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(1) The interaction of a series of pyrethroid insecticides with the Na+ channels in myelinated nerve fibres of the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was investigated using the voltage clamp technique. (2) Out of 11 pyrethroids 9 insecticidally active compounds induce a slowly decaying Na+ tail current on termination of a step depolarization, whereas the Na+ current during depolarization was hardly affected. These tail currents are most readily explained by a selective reduction of the rate of closing of the activation gate in a fraction of the Na+ channels that have opened during depolarization. (3) The rate of decay of the Na+ tail current varies considerably with pyrethroid structure. After alpha-cyano pyrethroids the decay is at least one order of magnitude slower than after non-cyano pyrethroids. The decay always follows a single-exponential time course and is reversibly slowed when the temperature is lowered from 25 to 0 degrees C. Arrhenius plots in this temperature range are linear. (4) These results indicate that the relaxation of the activation gate in pyrethroid-affected Na+ channels is governed by an apparent first order, unimolecular process and that the rate of relaxation is limited by a single energy barrier. Application of transition state theory shows that after alpha-cyano pyrethroids this energy barrier is 9.6 kJ/mol higher than after non-cyano pyrethroids. (5) Differences in rate of decay of the Na+ tail current account for the reported differences in repetitive nerve activity induced by various pyrethroids. In addition, the effect of temperature on the rate of decay explains the increase in repetitive activity with cooling.  相似文献   

The nature of the block of potassium conductance by strychnine in frog node of Ranvier was investigated. The block is voltage-dependent and reaches a steady level with a relaxation time of 1 to several ms. Block is increased by depolarization or a reduction in [K+]O as well as by increasing strychnine concentration. A quaternary derivative of strychnine produces a similar block only when applied intracellularly. In general and in detail, strychnine block resembles that produced by intracellular application of the substituted tetraethylammonium compounds extensively studied by C.M. Armstrong (1969. J. Gen Physiol. 54:553-575. 1971. J. Gen. Physiol. 58:413-437). The kinetics, voltage dependence, and dependence on [K+]O of strychnine block are of the same form. It is concluded that tertiary strychnine must cross the axon membrane and block from the axoplasmic side in the same fashion as these quaternary amines.  相似文献   

Strychnine blocks sodium conductance in the frog node of Ranvier. This block was studied by reducing and slowing sodium inactivation with scorpion venom. The block is voltage and time dependent. The more positive the axoplasm the greater the block and the faster the approach to equilibrium. Some evidence is presented suggesting that only open channels can be blocked. The block is reduced by raising external sodium or lithium but not impermeant cations. A quaternary derivative of strychnine was synthesized and found to have the same action only when applied intracellularly. We conclude that strychnine blocks sodium channels by a mechanism analogous to that by which it blocks potassium channels. The potassium channel block had previously been found to be identical to that by tetraethylammonium ion derivatives. In addition, strychnine resembles procaine and its derivatives in both its structure and the mechanism of sodium channel block.  相似文献   

The inhibition of sodium and potassium currents in frog myelinated fibres by ajmaline (AM) and its quaternary derivative, N-propyl ajmaline (NPA), depends on voltage-clamp pulses and the state of channel gating mechanisms. The permanently charged NPA and protonated AM interact only (or mainly) with open channels, while unprotonated AM affects preferently inactivated Na channels. Inhibition of Na currents by NPA and AM does not depend on the current direction and Na ion concentration in external or internal media. In contrast only the outward potassium currents can be blocked by NPA and AM; the inward potassium currents in high K+ ions external media are resistant to the blocking action of these drugs. The voltage dependence of ionic current inhibition by charged drugs suggests the location of their binding sites in the inner mouths of Na and K channels. Judging by the kinetics of current restoration after cessation of pulsing, the drug-binding site complex is much more stable in Na than in potassium channels. Batrachotoxin and aconitine, unlike veratridine and sea anemone toxin, decrease greatly the affinity of Na channel binding sites to NPA and AM. The effects of NPA and AM are compared with those of local anesthetics and other amine blocking drugs.  相似文献   

