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When unliganded glucocorticoid receptor that has been stripped free of associated proteins is incubated with rabbit reticulocyte lysate, the receptor becomes associated with the 70- and 90-kDa heat shock proteins (hsp70 and hsp90), and the untransformed state of the receptor is functionally reconstituted [Scherrer, L. C., Dalman, F. C., Massa, E., Meshinchi, S., & Pratt, W. B. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 21397-21400]. Recently, an hsp70-containing protein complex (200-250 kDa) purified from rabbit reticulocyte lysate was shown to maintain a fusion protein bearing the mitochondrial matrix-targeting signal in a state that is competent for mitochondrial import [Sheffield, W. P., Shore, G. C., & Randall, S. K. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 11069-11076]. In this work, we show that this partially purified mitochondrial import-competent fraction contains both hsp90 and hsp70. When the purified fraction is immunoadsorbed with a monoclonal antibody specific for hsp90, a significant portion of the hsp70 is co-immunoadsorbed, suggesting that hsp90 and hsp70 are present together as a complex. The partially purified fraction maintains a hybrid precursor protein containing the mitochondrial matrix-targeting signal of rat pre-ornithine carbamyl transferase in an import-competent state. Incubation of immunopurified glucocorticoid receptor with this fraction of reticulocyte lysate results in ATP-dependent association of the receptor with both hsp70 and hsp90, and the resulting complexes are functional as assessed by return of the receptor to the high-affinity steroid binding conformation. The glucocorticoid receptor hetero-complex reconstituting activity of the lysate fraction is low relative to its mitochondrial import activity. Importantly, however, this is the first demonstration of the functional and structural reconstitution of the untransformed state of any steroid receptor utilizing a partially purified system.  相似文献   

SGT1 (Suppressor of G2 allele of skp1), a co-chaperone of HSP90 (Heat-shock protein 90), is required for innate immunity in plants and animals. Unveiling the cross talks between SGT1 and other co-chaperones such as p23, AHA1 (Activator of HSP90 ATPase 1) or RAR1 (Required for Mla12 resistance) is an important step towards understanding the HSP90 machinery. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mutational analyses of HSP90 revealed the nature of its binding with the CS domain of SGT1. Although CS is structurally similar to p23, these domains were found to non-competitively bind to various regions of HSP90; yet, unexpectedly, full-length SGT1 could displace p23 from HSP90. RAR1 partly shares the same binding site with HSP90 as the CS domain, whereas AHA1 does not. This analysis allowed us to build a structural model of the HSP90–SGT1 complex and to obtain a compensatory mutant pair between both partners that is able to restore virus resistance in vivo through Rx (Resistance to potato virus X) immune sensor stabilization.  相似文献   

The inner row of dynein arms contains three dynein subforms. Each is distinct in composition and location in flagellar axonemes. To begin investigating the specificity of inner dynein arm assembly, we assessed the capability of isolated inner arm dynein subforms to rebind to their appropriate positions on axonemal doublet microtubules by recombining them with either mutant or extracted axonemes missing some or all dyneins. Densitometry of Coomassie blue-stained polyacrylamide gels revealed that for each inner dynein arm subform, binding to axonemes was saturable and stoichiometric. Using structural markers of position and polarity, electron microscopy confirmed that subforms bound to the correct inner arm position. Inner arms did not bind to outer arm or inappropriate inner arm positions despite the availability of sites. These and previous observations implicate specialized tubulin isoforms or nontubulin proteins in designation of specific inner dynein arm binding sites. Further, microtubule sliding velocities were restored to dynein-depleted axonemes upon rebinding of the missing inner arm subtypes as evaluated by an ATP-induced microtubule sliding disintegration assay. Therefore, not only were the inner arm dynein subforms able to identify and bind to the correct location on doublet microtubules but they bound in a functionally active conformation.  相似文献   

