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A monitoring program was established on San Antonio Terrace at Vandenberg Air Force Base to compare vegetation development at two created wetland sites and six nearby natural wetlands. The reference wetlands were chosen to represent a range of habitats in dune swale wetlands on the Terrace. Vegetation in the reference wetland plant communities varies from low-growing herbaceous marsh species with open canopies to closed canopies dominated by shrub or tree species. Transects and plots for long-term vegetation monitoring were established in all the wetlands, stratified by plant communities in the reference wetlands and by geomorphic location in the newly created wetlands. Quantitative vegetation and environmental data were collected at all the sites; measures included species distributions, species cover, and topographical elevations. Over the first three years of monitoring, variations in groundwater depth at different geomorphic locations in the created wetlands resulted in a variety of physical conditions for plant growth. In the first year, more than 100 plant species were observed, the majority being natives. During the next two years, species richness at the created wetland sites remained relatively stable and was higher than at the reference sites. Statistical comparisons of vegetation parameters by analysis of variance and hierarchical clustering exhibited patterns of increasing similarity between the created and reference wetlands. Long-term monitoring will be continued to track the progress of vegetation at the created sites, and to assess their development relative to the reference wetlands.  相似文献   

Many studies have chronicled the early development of vegetation in wetlands created as mitigation for wetland impacts; however, very few studies have followed the floristics of wetlands that are more than 10 years post-creation. This article reports the results of vegetation composition and structural analysis within eleven 20-yr-old created non-tidal, emergent wetlands. Vegetation and inundation were sampled in 173 plots within 11 wetlands during the 1992 and 1994 growing seasons. A drought occurred in 1993, thus analyses characterized vegetative response and included weighted average (weighted by the tolerance of the species to excess soil moisture), species richness, species composition, and life history strategy. Weighted average and species richness increased in 7 and 10 of the 11 sites, respectively. There was little change among most species including Typha latifolia and Scirpus cyperinus, the two species with highest importance values (IV). However, among the top 10 species ranked by IV, two aquatic species decreased and a facultative species increased. Only one of the 10 most important species, Eleocharis obtusa, was an annual and only one, Salix nigra, was a woody perennial and the IV of both species declined during the study. After 20 years, a transition from annual to perennial graminoid life histories is suggested; however, succession from emergent to shrub–scrub or forested wetland is not indicated.  相似文献   

Restoration efforts are being implemented globally to mitigate the degradation and loss of wetland habitat; however, the rate and success of wetland vegetation recovery post‐restoration is highly variable across wetland classes and geographies. Here, we measured the recovery of plant diversity along a chronosequence of restored temporary and seasonal prairie wetlands ranging from 0 to 23 years since restoration, including drained and natural wetlands embedded in agricultural and natural reserve landscapes in central Alberta, Canada. We assessed plant diversity using the following structural indicators: percent cover of hydrophytes, native and non‐native species, species richness, and community composition. Our findings indicate that plant diversity recovered to resemble reference wetlands in agricultural landscapes within 3–5 years of restoration; however, restored wetlands maintained significantly lower species richness and a distinct community composition compared to reference wetlands located within natural reserves. Early establishment of non‐native species during recovery, dispersal limitation, and depauperated native seed bank were probable barriers to complete recovery. Determining the success of vegetation recovery provides important knowledge that can be used to improve restoration strategies, especially considering projected future changes in land use and climate.  相似文献   

Few wetland restoration projects include long‐term hydrologic and floristic data collection, limiting our understanding of community assembly over restored hydrologic gradients. Although reference sites are commonly used to evaluate outcomes, it remains unclear whether restoring similar water levels to reference sites also leads to similar plant communities. We evaluated long‐term datasets from reference and restored wetlands 15 years after restoration to test whether similar water levels in reference and restored sites led to vegetation similarity. We compared the hydrologic regimes for three different wetland types, tested whether restored wetland water levels were different from reference water levels, and whether hydrologic similarity between reference and restored wetlands led to similarity in plant species composition. We found restored wetlands had similar water levels to references 15 years after restoration, and that species richness was higher in reference than restored wetlands. Vegetation composition was similar across all wetland types and was weakly correlated to wetland water levels overall. Contrary to our hypothesis, water table depth similarity between restored and reference wetlands did not lead to similar plant species composition. Our results highlight the importance of the initial planting following restoration and the importance of hydrologic monitoring. When the restoration goal is to create a specific wetland type, plant community composition may not be a suitable indicator of restoration progress in all wetland types.  相似文献   

