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Ten cultures of phytoplankters, including four strains of Skeletonema costatum from different origins, were used to improve some aspects of the bioassay technology. Special attention was paid to the preliminary nutrient limitation of the inocula. When the cells are maintained in nutrient starvation, their carbon, nitrogen, carbohydrates, proteins and above all chlorophyll a contents decrease. The minimum appears after a range of 2–7 days, according to species. The survival of these limited cells and their capacity to give rise to active growing cultures when sub-cultured are different with species, but efficiency in the inocula they provide usually can occur only until the minimum content in cellular components appears. Starved cells and enriched cultures of Chaetoceros lauderi and Skeletonema costatum were used to inoculate several samples of sea water, in order to test the effect of the starvation on the experimental results. It appears that the starved cells increase the sensitivity of the method, but they are more susceptible to substances limiting their growth. In the opinion of the authors the best way would be to use both starved and enriched cells as inocula, but, when this is impossible, cautiously starved cells should be used with unpolluted sea waters.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra of poly-L -alanine in trifluoroacetic acid-chloroform mixtures have been investigated and compared with those of a model amide (N-methylacetamide). The purpose of this work is to determine the nature of peptide-acid specific interactions responsible for the helix-random coil transition of polymer chains. Analysis is made in using amide (A, I, II, III) and acid (νC?O, νOH) vibrations which are specially sensitive to molecular interactions. We examined a model compound to determine the spectral characteristics of the different complexes or species formed between amide and acid. At a low acid concentration, hydrogen-bonded complexes: ? (NH) C?O…?HOOCCF3 (1) are evidenced but no association between amide NH and acid CO groups (complexes A) is observed. For higher acid concentrations complexes (I) are progressively changed into ions pairs and free ions, which result from amide protonation by acid, according to the exothermic equilibrium (I)?? (NH)COH+, ?OOCCF3(II). Amidium and carboxylate bands are localized between 1680–1705 cm?1 and 1620–1625 cm?1, respectively. If the cation band is always clearly seen, the anion band is only observed for the most acidic solutions. For the polymer, a gradual complexation of type (I) is observed for all acid concentrations. From our results, the assumption of an (A) type interaction seems very unlikely but cannot be excluded. Moreover, proton transfer—similar to that observed with a model amide—is never evidenced since, in particular, the amidium band characteristic of protonation is never seen. In contrast to previous investigations, we conclude that the helix-random coil transition of polypeptides is not due to the protonation of the peptide functions. This transition does suggest a strong interaction by hydrogen bonds between polymer and acid molecules.  相似文献   

M. Daune 《Biopolymers》1969,7(5):659-670
The theory of polyelectrolyte solution of Alexandrowicz: and Katchalsky is used to calculate the electrostatic potential of single stranded polynucleotides for different ionic strength. We have considered the potential of double stranded DNA as the superposition of the different potentials produced by each chain, provided the average distance between the strands is higher than an ionic strength-dependent parameter b. For ionic strength lower than 5 × 10?2M, the assumption is no longer valid, and a cylindrical model with a uniform charge density must be used. The continuity between the two models was tested, and thus we can calculate the electrical potential at the vicinity of a phosphate group in the whole range of ionic-strength where the double helix is stable. It was therefore possible to determine the theoretical number of ions bound electrostatically to DNA and we found an increase of ion binding with a decrease of ionic strength. Such a model was further applied to the change of specific volume in different salt solutions. Comparison is made with recent pycnometric data on Na? and Cs? salts of DNA. Agreement is good in the case of Cs+, but for Na+, cation binding is likely to be accompanied by a change of the hydration of DNA, which depends on ionic strength. With the same model we can see easily the ion-trapping properties of DNA which play an important role in any formation of complex between heavy ions and bases.  相似文献   

Résumé Des papillons de carpocapse Cydia pomonella L., mâles et femelles séparés, sont soumis au contact des résidus secs du CGA 184'699, un inhibiteur de croissance d'insectes (ICI) et du fenoxycarb, un régulateur de croissance d'insectes (RCI). Ils sont ensuite regroupés dans boîtes non traitées pour l'accouplement et la ponte. La fécondité du carpocapse n'est pratiquement pas affectée par ce conditionnement mais sa fertilité diminue avec l'augmentation de la concentration des produits et avec la durée d'exposition. Avec le CGA 184'699, l'efficacité ovicide induite atteint environ 50% suite à un contact de trois jours avec les résidus d'un traitement à 100 mg/l, alors qu'avec le fenoxycarb elle s'élève à 87% dans les mêmes conditions. Avec le CGA 184'699, seul le contact des femelles avec les résidus provoque cette réduction de fertilité, alors que le fenoxycarb agit sur les deux sexes.
Summary Codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., males and females were exposed separately to contact with dry residues of CGA 184'699 an insect growth inhibitor (IGI) and fenoxycarb, an insect growth regulator (IGR), The sexes were then grouped together in non treated boxes for mating and egglaying. Fecundity of codling moth was little affected by this treatment but its fertility decreased with increases in the concentration of products and the duration of contact. Induced ovicidal efficacy was about 50% after three days contact with the residues of a 100 mg (a.i.)/l application of CGA 184'699, whereas the same conditions led to about 87% efficacy with fenoxycarb. With CGA 184'699, only contact by females affected egg eclosion whereas fenoxycarb acted on both sexes.

