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CD1d-restricted NKT cells expressing invariant TCR alpha-chain rearrangements (iNKT cells) have been reported to be deficient in humans with a variety of autoimmune syndromes and in certain strains of autoimmune mice. In addition, injection of mice with alpha-galactosylceramide, a specific glycolipid agonist of iNKT cells, activates these T cells and ameliorates autoimmunity in several different disease models. Thus, deficiency and reduced function in iNKT cells are considered to be risk factors for the development of such diseases. In this study we report that the development of systemic lupus erythematosus in (New Zealand Black (NZB) x New Zealand White (NZW))F(1) mice was paradoxically associated with an expansion and activation of iNKT cells. Although young (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice had normal levels of iNKT cells, these expanded with age and became phenotypically and functionally hyperactive. Activation of iNKT cells in (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice in vivo or in vitro with alpha-galactosylceramide indicated that the immunoregulatory role of iNKT cells varied over time, revealing a marked increase in their potential to contribute to production of IFN-gamma with advancing age and disease progression. This evolution of iNKT cell function during the progression of autoimmunity may have important implications for the mechanism of disease in this model of systemic lupus erythematosus and for the development of therapies using iNKT cell agonists.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that IFN-alpha is involved in pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. However, direct proof that IFN-alpha is not only necessary, but also sufficient to induce lupus pathogenicity is lacking. In this study, we show that in vivo adenovector-mediated delivery of murine IFN-alpha results in preautoimmune (New Zealand Black (NZB) x New Zealand White (NZW))F(1), but not in normal, mice, in a rapid and severe disease with all characteristics of systemic lupus erythematosus. Anti-dsDNA Abs appeared as soon as day 10 after initiation of IFN-alpha treatment. Proteinuria and death caused by glomerulonephritis occurred in all treated mice within, respectively, approximately 9 and approximately 18 wk, at a time when all untreated (NZB x NZW)F(1) did not show any sign of disease. IFN-alpha in vivo induced an overexpression of B lymphocyte stimulator in circulation at similar levels in both the preautoimmune and the normal mouse strains. All effects elicited by IFN-alpha were dose dependent. (NZB x NZW)F(1) infused with purified murine IFN-alpha also showed acceleration of lupus. Thus, prolonged expression of IFN-alpha in vivo induces early lethal lupus in susceptible animals.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of autoimmune NZB and (NZB X NZW)F1 mice to the induction of tolerance by monomeric BSA was compared with several normal mouse strains. Unresponsiveness in T and B lymphocyte compartments was probed by challenging with DNP8BSA and measuring anti-DNP and anti-BSA antibodies separately. Tolerance induced by monomeric BSA was carrier specific, and there was no evidence of epitope-specific suppression. Normal NZW, NFS, and B10.D2 mice were easily rendered tolerant with monomeric BSA and did not produce anti-DNP or anti-BSA antibodies after challenge with DNP8BSA. By contrast, the lack of anti-DNP antibody response in similarly treated NZB mice was dependent on the dose of monomeric BSA, indicating that the helper T cells were partially resistant to tolerance induction. NZB mice treated with a high dose of monomeric BSA produced anti-BSA, but not anti-DNP, antibodies after immunization. Thus, the anti-carrier B cells in NZB mice may have been primed by monomeric BSA. The presence of the xid gene on the NZB background rendered the mice susceptible to induction of tolerance, suggesting that the tolerance defect in NZB mice involves the B cell compartment. This abnormal antibody response was a dominant trait: (NZB X NFS)F1 and (NZB X B10.D2)F1 mice had the same characteristics as NZB mice. These F1 hybrids do not develop autoimmune disease, indicating that resistance to experimental tolerance induction expressed at a B cell level may not be sufficient for disease development. In contrast to NZB and other NZB F1 hybrids, (NZB X NZW)F1 hybrids treated with monomeric BSA and challenged with DNP8BSA responded to both DNP and BSA. The contribution of a B cell defect to the tolerance abnormality of (NZB X NZW)F1 mice was examined by analyzing the effect of the xid gene on the progeny of (NZB.xid X NZW)F1 mice. Unlike the effect of the xid gene on NZB mice, both phenotypically normal heterozygous female and phenotypically xid hemizygous male mice produced anti-DNP and anti-BSA antibodies after tolerance induction and immunization, demonstrating that a major helper T cell abnormality was present in (NZB X NZW)F1 mice. The (NZW X B10.D2)F1 hybrid was rendered tolerant by this procedure, indicating that the helper T cell defect (NZB X NZW)F1 mice may have resulted from gene complementation with the NZB mice contributing partial resistance of T helper cells to tolerance induction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Spontaneous and mitomycin-C-induced chromosomal aberration level was studied in bone marrow cells of mice F1 (NZBXNZW), an experimental model of systemic lupus erythematosus and in C57BL/6J mice. The chromosome instability level is found to correspond to the degree of the autoimmune process: F1 (NZBXNZW) mice with the highest titer of autoantibodies to DNA has higher chromosomal mutability.  相似文献   

