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目的探讨医护一体化在血液内科病房的实施方案及应用效果。方法 2014年3~7月我院血液内科病房实行医护一体化工作模式,比较实施前后的医护合作度。结果实施医护一体化工作模式后,改善工作流程,医护共同分管病人,形成了相互配合、相互协作的良性机制,使医护沟通更顺畅、配合更密切,病人"入院——出院——回访"均由同组医护人员完成,护患关系明确,减少了患者住院期间的盲目感。同时,医生、护士、病人及家属相互配合,促进了疾病的康复,提高了患者满意度。结论医护一体化工作管理模式对改善护理质量的效果明显,不仅提高了患者满意度,同时也提高了医护配合程度。  相似文献   

(一) 绪言自从1973年重组DNA技术的发现和1975年杂交瘤技术的成功,世界上许多国家已认识到它们对未来工业发展的重要性,因此他们希望在短时间内尽快地学习和掌握许多新的技术,日本当然也不例外。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代后期.随着蛋白质组概念的提出和基因组测序工作的快速进行,尤其是双向电泳技术的改进和生物质谱的大范围应用,蛋白质组学研究进入了一个快速发展的十年。十年间.伴随着对蛋白质组分离技术分辨率和重复性的争论,以双向电泳为主的基于凝胶的分离技术和以反相色谱为主的液相色谱质谱技术都取得了迅猛而深入的发展。  相似文献   

导言在过去十年里,出现了一股利用植物细胞悬浮液作为生化产品资源的热潮。过去曾由植物生化学家和植物学家统治的领域,现在涌进了许多遗传学家、微生物生理学家、发酵技术人员和生化工程学家。扩大这一科学领域的结果引进了许多标准化的方法,长期以来,这类方法已在工业微生物过程和哺乳动物体系中取得了成就。这些成就使得科学技术迅猛发展,技术上的进步又转而促使政府和工业财政家对长期的、纯理论的研究和发展项目进行投资。  相似文献   

目的探讨医护一体化工作模式在呼吸内科病房的应用与成效。方法我科于2013年4月起采用医护一体化工作模式,由医生护士形成协同小组共同管理病人,包括共同查房、健康教育、出院随访,并针对慢性病患者进行全程心理干预,比较实施前后医生及患者对护理工作满意度情况、患者对疾病相关知识知晓率、患者与医护的合作率及患者出院后的生命质量。结果与实施医护一体化工作模式前比较,医生及患者对护理工作满意度均明显提高(P0.05),患者防治疾病知识水平、患者与医护合作率和患者出院后的生命质量均明显提高(P0.05)。结论医护一体化工作模式可以促进医护配合和谐,提升医疗护理质量,同时也提高了医护患满意度,提高慢性病患者出院后的生活质量。  相似文献   

工业生物过程是一个复杂的系统过程,对活体细胞代谢过程的认识是实现高效工业生物制造的基础。文中首先综述了工业发酵过程多尺度优化控制原理和实践,包括多尺度理论与装备、细胞宏观代谢在线检测传感技术以及生理代谢参数相关分析。在此基础上,对工业生物过程智能控制——感知细胞内生理代谢特性新型传感技术、大数据库建立和数据深度计算以及生物过程智能决策进行了综述和展望。  相似文献   

胶体金标记抗体技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胶体金标记抗体技术是近十多年来免疫组织(或细胞)化学迅速发展起来的一项免疫标记技术。在国外许多研究领域中已经得到发展,并逐渐受到国内同行的重视。本文介绍了胶体金标记抗体技术的原理、方法及其发展概况。  相似文献   

临床决策支持系统(Clinical decision support system,CDSS)是利用决策支持系统相关理论和技术,为临床医师在诊疗过程中提供诊疗决策的支持系统。本文根据临床神经外科疾病特点,提出基于KD、DB、和MD的框架系统结构,并构建临床疾病知识库、病人信息数据库和决策模型库,为下一步实现NCDSS功能提供理论基础和方法指导。  相似文献   

近十余年,由于重组DNA技术的问世和应用,迅速兴起和发展的生物工程已涉足十遗传工程、细胞工程、发酵工程、酶工程、工业、农业、医学、食品、化工及能源等各个方面,取得了长足的进展,并已开始向第二代生物工程迈进,去开发应用人们曾经期望而又尚未实现的愿望。  相似文献   