The activities of digestive enzymes were studied during the course of larval development (from hatching to 30 days) in the sole, Solea solea. No glycosidase activity was present, but alkaline proteolytic activity increased from hatching to day 5, then decreased until day 15. In the acid range, proteolytic activity was relatively stable from the 10th to the 30th day. There were also changes in the number of esterase-like isozymes which increased between day 20 and 30, with minimum activity observed during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Structures of biological membranes: Localisation of galoctosyldiglycerides in chloroplasts by means of specific antibodiesII. Treatment with peroxidase: electron microscope studyThe results obtained in this study confirm that the outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope contains galactosyldiglycerides and that these molecules are uniformly distributed over the membrane surface. The results show that the galactosyldiglyceride molecules that are accessible to antibodies at the level of the thylakoids are distributed over the membrane surface in discrete patches.  相似文献   

The various polymer–acid solvation possibilities occuring in the helix–coil transition process of polypeptides with polar side chains were systematically analyzed by infrared spectroscopy. The following samples have been considered: poly-γ-benzyl-L -glutamate (PBLG), alternating poly-γ-benzyl-D ,L -glutamate (PBD-LG), and poly-β-benzyl-L -as-partate (PBLA). The behavior of the amide A, I, II, and νC?O ester absorptions of each polymer dissolved in trifluoroacetic acid–chloroform mixtures was studied in depth. The classical assumptions concerning the interaction between a polypeptide and a proton donor solvent are discussed. This interaction was previously proposed in a theoretical model of helix–coil transition. For PBLG, the spectral characteristics of the cooperative transition are evidenced by the amide bands. These bands also show main chain–acid hydrogen bonding (I) Quantitative analysis of phenomenon (I) was performed in order to localize the “binding sites” of the polymer. In agreement with the theory, only the complexation of peptide units belonging to random coil and terminal helical regions were observed. However, in contrast to the theory in which the association constants KCO and KNH of these residues are generally kept equal, the present results have shown that the main binding site is the carbonyl group (KNH ? 0 or « KCO ). The behavior of the polar side chains of these polypeptides were analyzed during the transition. Similarly to the peptide backbone, they bind the acid by hydrogen bonding (II) Furthermore, this association is more important when the side chains are localized in the coiled regions than in the helical ones. This result suggests, by analogy with the main chain behavior, that the helix–coil transition theory should take into account two more association constants for polar side chains, namely k1 for the helical regions and k2 > k1 for the coiled ones.  相似文献   

The binding of cupric ion (Cu++) to DNA was followed by spectrophotometry, melting profiles, and hydrodynamic techniques, in 0. 1M NaClO4 and at pH 5. 6. A small amount of Cu++ is bound specifically to bases (about 1 Cu++ per 20 nucleotides), in agreement with polarographic and EPR data. A preferential stabilization of G–C pairs and only a slight increase of the flexibility of the molecule were observed. In 5 × 10?3M NaClO4, a higher number of nonhomogeneous binding sites is found by spectrophotometry. It is concluded that at least two types of sites are available for Cu++. The first one, where Cu++ is chelating N7 of purines to phosphate, is observed only at low ionic strength and destabilizes the double helix. The second exists mainly at 0, 1M or higher ionic strength. All the sites are identical and could be attributed to two successive guanine residues in the same strand. Similar behavior was found for other divalent cations, e. g., Fe++, Mn++, and Co++.  相似文献   

The conformation in solution of derivatives of methyl hexopyranosides has been studied by n.m.r. The esters of methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-α-D-manno- and -talopyranosides as well as their 4-deoxy-4-C-methyl analog having a manno configuration exist mainly in a flattened (4,0F) chair conformation (4C1). The presence in the talo epimer of the 4-deoxy-4-C-methyl analog of the bulky methyl group on the endo side of the bicyclic system results in a skew form (3S1). The methyl 4-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-4-C-methylene-α-D-lyxo-hexopyranosides monosubstituted at C-4′ adopt, in solution, a conformation close to 3S1, whichever their configuration (cis or trans) at the double bond, as indicated by their allylic coupling constants.  相似文献   

