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This study describes the morphological development and early growth of laboratory-raised chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L. 1758), larvae. Larvae hatched with relatively large yolk sacs, stayed motionless at the tank bottom and exhibited short and sudden bursts from time to time. They were olive in colour and with complete absence of melanophores on the body. Larvae were transparent but showed brownish eye pigment. Intense body pigmentation first appeared on day 4 after hatching. By day 8 the yolk sac was fully absorbed; only 30% of the initial population of larvae successfully established exogenous feeding. Fin rays first appeared on the dorsal and anal fins of larvae around day 12. Growth during the yolk sac stage was initially fast but slowed down with the increasing size of larvae at the time of yolk absorption. The specific growth rate (SGR) of larvae declined with time, although the total observation period was relatively short (12 days). SGR values ranged from 5.18 (day 2) to 2.97 (day 12). Only a negligible egg mortality was observed during the period of early endogenous feeding (between days 1 and 6), and about 45% towards the end of endogenous feeding and immediately after the yolk sac phase (between days 7 and 9). During the exogenous feeding period (between days 10 and 12) deaths were negligible.  相似文献   

An increase in individual growth rate of chub Leuciscus cephalus along a longitudinal river gradient of the Rhône River basin was observed and supported by significant differences between mean growth rates of successive river size groups. The potential implications of the results for studies on species traits variability along large-scale environmental gradients are discussed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of 492 chub (Leuciscus cephalus) belonging to 89 populations across the species' range were assessed using 600 base pairs of cytochrome b. Furthermore, nine species belonging to the L. cephalus complex were also analysed (over the whole cytochrome b) in order to test potential allopatric hybridization with L. cephalus sensu stricto (i.e. the chub). Our results show that the chub includes four highly divergent lineages descending from a quick radiation that took place three million years ago. The geographical distribution of these lineages and results of the nested clade analysis indicated that the chub may have originated from Mesopotamia. Chub radiation probably occurred during an important vicariant event such as the isolation of numerous Turkish river systems, a consequence of the uplift of the Anatolian Plateau (formerly covered by a broad inland lake). Dispersion of these lineages arose from the changes in the European hydrographic network and, thus, the chub and endemic species of the L. cephalus complex met by secondary contacts. Our results show several patterns of introgression, from Leuciscus lepidus fully introgressed by chub mitochondrial DNA to Leuciscus borysthenicus where no introgression at all was detected. We assume that these hybridization events might constitute an important evolutionary process for the settlement of the chub in new environments in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The River Eden (Kent, England) holds a mixed coarse fish population in which minnows ( Phoxinus phoxinus ), gudgeon ( Gobio gobio ), chub ( Leuciscus cephalus ) and dace ( Leuciscus leuciscus ) are numerically predominant. Chub and dace provide the major interest to anglers and their growth and production were studied. Observed growth rates of both species were marginally below recorded averages from other British habitats. Back-calculations showed that year-class strength and relative growth rates varied between years. Instantaneous mortality rate Z was 0.147 for chub aged 1–10, 0.438 for chub aged 10 and over, and 0.172 for dace. Exclusive of the 0-group, fish numbers, biomass (wet wt) and production were found to be 0.1305 m-2, 19.12 gm-2 and 5.38 gm-2 year-1, respectively, for chub and 0.0968 m-2, 4.33 gm-2 and 1.69 gm-2 year-1 for dace. Smoothing of data produced theoretical production figures of 6.69 gm-2 year-1 for chub and 1.15 gm-2 year-1 for dace.  相似文献   

The occurrence of hybrids between bleak, Alburnus alburnus , and chub, Leuciscus cephalus is reported from four discrete river systems in England. The hybrids are described and illustrated, and means of identification from the parent species are given. Bleak × chub hybrids appear to be moderately common and on superficial examination resemble the bleak parent species more than the chub.  相似文献   

