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The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the thalamic pregeniculate nucleus (PGN), which appears to include the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL), comprise circadian related centers in the primate brain. In this study, these centers were analysed in respect to their cytoarchitecture, retinal afferents and chemical of major cells and axon terminals with tract tracers and immunohistochemical techniques to define cytoarchitecture and connections, in the common marmoset. The SCN was shown to be a triangularly shaped cluster of compact cells just dorsal to the optic chiasm and lateral to the third ventricle. It is innervated in its ventral portion by terminals from the retina, and NPY-ergic fibers. Serotonergic and SP-staining processes are distributed throughout. VIP-neurons form a dorsolateral group of cells and CB-immunoreactive neurons fill much of the nucleus. The PGN was shown to be a wedge-shaped cluster of cells located dorsomedially to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. It appears to comprise a ventral portion which receives a bilateral retinal projection and contains NPY-neurons, suggesting that this portion may correspond to IGL. The PGN also contains CB-neurons, PV-neurons and fibers, and SP- and 5-HT-fibers. These results in marmoset show that, beside a common plan revealed for most mammals, there are significant interspecific variations in the circadian timing system. Future studies are needed in order to elucidate the circadian organization in this primate species.  相似文献   

High-resolution metabolomics has created opportunity to integrate nutrition and metabolism into genetic studies to improve understanding of the diverse radiation of primate species. At present, however, there is very little information to help guide experimental design for study of wild populations. In a previous non-targeted metabolomics study of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), Rhesus macaques, humans, and four non-primate mammalian species, we found that essential amino acids (AA) and other central metabolites had interspecies variation similar to intraspecies variation while non-essential AA, environmental chemicals and catabolic waste products had greater interspecies variation. The present study was designed to test whether 55 plasma metabolites, including both nutritionally essential and non-essential metabolites and catabolic products, differ in concentration in common marmosets and humans. Significant differences were present for more than half of the metabolites analyzed and included AA, vitamins and central lipid metabolites, as well as for catabolic products of AA, nucleotides, energy metabolism and heme. Three environmental chemicals were present at low nanomolar concentrations but did not differ between species. Sex and age differences in marmosets were present for AA and nucleotide metabolism and warrant additional study. Overall, the results suggest that quantitative, targeted metabolomics can provide a useful complement to non-targeted metabolomics for studies of diet and environment interactions in primate evolution.  相似文献   

Animal hybridization is well documented, but evolutionary outcomes and conservation priorities often differ for natural and anthropogenic hybrids. Among primates, an order with many endangered species, the two contexts can be hard to disentangle from one another, which carries important conservation implications. Callithrix marmosets give us a unique glimpse of genetic hybridization effects under distinct natural and human-induced contexts. Here, we use a 44 autosomal microsatellite marker panel to examine genome-wide admixture levels and introgression at a natural C. jacchus and C. penicillata species border along the São Francisco River in NE Brazil and in an area of Rio de Janeiro state where humans introduced these species exotically. Additionally, we describe for the first time autosomal genetic diversity in wild C. penicillata and expand previous C. jacchus genetic data. We characterize admixture within the natural zone as bimodal where hybrid ancestry is biased toward one parental species or the other. We also show evidence that São Francisco River islands are gateways for bidirectional gene flow across the species border. In the anthropogenic zone, marmosets essentially form a hybrid swarm with intermediate levels of admixture, likely from the absence of strong physical barriers to interspecific breeding. Our data show that while hybridization can occur naturally, the presence of physical, even if leaky, barriers to hybridization is important for maintaining species genetic integrity. Thus, we suggest further study of hybridization under different contexts to set well informed conservation guidelines for hybrid populations that often fit somewhere between “natural” and “man-made.”  相似文献   

