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Livers of normal and cirrhotic rats were perfused in vitro with and without amino acid substrates (2.3 mM ornithine, 10 mM glutamine or 20 mM alanine) in order to assess urea formation and amino acid release. The rates of urea production were lower in the livers of cirrhotic rats when compared to those of controls only in perfusions with added substrates. The release of several amino acids by livers of cirrhotic rats was higher than that of controls although the pattern of amino acids in the perfusate was different from that reported in plasma during hepatic insufficiency.  相似文献   

The output of proteins into bile was studied by using isolated perfused rat livers. Replacement of rat blood with defined perfusion media deprived the liver of rat serum proteins (albumin, immunoglobulin A) and resulted in a rapid decline in the amounts of these proteins in bile. When bovine serum albumin was incorporated into the perfusion medium it appeared in bile within 20 min and the amount in the bile was determined by the concentration of the protein in the perfusion medium. The use of a defined perfusion medium also deprived the livers of bile salts and the amounts of these, and of plasma-membrane enzymes [5'-nucleotidase (EC and phosphodiesterase I], in bile declined rapidly. Introduction of micelle-forming bile salts (taurocholate or glycodeoxycholate) to the perfusion medium 80 min after liver isolation markedly increased the output of plasma-membrane enzymes but had no effect on the other proteins. The magnitude of this response was dependent on the bile salt used and its concentration in bile; there was little effect on plasma-membrane enzyme output until the critical micellar concentration of the bile salt had been exceeded in the bile. A bile salt analogue, taurodehydrocholate, which does not form micelles, did not produce the enhanced output of plasma-membrane enzymes. This work supports the view that the output of plasma-membrane enzymes in bile is a consequence of bile salt output and also provides evidence for mechanisms by which serum proteins enter the bile.  相似文献   

The changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration [( Ca2+]i) of hepatocytes induced by certain bile acids are biphasic: an initial increase is followed by a more gradual decrease. This latter decline in [Ca2+]i may be due to an efflux of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane. This hypothesis was tested by studying the effect of different bile acids on the efflux of 45Ca from preloaded rat hepatocytes and isolated perfused rat livers. The following bile acids were studied: cholic (C), ursodeoxycholic (UDC), chenodeoxycholic (CDC), and deoxycholic (DC) acids; their taurine (T) conjugates (TC, TUDC, TCDC, and TDC); and the taurine, sulfate (S), and glucuronide (Glu) derivatives of lithocholic acid (TLC, LS, TLS, and LGlu, respectively). At 0.3 mM, all bile acids except C, TC, TCDC, UDC, and TUDC significantly increased 45Ca efflux from preloaded hepatocytes without affecting cell viability. Dose-response studies revealed that the minimum effective concentration needed to induce 45Ca efflux was 0.06 mM for LS, 0.8 mM for TCDC, and 10 mM for TC. Efflux of 86Rb from preloaded hepatocytes was not significantly altered by 0.1 mM LS, indicating relative specificity for calcium. TDC and DC, but not TC, increased 45Ca efflux from preloaded perfused rat livers. These results showed that bile acids known to increase [Ca2+]i (CDC, DC, TDC, and TLC) also increased 45Ca efflux from hepatocytes and perfused livers and that efflux was also stimulated by LS, TLS, and LGlu. The extent of this efflux was related to the hydrophobicity of the steroid nucleus of the bile acid. It is speculated that bile acid-induced increases in [Ca2+]i activate the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump resulting in increased Ca2+ efflux.  相似文献   

The microtubule poison, colchicine, caused an abnormal output of a variety of proteins into rat bile. After 3 h of exposure to the drug, livers were isolated and perfused with media of defined protein composition. There was no essential change in permeability of the hepatobiliary system to proteins (e.g. bovine serum albumin) entering bile from the perfusion fluid. The rat (serum) albumin and fibrinogen that were secreted into bile from colchicine-treated livers were probably derived from the hepatocytes. Disruption of the microtubular system reduces the secretion of proteins at the sinusoidal face of the hepatocyte and results in an accumulation of secretory vesicles in the cytoplasm. It is suggested that under these conditions some of the vesicles discharge their contents into the bile canaliculus.  相似文献   

