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A. M. Flinn  D. L. Smith 《Planta》1967,75(1):10-22
Summary Enzyme activity is not uniformly distributed through the cotyledon of Pisum arvense. Initially the peripheral region, certain scattered cells of the storage tissue and the procambium show a high level of activity of succinic dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase, acid phosphatase and esterase. Activity of acid phosphatase declines sharply after the first day of germination; activity of the other enzymes declines after about three days. In the storage tissue, where activity is lower initially, it declines after about five days and is correlated with the disappearance of the reserves. The pattern of alkaline phosphatase activity is similar except that activity is lower in the procambium but increases in the sieve-elements during differentiation of the phloem. 5-nucleotidase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity is low throughout the cotyledon but it also increases to a significant level in the sieve-elements. Activity of starch synthesizing enzymes is high in the parenchymatous bundle sheath, where they may be involved in the pathway from lipids to soluble carbohydrates.  相似文献   

D. L. Smith 《Protoplasma》1974,79(1-2):41-57
Summary The cotyledon ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. comprises four tissues: epidermis, abaxial hypodermis, storage parenchyma, and procambium. A complex intercellular space system is present throughout the storage tissue and comprises about 16% of the cotyledon volume. All the cells contain protein bodies, and the hypodermis and storage parenchyma also contain starch grains. The epidermal cells are at the 2 C level of DNA, those of the hypodermis at the 4 C level, and the storage cells vary from 8 C to 32 C. During germination stomata differentiate in the epidermis. Reserve mobilization begins in the cells furthest from the epidermis and from the vascular tissue. Protein is removed from these cells with little or no coalescence of protein bodies. The DNA content of the nuclei decreases. The cell walls swell and then decrease in thickness as material is removed. Finally the nuclei and cytoplasm disappear and the cells collapse. In the cells near vascular bundles the protein bodies coalesce before losing their protein. The DNA content of the nuclei declines but nuclei and cytoplasm are still present at abscission. These cells do not collapse. Cytoplasmic RNA content is highest near the abaxial surface. Most of the RNA is removed during the first three days of germination.  相似文献   

Ribosomes from the cotyledons of Pisum arvense   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Mary L. Parker 《Protoplasma》1984,120(3):233-241
Summary During germination and early seedling development, cotyledons of seeds ofLupinus angustifolius were modified from thick-walled, fleshy storage organs to leaf-like, expanded photosynthetic organs by the controlled collapse of groups of mesophyll cells.Cotyledon cell walls of imbibed seeds are PAS-negative, have a strong affinity for calcofluor, and a dense fibrillar ultrastructure. The first visible sign of the mobilization of cell wall polysaccharides occurs 5 days after imbibition, with the appearance of PAS-positive maculae in ordered rows on the inner surface of the thickened walls. These correspond in orientation and frequency with the folds and radial striations found in walls of mature seeds, and with areas with poor affinity for calcofluor. In the electron microscope, the maculae appear as electron-lucent, wedge-shaped areas of loosely-arranged fibrils which, as germination proceeds, spread throughout the walls. The evidence suggests that storage polysaccharides are mobilized from the matrix of the walls by the action of hydrolytic enzymes leaving a framework of structural components, and not by the erosion of cracks and fissures.Most of the experimental work was carried out at the former ARC Unit of Development Botany, Cambridge.  相似文献   

During 6 days of pea seed germination the depletion of legumin with mol. m. 390 000 from protein bodies was observed. SDS-PAGE indicated that the legumin subunits with mol. m. 41 700 and 21 000 were prevailing. Only the former of these, probably corresponding to α-subunit, was degraded rapidly during 6 days of germination. Water-soluble proteins (albumins) prepared from pea cotyledons were separated by preparative IEF into proteins with pI 7.1, 6.5, 6.0, 5.4, 5.0, and 4.6. During 6 days the components of albumin with pI 7.1, and 6.5 were dramatically depleted. Major fractions with pI 6.5, 6.0, and 5.4 were subjected to SDS-PAGE and their subunit composition was determined. Moreover, albumin of pea cotyledons was resolved into 13 components by SDS-PAGE. Mobilization of albumin began from the degradation of components with higher mol. m. during germination.  相似文献   