This study describes the concentrations of melatonin in plasma samples taken from marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) every 4 h over three 24-h periods. A circadian pattern of secretion was apparent, with higher levels recorded at night (20.00–08.00 h) than during the day (08.00–20.00 h) and a peak concentration at 20.00 h. There was a significant difference in the mean day and night concentrations (32.5 ± 4.5 pg/ml versus 49.0 ± 6.9 pg/ml, respectively) with individual concentrations ranging between<10–60 pg/ml in the day and 15–200 pg/ml at night. Circadian plasma melatonin concentrations were similar over the three 24-h periods, in male (n = 3) and female (n = 3) monkeys, and in dominant (cyclic, n = 5) and subordinate (acyclic, n = 4) females. The results show a less pronounced circadian profile in the marmoset than is seen in the human but a similar profile to that in the seasonally breeding rhesus monkey.  相似文献   



The impact of the intrauterine environment on the developmental programming of adult female reproductive success is still poorly understood and potentially underestimated. Litter size variation in a nonhuman primate, the common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus), allows us to model the effects of varying intrauterine environments (e.g. nutrient restriction, exposure to male womb-mates) on the risk of losing fetuses in adulthood. Our previous work has characterized the fetuses of triplet pregnancies as experiencing intrauterine nutritional restriction.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used over a decade of demographic data from the Southwest National Primate Research Center common marmoset colony. We evaluated differences between twin and triplet females in the number of pregnancies they produce and the proportion of those pregnancies that ended in fetal loss. We found that triplet females produced the same number of total offspring as twin females, but lost offspring during pregnancy at a significantly higher rate than did twins (38% vs. 13%, p = 0.02). Regardless of their own birth weight or the sex ratio of the litter the experienced as fetuses, triplet females lost more fetuses than did twins. Females with a male littermate experienced a significant increase in the proportion of stillbirths.


These striking findings anchor pregnancy loss in the mother’s own fetal environment and development, underscoring a "Womb to Womb" view of the lifecourse and the intergenerational consequences of development. This has important translational implications for understanding the large proportion of human stillbirths that are unexplained. Our findings provide strong evidence that a full understanding of mammalian life history and reproductive biology requires a developmental foundation.  相似文献   

One family group of common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) was observed in captivity under natural environmental conditions to describe the circadian pattern of grooming behavior during the pregnancy of the reproductive female. The animals were observed by focal sampling, from the beginning to the end of animal's active phase, during two non-consecutive days per week, from August to November 1996. The duration of self-grooming and social grooming behavior of each animal were totalled each hour. The time series obtained were analyzed by Cluster Analysis and by Sin gle Cosinor Analysis. The daily patterns of grooming behavior during pregnancy were divided by Cluster Analysis into two stages, one corresponding to the second half of the third month of pregnancy, and the other from the last half of the third month to the last week before parturition. The confidence intervals of acrophases overlapped in all stages. The acrophases values of the first stage occurred between 10:09 h and 11:00 h, and on the second stage between 8:51 h and 11:13 h. The daily pattern of grooming behavior of adult male and female showed a trend to increase in the first hours of the active phase. This trend to advance grooming behavior during the second stage of pregnancy may be due to an effect of the coming parturition itself or to seasonal influences.  相似文献   

One family group of common marmoset ( Callithrix jacchus ) was observed in captivity under natural environmental conditions to describe the circadian pattern of grooming behavior during the pregnancy of the reproductive female. The animals were observed by focal sampling, from the beginning to the end of animal's active phase, during two non-consecutive days per week, from August to November 1996. The duration of self-grooming and social grooming behavior of each animal were totalled each hour. The time series obtained were analyzed by Cluster Analysis and by Sin gle Cosinor Analysis. The daily patterns of grooming behavior during pregnancy were divided by Cluster Analysis into two stages, one corresponding to the second half of the third month of pregnancy, and the other from the last half of the third month to the last week before parturition. The confidence intervals of acrophases overlapped in all stages. The acrophases values of the first stage occurred between 10:09 h and 11:00 h, and on the second stage between 8:51 h and 11:13 h. The daily pattern of grooming behavior of adult male and female showed a trend to increase in the first hours of the active phase. This trend to advance grooming behavior during the second stage of pregnancy may be due to an effect of the coming parturition itself or to seasonal influences.  相似文献   

