being the less effective. In DPPC-sterol 1:1 systems, 22,R-hydroxycholesterol does not suppress the melting transition, the ΔH values becomes 7.1 kcal · mol?1 as compared to 8.2 kcal · mol?1 for the pure lipid. 22,S-OH cholesterol has a much stronger effect (ΔH = 3.1 kcal · mol?1) and 22-ketocholesterol suppresses the transition completely. In DEPE mixtures of all these compounds, the melting transition of the phospholipid is still observable. The transition temperature was shifted to lower values (?13.5°C in the presence of 20,S-OH cholesterol). The ΔH of the transition was lowered by these compounds except in DEPE-22,R-OH cholesterol mixtures and the cooperativity of the transition (reflected by the width at half peak height) was reduced. The lamellar → hexagonal HII phase transition was also affected by the presence of these cholesterol derivatives. The transition temperature value was depressed with all these compounds. 20,S-OH cholesterol was the most effective followed by 22,R-OH cholesterol. The ΔH of the transition was not strongly affected. The molecular interfacial properties of these derivatives were studied by the monomolecular film technique. It is most likely that 22,R-OH cholesterol due to the hydroxyl groups at the 3β- and 22,R-positions orients with the sterol nucleus lying flat at the air/water interface, since the compression isotherm of either the pure sterol or the DOPC-sterol mixture (molar ration, 1:1) monomolecular film exhibits a transition at approx. 103 Å2, corresponding to the area of revolution of the sterol nucleus. This remarkable property, due probably to the existence of a kink between the side-chain and the long axis of the steroid nucleus, might explain the smaller effect of this sterol on the melting transition of either PC or PE systems.  相似文献   

Extensive tropical forest loss and degradation have stimulated increasing awareness at the international policy level of the need to undertake large‐scale forest landscape restoration (FLR). Natural regeneration offers a cost‐effective way to achieve large‐scale FLR, but is often overlooked in favor of tree plantations. The studies presented in this special issue show how natural regeneration can become an important part of FLR and highlight the ecological, environmental, and social factors that must be considered to effectively do so. They also identify major knowledge gaps and outline a research agenda to support the use of natural regeneration in FLR. Six central questions emerge from these studies: (1) What are the ecological, economic, and livelihood outcomes of active and passive restoration interventions?; (2) What are the tradeoffs and synergies among ecological, economic, and livelihood outcomes of natural regeneration, restoration and productive land uses, and how do they evolve in the face of market and climate shocks?; (3) What diagnostic tools are needed to identify and map target areas for natural regeneration?; (4) How should spatial prioritization frameworks incorporate natural regeneration into FLR?; (5) What legal frameworks and governance structures are best suited to encourage natural regeneration and how do they change across regions and landscapes?; (6) What financial mechanisms can foster low‐cost natural regeneration? Natural regeneration is not a panacea to solve tensions and conflicts over land use, but it can be advantageous under some circumstances. Identifying under what conditions this is the case is an important avenue for future research.  相似文献   

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