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Tu YL  Liu YB  Zhang L  Zhao YJ  Wang L  Hu ZA 《生理学报》2003,55(2):206-212
为研究大鼠不同发育阶段视皮层神经元电的生理学与形态学特性,实验观察了神经元电生理和形态学特性的变化与年龄的同步化程度,探讨视皮层视觉依赖性突触的形成和重新分布的细胞内机制。应用脑片膜片钳全细胞记录技术和细胞内生物家标记相结合的方法,记录4—28d SD大鼠视皮层神经元的突触后电流(postsynaptic currents,PSCs)。共记录156个大鼠视皮层神经元,睁眼前与睁眼后组中无反应型细胞数量,多突触反应型细胞数量、细胞的输入阻抗有显著性差异。成功标记23例神经元,不同年龄的神经元的形态学成熟度不同。低输入阻抗神经元在形态学上属成熟型,高输入阻抗神经元属幼稚型。该结果表明,大鼠在发育过程中,视皮层神经元功能的成熟表现为在形觉刺激以及局部神经元网络的整合作用下的视觉依赖性突触的形成和重新分布。在视觉发育可塑性关键期内,视皮层神经元形态和电生理特性的变化与年龄的同步化程度大于皮层下结构。  相似文献   

清醒猕猴前额叶和运动前区神经元多感觉活动的观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本实验对清醒猕猴前额叶和运动前区神经元多感觉活动进行了观察。在动物进行课题操作中记录单神经元放电。课题中包括视、痛、热三种感觉刺激。在所记录的338个课题相关神经元中,对一种感觉刺激呈现反应者156个,对两种刺激反应者94个,对三种刺激都反应者88个。为了观察不具有信号意义的感觉刺激的作用,在课题操作的间歇期给动物以痛、热、视、听、触等自然刺激。在测试的176个课题相关神经元中,仅72个神经元对自然刺激呈现反应。其中对一种感觉刺激反应者45个,对两种刺激反应者19个,三种者5个,四种者3个。多数神经元对痛(N=33),视(N=30)和热(N=29)刺激呈现反应,仅有3个神经元对声音,9个神经元对触刺激出现反应。绝大多数神经元位于弓状沟上支内侧的颗粒和无颗粒皮层内。本实验表明,痛、热、触、视、听觉等投射到额叶皮层的相同部位,不同程度地会聚到同一神经元上。有信号意义的刺激与没有信号意义的刺激相比,前者可激活更多的神经元。  相似文献   

亮度(luminance)是最基本的视觉信息.与其他视觉特征相比,由于视神经元对亮度刺激的反应较弱,并且许多神经元对均匀亮度无反应,对亮度信息编码的神经机制知之甚少.初级视皮层部分神经元对亮度的反应要慢于对比度反应,被认为是由边界对比度诱导的亮度知觉(brightness)的神经基础.我们的研究表明,初级视皮层许多神经元的亮度反应要快于对比度反应,并且这些神经元偏好低的空间频率、高的时间频率和高的运动速度,提示皮层下具有低空间频率和高运动速度通路的信息输入对产生初级视皮层神经元的亮度反应有贡献.已经知道初级视皮层神经元对空间频率反应的时间过程是从低空间频率到高空间频率,我们发现的早期亮度反应是对极低空间频率的反应,与这一时间过程是一致的,是这一从粗到细的视觉信息加工过程的第一步,揭示了处理最早的粗的视觉信息的神经基础.另外,初级视皮层含有偏好亮度下降和高运动速度的神经元,这群神经元的活动有助于在光照差的环境中检测高速运动的低亮度物体.  相似文献   

郭昆  李朝义 《生理学报》1997,49(4):400-406
用细胞外记录的方法,研究了视觉刺激对清醒猴初级视皮层神经元眼球位置效应的影响,当猴注视电视屏幕上25个不同位置的小光点时,屏蔽上分别给予两种不同形式的视觉刺激:注视点周围的闪光圆环和感受野内的移动光条。这两种刺激都能增强初级视皮层神经元的眼球位置相关活动,并相应地使受眼球位置调制的神经元的比例明显增加。  相似文献   

