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Alpha thalassemia/mental retardation X linked (ATRX) is a switch/sucrose nonfermenting-type ATPase localized at pericentromeric heterochromatin in mouse and human cells. Human ATRX mutations give rise to mental retardation syndromes characterized by developmental delay, facial dysmorphisms, cognitive deficits, and microcephaly and the loss of ATRX in the mouse brain leads to reduced cortical size. We find that ATRX is required for normal mitotic progression in human cultured cells and in neuroprogenitors. Using live cell imaging, we show that the transition from prometaphase to metaphase is prolonged in ATRX-depleted cells and is accompanied by defective sister chromatid cohesion and congression at the metaphase plate. We also demonstrate that loss of ATRX in the embryonic mouse brain induces mitotic defects in neuroprogenitors in vivo with evidence of abnormal chromosome congression and segregation. These findings reveal that ATRX contributes to chromosome dynamics during mitosis and provide a possible cellular explanation for reduced cortical size and abnormal brain development associated with ATRX deficiency.  相似文献   

DDA3 regulates spindle microtubule (MT) dynamics and chromosome movement in mitosis through its interaction with and subsequent recruitment of Kif2a, a minus end-MT depolymerase. Depletion of DDA3 causes a hyper-stabilization of spindle MT, a loss of inter-kinetochore tension, and a defect in chromosome congression, leading to unaligned chromosomes at metaphase. We report here that DDA3 is also localized at kinetochores and interacts with MCAK. Furthermore, CENP-E, a plus end-motor protein, accumulates at kinetochores in unaligned chromosomes in mitotic cells depleted of DDA3. On the other hand, the localization of chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) and the kinase activity of Aurora B are normal in DDA3-depleted cells. We conclude that MCAK and CENP-E are involved in DDA3-mediated chromosome congression.  相似文献   

hSgo2 (previously annotated as Tripin) was recently reported to be a new inner centromere protein that is essential for centromere cohesion (Kitajima et al., 2006). In this study, we show that hSgo2 exhibits a dynamic distribution pattern, and that its localization depends on the BUB1 and Aurora B kinases. hSgo2 is concentrated at the inner centromere of unattached kinetochores, but extends toward the kinetochores that are under tension. This localization pattern is reminiscent of MCAK, which is a microtubule depolymerase that is believed to be a key component of the error correction mechanism at kinetochores. Indeed, we found that hSgo2 is essential for MCAK to localize to the centromere. Delocalization of MCAK accounts for why cells depleted of hSgo2 exhibit kinetochore attachment defects that go uncorrected, despite a transient delay in the onset of anaphase. Consequently, these cells exhibit a high frequency of lagging chromosomes when they enter anaphase. We confirmed that hSgo2 is associated with PP2A, and we propose that it contributes to the spatial regulation of MCAK activity within inner centromere and kinetochore.  相似文献   

Most models of mitotic congression and segregation assume that only poleward pulling forces occur at kinetochores. However, there are reports for several different cell types that both mono-oriented and bi- oriented chromosomes oscillate toward and away from the pole throughout mitosis. We used new methods of high resolution video microscopy and computer-assisted tracking techniques to measure the positions over time of individual kinetochores with respect to their poles during mitosis in living newt lung cells. The results show that kinetochores oscillate throughout mitosis when they are tethered to spindle poles by attachment to the plus-ends of kinetochore microtubules (kMTs). Oscillations were not sinusoidal. Instead, kinetochores abruptly (as quick as 6 s or less) switched between persistent (approximately 1.5 min average duration) phases of poleward (P) and away from the pole (AP) movement. This kinetochore "directional instability" was a property of motility at the plus-ends of kMTs since fluorescent marks on the lattice of kMTs have previously been observed to exhibit only relatively slow P movement. Each P and AP phase consisted of one or a few constant velocity domains (approximately 1.7 microns/min average velocity). Velocities of P and AP phases were similar from prometaphase through mid-anaphase. Kinetochores occasionally switched to an indeterminant (N) phase of no or confused motion, which was usually brief compared to the durations of P and AP phases. Net chromosome displacements that occurred during congression to the equator or poleward movement during anaphase were primarily generated by differences in the durations and not the velocities of P and AP movements. Careful analysis of centromere deformation showed that kinetochore P movement produced pulling forces while kinetochore AP movement produced pushing forces. These data show that kinetochore directional instability is fundamental to the processes of chromosome congression and segregation. We argue that tension at the kinetochore attachment site is a key factor which controls the switching between P and AP phases of kinetochore motion.  相似文献   

