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Functional characteristics of canine costal and crural diaphragm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We estimated the in situ force-generating capacity of the costal and crural portions of the canine diaphragm by relating in vitro contractile properties and diaphragmatic dimensions to in situ lengths. Piezoelectric crystals were implanted on right costal and left crural diaphragms of anesthetized dogs, via midline laparatomy. With the abdomen reclosed, diaphragm lengths were recorded at five lung volumes. Contractile properties of excised muscle bundles were then measured. In vitro force-frequency and length-tension characteristics of the costal and crural diaphragms were virtually identical; their optimal force values were 2.15 and 2.22 kg/cm2, respectively. In situ, at residual volume, functional residual capacity (FRC), and total lung capacity the costal diaphragm lay at 102, 95, and 60% of optimal length (Lo), whereas the crural diaphragm lay at 88, 84, and 66% of Lo. Muscle cross-sectional area was 40% greater in costal than in crural diaphragms. Considering in situ lengths, cross-sectional areas, and in vitro length-tension characteristics at FRC, the costal diaphragm could exert 60% more force than the crural diaphragm.  相似文献   

The Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor (DSR) was used to study in vivo lung geometry and function. By replacing the lungs of three dogs with potato flakes and ping-pong balls of known air content and scanning these realistic phantoms in the DSR we have estimated accuracy of lung density to be within 7% and have demonstrated a high (+/- 3%) internal consistency (relative density within dogs). Change in total lung air content (y) as calculated from DSR volume imaging of anesthetized dogs matched the known inflation steps (x) to within 7% [range was 1-7% with a mean of 3 +/- 0.5% (SE)]. A gradient of decreasing percent lung air content was measured in the ventral-dorsal direction at functional residual capacity (FRC) in the supine body posture (y = 3.29% air content/cm lung height + 46.48% air content; r = 0.90). Regional lung air content change with lung inflation was greatest in the dependent lung regions. In contrast, regional lung air content at FRC was approximately uniform along the ventral-dorsal direction with the dog in the prone posture and was 66 +/- 0.6% (SE). Ventral-dorsal gradients in lung air content measured within an isogravimetric plane of the dogs in the left or right lateral body posture suggest that regional differences in lung air content cannot be explained solely on the basis of a direct gravitational effect on the lung. Evidence is presented to suggest a possible major role of the intrathoracic position of the mediastinal contents in determining these lung air content distributions.  相似文献   

The neck inspiratory muscles are recruited to support breathing under numerous conditions. To gain insight into their synergistic actions we examined the isometric contractile properties of bundles from canine scalene and sternomastoid muscles. In addition, we also related the length of the neck muscles, measured sonomicrometrically in vivo at different lung volumes and body positions, to their optimal force-producing length (Lo) determined in vitro. We found that the speed of the sternomastoid is somewhat faster than that of the scalene owing to a shorter relaxation rate; the sternomastoid generates higher forces at submaximal stimulation frequencies than the scalene; the maximal tetanic force corrected for cross-sectional area is the same for both neck muscles; the neck muscles are significantly faster than the canine costal diaphragm; at supine functional residual capacity (FRC), the scalene is operating at a length corresponding to 85% Lo, whereas the sternomastoid is significantly shorter at 75% Lo; increasing lung volume shortens both muscles slightly, the length at supine total lung capacity being approximately 5% shorter than at FRC; and in the upright posture, both neck muscles lengthen toward their Lo, with the sternomastoid lengthening more than the scalene. We conclude that the scalene is a more effective force generator than the sternomastoid with the animal lying supine; the neck muscles appear to maintain their force-generating potential regardless of the lung volume; and the force-generating potential of the neck muscles is greatly enhanced with the animal in the upright vs. the supine position. This may contribute to the augmented rib cage motion characteristic of breathing in the upright posture.  相似文献   