亮度(luminance)是最基本的视觉信息.与其他视觉特征相比,由于视神经元对亮度刺激的反应较弱,并且许多神经元对均匀亮度无反应,对亮度信息编码的神经机制知之甚少.初级视皮层部分神经元对亮度的反应要慢于对比度反应,被认为是由边界对比度诱导的亮度知觉(brightness)的神经基础.我们的研究表明,初级视皮层许多神经元的亮度反应要快于对比度反应,并且这些神经元偏好低的空间频率、高的时间频率和高的运动速度,提示皮层下具有低空间频率和高运动速度通路的信息输入对产生初级视皮层神经元的亮度反应有贡献.已经知道初级视皮层神经元对空间频率反应的时间过程是从低空间频率到高空间频率,我们发现的早期亮度反应是对极低空间频率的反应,与这一时间过程是一致的,是这一从粗到细的视觉信息加工过程的第一步,揭示了处理最早的粗的视觉信息的神经基础.另外,初级视皮层含有偏好亮度下降和高运动速度的神经元,这群神经元的活动有助于在光照差的环境中检测高速运动的低亮度物体.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Meng JJ  Wang K  Liu RL  Xi MM  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):218-224
心理物理学研究提示,初级视区毁损后的视觉残留可能是通过外纹状皮层的神经网络重组介导的,但缺少支持这一假说的电生理实验证据。采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术,该研究分别检测了初级视区(主要包括17和18区)急性毁损猫和正常对照猫的高级视区(包括19、20和21区)神经元对不同视觉刺激的反应性。结果显示,与对照相比,急性毁损初级视区使99.3%的高级视区神经元丧失对运动光栅刺激的诱发反应,93%的神经元丧失对闪光刺激的反应。该结果表明,急性毁损成年猫的初级视皮层可能会导致其绝大部分视觉能力丧失。在幼年期实施初级视皮层毁损后,成年猫出现的残留视觉可能主要是由于手术后皮层下神经核团与外纹状皮层之间的通路重组引起的。  相似文献   

幼年大鼠视皮层神经元对闪光刺激的反应特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物视觉系统的发育延续到出生后,大鼠出生后 3~5 周是视觉系统发育的关键期 . 在关键期中,视皮层的兴奋性和抑制性突触连接逐渐成熟,形成有效的皮层内回路 . 为了观察发育关键期大鼠视皮层神经元的反应特性与成年大鼠的异同,使用胞外单细胞记录的方法对比研究了幼年和成年大鼠对闪光刺激的视觉反应特性 . 结果显示:与成年大鼠相比较,幼年大鼠视皮层神经元对持续闪光刺激显示出更强的适应性,对光刺激的诱发放电频率更低,而在没有光刺激时的自发放电频率更高,从而导致信噪比更低 . 这一结果表明,幼年大鼠视皮层对连续刺激的反应能力下降,对信号的分辨能力也更弱,其原因可能是兴奋性突触和抑制性突触发育的不同步所致 .  相似文献   

为研究额叶神经元对躯体痛、热刺激出现反应的机能意义,设计了痛、热延缓辨别作业对猕猴进行实验。痛和热仅在暗示期给予,要求动物对此不立即作出行为反应。而是暂时记住这个信号,等到行动期再作出反应。待作业正确率连续三天达90%以上,记录额叶神经元和两侧上肢肌肉的电活动.以观察神经元活动与信号刺激以及肌肉活动之间的关系。在记录的142个作业相关神经元中,与痛、热刺激相关者87个(66.4%)。其中22个仅对痛刺激、18个仅对热刺激起反应,47个对痛、热刺激都起反应(其中4个反应方向相反)。此外,有21个对痛、热、视都出现反应。其余仅对视觉刺激起反应。这些神经元主要位于额叶弓状沟上支内侧,包括前额叶和运动前区皮层。在两侧上肢12块肌肉中,除操作侧指总伸肌、尺侧腕屈肌和桡侧腕屈肌在压放杠杆时,可记录到短暂的肌电活动外,在作业的其它时期和其它肌肉均未记录到规律的肌电活动。这表明痛热刺激在暗示期引起的神经元反应与行为动作的发动没有直接关系,从而支持关于额叶皮层这一区域的神经元在对刺激物信号意义的辨别机制中,可能起着重要作用的假说。  相似文献   