The equal distribution of chromosomes during mitosis is critical for maintaining the integrity of the genome. Essential to this process are the capture of spindle microtubules by kinetochores and the congression of chromosomes to the metaphase plate . Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) is a mitotic kinase that has been implicated in microtubule-kinetochore attachment, tension generation at kinetochores, tension-responsive signal transduction, and chromosome congression . The tension-sensitive substrates of Plk1 at the kinetochore are unknown. Here, we demonstrate that human Nuclear distribution protein C (NudC), a 42 kDa protein initially identified in Aspergillus nidulans and shown to be phosphorylated by Plk1 , plays a significant role in regulating kinetochore function. Plk1-phosphorylated NudC colocalizes with Plk1 at the outer plate of the kinetochore. Depletion of NudC reduced end-on microtubule attachments at kinetochores and resulted in defects in chromosome congression at the metaphase plate. Importantly, NudC-deficient cells exhibited mislocalization of Plk1 and the Kinesin-7 motor CENP-E from prometaphase kinetochores. Ectopic expression of wild-type NudC, but not NudC containing mutations in the Plk1 phosphorylation sites, recovered Plk1 localization at the kinetochore and rescued chromosome congression. Thus, NudC functions as both a substrate and a spatial regulator of Plk1 at the kinetochore to promote chromosome congression.  相似文献   

Kinetochores are complex protein machines that link chromosomes to spindle microtubules and contain a structural core composed of two conserved protein-protein interaction networks: the well-characterized KMN (KNL1/MIND/NDC80) and the recently identified CENP-A NAC/CAD. Here we show that the CENP-A NAC/CAD subunits can be assigned to one of two different functional classes; depletion of Class I proteins (Mcm21R(CENP-O) and Fta1R(CENP-L)) causes a failure in bipolar spindle assembly. In contrast, depletion of Class II proteins (CENP-H, Chl4R(CENP-N), CENP-I and Sim4R(CENP-K)) prevents binding of Class I proteins and causes chromosome congression defects, but does not perturb spindle formation. Co-depletion of Class I and Class II proteins restores spindle bipolarity, suggesting that Class I proteins regulate or counteract the function of Class II proteins. We also demonstrate that CENP-A NAC/CAD and KMN regulate kinetochore-microtubule attachments independently, even though CENP-A NAC/CAD can modulate NDC80 levels at kinetochores. Based on our results, we propose that the cooperative action of CENP-A NAC/CAD subunits and the KMN network drives efficient chromosome segregation and bipolar spindle assembly during mitosis.  相似文献   

The functions of Beclin‐1 in macroautophagy, tumorigenesis and cytokinesis are thought to be mediated by its association with the PI3K‐III complex. Here, we describe a new role for Beclin‐1 in mitotic chromosome congression that is independent of the PI3K‐III complex and its role in autophagy. Beclin‐1 depletion in HeLa cells leads to a significant reduction of the outer kinetochore proteins CENP‐E, CENP‐F and ZW10, and, consequently, the cells present severe problems in chromosome congression. Beclin‐1 associates with kinetochore microtubules and forms discrete foci near the kinetochores of attached chromosomes. We show that Beclin‐1 interacts directly with Zwint‐1—a component of the KMN (KNL‐1/Mis12/Ndc80) complex—which is essential for kinetochore–microtubule interactions. This suggests that Beclin‐1 acts downstream of the KMN complex to influence the recruitment of outer kinetochore proteins and promotes accurate kinetochore anchoring to the spindle during mitosis.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(5):1127-1140
Previous efforts have shown that mutations in the Drosophila ZW10 gene cause massive chromosome missegregation during mitotic divisions in several tissues. Here we demonstrate that mutations in ZW10 also disrupt chromosome behavior in male meiosis I and meiosis II, indicating that ZW10 function is common to both equational and reductional divisions. Divisions are apparently normal before anaphase onset, but ZW10 mutants exhibit lagging chromosomes and irregular chromosome segregation at anaphase. Chromosome missegregation during meiosis I of these mutants is not caused by precocious separation of sister chromatids, but rather the nondisjunction of homologs. ZW10 is first visible during prometaphase, where it localizes to the kinetochores of the bivalent chromosomes (during meiosis I) or to the sister kinetochores of dyads (during meiosis II). During metaphase of both divisions, ZW10 appears to move from the kinetochores and to spread toward the poles along what appear to be kinetochore microtubules. Redistributions of ZW10 at metaphase require bipolar attachments of individual chromosomes or paired bivalents to the spindle. At the onset of anaphase I or anaphase II, ZW10 rapidly relocalizes to the kinetochore regions of the separating chromosomes. In other mutant backgrounds in which chromosomes lag during anaphase, the presence or absence of ZW10 at a particular kinetochore predicts whether or not the chromosome moves appropriately to the spindle poles. We propose that ZW10 acts as part of, or immediately downstream of, a tension-sensing mechanism that regulates chromosome separation or movement at anaphase onset.  相似文献   

The accurate distribution and segregation of replicated chromosomes through mitosis is crucial for cellular viability and development of organisms. Kinetochores are responsible for the proper congression and segregation of chromosomes. Here, we show that neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) localizes to and forms a complex with kinetochores in mitotic cells. Depletion of NWASP by RNA interference causes chromosome misalignment, prolonged mitosis, and abnormal chromosomal segregation, which is associated with decreased proliferation of N-WASP-deficient cells. N-WASP-deficient cells display defects in the kinetochores recruitment of inner and outer kinetochore components, CENP-A, CENP-E, and Mad2. Live-cell imaging analysis of GFP-α-tubulin revealed that depletion of N-WASP impairs microtubule attachment to chromosomes in mitotic cells. All these results indicate that N-WASP plays a role in efficient assembly of kinetochores and attachment of microtubules to chromosomes, which is essential for accurate chromosome congression and segregation.  相似文献   