B R Dobbs  D Lee 《Cryobiology》1979,16(5):461-467
Commercial bovine serum albumin was purified by gel filtration, in an attempt to extend the period during which isolated rat livers could be maintained in a viable condition while in a state of hypothermia, and to remove some of the variability of data obtained from livers perfused with different batches of BSA. A minor component, accounting for about 5% of the total protein, was removed and the remainder used to support isolated perfused rat livers.Perfusion of rat livers with purified albumin at a concentration of 62 g/liter achieved two results: one, an improvement in the biochemical performance of rat livers perfused at 35 °C; and two, an increase in the period of hypothermic perfusion from 12 to 24 hr during which the liver would remain viable, as indicated by the biochemical tests performed on rewarming to 35 °C.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of blood hematocrit (Hct), blood flow, or norepinephrine on segmental vascular resistances in isolated portally perfused rat livers. Total portal hepatic venous resistance (Rt) was assigned to the portal (Rpv), sinusoidal (Rsinus), and hepatic venous (Rhv) resistances using the portal occlusion (Ppo) and the hepatic venous occlusion (Phvo) pressures that were obtained during occlusion of the respective line. Four levels of Hct (30%, 20%, 10%, and 0%) were studied. Rpv comprises 44% of Rt, 37% of Rsinus, and 19% of Rhv in livers perfused at 30% Hct and portal venous pressure of 9.1 cmH2O. As Hct increased at a given blood flow, all three segmental vascular resistances of Rpv, Rsinus, and Rhv increased at flow >15 ml/min. As blood flow increased at a given Hct, only Rsinus increased without changes in Rpv or Rhv. Norepinephrine increased predominantly Rpv, and, to a smaller extent, Rsinus, but it did not affect Rhv. Finally, we estimated Ppo and Phvo from the double occlusion maneuver, which occluded simultaneously both the portal and hepatic venous lines. The regression line analysis revealed that Ppo and Phvo were identical with those measured by double occlusion. In conclusion, changes in blood Hct affect all three segmental vascular resistances, whereas changes in blood flow affect Rsinus, but not Rpv or Rhv. Norepinephrine increases mainly presinusoidal resistance. Ppo and Phvo can be obtained by the double occlusion method in isolated perfused rat livers.  相似文献   

The activation of hepatic glycogenolysis by glucagon and metabolic inhibitors was studied in isolated perfused livers from fed rats. Glucose production rates and phosphorylase activity were increased by all these agents. If iodoacetate (1 mM) and cyanide (1 mM) were infused simultaneously, glycogenolysis was activated to the same extent as by glucagon (1 nM). The effects of the hormone were additive to those of cyanide, but not to those of iodoacetate. When glycogen breakdown was maximally activated by cyanide plus glucagon, additional iodoacetate was inhibitory. The glucagon-induced release of cyclic AMP into the perfusate was partially suppressed by iodoacetate. The inhibitors caused various degrees of depletion of the tissue ATP content and parallel augmentation of the AMP levels. ADP rose to a lesser extent. Indirect evidence suggested that of a progressive lowering of the cellular ATP levels was accompanied by an inhibition of enzyme dephosphorylation as well as of phosphorylation processes. However, dephosphorylation appeared to be more sensitive to changes of the energy balance, resulting in an activation of phosphorylase in response to the metabolic inhibitors.  相似文献   

Formation of bile acids in hemoglobin-free perfused rat livers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Donald Wilk 《Life sciences》1976,18(11):1265-1272
L-alanine transport kinetics were examined in the isolated perfused rat kidney (1) using different perfusate concentrations of alanine (PAla) to obtain different filtered loads and (2) under conditions of osmotic diuresis. The transport maximum for alanine (TmAla) was found to be very high relative to invivo filtered loads of alanine. The apparent TmAla was dependent on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and it could be modified by osmotic diuresis. It is suggested that the variation of TmAla with changes in GFR may be the consequence of variations in fractional volume flow through the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