We have previously reported linkage of systemic lupus erythematosus to chromosome 2q37 in multicase families from Iceland and Sweden. This locus (SLEB2) was identified by linkage to the markers D2S125 and D2S140. In the present study we have analyzed additional microsatellite markers and SNPs covering a region of 30 cM around D2S125 in an extended set of Nordic families (Icelandic, Swedish, and Norwegian). Two-point linkage analysis in these families gave a maximum lod score at the position of markers D2S2585 and D2S2985 (Z = 4.51, PIC = 0.65), by applying a "model-free" pseudo-marker linkage analysis. Based on multipoint linkage analysis in the Nordic families, the most likely location of the SLEB2 locus is estimated to be in the interval between D2S125 and the position of markers D2S2585 and D2S2985, with a peak multipoint lod score of Z = 6.03, assuming a dominant pseudo-marker model. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis was performed using the data from the multicase families and 89 single-case families of Swedish origin, using the same set of markers. The LD analysis showed evidence for association in the single-case and multicase families with locus GAAT3C11 (P < 0.0003), and weak evidence for association was obtained for several markers located telomeric to D2S125 in the multicase families. Thirteen Mexican families were analyzed separately and found not to have linkage to this region. Our results support the presence of the SLEB2 locus at 2q37.  相似文献   

A set of 87 multicase families with systemic lupus erythemathosus (SLE) from European (Iceland, Sweden, England, Norway, Italy, and Greece) and recently admixed (Mexico, Colombia, and the United States) populations were genotyped and analyzed for 62 microsatellite markers on chromosome 1. By parametric two-point linkage analysis, six regions (1p36, 1p21, 1q23, 1q25, 1q31, and 1q43) were identified that have LOD scores of Z>or=1.50, with different contributions, depending on the population of origin of the families (European or admixed American). All of the regions have been described previously and have therefore been confirmed in this analysis. The locus at 1q31 showed a significant three-point LOD score of Z=3.79 and was contributed by families from all populations, with several markers and under the same parametric model. Analysis of a known mutation in the CD45 gene did not support the role that this mutation plays in disease. We conclude that the locus at 1q31 contains a major susceptibility gene, important to SLE in general populations.  相似文献   