A phylogeographic analysis of mitochondrial DNA variation was performed in order to test the hypothesis of a postglacial recolonization of mid- and north-European rivers from a Danubian refuge. Over 345 chub specimens from European rivers covering most of the species' native range were investigated using 600 bp of the cytochrome b gene. Chub in European rivers belong to four highly divergent mitochondrial groups (lineages) differing by mean divergence estimates from 5.2% to 7.89%. These four lineages have a largely allopatric distribution, implying four geographical sets: two Mediterranean, and two north-European sets. This pattern provided strong evidence for: (i) the eradication of this species from most of Europe during maximum ice extent; (ii) its survival in four refugia (Adriatic side of the Balkans, eastern Greece (Aegean Rivers), southern tributaries of the Danube, and periphery of Black and Caspian Seas); (iii) a differential postglacial recolonization of mid- and northern Europe from the last two refugia only; (iv) the occurrence of this recolonization in two steps for the Danubian (western) lineage that entered western Europe (Rhine-Rhone-Loire drainages) during the Riss-Würm interglacial period and survived the last glaciation there before colonizing Garonne, UK and German drainages up to the Elbe during the Holocene; and (v) the occurrence of this recolonization in a single step for the Ponto-Caspian (eastern) lineage that entered the Baltic area as far as the Oder in the Holocene. Both lineages came into contact in the River Elbe without evident mixing.  相似文献   

Of 150 wild stock chub, Leuciscus cephalus L. captured in Lower Austrian watercourses, 112 revealed disc like plasmodia of Myxobolus cycloides Gurley, 1893 on the caudal chamber of the swim bladder. Other cyprinid species from the same waters lacked M. cycloides or other myxosporeans in this specific localisation. In chub, the intensity of infection (number of discs on the swim bladder) showed a logarithmic, age-dependent increase. The plasmodia of M. cycloides were situated in the connective tissue--mainly along blood vessels--and exhibited a delicate envelope of host tissue, thus forming a characteristic myxosporean cyst. Occasionally single trophozoites seemed to merge. A general process of fibroblast proliferation leading to encapsulation and degradation of the parasite was observed. This process was initiated by the formation of small multiple encapsulations within the spore containing trophozoid, before thickening of the outer cyst wall occurred. The general non-inflammatory course of the M. cycloides infection, and the obvious good health of the investigated chub suggest that this myxosporean in its host specific localisation cannot be regarded as a serious pathogen--on the contrary: parasite multiplication and degradation seemed to occur in a well-defined equilibrium controlled by the host fish.  相似文献   

Relationships between immunocompetence, somatic condition, parasitism and water temperature in a wild population of chub Leuciscus cephalus were investigated. The effects of a rapid temperature increase in early spring were studied for both sexes as water temperature affects immunocompetence. Investment in gonads and activity of mucus lysozyme were negatively correlated; lysozyme activity decreased as temperature increased. No correlations were found between lysozyme activity and parasitism or intensity of infection by monogeneans, the most abundant metazoan parasite group in L. cephalus. There was a positive correlation, however, between respiratory burst intensity and parasitism. Indices of investment in gonads and spleen were correlated, showing that energetic reserves allowed either investment in gonads and spleen, or that spleen investment, even if often used in other studies in immunoecology, was not always a significant indicator of immunocompetence during this period. This last proposition is supported by the lack of correlation between spleen investment and other factors linked to immunocompetence.  相似文献   

Chub Leuciscus cephalus (L.) is a rheophilic cyprinid which prefers lotic habitat conditions, shallow water (0.1–0.3 m) and gravel banks with moderate to high water flow (0.15–0.75m s–1) for spawning. In contrast to these spawning requirements, a self-sustaining chub population was detected in a German lowland canal, the Oder–Havel Kanal. This canal is monotonously embanked with rip rap and almost completely lacks water flow and habitats that are suitable for riverine species. In 1999 chub spawned in the absence of water flow, in depths up to 1.28 m on allochthonous gravel with a mean diameter of 39 ± 16 mm (SD). These findings indicate a substantially higher environmental plasticity and tolerance of chub than previously reported.  相似文献   

The occurrence of hybrids between chub, Leuciscus cephalus , and roach, Rutilus rutilus , from three rivers in England is reported. The hybrids are described and illustrated, and means of identification are indicated. Chub X roach hybrids, like those between other leuciscine cyprinid species, can be positively identified by the number and form of the pharyngeal teeth.  相似文献   