Dopamine production by the isolated perfused rat kidney   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used isolated perfused rat kidneys to examine dopamine (DA) production and its relation to renal function. Both innervated and chronically surgically denervated kidneys perfused with a solution containing neither albumin nor tyrosine, excreted 0.2 +/- 0.1 ng DA X min-1 X g wet weight-1 during the 10-min collection period between 30 and 40 min after starting perfusion. When perfused with 6.7% albumin, without tyrosine, innervated kidneys excreted 1.0 +/- 0.06 ng DA X min-1 X g-1 and denervated kidneys excreted 1.0 +/- 0.07 DA X min-1 X g-1. When 0.03 mM tyrosine was included in the albumin perfusate, innervated kidneys excreted 1.2 +/- 0.1 ng DA X min-1 X g-1 (p less than 0.1). Under these conditions DA excretion continued for at least 100 min at which time it was 0.6 ng X min-1 X g-1 and 86 ng/g kidney weight had been excreted. Denervated kidneys perfused with albumin + tyrosine excreted 0.9 +/- 0.13 ng DA X min-1 X g-1. Renal stores of free DA, conjugated DA, and dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) could have provided at the most 30 ng/g of DA. Carbidopa inhibited DA excretion completely. DA excretion did not correlate with renal vascular resistance, inulin clearance, or fractional sodium excretion. In summary, nonneural tissue in isolated perfused kidneys produced DA at the same rate as denervated kidneys in vivo. Less than one-third of the DA produced by isolated kidneys could have come from intrarenal stores of DOPA, free DA, and conjugated DA; the rest was synthesized from unknown precursors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF), one of vasoconstrictive lipid mediators, is involved in systemic anaphylaxis. On the other hand, nitric oxide (NO) is known to attenuate anaphylactic venoconstriction of the pre-sinusoids in isolated guinea pig and rat livers. However, it is not known whether NO attenuates PAF-induced hepatic venoconstriction. We therefore determined the effects of L-NAME, a NO synthase inhibitor, on PAF-induced venoconstriction in blood- and constant flow-perfused isolated livers of mice, rats and guinea pigs. The sinusoidal pressure was measured by the double occlusion pressure (Pdo), and was used to determine the pre- (Rpre) and post-sinusoidal (Rpost) resistances. PAF (0.01-1 microM) concentration-dependently caused predominant pre-sinusoidal constriction in all livers of three species studied. The guinea pig livers were the most sensitive to PAF, while the mouse livers were the weakest in responsiveness. L-NAME pretreatment selectively increased the basal Rpre in all of three species. L-NAME also significantly augmented the PAF-induced increases in Rpre, but not in Rpost, in rat and guinea pig livers. This augmentation was stronger in rat livers than in guinea pig livers at the high concentration of 0.1 microM PAF. However, L-NAME did not augment PAF-induced venoconstriction in mouse livers. In conclusion, in rat and guinea pig livers, NO may be released selectively from the pre-sinusoids in response to PAF, and then attenuate the PAF-induced pre-sinusoidal constriction. In mouse liver, PAF-induced venoconstriction is weak and not modulated by NO.  相似文献   

The effect of the purine analog 3-deazaadenosine (dzAdo) on the metabolism of sulfur-containing compounds was examined in hepatocytes. The uptake of exogenous methionine by the liver was not affected by the addition of dzAdo to the perfusate, while the intracellular concentrations of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) and S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) continued to increase as long as exogenous methionine was available. In addition, large amounts of 3-deazaadenosyl-L-homocysteine (dzAdoHcy) accumulated in the cell. The specific radioactivity of the carbon chain of dzAdoHcy was the same as that of AdoMet and AdoHcy. Consequently, an equivalent amount of homocysteine (Hcy) must have been generated via hydrolysis of AdoHcy. Free Hcy could not be detected either in the tissue or perfusate when dzAdo was present, while Hcy was excreted into the perfusate by control livers. Consequently, the AdoHcy and DzAdoHcy that accumulate in the cell not only function as inhibitors of methylation reactions, but serve as a trap for Hcy. This could result in methionine starvation and hence, inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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