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NUMTs in sequenced eukaryotic genomes   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Mitochondrial DNA sequences are frequently transferred to the nucleus giving rise to the so-called nuclear mitochondrial DNA (NUMT). Analysis of 13 eukaryotic species with sequenced mitochondrial and nuclear genomes reveals a large interspecific variation of NUMT number and size. Copy number ranges from none or few copies in Anopheles, Caenorhabditis, Plasmodium, Drosophila, and Fugu to more than 500 in human, rice, and Arabidopsis. The average size is between 62 (baker's yeast) and 647 bps (Neurospora), respectively. A correlation between the abundance of NUMTs and the size of the nuclear or the mitochondrial genomes, or of the nuclear gene density, is not evident. Other factors, such as the number and/or stability of mitochondria in the germline, or species-specific mechanisms controlling accumulation/loss of nuclear DNA, might be responsible for the interspecific diversity in NUMT accumulation.  相似文献   

We analysed the size, relative age and chromosomal localization of nuclear sequences of plastid and mitochondrial origin (NUPTs-nuclear plastid DNA and NUMTs-nuclear mitochondrial DNA) in six completely sequenced plant species. We found that the largest insertions showed lower divergence from organelle DNA than shorter insertions in all species, indicating their recent origin. The largest NUPT and NUMT insertions were localized in the vicinity of the centromeres in the small genomes of Arabidopsis and rice. They were also present in other chromosomal regions in the large genomes of soybean and maize. Localization of NUPTs and NUMTs correlated positively with distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in Arabidopsis and sorghum, negatively in grapevine and soybean, and did not correlate in rice or maize. We propose a model where new plastid and mitochondrial DNA sequences are inserted close to centromeres and are later fragmented by TE insertions and reshuffled away from the centromere or removed by ectopic recombination. The mode and tempo of TE dynamism determines the turnover of NUPTs and NUMTs resulting in their species-specific chromosomal distributions.  相似文献   

The significance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in eukaryotic evolution remains controversial. Although many eukaryotic genes are of bacterial origin, they are often interpreted as being derived from mitochondria or plastids. Because of their fixed gene pool and gene loss, however, mitochondria and plastids alone cannot adequately explain the presence of all, or even the majority, of bacterial genes in eukaryotes. Available data indicate that no insurmountable barrier to HGT exists, even in complex multicellular eukaryotes. In addition, the discovery of both recent and ancient HGT events in all major eukaryotic groups suggests that HGT has been a regular occurrence throughout the history of eukaryotic evolution. A model of HGT is proposed that suggests both unicellular and early developmental stages as likely entry points for foreign genes into multicellular eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Pairwise comparison of whole plastid and draft nuclear genomic sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica shows that rice nuclear genomic sequences contain homologs of plastid DNA covering about 94 kb (83%) of plastid genome and including one or more full-length intact (without mutations resulting in premature stop codons) homologues of 26 known protein-coding (KPC) plastid genes. By contrast, only about 20 kb (16%) of chloroplast DNA, including a single intact plastid-derived KPC gene, is presented in the nucleus of A. thaliana. Sixteen rice plastid genes have at least one nuclear copy without any mutation or with only synonymous substitutions. Nuclear copies for other ten plastid genes contain both synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions. Multiple ESTs for 25 out of 26 KPC genes were also found, as well as putative promoters for some of them. The study of substitutions pattern shows that some of nuclear homologues of plastid genes may be functional and/or are under the pressure of the positive natural selection. The similar comparative analysis performed on rice chromosome 1 revealed 27 contigs containing plastid-derived sequences, totalling about 84 kb and covering two thirds of chloroplast DNA, with the intact nuclear copies of 26 different KPC genes. One of these contigs, AP003280, includes almost 57 kb (45%) of chloroplast genome with the intact copies of 22 KPC genes. At the same time, we observed that relative locations of homologues in plastid DNA and the nuclear genome are significantly different.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) has an essential function in both catabolic glycolysis and anabolic gluconeogenesis and is universally distributed among Eukaryotes, Bacteria, and some Archaea. In addition to the cytosolic GPI, land plant chloroplasts harbor a nuclear encoded isoenzyme of cyanobacterial origin that is indispensable for the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP) and plastid starch accumulation. We established 12 new GPI sequences from rhodophytes, the glaucophyte Cyanophora paradoxa, a ciliate, and all orders of complex algae with red plastids (haptophytes, diatoms, cryptophytes, and dinoflagellates). Our comprehensive phylogenies do not support previous GPI-based speculations about a eukaryote-to-prokaryote horizontal gene transfer from metazoa to gamma-proteobacteria. The evolution of cytosolic GPI is largely in agreement with small subunit analyses, which indicates that it is a specific marker of the host cell. A distinct subtree comprising alveolates (ciliates, apicomplexa, Perkinsus, and dinoflagellates), stramenopiles (diatoms and Phytophthora [oomycete]), and Plantae (green plants, rhodophytes, and Cyanophora) might suggest a common origin of these superensembles. Finally, in contrast to land plants where the plastid GPI is of cyanobacterial origin, chlorophytes and rhodophytes independently recruited a duplicate of the cytosolic GPI that subsequently acquired a transit peptide for plastid import. A secondary loss of the cytosolic isoenzyme and the plastid localization of the single GPI in chlorophycean green algae is compatible with physiological studies. Our findings reveal the fundamental importance of the plastid OPPP for Plantae and document the plasticity of primary metabolism.  相似文献   

Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics - The major transitions in human evolution from prokaryotes toeukaryotes, from protozoans to metazoans, from the first animals tobilaterians and...  相似文献   

Plant cells have acquired chloroplasts (plastids) with a unique genome (ptDNA), which developed during the evolution of endosymbiosis. The gene content and genome structure of ptDNAs in land plants are considerably stable, although those of algal ptDNAs are highly varied. Plant cells seem, therefore, to be intolerant of any structural or organizational changes in the ptDNA. Genome rearrangement functions as a driver of genomic evolutionary divergence. Here, we aimed to create various types of rearrangements in the ptDNA of Arabidopsis genomes using plastid‐targeted forms of restriction endonucleases (pREs). Arabidopsis plants expressing each of the three specific pREs, i.e., pTaqI, pHinP1I, and pMseI, were generated; they showed the leaf variegation phenotypes associated with impaired chloroplast development. We confirmed that these pREs caused double‐stranded breaks (DSB) at their recognition sites in ptDNAs. Genome‐wide analysis of ptDNAs revealed that the transgenic lines exhibited a large number of rearrangements such as inversions and deletions/duplications, which were dominantly repaired by microhomology‐mediated recombination and microhomology‐mediated end‐joining, and less by non‐homologous end‐joining. Notably, pHinP1I, which recognized a small number of sites in ptDNA, induced drastic structural changes, including regional copy number variations throughout ptDNAs. In contrast, the transient expression of either pTaqI or pMseI, whose recognition site numbers were relatively larger, resulted in small‐scale changes at the whole genome level. These results indicated that DSB frequencies and their distribution are major determinants in shaping ptDNAs.  相似文献   

With the completion of the first gymnosperm mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) from Cycas taitungensis and the availability of more mtDNA taxa in the past 5 years, we have conducted a systematic analysis of DNA transfer from chloroplast genomes (cpDNAs) to mtDNAs (mtpts) in 11 plants, including 2 algae, 1 liverwort, 1 moss, 1 gymnosperm, 3 monocots, and 3 eudicots. By using shared gene order and boundaries between different mtpts as the criterion, the timing of cpDNA transfer during plant evolution was estimated from the phylogenetic tree reconstructed independently from concatenated protein-coding genes of 11 available mtDNAs. Several interesting findings emerged. First, frequent DNA transfer from cpDNA to mtDNA occurred at least as far back as the common ancestor of extant gymnosperms and angiosperms, about 300 MYA. The oldest mtpt is trnV(uac)-trnM(cau)-atpE-atpB-rbcL. Three other mtpts--psaA-psaB, rps19-trnH(gug)-rpl2-rpl23, and psbE-psbF--were dated to the common ancestor of extant angiosperms, at least 150 MYA. However, all protein-coding genes of mtpts have degenerated since their first transfer. Therefore, mtpts contribute nothing to the functioning of mtDNA but junk sequences. We discovered that the cpDNA transfers have occurred randomly at any positions of the cpDNAs. We provide strong evidence that the cp-derived tRNA-trnM(cau) is the only mtpt (1 out of 3 cp-derived tRNA shared by seed plants) truly transferred from cpDNA to mtDNA since the time of the common ancestor of extant gymnosperms and angiosperms. Our observations support the proposition of Richly and Leister (2004) that "primary insertions of organellar DNAs are large and then diverge and fragment over evolutionary time."  相似文献   