How closely the vegetation of restored wetlands resembles that of comparable natural wetlands is a function of the probability of propagules of wetland species reaching reflooded wetlands and how similar environmental conditions in the restored wetland are those in the natural wetlands. Three years after reflooding, we examined the vegetation composition, water level fluctuations, soil organic carbon content, and soil bulk density as well as surface water pH, alkalinity, conductivity, and calcium and magnesium concentrations of 10 restored and 10 natural wetlands. In the restored wetlands, more species of submersed aquatics colonized than were found in natural wetlands, and they rapidly spread to form extensive beds that were larger than those found in natural wetlands. Emergent and wet meadow species in restored wetlands, however, were found in only sparse stands as were a variety of annuals. The vegetation of natural wetlands was predominantly large stands of emergent species. Fluctuations in water storage volume and basin surface area were similar for both restored and natural wetlands. The surface water in restored wetlands had higher pH and lower alkalinity, conductivity, and calcium and magnesium concentrations than that in natural wetlands. Soils of restored wetlands have a lower organic carbon content and higher bulk density than do those of natural wetlands. Our results suggest that for submersed aquatics, dispersal of propagules to restored wetlands is rapid and environmental conditions in restored wetlands are very suitable for their establishment. For other guilds of wetland species, e.g., sedges and other wet meadow species, dispersal to restored wetlands is likely much slower and may pose a serious problem for the re-establishment of these species in restored wetlands. Even if dispersal is not limiting, low surface organic carbon and high bulk density may prevent the establishment of these species in restored wetlands.  相似文献   

Managed flooding is increasingly being used to maintain and restore the ecological values of floodplain wetlands. However, evidence for its effectiveness is sometimes inconsistent and water available for environmental purposes often limited. We experimentally inundated a floodplain wetland (or “billabong”) in late spring by pumping water from its adjacent creek, aiming to promote the native wetland flora and suppress terrestrial exotics. Vegetation was surveyed before (spring) and after (late summer) the managed flood in the experimental billabong and in three control billabongs. Floodplain water levels were continuously monitored. Wet conditions caused two of the control billabongs to also flood, but to a lesser extent than the experimental billabong. We therefore assessed vegetation changes relative to flooding duration. With increasing flooding duration, the cover of wetland vegetation (amphibious and aquatic species) increased and the cover of terrestrial and exotic vegetation decreased, with these effects largest in the deliberately flooded billabong. Flooding durations greater than 20 days generally resulted in increased cover of wetland plants and restricted the growth of terrestrial plants. Reinstatement of more appropriate flooding regimes can thus promote native wetland plants, while suppressing terrestrial exotic species. Our study also provides evidence for the use of modest water allocations to augment the benefits of natural flooding in the maintenance and restoration of native wetland plant communities.  相似文献   