<正> 由于每个病人对蛋白质、热量、液体和电解质的需要量有很大不同,所以我们要使所有全肠外营养(TPN)溶液适合病人的特殊需要,故这种溶液不宜进行工业大量生产。以前我们是用手王方法把这种溶液配制在工升的玻璃瓶中,但病人每天需要2或3瓶。这种旧系统存在着许多缺点。  相似文献   

This activity promotes ways to save electricity in the home. Students identify electronic devices in the home and examine wattage, hours of use per month, estimated wattage per month, kilowatt hours per month, average retail price per kilowatt hour in each state, and the estimated cost per month. Students gain an appreciation for how saving power saves money and betters the environment. This interdisciplinary activity promotes science, technology, mathematics, and English language arts.  相似文献   

The extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MFs) originating from equipment used for assisted reproduction, umbilical cord-blood and peripheral-blood stem cell transplantation, transfusion, and hemodialysis were measured. The ELF-MF values were 0.1-1.2 microT on clean benches, <0.1-8.0 microT on inverted microscopes, <0.1-13.6 mmicroT in CO2 incubators, 4.3-11.5 microT in centrifuges, 0.4-18.8 microT in programmed freezers, <0.1-0.3 microT in deep freezers, 0.3-3.1 microT on cell separators, and 0.2-0.9 microT in hemodialysers. Frequencies of MFs were nominally 60 Hz, but some devices showed non-sinusoidal 120 Hz. Such MFs can be reduced by shielding the sources or altering the protocols employed.  相似文献   

The incidental capture of non-target species fromprawn trawling has recently attracted worldwide attention. Primarily, concerns arisefrom the perception that prawn trawls catch anddiscard large numbers of juveniles of species that,when larger, are targeted in other commercial andrecreational fisheries. While several managementoptions are available, the majority of fisheries inthe world have attempted to address this issue throughphysical modifications to trawls, designed to improveselectivity. The types of modifications used reflectfishery-specific characteristics; however, mostcan be broadly classified into twocategories, including: (1) those that separate speciesby differences in behaviour; and (2) those thatmechanically exclude unwanted organisms according totheir size. In the present paper, I provide achronological review of publications in the primaryliterature that describe experiments examiningmodifications within these categories. This reviewshows that inherent variabilities among differentfisheries greatly influence the types of designs thatneed to be applied and although some designs have thepotential for application across different fisheries,significant modification and re-evaluation are oftenrequired. By collating information from previousstudies, I also propose a framework encompassingthe various stages involved in developing and applyingsuccessful modifications in prawn-trawl fisheries. The key stages identified include: (1) quantificationof bycatches and accumulation of fishery-relatedinformation; (2) examination and re-evaluation ofmodifications; (3) assessment of damage inflicted onescaping individuals; and (4) promotion of recommendeddesigns.  相似文献   

目的:采用定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法识别医学科技重点技术前沿领域。方法:在Thomson Innovation数据库中检索2006-2012年制药技术、生物医药技术和医疗器械三个领域申请的专利数量,采用专利计量分析、统计学趋势分析等定量分析方法结合专家专业知识的定性分析方法对检索、采集的专利进行分析并识别前沿领域。前沿领域的选择原则是专利申请数量标化平均值较高(制药技术、生物医药技术和医疗器械领域标化平均值分别选择大于10%、15%和20%的子领域),或者有显著性增长趋势(P0.05且b0)。结果:本研究共识别医学科技重点技术前沿领域12个,其中制药技术前沿领域4个,分别是:天然产物,普通药,杂环化合物和其他有机物;生物医药技术前沿领域4个,分别是:疾病诊断和检测,基因治疗和核苷类药物,蛋白多肽类药物和生物合成技术;医疗器械前沿领域4个,分别是:电子医疗设备,诊断及手术设备,消毒、注射及电疗设备和医疗救助及口服设备。结论:通过定量与定性分析方法相结合共识别医学科技重点技术前沿领域12个,对专利进行多角度分析可以全面把握前沿领域的技术发展方向和特点,为我国医学科技政策的制定提供基于数据和事实的信息支撑。  相似文献   


Blue light, with wavelengths shorter than 440–450 nm, is the most energetic radiation of the visible spectrum for the human eye, and its possible multiple effects on the human nervous and other systems have become a line of research by many investigators. The use of mobile devices whose screens emit various amounts of blue light is common nowadays. This study evaluated the efficiency of the blue light screen and control software technologies of eight different mobile devices. Emitted screen spectra of the different mobile devices according to different conditions of blue light emission software control were obtained using a spectrograph, and the derived spectra were compared with the melatonin suppression action spectrum. The amount of blue light emission and predicted melatonin suppression varied according to the unique software control and screen technology of each device. AMOLED screen technology, compared with other screen technologies, achieved better control of blue light emission. The effect of blue light filters depends on the screen technology; however, the melatonin suppression index of mobile devices is not reduced sufficiently by the use of blue light-attenuating software.  相似文献   