Kostelansky MS  Sun J  Lee S  Kim J  Ghirlando R  Hierro A  Emr SD  Hurley JH 《Cell》2006,125(1):113-126
The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) complexes are central to receptor downregulation, lysosome biogenesis, and budding of HIV. The yeast ESCRT-I complex contains the Vps23, Vps28, and Vps37 proteins, and its assembly is directed by the C-terminal steadiness box of Vps23, the N-terminal half of Vps28, and the C-terminal half of Vps37. The crystal structures of a Vps23:Vps28 core subcomplex and the Vps23:Vps28:Vps37 core were solved at 2.1 and 2.8 A resolution. Each subunit contains a structurally similar pair of helices that form the core. The N-terminal domain of Vps28 has a hydrophobic binding site on its surface that is conformationally dynamic. The C-terminal domain of Vps28 binds the ESCRT-II complex. The structure shows how ESCRT-I is assembled by a compact core from which the Vps23 UEV domain, the Vps28 C domain, and other domains project to bind their partners.  相似文献   

In vitro reconstitution of functions of membrane proteins is often hampered by aggregation, misfolding, or lack of post-translational modifications of the proteins attributable to overexpression. To overcome this technical obstacle, we have developed a method to express multimeric integral membrane proteins in extracellular (budded) baculovirus particles that are released from Sf9 cells co-infected with multiple transmembrane proteins. We applied this method to the reconstitution of gamma-secretase, a membrane protease complex that catalyzes the intramembrane cleavage of beta-amyloid precursor protein to release Abeta peptides, the major component of amyloid deposits in Alzheimer brains as well as of Notch. When we co-infected Sf9 cells with human presenilin 1 (PS1), nicastrin, APH-1a, and PEN-2, a high-molecular-weight membrane protein complex that contained PS1 exclusively in its fragment form associated with three other cofactor proteins was reconstituted and recovered in a highly gamma-secretase-active state in budded virus particles, whereas nonfunctional PS1 holoproteins massively contaminated the parental Sf9 cell membranes. The relative gamma-secretase activity (per molar PS1 fragments) was concentrated by approximately 2.5 fold in budded virus particles compared with that in Sf9 membranes. The budded baculovirus system will facilitate structural and functional analyses of gamma-secretase, as well as screening of its binding molecules or inhibitors, and will also provide a versatile methodology for the characterization of a variety of membrane protein complexes.  相似文献   

The muscle contractile apparatus has a highly ordered liquid crystalline structure. The molecular mechanism underlying the formation of this apparatus remains, however, to be elucidated. Selective removal and reconstitution of the components are useful means of examining this mechanism. In addition, this approach is a powerful technique for examining the structure and function of a specific component of the contractile system. In this study we have achieved the structural and functional reconstitution of thin filaments in the cardiac contractile apparatus. First, all thin filaments other than short fragments at the Z line were removed by treatment with gelsolin. Under these conditions no active tension could be generated. By incorporating exogenous actin into these thin filament-free fibers, actin filaments were reconstituted, and active tension, which was insensitive to Ca2+, was restored. The active tension after the reconstitution of thin filaments reached 135 +/- 64% of the original level. The augmentation of tension was attributable to the elongation of reconstituted filaments. As another possibility for augmented tension generation, we suggest the presence of an inhibitory system that was not reconstituted. In any case, the thin filaments of the cardiac contractile apparatus are considered to be assembled so as not to develop the highest degree of tension. Incorporation of the tropomyosin-troponin complex fully restored Ca2+ sensitivity without affecting maximum tension. The present results indicate that a muscle contractile apparatus with a higher order structure and function can be constructed by the self-assembly of constituent proteins.  相似文献   

R M Wynn  J Omaha  R Malkin 《Biochemistry》1989,28(13):5554-5560
Photosystem I (PSI) complexes have been isolated from two cyanobacterial strains, Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and 6301. These complexes contain six to seven low molecular mass subunits in addition to the two high molecular mass subunits previously shown to bind the primary reaction center components. Chemical cross-linking of ferredoxin to the complex identified a 17.5-kDa subunit as the ferredoxin-binding protein in the Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301-PSI complex. The amino acid sequence of this subunit, deduced from the DNA sequence of the gene, confirmed its identity as the psaD gene product. A 17-kDa subunit cross-links to the electron donor, cytochrome c-553, in a manner analogous to the cross-linking of plastocyanin to the higher plant PSI complex. Using antibodies raised against the spinach psaC gene product (a 9-kDa subunit which binds Fe-S centers A and B), we identified an analogous protein in the cyanobacterial PSI complex.  相似文献   