Five three- to four-year old created palustrine/emergent wetland sites were compared with five nearby natural wetlands of comparable size and type. Hydrologic, soil and vegetation data were compiled over a nearly two-year period (1988-90). Created sites, which were located along major highways, exhibited more open water, greater water depth, and greater fluctuation in water depth than natural wetlands. Typical wetland soils exhibiting mottling and organic accumulation were wanting in created sites as compared with natural sites. Typha latifolia (common cattail) was the characteristic emergent vegetation at created sites, whereas a more diverse mosaic of emergent wetland species was often associated with Typha at the natural sites. Species richness was slightly higher in created (22–45) vs. natural (20–39) wetlands, but the mean difference (33 vs. 30) was not significant. Nearly half (44%) of the 54 wetland taxa found at the various study sites were more frequently recorded at created than natural wetlands. The presence of mycorrhizae in roots of Typha angustifolia (narrow-leaved cattail) and Phragmites australis (common reed) was greater at created than natural wetlands, which may be related to differential nutrient availability. Wildlife use at all sites ranged from occasional to rare, with more sightings of different species in the natural (39) than created (29) wetlands. The presence of P. australis and introduced Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) may pose a threat to future species richness at the created sites. One created site has permanent flow-through hydrology, and its vegetation and wildlife somewhat mimic a natural wetland; however, the presence of P. australis and its potential spread pose an uncertain future for this site. This study suggests the possibility of creating small palustrine/emergent wetlands having certain functions associated with natural wetlands, such as flood water storage, sediment accretion and wildlife habitat. It is premature to evaluate fully the outcome of these wetland creation efforts. A decade or more is needed, emphasizing the importance of long term monitoring and the need to establish demonstration areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds can function as geographic bottlenecks; common dependence among migratory wetland bird species on these sites has major implications for wetland conservation. Although 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for up to 10 million waterfowl each spring. Our objectives were to determine local (within wetland and immediate watershed) and landscape-scale factors influencing wetland bird abundance and species richness during spring migration at RWB playas. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 1.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during spring migrations 2002–2004. We tested a priori hypotheses about whether local and landscape variables influenced overall species richness and abundance of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds. Wetland area had a positive influence on goose abundance in all years, whereas percent emergent vegetation and hunting pressure had negative influences. Models predicting dabbling duck abundance differed among years; however, individual wetland area and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km of the study wetland consistently had a positive influence on dabbling duck abundance. Percent emergent vegetation also was a positive predictor of dabbling duck abundance in all years, indicating that wetlands with intermediate (50%) vegetation coverage have the greatest dabbling duck abundance. Shorebird abundance was positively influenced by wetland area and number of wetlands within 10 km and negatively influenced by water depth. Wetland area, water depth, and area of wetlands within 10 km were all equally important in models predicting overall species richness. Total species richness was positively influenced by wetland area and negatively influenced by water depth and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km. Avian species richness also was greatest in wetlands with intermediate vegetation coverage. Restoring playa hydrology should promote intermediate percent cover of emergent vegetation, which will increase use by dabbling ducks and shorebirds, and decrease snow goose (Chen caerulescens) use of these wetlands. We observed a reduction in dabbling duck abundance on wetlands open to spring snow goose hunting and recommend further investigation of the effects of this conservation order on nontarget species. Our results indicate that wildlife managers at migration stopover areas should conserve wetlands in complexes to meet the continuing and future habitat requirements of migratory birds, especially dabbling ducks, during spring migration.  相似文献   

Under section 401 and section 404 of the Clean Water Act, permission to degrade existing natural wetlands in the USA may be conditional on restoring or creating ‘replacement’ wetlands. Success of wetland mitigation efforts in adequately replacing lost wildlife habitats depends on our good understanding of key ecological attributes that affect the structure of wetland faunal communities. We examined the effects of the presence of predatory fish, shallow vegetated littoral zone, emergent vegetation cover, wetland age and size on amphibian diversity in 42 replacement wetlands located in the Ohio’s North Central Tillplain ecoregion. We recorded 13 species of pond-breeding amphibians, and the average local species richness (α-richness) was 4.2 ± 1.7 species per site (range 1–7). There is strong evidence for the positive association between amphibian species richness and presence of a shallow littoral zone, and the negative association with presence of predatory fish. There was no evidence for the association between species richness and age, size, amount of forest cover within 200 m, nor the amount of emergent vegetation cover at the study sites. It is estimated that local species richness in wetlands with shallows was 1.76 species higher on average than in wetlands without shallows (95% CI from 0.75 to 2.76). The presence of predatory fish was associated with an average reduction in species richness by an estimated 1.21 species (95% CI from 0.29 to 2.11). Replacement wetlands were placed in areas with little or no existing forest cover, and amphibian species associated with forested wetlands were either rare (eastern newt, spotted salamander) or not present at all (marbled salamander, wood frog). In addition, we surveyed all replacement wetlands constructed under section 401 in Ohio since 1990, and found that predatory fish were present in 52.4% of the sites and that shallows were absent from 42.7% of the sites. Our results indicate that current wetland replacement practices could have a negative effect on the amphibian diversity within our region.  相似文献   