为了研究大脑皮层体感Ⅰ区与痛觉以及针刺镇痛作用的关系,以钾离子透入下肢皮肤作为痛刺激,以操作式条件反射作为痛指标,用钨丝微电极记录大脑皮层体感Ⅰ区单个神经元的电活动,在10只清醒、可以活动的猴子上进行了实验观察。在下肢的皮层代表区分离和记录了能对不同传入刺激起反应的神经元215个。28个对皮肤伤害性刺激起反应。其中25个发放增加(兴奋型神经元),3个发放减少(抑制型神经元)。对12个伤害性神经元进行了针刺效应的观察。在针刺过程中有6个神经元(4个兴奋型、2个抑制型)对伤害性刺激的反应受到抑制。其中有些神经元的抑制可伴有痛阈的升高,但两者未呈现严格的平行关系。皮层体感Ⅰ区中亦可记录到会聚性神经元,即同一神经元既可接受皮肤机械刺激,亦可接受皮肤伤害性刺激。其中有些神经元对于不同性质的刺激可以出现不同型式的反应,如对钾离子刺激皮肤出现抑制性反应而对触觉刺激出现兴奋性反应。针刺时,往往只有伤害性刺激引起的反应受到抑制,而机械刺激引起的反应没有明显变化。实验表明,针刺可以使皮层体感Ⅰ区的某些神经元对皮肤伤害性刺激的反应减弱;但是这种效应可能不是发生在皮层本身,而是续发于皮层下结构活动的变化。  相似文献   

感觉皮层神经元的非经典感受野(简称"外周")对经典感受野(简称"中心")的调节作用广泛存在于哺乳动物中,被认为是感觉皮层神经元的基本特性.以初级视皮层神经元为例,刺激其外周能有效地调节刺激其中心引起的反应,这种作用主要是抑制性的.理解初级视皮层神经元的外周对中心的调节机制能够深入揭示哺乳动物的感觉皮层神经元信息处理的基...  相似文献   

Peng QS  Zhou J  Shi XM  Hua GP  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2011,32(3):337-342
以前的电生理研究结果显示, 老年哺乳动物视皮层细胞的自发反应及对视觉刺激的诱发反应比青年动物的显著增加, 而对光栅刺激的方位和运动方向选择性却显著下降。然而, 这种视皮层细胞功能的老年性改变是否因青、老年猫细胞对不同麻醉水平的敏感性差异引起尚不清楚。为探讨该问题, 以常用的麻醉药——乌拉坦(Urethane)为实验对象, 通过改变其麻醉剂量分别记录青、老年猫初级视皮层细胞对不同方位和运动方向光栅刺激的调谐反应。研究结果显示, 在基础麻醉量的基础上, 累积增加 50 mg 和 100 mg 乌拉坦对青、老年猫视皮层细胞的自发反应和诱发反应以及对光栅刺激方位和运动方向的选择性不产生显著影响, 累积增加 150 mg 乌拉坦会导致青、老年猫视皮层细胞对视觉刺激的反应性下降, 但下降的幅度相似。以上研究结果表明, 不同剂量的乌拉坦对青、老年动物视皮层细胞的反应性具有相似的影响。  相似文献   

Many aspects of visual cortical functional architecture, such as orientation and ocular dominance columns, are present before animals have had any visual experience, indicating that the initial formation of cortical circuitry takes place without the influence of environmental cues. For this reason, it has been proposed that spontaneous activity within the developing visual pathway carries instructive information to guide the early establishment of cortical circuits. Recently developed recording and stimulation techniques are revealing new information about the in vivo organization of this spontaneous activity and its contribution to cortical development. Multielectrode recordings in the developing lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of ferrets demonstrate that retinal spontaneous activity is not simply relayed to the visual cortex, but is reshaped and transformed by a variety of mechanisms including cortical feedback and endogenous oscillatory activity. The resulting patterns are consistent with many of the predictions of correlation-based models of cortical development. In addition, the introduction of artificially correlated activity into the visual pathway disrupts some but not all aspects of orientation tuning development. Thus, while these results support an instructive role of spontaneous activity in shaping cortical development, there still appears to be a number of aspects of this process that cannot be accounted for by activity alone.  相似文献   

Reverberating spontaneous synchronized brain activity is believed to play an important role in neural information processing. Whether and how external stimuli can influence this spontaneous activity is poorly understood. Because periodic synchronized network activity is also prominent in in vitro neuronal cultures, we used cortical cultures grown on multielectrode arrays to examine how spontaneous activity is affected by external stimuli. Spontaneous network activity before and after low-frequency electrical stimulation was quantified in several ways. Our results show that the initially stable pattern of stereotypical spontaneous activity was transformed into another activity pattern that remained stable for at least 1 h. The transformations consisted of changes in single site and culture-wide network activity as well as in the spatiotemporal dynamics of network bursting. We show for the first time that low-frequency electrical stimulation can induce long-lasting alterations in spontaneous activity of cortical neuronal networks. We discuss whether the observed transformations in network activity could represent a switch in attractor state.  相似文献   

