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Fanconi anemia (FA) is an inherited cancer-susceptibility disorder, characterized by genomic instability, hypersensitivity to DNA cross-linking agents, and a prolonged G2 phase of the cell cycle. We observed a marked dose-dependent accumulation of FA cells in the G2 compartment after treatment with 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen (Me(3)Pso) in combination with 365 nm irradiation. Using bivariate DNA distribution methodology, we determined the proportion of replicating and arresting S-phase cells and observed that, whereas normal cells arrested DNA replication in the presence of Me(3)Pso cross-links and monoadducts, FA lymphoblasts failed to arrest DNA synthesis. Taken together, the above data suggest that, in response to damage induced by DNA cross-linking agents, the S-phase checkpoint is inefficient in FA cells. This would lead to accumulation of secondary lesions, such as single- and double-strand breaks and gaps. The prolonged time in G2 phase seen in FA cells therefore exists in order to allow the cells to remove lesions which accumulated during the preceding abnormal S phase.  相似文献   

Fibroblast cultures derived from skin biopsies of patients with Fanconi anemia had doubling times (mean of five lines: 30.3 ± 0.2 hours) significantly longer than randomly selected normal controls (mean of nine lines: 22.9 ± 0.4 hours). Control cultures grew more slowly in the enriched media RPMI 1640 and McCoy's 5A than in MEM, while a culture from a patient with Fanconi anemia grew more slowly only in McCoy's 5A. Differences in growth characteristics between Fanconi anemia and normal cell cultures may be useful in analyzing the metabolic error determined by the Fanconi anemia gene.  相似文献   

Summary In Fanconi anemia (FA) cells the duration of the G2 phase of the cell cycle prolonged. Such a slowing of the G2 phase can be induced in normal cells by irradiation with rays during S phase, which also further increases the duration of G2 in FA cells. The addition of caffeine during the last 7h of culture shortens the G2 phase in both nonirradiated and irradiated FA cells. In nonirradiated normal cells it may have no effect or may increase G2 phase duration, but in irradiated normal reduces the slowing of G2 induced by the radiation. This suggests that FA cells recognize and repair preexisting DNA lesions during G2 phase and that caffeine inhibits this process. The principal anomaly in FA may be a deficient repair during S phase, as manifest in the prolonged postreplication repair period during G2 phase required to repair the larger number of lesions passing through S phase.  相似文献   

Fibroblast cultures derived from skin biopsies of patients with Fanconi anemia had doubling times (mean of five lines: 30.3 +/- 0.2 hours) significantly longer than randomly selected normal controls (mean of nine lines: 22.9 +/- 0.4 hours). Control cultures grew more slowly in the enriched media RPMI 1640 and McCoy's 5A than in MEM; while a culture from a patient with Fanconi anemia grew more slowly only in McCoy's 5A. Differences in growth characteristics between Fanconi anemia and normal cell cultures may be useful in analyzing the metabolic error determined by the Fanconi anemia gene.  相似文献   

Garner E  Smogorzewska A 《FEBS letters》2011,585(18):2853-2860
The Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway maintains genome stability through co-ordination of DNA repair of interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). Disruption of the FA pathway yields hypersensitivity to interstrand crosslinking agents, bone marrow failure and cancer predisposition. Early steps in DNA damage dependent activation of the pathway are governed by monoubiquitylation of FANCD2 and FANCI by the intrinsic FA E3 ubiquitin ligase, FANCL. Downstream FA pathway components and associated factors such as FAN1 and SLX4 exhibit ubiquitin-binding motifs that are important for their DNA repair function, underscoring the importance of ubiquitylation in FA pathway mediated repair. Importantly, ubiquitylation provides the foundations for cross-talk between repair pathways, which in concert with the FA pathway, resolve interstrand crosslink damage and maintain genomic stability.  相似文献   