We showed previously that nucleophosmin (NPM), a nucleolar phosphoprotein, is recognized by sera from (NZW x BXSB)F1 (WB) mice, a model of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and anti-phospholipid syndrome. In the present study we analysed the prevalence and kinetics of anti-NPM autoantibodies in WB mice by a solid-phase ELISA with recombinant human (rh) NPM as the antigen and showed that most male WB mouse sera had anti-NPM antibodies that were responsible for their indirect immunofluorescence staining pattern on Hep-2 cells. Anti-NPM antibodies were significantly associated with anti-cardiolipin (aCL) antibodies. This antibody profile mirrored that observed in certain human SLE sera because anti-NPM antibodies were detected in 28% of the sera from patients with SLE and were similarly associated with aCL antibodies. The demonstration that rhNPM bound to cardiolipin (CL) in vitro and increased the CL-binding activity of a WB-derived aCL monoclonal antibody indicates that NPM can interact with CL to form SLE-related immunogenic particles that might be responsible for the concomitant production of anti-NPM and aCL antibodies.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that tolerogenic administration of an artificial peptide (pConsensus) that is based on sequences within the V(H) regions of several murine anti-dsDNA Ig delays appearance of autoantibodies in female (New Zealand Black (NZB) x New Zealand White (NZW))F(1) (NZB/W F(1)) mice and significantly prolongs their survival. The aim of this study was to characterize the T cell population(s) involved in pConsensus-induced down-regulation of autoimmune responses in tolerized NZB/W F(1) mice. Using MHC class II dimers loaded with tolerogenic peptide, we found that pCons favored expansion of peptide-reactive CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (T(R)) that inhibited in vitro production of anti-dsDNA Ab-forming cells. Suppression by T(R) was abrogated by the presence in culture of Ab to glucocorticoid-induced TNFR family member 18 or to TGFbeta latency-associated protein. These findings suggest possible relevance of Ag specificity in the mechanism of T(R)-mediated immune tolerance to Ig-derived peptides in NZB/W F(1) mice.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that peptide 88-99 of histone H4 represents a minimal T cell epitope recognized by Th cells from nonautoimmune BALB/c (H-2(d/d)) mice immunized with nucleosomes. In this study, we tested a panel of overlapping peptides spanning the whole sequences of H4 and H3 for recognition by CD4(+) T cells from unprimed (New Zealand Black (NZB) x New Zealand White (NZW))F(1) lupus mice (H-2(d/z)). None of the 11 H4 peptides was recognized by CD4(+) T cells from (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice. In contrast, these cells proliferated and secreted IL-2, IL-10, and IFN-gamma upon ex vivo stimulation with H3 peptides representing sequences 53-70, 64-78, and 68-85. Peptides 56-73 and 61-78 induced the production of IFN-gamma and IL-10, respectively, without detectable proliferation, suggesting that they may act as partial agonist of the TCR. Th cells from unprimed BALB/c mice and other lupus-prone mice such as SNF(1) (H-2(d/q)) and MRL/lpr (H-2(k/k)) mice did not recognize any peptides present within the H3 region 53-85. We further demonstrated that immunization of normal BALB/c mice with syngeneic liver nucleosomes and spleen apoptotic cells, but not with nonapoptotic syngeneic cells, induced Th cell responses against several peptides of the H3 region 53-85. Moreover, we found that this conserved region of H3, which is accessible at the surface of nucleosomes, is targeted by Abs from (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice and lupus patients, and contains motifs recognized by several distinct HLA-DR molecules. It might thus be important in the self-tolerance breakdown in lupus.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Patched (Ptch1) gene are responsible for various familial and sporadic cancers. Ptch1(neo67/+) mice, in which exons 6 and 7 are deleted, show genetic background-dependent susceptibility to the development of muscle tumors resembling human rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS); BALB/c (BALB) is a susceptible strain whereas C57BL/6 (B6) shows resistance. A genome-wide linkage analysis was carried out using Ptch1(neo67/+)mice produced from B6 x (BALB x B6) backcrosses to identify loci involved in the control of RMS susceptibility. Quantitative trait locus mapping with the censored tumor latency time as the quantitative parameter was used to detect a significant RMS susceptibility modifier locus, Parms1 (Patched-Associated RMS 1), on chromosome 2 between D2Mit37 and D2Mit102 (LRS = 10). A Kaplan-Meier survival curve revealed that mice with the B6/BALB genotype develop tumors more frequently and much faster as compared to mice homozygous for the B6 allele (P = 0.02). Additional loci not reaching linkage significance were also detected for medulloblastoma resistance.  相似文献   

The New Zealand Black (NZB) Lbw2 locus (lupus NZB x New Zealand White (NZW) 2 locus) was previously linked to mortality and glomerulonephritis, but not to IgG autoantibodies, suggesting that it played a role in a later disease stage. To define its contribution, (NZB x NZW)F1 hybrids (BWF1) containing two, one, or no copies of this locus were generated. Lack of the NZB Lbw2 indeed reduced mortality and glomerulonephritis, but not serum levels of total and anti-DNA IgG Abs. There were, however, significant reductions in the B cell response to LPS, total and anti-DNA IgM and IgG Ab-forming cells, IgM Ab levels, and glomerular Ig deposits. Furthermore, although serum IgG autoantibody levels correlated poorly with kidney IgG deposits, the number of spontaneous IgG Ab-forming cells had a significant correlation. Genome-wide mapping of IgM anti-chromatin levels identified only Lbw2, and analysis of subinterval congenics tentatively reduced Lbw2 to approximately 5 Mb. Because no known genes associated with B cell activation and lupus are in this interval, Lbw2 probably represents a novel B cell activation gene. These findings establish the importance of Lbw2 in the BWF1 hybrid and indicate that Lbw2, by enhancing B cell hyperactivity, promotes the early polyclonal activation of B cells and subsequent production of autoantibodies.  相似文献   