Han F  Caporale N  Dan Y 《Neuron》2008,60(2):321-327
Spontaneous waves of activity propagating across large cortical areas may play important roles in sensory processing and circuit refinement. However, whether these waves are in turn shaped by sensory experience remains unclear. Here we report that visually evoked cortical activity reverberates in subsequent spontaneous waves. Voltage-sensitive dye imaging in rat visual cortex shows that following repetitive presentation of a given visual stimulus, spatiotemporal activity patterns resembling the evoked response appear more frequently in the spontaneous waves. This effect is specific to the response pattern evoked by the repeated stimulus, and it persists for several minutes without further visual stimulation. Such wave-mediated reverberation could contribute to short-term memory and help to consolidate the transient effects of recent sensory experience into long-lasting cortical modifications.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasticity is considered to play a crucial role in the experience-dependent self-organization of local cortical networks. In the absence of sensory stimuli, cerebral cortex exhibits spontaneous membrane potential transitions between an UP and a DOWN state. To reveal how cortical networks develop spontaneous activity, or conversely, how spontaneous activity structures cortical networks, we analyze the self-organization of a recurrent network model of excitatory and inhibitory neurons, which is realistic enough to replicate UP–DOWN states, with spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP). The individual neurons in the self-organized network exhibit a variety of temporal patterns in the two-state transitions. In addition, the model develops a feed-forward network-like structure that produces a diverse repertoire of precise sequences of the UP state. Our model shows that the self-organized activity well resembles the spontaneous activity of cortical networks if STDP is accompanied by the pruning of weak synapses. These results suggest that the two-state membrane potential transitions play an active role in structuring local cortical circuits.  相似文献   

The effect of acetylcholine, noradrenalin, and serotonin on spontaneous activity of visual cortical neurons and on their activity evoked by flashes, recorded extracellularly, was studied by microiontophoresis in unanesthetized rabbits. The ability of visual cortical neurons to respond to light does not correlate with their sensitivity to acetylcholine. This substance, which changes the spontaneous firing rate of many of the neurons tested, was less effective against their evoked activity. Noradrenalin had a powerful depressant action on both spontaneous and evoked activity of most neurons studied. Serotonin acted in different ways on the spontaneous and evoked activity of some neurons tested. It is postulated that acetylcholine mediates reticulo-cortical inputs, noradrenalin is a true inhibitory mediator in the cerebral cortex, and serotonin has a presynaptic action by preventing the liberation of natural mediators.  相似文献   