Numerous efforts have been made in West Virginia to construct and restore compensatory wetlands as mitigation for natural wetlands destroyed through highway development, timbering, mining, and other human activities. Because such little effort has been made to evaluate these wetlands, there is a need to evaluate the success of these systems. The objective of this study was to determine if mitigation wetlands in West Virginia were adequately supporting ecological communities relative to naturally occurring reference wetlands and to attribute specific characteristics in wetland habitat with trends in wildlife abundance across wetlands. Specifically, avian and anuran communities, as well as habitat quality for eight wetland-dependent wildlife species were evaluated. To supplement this evaluation, vegetation and invertebrate communities also were assessed. Wetland ranks were assigned based on several parameters including richness, abundance, diversity, density, and biomass, depending on which taxa was being analyzed. Mitigation wetlands consistently scored better ranks than reference wetlands across all communities analyzed. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed no correlations between environmental variables and community data. However, trends relating wetland habitat characteristics to community structure were observed. These data stress the need to maintain specific habitat characteristics in mitigated wetlands that are compatible with wildlife colonization and proliferation.  相似文献   

Changes in hydrology, water quality and vegetation were evaluated in four palustrine emergent wetland pairs, each including created and reference sites. Located along interstate highways, they were initially sampled in 1988 (Confer and Niering, 1992) and again in 1996. Overall, created sites showed significant decreases in open water and water depth between 1989 and 1996 compared to more stable conditions in reference sites. Total nitrogen was generally higher in created sites compared to reference sites, as was specific conductivity, with chloride levels exceeding 800 mg/L, apparently related to road salt. Emergent plant cover increased from 30 to 39% at three created sites, and decreased at a fourth, whereas reference sites remained relatively stable. Wetland species richness also increased from 31 to 39 species at created sites and 35 to 42 species at reference wetlands between the surveys. By 1996 there was an increase in invasive species, particularly Phragmites australis (common reed) and Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife). Phragmites increased from <1 to 15% at created sites, while Lythrum increased at one reference site from <1 to 16%. Typha latifolia (common cattail), dominant in the created wetlands in 1988, decreased from 16 to 5% while Typha angustifolia (narrow-leaved cattail) increased from 2 to 10%. At two created sites experiencing increased sedimentation, Phragmites is now dominant or co-dominant with Typha spp., whereas Carex stricta (tussock sedge) and T. latifolia continue to dominate at reference sites. At the one created, permanent flow-through-hydrology wetland, a three-fold decrease in T. latifolia and an eight-fold increase in Phragmites cover have occurred, the latter correlated with sedimentation from road culverts. Increases in alien or invasive species such as Phragmites and Lythrum can serve as indicators of wetland disturbance. Although these created wetlands provide the services of sediment retention, flood storage, and wildlife habitat, a greater range of wetland functions should be possible by constructing two-tiered systems that remove excess sediments and nutrients upstream of the wetland designed to compensate for wetland loss.  相似文献   