Exploring the genomic mysteries of polyploidy in cotton   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
For several years allopolyploid cottons have been the subject of evolutionary investigations into the genomic mysteries of polyploidy. An array of genomic interactions have been documented, including interlocus concerted evolution, differential rates of genomic evolution and intergenomic sequence transfer. Substantial alterations in gene expression have occurred in response to allopolyploidization, including gene silencing and expression changes that vary by organ. Some of the molecular phenomena occurring in polyploids appear to be non-Mendelian. Many of the genomic and expression alterations have occurred on an evolutionary timescale, whereas others reflect more immediate consequences of genomic merger.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 573–581.  相似文献   

系统发育分析指示细菌向Apicoplast的水平基因转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱新宇 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1316-1320
顶复合器门的原生动物(Apicomplexan protozoa)含有一个高度退化的质体样(plastid-like)细胞器,定名为apicoplast。来自apicoplast的c/pC基因和它在其他质体和细菌中的同源物用来重建apicoplast的系统发育史。使用邻接法(Neighbor-Joining)、最小进化法(Minimum Evolution)、最大简约法(Maximum Pamimony)和最大似然法(Maximum Likelihood)建立进化树。此外为了避免由于序列之间相似的碱基组成而引起的虚假聚类,建立了基于LogDet距离的核苷酸NJ树;以及为了避免由于在核苷酸和氨基酸水平上的突变饱和而引起的长分枝吸引(Long Branch Attraction,LBA),建立了基于非饱和位点的核苷酸和氨基酸序列的系统发育树。重建结果强有力地支持apicoplast和细菌B.buigorferi之间的单系(monophyly)起源关系,也强化了apicoplasst属于混合基因组的假设,并且提供了对这个混合基因组起源的新的认识。  相似文献   

Red algae (Rhodophyta) putatively diverged from the eukaryote tree of life >1.2 billion years ago and are the source of plastids in the ecologically important diatoms, haptophytes, and dinoflagellates. In general, red algae contain the largest plastid gene inventory among all such organelles derived from primary, secondary, or additional rounds of endosymbiosis. In contrast, their nuclear gene inventory is reduced when compared to their putative sister lineage, the Viridiplantae, and other photosynthetic lineages. The latter is thought to have resulted from a phase of genome reduction that occurred in the stem lineage of Rhodophyta. A recent comparative analysis of a taxonomically broad collection of red algal and Viridiplantae plastid genomes demonstrates that the red algal ancestor encoded ~1.5× more plastid genes than Viridiplantae. This difference is primarily explained by more extensive endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT) in the stem lineage of Viridiplantae, when compared to red algae. We postulate that limited EGT in Rhodophytes resulted from the countervailing force of ancient, and likely recurrent, nuclear genome reduction. In other words, the propensity for nuclear gene loss led to the retention of red algal plastid genes that would otherwise have undergone intracellular gene transfer to the nucleus. This hypothesis recognizes the primacy of nuclear genome evolution over that of plastids, which have no inherent control of their gene inventory and can change dramatically (e.g., secondarily non‐photosynthetic eukaryotes, dinoflagellates) in response to selection acting on the host lineage.  相似文献   

Transposable elements and the evolution of genome size in eukaryotes   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
Kidwell MG 《Genetica》2002,115(1):49-63
It is generally accepted that the wide variation in genome size observed among eukaryotic species is more closely correlated with the amount of repetitive DNA than with the number of coding genes. Major types of repetitive DNA include transposable elements, satellite DNAs, simple sequences and tandem repeats, but reliable estimates of the relative contributions of these various types to total genome size have been hard to obtain. With the advent of genome sequencing, such information is starting to become available, but no firm conclusions can yet be made from the limited data currently available. Here, the ways in which transposable elements contribute both directly and indirectly to genome size variation are explored. Limited evidence is provided to support the existence of an approximately linear relationship between total transposable element DNA and genome size. Copy numbers per family are low and globally constrained in small genomes, but vary widely in large genomes. Thus, the partial release of transposable element copy number constraints appears to be a major characteristic of large genomes.  相似文献   