Effect of body position on regional diaphragm function in dogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The in situ lengths of muscle bundles of the crural and three regions of the costal diaphragm between origin and insertion were determined with a video roentgenographic technique in dogs. At total lung capacity (TLC) in both the prone and supine positions, the length of the diaphragm is not significantly different from the unstressed excised length, suggesting that the diaphragm is not under tension at TLC and that there is a hydrostatic gradient of pleural pressure on the diaphragmatic surface. Except for the ventral region of the costal diaphragm, which does not change length at lung volumes greater than 70% TLC, all other regions are stretched during passive deflations from TLC. Therefore below TLC the diaphragm is under passive tension and supports a transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi). The length of the diaphragm relative to its unstressed length is not uniform at functional residual capacity (FRC) and does not follow a strict vertical gradient that reverses when the animal is changed from the supine to the prone position. By inference, the length of muscle bundles is determined by factors other than the vertical gradient of Pdi. During mechanical ventilation, regional shortening is identical to the passive deflation length-volume relationship near FRC. Prone and supine FRC is the same, but the diaphragm is slightly shorter in the prone position. In both positions, during spontaneous ventilation there are no consistent differences in regional fractional shortening, despite regional differences in initial length relative to unstressed length.  相似文献   

The shape of the passive chest wall of six anesthetized dogs was determined at total lung capacity (TLC) and functional residual capacity (FRC) in the prone and supine body positions by use of volumetric-computed tomographic images. The transverse cross-sectional areas of the rib cage, mediastinum, and diaphragm were calculated every 1.6 mm along the length of the thorax. The changes in the volume and the axial distribution of transverse area of the three chest wall components with lung volume and body position were evaluated. The decrease of the transverse area within the rib cage between TLC and FRC, as a fraction of the area at TLC, was uniform from the apex of the thorax to the base. The volume of the mediastinum increased slightly between TLC and FRC (14% of its TLC volume supine and 20% prone), squeezing the lung between it and the rib cage. In the transverse plane, the heart was positioned in the midthorax and moved little between TLC and FRC. The shape, position, and displacement of the diaphragm were described by contour plots. In both postures, the diaphragm was flatter at FRC than at TLC, because of larger displacements in the dorsal than in the ventral region of the diaphragm. Rotation from the prone to supine body position produced a lever motion of the diaphragm, displacing the dorsal portion of the diaphragm cephalad and the ventral portion caudad. In five of the six dogs, bilateral isovolume pneumothorax was induced in the supine body position while intrathoracic gas volume was held constant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

During physiological spontaneous breathing maneuvers, the diaphragm displaces volume while maintaining curvature. However, with maximal diaphragm activation, curvature decreases sharply. We tested the hypotheses that the relationship between diaphragm muscle shortening and volume displacement (VD) is nonlinear and that curvature is a determinant of such a relationship. Radiopaque markers were surgically placed on three neighboring muscle fibers in the midcostal region of the diaphragm in six dogs. The three-dimensional locations were determined using biplanar fluoroscopy and diaphragm VD, curvature, and muscle shortening were computed in the prone and supine postures during spontaneous breathing (SB), spontaneous inspiration efforts after airway occlusion at lung volumes ranging from functional residual capacity (FRC) to total lung capacity, and during bilateral maximal phrenic nerve stimulation at those same lung volumes. In supine dogs, diaphragm VD was approximately two- to three-fold greater during maximal phrenic nerve stimulation than during SB. The contribution of muscle shortening to VD nonlinearly increases with level of diaphragm activation independent of posture. During submaximal diaphragm activation, the contribution is essentially linear due to constancy of diaphragm curvature in both the prone and supine posture. However, the sudden loss of curvature during maximal bilateral phrenic nerve stimulation at muscle shortening values greater than 40% (ΔL/L(FRC)) causes a nonlinear increase in the contribution of muscle shortening to diaphragm VD, which is concomitant with a nonlinear change in diaphragm curvature. We conclude that the nonlinear relationship between diaphragm muscle shortening and its VD is, in part, due to a loss of its curvature at extreme muscle shortening.  相似文献   