Sodium current and intramembrane gating charge movement (Q) were monitored in voltage-clamped frog node of Ranvier after modification of all sodium channels by batrachotoxin (BTX). Sodium current activation followed a single-exponential time course, provided a delay was interposed between the onset of the step ON depolarization and that of the current change. The delay decreased with increased ON depolarization and, for a constant ON depolarization, increased with prehyperpolarization. ON charge movement followed a single-exponential time course with time constants tau Q,ON slightly larger than tau Na, ON. For pulses between -70 and -50 mV, tau Q,ON/tau Na,ON = 1.14 +/- 0.08. The OFF charge movement and OFF sodium current tails after a depolarizing pulse followed single-exponential time courses, with tau Q, OFF larger than tau Na, OFF. tau Q,OFF/tau Na,OFF increased with OFF voltage from 1 near -100 mV to 2 near -160 mV. At a set OFF potential (-120 mV), both tau Q,OFF and tau Na,OFF increased with ON pulse duration. The delay in INa activation and the effect of ON pulse duration on tau Q,OFF and tau Na,OFF are inconsistent with a simple two-state, single-transition model for the gating of batrachotoxin-modified sodium channels.  相似文献   

The single K+-channel conductance was calculated from the variance of the spontaneous potassium noise currents in voltage clamped frog node. Essential for this calculation is the mean potassium conductance during the noise measurement. So far this quantity has been underestimated, apparently due to K+-ion accumulation. With the proper values, the single K+-channel conductance is an increasing function of membrane voltage.  相似文献   

Sodium current and sodium channel intramembrane gating charge movement (Q) were monitored in voltage-clamped frog node of Ranvier after modification of all sodium channels by batrachotoxin (BTX). BTX caused an approximately threefold increase in steepness of the Q vs. voltage relationship and a 50-mV negative shift in its midpoint. The maximum amount of intramembrane charge was virtually identical before and after BTX treatment. BTX treatment eliminated the charge immobilization observed in untreated nodes after relatively long depolarizing pulses and slowed the rate of OFF charge movement after a pulse. After BTX treatment, the voltage dependence of charge movement was the same as the steady-state voltage dependence of sodium conductance activation. The observations are consistent with the hypothesis that BTX induces an aggregation of the charged gating particles associated with each channel and causes them to move as a unit having approximately three times the average valence of the individual particles. Movement of this single aggregated unit would open the BTX-modified sodium channel.  相似文献   

The effects of benzocaine (0.5-1 mM) on normal Na currents, and on Na current and gating charge movement (Q) of batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified Na channels were analyzed in voltage-clamped frog node of Ranvier. Without BTX treatment the decay of Na current during pulses to between -40 and 0 mV could be decomposed into two exponential components both in the absence and in the presence of benzocaine. Benzocaine did not significantly alter the inactivation time constant of either component, but reduced both their amplitudes. The amplitude of the slow inactivating component was more decreased by benzocaine than the amplitude of the fast one, leading to an apparently faster decline of the overall Na current. After removal of Na inactivation and charge movement immobilization by BTX, benzocaine decreased the amplitude of INa with no change in time course. INa, QON, and QOFF were all reduced by the same factor. The results suggest that the rate of reaction of benzocaine with its receptor is slow compared to the rates of channel activation and inactivation. The differential effects of benzocaine on the two components of Na current inactivation in normal channels can be explained assuming two types of channel with different rates of inactivation and different affinities for the drug.  相似文献   