Many studies have attempted to assess the ability of created wetlands to replace the ecological structure and functions of natural wetlands over short time periods (<5 years). Few studies have repeatedly monitored vegetative community development of created depressional wetlands over longer time frames or assessed the return on the level of initial restoration efforts. Here, the vegetation communities of 17 created freshwater marshes in two different geographic regions of the U.S., Ohio and Colorado, ranging from 5 to 19 years old, were monitored over multiple years and compared to natural reference sites. Findings suggest that created marshes in Ohio achieved floristic equivalency with natural reference sites for measures of plant species richness, number of native plant species, number of hydrophytes, and percent plant cover within a decade. Yet, created marshes in Ohio contained double the amount of non-native plant species observed in natural reference sites. In Colorado, created marshes were less successful, failing to achieve floristic equivalency for plant species richness, number of native plant species, and number and percent hydrophytes given more than a decade of restoration. Soil chemistry data suggest that although created marshes achieve certain hydric soil characteristics, they were significantly lower in organic matter, cation exchange capacity, and extractable phosphorus than natural wetlands. Equivalency for soil chemistry will require longer time periods (>14 years). Data suggest that created marshes that seem to be approaching floristic equivalency in early years following construction may level off or even dramatically decline over longer time periods (10–20 years) for certain floristic indicators. Restoration trajectories for Ohio created marshes with strong initial restoration efforts predict floristic equivalency in a median of 14 years compared to 24 years for sites with weak initial efforts. Created marshes with strong initial restoration efforts displayed significantly greater plant species richness, number of native plant species, and number of hydrophytes than sites with low initial efforts, indicating the importance of planting, soil transport and/or contouring in establishing a wetland's restoration trajectory.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and degradation are leading causes of biodiversity declines, therefore assessing the capacity of created mitigation wetlands to replace habitat for wildlife has become a management priority. We used single season occupancy models to compare the occurrence of larvae of four species of pond‐breeding amphibians in wetlands created for mitigation, wetlands impacted by road construction, and unimpacted reference wetlands along a highway corridor in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, United States. Created wetlands were shallow and had less aquatic vegetation and surface area than impacted and reference wetlands. Occupancy of barred tiger salamander (Ambystoma mavortium) and boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata) larvae was similar across wetland types, whereas boreal toads (Anaxyrus boreas) occurred more often in created wetlands than reference and impacted wetlands. However, the majority of created wetlands (>80%) dried partially or completely before amphibian metamorphosis occurred in both years of our study, resulting in heavy mortality of larvae and, we suspect, little to no recruitment. Columbia spotted frogs (Rana luteiventris), which require emergent vegetation that is not common in newly created wetlands, occurred commonly in impacted and reference wetlands but were found in only one created wetland. Our results show that shallow created wetlands with little aquatic vegetation may be attractive breeding areas for some amphibians, but may result in high mortality and little recruitment if they fail to hold water for the entire larval period.  相似文献   

Mangrove wetland restoration and creation efforts are increasingly proposed as mechanisms to compensate for mangrove wetland losses. However, ecosystem development and functional equivalence in restored and created mangrove wetlands are poorly understood. We compared a 20-year chronosequence of created tidal wetland sites in Tampa Bay, Florida (USA) to natural reference mangrove wetlands. Across the chronosequence, our sites represent the succession from salt marsh to mangrove forest communities. Our results identify important soil and plant structural differences between the created and natural reference wetland sites; however, they also depict a positive developmental trajectory for the created wetland sites that reflects tightly coupled plant-soil development. Because upland soils and/or dredge spoils were used to create the new mangrove habitats, the soils at younger created sites and at lower depths (10–30?cm) had higher bulk densities, higher sand content, lower soil organic matter (SOM), lower total carbon (TC), and lower total nitrogen (TN) than did natural reference wetland soils. However, in the upper soil layer (0–10?cm), SOM, TC, and TN increased with created wetland site age simultaneously with mangrove forest growth. The rate of created wetland soil C accumulation was comparable to literature values for natural mangrove wetlands. Notably, the time to equivalence for the upper soil layer of created mangrove wetlands appears to be faster than for many other wetland ecosystem types. Collectively, our findings characterize the rate and trajectory of above- and below-ground changes associated with ecosystem development in created mangrove wetlands; this is valuable information for environmental managers planning to sustain existing mangrove wetlands or mitigate for mangrove wetland losses.  相似文献   