A five-year-old female common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) died after a one-month clinical course of nonspecific signs. Pathologic findings were acute diffuse fibrinonecrotizing enteritis and granulomatous endolymphangitis of intestinal and mesenteric lymphatic vessels. Both lesions were associated with a marked proliferation of Mayer's mucicarmine-positive, 4 to 15 microm yeasts that were surrounded by a wide clear halo. The infection was probably acquired by oral route. Other findings included moderate multifocal granulomatous and necrotizing hepatitis and mesangial nephropathy. Although the immunological status of this marmoset was unknown, cryptococcosis might induce primary lethal intestinal infections in callitrichids.  相似文献   

We established pedigree relations in three wild common marmoset social groups for which observational data were available, together with genotypes of some individuals from neighboring groups. Relatedness of 40 individuals were based on 11 microsatellite loci amplified from nDNA obtained noninvasively from plucked hair. The wild marmosets were only half as variable as a captive population characterized previously: 2–6 alleles/locus; HO = 0.41 and HE = 0.35. Parentage exclusion probabilities were 61.8% for an offspring and one alleged parent and 90.7% for an offspring with one confirmed and one alleged parent. Each group (n = 5–14 individuals) had two breeding females and 2 adult males. Within each group the infants and reproductively inactive adults were closely related to at least the breeding females; the latter were related to each other as closely as mother/infant pairs or sisters. Relatedness of adult males was lower, indicating recent intergroup dispersal. Genetic data confirm Callithrix jacchus live in relatively stable extended family groups of closely related individuals. Matings occurred preferentially among the least related adults and most infants were fathered by the dominant male. The genetic data are consistent with polygynmonandry as are the field observations. Callithrix have variable mating systems, ranging from monogamy to polyandry to polygyny within social groups plus extragroup copulations; our data provide no evidence for polyandry and are inconclusive with respect to extragroup paternity. Nevertheless, noninvasive multilocus genotyping methods will resolve these questions when longer-term studies of entire populations are undertaken.  相似文献   

This report explores aspects of developing obesity in two captive populations of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), a small primate with a short lifespan that may be of value in modeling chronic aspects of obesity acquisition and its lifetime effects. Two populations were examined. In study 1, body composition, lipid parameters, and glucose metabolic parameters were measured in a population of 64 adult animals. Animals classified as obese (>80th percentile relative fat based on sex) displayed both dyslipidemia (higher triglyceride and very low–density lipoprotein (VLDL)) and altered glucose metabolism (higher fasting glucose and HbA1c). Using operational definitions of atypical values for factors associated with metabolic syndrome in humans, five subjects (7.8%) had at least three atypical factors and five others had two atypical factors. A previously unreported finding in these normally sexually monomorphic primates was higher body weight, fat weights, and percent fat in females compared to males. In a second study, longitudinal weight data for a larger population (n = 210) were analyzed to evaluate the development of high weight animals. Differences in weights for animals that would exceed the 90th percentile in early adulthood were evident from infancy, with a 15% difference in weight between future‐large weight vs. their future‐normal weight litter mates as early as 4–6 months of age. The marmoset, therefore, demonstrates similar suites of obesity‐related alterations to those seen in other primates, including humans, suggesting that this species is worthy of consideration for obesity studies in which its fast maturity, high fertility, relatively short lifespan, and small size may be of advantage.  相似文献   

For about 20 months the development of hand preferences in 21 experimentally naive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) was examined in 15 different tests. Test preferences were compared with their spontaneous behavior preferences in such contexts as feeding, grooming, play, and others. In the spontaneous use of the hands, only eight animals showed a significant lateral preference (2 left-handed, 6 right-handed). During the test period, however, the number of handed marmosets increased to 19 (5 left-handed, 14 right-handed). Most of the animals fluctuated considerably in their preference levels, a situation which led to a remarkable test response inconsistency of handedness. When the test situation was changed, complete reversals of handedness were more frequent than weakening or strengthening of a particular preference. The animals' emotions during the test session and environmental variables affected handedness significantly. None of the tested marmosets showed an increase of hand preference from the first to the last test. Our results indicate that Callithrix is ambidextrous rather than handed.  相似文献   

