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The formation of nitric oxide (NO) radicals was demonstrated by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in the rat during varying degrees of brain ischemia. Diethyldithiocarbamate and Fe-citrate were used as in vivo spin-trapping reagents. The signal of NO spin adducts increased in accordance with the degree of ischemic insults. The formation of NO radicals was inhibited by NG-nitro]l-arginine methyl ester.  相似文献   

Hypoxia stimulates ventilation, but when it is sustained, a decline in the ventilatory response is seen. The mechanism responsible for this decline lies within the CNS, but still remains unknown. In this study, we attempted to elucidate the possible role of hypoxia-induced depression of respiratory neurons by comparing the ventilatory response to hypoxia in intact rats and those with denervated carotid bodies. A whole-body plethysmograph was used to measure tidal volume, frequency of breathing and minute ventilation (VE) in awake and anesthetized intact rats and rats after carotid body denervation during exposure to hypoxia (FIO2 0.1). Fifteen-minute hypoxia induced an initial increase of VE in intact rats (to 248% of control ventilation in awake and to 227% in anesthetized rats) followed by a consistent decline (to 207% and 196% of control VE, respectively). Rats with denervated carotid bodies responded with a smaller increase in VE (to 134% in awake and 114% in anesthetized animals), but without a secondary decline (145% and 129% of control VE in the 15th min of hypoxia). These results suggest that afferentation from the carotid bodies and/or the substantial increase in ventilation are crucial for the biphasicity of the ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia and that a central hypoxic depression cannot fully explain the secondary decline in VE.  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow in the cat was studied before and after acute bilateral common carotid occlusion under normocapnic and hypercapnic conditions and after induced hypotension. Regional blood flow to different brain structures was studied with the microsphere method. Local blood flow in the caudate nucleus, the cerebral cortex and medulla oblongata was studied with H2-polarography. Although the blood flow to the anterior brain regions is significantly decreased after bilateral common carotid occlusion, their blood supply is kept above ischaemic levels by re-distribution of the vertebrobasilar flow. Cerebrovascular reserve in anterior brain regions, however, is lost as indicated by the severe impairment of both the flow response to hypercapnia and to blood pressure decrease. After bilateral common carotid occlusion paradoxical CO2-reactions, indicating intracerebral steal, were seen in the caudate nucleus. In posterior brain regions resting blood flow, flow-reaction to hypercapnia and to hypotension are better preserved under these conditions. Measurement of the CBF responses to induced hypercapnia is a dependable test for appreciation of cerebrovascular reserve after cerebrovascular occlusion but may be potentially hazardous where local flow is close to ischaemic levels.  相似文献   

Carotid bodies are functionally immature at birth and exhibit poor sensitivity to hypoxia. Previous studies have shown that continuous hypoxia at birth impairs hypoxic sensing at the carotid body. Intermittent hypoxia (IH) is more frequently experienced in neonatal life. Previous studies on adult animals have shown that IH facilitates hypoxic sensing at the carotid bodies. On the basis of these studies, in the present study we tested the hypothesis that neonatal IH facilitates hypoxic sensing of the carotid body and augments ventilatory response to hypoxia. Experiments were performed on 2-day-old rat pups that were exposed to 16 h of IH soon after the birth. The IH paradigm consisted of 15 s of 5% O2 (nadir) followed by 5 min of 21% O2 (9 episodes/h). In one group of experiments (IH and control, n = 6 pups each), sensory activity was recorded from ex vivo carotid bodies, and in the other (IH and control, n = 7 pups each) ventilation was monitored in unanesthetized pups by plethysmography. In control pups, sensory response of the carotid body was weak and was slow in onset (approximately 100 s). In contrast, carotid body sensory response to hypoxia was greater and the time course of the response was faster (approximately 30 s) in IH compared with control pups. The magnitude of the hypoxic ventilatory response was greater in IH compared with control pups, whereas changes in O2 consumption and CO2 production during hypoxia were comparable between both groups. The magnitude of ventilatory stimulation by hyperoxic hypercapnia (7% CO2-balance O2), however, was the same between both groups of pups. These results demonstrate that neonatal IH facilitates carotid body sensory response to hypoxia and augments hypoxic ventilatory chemoreflex.  相似文献   

Dwinell, M. R., P. L. Janssen, J. Pizarro, and G. E. Bisgard. Effects of carotid body hypocapnia during ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(1): 118-124, 1997.Hypoxicventilatory sensitivity is increased during ventilatory acclimatizationto hypoxia (VAH) in awake goats, resulting in a time-dependent increasein expired ventilation (E). Theobjectives of this study were to determine whether the increasedcarotid body (CB) hypoxic sensitivity is dependent on the level of CB CO2 and whether the CBCO2 gain is changed during VAH.Studies were carried out in adult goats with CB blood gases controlled by an extracorporeal circuit while systemic (central nervous system) blood gases were regulated independently by the level of inhaled gases. Acute E responsesto CB hypoxia (CB PO2 40 Torr) and CBhypercapnia (CB PCO2 50 and 60 Torr)were measured while systemic normoxia and isocapnia were maintained. CBPO2 was then lowered to 40 Torr for 4 h while the systemic blood gases were kept normoxic and normocapnic.During the 4-h CB hypoxia, E increasedin a time-dependent manner. Thirty minutes after return to normoxia,the ventilatory response to CB hypoxia was significantly increasedcompared with the initial response. The slope of the CBCO2 response was also elevatedafter VAH. An additional group of goats(n = 7) was studied with asimilar protocol, except that CB PCO2was lowered throughout the 4-h hypoxic exposure to prevent reflexhyperventilation. CB PCO2 wasprogressively lowered throughout the 4-h CB hypoxic period to maintainE at the control level. After the 4-hCB hypoxic exposure, the ventilatory response to hypoxia was alsosignificantly elevated. However, the slope of the CBCO2 response was not elevatedafter the 4-h hypoxic exposure. These results suggest that CBsensitivity to both O2 andCO2 is increased after 4 h of CBhypoxia with systemic isocapnia. The increase in CB hypoxic sensitivityis not dependent on the level of CBCO2 maintained during the 4-hhypoxic period.