1. In most cases, the most important determinant of wetland vegetation is the water regime. Although water regime is usually described and managed at the scale of whole wetlands, the patterning of vegetation is likely to be determined by water regimes that are experienced at much finer spatial scales. In this study, we assess the significance of internal heterogeneity in water regimes and the role that this heterogeneity plays in vegetation patterning. 2. The effects of water regime on wetland plant species richness and vegetation structure were studied at Dowd Morass, a 1500 ha, Ramsar‐listed wetland in south‐eastern Australia that is topographically heterogeneous. Data on plant variables and water depth were collected along 45 (50 m) transects throughout the wetland and related to water regimes assigned individually for each transect. Wetland plants were assigned to plant functional groups (PFG) that describe the response of plants to the presence or absence of water at different life stages. 3. The classification of water depth data indicated four distinct water regimes in the wetland that were differentiated primarily by the duration of the dry period. Representatives of all PFGs co‐existed over small spatial scales where topographical variation was present, and the richness and cover of understorey species declined as transects became more deeply and permanently flooded. Some PFGs (e.g. amphibious fluctuation tolerator‐low growing and amphibious fluctuation responder‐morphologically plastic) were eliminated by extended periods of flooding, which increased the cover but not richness of submerged plants. Species richness and foliage projective cover declined as water regimes shifted from shallow and frequently exposed conditions to regimes typified by deeper and longer inundation. Cover of the structurally dominant woody species was compromised by deeply flooded conditions but vegetative regeneration occurred despite high water levels. 4. Internal topographical variation generates mosaics of water regimes at fine spatial scales that allow plant species with different water regime requirements to co‐exist over small distances. Deep water and an absence of dry periods result in decreased cover of plants and an overall loss of species richness in the understorey. Water regimes are described that promote regeneration and cover of structurally dominant taxa and increased species richness in the understorey. The study demonstrates a strong association between vegetation and the diverse water regimes that exist within a single wetland, a pattern that will be useful for modelling the effects of modified water regimes on wetland vegetation.  相似文献   

不同人为干扰下纳帕海湖滨湿地植被及土壤退化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐明艳  杨永兴 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6681-6693
以滇西北高原纳帕海湖滨退化湿地为研究对象,对比分析了人为隔断水源补给、牛羊过度放牧和家猪拱地三种人为干扰下湿地植被和土壤退化特征。结果表明:三种干扰方式下,纳帕海湖滨湿地植物群落类型多样性、物种丰富度、物种数、Shannon-Wiener指数、沼生植物重要值以及土壤有机质、全氮、速效氮、含水率、毛管孔隙度变化规律为:人为隔断水源补给>牛羊过度放牧>家猪拱地,而土壤容重和全钾含量变化规律完全相反。Pearson相关性分析表明,不同人为干扰下相同土壤指标之间相关性质和相关强度不同;CCA分析表明植物群落种类组成和分布与土壤含水率和全磷含量显著相关。以原生湿地样点为对照,人为隔断水源补给、牛羊过度放牧和家猪拱地样带土壤退化指数分别为-7.40%、-14.53%、-45.01%。认为纳帕海湖滨湿地退化是三种干扰协同作用结果,但作用程度不同,其顺序为家猪拱地>牛羊过度放牧>人为隔断水源补给。  相似文献   

1. Reinstating more natural water regimes is often a priority intervention to rehabilitate wetlands that have been degraded through anthropogenic changes to their natural wetting and drying cycles. Hydrological interventions are often made in chronically desiccated wetlands but less commonly in wetlands that have been permanently inundated and that require a drawdown phase for rehabilitation. Reports on the effectiveness of reinstating a drawdown phase in chronically inundated wetlands are particularly rare. 2. We undertook a landscape‐scale, experimental drawdown of water levels at Dowd Morass, a large, Ramsar‐listed, brackish‐water wetland in south‐eastern Australia that had been artificially flooded for 30+ years. During the hydrological manipulation, c. 500 ha of the wetland was drawn down and re‐flooded, and the remaining c. 1000 ha was used as a control site. Fringing areas with a fluctuating water regime were used as a reference site. Results were analysed in terms of gradient analysis, by classifying the different water regimes created by the hydrological interventions. The response of wetland vegetation was measured along replicated transects over a 4‐year period, before, during and after drawdown. Wetland plants were assigned to plant functional groups for analysis. Assembly theory and knowledge of life‐history traits were used to predict that drawdown would promote recruitment of plant species that required exposed sediment for germination and seedling establishment. 3. Within‐wetland microtopography interacted with the hydrological interventions to generate three distinct water regimes, which were differentiated by the spatial extent of exposed sediment and duration of the dry period. Drawdown promoted limited recruitment of some plant species, and the survival of cohorts then depended strongly on the extent and duration of the dry period. Species richness and vegetation cover (understorey and overstorey) continued to decline in constantly flooded areas of the wetland. Increased salinisation of sediments and surface waters reduced the effectiveness of the drawdown and dramatically affected species richness and cover of aquatic vegetation, which did not recover fully when fresher conditions returned. 4. The capacity of vegetation to respond to the reinstatement of a drawdown cycle following chronic inundation was constrained by abiotic (e.g. salinity) and biotic (e.g. depauperate seedbanks) factors. Reinstating a dry phase in chronically inundated, brackish‐water wetlands is complex and risky and may not effectively improve vegetation condition in the short term. In the case of Dowd Morass, rehabilitation was most successful in sites that had been shallowly flooded prior to drawdown and that remained dry for longest.  相似文献   