The rectal temperature of 8 marmosets was taken regularly throughout a 76 hour period. A pronounced circadian rhythm was detected: body temperature reached a maximum during the light phase and a minimum during the dark phase.  相似文献   

Three families' groups of common marmosets were observed to describe the characteristics of their grooming rhythmicity, as the duration of the episodes of self- and social grooming made and received by the animals, in captivity under natural environmental conditions. Data were collected by focal animal sampling, at 20 min hourly intervals during 16 non-consecutive days, from January to March in 1994 (sunrise: 05:24 h ± 2 min; sunset: 17:34 h ± 1 min). Time series were obtained for each individual and for each family through hourly duration of grooming. Family time serie was obtained through the mean of its individuals time series. Spectral analysis revealed statistically significant circadian rhythms for all families and individuals. Ultradian components were detected in 50% of the families and in 46.7% of the animals. Acrophases of self- and social grooming calculated by Single Cosinor took place between 9:21 h and 10:39 h, for the families. For individuals self- and social grooming made and received, acrophases occurred from 8:35 h to 12:43 h. The confidence limits of acrophases did not show differences between the families and the individuals within the families, irrespective of their sex, age and reproductive condition, suggesting that this behavior has a stronger temporal marking. Grooming has circadian and ultradian components of rhythmicity in captive families' groups of common marmosets, under natural environmental conditions. Since only some animals showed the ultradian component, it may be consequence of social or environmental masking, or yet phenotypic plasticity of temporal genotype. Further studies are needed to test these possibilities.  相似文献   

Cross-fostering technique can be defined as adoption of infants by adults of other species. This phenomenon is poorly investigated because very young animals have few opportunities to interact peacefully with non-conspecific adults, either in captivity or in natural conditions. This study describes the induction of cross-fostering in captivity between white tufted-ear (Callithrix jacchus) and black tufted-ear marmosets (Callithrix penicillata). We conclude that this technique can be very useful for preserving the life of rejected by parents or orphan infants, mainly in the case of species with low reproduction rate in captivity or those threatened by extinction, as well for investigating the environmental effects on the typical behavior of species (courtship, food preference, vocalization patterns, e.g.).  相似文献   

Cloprostenol-induced luteolysis in the marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A single intramuscular injection of 0.5 micrograms cloprostenol was not luteolytic on Day 6 or 7 of the ovarian cycle (N = 3), but was luteolytic in some animals (3/5) on Day 8 and 9 and luteolytic in all 23 animals treated between Days 10 and 17 of the ovarian cycle, and in 7 animals treated between Days 19 and 43 of pregnancy. Luteal function was monitored by measurement of progesterone in peripheral blood using a simple and rapid non-extraction assay. There was a dramatic fall in peripheral blood progesterone to less than 10 ng/ml within 24 h of cloprostenol injection; progesterone remained at this low level until the day after post-treatment ovulation. The interval from cloprostenol injection to ovulation in animals treated between Days 8 and 17 was 10.7 +/- 0.3 days. A similar interval was found in pregnant animals. Embryos recovered from the uterus after cloprostenol treatment were morphologically normal (23/24).  相似文献   

All adult marmosets tested had ureaplasmas in their throats but not in the lower respiratory tract, and rarely in the genital tract. Ureaplasmas persisted in the throat of a marmoset separated from the colony for 44 days. They could not be recovered from the animals for at least nine weeks after a course of minocycline. Airborne reinfection did not occur when these animals were surrounded by, but separate from, infected marmosets. It occurred when the minocycline-treated animals were caged with the infected marmosets or were inoculated. The genital tract was more difficult to infect than the oropharynx.  相似文献   

Plasma aminotransferase values were measured in a large number of samples from male and female marmosets. There were no differences due to age or sex for either AST or ALT. Haemolysis affected values for both enzymes, though the effect on ALT was greater.  相似文献   

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