Mechanisms of ventilatory acclimatization to chronic hypoxia remain unclear. To determine whether the sensitivity of peripheral chemoreceptors to hypoxia increases during acclimatization, we measured ventilatory and carotid sinus nerve responses to isocapnic hypoxia in seven cats exposed to simulated altitude of 15,000 ft (barometric pressure = 440 Torr) for 48 h. A control group (n = 7) was selected for hypoxic ventilatory responses matched to the preacclimatized measurements of the experimental group. Exposure to 48 h of hypobaric hypoxia produced acclimatization manifested as decrease in end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) in normoxia (34.5 +/- 0.9 Torr before, 28.9 +/- 1.2 after the exposure) as well as in hypoxia (28.1 +/- 1.9 Torr before, 21.8 +/- 1.9 after). Acclimatization produced an increase in hypoxic ventilatory response, measured as the shape parameter A (24.9 +/- 2.6 before, 35.2 +/- 5.6 after; P less than 0.05), whereas values in controls remained unchanged (25.7 +/- 3.2 and 23.1 +/- 2.7; NS). Hypoxic exposure was associated with an increase in the carotid body response to hypoxia, similarly measured as the shape parameter A (24.2 +/- 4.7 in control, 44.5 +/- 8.2 in acclimatized cats). We also found an increased dependency of ventilation on carotid body function (PETCO2 increased after unilateral section of carotid sinus nerve in acclimatized but not in control animals). These results suggest that acclimatization is associated with increased hypoxic ventilatory response accompanied by enhanced peripheral chemoreceptor responsiveness, which may contribute to the attendant rise in ventilation.  相似文献   

Strength of pulmonary vascular response to regional alveolar hypoxia.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional alveolar hypoxia in the lung induces regional pulmonary vasoconstriction which diverts blood flow from the hypoxic area. However, the predominant determinant of the distribution of perfusion in the normal erect lung is gravity so that more perfusion occurs at the base than at the apex. To determine the strength of the regional alveolar hypoxic response in diverting flow with or against the gravity gradient a divided tracheal cannula was placed in anesthetized dogs and unilateral alveolar hypoxia created by venilating one lung with nitrogen while ventilating the other lung with oxygen to preserve normal systemic oxygentation. Scintigrams of the distribution of perfusion obtained with intravenous 13-N and the MGH positron camera revealed a 34 and 32 per cent decrease in perfusion to the hypoxic lung in the supine and erect positions and a 26 per cent decrease in the decubitus position with the hypoxic lung dependent (P equal to 0.94 from supine shift), indicating nearly equal vasoconstriction with shift of perfusion away from the hypoxic lung in all positions. Analysis of regional shifts in perfusion revealed an equal vasoconstrictor response from apex to base in the supine position but a greater response in the lower lung zones in the erect position where perfusion was also greatest.  相似文献   

The unusually muscular pulmonary arteries normally present in cattle and swine residing at low altitude are associated with a rapid development of severe pulmonary hypertension when those animals are moved to high altitude. Because these species lack collateral ventilation, they appear to have an increased dependence on hypoxic vasoconstriction to maintain normal ventilation-perfusion balance, which, in turn, maintains thickened arterial walls. The only other species known to lack collateral ventilation is the coati, which, similarly, has thick-walled pulmonary arteries. We tested the hypothesis that coatis will develop severe high-altitude pulmonary hypertension by exposing six of these animals (Nasua narica) to a simulated altitude of 4,900 m for 6 wk. After the exposure, pulmonary arterial pressures were hardly elevated, right ventricular hypertrophy was minimal, there was no muscularization of pulmonary arterioles, and, most surprising of all, there was a decrease in medial thickness of muscular pulmonary arteries. These unexpected results break a consistent cross-species pattern in which animals with thick muscular pulmonary arteries at low altitude develop severe pulmonary hypertension at high altitude.  相似文献   

Pulmonary intralobar arteries express heme oxygenase (HO)-1 and -2 and release carbon monoxide (CO) during incubation in Krebs buffer. Acute hypoxia elicits isometric tension development (0.77 +/- 0.06 mN/mm) in pulmonary vascular rings treated with 15 micromol/l chromium mesoporphyrin (CrMP), an inhibitor of HO-dependent CO synthesis, but has no effect in untreated vessels. Acute hypoxia also induces contraction of pulmonary vessels taken from rats injected with HO-2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), which decrease pulmonary HO-2 vascular expression and CO release. Hypoxia-induced contraction of vessels treated with CrMP is attenuated (P < 0.05) by endothelium removal, by CO (1-100 micromol/l) in the bathing buffer, and by endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptor blockade with L-754142 (10 micromol/l). CrMP increases ET-1 levels in pulmonary intralobar arteries, particularly during incubation in hypooxygenated media. CrMP also causes a leftward shift in the concentration-response curve to ET-1, which is offset by exogenous CO. In anesthetized rats, pretreatment with CrMP (40 micromol/kg iv) intensifies the elevation of pulmonary artery pressure elicited by breathing a hypoxic gas mixture. However, acute hypoxia does not elicit augmentation of pulmonary arterial pressure in rats pretreated concurrently with CrMP and the ET-1 receptor antagonist L-745142 (15 mg/kg iv). These data suggest that a product of HO activity, most likely CO, inhibits hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction by reducing ET-1 vascular levels and sensitivity.  相似文献   

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