Mobilization of sulphur in soybean cotyledons during germination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soybean seeds ( Glycine max L. cv , Stephens) contain a large amount of sulphur (ca 40 μ mol seed−1), mostly in the insoluble fraction in the cotyledons. During germination in nutrient solution lacking sulphur the amount of insoluble sulphur decreases to very low levels. This is accompanied by a transitory increase in the pool of soluble sulphur which then declines. All of the sulphur lost from the cotyledons is quantitatively recovered in the seedling. In the short term, the root and the stem are the most important sinks for sulphur from the cotyledons but as growth proceeds the shoot becomes the dominant sink for remobilized sulphur. Within the shoot most of the sulphur is recovered in leaves L1 and L2. The growth of L3 and, to a lesser extent, L2, was retarded due to sulphur insufficiency. The cotyledons of plants treated with 20 μ M sulphate also exhibited mobilization of sulphur from the insoluble fraction except that the maximum rate of loss of sulphur occurred somewhat later. Plants grown with sulphate exhibited a net gain of sulphur and did not exhibit sulphur insufficiency. In these plants, endogenous sulphur from the cotyledons was directed into L1–L3 and this sulphur remained within these leaves for the duration of the experiment. The delivery of exogenous sulphur (supplied as [35S]sulphate via the roots) to the leaves increased with leaf number. In leaves L1–L3, the level of exogenous sulphur in any one leaf declined with time, indicating that this sulphur was remobilized and did not mix with the sulphur derived from the cotyledons. It was concluded that the cotyledons are an important source of sulphur to support early plant growth and development of soybean.  相似文献   

Changes in starch and sugar contents in the cotyledons during germination have been compared in a smooth (cv. Alaska) and a wrinkled (cv. Progress) cultivar of the garden pea ( Pisum sativum L.). In both cultivars there was an initial accumulation of sucrose due to the hydrolysis of sucrosyl oligosaccharides, but galactose did not accumulate in the cotyledons. Starch mobilization in the Progress pea was linear with time and started before the rise in α-amylase (EC activity in the cotyledons; sucrose was synthesized in the cotyledons, and their excision from the axis resulted in an additional accumulation of this sugar. In the Alaska pea, the onset of starch hydrolysis coincided with the rise in α-amylase activity; no accumulation of sucrose was found in excised cotyledons, whilst the sucrose content decreased continuously in attached cotyledons.
The same sugars were found in the cotyledons of both cultivars, suggesting a common pathway for starch breakdown. Maltose, maltotriose and linear malto-dextrins were not present and only trace amounts of glucose were detected, suggesting a degradation of starch by phosphorylase after an initial attack by α-amylase. α-Amylase activity in the cotyledons was higher in the presence of the axis, but was influenced by the water content of the cotyledons. Transient changes in α-amylase activity correlated well with changes in the rate of starch hydrolysis, but after 2–3 days starch mobilization was reduced in excised cotyledons probably due to the resynthesis of starch.  相似文献   

Ion-exchange chromatography has been used to separate the isoforms of glutamine synthetase (GS; EC appearing in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovic) cotyledons during seedling growth under different light and nitrogen conditions. Both in dry and imbibed seeds, only a single form of GS (GSs) was detected. Upon seed germination, the GSs isoform was gradually replaced by cytosolic (GS1) and plastidic (GS2) isoforms. Light and nitrate decreased the levels of GS1. In contrast, the appearance of GS2 was greatly stimulated by light. Nitrate also had a positive effect, particularly in the light. Light and nitrate acted synergistically on the appearance of GS2. The GS2:GS1 ratio in cotyledons of 9-d-old seedlings ranged from about 2, in darkness and nitrate-deprivation conditions, to 16 under light and nitrate application. The possible physiological roles of the distinct GS isoforms appearing in the epigeal cotyledons of sunflower during germination, and their differential regulation by light and nitrate, are discussed.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - GS1 cytosolic GS - GS2 plastidic GS - GSs GS from seeds This work was supported by a grant from Dirección General de Investigatión Científica y Técnica (PB90-0777) and Plan Andaluz de Investigación (3261), Spain. P.C. gratefully acknowledges receipt of a scholarship from Junta de Andalucía. The valuable technical assistance of Mrs. G. Alcalá is greatly appreciated. We are also grateful to Eurosemillas (Córdoba) for supplying us with sunflower seeds.  相似文献   

Histology and mucosubstance histochemistry of ferret lingual glands.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S Poddar  S Jacob 《Acta anatomica》1979,105(1):65-74
The histology and mucosubstance histochemistry of the ferret lingual glands were studied. Both serous and mucous minor salivary glands were present in the posterior part of the tongue. In serous glands, acinar cells and a very few cells of the excretory ducts contained granules which gave reactions for neutral mucopolysaccharides only. The mucous glands, including the duct system, contained mainly weakly sulphated acidic mucin, some neutral mucin but no carboxylated mucin. Occasional goblet cells were present in the excretory ducts of both serous and mucous glands. They contained weakly sulphated mucin.  相似文献   

1. Development of ribonuclease activity in the cotyledons of germinating peas is biphasic, the time of appearance of the two phases depending on the conditions of growth. 2. Acid phosphatase exhibits a single phase of development. 3. Cycloheximide inhibits development of ribonuclease activity in phase II but not in phase I. 4. (14)C-labelled amino acids are not incorporated into ribonuclease isolated during phase I. 5. The buoyant density of ribonuclease isolated during phase I is not affected by imbibition of the seed in 80% deuterium oxide. 6. Acid phosphatase was isolated from the supernatant fraction of the cotyledons of germinating peas and partially purified. 7. Development of acid phosphatase activity during germination is inhibited by treatment of the seed with cycloheximide or actinomycin D. 8. Partial purification of acid phosphatase from peas germinated in the presence of (14)C-labelled amino acids suggests that the enzyme is radioactively labelled. 9. Germination of peas in the presence of 80% deuterium oxide results in an increase in the buoyant density of acid phosphatase. 10. The results suggest that increase in ribonuclease activity during the first 4 days of germination does not result from synthesis of protein de novo, but that the corresponding increase in acid phosphatase activity does result from synthesis de novo.  相似文献   