Mammalian chromosome ends are protected by nucleoprotein structures called telomeres. Telomeres ensure genome stability by preventing chromosome termini from being recognized as DNA damage. Telomere length homeostasis is inevitable for telomere maintenance because critical shortening or over-lengthening of telomeres may lead to DNA damage response or delay in DNA replication, and hence genome instability. Due to their repetitive DNA sequence, unique architecture, bound shelterin proteins, and high propensity to form alternate/secondary DNA structures, telomeres are like common fragile sites and pose an inherent challenge to the progression of DNA replication, repair, and recombination apparatus. It is conceivable that longer the telomeres are, greater is the severity of such challenges. Recent studies have linked excessively long telomeres with increased tumorigenesis. Here we discuss telomere abnormalities in a rare recessive chromosomal instability disorder called Fanconi Anemia and the role of the Fanconi Anemia pathway in telomere biology. Reports suggest that Fanconi Anemia proteins play a role in maintaining long telomeres, including processing telomeric joint molecule intermediates. We speculate that ablation of the Fanconi Anemia pathway would lead to inadequate aberrant structural barrier resolution at excessively long telomeres, thereby causing replicative burden on the cell.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possible differences of diazepam effects in the two sexes, two placebo-controlled double-blind studies were conducted on healthy volunteer students. In one study the subjects received diazepam 10 mg alone or combined with 0.5 g/kg of alcohol in a parallel group design; in the other 0.2 mg/kg of diazepam or placebo were given in a cross-over manner. In both trials diazepam impaired the psychomotor skills of women more than men. The difference was similar in tasks measuring cognitive (digit symbol substitution), motor (balance of extraocular muscles) and sensory (critical flicker fusion) performances. Tapping speed was affected to a similar degree in both genders. Diazepam 10 mg did not cause impairment of body balance, a parameter sensitive to alcohol. The combined effect of diazepam and alcohol was of similar magnitude in both sexes in all objective tests. Subjectively the women felt themselves clumsier than did the men. The calming effect was similar in both groups. The results suggest that while the performance of women may be more vulnerable than men to impairment by diazepam they also are aware of it. The difference of effects is of such magnitude that it may cause bias in experiments unless carefully balanced groups are used.  相似文献   

Antioxidant status of Fanconi anemia fibroblasts   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Summary Several observations in the recent literature have indicated that Fanconi anemia (FA) cells may be primarily deficient in the detoxification of activated oxygen species. To evaluate the antioxidant status of FA fibroblasts, we measured Mn-containing superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), CuZn-containing superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase activities, as well as cellular glutathione contents and total nonenzymatic antioxidant potential in Fa and control fibroblasts at multiple time point during a single passage. All parameters exhibited a characteristic pattern of changes during a period of 19 days following trypsinization. Unlike FA erythrocytes, which are known to be deficient in CuZn-SOD, FA fibroblasts exhibited normal CuZn-SOD activities. Also, the nonenzymatic antioxidant potential as well as glutathione levels were similar in FA and control fibroblasts. However, Mn-SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase activities were consistently higher in FA fibroblasts. We hypothesize that the elevation of these enzyme activities might reflect a cellular prooxidant state in FA resulting from an increased formation of endogenous oxidizing molecular species that trigger enhanced synthesis of certain enzymatic antioxidant defenses.  相似文献   

Cells from Fanconi anemia (FA) patients have defective DNA repair and are hypersensitive to DNA crosslinking agents such as mitomycin C (MMC). We examined the possibility that topoisomerase I is involved in the DNA crosslink repair system and is deficient in FA group A cells. FA cells and control cells were exposed to MMC with or without camptothecin (CPT), a topoisomerase I inhibitor. The cells did not show any increased sensitivity to killing by MMC with CPT, suggesting that the topoisomerase I is not involved in MMC-damaged DNA repair. However, FA cells showed increased sensitivity to CPT in comparison to control cells, raising the possibility of altered topoisomerase I in FA cells. Therefore, a mutation analysis was performed on topoisomerase I cDNA from FA cells by using chemical cleavage mismatch scanning and nucleotide sequencing. No mutation was detected from GM1309, a group A FA cell line. A base transition (C to T) at position 241, causing an amino acid change (His to Tyr), was found in GM2061, a FA cell line of unknown complementation group. However, allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization analysis showed that this is a gene polymorphism. We conclude that FA cells have normal gene structure for topoisomerase I.  相似文献   

Gender-related differences in EEE coherence were studied in young male and female university students during performance of Stroop task, in which color and word could be congruent or incongruent and spatially integrated or separated. The most clear-cut gender-related differences in the EEG coherence were revealed in the alpha2 and beta frequency bands. In the alpha2 band, gender-related differences in the interhemispheric coherence were associated with spatial characteristics of stimuli: left or right presentation and features of mutual localization of relevant and irrelevant stimuli. These differences were observed when information was addressed to the left hemisphere. Gender-related differences associated with spatial organization of stimuli were also observed for intrahemispheric beta1 coherence. Under conditions of the spatial separation of relevant and irrelevant stimuli, only females demonstrated enhancement of coherence in response to the right-side stimulus presentation as compared to the left-side presentation. It was shown that, during the differentiation of the semantic meaning of verbal stimuli, gender-related differences were caused by the features of integration of beta2 oscillators in the posterior cortical regions. The results are indicative of qualitative gender-related differences in organization of both frontoparietal and lateral attention systems in actualization of selective processes.  相似文献   