Merotelic kinetochore orientation is a misattachment in which a single kinetochore binds microtubules from both spindle poles rather than just one and can produce anaphase lagging chromosomes, a major source of aneuploidy. Merotelic kinetochore orientation occurs frequently in early mitosis, does not block chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate, and is not detected by the spindle checkpoint. However, microtubules to the incorrect pole are usually significantly reduced or eliminated before anaphase. We discovered that the frequency of lagging chromosomes in anaphase is very sensitive to partial inhibition of Aurora kinase activity by ZM447439 at a dose, 3 microM, that has little effect on histone phosphorylation, metaphase chromosome alignment, and cytokinesis in PtK1 cells. Partial Aurora kinase inhibition increased the frequency of merotelic kinetochores in late metaphase, and the fraction of microtubules to the incorrect pole. Measurements of fluorescence dissipation after photoactivation showed that kinetochore-microtubule turnover in prometaphase is substantially suppressed by partial Aurora kinase inhibition. Our results support a preanaphase correction mechanism for merotelic attachments in which correct plus-end attachments are pulled away from high concentrations of Aurora B at the inner centromere, and incorrect merotelic attachments are destabilized by being pulled toward the inner centromere.  相似文献   

R-loops, the byproduct of DNA–RNA hybridization and the displaced single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), have been identified in bacteria, yeasts, and other eukaryotic organisms. The persistent presence of R-loops contributes to defects in DNA replication and repair, gene expression, and genomic integrity. R-loops have not been detected at centromeric (CEN) chromatin in wild-type budding yeast. Here we used an hpr1∆ strain that accumulates R-loops to investigate the consequences of R-loops at CEN chromatin and chromosome segregation. We show that Hpr1 interacts with the CEN-histone H3 variant, Cse4, and prevents the accumulation of R-loops at CEN chromatin for chromosomal stability. DNA–RNA immunoprecipitation (DRIP) analysis showed an accumulation of R-loops at CEN chromatin that was reduced by overexpression of RNH1 in hpr1∆ strains. Increased levels of ssDNA, reduced levels of Cse4 and its assembly factor Scm3, and mislocalization of histone H3 at CEN chromatin were observed in hpr1∆ strains. We determined that accumulation of R-loops at CEN chromatin contributes to defects in kinetochore biorientation and chromosomal instability (CIN) and these phenotypes are suppressed by RNH1 overexpression in hpr1∆ strains. In summary, our studies provide mechanistic insights into how accumulation of R-loops at CEN contributes to defects in kinetochore integrity and CIN.  相似文献   

Embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) display low term developmental potential. This is associated with deficiencies in spindle composition prior to activation and at early mitotic divisions, including failure to assemble certain proteins on the spindle. The protein-deficient spindles are accompanied by chromosome congression defects prior to activation and during the first mitotic divisions of the embryo. The molecular basis for these deficiencies and how they might be avoided are unknown. Proteomic analyses of spindles isolated from normal metaphase II (MII) stage oocytes and SCNT constructs, along with a systematic immunofluorescent survey of known spindle-associated proteins were undertaken. This was the first proteomics study of mammalian oocyte spindles. The study revealed four proteins as being deficient in spindles of SCNT embryos in addition to those previously identified; these were clathrin heavy chain (CLTC), aurora B kinase, dynactin 4, and casein kinase 1 alpha. Due to substantial reduction in CLTC abundance after spindle removal, we undertook functional studies to explore the importance of CLTC in oocyte spindle function and in chromosome congression defects of cloned embryos. Using siRNA knockdown, we demonstrated an essential role for CLTC in chromosome congression during oocyte maturation. We also demonstrated rescue of chromosome congression defects in SCNT embryos at the first mitosis using CLTC mRNA injection. These studies are the first to employ proteomics analyses coupled to functional interventions to rescue a specific molecular defect in cloned embryos.  相似文献   

Chromosome congression requires the stable attachment of microtubules to chromosomes mediated by the kinetochore, a large proteinaceous structure whose mechanism of assembly is unknown. In this paper, we present the finding that a protein called TRAMM (formerly known as TrappC12) plays a role in mitosis. Depletion of TRAMM resulted in noncongressed chromosomes and arrested cells in mitosis. Small amounts of TRAMM associated with chromosomes, and its depletion affected the localization of some kinetochore proteins, the strongest effect being seen for CENP-E. TRAMM interacts with CENP-E, and depletion of TRAMM prevented the recruitment of CENP-E to the kinetochore. TRAMM is phosphorylated early in mitosis and dephosphorylated at the onset of anaphase. Interestingly, this phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycle correlates with its association/disassociation with CENP-E. Finally, we demonstrate that a phosphomimetic form of TRAMM recruited CENP-E to kinetochores more efficiently than did the nonphosphorylatable mutant. Our study identifies a moonlighting function for TRAMM during mitosis and adds a new component that regulates kinetochore stability and CENP-E recruitment.  相似文献   

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