Hausmann CD  Ibba M 《FEBS letters》2008,582(15):2178-2182
Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus contains a multi-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex (MSC) of LysRS, LeuRS and ProRS. Elongation factor (EF) 1A also associates to the MSC, with LeuRS possibly acting as a core protein. Analysis of the MSC revealed that LysRS and ProRS specifically interact with the idiosyncratic N- and C- termini of LeuRS, respectively. EF-1A instead interacts with the inserted CP1 proofreading domain, consistent with models for post-transfer editing by class I synthetases such as LeuRS. Together with previous genetic data, these findings show that LeuRS plays a central role in mediating interactions within the archaeal MSC by acting as a core scaffolding protein.  相似文献   

K Bienz  D Egger  T Pfister    M Troxler 《Journal of virology》1992,66(5):2740-2747
Two populations of membrane-bound replication complexes were isolated from poliovirus-infected HEp-2 cells by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The two fractions show similar ultrastructural features: the replication complex is enclosed in a rosettelike shell of virus-induced vesicles and contains a very tightly packed second membrane system (compact membranes). The vesicular fraction, which bands in 30% sucrose, contains replicative intermediate (RI) and 36S RNA. The fraction banding in 45% sucrose contains only minute amounts of RI and contains mainly 36S RNA, two-thirds of which is encapsidated. In vitro, the two fractions show similar RNA synthesizing capacities and produce 36S plus-strand RNA. Dissolving the membranes within and around synthetically active replication complexes with sodium deoxycholate abolishes the completion of 36S RNA but still allows elongation in the RI. Our findings suggest an architecture of the replication complex that has the nascent plus strands on the RI enclosed in the compact membranes and the replication forks wrapped additionally in protein. Plus-strand RNA can be localized by in situ hybridization with a biotinylated riboprobe between the replication complex and the rosette of the virus-induced vesicles. It was found that the progeny RNA strands are set free soon after completion from the replication complex at the sites where the compact membranes within the replication complex are in close contact with the surrounding virus-induced vesicles.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous Hsp90 is critical for protein homeostasis in the cells, stabilizing “client” proteins in a functional state. Hsp90 activity depends on its ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP, involving various conformational changes that are regulated by co-chaperones, posttranslational modifications and small molecules. Compounds like geldanamycin (GA) and radicicol inhibit the Hsp90 ATPase activity by occupying the ATP binding site, which can lead client protein to degradation and also inhibit cell growth and differentiation in protozoan parasites. Our goal was to produce the recombinant Hsp90 of Leishmania braziliensis (LbHsp90) and construct of its N-terminal (LbHsp90N) and N-domain and middle-domain (LbHsp90NM), which lacks the C-terminal dimerization domain, in order to understand how Hsp90 works in protozoa. The recombinant proteins were produced folded as attested by spectroscopy experiments. Hydrodynamic experiments revealed that LbHsp90N and LbHsp90NM behaved as elongated monomers while LbHsp90 is an elongated dimer. All proteins prevented the in vitro citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase aggregation, attesting that they have chaperone activity, and interacted with adenosine ligands with similar dissociation constants. The LbHsp90 has low ATPase activity (kcat = 0.320 min− 1) in agreement with Hsp90 orthologs, whereas the LbHsp90NM has negligible activity, suggesting the importance of the dimeric protein for this activity. The GA interacts with LbHsp90 and with its domain constructions with different affinities and also inhibits the LbHsp90 ATPase activity with an IC50 of 0.7 μM. All these results shed light on the LbHsp90 activity and are the first step to understanding the Hsp90 molecular chaperone system in L. braziliensis.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial degradosome (mtEXO), the main RNA-degrading complex of yeast mitochondria, is composed of two subunits: an exoribonuclease encoded by the DSS1 gene and an RNA helicase encoded by the SUV3 gene. We expressed both subunits of the yeast mitochondrial degradosome in Escherichia coli, reconstituted the complex in vitro and analyzed the RNase, ATPase and helicase activities of the two subunits separately and in complex. The results reveal a very strong functional interdependence. For every enzymatic activity, we observed significant changes when the relevant protein was present in the complex, compared to the activity measured for the protein alone. The ATPase activity of Suv3p is stimulated by RNA and its background activity in the absence of RNA is reduced greatly when the protein is in the complex with Dss1p. The Suv3 protein alone does not display RNA-unwinding activity and the 3' to 5' directional helicase activity requiring a free 3' single-stranded substrate becomes apparent only when Suv3p is in complex with Dss1p. The Dss1 protein alone does have some basal exoribonuclease activity, which is not ATP-dependent, but in the presence of Suv3p the activity of the entire complex is enhanced greatly and is entirely ATP-dependent, with no residual activity observed in the absence of ATP. Such absolute ATP-dependence is unique among known exoribonuclease complexes. On the basis of these results, we propose a model in which the Suv3p RNA helicase acts as a molecular motor feeding the substrate to the catalytic centre of the RNase subunit.  相似文献   