Electroencephalograms (EEG) and visual evoked potentials (VEP) in mice were recorded to evaluate loss of cortical function during the first 30 s after euthanasia by various methods. Tracheal cannulae (for positive-pressure ventilation, PPV) and cortical surface electrodes were placed in mice anesthetized with inhaled halothane. Succinylcholine was used to block spontaneous breathing in the mice, which then underwent continuous EEG recording. Photic stimuli (1 Hz) were presented to produce VEPs superimposed on the EEG. Anesthesia was discontinued immediately before euthanasia. Compared with that obtained before euthanasia, EEG activity during the 30-s study period immediately after euthanasia was significantly decreased after cervical dislocation (at 5 to 10 s), 100% PPV-CO2 (at 10 to 15 s), decapitation (at 15 to 20 s), and cardiac arrest due to KCl injection (at 20 to 25 s) but not after administration of 70% PPV-CO2. Similarly, these euthanasia methods also reduced VEP amplitude, although 100% PPV-CO2 treatment affected VEP amplitude more than it did EEG activity. Thus, 100% PPV-CO2 treatment significantly decreased VEP beginning 5 to 10 s after administration, with near abolition of VEP by 30 s. VEP amplitude was significantly reduced at 5 to 10 s after cervical dislocation and at 10 to 15 s after decapitation but not after either KCl or 70% PPV-CO2 administration. The data demonstrate that 100% PPV-CO2, decapitation, and cervical dislocation lead to rapid disruption of cortical function as measured by 2 different methods. In comparison, 70% PPV-CO2 and cardiac arrest due to intracardiac KCl injection had less rapid effects on cortical function.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported inconsistent effects of dietary restriction (DR) on cortical inhibition. To clarify this issue, we examined the response properties of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) of DR and control groups of cats using in vivo extracellular single-unit recording techniques, and assessed the synthesis of inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the V1 of cats from both groups using immunohistochemical and Western blot techniques. Our results showed that the response of V1 neurons to visual stimuli was significantly modified by DR, as indicated by an enhanced selectivity for stimulus orientations and motion directions, decreased visually-evoked response, lowered spontaneous activity and increased signal-to-noise ratio in DR cats relative to control cats. Further, it was shown that, accompanied with these changes of neuronal responsiveness, GABA immunoreactivity and the expression of a key GABA-synthesizing enzyme GAD67 in the V1 were significantly increased by DR. These results demonstrate that DR may retard brain aging by increasing the intracortical inhibition effect and improve the function of visual cortical neurons in visual information processing. This DR-induced elevation of cortical inhibition may favor the brain in modulating energy expenditure based on food availability.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that local cortical feedback can havean important effect on the response of neurons in primary visualcortex to the orientation of visual stimuli. In this work, westudy the role of the cortical feedback in shaping thespatiotemporal patterns of activity in cortex. Two questionsare addressed: one, what are the limitations on the ability ofcortical neurons to lock their activity to rotatingoriented stimuli within a single receptive field? Two, can thelocal architecture of visual cortex lead to the generation ofspontaneous traveling pulses of activity? We study theseissues analytically by a population-dynamic model of ahypercolumn in visual cortex. The order parameter thatdescribes the macroscopic behavior of the network is thetime-dependent population vector of the network. We firststudy the network dynamics under the influence of a weakly tunedinput that slowly rotates within the receptive field. We showthat if the cortical interactions have strong spatialmodulation, the network generates a sharply tuned activityprofile that propagates across the hypercolumn in a path thatis completely locked to the stimulus rotation. The resultantrotating population vector maintains a constant angular lagrelative to the stimulus, the magnitude of which grows with thestimulus rotation frequency. Beyond a critical frequency thepopulation vector does not lock to the stimulus but executes aquasi-periodic motion with an average frequency that is smallerthan that of the stimulus. In the second part we consider thestable intrinsic state of the cortex under the influence of isotropic stimulation. We show that if the local inhibitoryfeedback is sufficiently strong, the network does not settleinto a stationary state but develops spontaneous travelingpulses of activity. Unlike recent models of wave propagation incortical networks, the connectivity pattern in our model isspatially symmetric, hence the direction of propagation ofthese waves is arbitrary. The interaction of these waves withan external-oriented stimulus is studied. It is shown that thesystem can lock to a weakly tuned rotating stimulus if thestimulus frequency is close to the frequency of the intrinsic wave.  相似文献   

In the premature infant, somatosensory and visual stimuli trigger an immature electroencephalographic (EEG) pattern, “delta-brushes,” in the corresponding sensory cortical areas. Whether auditory stimuli evoke delta-brushes in the premature auditory cortex has not been reported. Here, responses to auditory stimuli were studied in 46 premature infants without neurologic risk aged 31 to 38 postmenstrual weeks (PMW) during routine EEG recording. Stimuli consisted of either low-volume technogenic “clicks” near the background noise level of the neonatal care unit, or a human voice at conversational sound level. Stimuli were administrated pseudo-randomly during quiet and active sleep. In another protocol, the cortical response to a composite stimulus (“click” and voice) was manually triggered during EEG hypoactive periods of quiet sleep. Cortical responses were analyzed by event detection, power frequency analysis and stimulus locked averaging. Before 34 PMW, both voice and “click” stimuli evoked cortical responses with similar frequency-power topographic characteristics, namely a temporal negative slow-wave and rapid oscillations similar to spontaneous delta-brushes. Responses to composite stimuli also showed a maximal frequency-power increase in temporal areas before 35 PMW. From 34 PMW the topography of responses in quiet sleep was different for “click” and voice stimuli: responses to “clicks” became diffuse but responses to voice remained limited to temporal areas. After the age of 35 PMW auditory evoked delta-brushes progressively disappeared and were replaced by a low amplitude response in the same location. Our data show that auditory stimuli mimicking ambient sounds efficiently evoke delta-brushes in temporal areas in the premature infant before 35 PMW. Along with findings in other sensory modalities (visual and somatosensory), these findings suggest that sensory driven delta-brushes represent a ubiquitous feature of the human sensory cortex during fetal stages and provide a potential test of functional cortical maturation during fetal development.  相似文献   

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