Intramembrane charge movement (Q) and sodium current (INa) were monitored in isolated voltage-clamped frog nodes of Ranvier, ON charge movements (QON) for pulses from the holding potential (-100 mV) to potentials V less than or equal to 0 mV followed single exponential time courses, whereas two exponentials were found for pulses to V greater than or equal to 20 mV. The voltage dependence of both QON and its time constant tauON indicated that the two ON components resolved at V greater than or equal to 20 mV were also present, though not resolvable, for pulses to V less than or equal to 0 mV. OFF charge movements (QOFF) monitored at various potentials were well described by single exponentials. When QOFF was monitored at -30 or -40 mV after a 200-microsecond pulse to +20 mV and QON was monitored at the same potential using pulses directly from -100 mV, tauON/tauOFF = 2.5 +/- 0.3. At a set OFF potential (-90 to -70 mV), tauOFF first increased with increasing duration tON of the preceding pulse to a given potential (0 to +30 mV) and then decreased with further increases in tON. The declining phase of tauOFF followed a time course similar to that of the decline in QOFF with tON. For the same pulse protocol, the OFF time constant tauNa for INA also first increased with tON but then remained constant over the tON interval during which tauOFF and QOFF were declining. After 200- or 300-microsecond pulses to +20, +20, or +50 mV, tauOFF/tauNa at -70 to -90 mV was 1.2 +/- 0.1. Similar tauOFF/tauNa ratios were predicted by channel models having three identical charged gating particles that can rapidly and reversibly form an immobile dimer or trimer after independently crossing the membrane from their OFF to their ON locations.  相似文献   

In batrachotoxin (BTX)-treated frog node of Ranvier, in spite of a marked reduction in Na inactivation, the Na current still presents a time- and voltage-dependent inactivation that could induce a 50-60% decrease in the current. The inactivation was found to be modified by changing the amplitude of a conditioning pulse, adding tetrodotoxin in the external solution, or replacing NaCl with KCl in the external solution. Conditioning pulses were able to alter the reversal potential of the BTX-modified Na current (Vrev). Vrev was shifted toward negative values for inward conditioning currents and was shifted toward positive values for outward conditioning currents. The change in Vrev was proportional to the conditioning current amplitude. Large inward currents induced 15-25 mV shifts of Vrev. During a 10-20-ms depolarizing pulse, the inactivation and change in Vrev were proportional to the time integral of the current. For longer depolarizations, Vrev reached a steady state level proportional to the current amplitude. The conductance, as calculated from the current and the actual Vrev, showed an inactivation proportional to exp(Vrev F/RT). These observations suggest that the BTX-modified Na current induces a decrease in local Na concentrations, which results in an alteration of the driving force and the conductance. During a pulse that induced a large inward current, the Na space concentration [( Na]s) changed from 114 to 50-60 mM. In normal fibers, the reversal potential of Na current was also shifted toward negative values by a prepulse that induced a large inward current. The change in Vrev reached 5-15 mV, which corresponded to a decrease in [Na]s of 20-50 mM. This change in Vrev slightly altered the time course of Na current. On the basis of a three- compartment model (axoplasm-perinodal space-bulk solution), a Na permeability of the barrier between the space and the bulk solution (PNa,s) and a mean thickness of the space (theta) were calculated. The mean value of PNa,s was 0.0051 cm X s-1 in both normal and BTX-treated fibers, whereas the value of theta was 0.29 micron in BTX-treated fibers and 0.05 micron in normal fibers. When compared with the values calculated during K accumulation, PNa,s was 10 times smaller than PK,s and theta Na-BTX was equal to theta K.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Quaternary ammonium ions were applied to the inside of single myelinated nerve fibers by diffusion from a cut end. The resulting block of potassium channels in the node of Ranvier was studied under voltage-clamp conditions. The results agree in almost all respects with similar studies by Armstrong of squid giant axons. With tetraethylammonium ion (TEA), pentyltriethylammonium ion (C5), or nonyltriethylammonium ion (C9) inside the node, potassium current during a depolarization begins to rise at the normal rate, reaches a peak, and then falls again. This unusual inactivation is more complete with C9 than with TEA. Larger depolarizations give more block. Thus the block of potassium channels grows with time and voltage during a depolarization. The block reverses with repolarization, but for C9 full reversal takes seconds at -75 mv. The reversal is faster in 120 mM KCl Ringer''s and slower during a hyperpolarization to -125 mv. All of these effects contrast with the time and voltage-independent block of potassium, channels seen with external quaternary ammonium ions on the node of Ranvier. External TEA, C5, and C9 block without inactivation. The external quaternary ammonium ion receptor appears to be distinct from the inner one. Apparently the inner quaternary ammonium ion receptor can be reached only when the activation gate for potassium channels is open. We suggest that the inner receptor lies within the channel and that the channel is a pore with its activation gate near the axoplasmic end.  相似文献   