SMITH  D. L. 《Annals of botany》1971,35(3):511-521
In the cells of the cotyledons of Pisum arvense L. there isa close correlation between cell volume, nuclear volume, andnuclear DNA level. The cells of the epidermis are at the 2Clevel of DNA, those of the hypodermus vary from 2C to 4C, whilethose of the storage tissues range from 4C to 16C. During germinationthe nucler increase in size In the storage tissues there isa three to fourfold increase, which is accompanied by an increasein lobing of the nucler Simultaneously the DNA level of thenucler decreases by about 50 per cent. There are parallel changesin nuclear histone levels. Initially nuclear RNA level is lowbut in any given cell it increases to a maximum at the timethe storage reserves of the cell begin to disappear, after whichit declines. The level of cytoplasmic RNA is high initiallyin the tissues at the abaxial side of the cotyledon. Duringthe first few days of germination it declines until the over-alllevel is uniformly low, after which there is a further smalldecline.  相似文献   

The autofluorescence of horsetail Equisetum arvense spores excited with UV-light of 360-380 nm was studied by microspectrofluorimetry during their development from an individual cell to the formation of a multicellular thallus with the generative organs. The investigation involved the registration of the fluorescence spectra of individual intact developing cells and the measurement of the ratio of cell fluorescence intensities in the blue and red regions of the spectrum. Dry blue-fluorescing microspores showed the maxima at 460 and 530 nm and a small maximum at 680 nm. Thirty minutes after moistening in water, red-fluorescing cells arose among blue-fluorescing microspores, indicating the onset of development. Red fluorescence with a maximum at 680 nm enhanced as cells put off their cover, which brightly fluoresced in the blue region of the spectrum with the main maximum at 460 nm. By estimating the ratio of autofluorescence intensities in the blue region of the spectrum to red lightening of microspores at the first stages of development up to 24 h (in particular, their first division, the formation of nonfluorescencing rhizoid, etc.), nonviable (only blue-lightening) cells were distinguished from viable cells, in which red fluorescence began to prevail. After 25-40 days of development, the gametophyte fluorescing mainly at 680 nm formed male organs, antheridia, with blue-green-fluorescing spermatozoids. Then female generative organs archegonia with the egg cell appeared, which fluoresced blue, whereas the surrounding cells fluoresced red. It was supposed that the lightening in the blue and green regions of the spectrum is due to the presence of phenols, terpenoids, and azulenes, whereas the emission in the red region is associated with the presence of chlorophyll and azulenes. The observation of autofluorescence makes it possible to easily distinguish generative cells without additional staining.  相似文献   

The levels of cell-wall xyloglucan (amyloid) in nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus L.) cotyledons were monitored during a 28-d period covering seed imbibition, germination and early seedling development. The activities of the following enzymes capable of hydrolysing the glycosidic linkages in the xyloglucan were assayed in cotyledon extracts over the same period: endo-(14)--glucanase (EC, -glucosidase (EC, -xylosidase and -galactosidase (EC The endo--glucanase was assayed viscometrically using xyloglucan as substrate, and the three glycosidases using appropriate p-nitrophenylglycosides. Alpha xylosidase and -galactosidase, the enzymes which would be expected to hydrolyse the side-chains from the xyloglucan molecule, were also assyed using xyloglucan as substrate. Under our culture conditions, xyloglucan levels remained constant at 30 mg per cotyledon pair for 7 d, that is until 3 d after germination: thereafter, the amount of xyloglucan diminished to zero in a 12-d period. The most rapid period of depletion was between days 9 and 13. The mobilisation of all reserve substances from the cotyledons resulted in a weight-loss of 92 mg: xyloglucan, therefore, is an important storage substance, representing 33% by weight of the seed's substrate reserves. It is a cell-wall storage polysaccharide. Xyloglucan mobilisation was accompanied by a 17-fold increase in endo--glucanase activity, a 7-fold increase in -galactosidase and an 8-fold increase in -xylosidase activities, all determined using xyloglucan as substrate. All three activities began to increase at day 5, peaked at days 12–14 when the most rapid phase of xyloglucan breakdown was over, and had declined to zero by days 22–25. The levels of theses enzymes have been shown to be consistent with their being responsible for xyloglucan hydrolysis in vivo. Nitrophenyl--galactosidase activity increased up to day 3, remained constant and then increased again 2.5-fold from day 5, peaking at day 11. Nitrophenyl--glucosidase remained relatively constant up to day 16 and then decreased to zero by day 25. Nitrophenyl--xylosidase activity was not detected.  相似文献   

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