To have some insight into the functional coupling between the parasternal intercostals (PS) and the diaphragm (DPM), we have examined the isometric contractile properties of bundles from canine PS and DPM muscles. Bundles of external (EXT) and internal (INT) interosseous intercostals were studied for comparison. In addition we have related sonometrically measured length of the intercostals in vivo at supine functional residual capacity (FRC) to in vitro optimal force-producing length (Lo). We found that 1) intercostal twitch speed is significantly faster than DPM, thus displacing their relative force-frequency curve to the right of that of the DPM; 2) the ascending limb of the active length-tension curve of all intercostals lies below the DPM curve; i.e., at 85% Lo, PS force is 46% of maximal force (Po), whereas DPM force is still 87% Po; 3) for any given length change beyond Lo, all intercostals generate greater passive tension than the DPM; 4) Po is greater for the intercostals than the DPM; and 5) at supine FRC, both EXT and INT in dogs are nearly operating at Lo, whereas the PS are operating at a length greater than Lo. We conclude that 1) PS produce less force than DPM during breathing efforts involving low- (10-20 Hz) stimulation frequencies, but they generate more force than DPM when high- (greater than 50 Hz) stimulation frequencies are required; and 2) the pressure-generating ability of the PS is better preserved than that of the DPM with increases in lung volume.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In vivo length-force relationship of canine diaphragm   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diaphragmatic length was measured by sonomicrometry and transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) by conventional latex balloons in eight dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium under passive conditions and during supramaximal phrenic stimulation. The passive length-pressure relationship indicates that the crural part of the diaphragm is more compliant than the costal part. With supramaximal stimulation the costal diaphragm showed a length-pressure relationship similar in shape to in vitro length-tension curves previously described for the canine diaphragm. The crural part has a smaller pressure-length slope than the costal part in the length range from 80% of optimum muscle length (Lo) to Lo. At supine functional residual capacity (FRC) the resting length (LFRC) of the costal and crural diaphragms are not at Lo. The costal part is distended to 105% of Lo, and crural is shortened to 92% of Lo. Tidal shortening will increase the force output of costal while decreasing that of the crural diaphragm. The major forces setting the passive supine LFRC are the abdominal weight (pressure) and the elastic recoil of the lungs. The equilibrium length (resting length of excised diaphragmatic strips) was 79 +/- 3.6% LFRC for the costal diaphragm and 87 +/- 3.9% LFRC for the crural diaphragm. Similar shortening was obtained in the upright position, indicating passive diaphragmatic stretch at supine LFRC.  相似文献   

To assess the characteristics and function of the muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall, we have examined the isometric contractile properties of bundles of canine rectus abdominis (RA) and external oblique (EO) muscles. In addition, we have related the lengths of these muscles measured sonometrically in vivo at supine functional residual capacity (FRC) to in vitro optimal force-producing length (Lo). We also investigated the action of the abdominal muscles on the displacement of costal and crural diaphragm. We found that 1) contraction time of RA was longer and that the RA developed greater force than the EO at submaximal stimulation frequencies; 2) maximal tetanic force and the active length-tension curves were similar in both abdominal muscles; 3) on passive stretch, the compliance of the RA was one-third that of the EO; 4) at supine FRC, the EO is operating at 83% of Lo, whereas the RA is operating at 105% of Lo; 5) stimulation of either RA or EO (abdominal pressure of 15 cmH2O) lengthened the costal and crural diaphragm toward their Lo values, with greater crural excursion occurring than costal. We conclude that the RA is well suited for restraining the abdominal viscera in prone quadrupeds, whereas the EO is better designed to assist expiration. Stimulation of both muscles improves in situ diaphragmatic operating length.  相似文献   

Changes in pleural surface pressure in area of apposition of diaphragm to rib cage (delta Ppl,ap), changes in abdominal pressure (delta Pab), and redial displacement of the 11th rib have been recorded in anesthetized, paralyzed dogs during lung inflation or deflation. Above functional residual capacity (FRC) changes in transdiaphragmatic pressure in area of apposition (delta Pdi,ap) were essentially nil in intact (INT) dogs either in lateral or supine posture, and in partially eviscerated (EVS) dogs in lateral posture, either in the 10th or 11th intercostal space. Below FRC delta Pdi,ap could be positive (INT lateral and EVS), nil (EVS), or negative (INT supine and EVS); it could be different in the 10th and 11th intercostal spaces. Hence, with stretched (like with contracted) diaphragm, delta Ppl,ap measured at one site often differs from delta Pab and is not representative of average pressure acting on area of apposition. With volume increase above FRC, the 11th rib moved slightly in and then out in EVS and linearly out in INT. With volume decrease below FRC it moved out progressively in EVS, and it moved in and eventually reversed in INT. In paralyzed dogs in lateral posture the factor having the greatest influence on displacement of the abdominal rib cage is Pab. Mechanical linkage with pulmonary rib cage becomes relevant at large volume, whereas insertional traction of diaphragm becomes relevant at low volume.  相似文献   