The testicular efferent duct system of Leuciscus cephalus (Cyprinidae), is described for three phases of testicular development. Testicular main ducts were analyzed by means of conventional histology and transmission electron microscopy. Additional techniques were applied for lectin histochemistry to determine secretory activity, as well as immunohistochemistry for cell proliferation activity and for muscle actin to demonstrate the distribution and amount of contractile cells. The contribution of the main ducts' epithelia and of degenerating spermatocytes to seminal fluid composition was confirmed, with the former being a source of carbohydrates and the latter that of phospholipids. The apical glycocalyx of epithelial cells, which is important in cell recognition and potentially involved in sperm storage, was marked by RCA I, LCA, and WGA lectin. Higher numbers of proliferating epithelial cells were ascertained during spawning phase compared to pre- and postspawning phases. In the ducts' stroma, a large number of cells expressed muscle actin and tropomyosin, indicating the ducts' contractile potential for the transport of seminal fluid towards release. Adjacent to these contractile cells, numerous nerves were found, indicating neuronal control of sperm fluid flow.  相似文献   

The influence of habitat on interactions between a fish predator (brown trout Salmo trutta) and a benthic invertebrate community was studied in nine field enclosures (8 ×3 m) in a creek in southern Sweden. Three habitat treatments were tested, a shallow sandy habitat, a deep habitat containing a mixture of large and small cobbles and a moderately deep habitat with large cobbles. The one month-long experiment showed that there were no major differences in the abundance and biomass of the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna among these habitats as no functional groups of invertebrates and only a few taxa differed between treatments. Invertebrate drift rates decreased over time, which was probably related to seasonal changes in invertebrate life cycles or to effects of predation independent of habitat type, as there was no difference between treatments.  相似文献   

The growth and the morphological development of larvae and juveniles of chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.), from a small stream of western Greece is described, based on field samples and laboratory-raised fish. In the laboratory, size hierarchy was developed and morphological differentiation occurred at a younger age in the fastest growing larvae. Growth was faster in the field and differentiation of fins and scales began at a larger size, but apparently at a younger age, than in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The addition of nocturnal, Hoplias malabaricus, and diurnal, Crenicichla alta, predatory fishes downstream of barrier waterfalls increases predation threat for a killifish, Rivulus hartii, in Trinidadian streams. We hypothesized that the diel patterning of predation risk would affect prey movement rates, and tested this hypothesis by comparing movement in river sites/zones containing both the nocturnal and diurnal predator with movement in river sites/zones containing only the nocturnal taxon. We evaluated this prediction in the framework of an intermediate threat hypothesis (ITH) that holds that movement will be highest at some intermediate level of threat. We marked prey fish in study sites in two watersheds of a river, each with waterfalls that divided the river into three zones: a predator absent zone (P0), a zone with one nocturnal predator (P1), and a zone with one nocturnal and one diurnal predator (P2), and tested the ITH prediction that movement will be ordered as P0<P1>P2. The single predator promoted longitudinal movement by Rivulus (P0<P1), while zones with the two predators retarded movement for small Rivulus (P1>P2) as predicted by the ITH. However, movement by larger, less vulnerable Rivulus remained elevated (P1=P2 or P2>P1). A displacement experiment in each zone found that threat tended to reduce the probability of a displaced fish reaching home, but the two predator zones did not differ from one another in their effect on this probability. Hence, the prediction that predator activity over the full 24 h diel cycle would retard movement, P2<P1, was not supported with respect to homing. Because habitat and predator communities change predictably from headwater streams to larger rivers in many lotic ecosystems, we present a conceptual model for predicting fish movement behavior along this continuum. The model posits an important role for predation threat, and the size and spacing of refuge patches, suggesting that human alterations of these factors will affect the natural movement of fish in streams.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Flow intermittency occurs naturally in alpine streams. However, changing rainfall patterns and glacier retreat are predicted to increase the occurrence of flow intermittency in...  相似文献   