A general study on the relations between “phytoplanktonic excretion” and “heterotrophic assimilation” has been carried out in eutrophic systems, natural or artificial. In the complex systems of these relations, two types of heterotrophic responses were obtained according to prevailing algal species. High heterotrophic potentials in NW African upwelling show the role of microorganisms in the disappearance of freshly excreted organic substances and in the composition of the remaining organic matter.  相似文献   

The thermal stabilization and the configurational changes of DNA were studied during the binding process of silver ion. Melting curves of silver–DNA complexes were analyzed according to the method of Felsenfeld. An increase of Tm occurred during the formation of the first complex with a preferential stabilization of G–C pairs. In the case of DNA from H. influenzae, the transforming power was maintained after heating in presence of silver at a temperature where AT pairs were dissociated but G-C pairs were not. Shape modifications of the molecule were followed by light scattering, both with native and ultrasonic degraded DNA. In the case of native DNA, the binding of positive ions modified the electrostatic potential and increased the flexibility of the molecule. In the case of rod shaped fragments of DNA, the progressive formation of a kind of polyampholyte was accompanied by aggregation phenomena. The formation of the second complex, with proton release, induced changes of secondary structure and possibly a tilt of the plane of the base.  相似文献   

Preliminary Study of the Effects of Impoundment of LG-2 Reservoir (James Bay Territory, Quebec) on the Net Seston and the Zooplankton of Impounded Rivers and Lakes The effects of impoundment on the biomass of net seston and zooplankton in lakes and rivers of Northern Quebec were investigated from 1978 to 1980, before, during and after the completion of LG2 Reservoir on the River La Grande (53° 54′ N, 76° 78′ W). In lotic stations, a 41–77% decrease in net seston was observed due to sedimentation of mineral particles (36–80 mg/m3 in 1978 to 10–21 mg/m3 in 1979). The ratio of organic to total seston increased from an average of 0.18 before the impoundment to 0.65 after. The flooding phase brought about a trophic upsurge; the biomass of the zooplankton increased by one to two orders of magnitude at the various sites; the greatest increases occurred in the central stations near the dam, the smallest in the upper stations near the inflow. In lake stations, no significant difference between years could be detected; the mean zooplankton biomass for all three years ranged from 6.59 mg/m3 to 34.34 mg/m3. Spatial variations between lakes were however significant. Results are compared with those in other natural lakes in Canada and reservoirs in the United States. Comparative examination of phytoplankton biomass before and after impoundment of LG2 Reservoir suggests that bacterioplankton and allochthonous organic material are key elements in the pelagic food chain after impoundment.  相似文献   

A new and yet unpublished palaeontological revision of very important collections accomplished these last thirty years in many localities of Morocco and Western Algeria joined to the already published data, allow us to propose a biostratigraphical succession of the Middle Jurassic Brachiopods suitable to the Southern Margin of the Western Tethys. This Brachiopod scale is correlated with the standard chronostratigraphy based on ammonites. It involves eight zones and six sub-zones separated by five interval zones where Brachiopods are missing. Moreover, brachiopods have not been discovered in Early Aalenian and Late Callovian. Afterwards, the two brachiopod zonations established on the northern and southern margins of the Western Tethys are compared. On a paleontological plane, a new definition of the species Burmirhynchiaathiensis warrants to precise its vertical distribution (Parkinsoni and Zigzag zones) and to give a better distinction with Burmirhynchiatermierae (Humphriesianum and Niortense zones).  相似文献   

This article aims at drawing up balance sheet of remains of fire use by the first Neanderthals of Northern France, during the second part of the Saalian (MIS 8 to 6). This overview reminds us the rarity of fire testimonies during Early Middle Palaeolithic (300–130 ky BP) on the scale of North-Western Europe. For Northern France, only the sites of Biache-Saint-Vaast and Therdonne present remains of combustion. At Biache-Saint-Vaast, it is not less than six levels, which present clues of combustion: burnt flint and faunal remains and sometimes charcoals. At Therdonne, besides burnt numerous flint and some rare faunal remains were brought to light during the excavation of level N3 several rich zones in organic residues and micro-charcoals. All the datas collected concerning the clues of combustion at Biache-Saint-Vaast and Therdonne is compiled, analyzed and interpreted. This approach permits to establish the fire use or its absence in saalian occupations of Neanderthals of Northern France and to discuss modalities of its use, particularly at Therdonne. To conclude, fire status and its implications in first Neanderthals occupations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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