Data on the shape of the chest wall at total lung capacity (TLC) and functional residual capacity (FRC) were used as boundary conditions in an analysis of the deformation of the dog lung. The lung was modeled as an elastic body, and the deformation of the lung from TLC to FRC caused by the change in chest wall shape and gravity were calculated. Parenchymal distortions, distributions of regional volume at FRC as a fraction of the volume at TLC, and distributions of surface pressure at FRC are reported. In the prone dog there are minor variations in fractional volume along the cephalocaudal axis. In transverse planes opposing deformations are caused by the change of shape of the transverse section and the gravitational force on the lung, and the resultant fractional volume and pleural pressure distributions are nearly uniform. In the supine dog, there is a small cephalocaudal gradient in fractional volume, with lower fractional volume caudally. In transverse sections the heart and abdomen extend farther dorsally at FRC, squeezing the lung beneath them. The gradients in fractional volume and pleural pressure caused by shape changes are in the same direction as the gradients caused by the direct gravitational force on the lung, and these two factors contribute about equally to the large resultant vertical gradients in fractional volume and pleural pressure. In the prone position the heart and upper abdomen rest on the rib cage. In the supine posture much of their weight is carried by the lung.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the mechanical role of the expiratory muscles during spontaneous breathing in prone animals. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the triangularis sterni, the rectus abdominis, the external oblique, and the transversus abdominis was studied in 10 dogs light anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. EMGs were recorded during spontaneous steady-state breathing in supine and prone suspended animals both before and after cervical vagotomy. We also measured the end-expiratory lung volume [functional residual capacity (FRC)] in supine and prone positions to assess the mechanical role of expiratory muscle activation in prone dogs. Spontaneous breathing in the prone posture elicited a significant recruitment of the triangularis sterni, the external oblique, and the transversus abdominis (P less than 0.05). Bilateral cervical vagotomy eliminated the postural activation of the external oblique and the transversus abdominis but not the triangularis sterni. Changes in posture during control and after cervical vagotomy were associated with an increase in FRC. However, changes in FRC, on average, were 132.3 +/- 33.8 (SE) ml larger (P less than 0.01) postvagotomy. We conclude that spontaneous breathing in prone anesthetized dogs is associated with a marked phasic expiratory recruitment of rib cage and abdominal muscles. The present data also indicate that by relaxing at end expiration the expiratory muscles of the abdominal region are directly responsible for generating roughly 40% of the tidal volume.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of the different patterns of chest wall deformation that occur with different body positions and modes of breathing on regional lung deformation and ventilation. Using the parenchymal marker technique, we determined regional lung behavior during mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing in five anesthetized recumbent dogs. Regional lung behavior was related to the patterns of diaphragm motion estimated from X-ray projection images obtained at functional residual capacity (FRC) and end inspiration. Our results indicate that 1) in the prone and supine positions, FRC was larger during mechanical ventilation than during spontaneous breathing; 2) there were significant differences in the patterns of diaphragm motion and regional ventilation between mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing in both body positions; 3) in the supine position only, there was a vertical gradient in lung volume at FRC; 4) in both positions and for both modes of breathing, regional ventilation was nonlinearly related to changes in lobar and overall lung volumes; and 5) different patterns of diaphragm motion caused different sliding motions and differential rotations of upper and lower lobes. Our results are inconsistent with the classic model of regional ventilation, and we conclude that the distribution of ventilation is determined by a complex interaction of lung and chest wall shapes and by the motion of the lobes relative to each other, all of which help to minimize distortion of the lung parenchyma.  相似文献   