The utilization of phenylacetic acid (PA) in Escherichia coli occurs through a hybrid pathway that shows features of both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Oxygenation of the aromatic ring is performed by a multisubunit phenylacetyl-coenzyme A oxygenase complex that shares remote homology of two subunits to well studied bacterial multicomponent monooxygenases and was postulated to form a new bacterial multicomponent monooxygenase subfamily. We expressed the subunits PaaA, B, C, D, and E of the PA-CoA oxygenase and showed that PaaABC, PaaAC, and PaaBC form stable subcomplexes that can be purified. In vitro reconstitution of the oxygenase subunits showed that each of the PaaA, B, C, and E subunits are necessary for catalysis, whereas PaaD is not essential. We have determined the crystal structure of the PaaAC complex in a ligand-free form and with several CoA derivatives. We conclude that PaaAC forms a catalytic core with a monooxygenase fold with PaaA being the catalytic α subunit and PaaC, the structural β subunit. PaaAC forms heterotetramers that are organized very differently from other known multisubunit monooxygenases and lacks their conservative network of hydrogen bonds between the di-iron center and protein surface, suggesting different association with the reductase and different mechanisms of electron transport. The PaaA structure shows adaptation of the common access route to the active site for binding a CoA-bound substrate. The enzyme-substrate complex shows the orientation of the aromatic ring, which is poised for oxygenation at the ortho-position, in accordance with the expected chemistry. The PA-CoA oxygenase complex serves as a paradigm for the new subfamily multicomponent monooxygenases comprising several hundred homologs.  相似文献   

Characterization and functional reconstitution of the multidrug transporter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P-Glycoprotein, the multidrug transporter, is isolated from the plasma membrane of CHRC5 cells using a selective two-step detergent extraction procedure. The partially purified protein displays a high level of ATPase activity, which has a highK M for ATP, is stimulated by drugs, and can be distinguished from that of other membrane ATPases by its unique inhibition profile. Delipidation completely inactivates ATPase activity, which is restored by the addition of fluid lipid mixtures. P-Glycoprotein was reconstituted into lipid bilayers with retention of both drug transport and ATPase activity. Proteoliposomes containing P-glycoprotein display osmotically sensitive ATP-dependent accumulation of3H-colchicine in the vesicle lumen. Drug transport is active, generating a stable 5.6-fold concentration gradient, and can be blocked by compounds in the multidrug resistance spectrum. Reconstituted P-glycoprotein also exhibits a high level of ATPase activity which is further stimulated by various drugs. P-Glycoprotein therefore functions as an active drug transporter with constitutive ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The overexpression of the P-glycoprotein, theMDR1 gene product, has been linked to the development of resistance to multiple cytotoxic natural product anticancer drugs in certain cancers and cell lines derived from tumors. P-glycoprotein, a member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters, is believed to function as an ATP-dependent drug efflux pump with broad specificity for chemically unrelated hydrophobic compounds. We review here recent studies on the purification and reconstitution of P-glycoprotein to elucidate the mechanism of drug transport. P-glycoprotein from the human carcinoma multidrug resistant cell line, KB-V1, was purified by sequential chromatography on anion exchange followed by a lectin (wheat germ agglutinin) column. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with pure protein exhibited high levels of drug-stimulated ATPase activity as well as ATP-dependent [3H]vinblastine accumulation. Both the ATPase and vinblastine transport activities of the reconstituted P-glycoprotein were inhibited by vanadate. In addition, the vinblastine transport was inhibited by verapamil and daunorubicin. These studies provide strong evidence that the human P-glycoprotein functions as an ATP-dependent drug transporter. The development of the reconstitution system and the availability of recombinant protein in large amounts due to recent advances in overexpression of P-glycoprotein in a heterologous expression system should facilitate a better understanding of the function of this novel protein.  相似文献   