Liu J  Qin W  Nan J  Li J  Yuan K  Zhao L  Zeng F  Sun J  Yu D  Dong M  Liu P  von Deneen KM  Gong Q  Liang F  Tian J 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27049


Migraine shows gender-specific incidence and has a higher prevalence in females. However, little is known about gender-related differences in dysfunctional brain organization, which may account for gender-specific vulnerability and characteristics of migraine. In this study, we considered gender-related differences in the topological property of resting functional networks.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Data was obtained from 38 migraine patients (18 males and 20 females) and 38 healthy subjects (18 males and 20 females). We used the graph theory analysis, which becomes a powerful tool in investigating complex brain networks on a whole brain scale and could describe functional interactions between brain regions. Using this approach, we compared the brain functional networks between these two groups, and several network properties were investigated, such as small-worldness, network resilience, nodal centrality, and interregional connections. In our findings, these network characters were all disrupted in patients suffering from chronic migraine. More importantly, these functional damages in the migraine-affected brain had a skewed balance between males and females. In female patients, brain functional networks showed worse resilience, more regions exhibited decreased nodal centrality, and more functional connections revealed abnormalities than in male patients.


These results indicated that migraine may have an additional influence on females and lead to more dysfunctional organization in their resting functional networks.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a recessive disorder associated with diverse congenital anomalies, progressive bone marrow failure, and a marked predisposition to develop cancer. At the cellular level, FA is characterized by a prolonged G(2) phase in proliferating cells and a marked hypersensitivity to both the cytotoxic and the clastogenic effects of agents which produce DNA interstrand cross-links. Treatment with these agents leads to even further prolongation of the G(2) phase in FA cells. We now show that FA cells, from four different complementation groups, fail to decrease their rates of replicative DNA synthesis, as do normal cells, following treatment with a DNA cross-linking agent. This may be responsible for the prolongation of the G2 phase seen in these cells, and suggests that the fundamental defect in response of FA cells to DNA cross-linking agents may be in the S phase, rather than the G(2) phase, of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

A.F. Alpi  K.J. Patel 《DNA Repair》2009,8(4):430-435
The hereditary genetic disorder Fanconi anemia (FA) belongs to the heterogeneous group of diseases associated with defective DNA damage repair. Recently, several reviews have discussed the FA pathway and its molecular players in the context of genome maintenance and tumor suppression mechanisms [H. Joenje, K.J. Patel, The emerging genetic and molecular basis of Fanconi anaemia, Nat. Rev. Genet. 2 (2001) 446–457; W. Wang, Emergence of a DNA-damage response network consisting of Fanconi anaemia and BRCA proteins, Nat. Rev. Genet. 8 (2007) 735–748; L.J. Niedernhofer, A.S. Lalai, J.H. Hoeijmakers, Fanconi anemia (cross)linked to DNA repair, Cell 123 (2005) 1191–1198; K.J. Patel, Fanconi anemia and breast cancer susceptibility, Nat. Genet. 39 (2007) 142–143]. This review assesses the influence of post-translational modification by ubiquitin. We review and extract the key features of the enzymatic cascade required for the monoubiquitylation of the FANCD2/FANCI complex and attempt to include recent findings into a coherent mechanism. As this part of the FA pathway is still far from fully understood, we raise several points that must be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) revealed that under standard cell culture conditions NF-kappaB was induced in Fanconi anemia fibroblasts in contrast to control cells. Dithiothreitol, a potent synthetic redox potential-delivering compound, when added to growing cells, prevented this induction of NF-kappaB and, simultaneously, chromosomal instability was reduced. Fanconi anemia cells possess low endogenous levels of the naturally occurring antioxidant thioredoxin. Transfection of Fanconi anemia cells with thioredoxin cDNA containing a nuclear localization signal prevented both spontaneous as well as mitomycin C-induced chromosomal instability. A promotor construct with two NF-kappaB binding sites in front of the CAT gene induced little CAT expression in cells with low thioredoxin content in spite of induced NF-kappaB. In cells with higher thioredoxin content CAT expression was increased. Cotransfection of the NF-kappaB-dependent CAT plasmid with the Trx/nuc-plasmid into FA fibroblasts increased the CAT expression to almost that of control cells, indicating that in this model system with diminished thioredoxin content NF-kappaB requires thioredoxin for binding to its specific promotor. Since Fanconi anemia cells have low thioredoxin contents, NF-kappaB-dependent genes are expressed insufficiently. This explains part of the pathophysiological processes observed in Fanconi anemia.  相似文献   

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