Effect of body orientation on regional lung expansion in dog and sloth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent studies (E.A. Hoffman, J. Appl. Physiol. 59: 468-480, 1985) using fast multisliced X-ray computed tomography have demonstrated a ventral-dorsal gradient of fractional lung air content (3.29% air/cm lung height) in supine dogs and an essentially uniform ventral-dorsal air content distribution in the prone dogs [mean = 66 +/- 0.6% (SE) air content]. Since the prone orientation is the dog's normal body posture, we sought to study an animal whose normal body posture was "opposite" to that of the dog. Four two-toed sloths were scanned in the Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor in the prone and supine postures. A supine fractional air content gradient was demonstrated with a regression equation of y = 2.09x + 74.3 (r = 0.92), where y is percent air content and x is vertical height in the lung, and ventral-dorsal air content distribution in the prone posture was uniform with a mean of 85 +/- 0.4% (SE) air content. The low functional residual capacity lung density in the sloth was attributable to unusually large alveoli. The mean heart volume-to-body weight ratio in the dogs was 16.4 +/- 0.6 (SE) ml/kg and that in the sloth was 7.3 +/- 0.4 (SE) ml/kg. Mean lung volume-to-body weight ratios for dogs and sloths were 57 +/- 7 (SE) and 89 +/- 6 ml/kg, respectively. Of particular interest was the fact that large changes in prone vs. supine rib cage and diaphragm geometry previously found in dogs did not occur in sloths, though significant alterations of ventral and dorsal lung geometry prone vs. supine were demonstrated, and lung shape changes in both dog and sloth are attributable to shifts in the intrathoracic position of mediastinal structures.  相似文献   

To examine the mechanical effects of the abdominal and triangularis sterni expiratory recruitment that occurs when anesthetized dogs are tilted head up, we measured both before and after cervical vagotomy the end-expiratory length of the costal and crural diaphragmatic segments and the end-expiratory lung volume (FRC) in eight spontaneously breathing animals during postural changes from supine (0 degree) to 80 degrees head up. Tilting the animals from 0 degree to 80 degrees head up in both conditions was associated with a gradual decrease in end-expiratory costal and crural diaphragmatic length and with a progressive increase in FRC. All these changes, however, were considerably larger (P less than 0.005 or less) postvagotomy when the expiratory muscles were no longer recruited with tilting. Alterations in the elastic properties of the lung could not account for the effects of vagotomy on the postural changes. We conclude therefore that 1) by contracting during expiration, the canine expiratory muscles minimize the shortening of the diaphragm and the increase in FRC that the action of gravity would otherwise introduce, and 2) the end-expiratory diaphragmatic length and FRC in upright dogs are thus actively determined. The present data also indicate that by relaxing at end expiration, the expiratory muscles make a substantial contribution to tidal volume in upright dogs; in the 80 degrees head-up posture, this contribution would amount to approximately 60% of tidal volume.  相似文献   

Regional lung strain in dogs during deflation from total lung capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional lung distortion during deflation from total lung capacity to functional residual capacity (FRC) in intact supine and prone anesthetized dogs was determined from the displacement of multiple metallic markers embedded in the lung parenchyma. Distortion was expressed as strain (epsilon), which is related to fractional length changes. In the supine position, transverse strain (epsilon yy) was larger than vertical strain (epsilon xx) and cephalocaudal strain (epsilon zz) in the upper lobe. The FRC of the lower lobe was smaller than FRC of the upper lobe and all strains were larger, but epsilon zz increased most and became equal to epsilon yy. In the prone position, epsilon yy was largest in all upper lobes and in three of four lower lobes. Strains and volumes of the upper and lower lobes were similar. The upper and lower lobes rotated slightly around different axes, indicating that interpleural fissures allow additional degrees of freedom for the lungs to conform to the thoracic cavity. In the prone position, there were no consistent gradients of strain or volume. These results indicate that, in determining the regional distribution of FRC in the recumbent dog, in addition to the effect of gravity on the lung, there are important interactions between lung and thoracic cavity shapes.  相似文献   

Active and passive shortening of muscle bundles in the canine diaphragm were measured with the objective of testing a consequence of the minimal-work hypothesis: namely, that the ratio of active to passive shortening is the same for all active muscles. Lengths of six muscle bundles in the costal diaphragm and two muscle bundles in the crural diaphragm of each of four bred-for-research beagle dogs were measured by the radiopaque marker technique during the following maneuvers: a passive deflation maneuver from total lung capacity to functional residual capacity, quiet breathing, and forceful inspiratory efforts against an occluded airway at different lung volumes. Shortening per liter increase in lung volume was, on average, 70% greater during quiet breathing than during passive inflation in the prone posture and 40% greater in the supine posture. For the prone posture, the ratio of active to passive shortening was larger in the ventral and midcostal diaphragm than at the dorsal end of the costal diaphragm. For both postures, active shortening during quiet breathing was poorly correlated with passive shortening. However, shortening during forceful inspiratory efforts was highly correlated with passive shortening. The average ratios of active to passive shortening were 1.23 +/- 0.02 and 1.32 +/- 0.03 for the prone and supine postures, respectively. These data, taken together with the data reported in the companion paper (T. A. Wilson, M. Angelillo, A. Legrand, and A. De Troyer, J. Appl. Physiol. 87: 554-560, 1999), support the hypothesis that, during forceful inspiratory efforts, the inspiratory muscles drive the chest wall along the minimal-work trajectory.  相似文献   