Freestanding layered membrane–based devices have broad applications in highly efficient energy‐storage/conversion systems. The liquid–solid interface is considered as a unique yet versatile interface for constructing such layered membrane–based devices. In this review, the authors outline recent developments in the fabrication of soft materials to functionalize layered devices from the aspect of liquid–solid interfacial assembly and engineering arts. Seven liquid–solid interfacial assembly strategies, including flow‐directed, superlattice, solvent‐casting, evaporation‐induced, dip‐coating, spinning, and electrospinning assemblies, are comprehensively highlighted with a focus on their synthetic pathways, formation mechanisms, and interface engineering strategies. Meanwhile, recent representative works on layered membrane–based devices for electrochemical energy applications are presented. Finally, challenges and opportunities of this research area are highlighted in order to stimulate future developments. This review not only offers comprehensive and practical approaches to assemble liquid–solid interfaces with soft materials for various important layered electrochemical energy devices but also sheds lights on fundamental insights by thoughtful discussions on performance enhancement mechanisms of these electrochemical energy systems.  相似文献   

人类与动物的交互合作自古以来就有着悠久的历史,伴随着智能芯片、可穿戴设备和机器算法的快速发展,智慧动物与电子科技的交互成为了现实。如今,人类可以借助电子系统与动物进行沟通、感知和控制。这类电子设备的目标在于实现以动物为中心的工作模式,从而提升人类对动物的理解,最终促进动物智能和创造力的发展。本文将中型、大型动物作为研究对象,以发展其能力增强为目标,提出了“智慧动物增强系统”的构想。该构想用以描述这类装置的特性,并对现有的动物与计算机接口解决方案进行了全面综述。总的来说,智慧动物增强系统主要分为植入式和非植入式两类,均由接口平台、感知与解读、控制与指示三部分构成,并通过不同层次的增强系统和架构模式,从而实现人与动物的智慧交互。尽管已有的智慧动物增强系统仍然缺乏完整独立的交互系统架构,但在未来的发展中,智慧动物增强系统具备良好的前景和发展空间,不仅可以用于替代尖端设备和运输设备,还有望通过智慧共联实现跨物种的信息交互。同时,智慧动物增强系统可以促进人与动物的双向交互,对动物伦理和生态保护的发展也将产生重要的推动作用。更为重要的是,基于动物主体的交互模型开发能够为设计人机交互系统提供可借鉴的...  相似文献   

Wireless wearable and implantable devices are continuing to grow in popularity, and as this growth occurs, so too does the need to consider the safety of such devices. Wearable and implantable devices require the transmitting and receiving of electromagnetic waves near and through the body, which at high enough exposure levels may damage proximate tissues. The specific absorption rate (SAR) is the quantity commonly used to enumerate exposure levels, and various national and international organizations have defined regulations limiting exposure to ensure safe operation. In this paper, we comprehensively review dosimetric studies reported in the literature up to the year 2019 for wearables and implants. We discuss antenna designs for wearables and implants as they relate to SAR values and field and thermal distributions in tissue, present designs that have made steps to reduce SAR, and then review SAR considerations as they relate to applied devices. As compared with previous review papers, this paper is the first review to focus on dosimetry aspects relative to wearable and implantable devices. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;41:3–20 © 2019 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that few students graduate with the skills required for many ecological careers, as field-based learning is said to be in decline in academic institutions. Here, we asked if mobile technology could improve field-based learning, using ability to identify birds as the study metric. We divided a class of ninety-one undergraduate students into two groups for field-based sessions where they were taught bird identification skills. The first group has access to a traditional identification book and the second group were provided with an identification app. We found no difference between the groups in the ability of students to identify birds after three field sessions. Furthermore, we found that students using the traditional book were significantly more likely to identify novel species. Therefore, we find no evidence that mobile technology improved students’ ability to retain what they experienced in the field; indeed, there is evidence that traditional field guides were more useful to students as they attempted to identify new species. Nevertheless, students felt positively about using their own smartphone devices for learning, highlighting that while apps did not lead to an improvement in bird identification ability, they gave greater accessibility to relevant information outside allocated teaching times.  相似文献   

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