The kinetics of binding the toxin ofButhus eupeus venom with sodium channels with a holding potential of –120 mV and subsequent dissociation of the toxin-channel complex during a shift of membrane potential (VM) to between –60 and +120 mV were investigated by the voltage clamping method on the Ranvier node membrane. The rate of dissociation was shown to increase if VM was shifted toward more positive values, exponentially with an e-fold increase every 32.3 mV. The results are in agreement with the hypothesis that dissociation of the toxin-channel complex during depolarization is determined by the difference between electrical energies of the inactivated states of normal and toxin-modified channels.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 619–626, November–December, 1980.  相似文献   

Experiments by the voltage clamp method on Ranvier nodes of the frog nerve fiber showed that batrachotoxin sharply reduces the sensitivity of sodium channels to the blocking action of various tertiary (trimecaine, procaine, ajmaline, strychnine) and quaternary (QX-572, N-propylajmaline) amines but has no appreciable effect on blocking of sodium channels by neutral benzocaine. Inhibition of batrachotoxin-modified sodium currents by trimecaine is distinctly time-and potential-dependent in character. None of the amines tested gives rise to frequency-dependent (cumulative) blocking of the modified channels. Unblocking of these channels during rinsing of the node takes place much faster than unblocking of normal channels. The time course of recovery of the normal and modified currents after blocking by benzocaine is about the same. Relations between batrachotoxin "receptors" and the various blocking agents in the sodium channel are discussed.A. V. Vishnevskii Institute of Surgery, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 636–643, November–December, 1982.  相似文献   

The inhibition by saxitoxin (STX) of single Na channels incorporated into planar lipid bilayers and modified by batrachotoxin (BTX) previously has been shown to be voltage dependent (Krueger, B.K.,J.F. Worley, and R. J. French, 1983, Nature [Lond.], 303:172-175; Moczydlowski, E., S. Hall, S. S. Garber, G. S. Strichartz, and C. Miller, 1984, J. Gen. Physiol., 84:687-704). We tested for such a voltage dependence of STX block of the Na current in voltage-clamped frog nodes of Ranvier. The block by STX of normal Na channels showed no modulation in response to maintained (20 s) changes of the membrane potential or to a train of brief pulses to potentials more positive than the holding potential. However, when the nodal channels were modified by BTX, the train of pulses produced a modulation of the block of the Na current by STX. The modulation of STX block depended on the voltage of the conditioning pulses and this voltage dependence agreed well with that predicted from the single channel studies over the membrane potential range used in those studies. In addition, we found that the voltage dependence of STX block was manifest only at potentials equal to or more positive than required to activate the channels. Most of the apparent differences among data from single channels in bilayers, equilibrium binding studies of STX, and the experiments described here are resolved by the hypotheses that (a) STX binding to open channels is voltage dependent, and (b) the affinities of STX for closed and inactivated channels are independent of voltage, equal, and less than the open channel affinity at potentials less than 0 mV. Whether these hypotheses apply to the STX block of all Na channels or just of BTX-modified channels remains to be determined.  相似文献   