通过幼苗萌发法和样方调查相结合的方法对三江平原不同演替恢复阶段的种子库特征及其与植被的关系进行了研究。将开垦湿地、不同演替恢复阶段湿地以及天然湿地不同土壤层次(0-5、5-10 cm和根茎)的种子库在两种水分条件下(湿润、淹水10 cm)进行萌发处理。结果表明: 随着演替恢复阶段的进行, 种子库的结构和规模逐渐扩大, 地表群落表现出由旱生物种占优势的群落逐渐演变成以小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)占优势的湿生群落的演替趋势。恢复7年湿地、恢复14年湿地、天然湿地土壤种子库萌发物种数分别为24种、29种、39种, 植被物种数为21种、25种、14种。湿地类型、水分条件和土壤层次均显著影响种子库萌发的物种数及幼苗数(p < 0.01)。种子库具有明显的分层现象, 天然湿地0-5 cm土层种子库种子萌发密度是5-10 cm土层的4倍左右, 而恢复湿地仅1.3倍左右, 且土层间萌发物种相似性系数较低。湿润条件下的萌发物种数显著高于淹水条件, 且两种水分条件下萌发物种的生活型不同。由于恢复时间较短, 不同演替恢复阶段的种子库与植被相似性维持在30%以下。湿地中根茎分蘖出大量的湿地物种, 对于小叶章等优势物种的繁殖具有重要作用。研究表明, 在开垦湿地退耕后的次生演替阶段, 种子库能够保持大量的湿地物种, 通过对湿地种子库与植被的关系研究, 能够为三江平原湿地群落演替与湿地恢复提供策略指导。  相似文献   

汪婷  周立志 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):21445-378
小微湿地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分, 也是生物多样性的重要庇护场所。鸟类作为城市小微湿地生态系统的指示类群, 其多样性时空格局受多种环境因子影响。本研究于2020年8月至2021年7月采用样点法对合肥市45个小微湿地鸟类的种类、数量分布和生境因子进行了调查, 并获取湿地面积、湿地形状、建筑面积比例、植被面积比例、环境噪声、人为干扰和城市化指数等生境变量。通过α多样性和β多样性分析, 研究城市小微湿地鸟类多样性的时空特征及其决定因素。采用信息论模型选择和模型平均法以及基于距离矩阵的多重回归模型进行计算, 确定影响鸟类群落α多样性和β多样性及其组分的主要环境因子。结果显示, 研究区域共有鸟类13目39科102种, 其中水鸟31种, 国家二级重点保护鸟类2种, 安徽省重点保护鸟类17种, IUCN濒危物种红色名录中的易危(VU)物种1种。湿地面积和城市化指数对小微湿地陆地鸟类和水鸟的α多样性、β多样性及其组分均具有显著影响, 其中陆地鸟类物种丰富度在中度和低度城市化之间的小微湿地中达到最高值, 面积超过4 ha的小微湿地能维持较多的水鸟物种。植被面积比例对陆地鸟类多样性具有重要的影响, 而建筑面积比例对水鸟多样性具有显著影响。此外, 总体β多样性及其组分计算结果显示物种周转组分占明显优势, 表明城市小微湿地群作为城市复合生态系统的重要组成部分, 加强整体保护更为必要。研究结果对于加强城市鸟类保护和提高城市生态环境质量具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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