Chub experimentally infected with the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis were exposed to 0.01 mg l(-1) Pb(2+) over 5 weeks. Lead was rapidly accumulated in the intestinal worms reaching a steady-state concentration after 4 weeks. This concentration was significantly greater than in the host muscle, liver and intestine and more than 9,000 times higher than the exposure concentration. Lead accumulation in P. laevis increased at a higher exposure concentration but was not correlated with either parasite intensity or with pooled or individual worm weight. The highest lead concentrations were recorded in those specimen of P. laevis that were attached in the posterior intestine. Interestingly, parasitised chub accumulated less lead in their own tissues than uninfected conspecifics. A mechanism of lead uptake by P. laevis and the application of acanthocephalans as accumulation indicators of metal pollution is discussed.  相似文献   

为了解栖息地片段化对鸟类巢捕食风险的影响,我们于2010年4-8月,在千岛湖地区选取16个岛屿,分别在岛屿边缘和内部区域用放置鸡蛋(大型卵)和鹌鹑(Coturnix japonica)蛋(小型卵)的方法进行人工模拟地面巢试验,研究不同体积大小鸟卵的巢捕食率及其差异,分析巢捕食率与岛屿面积、隔离度、形状指数和植物物种丰富...  相似文献   

This study forms part of an investigation into the effects on fish of immersion in three rivers around Birmingham, UK. The rivers Blythe, Cole and Tame exhibit relatively high, intermediate and poor overall water quality, respectively, according to combined levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), as well as heavy metals. Specifically, biomarkers of genotoxicity (DNA strand breaks and adducts) were measured in feral and caged chub (Leuciscus cephalus), complementing another study in which data were presented for a number of other hepatic biomarkers measured in the same animals. In both feral and caged chub, there was a general elevation of DNA strand breaks with a decrease in chemical water quality, with some time points exhibiting significantly higher levels at the most (Tame) compared with least polluted sites (Blythe), particularly in the cage-held animals. Combined-season DNA adduct data suggested a higher degree of toxic insult in the feral compared with caged chub and revealed particularly high levels of adducts in fish caught from the Cole. The pattern of adducts shown was typical of exposure to a complex mixture of PAHs which were relatively high, and similar, in both the Cole and Tame. Overall, these data are consistent with exposure of both feral and caged chub to contaminants which are able to induce specific, moderately genotoxic effects.  相似文献   

The frequency of infection with Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda) in European minnow Phoxinus phoxinus , in a subalpine lake in Eastern Norway, did not differ between vegetated shoreline, exposed shoreline and non-vegetated localities >50 m from the shoreline. There was no difference in the vertical distribution of infected and uninfected individuals. The frequency of infection was higher among minnows in brown trout Salmo trutta stomachs than among those obtained by gillnets and minnow traps, suggesting that brown trout selectively preyed on infected minnows. Prevalence of infection decreased with increasing fish size, probably due to selective mortality among parasitized individuals. Within a given length-class, minnows captured by different sections of multi-mesh gillnets showed a significant increase in the frequency of infection with increasing mesh-size. Apparently, parasitized individuals had a higher catchability in gillnets due to increased girth caused by the plerocercoid in the body cavity. This may partly explain why the observed prevalence of infection was several times higher among minnows captured by gillnets than by minnow traps.  相似文献   

In this study, the population structure, growth and reproduction characteristics of 414 chub (Leuciscus cephalus L., 1758) from the ?kizcetepeler dam lake were investigated monthly between January and December 2000. Age groups ranged between I and VI for this species in the reservoir, with the second and third year‐classes dominating. Sex ratio was 1 : 1.4 (M : F), corresponding to 58.4% males and 41.6% females. Females attained greater size and age than males. The largest female captured was 24.8 cm FL, the largest male was 24.1 cm FL, both age VI. The von Bertalanffy growth equations and length–weight relationships were found as: Lt = 28.89[1 ?e?0.224(t+1.55)] for females, Lt = 26.71[1 ? e?0.259(t+1.55)] for males; Wt = 347.386[1?e?0.224h (t+1.55)]2.86 for females, Wt =286.48[1?e?0.259 (t+1.55)]2.92 for males; W = 0.0227 × L2.87 for females and W = 0.0194 × L2.92 for males. Significant statistical differences in condition factors between age classes and sexes were not found (P > 0.05, t‐test). Spawning period of this species in the lake was between April and May.  相似文献   

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