1. In voltage-clamp experiments on frog myelinated nerve fibers, the effects of nine synthetic derivatives of batrachotoxin (BTX) obtained from 7,8-dihydrobatrachotoxinin A (DBTX-A) on Na+ currents (INa) have been investigated. 2. Both of 20 alpha-esters of DBTX-A with 2,4,5-trimethylpyrrol-3-carboxylic acid (DBTX-P) and benzoic acid (DBTX) at a 10(-5) M concentration caused modification of INa qualitatively similar to that induced by BTX. 3. The quaternary derivative of DBTX (QDBTX) produced such changes in INa only at a 5.10(-4) M concentration, apparently due to its much lower lipid solubility. 4. Replacement of a -CH2- by a -C = O. group in the homomorpholine ring near the tertiary nitrogen atom abolished the DBTX activity, strongly suggesting the necessity of tertiary nitrogen protonation for the toxin interaction with the channel receptor. 5. Transfer of an 11-hydroxygroup from the alpha- to the beta-position in the DBTX molecule did not decrease its activity in spite of the fact that in the beta-position this group is sterically very hindered. The activity of 11 beta-DBTX is at variance with the prediction of Codding's (1983) "oxygen triad" hypothesis. 6. DBTX-A and compounds obtained from DBTX by oxidation of the 11 alpha-hydroxygroup (K-DBTX), acetylation (Ac-DBTX), or reduction of the hemiketal moiety (H2DBTX) even at a concentration as high as 10(-3) M were able to modify only a very small fraction of the Na channels. However, a clear-cut reversible blocking action on both normal and modified Na channels was observed. 7. These results led us to conclude that BTX modifies the Na channels only in the charged form and hemiketal and 20 alpha-ester moieties provide adequate disposition of toxin on the receptor surface. The inability of H2DBTX, DBTX-A, and K-DBTX and Ac-DBTX to modify most of the Na channels can be explained by a low "probability of correct disposition" of these ligands on the receptor surface.  相似文献   

The action of the antiarrhythmic drug ethmozine on sodium channels of the membrane was studied in experiments on single from Ranvier nodes by the voltage clamp method. Application of ethmozine to both the outer and the inner side of the membrane reduced the amplitude of the sodium current INa; the kinetics of this current and steady-state inactivation of the sodium channels were unchanged. Tonic and phasic (transient, stimulus-dependent) components can be distinguished in the ethmozine block of the sodium current. Tonic blockage of the sodium current develops slowly and can be potentiated by high-frequency stimulation of the membrane. The possible nature of the tonic block is discussed. The stimulus-dependent blockade of the sodium current deepens with an increase in the frequency and amplitude of depolarizing stimuli. Prolonged membrane depolarization does not evoke any additional blocking of the sodium current. It is concluded that the stimulus-dependent blockade is due to interaction between ethomizine and open sodium channels. Modification of the channels by batrachotoxin (preventing inactivation of the sodium channels) makes them insensitive to ethmozine. Increasing the potassium ion concentration on the outer side of the membrane was found to reduce the tonic effect of ethmozine and to potentiate the stimulus-dependent blockade. The action of ethmozine was compared with the effects of tertiary and quaternary local anesthetics.A. V. Vishnevskii Institute of Surgery, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 380–389, July–August, 1981.  相似文献   

The effects of gallamine on ionic currents in single intact Ranvier nodes of the toad Xenopus were investigated. The following fully reversible effects were observed: 1. With a test concentration of 1 mmol/l the current-voltage relation of steady-state potassium currents, IK ss exhibited a complete block of IK ss up to about V = 110 mV; with stronger depolarisations the block was incomplete. The peak sodium currents, in contrast, were not affected. 2. At the same test concentration the potassium permeability constant PK was reduced by 92% from its normal value, while the sodium permeability constant PNa decreased by only 8%. 3. Concentration-response relations of the block of PK yielded an apparent dissociation constant of 30 micromol/l and a steepness parameter of unity. Patch-clamp experiments on cloned Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3 and Kv3.1 channels yielded apparent dissociation constants of 86, 19, >100 and 121 micromol/l, respectively. Our findings show that gallamine is particularly well suited for separating potassium and sodium currents in axonal current ensembles. They also strongly suggest that potassium currents in Ranvier nodes of Xenopus are mainly carried by an ensemble of Kv1.1 and 1.2 channels.  相似文献   

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