Sle1 is a major susceptibility locus in the NZM2410 murine model of systemic lupus erythematosus. When isolated on a C57BL/6 background in the B6.Sle1 congenic strain, Sle1 results in the production of high levels of anti-chromatin IgG Abs, histone-specific T cells, and increased B and T cell activation. We have shown by mixed bone marrow chimeras with allotypic markers that Sle1 is expressed in B cells. Using the same technique, we now show that it is also expressed in T cells. To assess whether Sle1 results in intrinsic defects in B or T cells, we have bred the muMT and Tcralpha(-/-) mutations onto B6.Sle1 resulting in the absence of circulating B cells and alphabeta T cells in B6.Sle1.muMT and B6.Sle1.Tcralpha(-/-), respectively. The immune phenotypes in these two strains were compared with that of B6.Sle1 and B6.muMT or B6.Tcralpha(-/-). Sle1-expressing B cells broke tolerance to chromatin in the absence of T cells, as shown by high levels of anti-ssDNA IgM Abs in B6.Sle1.Tcralpha(-/-) mice, and had an increased expression of activation markers. Conversely, increased expression of activation markers and increased cytokine production were observed in Sle1-expressing T cells in the absence of B cells in B6.Sle1.muMT mice. However, the production of IgG antinuclear Abs required the presence of both T and B cells. These experiments showed that Sle1 expression results in both B and T cells intrinsic defects and demonstrate that the documented involvement of each cell compartment in the production of anti-chromatin Abs corresponds to genetic defects rather than bystander effects.  相似文献   

Both systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and vitiligo are autoimmune disorders that have strong evidence of complex genetic contributions to their etiology, but, to date, efforts using genetic linkage to find the susceptibility genes for either phenotype have met with limited success. Since autoimmune diseases are thought to share at least some of their genetic origins, and since only a small minority (16 of 92) of the European-American pedigrees multiplex for SLE in our collection have one or more affected members with vitiligo, we hypothesized that these pedigrees might be more genetically homogeneous at loci important to both SLE and vitiligo and, hence, have increased power for detection of linkage. We therefore evaluated genomewide microsatellite-marker-scan data for markers at an average marker density of approximately 11 cM in these 16 European-American pedigrees and identified a significant linkage at 17p13, where the maximum multipoint parametric LOD score was 3.64 (P<4.3x10(-5)) and the nonparametric linkage score was 4.02 (P<2.8x10(-5)), respectively. The segregation behavior of this linkage suggests a recessive mode of inheritance with a virtually homogeneous genetic effect in these 16 pedigrees. These results support the hypotheses that SLE and vitiligo may share important genetic effects and that sampling on the basis of clinical covariates dramatically improves power to identify genetic effects.  相似文献   