Accounting for the diversity of photosynthetic eukaryotes is an important challenge in microbial biology. It has now become clear that endosymbiosis explains the origin of the photosynthetic organelle (plastid) in different algal groups. The first plastid originated from a primary endosymbiosis, whereby a previously non-photosynthetic protist engulfed and enslaved a cyanobacterium. This alga then gave rise to the red, green, and glaucophyte lineages. Algae such as the chlorophyll c-containing chromists gained their plastid through secondary endosymbiosis, in which an existing eukaryotic alga (in this case, a rhodophyte) was engulfed. Another chlorophyll c-containing algal group, the dinoflagellates, is a member of the alveolates that is postulated to be sister to chromists. The plastid in these algae has followed a radically different path of evolution. The peridinin-containing dinoflagellates underwent an unprecedented level of plastid genome reduction with the ca. 16 remaining genes encoded on 1–3 gene minicircles. In this short review, we examine algal plastid diversity using phylogenetic and genomic methods and show endosymbiosis to be a major force in algal evolution. In particular, we focus on the evolution of targeting signals that facilitate the import of nuclear-encoded photosynthetic proteins into the plastid.  相似文献   

The cellular machineries that power chloroplast and mitochondrial division in eukaryotes carry out the topologically challenging job of constricting and severing these double-membraned organelles. Consistent with their endosymbiotic origins, mitochondria in protists and chloroplasts in photosynthetic eukaryotes have evolved organelle-targeted forms of FtsZ, the prokaryotic ancestor of tubulin, as key components of their fission complexes. In fungi, animals and plants, mitochondria no longer utilize FtsZ for division, but several mitochondrial division proteins that localize to the outer membrane and intermembrane space, including two related to the filament-forming dynamins, have been identified in yeast and animals. Although the reactions that mediate organelle division are not yet understood, recent progress in uncovering the constituents of the organelle division machineries promises rapid advancement in our understanding of the biochemical mechanisms underlying the distinct but related processes of chloroplast and mitochondrial division in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Evolution has shaped a wide variety of genomes across eukaryotic taxa. However, the forces that shape the genomes are generally unknown. Because organisms in nature commonly experience prolonged periods of nutrient depletion, we posit that diverse demographic, physiological, and genomic responses to starvation can occur. To test for these possibilities, we subjected replicate yeast populations to prolonged starvation. We observed that clones repeatedly gave rise to descendants that were karyotypically diverse. After a 1-month starvation period, approximately 70% of randomly isolated members of starved populations harbored one or more genomic rearrangements. Further, we found that 5 of 16 karyotypically differentiated groups of isolates from starved populations were more resilient to starvation than nonstarved clones and their common ancestor. Phylogenetic analysis of these isolates suggests that genomic rearrangements that arose during starvation can be adaptive in the context of a nutrient-depleted environment. Altogether our data illustrate the profound influence of environmental conditions on adaptive genome evolution in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) spreads genetic diversity by moving genes across species boundaries. By rapidly introducing newly evolved genes into existing genomes, HGT circumvents the slow step of ab initio gene creation and accelerates genome innovation. However, HGT can only affect organisms that readily exchange genes (exchange communities). In order to define exchange communities and understand the internal and external environmental factors that regulate HGT, we analyzed approximately 20,000 genes contained in eight free-living prokaryotic genomes. These analyses indicate that HGT occurs among organisms that share similar factors. The most significant are genome size, genome G/C composition, carbon utilization, and oxygen tolerance.  相似文献   

Gene duplication occurs repeatedly in the evolution of genomes, and the rearrangement of genomic segments has also occurred repeatedly over the evolution of eukaryotes. We studied the interaction of these two factors in mammalian evolution by comparing the chromosomal distribution of multigene families in human and mouse. In both species, gene families tended to be confined to a single chromosome to a greater extent than expected by chance. The average number of families shared between chromosomes was nearly 60% higher in mouse than in human, and human chromosomes rarely shared large numbers of gene families with more than one or two other chromosomes, whereas mouse chromosomes frequently did so. A higher proportion of duplicate gene pairs on the same chromosome originated from recent duplications in human than in mouse, whereas a higher proportion of duplicate gene pairs on separate chromosomes arose from ancient duplications in human than in mouse. These observations are most easily explained by the hypotheses that (1) most gene duplications arise in tandem and are subsequently separated by segmental rearrangement events, and (2) that the process of segmental rearrangement has occurred at a higher rate in the lineage of mouse than in that of human.  相似文献   

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