The primary candidate for the eukaryotic replicative helicase is the MCM2-7 complex, a hetero-oligomer formed by six AAA+ paralogous polypeptides. A simplified model for structure-function studies is the homo-oligomeric orthologue from the archaeon Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus. The crystal structure of the DNA-interacting N-terminal domain of this homo-oligomer revealed a double hexamer in a head-to-head configuration; single-particle electron microscopy studies have shown that the full-length protein complex can form both single and double rings, in which each ring can consist of a cyclical arrangement of six or seven subunits. Using single-particle techniques and especially multivariate statistical symmetry analysis, we have assessed the changes in stoichiometry that the complex undergoes when treated with various nucleotide analogues or when binding a double-stranded DNA fragment. We found that the binding of nucleotides or of double-stranded DNA leads to the preferred formation of double-ring structures. Specifically, the protein complex is present as a double heptamer when treated with a nucleotide analogue, but it is rather found as a double hexamer when complexed with double-stranded DNA. The possible physiological role of the various stoichiometries of the complex is discussed in the light of the proposed mechanisms of helicase activity.  相似文献   

Sgt1 is an adaptor protein implicated in a variety of processes, including formation of the kinetochore complex in yeast, and regulation of innate immunity systems in plants and animals. Sgt1 has been found to associate with SCF E3 ubiquitin ligases, the CBF3 kinetochore complex, plant R proteins and related animal Nod-like receptors, and with the Hsp90 molecular chaperone. We have determined the crystal structure of the core Hsp90–Sgt1 complex, revealing a distinct site of interaction on the Hsp90 N-terminal domain. Using the structure, we developed mutations in Sgt1 interfacial residues, which specifically abrogate interaction with Hsp90, and disrupt Sgt1-dependent functions in vivo, in plants and yeast. We show that Sgt1 bridges the Hsp90 molecular chaperone system to the substrate-specific arm of SCF ubiquitin ligase complexes, suggesting a role in SCF assembly and regulation, and providing multiple complementary routes for ubiquitination of Hsp90 client proteins.  相似文献   

FADD is a key adaptor modulating several signaling pathways such as apoptosis induced by Fas (CD95) and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1, and cell proliferation induced by mitogens. Whereas mutations in Fas disrupt its binding to FADD and cause autoimmune lymphoproliferative (lpr) syndromes, a FADD deficiency blocks embryonic development in mice. To delineate the multifunction of FADD in vivo, we performed functional reconstitution analysis by introducing wild type and mutant FADD into FADD-/- cells or FADD-/- mice lacking the endogenous FADD. An lpr-like FADD mutant, V121N, was reported previously as being defective in Fas binding in vitro. However, we found that in mice V121N can bind to Fas and is functional in signaling apoptosis. Unexpectedly, this lpr-like mutant FADD failed to support mouse development, indicating that the death domain of FADD has an additional function required for embryogenesis, which is independent of that required for receptor-induced apoptosis. Further mutagenesis was targeted at charged residues in the FADD death domain, presumably mediating electrostatic interactions with Fas. We showed that the target binding and apoptosis signaling functions of FADD were not affected when mutations were introduced to a majority of the charged residues. In one exception, replacing arginine 117 with an uncharged residue disrupted target binding and apoptosis signaling, but restoring the positive charge at position 117 failed to reconstitute the FADD function. Therefore, in vivo target binding of FADD involves an additional mechanism distinct from electrostatic interaction.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are composed of independent folding domains. Based on this findings we attempted to rescue the function of clinically relevant missense mutations (R137H, S167L, and R181C) within the N-terminal domain of the V2 vasopressin receptor (V2-R), by coexpressing mutated full-length (Y280C) and C-terminally truncated (E242X) receptor constructs in COS-7 cells. Coimmunoprecipitation and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay studies demonstrated a specific association of E242X with full-length V2-Rs even in the presence of missense mutations. Systematic analysis of the structural requirements for the observed receptor/fragment association showed that N-terminal fragments containing at least transmembrane regions 1-3 interact with the full-length V2-R. Despite this specific interaction, no functional reconstitution was achieved for mutant V2-Rs following coexpression with E242X and Y280C. However, functional activity of R137H and R181C upon coexpression with E242X was regained by mutational disruption of the extracellular disulfide bond, which is highly conserved among GPCRs. Our data with the V2-R are consistent with a structural model in which class I GPCRs form contact oligomers by lateral interaction rather than by a domain-swapping mechanism.  相似文献   

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