In previous work, we demonstrated linkage between a broad region on New Zealand Black (NZB) chromosome 1 and increased costimulatory molecule expression on B cells and autoantibody production. In this study, we produced C57BL/6 congenic mice with homozygous NZB chromosome 1 intervals of differing lengths. We show that both B6.NZBc1(35-106) (numbers denote chromosomal interval length) and B6.NZBc1(85-106) mice produce IgG anti-nuclear autoantibodies, but B6.NZBc1(35-106) mice develop significantly higher titers of autoantibodies and more severe renal disease than B6.NZBc1(85-106) mice. Cellular analysis of B6.NZBc1(85-106) mice revealed splenomegaly and increased numbers of memory T cells. In addition to these features, B6.NZBc1(35-106) mice had altered B and T cell activation with increased expression of CD69, and for B cells, costimulatory molecules and MHC. Introduction of an anti-hen egg white lysozyme Ig transgene, as a representative nonself-reactive Ig receptor, onto the B6.NZBc1(35-106) background corrected the B cell activation phenotype and led to dramatic normalization of splenomegaly and T cell activation, but had little impact on the increased proportion of memory T cells. These findings indicate that there are multiple lupus susceptibility genes on NZB chromosome 1, and that although B cell defects play an important role in lupus pathogenesis in these mice, they act in concert with T cell activation defects.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that genetic factors contribute to the etiology of the common and serious pregnancy-specific disorder pre-eclampsia (PE)/eclampsia (E). Candidate-gene studies have provided evidence (albeit controversial) of linkage to several genes, including angiotensinogen on 1q42-43 and eNOS on 7q36. A recent medium-density genome scan in Icelandic families identified significant linkage to D2S286 (at 94.05 cM) on chromosome 2p12 and suggestive linkage to D2S321 (at 157.5 cM) on chromosome 2q23. In the present article, the authors report the results of a medium-density genome scan in 34 families, representing 121 affected women, from Australia and New Zealand. Multipoint nonparametric linkage analysis, using the GENEHUNTER-PLUS program, showed suggestive evidence of linkage to chromosome 2 (LOD=2.58), at 144.7 cM, between D2S112 and D2S151, and to chromosome 11q23-24, between D11S925 and D11S4151 (LOD=2.02 at 121.3 cM). Given the limited precision of estimates of the map location of disease-predisposing loci for complex traits, the present finding on chromosome 2 is consistent with the finding from the Icelandic study, and it may represent evidence of the same locus segregating in the population from Australia and New Zealand. The authors propose that the PE/E-linked locus on chromosome 2p should be designated the "PREG1" (pre-eclampsia, eclampsia gene 1) locus.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease that predominantly affects women during their reproductive years. Although women with SLE have hypertension, the underlying mechanisms for this have not been examined. Despite the fact that inflammation is associated with altered endothelial and vascular function, the role of altered vascular function in the development of hypertension during SLE is unclear. In the present study, we tested whether a mouse model of SLE (NZBWF1) develops hypertension and examined whether increased blood pressure was associated with impaired endothelial-dependent relaxation. Female NZBWF1 mice were studied at 8, 20, and 36 wk of age. By 36 wk, urinary albumin and antinuclear antibodies were increased in SLE compared with control mice. Mean arterial pressure, measured by radiotelemetry, was significantly increased in SLE mice (124 +/- 4 mmHg, n = 10) compared with control NZW/LacJ mice (111 +/- 3 mmHg, n = 7) at 36 wk. Isolated carotid arteries from NZBWF1 mice, precontracted with U-46619 for assessment of endothelial-dependent relaxation, demonstrated a progressively impaired relaxation to ACh with age, although endothelial nitric oxide synthase mRNA expression was not different. Maximal tension generated by 5-hydroxytryptamine was increased in carotid arteries from NZBWF1 mice compared with controls at 8, 20, and 36 wk of age, suggesting a role for altered vascular function early on in the progression of SLE. Taken together, our data support a role for altered endothelial function as a contributing factor to the development of hypertension during SLE.  相似文献   

Summary By means of the [14C]-2-deoxyglucose method the local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) was measured in 41 brain regions in autoimmune New Zealand Black (NZB) mice and in Carworth Farm Winkelmann (CFW) mice, which served as the control strain. At the age of 6 months, the mean LCGU of all measured areas and brain stem nuclei was 67.7 mol glucose/(100 g x min) in the nonautoimmune CFW mice. These LCGU values are within the limits published by other observers. In contrast, in the aged-matched NZB mice the glucose use was markedly reduced, the mean LCGU of all measured areas being 37.7 mol glucose/(100 g x min). These findings suggest that the immunological, morphological and behavioural abnormalities in the aged NZB mouse correlate with a reduced functional activity of the central nervous system, measured as reduced cerebral glucose utilization.  相似文献   

Both suppressive and promoting roles of NKT cells have been reported in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Herein, we found that although New Zealand mice have normal frequencies of NKT cells, their in vitro potential to produce IL-4 and IFN-gamma in response to alpha-galactosylceramide was remarkably impaired in New Zealand Black (NZB) mice prone to mild SLE, while production was highly up-regulated in nonautoimmune New Zealand White (NZW) mice and at intermediate levels in (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice, which are prone to severe SLE. Because this aberration is evident in young mice before disease onset, genetic mechanisms are thought to be involved. Genome-wide quantitative trait locus analysis and association studies revealed that a locus linked to D11Mit14 on chromosome 11 may be involved in the difference in cytokine-producing potential between NZB and NZW NKT cells. Additionally, (NZB x NZW)F(1) x NZB backcross progeny with the NZW genotype for D11Mit14 showed significantly increased frequencies of age-associated SLE phenotypes, such as high serum levels of IgG, IgG anti-DNA Abs, and lupus nephritis. In coculture studies, alpha-galactosylceramide-stimulated NKT cells from NZW and (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice, but not from NZB mice, showed significantly enhanced Ig synthesis by B cells. These findings suggest that the D11Mit14-linked NZW locus may contribute to the development of SLE in (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice through a mechanism that up-regulates NKT cell function. Thus, this NZW allele may be a candidate of the NZW modifiers that act to promote (NZB x NZW)F(1) disease.  相似文献   

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