Transdiaphragmatic pressure is a result of both tension in the muscles of the diaphragm and curvature of the muscles. As lung volume increases, the pressure-generating capability of the diaphragm decreases. Whether decrease in curvature contributes to the loss in transdiaphragmatic pressure and, if so, under what conditions it contributes are unknown. Here we report data on muscle length and curvature in the supine dog. Radiopaque markers were attached along muscle bundles in the midcostal region of the diaphragm in six beagle dogs of approximately 8 kg, and marker locations were obtained from biplanar images at functional residual capacity (FRC), during spontaneous inspiratory efforts against a closed airway at lung volumes from FRC to total lung capacity, and during bilateral maximal phrenic nerve stimulation at the same lung volumes. Muscle length and curvature were obtained from these data. During spontaneous inspiratory efforts, muscle shortened by 15-40% of length at FRC, but curvature remained unchanged. During phrenic nerve stimulation, muscle shortened by 30 to nearly 50%, and, for shortening exceeding 52%, curvature appeared to decrease sharply. We conclude that diaphragm curvature is nearly constant during spontaneous breathing maneuvers in normal animals. However, we speculate that it is possible, if lung compliance were increased and the chest wall and the diameter of the diaphragm ring of insertion were enlarged, as in the case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, that decrease in diaphragm curvature could contribute to loss of diaphragm function.  相似文献   

Mixing for two gases of markedly different gaseous diffusivity, helium (He) (mol wt = 4) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) (mol wt = 146) has been studied by a rebreathing method in different postures. In nine normal subjects duplicate measurements were made in the erect (seated), supine, and lateral decubitus posture, at a constant tidal volume (700 ml) and frequency (1 Hz) starting from functional residual capacity (FRC). Additional measurements were made on four of the subjects, rebreathing seated erect at a volume similar to the relaxed FRC supine and supine at a volume similar to the relaxed FRC seated. In the supine posture the mean breath number to reach 99% equilibrium (n99), was not significantly different for the two gases, 8.9 for He and 9.8 for SF6. There was a difference (P less than 0.01) when erect; n99 (He) = 8.2 and n99 (SF6) = 10.9. The greatest He-SF6 difference (P less than 0.001) was in the lateral decubitus position n99 (He) = 10.1 and n99 (SF6) = 15.9. The mean relaxed FRC as percent of seated was 71% supine and 75% in lateral decubitus posture. Rebreathing seated at a lower volume did not abolish the He-SF6 mixing difference nor did rebreathing at a higher volume when supine induce a He-SF6 mixing difference. Thus the effect of posture on gas mixing cannot be due solely to lung volume and must represent a convective and diffusive dependent change in the distribution of ventilation per unit lung volume.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated sites of flow limitation in the central airways of dogs and humans. At low lung volumes, however, during a forced expiration, it is not clear whether flow-limiting segments (FLS) move into the lung periphery. Using intrabronchial lateral pressure catheters, we located FLS in human subjects at all lung volumes between functional residual capacity (FRC) and residual volume (RV). Three individuals with severe intracranial hemorrhage maintained on ventilators were studied. Partial maximal flow-volume curves were generated from 1 liter above FRC to RV by lowering downstream pressure and using the interrupter technique. Sites of FLS were defined as the most downstream points where lateral pressure did not change with driving pressure. FLS were found in all subjects in the central airways. In one subject, FLS moved from segmental bronchi to the first subsegmental bronchus as RV was approached but not beyond. In the other two subjects, FLS remained fixed in location at all measured lung volumes. At constant volume, multiple FLS were located, all in parallel, e.g., fixed in left upper, left lower, and right middle lobar bronchi. In conclusion, sites of flow limitation remain in the central airways as lung volume approaches RV. FLS may move peripherally within the central airways but not beyond proximal subsegmental bronchi.  相似文献   

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